Saturday, March 30, 2013

Amor Bravío #157 (Uni 152) Fri 3/29/13 Indecent Proposal Or Step-Daddy Dio's Improper Papa-sition

Cap. 157 - Parte 1

Lo Del Pasado:

The Scoobies sans Aaron share an uncomfortable momento when Mariano, arriving at Viviana and Rafael’s house to pick up Ana and Camila, discovers that Daniel got there first.  He starts to butt heads with Dan (no need to pardon the pun) till Dan offers to leave and makes his exit.  Mar chases Dan out to the street as he heads for his car and starts giving him grief about not keeping his word to leave Cam alone—or, more likely, for himself—and to take better care of the wifey who’s probably been pining away the lonely hours at home.

Lo Del Nuevo:

It’s not just Camila that Daniel’s jerking around, gripes Mar, but Miriam!  “—You’re upsetting her greatly with your attitude!”  (Wrong family, isn’t it Mar?  You’re somebody else’s big brother.)  Dan has finally had enough of Mariano getting in his face and is all like, ‘Excuuuuuuuuzzze me, but what’s it to you, dude?’  “—I can understand your preoccupation with Camila, but Miriam?  She’s my problem, not yours!”  Mar says she’s been so great to him and Ana so he’s entitled.   (Let me get this straight.  A couple of cups of coffee, a few coos from Aggie, and some baking lessons while babysitting for Ana is all it takes for Mariano feel he’s family?  Go figure.)  Cam and Ana appear then and Dan finally gets a chance to make his exit.  

In the kitchen at La Malquerida, meanwhile, a tearful Piedad gets the empty nester talk from Hipolito.  Luzma’s got to finally fly on her own and Pie’s got to let her.  It’s time, yadda, yadda, yadda.  Pablo accidentally overhears that Luz is leaving the rancho and panics.  He flies upstairs and panics again when he doesn’t find her there.  He then races out to look for her somewhere on the grounds.

Luzman is in the woods, in the dark, at their special place, reminiscing and remembering what a good kisser he is, but also how it’s no use since Tío Leoncio is still inside her head. 

Speaking of the devil, Leoncerdo is skittering his way through the woods on his way to the M.Q. when he spies Luzma through the trees.   Her tongueless tío mentally licks his lips and leers.  “--Ohboyohboyohboy!!  Oh, Luzmita!  You will always be mine.  The more you hate me the more I want you.”

Pablo appears there and finds Luzma in mid-melancholy muse.  Is she really leaving him?  He tells Luzma he doesn’t want her to leave for good.  She has to, she explains, because she can’t get what her terrible tío did to her out of her head [literally, “her body, her soul and her heart”].  It breaks her heart every time they can’t “carry it through” to the end.  Leoncerdo has branded [marcar] her for life!  She’ll see the psych, yes, and continue trying to bleach her mind clean of the depraved dirt bag, but it could take years and even then it might not be successful and she doesn’t want Pablo wasting time with her.  He needs to start over again.  So, she’s decided she really wants a divorce and to give Pablo back his freedom.  Please respect her decision, she asks him. 

Pablo is crushed.  El Pervertido de Leo, on the other hand, is not!  Yep.  El Tongueless Tío, who otherwise would be drooling all over himself, is definitely hot to trot and proud of his lot.  He smiles to himself.  “—So I’ve branded you, huh?  You don’t know the pleasure your saying so gives me.  Because you are mine, mine!!  I broke out of [pelarse =peel off, flee, run off, skip out on] that prison for you.  M-m-m-m-m.  You’re my Luzma!  Mine!”  

Back in The Big House, where they apparently have the Keystone Cops as guards, Leoncio Martinez is nowhere to be found. The guards tell Mr. Paper Shuffler in Chief, aka The Warden, that they’ve looked everywhere, but nada.  He appears on the security cameras for the last time around mid-day, noon-time.  “—So he’s escaped the prison.”  “—Yes sir, but how did he do it without being seen?”  “--Useless idiots!  Get going and find out!”  He returns to his paper shuffling. 

Across town at Dan and Miriam’s place, Dan is playing with Agatha.   Mir starts giving him the third degree.  She wants to know why he went to Rafa and Vivi’s after leaving Amanda’s.  He tells her a half-truth about just wanting to congratulate them on going ahead with adopting Roman. 

Dan should have taken her and the baby with him for the visit, Mir chides.  He’s sorry and says he thought he already apologized about that.  (Apparently not.good.enough.)   Not to worry, she snipes, though obviously bored out of her gourd cuz she’s got a nanny taking care of the baby and there’s only so much cookie baking a gal can do now that Oprah’s off the air.  She’s getting used to his indifference where she and the baby are concerned, she crabs, and his never taking them into account when he does something.  And you know what? She finds now that she really doesn’t miss him as much as she used to.  (I’d say it’s about time, lady!  PSA #J654: No woman should ever be totally dependent on her hubby for company 24/7!!  Read a frickin’ book!  Listen to the effin’ radio.  Watch a little cable, or go surfing on the net and catch a Chilean news stream or two.  Go shopping.  Take up a hobby at home like crochet or painting!  Miriam, though sweet and patient, is one stifling, uber-clingy female!)  Dan secretly rolls his eyes and frets over Cam.

Back at the M.Q., Mariano and our favorite ranch hands all go over their instructions with Cami and then take their places to wait for Dionisio to arrive. 

At the women’s prison, Agustina is being brought back to her cell.  Her cellmate empathizes with Gussie’s morbid state of mind.  “—This place isn’t exactly your cup of tea, is it?”  Nope, says Gussie.  She’s appreciating the good life on the outside more and more.  Yeah, agrees Cellmate.  It takes being locked up in four walls to appreciate what you’ve lost.  Gussie says she’d never ever thought she end up in a place like this.  Cellie says yeah, she thought about that for a quick moment when she had the gun in her hand about to shoot her pervert of a husband.  But then she took one glance at the pain and fear in her daughter’s eyes and nothing else mattered.  She did it without a thought for herself. 

Gussie looks at Cellie and tells her she doesn’t support what Cellie did but she does admire her in a way for having done what she never did for her children.  Gussie never defended her daughters like a lioness tooth and claw, she says sobbing, and putting aside her personal desire for life and liberty.  “—I put the affection of a man and my well-being ahead of my daughters. It was necessary to place my daughters above anything else.” 

Back at the M.Q., Pablo returns and says he and Mariano talked by phone so he has his instructions for during the meet with Dio.  He’ll be recording the convo and hiding up on the (very brightly lit stairway) somewhere.  Cam notes then that he seems pretty down in the mouth and mentions it to him.  Pablo explains that he just spoke to Luzma and that she’s asked for a divorce.  Cam sympathizes with him but adds that she supports Luzma’s decision.  It’s just too bad things had to turn out like they did for the two of them.  Anyway, Dio’s the priority.

Leo shows up at the M.Q.’s kitchen doorway and sees it’s deserted.  He races in and grabs for the rice jar and the pitcher of milk and cookies Piedad and Dorotea left out.  He races back outside to enjoy the feast.  Pie and Doro return to the kitchen and want to call the others in to supper.   Pie looks at the table and wonders what happened to the milk and baggie of goodies she left on the table.  Who could have taken them?  Oh well….

At the same time back in town, Becerra is just getting ready to call it a day and go home when Juarez rings him on the phone.  Juarez has some bad news.  Leoncio Martinez escaped from prison this afternoon.  The prison just finished calling to notify him.  Juarez has given instructions to his men on where to start the manhunt, and he’s got a patrol car scheduled to stand watch at the M.Q. in case Leoncio should happen to show up around there.  He still has to call the ranch and let them all know over there.  No need, says Osvaldo, he’ll go over himself and deliver it personally to them there.  It shouldn’t be given over the phone.  (Why not, for gawd’s sake??? Time is of the essence here, man!  You could get run over by an errant taco truck driver, or robbed and knocked unconscious again!  Let those little sausage fingers dial and do the walking, already!)  Fine, says Juarez, who seems just as incapable of considering potential pitfalls in this shortsighted plan as Ossie.  He’ll keep him updated [mantener al tanto=advise, keep up to date].  

Dionicio has just arrived at the M.Q. to make his demands known to Camila and been announced.   

~~End parte 1~~

Parte 2

Everyone races into place and Hipolito shushes the women.  Dio tells Cam he wants them to have their little talk in the gardens.  “—There’s no need for that; and besides it’s cold out.”  Oh, he’ll gladly lend her his jacket.  “—I prefer our chat be in private.”  Nobody’s in the house so what could be the harm speaking in here?”   “Sorry to insist, but unless it’s on my terms, there is no negotiation.”  Cam has no choice and so she tramps out to the garden with him.  The others return to the living room and ask Pablo if Dio suspected anything [olerse aglo].  Naw, I can’t say, answers Pablo, but his plans to record him and unmask him fell through [venir abajo=collapse].  Piedad figures it’s as hopeless as before then.

Once Dio and Cam reach the garden she gets down to bidnez.  “—I want my mother free and you to enlighten me as to just how you plan to clear her name.”  “—I just want to make it clear that I am the only one who can do it.”  Of course, or she wouldn’t be here flapping her jaws with him to begin with, she says.  (Major skin crawl alert!)  He coolly continues.   “—I have the paperwork that certifies your mother to be employed by Better Future, Inc., and all the money her clients paid into the retirement funds.”  “—I knew it!  You planned it all before you married my mother.”  Well, he brags, a man like him never allows for loose ends and always makes sure there’s a plan B.  She expresses her hatred for him and he eats it up.  “—Oh, I love it!  Go ahead! That’s the closest thing to love!”  (Viewerville throws up a little in its mouth.)  “—Hey, I’m not playing here. What are you going to do about those papers?”  “—If you consent [acceder] to my request, I’ll make sure the owner of the insuring company clears her name [justificarse] by stating that the documents were misplaced [traspapelar].  Thus, everyone is going to be able to collect what’s due them and nothing will have to be pursued.  Agustina will be free of all blame.” 

“--So easy, huh?”  “—Or, complicated, however you choose to see it.  How prepared are you to negotiate?”  Well, she says, what he obviously wants is the M.Q. , so go ahead and take it.  She’ll give it to him there and then.  Fine, he says, but there’s just one thing more that he wants from her.  He wants her to “love” him for at least one night, to  sleep with him.  He wants her for himself, “—I want you to be mine.”  (Now it’s Cami who throws up a little in her mouth.)  “—Daniel told me and still I was stupid not to believe him.  You are a disgusting scum-sucking pig! (No argument there.)  How could it occur to you to ask me that?”  Dan, he answers her matter-of-factly, is a man just like him and realizes what she provokes in the male of the species.  “—You filthy swine [marrano=dirty pig, slob]!!”  So, your mother’s freedom is all in your hands.  In exchange for a night with me.  So you decide, Camila.”

Cam comes out with the expected “—but you’re my mother’s husband so how could you ask such a thing?” Yeah, he says, and imagine the sacrifice I made marrying your mother in order to get here!  (Ugh! As Viewerville fights the gagging reflex, it duly notes that this revolting idea of his even got Isadora to pause and reflect—and that’s saying something!)  Cam tells him the only thing her mama wants is shed of him and she’s helping her arrange the divorce.  Goody, he replies relieved, cuz he doesn’t want to stay married to her either!  Anyway, he needs to be a free man for Cam.  “—You have no idea how I’ve desired you.  From the first time I saw you you became my obsession.”  Cam suffers another bit of the ralphing reflex and calls him a pig again.  Oh no, he insists, he’s never been as sincere as he is now with her.  She awakens so many passions in him—just like she did with Alonso and Daniel.    

“—Don’t bother trying to compare yourself with either of them because I feel nothing for you!”  Oh, that’s clear enough, he says.  “--I tried to win you over in a variety of ways, but you hardly appreciated it.” Cam  lets loose with a major eye roll here. “—Good Lord!”  "--It didn’t matter a bit to you that I should have risked my life for you.”  Yeah, well one thing is for her to be grateful, she tells him, but another is putting herself at his feet, especially after all he’s done.  “--Puh-leeese!”  Niccolo Machiavelli’s got nothin’ on this dude. It’s like wáter over a duck’s back.  He just continues trying to persuade her that she’d be living be a fairytale existence with him (as opposed to a nightmare on Malquerida Street?)  She’d have everything she’d ever wanted and would live like a queen!  “Get real here, okay?  What you’re asking is just not going to happen.  So accept it.  What you’ve always wanted is La Malquerida, and just free my mother and that’s that [se acabó]!!” 

Nope, that’s not enough for him, Dio says.  He wants her as well now and as for that, it’s non-negotiable.   “--Why???  The only thing you provoke in me is revulsion and loathing [asco]!!”

Back in town, Dan’s on his couch wondering what has got to be happening with Dio and Cam.  He’s totally frustrated.  Not being able to be there with her through this is driving him up a wall.  He starts to think back to his wife’s bitter comments and the verbal beat-down he got from Mariano earlier in the evening.  Dan’s drowning in guilt.

At the same time Mariano is in the woods near the boundary line with the M.Q. waiting for The Call.  He tells himself that both Cam and Mir are victims who don’t deserve the pain Issa and Dio’s ambitions have caused them both to suffer.

Dio hasn’t given up yet.  (This is definitely one serious sicko.)   “—If you feel repulsed it’s because you haven’t allowed yourself permission to feel something beautiful for me, but it is possible, Camila.  I am sure that it is.”  (Sorry, Dio, but egotistical hedonism is not a philosophy most civilized and/or socially well-adjusted people, adhere to.  Give it a rest already!)  She tells him again that he’ll never arouse anything but revulsion in her.  Never ever!  His problem, she insists, is that he just doesn’t know how to lose.  Defeat [derrota] is not in his dictionary.  He agrees and returns to how much he desires her, how no other woman has ever turned him on like she has, but so, if he can’t have her love he can at least have her body.  He wants her to be his, if even for just one night.  “—I know this is an unseemly overture (what a master of understatement!) but I’ve wanted you for such a long time that without you La Malquerida doesn’t interest me.”  (Excuse me?  I thought you were going to sell it anyway as soon as you got hold of it, dude!)

Cam looks at him like he’s an insect in one of her old college zoology classes.  “—I don’t know if it’s indignation or humiliation I feel.  Just, don’t waste the chance to come away with all of it for some idiotic, repulsive whim.  Then, just accept La Malquerida already!  And I demand my mother’s freedom!  Now!”  “—You are in no position to demand anything, Camila, only to give in.  You have till Natalia’s wedding to give me your answer.  And…it wasn’t necessary for anybody to look after you.  Good night.“  He finally turns on his heel and goes.  Cam, like the rest of us, feels like she needs to take a shower and then knock back a couple of shots of something extremely high proof, not necessarily in that order.
Eleutario and Rodolfo, way out of earshot through all of this, race over to Cam and ask what he wanted.  She’s sobbing and calls him a miserable dirtwad.  They agree to go back inside for a drink and she can tell them all what they discussed.

~~end Parte 2~~

Parte 3

Once the baby’s put to bed Dan tries apologizing to Mir for the distant and distracted way he’s been acting around her.  He tells her he knows he’s hurt her and that nothing really justifies his actions.  Yeah, she says with pain and reproach in her eyes, it hurts both of them.  Ok.  So, it is just that everything he’s gone through since he reached Mexico has changed him and left its mark.  He’s just not the same person she knew back in Chile.  Mir sniffs.  “—I’m glad you are keeping that in mind.”  “—Things have happened to me that have left me filled with rage and impotent anger.  Well, …er…inside me is a battle of feelings that I still haven’t been able to overcome.  And on the other hand, I have a thirst for justice that won’t leave me still, that won’t leave me in peace.”  Yeah, well whatever you’ve had to go through, it hasn’t been any easier for me either, she indignantly replies.  The way she sees it is a bit different.   Suddenly, she’s found herself facing a Daniel she really doesn’t know as well; and she’s not so certain that the one today is one she likes, either, because she got on just fine with the other one.

Dan explains that the Daniel from before didn’t have the deep scars that he has today, and it’s due to those scars that he is who he is.  “—I still have open wound that perhaps are never going to heal.  And, well, for you perhaps they are difficult to understand because you haven’t lived through them with me.”  “—Well if you’d share them with me than maybe I might be able to understand them!”  (Yeah, well we can thank devious deviant Dionisio for that one!)  Dan struggles to express himself owing to his being unnecessarily muzzled by her doctor’s fabricated warnings and Viewerville wants to bang its head against the wall. “—I haven’t been able to convey [transmitir=broadcast, transmit] them to you.  I’ve got so many opposing feelings [sentimientos encontrados] inside me; I have hostile incomplete commitments.  When you came out of your coma, when you woke up, nothing had changed for you, but for me…my entire life had changed.”  “—Yes, and it’s those experiences that for some reason I no longer recognize you and which don’t allow me to get along with you,”

“—I never intended to hurt you.  I don’t want to hurt you any further.  I don’t want you to feel that you don’t matter to me, because you do.  So much so that, even though it hurts me, I am going to do all that’s possible and I’m going to leave an life I began here, a life that believe me is not easy to give up.” (Viewerville grabs for the Kleenex box.) Mir stares into his eyes looking for something or someone she recognizes, but she still cannot grasp all of it.  (Ok. How could she? She’s been in another universe practically the whole time!)  “--Don’t feel obligated, Daniel to do it, to leave with me for Chile, much less with me, if you don’t want to,  though you got a job down there.  I don’t want to force you to stay with me.  It’s very clear to me that you thought I was dead and buried.  But what I can’t fully grasp is that if when I came back into your life again, you couldn’t truly bring me back to life—the love you felt for me that you had already buried.”  (Try asking Abe about that one and getting back at him, not Dan.)

Back at the M.Q., Cam and the house staff can’t believe the revolting request Dio made as part of his conditions for getting her mother out of jail.  Piedad asks what kind of man her mother married and Rod begs her not to do it.  ‘He’s got to have his head examined’ and ‘how could he have humiliated her this way’ is the general consensus. “--I have half a mind to break his face!”  She assures them there is no way she would ever do anything like that, but admits she should have known better and refused to believe Viv and Dan before.  “—We’ll just have to make sure our plan on Friday succeeds.  With that briefcase full of false passports we’ll be able to show he’s an S.O.B. and that he’s to blame for all the nasty things happening here!!” The police are certain to realize he’s a crook when they get wind of those false passports, she explains to the “slower ones” in the group, and then that he must have robbed my mother also, right?  “--That briefcase is golden.  We’ve got to get hold of it.  No pressure, right Hipolito?” Hipo is cool as a cuke. “—Not a bit!”

Dan’s still in mid-heart-to-heart with Miriam.  “—Do you think I’d be here with you if I didn’t care about you?”  “--I don’t doubt your affections, but affection is one thing, but truly loving like you used to love me?  That’s entirely different, Daniel.”  Dan says that people and relationships change.  “--We’re still changing.”  Yeah, well she’s not sure how she feels about this “new Daniel”, but it’s not looking good.  “—I don’t know the real reason for this, nor even that if we met each other today that we would even have a relationship!”  “—Don’t say that!”  Well, she says, that’s how she feels!  She studies him again.  “--Don’t let the words frighten you.  We owe ourselves this chat, a discussion full of sincerity.  Through one thing or another, I learned the truth in bits and pieces.  I have the feeling that there’s more still and that I don’t fully have it all.”

Dan begs her to wait for Sunday when they leave for Chile and start their life over from scratch.  She tells him she hopes to gawd that it works, but the truth is she has her doubts.  (You and Mariano.)

As for Teresa, she’s having her own heart-to-heart with her brother.  Bottom line, she’s not sure what she feels for Dante and whether she should give up her life here in Mexico to follow him to Chile.  The only thing she is sure of is that Mariano doesn’t know she exists.  She’d hate to make a mistake with Dante.  Life’s one big guessing game, says Anselmo.  It’s her decision, though.  He cannot and won’t tell her what to do.

Back at the M.Q. again, Mariano and the house staff are upset that Dio was two steps ahead of them by forcing Cam to have to speak with him out in the garden where no one was able to hear or to record their discussion.  Yep, she was trapped and he had this planned for months, Cam is certain.  They ask if she plans are mentioning any of this to her mother.  Not a chance she’d upset her with this!  Mar says their only hope to send him to prison then is getting their hands on that briefcase.  Just then Ossie arrives with the news that Tío Leo escaped and they’ve got to be on the lookout for him.  Cam calls the staff in from the kitchen to let them know the bad news.  Luzma nearly passes out from the fright. 

Cam orders Rodolfo to hand out the guns and tell the cowboys to keep guard.  Os mentions the police patrol that Juarez has ordered.  Piedad has a fit.  “-- He’s already here!” What? How does she know?  “--Because the milk and pastries are missing!  He’s the one who took them!  I’m certain of it!”  Whatever, they’ve got to be prepared.  “--He came back for revenge, but we won’t let him!”  Cam tells Rod to tell the men that if it comes to it, then shoot him!  

At the same time, Natalia sees Aaron sitting in the dining room of the B&B and sits down with him.  She tells him she needs his help with something and they begin discussing it.

Leoncerdo, meanwhile, is lurking in the shadows of the drive outside the main house at the M.Q. and sees the flurry of activity.  He watches the police car drive up and Os’s chat with him.  His beasty brain tells him it’s not as safe as he’d thought and he turns around to leave it would seem, and heads back in the direction of La Buenaventura.  Isadora, call your office!


Haha! Love the title Jardinera. Look forward to reading what you cooked up for us when I get back tonight.

This was Cap 157, not 152, correct?

EEK!! You're right! tks!

I dearly hope I can report on Monday night that Camila realized that -- even were he so inclined -- there is nothing El Diablo could do now to get Gussie out of the reclusorio. Multiple charges of fraud, paper evidence to prove it, and it being a capital offense I don't think anything can unring that bell.

Assuming that he still has the paperwork he told her he did, withholding it is a crime and the last thing he's going to do is incriminate himself. No way would he hand it over to Camila even if she caved to his obscene demand.

Someone may have to remind her of that.

The hacienda will need to go into fortress mode until Leoncerdo is shot or captured.

Lab results, por favor! On the potassium concoction and Iagho's blood test.

UA, looks like iagho has an STD right? Is that what will cancel the wedding? I thought that Nati had enough reason to cancel the wedding without needing one more piece of evidence. In other words, I'm missing the significance of proving that he cheated on Nat not unless they had sex afterwards and now Nat has a STD?.

I don't think Nat has the STD; I don't think they've boinked since she found out she was knocked up. He picked up the hooker in between.

The fact of Iagho having an STD is significant because it proves he cheated on her after telling her he loved her.

However, she can't call him on that lie until they get the briefcase and El Diablo is in the slammer.

Where has this talk of Yago having an STD come from? I have seen nothing of it yet on this show, so if we are talking as if it's an real thing, then this is a spoiler, no?

It's a reasonable suspicion:

A few episodes ago he picked up a hooker on the street. He was seen by Eleuterio, who later told Rodolfo about it.

Iagho and Nat went for pre-marital blood tests at the hospital this past week.

None of these events happened for no reason.

Iagho having an STD can certainly stop the wedding. However, it will attract the devil's wrath before that.

Jardinera, I'll wait until I read your sure-to-be-wonderful recap before I comment on last night's episode, but I have to say now that I LOVED "Papa-sition"!!

This episode had such squicky, skin-crawling moments. (The Leoncio moments were worse than the Dionisio moments, which is saying a lot.)

This is one time I approve of guns. I would say give Luzma one, but she is so upset, she might shoot at any noise & kill someone other than the piece of slime.
Pablo will save her.

Yup, Jardinera, your part 1 is as good as I'd hoped/expected ( wonder Spanish just combines the two into esperar). I loved your saying "(Wrong family, isn’t it Mar? You’re somebody else’s big brother.)" I'm soooo glad you said this! ITA.

I also loved your description of Leoncerdo ("Her tongueless tío mentally licks his lips....") and your admonition to Ossie: "Let those little sausage fingers dial and do the walking, already!" I don't know how you manage, week after week, to come up with all these delightful descriptions, but I look forward to them with admiration every weekend.

Before this comment turns too soppy, let me say that I don't really agree with your feelings about Miriam. I increasingly find her neither stifling nor uber-clingy (though I love that term). She was expecting that Dan would be thrilled to see her. When that turned out not to be so clear, I think she felt that as time went on, things would improve between her and Dan. Instead, just the opposite is happening, and she has no idea why. No one is being wholly honest with her, even/especially the people she trusts most. She's understandably VERY frustrated and perplexed. She has made it clear (I think to Dante) that she's not the sort of person who would try to cling to someone who doesn't want her. She'd move on with her life, but she needs to know first that there's real reason to do so. I understand that in part Dan isn't leveling with her because he fears for her health, but I'm not sure he's got the cojones to do so even if her next medical appointment reveals that she's healthy.

I'm a Dan AND a Mariano fan, but they're both flawed characters (much more so than is Miriam, IMHO), and at times both men drive me up the wall.


Thanks so much, Jardinera, for the entertaining and spot-on recap. You had some excellent lines this week and some reminders about the need for beanie-tightening as we wrap up.

I agree with you, Juanita, about Daniel, Miriam and Mariano. I like both of our galans, and see their flaws. Miriam is frustrated, annoyed and surprised by changes in her own feelings. That said, I also feel that we are at the point in the story where all of this takes some leaps of faith and belief in the novela.

So, as you said, J., Mariano sure did launch a defense of Miriam based on few encounters, and Ana prefers for a mother, and Miriam doesn't seem to know what to do with herself -- but we're ten episodes from the end and poetic license is on display. I feel like the writers are taking all of these improbable sets if circumstances -- the upcoming bridal shower/document removal the most unlikely of all -- with as much intelligence as is possible.

I am afraid that this smart novela is ruining me for what else is out there. But I have recovered from other good ones. If you love the form . . . .

If you are celebrating, Easter greetings. The sun is actually shining and it's in the 50's in New Jersey!

I totally agree with Juanita up there! ^ Miriam has EVERY right to be upset at Dan for ignoring her & not being as the lovable husband he used to be. A large part of the reason for this is because all the lies he's been telling her and all the excuses he's been making for his sudden distance from her. So of course, she's understandably upset about his cold detachment & uncaring attitude towards her. And he isn't making it any better by being around Cami all the time. He's just too pathetic & a coward to make things right. And as I said yesterday, I approve of Mariano's involvement in Dan's business 'cuz he has to be put in his place and think about his family for a second! It's just isn't fair for them to be put aside for other "FAR MORE important things" like Cami's situation. Like, first of all, she can take care of herself & she doesn't need HIM as her "White Knight" as he wishes to be. She's also got people and Mariano one's of them, oh well, deal with it! What I really disliked was when he told Mariano "Why da hell do u care about my wife??!" < Like, really??? Wow, that says a lot about you, Dan. It's so sad that that's how you're handling this situation. What this says about him is that he's so blinded by his own (for lack of better words) ego & rage that he's forgotten the decent values of putting his wife & family first before his jerk self. In other words, this makes HIM look bad because clearly he does not care about them at all while Mariano does 'cuz he's awesome.

~ posted by not-a-dan-fan.

Tks Jar for part 1

I don't find Miriam clingy at all. She is just wondering what has happened to her previous horndog husband, who was always attentive. Now he avoids congressing, is never there, his mind is elsewhere.
She is beginning to realize that he has fallen out of love with her & she is caring less. I hope it lessens the pain when she knows the truth.

I am so sad for Pablo, he loves Luzma so much. But we know everything is going to be ok.

Thanks so much for the first part of your recap Jardinera. I am so sorry you had to deal with two of the vilest characters in this TN (and in many I've seen) at their lowest and most reprehensible. Leo needs to be caught soon and I hope some how that Luzma quickly recovers.

Jardinera - I was grossly disgusted while watching the scenes with el cerdo, but reading your recap with your spot-on descriptions ("tongueless tio mentally licks his lips") actually gave me chills (not in a good way)! I saw how creepy he was, but you made me FEEL the creepiness and disgust - ugh! Great job!


Thanks for part 1. I'm finally home from work and can sit down and enjoy my TN discussion.

I thought the conversation that Dan and Miriam had was a good one. It's been long coming and it was a good start. He told her how difficult it is to return to life as before, since so much has happened to him since her coma, and she said she's not necessarily going to put up with this new life. Exactly as things should be said. Once the doctor gives the ok about Miriam's health, I can see Dan telling her everything and then more discussion about their future.

Leo is just a sick mess and needs to be dealt with. I see death in his future.

Dion. Another sick mess and Cam better not even contemplate his offer. That has to be in the NEVER GONNA HAPPEN, NO MATTER WHAT category. Even if it's the only way to get her mother out of jail, she better not ever say she will do it.

I think the only significance of Yago's bloodtest was leaving his phone free. Not sure about the hooker other than letting us know he didn't change his womanizing and having someone, or someone's friend, see him.


Loriloo, that's how I interpreted the information too, but others were talking like he definitely has an STD, that's why I asked if they watched ahead and know that he does have one.

Jar--Part I rocked; can't wait for Part II. Well, yes I can, something for tomorrow.

I was wondering, too, how Dio can just show up with all the paperwork and innocently declare that the papers had been misplaced and everything is on the up and up and Gussy can go free. So lame.

Leo is a case of locking the barn door after the horse's a** is back in the barn. I hope Luzma is safely inside the big house, up on the second floor. That leaves Pie and Cam vulnerable, but I think his loathesomeness stops short of *doing* his sister or the patrona. OTOH, he's probably pretty horny at this point and anybody would substitute if he can't get his hands on Luzma. I can't see him waiting for a few more days to get her by herself. Uggh.

Loriloo--I'm with you. That blood test was a set up so Nat could see Iago's phone. Makes sense to me.

I'm so glad Miriam and Dan started to *talk.* True, Dan was doing a minuet around the real truth, but he isn't outright lying anymore. He still has major guilt over wanting to raise his daughter, but not be with a woman he no longer loves yet he can't see himself leaving his daughter to be raised without him in order to stay with the woman he loves. I think it will be Miriam that makes up his mind for him.

SN was on fire last night. She does furious so well. Oddly, El Slimo never broke a sweat and carried on with his little delusion that Camila only needs to give him an opportunity to be "with" her and she'd definitely never go back to Dan. Puleeze, deluded pervert.

Aye, aye, Juanita. I think we are all fans of Dan AND Mariano. But we long ago decided that Mariano is just to bland for a fireball like Camila and that she and Dan were tempermentally well matched. We can only hope that the way this is all tied up at the end, Mariano will be happy without Camila.

The two men were just rattling antlers when they met on the sidewalk--they were just saying the first things that came into their heads without thinking. When Dan turned to leave, it was written all over Camila's face that separating from Dan and keeping him at arms' length was the right thing to do for her head, but not her heart.


Jardinera- I loved Part 1. ITA with those who said your description of disgusting Leo really captured those scenes.

Is it crazy that I am still planning on making arroz con leche after watching Leo dig his nasty hands through Piedad's arroz con leche? LOL! I have been craving it since Piedad said she was making up a batch for Camila last episode. I really hope someone accidently knocks the container off the stove before it's served to anyone!

Our two male villains were really at their disgusting worst last night. Both think they own these two women- Camila and Luzma. Poor Luzma looked like she was having a breakdown when she heard the news about Leo. What a nightmare.

Cathyx- I also really liked the conversation between Dan and Miriam. It was the most honest and open one they have had so far. Without coming right out and saying he loves Camila, Dan admitted that his experiences, after he thought she was dead, in Mexico, have changed him and changed his feelings for her. And Miriam got to express to him that this is unacceptable to her. She wants a husband who can use the verb amar, not just querrer, when he refers to her.

Unfortunately, Dan is still letting his guilt and fears get in the way of telling the whole truth, and is also still trying to fool himself into thinking that once they are back in Chile, he can go back to being his old self. Not going to happen Dan.

Anita, your take on Dion had me laughing. He is a deluded pervert, he thinks all Camila needs to turn her opinion around is a night with him. It doesn't matter how much she tells him that she thinks he's gross and disgusting, it doesn't matter what he's done to her mother and that she's doing what is necessary to free her from jail, once she has sex with him, she will want to be his. And he wants to take care of her because she enchants him like no other. (I'm shuddering as I type this.) What an ego.


Anita- I see we were writing at the same time, amiga. Loved your comments.

Were you out and about in this fabulous weather we had today? I only recently reluctantly came inside. Yay! Spring! :)

Vivi, I had the same thoughts about the scene when Leo stuck his hand in the rice and ate it. You know those hands are so disgustingly dirty, it would make me vomit if I knew he had his hand in the rice before it was served to me. I hope they threw it away too.

I'm in Oregon and we had sunny weather in the 80's today, totally not normal for here. Too bad I had to be inside for all of it.

Wow! 80s! We were in the 60s, but that was warm enough to get me out today.

80s in Oregon. Wow! It was 77 degrees in Cocoa Beach with lots of traffic because of Spring Break and the Easter Surfing Festival.

Since El cerdo hid in a garbage truck wouldn't they be able to smell him? That's what I thought when he was in the kitchen.

I thought of that one, too. It must be pretty bad if he's repulsed by the smell.

Oooh! Great Part 2 Jardinera. You really gave us all the details of the indecent proposal conversation. Yes indeed, both Cam and the audience had quite a few gagging moments during that talk with Dion. Like Camila, I can't even come up with enough words to describe the creepiness of Dion. He's also completely delusional. He seems to seriously think that after one night of "love" with him, Cam will be throwing herself at him. *eyeroll*

I thought it was really sweet how Eleuterio begged la Doctora not to cry after Dion slimed away. Those MQ guys are all so great. I love how Hipolito is 100% sure he'll be able to get that briefcase.

Thanks for the recapped parts so far. We also have to remember that Dan still thinks that he had no choice, that he had to stay with Mir to keep her from dying. He was told that she couldn't handle stress which means no sudden changes. He didn't choose Mir over Cam because he wanted to, he thought that it was a life and death situation where he had no choice.

Netgirl- That's the fear that I mentioned. It's both guilt about his changed feelings for Mir and his feelings for Cam and not wanting to hurt Mir's feelings. And also real fear of doing her medical harm.

Anita- I just saw your late post on the last recap. I believe cap 166 was a 2 hour finale in Mexico. So it looks like they'll break it up on two separate nights here in the US-- Thursday will be 166 part 1, and Friday the 12th will be 166 part 2.

There! It's finally finished!!!!! Thank gawd the fin is a one hour deal this time. These intense conversations are exhausting! I'm ready for a couple of hours vegging on the beach or poolside. It's been a cool and crappy-ish spring down here in SW FL. No snow, but lots of chilly weather and rain.

Great stuff, Jardinera.

The only way the heist of the briefcase could work is if someone can get it to Juarez fast enough that he would have a warrant and be en route to arrest El Diablo as he gets home. Ideally, that would be while the party is still winding down so nobody there would be in danger.

Who else is betting that El Diablo takes the briefcase with him on the day of the bachelorette party? What about those security cameras nobody else knows about?

As for Dante, I think he wants to stay in Mexico as much as Daniel doesn't want to leave it. He took a few days to explore, loves the food and the hospitality, and has no family back home. I think he will ultimately decide to stay.

Guess of the day: Miriam is going to ask for a divorce before Daniel tells her anything.

Thanks for all the parts Jardinera. It sounds like you need to come up to Oregon to get the warm sunny weather. Terrific job on those intense conversations. Dan and Miriam's and Cam and Dion's.

I really feel for Dan and Miriam. They both expressed very well exactly what position they are in and how they are feeling about it. Once the doctor gives them the clean bill of health, I expect the rest of the story to come out.

I have been wondering also about how taking the briefcase illegally is going to help them in their case against Dion. Maybe Mexican law doesn't have any issue about illegally attained proof.
With less than 10 episodes left, I can't see how Dion takes the briefcase with him and the scoobies still have time to get evidence. Maybe those phone records can still pop up and maybe the cleared up recording will come through.


In view of how Mexican justice works as in Guilty Until Proven Otherwise, I don't know that they would have the same rules of evidence as the US. If that were the case I think Becerra would have said something by now.

Natalia is theoretically in charge when the party is in progress, the guests are there by invitation, and El Diablo permitted the party. He can't accuse anyone of breaking and entering. However, knowing how much action is often packed into the last ten episodes, I don't think we're going there. I think he will take the briefcase with him when he leaves before the party.

Jardinera- Thanks for the last part, and the details of the deep conversation between Dan and Miriam. Now, go take a needed rest!

10 hours to go till our happily ever after, and the writers are raising the stakes and turning on the pressure, as to be expected in the final two weeks. I think they will only continue to do so, so I am not expecting this briefcase heist to go off without a hitch.

Camila, Dan, and Luzma are all being driven to their breaking points. Gussy, Cayetano, and Natalia are all facing life-changing consequences of their blindness and stupidity. Mariano, Teresa and Dante are all at a turning point in giving up their impossible loves, and opening themselves up to new love.

Vivi and Rafa seem like the only ones who are settled (well, along with Piedad&Hip and Dorotea&Eleuterio). Rafa has given up his preconceived ideas about adopting an older child and opened up his mind and heart to Roman, and fulfilled Vivi's dream. I wish that Vivi would do the same and let go of her Bruno-induced fears about marriage, and help fulfill Rafa's dreams of marriage.


Thanks so much, Jar, for this magnificent recap. Even though I thought I understood much of what was happening, the details of the recap helped me see a lot that I hadn't fully grasped.

I confess that I don't have any idea how the Scoobies' plans will turn out. If UA's guess is right about Dio's taking his briefcase with him when he turns the house over to Natalia for her bachelorette party, the Scoobies will be thwarted AND Dio will have their attempt on tape.

What I'm most curious about is what Natalia said to Aaron. How will he figure into her plan (whatever that plan is)?

Now how am I going to explain to my houseguests Tuesday evening that I'm sorry, even though we haven't seen each other in a long time, I simply cannot pay attention to you from 10 PM to 11 PM? :-) (Yes, I know, I'll tape the episode -- unless my impatience overwhelms my manners :-) )

Juanita, I'm sure if you fill them in on the story and everything that has happened, they will want to watch it with you.

Don't know Mexican law, but in US law, the "exclusionary rule" only applies if law enforcement either illegally obtains the evidence itself or (less certain here) arranges for its illegal production. Here the scoobies haven't told Juarez anything so IF the rule in Mexico is similar, the evidence could be used (and the prosecutor would be able to use discretion in deciding whether to pursue charges on the theft). Dio could theoretically sue civilly for the theft, but he couldn't claim his jail time as damages so it would be pointless.
Dan and Co. are probably on thinner ice with the evidence (like Alonso's voice file) that they are withholding.
Speaking of prosecutors, Cesar Evora didn't always play twisted, incestuous predators. Remember his turn in the nineties Corazon Salvaje? I've only seen the butchered DVD version, but I'm told that his part was more substantial in the full version.
Jardinera, thanks so much for sorting out the nuances of the conversations. very helpful with the exchange between Dan and Miriam in particular.
What part of sw fl, neighbor? Has a beach picnic on Siesta Key last Monday with cousins from Tennessee. Poor kids. The cold front that stopped play at the Orlando golf tournament had cut short one of their Disney days. The same front dropped temps here but mostly brought high, gusty winds. It was the little one's first time at the beach and they were shivering even with windbreakers. Oh well, all the bundling meant they were probably our first northern visitors to not to end up looking like cooked Lobsters.
Chris in FL

Chris- Since I only started to seriously watch tns in the last 3-4 years (since discovering CarayCaray), I have mostly only seen Cesar in good roles (Triunfo de Amor; Llena de Amor; and En Nombre del Amor), or playing a rogue (Abismo de Pasion). This is the first time I've seen him play one of his famous villainous perverts. I have to say, he's very good at playing both the good guy, and the extremely bad guy. Doesn't seem to me that he's been stereotyped since the majority of his roles in the last 5 years have been good guys.

WHAT? I can't believe people still giving Drama Queen Dan a pass saying he's not "outright lying." A lie is a lie is a lie, for whatever reason. It's the same as saying you are a little pregnant. You're not just a "little" pregnant. You are or you are not. And Dan is still lying having no balls to tell the truth.

Even people on their death beds deserve the truth.

Chris in FL: Naples/Ft. Myers. I'm a recent St. Louis, MO transplant. LOL! I need to add red tide to the lousy winter weather also.

Urban A: I half agree that it will be too easy for the good guys to retrieve that briefcase till near the very last episodio or so. I expect a lot of hijinks before then and actually am looking forward to it! The unexpected is what has kept this telenovela alive and so attractive.

Juanita and Cathyx? We will have to agree to disagree regarding Mir's clingy attitude. I agree that she says she won't put up with someone who wants nothing to do with her. Camila has a professional life and a family life that she balances. Miriam could learn a lot from her. On the other hand, Mir's gotten to spend time with Mariano and Ana and Dante and Abe while he was there. Abe's out of the picture for a while. The neediness was there but now she says it isn't that strong, which to me is good news. It's because she's widened her horizons a bit, and doesn't realize it. Maybe there's a school of thought that says husbands must be super attentive and stick like glue, checking in before they do anything out of the ordinary. as long as I get a call, I could care. Mine has never been expected to be at my beck and call and perhaps it's cuz he worked such long hours all his life. Maybe not. So perhaps I got used to my "independence" early on. perhaps it is a cultural thing? Dunno.
: ? )

Jardinera654 said...
Anon.11:31AM -- Yes, Dan is a coward when it comes to his lady loves, that's his tragic flaw. But perhaps we should give him a pass because it was obvious he was forcibly tongue-tied due to the fear he has from the lie the doctor that Dio blackmailed told him and Dante,that anything shocking could cause a deadly stroke for Miriam.
ViviDC: IMHO you could add Mir to both lists of those losing their impossible loves and entering into life-changing circumstance, getting ready to realize a new love--Mariano.


Jardinera- ITA. Miriam is at a crossroads as well, for sure. She has some hard decisions to make about Daniel and their marriage. Even if there were no other woman involved, she has realized that the Dan of today is not the same man she married.

Once they finally decide to end things, when the whole truth about their feelings for each other, and Dan's relationship with Camila, are all out in the open, Dan and Miriam will have a hard decision to make about how they co-parent Agatha if Miriam returns to Chile. Dan has said from the beginning that he never wants to be separated from his child, the way that his father wasn't a part of his life. That's going to be a difficult discussion for him and Miriam to have.

Thank you, Jardinera. I have been checking in between making meals for and driving/squiring Easter guests for several days. I understand your Tuesday night situation, Juanita! I love my company, but miss my novela discussion.

Given how tightly this is scripted, with no wasted moments or signals, I agree that the briefcase caper will have complications, perhaps with Dio taking it with him. There was that little bit of a snafu when Omar saw Natalia entering her new house and, though she recovered nicely, Dio may still think something is up. Then there was the false ring to his hilarity regarding the bachelor party -- way too pleasant and jovial, I thought. Just so nothing happens to mi favorito Hipolito!

Vivi is so right -- to the brink for many of our characters and taking us with them.

Interesting speculation, Urban, that Miriam will ask for a divorce before she knows the truth. Hmmm. I have to ponder that one.

Vivi, I agree that Dan would not want to be so far away from his daughter. That's another reason that I think it is likely that the Miriam/Mariano pairing will occur. It leaves both of these two deserving characters happy, and it means that Dan will not be far from Agata.

Thanks for part 3 Jardinera.

Adding to UA's guess, when I saw Mir storm off to the bathroom, my first thought was that she will find the picture now (again this is speculation on my part).

Based on the preview perhaps Iago may be redeemed. It seemed Mariano was telling him how Isa was drugging their Dad and Iago looked horrified. Now we know part of this will be for his own self-interest but deep down I believe he loves his Dad.

Why is everyone so sure that Miriam and Mariano a fait accompli?

Daniel's problem is the fear of causing Miriam death; once he finds out that Mir is not sick; he'll come clean without a second thought.

The trip to Chile from Mexico is only 8 hours; both Miriam and Daniel can share Agatha traveling to both continent. Miriam doesn't necessarily have to reside in Mexico in order for Daniel to have a healthy relationship with his daughter.

And besides, Camilla can give Dan a child - not that one child can substitute another - but a child from Cam can alleviate the pain of being away from Agatha.

Dio is a lot smarter than Scooby gang #2. Scooby gang #1 was able to channel Dio's thinking and plan to counteract, but without the input of Dan and Aaron the briefcase heist might be for nada.

Cam is too desperate for her mom to be out so Dio has her exactly where he wants her; only Augustina might be able to save Cam from this humiliation--which is why I think Augustina's cellmate is jailed for protecting her daughter--her story is the door to Augustina's next act.


Miriam should expect more consideration. She & Dan hadn't been married that long. She was in a coma for months and thought dead so Dan s/b extra attentive. They were so thrilled when they found out she was pregnant. So the only reason he is not, is that he has changed.

I can't imagine Pablo being that way.

Vivi--yes I was out--in the garden getting it ready for a really showy spring. My daffodils, dutch iris and primroses are out, the forsythia is about to burst open, and the dogwood buds are getting bigger. Befor I can say Jack in the Beanstock, I'll be planting tomatoes, beans and basil.

Variopinta- It's hard to compare Dan-Miriam to Pablo-Luzma because Luzma didn't die. That was really the game changer, and the fault of that lies completely with Abe. He really changed the course of Dan and Mir's relationship.

As for the pregnancy...Dan's feelings haven't changed. He's over the moon about Agatha and can't get enough of her. She's likely a big part of why Dan is continuing with this farce.

Anon 1:54- ITA that Dan and Miriam can be co-parents in different countries. Although in the early years, when Agatha is too young to travel by herself, it will likely be Dan who will miss out on some big milestones in her early life. That's hard for any parent (who really cares) to take. And especially so for Dan who is very sensitive to the issue of being out of his child's life and separated by a country. It will seem all to similar to his own childhood growing up with his mother in Chile, while his father was in Mexico. Of course he is nothing like deadbeat dad FX, but that doesn't mean he won't feel that way and be extra-sensitive about being separated from his daughter.

Sue--The smell eminating from Leo would have been terrible and it would have lingered. However, seeing as his hair had been shampooed, he probably took a dip in the LMQ pond before raiding the kitchen. Nevertheless, I choked at the idea of *his* hands in the arroz con leche, too.

Those were Pan Dulces (slightly sweet yeast rolls) that Leo took. They serve as breakfast, lunch and dinner bread for guys that need a high calorie count. But mostly it is served warm for breakfast with coffee. That's what Isa sent the cook out for when she wanted to cook up her LP#10.

I don't mean to say the situation is the same for Dan & Pablo. But just think if your pareja was gravely ill & recovered, wouldn't you want to spend all time you could with them, at least for awhile, knowing you could have lost them?

I'm not criticizing Dan, things have changed & he can't help the way he feels. It just makes Miriam feel like mierda & he doesn't even really want to go to bed with her.

"Nevertheless, I choked at the idea of *his* hands in the arroz con leche, too." ITSA!!!!


Just finished making my batch of arroz con's delicious! My chosen method for eating it is with a spoon, not my hands, like Leo. :)

Variopinta, you asked: "But just think if your pareja was gravely ill & recovered, wouldn't you want to spend all time you could with them, at least for awhile, knowing you could have lost them?"

I think if my husband were shot and in a coma, and I was unjustly arrested for shooting him and thrown in prison and then told that he had died, and I escaped from prison, fled to another country, eventually fell deeply in love with someone else, married him, had a romantic honeymoon, and then my supposedly dead husband suddenly appeared, no, I don't think I'd want to leave my second husband in order to spend all the time I could with supposedly-dead husband number 1. I think I'd be terribly torn, as Dan is.

Exactly, but Miriam doesn't know any of this. The reason I am disputing the clingy label.

I'd forgive any clingyness on Miriam's part given the circumstances. We don't know (or don't remember) what she did jobwise before the shooting and coma. But post-coma, she suddenly has a baby and health issues to take care of. Finding a job and hobbies wouldn't exactly be priority numero uno. It makes sense that she centers on family to the exclusion of most other things. She's making friends again (Mariano) but has no ability yet in Mexico to jump start a career, so what else would be her focus but her husband? Nice to see them finally talking to each other like adults though and setting her up to be a lot tougher than anyone, esp. Dan and Abraham, think. I just hope she's told before finding the photo. She deserves a little honesty from someone besides Mariano.

Side note: Arroz con leche may be ruined for me, at least for a little while. With or without a utensils.


Variopinta, I guess I lost sight of the fact that you were disputing the description of Miriam as "clingy." I'm definitely in agreement with you about that (as you can see in my message of Sat., Mar. 30, 2:16 PM).

I don't think I express my thoughts very well.

Variopinta, I do NOT agree with you here! The up side of having the entire weekend to comment is that people don't feel rushed, and there's time for more comments. I really like that. But the down side is that it's sometimes hard to keep in mind what everyone has said. So please don't blame yourself for my not remembering everything you said. (Heck, sometimes I don't even remember everything that I've said! :-)

Variopinta, I think you do express yourself very well, and I have agreed with your comments on these subjects.

I changed my mind. I don't want Leo to take out Isa, first. I want him gone NOW!!!

Could Nat be asking to go with Aaron, just to get away? Probably not likely. She'd want to be with friends/family when the baby is born.


Nanette, I can't even fathom what plan Nat has come up with that involves Aaron.

And I want Isadora to spend the rest of her life in jail.


Pablo cancels on NG.
Nice Cam/Luz sister moment.
Pablo decides it would be harder not to see Luz than to see her.
Mariano begins to acknowledge he might have feelings for Miriam.
Awww!! My absolute fav couple: Dan and the Budgekin.
Miriam rubs Mariano’s white knightness in Dan’s face.
Caye is mojo juice free and takes control.
Miriam has to see another doctor.
Abe is getting out of jail soon.
My fav couple sighting.
Dan and Cam get to share a hug.
Nat sees a suspicious text message from Dio to Iago.
A nice Os/Agustina moment.
Dan comforts Cam.
Luz seems to FINALLY get through to Nat. She also convinces her NOT to confront Dio. Whew!!!
A nice moment between Pablo and Piedad.
Caye’s back!!!! “No” to turning over the ranch to Isa. She is NOT happy.
Isa’s about to explode. Oh goody! That I’d like to see.
Dan says what everyone’s thinking--except, apparently, Cam?--that Dio wants her along with LMQ.
Caye’s reasoned arguments do not seem to placate Isa.
Cam is in full tiger mode. She’s awesome in her fierceness (see LP).
Nat eavesdrops on the convo between Yago and Dio that finally reveals the truth to her.
Poor Nat finally learns (what Viewerville knew freakin’ YEARS ago) what Dio’s real motivations are. Now she can begin the beguine.
Dan nearly spills the beans when he mentions his sacrifice.
Miriam continues to add to her “things are not right” clue box.
Nat plays it cool with Dio and Yago (especially liked her faking being glad to see Y—well done, Nat).
The LMQ branch of the Scoobies are awesome.
Nat rejoins the Scoobies.
Agustina and Carmela bond. A’s going to need her friendship to survive.
Hipolito asks his buds to take care of his family if anything happens to him.
Dante asks Teresa to consider a relationship between the two of them.
Bittersweet moment between Ana, Miriam and Dan.
Nat tells her mama how much she loves her.
Re: Isa. Leo escapes.
Vivi gives Dan a lecture on decisions having consequences.
Yago wants to work for Dio. Anvil for him.
Nat puts the plan in motion.
Nice moment between Nat and Rodolfo.
Mariano is about to say something interesting to Miriam.
Bit of a light moment in the kitchen as Hipolito and Rodolfo laugh at Eleutario re: Dorotea.
Leo begins stalking Isa.
Hipolito comforts Piedad.
Pablo finds Luz before Leo has a chance to get her.
Miriam says she doesn’t miss Dan as much when he’s not around, like she used to. As Jar says, she needs more to do. Like maybe mothering two daughters and running the household of a certain rancher.
Agustina continues her soul searching and self-responsibility acceptance.
Dio’s arrogant, delusional, obsessional idea that one night with him will make Cam worship him is going to be his downfall.
Dan gets as close as he’s ever been to telling Miriam the truth re: how his life in Mexico has changed him, etc.
The Scoobies are hoping to get the briefcase so Cam won’t have to sleep with the Pig.
Miriam is honest with Dan about how she feels about their current relationship and also that he’s not telling her everything. And still no exploding head.
Teresa finally gets it that Mariano will never be hers.
FINALLY, the news reaches LMQ that Leo has escaped.
Leo leaves LMQ.

Even more Budgekin and Dan/Budgekin sightings than recorded above. One of the few times I really really like Dan.

Low Points:

Though she is a bit of a twit, was sad to see Nat heartbroken with the one/two punch Dan and Amanda gave her.
After Nat remembers the horrible way Yago treated her when she told him about the baby, she remembers times when he was nice and loving (Viewerville knows it was because he was about to get some).
Vivi spills the beans to Cam about Dan leaving.
Cam flashes back to her happy moments with Dan, which makes her—and Viewerville--sad.
The bank account in Agustina’s name is empty and she’s being sent to hard time jail.
Estevez is putting the screws on Dio.
Cam gets the news about her mama.
Glitch in Rafa and Vivi’s adoption of Roman.
Sad scene with Cam/Agustina.
Seems Teresa is still hung up on Mariano.
Another sad Cam/Agustina moment—humming to each other (I’m tearing up just thinking about it).
OK. Enough already. Heartbreaking scene as Agustina asks Dan to take care of Cam and Cam waves goodbye as the car drives away.
Re: Dio. See above. And multiply that a gazillion times.
Cam is in full tiger mode and may play right into Dio’s hands by being too emotional.
Al’s tape could not be cleaned up and now must be sent to Mexico City.
Dona Chonita blew town.
Piedad says they should have a fiesta celebrating the new bulls. Sort of not a good idea right now.
Rodolfo*sigh* is sad seeing Eleutario/Dorotea and Piedad/Hipolito hugging.
Our poor Pablo and Rodolfo are sad seeing the happy couples.
Montage of Agustina being processed.
Cam’s sad montage.
Isa gets new herbs and talks to a notorio about updating Caye’s will.
Yago throws a tantrum. He’s being pushed on two sides. Fear that will make him “dangerous”.
Mariano tells Dan that his help is not wanted and I’m livid. What freakin’ nerve.
Re: Luz. Leo escapes.
Nat has a plan of her own.
Isa starts poisoning Caye again.
Leo is thinking about “Luzmita”. NO. NO. NO.
Ana interrupts her dad before he can say something interesting to Miriam.
Isa is making a fake will for Caye.
Leo is heading toward LMQ.
Luz tells Piedad she needs to leave on her own. Piedad agrees. Then sobs when Luz leaves her alone in the kitchen.
Dan and Mariano have a faceoff.
Mariano thinks he has a right to tell Dan how to treat Miriam.
Leo spies Luz.
Luz tells Pablo she wants a divorce.
Leo keeps calling Luz “mine” which is making me rather sick to my stomach.
Cam says Dio is more important than Pablo losing the love of his life?
Leo put his dirty, disgusting hands in the rice dish (so hoping Dorotea would knock the thing over, ugh!!!)
Dio, of course, insists on talking outside. Kinda dumb of the Scoobies to think he’d speak in a place where dozens could hide easily.
Dio gives the details of how he set up Agustina and how he can clear her, when no one is around to record him.
Dio tells Cam he wants her to sleep with him one night (as well as sign over LMQ).
Dio continues to make Cam and Viewerville sick.
Teresa is not sure she wants to follow Dante to Chile. Go for it, girlfriend.

P.S. Anita. Re: my commentary being on this list instead of the HP list: Dio does something so "low" at a particular point in the story and instead of saying what it is I get writer’s Tourettes and have to go off on him.

Nanette--JaJa. De acuerdo. You can go off on Dio anywhere you like.

Have absolutely loved your lists. I'll miss them when it's all over. But...they will live on in the archives.

Great list Nanette! It's been quite an interesting week.

Once correction-- It was Pablo who said Dio was more important right now than what's going on with him and Luzma, not Camila. She gave him a big hug right after he said that and then sat him down and started stroking his face. He's the one who was looking for the distraction of the Dio caper, over further discussing the Luzma situation.

I would put Estevez turning up the heat on Dio on the HP list. Although it is causing Dio and Isa to speed up their plans, it's also causing them to make mistakes.


Vivi: So much happening now that I'm missing stuff. I need to slow down. :)I misread the recap re: Pablo/Cam--would keep it and put it on HP list to further show Pablo's awesomeness. Estevez turning up the heat should have been on the HP list. I reviewed the lists over and over during the course of the week and STILL missed moving it. Thanks.


I want Isa in jail, too and Leo dead (preferably by a male hand, though could be Luzma won't get over him unless she's the one who does him in). However, I want her tongueless like Leo--cosmic justice-- before she goes to trial and jail.

I wanted Leo to get revenge on Isa before his demise, but I'm afraid for Luz. So I'd give up that satisfaction to see him gone sooner rather than later.

OT: re: our convo a few days back about limited series. Some of us mentioned AMC's The Killing. Read that there will be a third season after all.

I’ve been missing M&M. No, not Miriam and Mariano. Maja and Muñeca! I hope they’re off together, with all the working ranch doggies, flirting with ranch hands, and having adventures between Mariano’s land, BV, and MQ. :)

I also miss those darling dogs. I want to see them playing together and cuddling with their humans. But that has to wait until the finale, I guess.

Maja with puppies.

Yes!! I was hoping during that pet shop scene that Ana would choose a male puppy of the same breed. Those puppies are so adorable.

JaR--About to go work in the garden, so I will (fortunately) be brief--about your comment:

.."However, I want her tongueless like Leo--cosmic justice-- before she goes to trial and jail."

Are you sure 'cosmic' wasn't a typo? Didn't you mean 'cosmetic' justice? (That's a haha.)

Anita: Ya got me! LOL!

I know that Isa has got to be punished for all the wrong that she has done. But for some reason I'm not looking forward to it through the same blood thirsty eyes that I am with Leo and Dio. Their fate can't come soon enough or be bad enough. (For example I was with the viewerville gang who was wishing that the trash compactor had taken Leo out. On the other hand, I find that for some reason I'm not anxious for my favorite villian Isa to meet her fate.

Why not? In most ways she is deserving of worse than El Diablo.

Interesting discussion about who deserves worse punishment.
Isa hurt Leo very badly by cutting out his tongue. A hideous torture. But no one likes him so it doesn't feel as a bad as if it were done to a good guy. She also mistreated Alonso and killed him along with Ximena, but we didn't like them so much either. Her crimes are very bad, but we didn't necessarily like her victims anyway. So perhaps that's why Foxy doesn't want revenge as much against her as she does with Dion, who is hurting our good guys.

Cathyx: interesting theory about Isa and Dio's victims and type of justice. The only reason why I don't want Isa's fate to be prison, is that she's smart enough to escape. Hey, if Leo can do it, you know it will be a cakewalk for Isa.

Dio must die!!!!

I'd like them both to rot in jail and feel the humiliation of jail. Dying is too easy and without suffering.

foxy, cathyx, are y'all feeling alright?
Hello? "didn't like her victims"? Padre Baldo anyone?
If y'all don't think Isadora doesn't deserve the worst the screenwriters can come up with, well, I'm not saying you are bad people, but I do disagree with your judgment on this.
A lot.
Whatever the writers can come up with plus some stuff the Saw movies discarded as too vile and maybe she starts to get close to what she deserves.
Mercy, like forgiveness, is for the victims to grant. Too many of Isadora's aren't in a position to give her any mercy -- because she killed them -- for her to have any clemency coming her way, at least in this life.
By most accounts, even "unmerited" Christian forgiveness insists on contrition and it is very hard to imagine genuine remorse from Isadora.
Chris in FL

Leoncerdo wasn't in solitary confinement. I'm actually surprised at that because of his violent behavior.

Chris in Florida, I didn't say I agreed with Foxy on justice, just trying to understand it. And Foxy didn't say she didn't want justice, she just didn't have the venomous hatred for Isa that Dion elicited in her. The victims I mentioned were not well liked. Don't pick nits.
I don't believe in capital punishment, that's my personal opinion. it may not be yours, but we are all entitled to an opinion and no ones is more right than others in this regard.

Oops, cathyx, sorry, didn't read closely enough.
and foxy, Isa is fun, I can understand wanting to see her around til the end, just hope she's not enjoying it at all. Maybe she could end up like Al, and Chayo could be serving her time in the prison infirmary...
I'm actually very mild mannered irl, don't think human prosecutors and judges are nearly infalible enough to be trusted with life and death decisions, think it is ridiculous to send children away for life sentences, etc., but when it comes to what Isadora deserves (as opposed to what I would trust any government to dole out) its Dante time (and I'm not talking about Teresa's quasi-novio).
Chris in FL

Remember that Hissadora killed Padre Baldomero and enjoyed every second of that.

She has tried to kill Camila and I'm guessing she will try again.

She enjoyed murdering Alonso and Ximena. She may also try to kill her stepsons.

Life without parole is the most that Mexican justice can do.

I know I'm late to the party (it's already Monday) nbut I'm sure that Mariano and Mirium have found each other for the sole purpose of having baby Agatha near to both mother and father. In fact, that may be why they veered away from having her end up with the Chilean dude whose name excapes me right now.

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