Thursday, February 14, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #147 2/24/13: I'll Say Goodbye to Crazy Eva.

And though it's not the easy way, I guess I've always known I'd say goodbye to crazy Eva...

Two bruisers show up at the pension as crazy Eva holds our Eva and Mimi at gunpoint.  They are detectives and crazy Eva tells them to take away the large woman because she is Eva Maria Leon Jaramillo.  Mimi gets upset and asks them not to take her, and crazy Eva accuses them both of wanting to take her house.  But the detectives are not there for someone named Eva Maria, but rather for someone named Yadhira Rivers, also known as the terrible Itsy, Bitsy Spider.  Interpol is looking for her and they show a poster with her photo.  Crazy Eva tells them they are confused by the poster, and that our Eva is who they're looking for.  But one of the detectives goes through crazy Eva's handbag and finds a passport with the name Yadhira Rivers.

Eugenia is worried and says to Chepina that something has happened to Claudia because she's acting strangely.  Eugenia finds Claudia closed up in her room with eyes that say she's been crying.  Eugenia says that Claudia hasn't eaten and looks pale, and asks if she was out with someone last night.  Claudia seems like she wants to tell her what happened but keeps silent.

Our Eva tells the detectives that Yadhira had wanted to turn them over to a mobster named El Chino.  Crazy Eva is furious because she thinks the mobster has given her away.  But the detective says that it was someone else who turned her in.  In rolls Dogbreath, and he's now in a wheelchair all bandaged up and without a tongue!  He mumbles something.  The detective explains that they found Dogbreath almost dead, and that Yadhira had tried to kill him by throwing him off the third floor of a building.  In the accident a piece of his tongue got cut off.  Apparently our hotsie, totsie cousin is wanted in the United States where she will get 30 to 40 years in prison.  Dogbreath points to our Eva as the true Eva.  The detectives take away screeching Eva.  I'm going to miss our little cupcake.  Dogbreath garbles a goodbye and deliberately drops an envelope to the floor.  Helena arrives on the scene worried because she wasn't able to reach our Eva by telephone.  They tell Helena what happened- that Yadhira was a total criminal and will probably be locked up in a dungeon for the rest of her days.  I'm left sad, wondering where those parakeets that live in her hair will now make their nest...  why do birds suddenly appear?  every time.  you are near.

The Daniel devil lies to Jennifer and tells her that he had family problems, and so that's why she hasn't been able to reach him.  She feels that with all the problems at home he's the only one that she has.  Evil behind-the-back smile.  Snake.

Sebastian brings Lucia to a hotel but she puts the brakes on, saying she doesn't want what happened last time- that they have sex and then he marries someone else the next day.  She prefers their engagement go step by step.  He's dumbfounded.  What engagement?  He just got divorced and he can't think of entering another engagement.  He tells Lucia she's a sweet temptation but he doesn't want a commitment.  Lucia is surprised (really?) and returns his gifts and tells him never to come looking for her again.

Plutarco asks Onesimo if he gave that 'warning' to Rebeca.  Onesimo lies, and tells the Putz that he gave her a shock and she won't be bothering him again.  Pluto is happy to be free of Rebeca and now he can put all his energy into Helena.  It will be him or it will be no one. Onesimo asks if Pluto's obsession with Helena means he's forgotten about Rebeca.  Pluto is suspicious and asks why all the interest.  He tells Onesimo that Rebeca would never pay attention to a naco, mediocre and uneducated.  Onesimo pours his drink on the Putz's carpet and glowers at him.  Seems our unexpected hero has just switched sides for good.

Marcela arrives home, surprised to find Fernando still there.  Ferni tells her this is also his house and he has nowhere to go.  "How can you be so shameless and not want to leave the house after what you did?" she asks him, "Do you not know our shame and do you expect your children and I to go?"  He insists he would never take the roof away from his children, but he has no job and nowhere to live.  Kevin and Jennifer come in and they take sides.  Marcela asks them to understand that in separation, as in marriage, they continue to be their parents.  She gives Fernando one week to find a place to live.

Helena tells Eva that it costs her and Juan a lot of work to meet.  Helena is anxious because she doesn't know where Juan lives or where he is hiding.  Eva asks if she mistrusts him and no, this is how any woman in love would worry.  Eva tells Helena that now that the police have taken away her cousin, she can offer the pension as a place for them to meet.  Helena thanks her good friend, and as she goes Eva/Juan thinks, "When you know who your good friend Eva is, you're going to hate me."  Eva has another gastritis attack and says to herself it's from so much worrying... so much red, so much gold as she glances around at crazy Eva's garish redecorating.

Lucia tells Santiago that Sebastian only wanted a good time.  Time and time again the chance for love has passed me by, she tells him.  Santi hugs her and tells her that she is worth a lot and many men will be fighting for her heart.  He kisses her like a friend, but then it turns passionate.

Eugenia tells Modesto to talk to Claudia because something is seriously wrong, but Modesto thinks it would be better for Eugenia to do it because women understand each other.  Dude.  No one understands you.  Eugenia  points out that she's the daughter he had with his lover, and that she sees Eugenia as the enemy.  Modesto thinks Claudia is upset from all the commotion in the house from the filming.  Jerkface.

Mimi is crying and gives Juan the letter that Dogbreath wrote.  He reads it aloud, mocking his corny poetry, but in it Dogbreath apologizes for betraying Mimi (again).  She feels all alone and is losing her zest for life.  Juan tries to console her, telling her she isn't alone- she has him and her friends.  She says real Eva was right, her life is held back.  All smiles, but suffering in silence and feeling worse than a bedbug.  Mimi tells Juan that real Eva was the victim of her own tricks, but the same thing could happen to him if they realize that he's been impersonating Eva.  And Mimi has been his accomplice.  Juan apologizes and promises she will never go back to prison.

Rebeca tells Mendoza to be careful with Pluto because once he gets what he wants he'll stab you in the back.  Mendoza the Arrogant replies that he's not an idiot to be used and put aside, and tells Rebeca to accept that Pluto got bored with her.  Viewerville hopes her vengeance IS apocalyptic.

Oy.  Good-for-Nothing Modesto tells Claudia that if something hurts he can bring her to a doctor to see if she's sick.  Claudia wants to know why he's so interested all of a sudden.  Because Eugenia asked it of him?  Modesto shrugs and tells Eugenia he tried.  Eugenia calls Renato to say that Claudia needs him.  Renato explains to her that he's 10 years older than Claudia, and that their mother controlled things so they were never close.  Eugenia is annoyed and tells him he's just like his father.  Renato doesn't like hearing that.  Eugenia, angry, tells him not to worry about his sister and to continue with his responsibilities at G.I.  She says to herself that Claudia is more alone than she thought.

Lucia and Santiago are in bed happy- sex was great.  But Santi suggests it was a mistake because they are friends, and Lucia’s smile freezes on her face.  She tells him he makes sense and he agrees uncertainly.  They smile nervously and try to get out of bed awkwardly covering their nudity.

Eugenia and Claudia are watching theatre on the television.  Eugenia recounts for Claudia an anecdote from a play, in which a young woman is confused, with no one to turn to and ask for advice.  She has met an unworthy man who doesn’t know how to appreciate a good woman, and he leaves her feeling alone and abandoned.  The story reaches Claudia and she begins to cry in the arms of Eugenia.  Eugenia acts maternally toward the girl, telling her that when the words don’t come out then tears will help relieve the pain, and Claudia should know that she is there to listen to her.  Claudia is grateful.  She wishes she could have seen that play that Eugenia described.  Eugenia says that difficult situations can be overcome- she learned that in the theatre and in her own life.  Claudia looks like she understands her meaning.

Lalo is worried about Bastardo living alone, Helena says to Silvia that perhaps Lalo is right.  Silvia tells her about Bastardo coming to the greenhouse yesterday and causing a jealous scene because he saw Silvia with a male client.  Helena asks her if she’s thinking of redoing her life with another person, but Silvia just got divorced and doesn’t want another relationship.  Silvia asks Helena to bring Lalo to visit Bastardo because he’s always been a good grandfather and Lalo shouldn’t grow up without him.

Santiago packs his suitcases and tells Lucia that he will leave tomorrow when his apartment is vacated.  More awkwardness ensues between the two of them.


Bill, I had the best belly laugh with your comment: "I'm left sad, wondering where those parakeets that live in her hair will now make their nest... ". Me too...but only sad for the parakeets! Phew thank goodness she's gone!

I'm glad Claudia is starting to open up to Eugenia. If Claudia can change, what the hell is Ferni's problem?? I think someone already suggested this but he should move in with Bastardo if Bastardo is so lonely. Of course being a good daughter, you know that Helena is going to be bringing Lalo for visits!

I'm worried about Daniel and Jennifer. Especially with Jenni's excuse for a father figure possibly out of the house. I am also worried for Helena with Pluti and Uncle Fester trying to frame her. Thanks again Bill for doing such great work in Such a short period of time!! Gertie

Bill: What a marvelous and witty recap and really liked all the screencaps, I really liked the first one with Juan and Helena. Thanks for that.

So Yadhira Rivers is finally goin' to the pokey. So very happy about that. I can't think of her as the actual Eva. Too strange. I too wonder where those birds will nest next. She had a spider in her hair yesterday, lol. I had to laugh when she was trying to seduce that hawt cop, lol. He wasn't buying it though. Glad Dogbreath cleared up the Eva situation, but what it is about these tongue severances lately? First on AB now here on Eva. I felt bad for Mimi but she can always count on JC/Eva.

I never thought I would ever say this but poor Claudia. I am very happy to see that Claudia and Eugenia are bonding. Where is the double fork for Modesto, he so deserves one and I am mad at Renato too, what is up with him, this is his sister. I was so hoping Renato would be nothing like Modesto, but turns out he is. If he is on the dark side, he will be DEAD TO ME!

Santi and Lucia were so cute, and I think this little romp in the sheets was more than they thought it would be. They were both so effected, I am really hoping by the end of this TN they end up together.

Pluti has gone beyond the demi-god mode. Now he thinks he is the Crown Prince, er Prince of Darkness of G.I. In the avances, looks like he wants to get rid of Helena too. Where the heck is Adri. He needs to come back soon, before his whole company tanks.

So I too think Onesimo is on the side of the good instead of being Pluti's henchie now. And Rebe trying to suck up to Mendoza. I bet Pluti tries to get rid of Mendoza too. Seems all of Pluti's henchies are turning against him. He should have rememebered the adage of keeping his enemies close. His sharky wariness is all gone now it seems but his lust of power has taken over, and oh, yeah his obsessiveness with Helena is still strong. How in the world does he think she will be his?

Loved Marcela finally kicking Fern to the curb and telling him all about himself, as if he didn't know, but he is in denial. Loved the sides the kids took, even though Kevin is firmly in the dad camp, but like what Marcela told them both. He definitely needs to hit the road.

Daniel needs to not only have two giant forks, and a long handled cast iron skillet, but the GIANT SIZED PIE CART take him out. I am really worried about Jennifer. I don't want to happen to her, what happened to Claudia. I think now maybe I see where this is going with Daniel. He must like deflowering virgins and them dumping them.

A great recap, Bill. I especially liked this line: "I'm left sad, wondering where those parakeets that live in her hair will now make their nest... why do birds suddenly appear? every time. you are near."

Eva's talking to the cops was typically entertaining. It always makes me laugh when she describes herself as a fragile, helpless woman.

Modesto continues to be his usual inconsiderate and unresponsive self. Renato wasn't much better. At least Eugenia was able to reach Claudia, who does look better without the braids.

La Paloma

Oh, Bill forgot about the lyrics, they are always great and so fit what your write. Loved the shout out to the Carpenters : )

Eugenia is just the best. More patient than Claudia deserves, maternal and understanding, without being sappy and overbearing. Modesto has no idea what he had in her. Not that they'll get divorced at this point but he is so pointless that he might as well spend all his time at the office.

Maybe Yadhira Rivers can star in a remake of the Birdman of Alcatraz.


Awesome recap, Bill! I cackled louder than Big Eve at your line, "why do birds suddenly appear? every time. you are near."

With this much action, last night and tonight, and still three weeks left in the show, we're in for one wild ride!

I can't post as a registered user anymore. It asks me to verify the capta, and when I do, it jumps to the login page for my son's university account. Strange!

Loved,loved your recap, Bill, thank you. Tonight I did the"Hit the Road, Jack" happy dance.
My ears feel so much better now that Yahira Rivers is gone-Yeeeesssssssss!!!!
I am still laughing at-" "I'm left sad, wondering where those parakeets that live in her hair will now make their nest... why do birds suddenly appear? every time. you are near." Thank you for that.
Quite a bit of irony in last night's episode. "Dog"berto was always flapping that tongue and now look.
Consider me a part of the "Jennifer, please don't give it up" camp.
Santi and Lucia are cute, I'm glad that they finally got together.
Is Fernando kidding??? I'm glad that Marsela stuck to her guns!
The Teflon Modesto strikes again. Thank goodness Eugenia has regained her scruples.

Ithabill, you are priceless. This was great - and with screen shots. I too loved the parakeet comments & the shout out to the Carpenters.

What a wonderful woman is Eugenia! And Claudia is melting. That's going to be a good relationship for both of them. Renato may be disconnected from Claudia but he's a good guy underneath and I'm sure he will do some soul searching after being told that he is just like his father. He'll come around.

Boy Marci is modeling some very good behavior. She is standing tough but still insisting that the kids deal with both their parents respectfully. But Jennifer Watch out where you go for comfort. Please don't fall for that scuz's line.

The action is really heating up here in Ultimas Semanas. I will be in rural Haiti and out of contact for the next week. I sure hope that a combo of my VCR and Hulu -- and, of course, these wonderful recaps will keep me up to date with all this roller coater action. Thank you all in advance.


Bill- This was really one of your best recaps! And what a great episode too.

Woohooo! Real Eva is gone!

I cried during the scene with Claudia and Eugenia. Eugenia handled that situation masterfully. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Claudia will really change now.

Modesto and Fernando...I have no words.

I agree that Renato being told he's like Modesto will be part of his wakeup call about how he wants to live his life. Right now he's living a secret double life, just like Modesto, and hiding himself in his work, just like Modesto.

Lucia and Santi were cute. Now they just need to realize that they actually DO want to be more than friends.

Güera- Which part of Haiti are you headed to?

Bill, thank you for an extraordinary recap with all of the screen shots!. I especially enjoyed the Valentine's Day photo to start it off and of course the parakeet comments and Carpenter's connection.

The action is moving now. The funniest scene for me was when Dogberto was being wheeled out. He dropped the envelope and then waved pathetically goodbye but nobody was watching! I also liked when Helena was imitating Eva's
laugh and anytime Eva tried to pronounce "Yadhira Rivers."

I sincerely hope that Onésimo has the opportunity to get even with Pluterco for all of the insults he has had to endure. Onésimo in spite of being a thug, has a conscience and a sense of morality something that Pluterco is clearly lacking. His spilling the alcohol on the rug could be the start of something good!

Lucía's Sebastián describing her as a "dulce transición" was so unfeeling and insulting. I was glad she finally saw the light.

It looks like Claudia is going to get a mother figure and Eugenia a daughter. I admire Eugenia for not giving up on Claudia.



Thank you, Ithabill. I can't wait to read this!

I'm still not caught up yet, but I did see the end yesterday where Silvia was saying she wasn't ready for a relationship yet. Hmmm... so when Helena's boyfriend DIED, it was okay to push Helena into a relationship she really didn't want... but Silvia can just say "I'm not ready"?

I know that in the grand scheme of all the things that are going on here, this really isn't very important... but I would still feel better if Silvia would acknowledge that she was wrong to push Helena.

Las últimas semanas, últimos capilulos; estoy muy feliz y muy triste, también.

Bill; what can I say that hasn't been said. such a good retelling!

Not much time remaining for Helena to find out the truth, get mad, and get over it.

I was so glad that loud Eva was short-lived, but she did pave the way for JC/Eva to make sure Mimi gets the pension, though I still think she will end up with Adriano.

Eugenia will be an all-time favorite of mine...sticking with Claudia through all she did. Now they will make sure Daniel gets his anvil, forks, and prison time!

Sue in Florida

Thanks for asking Vivi. I'll be in the village of Papay in the central highlands near Hinche. We'll be working with the Papay Peasant Movement (MPP0 and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee in an eco-village under construction and learning about sustainable use of technology in rural communities.


My favorite line: "Dude. Nobody understands you." :)

And Bill, I forgot to say, I agree. That look on Onessimo's face, BEFORE he poured his drink on the carpet, showed a dramatic shift. At that MOMENT, he irrevocably turned against Plutarco. Hats off to L.M. Avila for that bit of acting - subtle yet clear.

The drink on the carpet was simply the result of his transition. And notice, what provoked Onessimo, after probably years of Plutarco's insults? When Plutarco said Rebecca would never bother with him. O. always brushed off all Plutarco's insults, but that one pressed his button. One more proof that O. and Rebbecca will certainly end up together.


Here in LA we are up pretty high looking down at the Pacific with our binoculars at some whales migrating down to the warmer waters of Mexico to have their babies. Been seeing them for the past two weeks...maybe they are headed down for la gran final of PESE...oh yeah that supposedly happened in Mexico back in July. Never mind. I guess I was just so excited to see the whales.

If I had to dress up for the final it would be as Sylvia probably because I am about her age and skinny with the long brown hair. Wish I could pull off Helena but I don't have the magnificent Latina boobs.. The perfect teeth..the perfect...this...the perfect that! When watching this with my Latina GF 's I have asked in frustration, "what's up with that? So many of you have magnificent black hair, tiny waists, and magnificent boobs"?? They put on their fake Spanish-American accents and say..."Eet eez our birthright, Chica!" I am so stinking jealous!! Gertie


I don't know which part of the recap I liked the best. There was much to laugh about! (except for Modesto... he's such a parchy old geezer that I cannot laugh; I want to slap him royally. Why would Eugenia stay with him?)

I don't know about you, but the wrapping up of Eva-the-Screetch happened too fast for my taste. Day before yesterday, we were left with a lot of action on our hands; yesterday with a back-to-business, all-is-well-that-ends-well storyline. It felt contrived, forced and too convenient. BRING back the cabellos de pajaros for more fun. It was also too theatrical, thus less realistic.


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