Friday, February 22, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #152 2/22/13: The Grupo Imperio Diaries

Greetings! This weekend we have a group of esteemed guest recappers including Rebeca Oropeza, Helena Moreno, a fly on the wall Adriano Reyes, and Plutarco Ramos!

Mimi de la Rosa
Well, I finally found out why I've been so moody and having so many precognitions lately. I thought it was just my ESP acting up, but it turns out I'm PREGNANT! (It's Adriano's, of course!) I left Sinaloa and came back to the city and called Juan Carlos right away. He wanted to tell Adriano, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself. Besides, we didn't want there to be a big mixup with everyone thinking Eva was pregnant! We agreed to keep it quiet.

After talking to JC, I felt a little down, even though I was surrounded by all my exciting Avon wares. I went for a walk to clear my head. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

Here's where it gets complicated: I guess Rebeca overheard part of our conversation, because she went and told Adriano that Eva is pregnant. (I hope Helena forgets that Eva said she was menopausal!) Adriano was overjoyed, and now the whole world knows about it!

When JC told me how happy Adriano was about "Eva's" baby, I felt so sad. JC means well, but he doesn't realize how insensitive he is sometimes. Anyway, he wants Adri to know it's not Eva, that it's really me, and end all the lies. But how can we possibly tell him? The shock could put him back in the hospital!

Juan was insistent, but I just don't see the use. Adriano is in love with Eva, not me.

And I keep worrying that this could be a high-risk pregnancy because of my age. JC says "If the doctor isn't worried, then there's nothing to worry about." JC has learned a lot about women since he started dressing up as Eva, and I know I can count on him; but there are some things a man can't understand just by wearing pantyhose.

Eugénia Mistrál
My Juan is such a scamp! He brought me to meet Helena's mother for coffee today. She was telling me what it was like to leave her husband and start a new life. She had mixed feelings at first and wasn't sure of herself. (I can relate!) Sometimes she felt she was being selfish or foolish, but now she's so happy and confident. Even her new career is fresh and full of life - plants! And she's planning to finish school! I realized that it's never too late to start over again.

When I told her how much I missed acting and how despondent I was that nobody was offering me any roles, she asked, "why wait for them to call you? Make it happen yourself!"

Why indeed? She was right! I thought about it for a while and suddenly I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I'd produce a show on my own. I couldn't wait to tell Modesto and Claudia and Juan!

Modesto took it exactly the way I thought he would. He said it was ridiculous, I don't know how to put on a play, it would be a big flop, and "I'm not giving you any money for that!" Eloquent as always. I told him, "I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. I'm back in the theater, whether you like it or not!"

Of course he doesn't like that I'm going to direct and star in a one-woman play. Look at our marriage: he prefers two-woman plays! He just looked confused as usual. Why did I marry him?

Claudia was so much more enthusiastic. (It's a shame what happened with that boy, but she is like a different person now!) She congratulated me and even offered to help. I told her I'm going to do something from an emerging Mexican playwright. Claudia will learn all about producing a play - costumes, lighting, the whole enchilada! "And we can do it all without Dad," she said.

And why not? We've both done nearly everything without him!

Sílvia Romero
Wow! If someone had told me a year ago that I'd someday have coffee with Eugenia Mistral, I would never have believed it. But it really happened! I told her what it was like to leave that crumbum (wait, did I actually call him that out loud? Whew, no, I don't think I did) and get on with my life. It really seemed to affect her. Maybe she'll make a change too. I hope so! She can start by taking off those things she's always wearing on her head. I didn't say anything, but they make her look so much older than she is!

In other news, my laundry came out SO clean with that new detergent, even Lalito noticed! We had a whole conversation about it. Helena and Eva are too busy to chat about mundane things like laundry detergent and milk, but Lalito and I like to pretend that we're doing little TV commercials. How cute are we?

Rebeca Oropeza
Eva the Clydesdale invited me for lunch. That was weird. I thought maybe she was trying to get my job back, but instead she wanted to talk about that scheme I did with that naco Fernando, and the rumor that we were having an affair. She doubted that Fernando was really the mastermind and questioned whether he'd cheat on his wife. She actually insinuated that I'm no saint. Seriously? Where does she get off saying that? I told her I'm as chaste as a nun, and it's true! (No sex outside a committed relationship unless I can get something out of it - that's my motto.)

Anyway, it turned out that she was trying to get me to admit that someone else (like Pluto) had put me up to it, but I didn't want to open that can of worms again. Especially since I'd already been exonerated for it. I don't know what she was up to, but I wasn't going to tell her anything. I don't trust her!

Luckily, my phone rang and I had to leave the table. It was Mendoza, aka "Sleazy." He wanted to know if I had any proof that Pluto and I had been lovers. (Like anyone could resist me?) What does that have to do with anything? He told me Pluto was involved in the fraud against Juan Carlos (duh) and Pluto has the $3 million in his safe!

It figures! I just knew that naco Onesimo was lying to me. For one thing, Sleazy has cleaner fingernails! Sleazy said he was supposed to take the money out of the safe and take it to the bank. Aaah, but just when things were getting interesting, he had to hang up!

I got back to the table just in time to hear Eva wrapping up her own phone call. She was telling someone she doesn't want Adriano to find out about "the pregnancy" yet!! Haha! She's going to get sooooo fat! I bet Adriano will lose interest in her then. I don't blame her for trying to hide it. But I saw my chance! I couldn't get out of there fast enough! I stuck her with the bill, too!

I went straight to Adriano's house, but he wasn't home. I left him a message saying that lots of people were hiding things from him. Then he came right up to me with phone in hand! (Looks like he'd been out for a walk.) Haha, funny, after all that time dodging my calls, suddenly he's interested in what I have to say!


After a lot of boring talk about Eva in the lobby I finally ended up in Adriano's office with Mousse-Boy and Pluto. Adriano was still in a good mood about that stupid baby. Renato and Pluto were rolling their eyes constantly. It was hard to get him to change the subject! But Pluto told him I had been giving away company secrets to our competitors. He couldn't think of one negative thing to say about me that wouldn't incriminate him too, so he had to make something up!

I told Adriano it was a conspiracy and there's something he should know about Pluto. And Pluto was like, "You can't talk! You were fired!" LOL. Adri told me to talk. I said Pluto never showed me any proof of my alleged wrongdoing. Then Mousse-Boy piped up and said it was true, but they had been investigating Helena. So yet again we're talking about that opportunistic, social-climbing, man-eating, single mother. ARGH!!

But I didn't mind as much as I normally would, because Adri was like, WTF? It was worth it to see him so crazy-mad at Pluto! Mousse Boy said, "Our proof against Helena isn't very good." (Idiot!) Adri said he'd start investigating right away. I told him to be very thorough, because "someone else" isn't what he seems, either. Ha! That's what Mousse Boy gets for stealing my William Levy magazine!

When all this is done, I'm going to Disneyland and punch every one of those characters in the stomach. Starting with Pluto!

Jennifer Contreras
So there I am, still freaking out about all the stuff that happened with Daniel, and all Dad can say is that he doesn't know what to say. Instead, he wants to talk about... himself. Again. This time he was blaming everything on Mom and saying they're getting divorced because she's stubborn. What, what, QUÉ?? I told him the breakup was completely and only his fault. (I was holding back. I think EVERYTHING is his fault!)

Then Mom came home and she said she could hear us yelling out in the street. Dad said it was her fault for not being at home. REALLY!! She told Kevin and me to set the table for dinner and wash our hands, but we didn't want to stick around for another fight. I heard Dad tell us to set a place for him too, though. If someone didn't feed him, would he die?

She told him the lawyer was starting the divorce. He said she shouldn't be too hasty because she might just need his help taking care of us. (Really? She never got any help from him before, even when she asked!) She'd regret the divorce and want him to come back before long. She said he was an incorrigible macho who still hadn't learned a thing, and she didn't need that. (She was trying to keep her voice down, but it wasn't hard to hear. Did they think we were still washing our hands? It doesn't take that long!)

I heard the door open. Mom said, "Please leave."

What happened to my parents?

Helena Moreno
I'm pretty sure Plutarco is trying to ruin me, and that Raul is involved. Eva agrees, and she's going with me when I file suit against the company for stealing my project and then trying to fire me. I told Eva how Pluto came to me, started to fire me, then said he was still in love with me... enough is enough!

Eva said she had something to tell me, too, but she didn't want to tell me in the lobby! We were on our way to my office when Adriano came back, unannounced, and yelled, "STOP! IN THE NAME OF THE LAW!!" He ran right up to Eva. "I KNOW YOU'RE EXPECTING MY CHILD!" We were standing right in front of him, but he couldn't help the yelling. He was so happy!

That should ease all of Eva's doubts about their relationship for sure. He was on his knees with his head against her belly. (She said, "Please get up, you don't know why, but you'll be glad you did." What did she mean by that?)

Adriano said he found out from Rebeca. Rebeca must be trying to get her job back. She is not exactly a pleasure to have around the office, but if Pluto fired her then you know she didn't deserve it. Although I don't really understand why, it seems that we are both in the same boat with him somehow.

Adriano said he was the happiest man on earth, but Eva made such a sour face, she must be getting morning sickness. Poor thing! Well, she does get a lot of gastritis. Santiago led a big cheer for her. He is a much better worker ever since Fernando left here. (And since his divorce, ironically. Between him and Marcela and my mother, I guess there are worse things than divorce! Who would have guessed?)

Plutarco finally came out to complain about the ruckus. I could tell he was unhappy to see Rebeca and he was eager to settle the matter of her firing with Adriano. To his credit, Adriano said they'd talk about Rebeca later, and gave Plutarco the good news.

Plutarco was like, "She was knocked up by you?" (encinta="in trouble") And Eva said, "I'm pregnant. Not knocked up. I'm not a swinger!" (bisagra=hinge, swinger)

(Or maybe it's "I'm pregnant, not belted - I'm not a buckle!" The English captions said "I'm pregnant, not impregnated - I'm not a cow!" which is a much smoother translation but doesn't seem very accurate. WordReference says "encinta/en cinta" does not refer to animals. And "bisagra" has a lot of literal and figurative meetings, but "cow" is not among them!)

Adriano said the baby would be the heir to Grupo Imperio. Plutarco's mouth was hanging open!

Adriano called for a champagne toast. Rebeca told the admins to go get it! Then she asked Eva for a speech! Eva said she's a woman of few words, but she had something to announce! She looked right at me and said, "It's something very important." Everyone stared at her as if she were E. F. Hutton.

The champagne came and she chug-a-lugged hers and then stood there awkwardly, trying to understand why we were still staring. "Oh, right, I'm pregnant! Ha-ha!" Adriano reminded her of her announcement. She looked like she was trying to decide something. Then she stammered and said she was very happy to be pregnant, hence her mood swings. Adriano said that this baby was renewing his will to live!

Rebeca demanded another toast to the new heir of Grupo Imperio. Was she stalling for time? Trying to butter Adriano up? She almost seemed to be trying to provoke Plutarco. I don't know why, but he looked furious. Not just impatient wanting to talk to Adriano about Rebeca, but actually furious. Who could feel fury when Eva and Adriano are celebrating a wonderful new life?

Adriano wasn't furious. He called for another round of champagne and said everyone could take the rest of the day off! He was ready to start picking out baby names, but Eva was ready to talk about somethng else. She thought he should see to Rebeca. He invited Plutarco and Renato to his office, but not Eva. He wanted her to take it easy.

Nobody was leaving the office yet. They all got in line to hug Eva. Eva really enjoyed hugging all the girls!

Eva and I went back to my office and I told her to relax. All she really needs to think about is the baby! But Eva was still worrying about my problems, and finding proof for Juan Carlos. Seriously? Hello, priorities? Why should she be thinking about Juan at all? I told her I'd take care of that. (I might as well, because she hasn't come up with much, and now that I'm shut out of the Playa project I've got more time on my hands.) I told her she's not a kid anymore - not to say that she's old, but... you know what I mean. There could be risks. She has to take good care of herself.

After Eva left, Lucia started moaning at her desk. I rushed over there, thinking she'd lost the report she was writing for me and forgotten to save it. Instead, she was looking at a website for singles. She said the website found someone for her. I wanted to scold her for goofing off when she should have been working, but then Eva and I hadn't exactly been putting our noses to the grindstone, either.

But sometimes I want to make a recording of Lucia when she gets like this, and play it back for her later. She used to be so smart, and now all she does is whine and mope about her man troubles. Like it's such a disgrace to be single at her age. If I were not such an understanding woman, that would really hurt my feelings. I'm older than she is, and I don't think being single is so shameful!

Anyway, I didn't have a chance to find out about the man on the website, because I was summoned to Adriano's office. He had just heard about Renato's ridiculous charges against me. I told him to go ahead and investigate - I have nothing to hide! But honestly, he seemed more upset with Plutarco and Renato than with me!

He seemed sure it was only a big misunderstanding, but Renato and Plutarco were catastrophizing and trying to get him all wound up about the damage to the company's reputation, etc. Adriano said he intended to get to the bottom of it, but not today, because he was still thinking about the baby. "It's going to be a girl! She will have Antonia's face, and Eva's fine body!"

Well, it could be worse. It could be a girl with Adriano's face and body. Wait - did I actually say that out loud? Whew, no, I don't think I did.

Adriano Reyes
WHAT A DAY. I'm going to be a father!

Rebeca and Eva had lunch together today to talk about Rebeca's unfair dismissal, and that's how Rebeca found out. Eva didn't know how to break the news to me, can you imagine? So Rebeca decided to do a girl a favor. That's the Dr. Oropeza I know!

Eva's still moody, though. I told her to wait in her office, but I guess she wandered off somewhere and I had to wait for her to come back. Even though I had a ton of flowers delivered, all she could do was complain about being locked in a golden cage. Ha, ha! As if she doesn't know that gold brings out the highlights in her silky locks.

I asked her why she didn't tell me sooner. She said she needed time to "think." It's so cute when women say that! But sometimes it feels as though she doesn't really want to have a family with me!

I knew how to cheer her up, though. I told her we should get married sooner. Like... this weekend!

And she was like, "Qué... qué... WHAT?" She was speechless with delight!

Yes, this weekend. I can't wait!

Marriage will solve all our problems!

Emperor Plutarco Ramos
I brought Mendoza up-to-date on the knocked-up widow. Like it wasn't bad enough she was going to marry Adriano, now there's going to be an heir too. Mendoza said, "I told you it was too early to let Renato accuse Helena!" Well, sure, when you say it like that, maybe it sounds like I made a mistake. But that just means I have to speed things up a little. Fine with me. This will be done that much sooner. I waited like ten years for Antonia to kick the bucket. Next to that, this is a piece of cake.

I told him again to take the money out of my safe and put it in Helena's overseas account tomorrow morning. He was very suspicious and asked why I wouldn't just bring the cash to the office myself and then he could take it from there. I don't get why he doesn't trust me. I've never lied to him, as far as he knows!

I reminded him to hurry up and seduce the widow, too. Just put her life in ruins. Mendoza thought I should worry more about Red Riding-Hood. I told him she was being dealt with. Granted the guy I paid to take care of that flaked on me, but I'll settle his hash.

Speaking of that traitor, I met him at that bar later on and told him I didn't appreciate his slacking. He was like, "You gave me too much to do, yadda yadda, what am I supposed to do, take pictures of Helena and beat up Rebeca at the same time?" Uh, like, those weren't exactly at the same time. He swore up and down that Rebeca was squealing like pig. Wrong again, chicharrón breath! I told him there wasn't a scratch on her. "My methods are subtle! All her bruises are on the inside!" Yeah, right. I could tell she wasn't afraid of me. Nobody had touched her. I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. He whined, "I can't beat women, it's against my principles." Wuss! Since when does he have scruples, and what good are they for me? I told him he's got a week to get her out of my life, any way he likes, "or else."

So now he thinks he has a week, but maybe I shouldn't even let him hang around that long. I think he's up to something. Does he think he's got some dirt on me? Impossible! No way can my brilliant plan go wrong!

Next time:
Mendoza doses Eva's wine. She passes out, and he undresses her. He notices a couple of things seem to be amiss. (Talk about your "revealing" avances!)


During the first commercial break, there was a Burger King ad with a Muppet that looked like a person, and then little bits of cereal that were eating each other. Most disturbing! They will haunt me in my nightmares

Also disturbing: Later, I thought I saw the Monster Ladyparts Seashell of Doom (from LFMB) in an ad for Amores Verdaderos. It seems unlikely that such a memorable prop would be re-used, though, so I'll take a look later and see if I really saw what I thought I saw!

Julie: Oh, amiga this part one of your recap is pure genius! I love the format and can't wait for the second part. Please tell me what the Monster Ladyparts Seashell of Doom (from LFMB) is on Amores Verdaderos. We are already talking about the staircase of doom over there, lol.

Really liked the way you did the Mimi, Eugenia and Silvia parts you put up. I like the fact that Eugenia went and talked to Silvia. That was really great and Silvia pumped up Eugenia's self esteem so much. I am glad Claudia is going to be helping Eugenia. She sure has changed.

Loved Mimi's part. So great and now Eva has to pretend to be preggers, too funny. Adri was over the moon. And Pluti's reaction was to be expected, putz that he is. Can't wait to read the rest of what you'll put. This recap is a pure gem already!!!

Julie, it's true, this format is genius!

In some way I feel so sad for Mimi because she feels so alone being pregnant and the father of her child is transfixed on the wrong "mother.". There is also Mimi's pain of knowing that the father of their child loves someone else (Eva)! On the other hand I am so happy for Adriano ...that he has brought new life into the world! If it is a girl, I am sure he would want to name her after his beloved sister! That is ..if he ever finds out that Mimi's child is his too! I am now pretty darn sure that Adri and Mimi will be together as husband and wife in the end because of this baby! This baby is just what he will need to get over the pain of Eva not existing. But I think he will be so very heartbroken and shocked when he finds out the will Helena! Somehow and some way they will both get over it....but I'm suffering with them in the meantime !! Enjoying a Margarita buzz shared with a bunch of dear friends at one of my favorite local Mexican restaurants!! Gertie

Sue in Florida 'cised it! Late in the previous recap, she predicted that Mimi was pregnant.

Fabulous recap, Julie. I can't wait for the rest. Even with only part of it posted, this recap is a shoe-in for the recappers hall of fame. I love how you not only speak from the point of view of each character, but you even capture each one's personality style in their sections. Spectacular!

So Plutarco is going to give Mendoza the $30M to take out of the country? Plutarco, who has become obsessively paranoiecly (what is the verb form of paranoid BTW?) suspicions of everyone??? Pluto, who up until now offered Mendoza nothing but 5% of worthless shares, now trusts Mendoza to take his beloved $30M out of country, out of Pluto's reach? FAT CHANCE!! I'll bet Pluto plans to use this to frame Mendoza and get him thrown into jail. Mendoza seems to be taking the bait, but I think he smells a rat too.


Thanks, everyone. This is a fun way to recap, but it takes longer...

Paula, I'm as confused as you about Pluto's plan. That's one of the things I need to double-check before I finish the recap. I think Mendoza is supposed to deposit the money into Helena's account to incriminate her. But where are they going to say she got it from, and how does Pluto plan to get it back? I would think Mendoza would ask the same question.

D'oh - of course. Pluto just has to steal another $3MM from the company himself and pin it on her. The question is - can he claim that the company has that much money to begin with? Supposedly Playa M was going to be their last hope.

I think it's reasonable to assume that this is a trap for Mendoza to get arrested, but how will Pluto explain all that cash to the police?

Again - if Rebeca, One, and Mendoza could work together, Pluto would be toast. Individually, though, they're all in big trouble.

Gertie, I'm envious! I've been feeling lousy most of the week - no margaritas or Mexican food for me. :-( But I ought to be all better in time for the finale!

I agree with the others- this is very clever, Julie. I can see how it would be more work. I look forward to the rest. And I hope you feel better soon.

Mimi is pregnant. I can't believe I didn't see that one coming. After all, she did sleep with the guy she loves one time. I do love how this TN takes the soap conventions and turns them on their ears. Where else would you get a guy pretending to be pregnant for his best girlfriend? Mimi's character is great. I've been watching the abridged version of La Fea (NO, don't yell at me. I don't have time for 300 hours) and of all the actors that are the same in the two shows, Pati Navidad's two characters are the most different. And she does such a believable job with each of them. I've been impressed with how different Alicia is from Mimi.

Julie, what an original format for the recap and to get us thinking about the characters as real people. Very creative!

So who knew that Rebeca would be the one to get Adriano back to the land of the living at Grupo Imperio. The plot all revolves around Adriano now and how he is going to react overtly or covertly to many tricky situations. I still believe Onésimo has the money and hope that Onésimo gets revenge on Pluterco sometime before the end. I liked that Marcela literally showed Fernando "the door."


Julie- I love, love, love this recap so far. Very clever. Can't wait for the rest.

Things are really getting tangled and complicated now. I also think the baby Mimi is having will be both a form of compensation for Adri after the truth about Eva/JC comes out, and a way of finally bringing Adri and Mimi together in the end.

Also true that if our secondary villains banded together, they could take out their mutual enemy Pluti. Pluti is for sure trying to frame Mendoza. Mendoza's role is getting very interesting. Looks like he'll soon be in the position to expose JC AND Pluti. What will he choose to do?

Each time I think Fernando can't get worse...

Loved seeing Eugenia and Silvia bonding. At some point soon (hopefully) their kids will be married to each other and they will be sharing grandkids. These two are bound to become great friends. I am so happy Eugenia is going to put on her own production. Good for her! I have been pushing for her to get a divorce, like Silvia and Marce, but the thing is, Modesto is so invisible/not-present, that it's feels like he doesn't even live in the house with her and Claudia. He can just fade away into the woodwork, and no one will miss his presence.

By the way, can anyone tell me what an "amajuje" is? I never heard that one before.



Speaking of the 'gran final' --- I saw a Univision ad saying it was being aired on Friday March 8th. Did any of you folks also see March 8th advertised as the final episode?

Julie, I am glad you are starting to feel better. Here in So. Cal, we have lots of colds going on around here .....we must be healthy for the grand finale so we can all enjoy our Margaritas or drinks of choice together....real or virtual!!!

The two amigas from accounting have accepted a long standing invite to come over to my house for dinner and to view the gran final with me. They have watched a few eps with me on my ipad at lunch and have been wanting to see the grand final on a big screen tv in a comfortable setting. I've been bribing them with dinner and drinks In exchange for a little interpreting as we watch. They were the ones who pointed out to me that Rebecca was calling Eva 'horse woman'...they also told me that the actors are clearly going off script because their comments are simply too swift, subtle , reactive. Margie (Amiga 1) sometimes gets nostalgic for her home town of Mexico City when the characters go into a sing-song regional dialect. I think Onisemo does it a lot and JC does it a lot when he is talking with Mimi. Catrina (Amiga 2) grew up in Balize and holds pretty high position in our organization and claims not to watch the TN's...."but my Mexican in-laws do") but she gets suspiciously knowledgeable and extremely detailed about every TN that Lucero has done ....past and present....when I get a few drinks in her.

This should be fun. These two working moms speak multiple languages and are some of the smartest people I know, so it will be great if their busy schedules allow them to come to my place for the finale! Gertie


Jarifa, do you remember where/when you heard "amajuje"? It sounds like it might be a slangy/flippant way to say "amateur."

Gertie, I'm glad you found some TN buddies to watch the show in person!

I didn't notice the finale date, but March 8 makes sense since the new show begins March 11!

Madelaine, I guess I was hallucinando when I thought I saw the Seashell of Doom because when I went back to check it I couldn't see the entire painting but it looked as thought it might have been a woman's hair. Definitely not a seashell! That's what I get for looking at things out of the corner of my eye!

I didn't have any nightmares about the Muppet at Burger King or the cannabilistic cereal, fortunately, but I did spend too much time imagining Mendoza undressing Eva. Eeek!

I'll finish the recap later this afternoon. Bad news - the fly on the wall cancelled, so we're going hear about one scene straight from Adriano!

Julie, now you have me tres curious about that fly on the wall. I know, I know, Aguantalo!

And Gertie, how I envy you. Not one but TWO amigas who are well-educated Spanish-speaking immigrants who are willing to discuss TNs with you (at least, with a little help from El Patrón)! People raised in Latin America bring a much greater depth of understanding into the discussion, compared to Spanish speakers raised in the US. Wait a minute! Belize? Don't they speak French there? Oh, but you said they're multi-lingual.

Of course you noticed the embedded Pinol detergent commercial. Just like Mimi did embedded Avon commercials plus stand-alone ones, Camil did two stand-alone Pinol commercials with his 14-month-old daughter Elena and baby-mama Heidi. Really, really cute. Links:

Julie, it was right at the beginning when Eva and Rebeca were talking and Eva brings up how Rebeca and Fernando were involved in that robbery and that people thought there was an "amajuje" (Eva knocked her own fists together when she said the word) between Rebeca and Fernando.


Paula, the thing is, flies don't live very long. This one died before he could finish!

Also, long story short, I had enlisted the fly only because there are some characters whose heads I had initially wanted to stay out of. But when I realized how many good opportunities I was passing up, and how weak my fly humor skills are, I decided to let Adriano and (someone else) speak for themselves after all.

And I thought I was almost done until I went looking for that Amores Verdaderos ad and caught a Por Ella scene that I had completely misinterpreted. So I'd better rewatch the episode before I finish this thing. Sorry! But I will do it this afternoon!

Oh! Amajuje - ama-juje. Ama is "love," juje - I dunno. But she seemed to be referring to a love affair? (That was part of Rebeca's story, I think, when Fernando was fired.)

I don't think it's a real word. Here's a discussion (from six years ago!) where apparently native speakers are speculating as to its meaning:

Ah, maybe I'm wrong. The captions in English say "in cahoots" where Eva says "amajuje." (Guess I misinterpreted that "banging" gesture!)

The English captions aren't always perfect, but they're good for things like this.

They translated "caballona" - big horse, as some people have described Eva - as "tomboy." I guess it makes more sense than my guess of "Clydesdale," but it's not as picturesque!

Julie, thank you for all of the information and the link. Maybe the "in cahoots' is just a "nice" interpretation and you are right after all. I had forgotten all about the implied love affair between Rebeca and Fernando. BTW, Clydesdale fits our Eva perfectly if we are saying she is like a horse which is what I take caballona to mean. Translation can be so creative and fluid, just like language itself! :) Thanks again.

Paula H. and Anonymous from yesterday, thanks for the info on Los Exitosos Pérez.


Wait, no... I need to fix one little thing. I just this minute figured out a pun...

...or maybe I didn't. I got a little bit hung up on an exchange between Pluto and Eva. It was the "encinta" and "bisagra" thing. It's not important, but I came up with a few possible explanations, none of which I'm very happy with. But I'm letting it go!

Hi Julie...Catrina said that her first language was actually English and she speaks, English, Spanish, French, and Portugese. She grew up on a plantation in Belize and her parents still are owners of it. She said her parents made her brothers and sisters speak english around the house but sent them to a very good multi lingual school. She mentioned that her dad has a lot of Mayan or Incan blood. (Sorry. I can't remember which). But she definitely has strong dark Central American features. She came here when she was in about 8th grad and was one of those whiz kids that they kept having her skip grades. She said that Mexico is so close to Belize that she grew up watching Lucero's kid show..can't remember the name of it and listening to her music. She and her husband (3 rd generation Latin-American) do a remarkable job of balancing both cultures...they both speak more english and Spanish living here in LA. Gertie

Julie, you rocked this recap. The interview formats were ingenious.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, I enjoyed reading your recap
I too am dreading what I see in the coming attractions with Eva and Mendoza. Say it isn't t so!!!

Julie, thanks so much for the rest of this gem. You do belong in the recappers Hall of Fame. The rest is pure genius too, and the time it must have taken to do this. You have all these characters down to a T.

I really liked the Helena, Adri and Pluti convos. Adri is so over the moon. Pluti continues with his absurd faux reign and Mendoza is suspicious. Maybe Mendoza will be the catalyst for the downfall of the Emporer. Loved the look on Pluti's face when he found out there would be an heir. That mouth hanging open was priceless. I am really glad that Adri is back.

I wonder if Adri will give Rebe her job back. Now Renato is all confused, the look on his face was like say what??? Loved everyone hugging Eva, so sweet. And now Helena may get some justice.

Those avances sure look crazy, but I wonder if the writers are trying to fool us again. I hadn't thought of Mendoza being the one to discover who Eva really is. Can't wait for Monday.

Julie: Thanks for the seashell painting. I know which one you are talking about now. They show that painting occaisonally. It does kinda like a seashell.

"As if she doesn't know that gold brings out the highlights in her silky locks." LOL!

Julie- This lines, and so many others in your amazing recap, just made me laugh out loud. Pure genius. Thanks for putting so much work into it amiga.


Loved this...thanks Julie for the fabulous work you put into it. I had to crack up when Adri got down on his knees and had his head up against Eva's nether regions and JC/Eva says something like 'you don't want to be down really don't want to be down there." Or what Julie said.

My fave of Julie's recap was when Silvia was saying to am having lunch with a movie star!"

I think my Spanish is pretty bad, but I thought I heard Helena say to Eva something about her pregnancy being. "Alto, alto riesgo"... That really cracked me up because Eva is a GUY...and boy Helena are you ever gonna be pissed when you find out!

I dread watching the next episode more than I dreaded the atomic bomb meeting where they tried to frame Helena. I hope Mad is right and the writers are just playing with us. about uncle fester drugging JC Eva and finding out that Eva is JC. I will be watching it like a scary movie....with my eyes half covered! Gertie

Gertie: How lucky you have your friends to watch the finale with. You will have to give us their reactions to the ending. Lol'd about watching Monday with your eyes covered. I'll be doing that too.

Julie: Also lol'd about crumbum, I haven't heard that in a long time, same as wicked good, lol.

Gertie - Yes, I enjoyed all the various people (but for some reason Helena most of all) fussing over Eva's pregnancy. Much dramatic irony there.

But as disturbing as the image of Mendoza undressing unconscious Eva was, I'm not so sure this is going to be THE big reveal, mostly because I can't imagine Mendoza being willing to tell the world that he accidentally seduced a man.

That's assuming he *doesn't* recognize JC under that wig. If he does, he might see an opportunity to team up with JC against Pluto.

Who knows?

Rebeca was my favorite diary to write, btw. I wish I could have done the entire episode from her point of view, but that would have been a bit tricky since she's not in every scene. Plus, she's not interested in other people!

Julie, thank you for the wonderful, clever recap. I enjoyed every word.

My favorite was "Que, Que, WHAT" I might start saying that myself. LOL.

Rosemary Primera


That was great, Julie! My favorites were Pluto and Rebeca. Go figure. And my favorite line was Rebeca swearing to go to Disneyland and punch all those characters in the stomach! For ruining her love life I assume. How do you do that thing with crossing out words? Can you do it in Microsoft Word? I've done that in letters as a way to be funny.

Julie, thanks for some high quality weekend entertainment. That was a great recap, with added insights from our various characters.

The look on Pluti's face at the announcement of Eva's impending baby was just hilarious. Of course, she's really growing a great big anvil, not a baby.

La Paloma

Bill, you can do strikeout in Word, but I don't know if it translates to Blogger.

I don't use Word for recaps. I use Notepad or Wordpad and I use simple HTML for formatting. The html code for strikeout is <s> (and </s> to close it).

An old-fashioned way of doing a text crossout is to type "^D^D^D" (for example) to indicate that you hit the delete key three times.

Paloma, I'm sure Eva knows that the longer she waits, the greater the complications will be when it's time to deliver that anvil. And there won't be any epidural!

Oops, yeah, I kinda dropped the ball on Rebeca and the Disney thing. I had intended for her to give everyone a Seven Dwarves nickname. That didn't work very well. And then I tried fake dwarf nicknames (like "Sleazy") or other Disney nicknames, but I didn't get very far with that either. It was too confusing.

I was also going to have Helena call everyone "Miss Oropeza," "Mr Reyes," etc., but out of sheer laziness I decided to let Helena be more casual in her own diary!

The Mexicans have a formatted joke, somebody "has extra ____ and a lack of ____." e.g. "He has too much anger and too little self control." Well, Mendoza will find out that the lovely Eva "falta dos y sobra uno."

Julie: really liked what you said about delivering the anvil without an epidural, lol. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Excellent recapping, thank you so much.

Now that PESE is in ultimo capitolos, I wanted to find a place to go back and watch the series from the beginning; I didn't start watching until about half way in. I came across a site for TN followers like us. The site seems to have 100s of complete TNs "y son gratis."

Sue in Florida


I'm feeling okay now. I'm just recovering from whatever I had last week - so I'm avoiding challenging foods, as well as anything I'd be tempted to eat too much of. That's pretty much all my favorite things, but I've learned from hard experience not to rush this kind of thing. ;-)

Thanks so much to all the recappers for this week's coverage!!! I was out of town and wasn't able to read all the comments -- which is a shame, as they're often as entertaining as the recaps -- but at least I'm caught up on plot. Like many of you, I am dreading tomorrow, though!

I wish by the end of this TN that Eugenia gets a makeover. She is so in need of one. She does look way older than she is. Those headscarves have got to go, and her hair needs a cut and style. Something soft and curly would make her look so much younger, jus' sayin : )

Eugenia is in some TN rerun with William Levy that comes on at about two pm here in can't be more than 4 yrs old...and her hair is short..nicely styled with elegant bangs.she not only looks younger ..but her beautiful features look even more beautiful...totally agree Mad. I think the style people of PESE are trying to make her look like an 'arteest'..but may be over doing it. gertie

I think they are just trying to make her look old with the headscarves. Remember when she was in the hospital and wasn't wearing it? She looked so different! Much younger despite her supposedly weakened condition after being lost and nearly getting mugged.

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