Monday, March 11, 2013

Amor Bravío #143 (Uni 138) Mon 3/11/13

Capitulo 143: Cuidate Mucho

Lo del pasado

Camila and Daniel throw the devil out amidst some heated words and a creepy threat. Daniel really wants to pound the crap out of him as he departs with his Satanic laugh trailing him.

Lo de nuevo

Kitchen:   Piedad, Dorotea, and Eleuterio were listening as this happened and know all they need to know. Dorotea reminds him that he had once overheard something important. [Yes; something he needs to repeat to Daniel.]

Phone:   El Diablo in corridor / Augustina in town: He asks where she is; she tells him she's shopping for necessities. He tells her that he's been thrown out and what the accusations are.  It's the biggest humiliation he's ever experienced!  Whether or not she is genuinely incredulous we can't be certain; she asks what they should do. He tells her to talk to Camila if she wants, but he's leaving. She is to send his things to his place in Metepec.

La Malquerida, Parlour:    Daniel leans against the sofa for a moment, feeling a little light-headed; Camila makes him sit down, saying he is still recovering and how stubborn he is. He reminds her that he will not allow her to be alone with El Diablo; what else was she thinking? Just as they were on the point of getting the goods on him... Daniel states they need to prove that he is responsible for the deaths of more than a hundred bulls and – by extension – his own near death. Camila isn't sure they can do that. How did he get that virus onto the ranch? How was he getting away with this? Daniel says that he is a man without scruples which is why from this point on they have to be very careful what they do. “No; I do,” she says, with a reminder that he was supposed to return to Chile. “No, not after this,” says Daniel. I can't leave you and your mother alone here. Not until the devil is sent back to hell. Which makes Camila think of how her mother will react to the revelation of who El Diablo really is because she has never been willing to hear anything they wanted to say. Daniel makes the case that they need to be prepared for any reaction on her part. She could give away their plans, their suspicions, etc. Camila doesn't like this, but doesn't lose her cool. “She's an adult. Not an adolescent you keep things from.” she says. “She's an adult, but her love is blind,” says Daniel, “and for as much as we might want to tell her the truth, we won't because she may not want to know.” As the music takes on a darker tone Camila looks apprehensive.

Kitchen:    Dorotea tries to assure Piedad that she did the right thing. Piedad is still afraid for Luzma, but Dorotea tells her that everyone will help them. Eleuterio points out that they can't tell Augustina. Piedad fears Augustina wouldn't believe this.

Parlour:   Camila is on the phone with her mother and realizes that she knows. She tells her she doesn't know what she wants to do about her husband but to come home and she will explain. Augustina agrees to this and they end the call, Camila telling Daniel that her mother is coming home. It's high time she knew who El Diablo really is. Daniel is still unsure that this will work the way Camila wants it to. Camila realizes it's a risk but believes “she has to react to this.” Daniel is not sure that Miriam should know the truth about El Diablo so she will go back to Chile, then has to interrupt Camila to tell her that he will not go back and leave her alone with this. “I will go, and will go with all the pain in my soul, but I will not leave until you are out of danger.” Theme song enters with the lyric “Te doy el alma...” She tries to get him to rest, then Pablo and Luzma enter, followed by Hipolito. They begin explaining the situation, Piedad enters and hugs her daughter. Luzma is not happy at the prospect of being locked up at La Malquerida. Camila assures her that she can go on with her life, with going to school and to church, and they will take care of her. Hipolito steps in to volunteer, ready to assume appropriate stepfatherly duties, and Luzma feels better about this. [Actually, that might be due to no longer being next door to the Other Woman Wannabe.]

Viviana's Place:   She and Rafael sit on the sofa as she reads to him. Aaron opens the door to Roman and Padre Anselmo. Viviana explains the accident to Roman while the padre explains that the condition of the building is very bad. He will have to find some good people to take in the children for the short term. Roman gets a bit out of line, eagerly asking if he can stay with Vivi and Rafa. Rafa is a little irritated with this at first, which goes unnoticed by the child but not by the adults in the room. Padre Anselmo tries to get him to realize that might not happen, but he pleads, saying he can help take care of Rafa while he can't see. Rafa thanks him and caves, high-fiving him.

Parlour:    Miriam and the baby return with Mariano and Ana in attendance; she asks why Daniel is there when he should be resting. He tells her he had to deal with some people and will she come out to the cabaña so he can explain. He kisses the baby before they exit. Ana asks to help take care of the baby until they leave and Camila tells her that is OK. She exits as Pablo returns and when she is out of the room Mariano asks what is going on and Camila explains what they discovered and how. Pablo explains that he and Luzma are at La Malquerida because El Diablo is loose in the town.  Mariano asks about El Diablo's motive and Camila explains that it was to drive her into financial ruin so she would be forced to sell the ranch. He tells her she can't go on like this with El Diablo under the same roof; she tells him they cast the devil out. Mariano raises the issue of Miriam's possible reaction and Camila explains that she and Daniel agreed not to tell her.

Cabaña:    Daniel tells Miriam that Camila made El Diablo leave because she was having a problem with him. He had to help because it was complicated. He distracts her by asking about her afternoon at Mariano's and she talks about how good he was with the baby, what a charming gentleman he is, and how decorating his house reminded her of how she decorated their apartment when they were first married. He looks a little guilty as he talks about how good it is to see her laugh again and maybe she needed a bit of fresh air. She plans to spend the next day with him. [He looks a little less than pleased.]

Restaurant in Metepec:  Teresa joins Dante at a table; he has only a glass of red wine. She orders a glass of the same wine and explains how things had been going at Mariano's place and how it looks like Miriam is getting close to Mariano. She likes it not; Dante agrees. When the waiter returns with Teresa's glass of wine Dante asks him to come back with the bottle. Dante explains that Miriam told him that her love for Daniel is unchanged since they met. She suggests they drink to their mala suerte and they do.

Parlour:   Augustina returns to find Camila alone; she asks what happened.

Street, near Police Station:  Omar waits for his boss as El Diablo pulls up. This has been pre-arranged. He needs to see Hissadora. Omar hands him a jacket and cap that aren't his style so he can enter unnoticed. He thanks him as he puts them on, saying “You think of everything. Wait here for me.” and goes inside. [They are both delusional if they think this is an adequate disguise.]

Parlour:    Augustina has been told about what Piedad overheard and looks uneasy as she asks about the subsequent events. She now comprehends why Piedad had been so nervous around El Diablo the past few days and why he was suddenly asking her repeatedly about Luzma. She wonders why nobody told her and Camila tells her nobody was sure how she would take this and that this is the first time she's been willing to listen to anything about him. Augustina tells her that she is beginning to see the truth. She has spoken to Amanda and realizes that El Diablo never loved her. He simply married her for social credibility and protection. She is ashamed that she has now failed yet again. "You told me many times and I wouldn't listen."  Camila tells her that El Diablo is very smart and a master manipulator. Augustina realized while talking to Amanda that he has used them. She starts crying. She talks about how Ximena always reproached her of putting men before her daughters and that she was right. She had been selfish and had not considered her family and is now paying the price. Camila hugs her.

Cell Block:  Hissadora is huddled in the corner wearing her jacket and covered with a blanket as El Diablo arrives. She sarcastically comments about how she thought he'd never come to see her. He's not in the mood for this. He tells her things are not going as planned: Piedad ratted him out then Camila and Daniel threw him out. Hissadora is both annoyed and incredulous that he let this happen; he tells her he never expected that Piedad would defy his threats. Now is the time to find solutions. She asks how things got to this and he explains that Miriam obtained the vaccine needed to eliminate the virus. Hissadora curses her out, saying she just existed to mess up their plans. El Diablo then tells her that as if that weren't enough now Augustina no longer trusts him. “What? That insignificant Augustina no longer trusts you?” she asks, mockingly. “You may as well end it because your marriage didn't get you La Malquerida or Camila, true?” He then tells her that Augustina will pay for this for the rest of her life.  He reminds her about the retirement fund scam. She tells him that better work or he too will be in prison. He tells her it will and she will be out the next day. His threats against Amanda's neighbor worked and Daniel has no proof. If there were any she'd already be in the prison and not “here”. Once she's out and at her husband's side she has to get him quickly into the next life once she is the sole owner of La Buenaventura in order to complete their deal with Estevez. She can't wait to get this over with because she can't stomach her situation. He laughs slightly, telling her to accomplish it soon. Because if she can't deliver La Buenaventura they're done for because as things stand they have lost La Malquerida forever. Music ends on the usual decisive flourish. [We never knew that Mexican jails had such generous visiting hours.]

Pablo and Luzma's Bedroom:   She sits on the floor at the foot of the bed, obviously feeling locked up. She is afraid she will never be happy or free. Pablo is being his usual understanding self.  She is frustrated at how everything is “for my good.” She starts crying. He embraces her to comfort her. However, when he kisses her she pulls away and locks herself in the bathroom. [Pobrecitos.]

Parlour:    Augustina tells Camila she intends to help Amanda and Osvaldo. She intends to move into El Diablo's house to find the necessary proof to help them. Camila almost panics, but Augustina says she can convince him that they had a fight, that she is taking his side over hers (Camila's), and that she can get the goods on him. Camila tells her this is a bad idea; El Diablo is dangerous. Augustina tells her that El Diablo doesn't know her intentions; he doesn't realize what she's up to and has no reason to distrust her. Camila's opinion has not changed. Augustina feels she has to do this. [Lo siento, Augustina; no eres Senora Emma Peel.]

Pablo and Luzma's Bedroom:   He knocks on the bathroom door to make sure she is alright. He gets her to come out to rest. She curls up in the foetal position on the bed.

Parlour:   Camila is adamant that Augustina not do what she proposes to. It's too dangerous. Augustina is stubborn. “Let me do it for Daniel; I was so unfair to him.” She finally tells her she will go to El Diablo's house the next morning. Camila tells her she has to come right back as soon as she finds anything or she thinks he is wise to her game. And be careful because he is very dangerous. [It's obvious that Augustina needs to do this for herself as much as for Camila and Daniel.]

Viviana and Rafaels's Place:  They finish eating and Rafael talks about how useless he feels without his sight.  As Viviana clears, Roman offers to escort Rafael to the bedroom and help him undress for bed. He leads him out, offering to read to him. Aaron philosophizes that everything happens for a reason. The accident is leading to Roman and Rafael bonding. In the bedroom Roman tells Rafael that he never knew his father because he disappeared but he knew his mother well before she became ill and died.[He doesn't mention how long ago this was.]  He sold candy in the streets for a while before being taken to the orphanage.  He helps Rafael get pj'd, into bed, and starts to read. Aaron and Vivi watch from the door, pleased with the sight and the good vibes.

La dia siguente

Cabaña:    Camila gives Daniel the last injection; he says he feels better. The sad song plays. We note that he is dressing native again as she tells him he can leave soon. More awkwardness as he tells her he wants to be with her.  He tells her once again that perhaps Miriam will have to go back alone for the moment; he will not go back until everything is resolved. For now they have to go to the delegación so he can testify against Hissadora, after which they need to visit Vivi and Rafa. She tells him about the accident. He asks about Augustina, but she sighs and says she'll tell him on the way.

Pablo and Luzma's Bedroom:   He wakes her up with a rose [and their love theme in the background]. He suggests they act like they're dating for the time being. Go out, eat in a restaurant, etc. She asks about watching out for El Diablo, but he says they can't be locked up all the time.  She tells him he is the best man in the world.

Hostal; Dante's Room:   Sexy music as we see that Dante and Teresa succumbed to the red wine and each other last night; they are now under the L-shaped sheet especially designed for television. She seems to have forgotten what happened but he recalls that they left the bar, went dancing, and then came back to his room. He's not sorry, nor is she. No regrets, but where do we go from here? Amigos con beneficios? [Somehow I see more than that here.]

Hostal; Lobby:  Osvaldo has come in response to Amanda's call. She tells him that she found out that El Diablo has intimidated Iagho into marrying Natalia and that they need to do something about it. She won't allow Natalia to marry him under these conditions. He reminds her that she will need proof or Natalia will end up hating her. She comes down the stairs at the word “proof” and Amanda covers it up by claiming a tenant problem. Natalia swallows that lie and says she's off to check up on the wedding invitations. She goes off in her overly peppy manner, leaving Osvaldo to warn Amanda once again to be careful because she doesn't want to lose Natalia.

El Diablo's Lair:   He is eating breakfast as Augustina enters with her suitcases. Although she is blind to it, it is obvious to the Flies on the Wall that he suspects her motives for this. She talks about having an argument with Camila over her accusations and how she would have come sooner but for having to have time to pack. She says it wasn't easy but she loves him too much; he comments she has put that above her maternal feelings for Camila. As she says she knows he is innocent of these accusations he flashes back to overhearing her on the phone about his driver's license. She goes on about how soon Camila and Daniel will see that they are wrong and apologise. She loves him very much. He thinks about how he's going to watch her carefylly and he isn't going to fall into her cage and tells her that her place is here with him. His facial expression tells his true feelings, but she does not see it.


More pain, more danger, and confrontations.


Why the hell does this thing change the fonts in mid-entry? I hate how it makes my work look slipshod.

Per yesterday's comments on Iagho's "career" in the bullring: The training for this begins in youth (at 10 or 11) and the typical novillero makes his alternativa at the age of 18, killing a 3-year-old bull. This was covered in Barrera de Amor.

Great job Urban! This episode flew by. Wonderful scene between Cam and Gussy. I would feel so much better about this, if we didn't know that Dio was already on to her. Gussy in going to be in big trouble. Camila made a point of telling Gussy to erase any calls or messages from her (Camila) from her cell phone, so I wonder if Dio is going to find some important info from the good guys that way. In any case, a very tense situation. Camila is going to be worried sick as long as her mom is living with Dio.

And poor Pablo. The boy has the patience of a saint. Luzma ran through ten different emotions in the space of one minute-- fear, sadness, anger, amorous (he was resisting kissing her and she insisted), frustration, confusion, despair. I like his solution of them going back to novio status-- no sex, spending time together, going out on dates. It takes the pressure off.

Miriam used the same word to describe Mariano as he used to describe her the first time they met-- enchanting (un/a encanto/a). She really was smiling from ear to ear thinking back on her day with him and Ana.

But the best suprise of all...friends with benefits Teresa and Dante. They need to keep going with that, and forget M&M.

I was also glad to see Vivi and Rafa being happy. Notice that Vivi did not agree to having Roman stay with them right away, and wanted to speak with Rafa about it first. Before, she would have just jumped in and said yes, without even thinking Rafa would disagree. And Rafa agreed to have Roman stay, knowing it would please Vivi. They were both bending to please the other person. This is good.


Camila tasked Hipolito with being Luzma's personal bodyguard. He is to take her into town for school, church, etc.

And Elueterio already shared the news of Isa and Dio's plans to take over BV. He told Dan, who told Cam, who told Mariano, who tried to warn his father about Isa. But the old goat won't listen. So there really isn't anything more they can do with that info.

Thank you so much for the fast recap UA! Monday viewing is so great knowing that there is a recap available to answer all of my questions. Thank you again!!!

I thought that Dan's expression when MM was talking about Mariano was more like "hmmmm, interesting ... unexpected ... a little strange? But interesting." I didn't think that he looked displeased, just a bit surprised.

So, Dante and Teresa got together after all. I too see something more ... they just aren't sure if they're ready to go there yet ... even though they already went *there!*

"I thought that Dan's expression when MM was talking about Mariano was more like "hmmmm, interesting ... unexpected ... a little strange? But interesting." I didn't think that he looked displeased, just a bit surprised."

netgirl- That was my reading of his reaction too.


Thanks UA for the recap. I wish I could help with your font problem. Are you printing in a word processing program with no codes?

While I appreciate Gussy's desire to correct her errors, being a spy is not the solution. She's not slick enough to be sneaking, he's evil and I'm concerned.

Yes Vivi Pablo is a saint and ITA w/Nanette that I want an age appropriate Pablo of my very own. And I'm happy they are away from NG.

Loved the surprise of Dante and Teresa. I think she can be persuaded to be more than friends with Dante. He was so cute and flirty with her I don't know what she's waiting for.

Netgirl & Vivi - ITA w/you both about Dan's reaction to Mariano. I think he's happy Mariano is with Miriam and NOT Cam.

That was not my take on Dan's expression. I thought it was a negative look. I thought to myself at that moment that you can't have both of the women.

Nice contrast by the writers. We watch Pablo and Luzma not able to "get it on" and deciding to quit pushing sex to two who have been friends in bed. It was such a quick switch that I thought I fell asleep and missed something.


Can someone explain how Dio's pension scheme works? Is it a Ponzi scheme? And, how will it save Isa and Dio?

Yea Gussie! Vaya con Dios!

Gobluefan- It's not a Ponzi scheme, in that none of the investors are getting any payout. It's simply a scam. Their money is going straight from them to Dio's pocket, and they never see any of it again. From the beginning Dio and Isa have mentioned that pulling Gussy into this gives them a secret weapon in the war to get MQ-- or an ace up their sleeve, as Dio described it last night. They have never spelled out how exactly they will use this, but I can only guess that they will use the threat of having Gussy thrown in jail for fraud as a way to pressure Camila to hand over MQ. If they police investigate, everything will look like it was perpetrated by Gussy. Dio and Isa have made sure to keep their hands clean (or appear to be clean).

Thanks, Vivi. I have trouble sometimes with Sylvia because she talks faster than many of the other actors on this network. Add unfamiliar vocabulary to it and I sometimes get lost.

Augustina is not spy material. She can't hide her feelings very effectively and she's not intelligent enough.

I'm sure everyone saw the sparks between Dante and Teresa when she went down to Chile, so their hookup isn't that much of a surprise. They have a shared investigation in their history, so that was a chance to bond before this. As a couple they make a lot of sense.

I'm sure that El Diablo will find a way to get Augustina in the slammer so she's out of the way. I am wondering, however, about his and Hissadora's signatures on that one document and whether those can be used against them as evidence.

Great recap, super comments. What a fast-moving episode! I suspect that we have many more to come.

Daniel looks great, not like a man who has been near death. No matter! But he just can't move away from Camila, taking chances at every turn. It's painful to watch. His expression with Miriam is so distant and qualified. Even his reaction to her description of Mariano's enchanting personality -- whether merely interested or annoyed -- is finally about Camila.

Pablo - what a beautiful young man. Let's hope that romance does the trick and that the removal of Dio from the scene gives this them a chance to live normally. I fear there will be one more threat against Luzma's safety. Something about the decision to be out and about more seemed to foreshadow more trouble.

OT (a little anyway): I had so looked forward to the FC (Porque . . .), knowing the Osorio brand and choosing to ignore how broad and silly it would seem. Watching at the same time as AB makes it seem especially so. I will soldier on but I sure hate to see this end and will savor every last episode.

Thanks UA, loved your comments with this one.

I interpreted the look Dan gave Miriam when she was talking about the day she spent with Mariano and Ana as that he was happy that she had a good time and enjoyed herself. She hasn't been doing either since she's arrived, and he's glad that she seemed her old self.

I agree with everyone. Aggie has no poker face and she will never make it out alive.

All we need is for our boys to remember that the dogs were barking up a storm the night before the outbreak. I bet they will remember when they start talking about when the outbreak occurred.

I was surprised by Dante and Teresa, but not really. I pictured them together when they met in Chile. I'm glad that they succumbed to temptation.

I wondered the same thing as you UA about the visiting hours at the jail and his 'disguise'. We didn't see anyone see him go in, so I doubt that will come into play in the future. But now Isa has to kill off Caye as soon as she gets out. I wonder if she has control of BV for only 6 months if she kills him before that time is up, will she still lose control once he's dead? That must be the case because I don't know why she would bother to pressure him to cede it over to her otherwise.

I think that once the investment scam comes to a head, Dion imagines that Cam will make good on all the money that people will be out of by having to sell MQ. She won't want her mama to go to jail.

Traveling Lady, Dan looks good no matter what. Illness can't hide that hunkiness.


Camila will certainly suspect that El Diablo is behind that investment scam. If that doesn't occur to her in the moment because she will be too upset, you can probably count on Daniel or Amanda to think of it.

Unfortunately, since Augustina doesn't have the document "witnessed" by El Diablo and Hissadora, there is no concrete proof of his involvement.

UA, I have no doubt that Aggie will tell them that Dion is behind it. Dion may not care because she has no actual proof of his involvement, so he won't be liable for the fallout. But he would care that Camila knows that he's behind it, so I'm not sure how he plans to play this out.

Camila knows about her mother's involvement in some kind of business that Dionisio has set up for her. Remember their wedding trip to Vegas was about "certification" to work in this scam business.

It's going to be tough to protect Agustina in this situation, without proving some general patterns of deceit and violence on Dio's part. We know that LM is not in financial shape to pay back the investors or keep LM out of Dio's hands. Who else has the money to save them? Possibly Miriam again?

We forgot to mention that Camila let Dan hug her, really hug her, after they kicked Dio out. Last time she let that happen was when the epidemic first started and she didn't know what the heck was killing all her beloved bulls.

Traveling Lady- You are so right about Dan taking every opportunity to be near Camila. He almost did a happy dance when she said she'd be coming with him to the police station; and any time she expressed a desire to care for him he'd get that dopey grin on his face. He gets all upset and frowny every time she says "I" will do/take care of something (alone), and not "we".

But he can't have it both ways. He can't keep playing superhero with Camila, when he's supposed to be picking back up his old (boring) life with CHILE.


Thanks UA. I read this last night but had to go straight to bed. Early morning today, but I'm sneaking a minute here to comment. So much going on. I just hope we get the gratification we're all expecting as this denouement unfolds. So far so good. Thanks for your delicious reportage.

I guess my favorite moment was when Roman (the screamer) reached under Rafa's pillow to get out his pajama shirt. That whole scene was so endearing I just melted (and I can't really stand the kid). Roman, instead of being needy was so generous with his take charge attitude putting Rafa to bed with a story. Nice little parenting role reversal; might make Rafa think twice. I hope this story line resolves soon, because I find it a bit of a snooze with all the real drama going on.

And Gobluefan: I think Vivi's spot on about the scheme. The only paperwork I've noticed have been checks written by the gullible investors (made out to whom, I wonder) that Aggie has handed straight to elDiablo. Do these people even get statements or receipts of any kind? Aggie doesn't seem to be enough of a businesswoman to manage the bookkeeping by herself. Or are we merely to assume a bunch of behind-the-scenes transaction stuff that they just aren't showing us. —Aggie laOtra

Vivi:"But he can't have it both ways. He can't keep playing superhero with Camila, when he's supposed to be picking back up his old (boring) life with CHILE." BINGO



They probably make them out to what will turn out to be a dummy corporation. El Diablo would be smart enough to do that. Bank account would be offshore, I guess.

I also think we have yet to see his full evil. It's interesting that we have already seen the extent of Hissadora's.

Thank you so much, UA. I really like your writing style. :))

Well...I'm sad that this is going to end. I haven't been with this story long or with this group very long, but I am really, really going to miss this story and ESPECIALLY this group.

None of the other stories currently running interest me. The new one with the handsome guy (Colunga, who is almost too pretty if I might say so) may or may not catch my interest. So, I am really going to be at a loss when this ends.

If the writers/producers of these stories are so hooked on remakes of old stories, why don't they stop to consider sequels? I think AB would be perfect for a sequel. CME would have been good, too.

Sequel...I want a sequel.

Gosh darn it...I'm just plain ole sad today. :((


Fatima, I haven't been too successful with watching the comedy ones. I gave up on all the previous ones after a while for different reasons and I guess one of them was vocabulary problems. Since I've been watching FC for a long time I will work at staying with this one.

I'm sad that AB is ending soon, too. However, if these went on forever they would be like US soaps, which are a dying genre. At least the replacement series (starting on 4/15) will have Jorge Salinas and Pablo Montero. I love both of them.

That start date means that we are very unlikely to have cuts in the last episodes of AB.

Fatima, you may be pleasantly surprised how much fun it is to read the recaps even if you don't care to watch the show itself. I never watched Por Ella Soy Eva, but I would read a recap now and then while waiting for "my" recap to post, and between that and the commercials I actually got a lot of enjoyment out of it. I read the first recap of the new show and I know I'll probably do the same there as I did with Eva. I had never really thought about it until you mentioned it in a past comment, but the courtesy, cleanliness and gosh-darn fun on this blog IS something really special. I have never participated in one before Caray, and I hadn't figured out it was because of how mean so many seem and the foul language used on sites like Youtube where I would see people commenting. This site is so different that I didn't even equate it in my mind with other sites where people can comment! Now that I know it's a public blog like any other, I really respect that we all by common accord choose such a high level of decency. Brava, brava! So I think 'no need to be sad' even though your preferred novela is ending.

Thank you recappers.


UA, you're wouldn't work to have a story never end. You know how it goes, though. It's like a good hates to say goodbye to the characters. I love the actress Silvia Navarro. There is something about her that is just so admirable.

Will you be recapping for the next one with Jorge Salinas? I couldn't watch his last story because it seemed too depressing for me, but what I saw of his acting, I liked very much. I hope you recap that story.

TN4ever, your words have cheered me up! Thank you! Like you, I am still amazed that this online group can be so kind and generous. What a gift to so many. :))



Unless the rules have changed I will be signing on for the next one. I adore Jorge Salinas, Pablo Montero, and ranchera music. Mejia is weak on scripts a lot of the time and too heavy-handed with the comic relief but his series always have good music.

I'm rewatching AMF in the mornings on UniMas and the music in that one is truly excellent. Do not ever buy the DVD to that series because (in addition to having too much story missing) it has none of the original music. The leitmotifs used for the villain characters are particularly good and it has songs from Pablo's 2nd or 3rd CD. It's currently at episode 90, but you can find the series out there.

I'm SO glad to hear you will be recapping Mr. Salinas' new story, UA!!

I hope the rest of the wonderful recappers on AB will be there, too. What a team!

You are ALL so very, very talented. Please know that your work is so very much appreciated!!



Thanks, Fatima. We appreciate that you enjoy our work.

UA - Thanks for the fine recap. I had forgotten that Eleuterio overheard something that he needed to tell Daniel too.

Well, it's very independent-minded of Camila to tell the man she loves that he can leave for Chile with his family, but she knows full well she needs Daniel's help with Dionisio. She can’t take Dio down alone, especially with Gussie as her ace spy. Incredible that Gussie doesn’t feel the chill in the air coming from Dio.

So glad Teresa and Dante are on. Since they likely weren’t bothered with birth control in their fog, maybe Teresa's bio-clock worries are over too.

Tks UA,

Dio paid off someone to get into la carcel after hours.

Pablo is the perfect man, how did that happen?

Bet Teresa gets pregnant, that is what she wants. What better sperm donor could she have? I think that will lead to marriage.

Aggie is way too nervous to play spy & Dio being suspicious, she is in big trouble.

Going to go ck Dan expression when MM was talking about Mar.

Never thought I would like Mex comedies either, but I enjoyed Familia, Soy Eva even more, so hope Porque el amor lives up to my expectations.

Camila's campaign to get Daniel back to Chile is all about removing her own pain about the situation and recovering her autonomy. If he isn't there she can better avoid thinking about him. She won't feel that terrible void at the sight of him, won't starve for contact with him.


The problem is that while she is intelligent enough to deal with El Diablo in normal situations, she still hasn't quite swallowed the idea that he's obsessed with her. She cringed when he hugged her on her wedding day, but this is not top of mind right now. That he married her mother to get onto the property and above suspicion she now knows; that she herself was any part of the motive is too sickening, too perverted for her to want to go there in her head.

That is to his advantage right now.

What is also worrying me is that when any of this crap hits the fans how is anyone going to protect Natalia, who is delusional about him?

Teresa perhaps pregnant?

TL: I’m having a bit of a problem with the tone switch between PEAM and AB, too.

Flaco says there’s a law in Mexico that states a parent cannot give away or sell property without their children’s consent.

UA: “That start date means that we are very unlikely to have cuts in the last episodes of AB.”---thought the same thing as I heaved a sigh of relief. Wasn’t sure since some scenes lately seemed kind of jarring: the roof collapse, Dante and Teresa in bed. Maybe just an editing problem.


UA, about Natalia, all she has to see is evidence that her mother and Dion were really married for her to be disillusioned about him. Dion insisted that her mother was making it up and that Amanda lied to her.

Nanette said: 'Flaco says there’s a law in Mexico that states a parent cannot give away or sell property without their children’s consent.'
Well, isn't that interesting on many levels. I wonder if this will be true in this TN? They haven't mentioned it yet. But on a real life level, that seems like a crazy law to me. Children shouldn't be able to have such power over what their parents own.


First, let me say that I'm also grateful for the work that the recappers do. I read the Spanish subtitles without pausing to look up words, and the recaps help me pick up on anything I missed. (For some reason, when I pause my recording, the subtitles go away.)

And I've learned so much about Mexican culture (and other things) from the commenters.

UA--You continuously give us our Tuesday morning fix for all the going on the night before. There weren't too many opportunities to snark, so I love your little asides. This is the one I liked the best: [Lo siento, Augustina; no eres Senora Emma Peel.]

This tn is getting even more serious and complicated as it nears the end. I almost dread the next few episodes as much as the earlier DanCam separation. Thank goodness (for me) there are those teensy moments of connection, as in last night's hug. I fantasized about a kiss, but I don't think Camila would have let that happen.

Fatima--FC has been a hero of ours through several tns. This is the first where he is supposed to be age appropriate and in a comedy. I didn't see much comedy last night, except for Ury's accent and trapping him on the bridge and the suitcase opens and all the money comes out. The rest is standard tn script, probably taken out of the file cabinet (women as playthings and lots of unregulated sex).

...and, so sorry you missed Jorge as Rogelio. Which, BTW, I'm annoyed that the main baddie in PEAM is going to be Rogelio--I wanted that name enshrined and "retired" for ever.

Gussy and the retirement-insurance fund. Yep, that is what is going to get Camila in the end. Everyone's speculations are right on. Her mother is her weak spot. She's losing Daniel, she's lost Ximena, FX is not a part of their lives, Luis is gone, Al is gone, Mariano is a "net-zero-capta," Big Don Dan is gone. Gussy is the only living relative outside of Pablo. With him, too much time has gone by for her to feel he is in the same league, especially since he is an Albarran in name, but she has accepted him and Luzma and will care for them.

Dio will have to bring out the big guns if he wants Camila. Enticement isn't going to work and I think Hissy will keep making it clear to him that he just doesn't have enough of "it" for Camila.

His "threat" to Camila is all he has left. He hasn't been able to separate her from Daniel, he hasn't been able to get her to sell him the ranch. He has to get rid of Gussy to make his last ditch effort to get Camila. I don't think he cares about getting LMQ anymore, as long as Hissy can get ahold of BV.

I had to LOL, but really ROFL when I saw Dio in his disguise. He didn't even opt for a wig or shades.


Tn4evr & Fatima--Aye, aye and ditto your remarks about this blog. This is the first blog I was ever exposed to. I thought they were all like this. Then I started reading some of the comments on news blogs and YouTube and realized what a treasure we have here.

Que bonito amor starts Apr 15, so we have about 4 1/2 wks to go.

The only way Dion will be able to get Camila is by force. She's clearly on to his dastardly deeds, even if he thinks that he can convince her that she's mistaken about him, it would be difficult to turn ones opinion around and actually have them fall in love at this point. (But I think he is psycho enough to think he could do it). I'm not sure if he thinks that she could actually fall for a man who was previously married to her mother. (that's just gross on so many levels). So all he has left is to force her to be beholden to him and perhaps he thinks she will eventually come around to him. (think Stockholm syndrome)

Thanks for the recap, UA!

I'm relieved to know that even Dionisio doesn't think Agustina's retirement funds mess is enough to get him the Malquerida. (I pictured him telling Camila to either give him the ranch or see her mother go to prison.) I'm tired of seeing the ranch in jeopardy.

And I'm enjoying Agustina. I thought she would come around and she has--and the character is portrayed so very well. But I am seriously afraid she will be the last casualty among the good guys. (There has to be at least one in the final weeks, right?) I was hoping that she and Camila would work out some kind of safe word she could use to signal Camila that she was in trouble.

I was wondering how they were going to resolve the Vivi-Rafa-Roman business, and what the point of Rafa being temporarily blinded was, but they seem to be tying it up neatly. (As Aaron says, "Todo pasa por algo"--in a TN that's an iron law.) It's a cliche and it's maybe too neat, but the actors make it believable. The adult actors, that is. If I were unable to see and that child with the irritatingly monotonic high-pitched voice was talking at me and then reading to me... Sounds like a nightmare.

Teresa seems much more likeable and (believable) as a woman finding herself in bed with a good friend than as a rather cardboard harpy obsessing over an ex-boyfriend.

Christian de la Fuente may not have that exceptional ability to create an original and fascinating character that Silvia Navarro possesses. But what he has (together with perfectly adequate acting skills and a beautiful face and body) is the ability to play "in love" very, very well. Okay, he also plays doting father very well. Okay, the other day I said he plays happiness very well. He definitely possesses a solid skill-set in certain areas. (Such as filling out a charro suit. Or not.)

Nanette, I agree with you about the abruptness in switching scenes. But it was to good effect. The sight of Dante and Teresa waking up in bed together made me laugh out loud. And I appreciate not having to watch a longer scene at the orphanage.

With the Dante-Teresa scene, the beginning of a Rafa-Roman bonding, and Pablo's plan for helping Luzma heal, the writers aren't saving up all the loose ends for the denouement.

El Diablo realizes that his victims are too smart for him to be able to take over La Malquerida. His only chance now to get a property to hand over to Estevez is La Buenaventura, and that will depend on Hissadora getting legal possession of it before anyone realizes she is poisoning Cayetano to do that.

Where are those cell phone records?

We probably need to hold our stomachs through the last two or three weeks when El Diablo makes his predatory move on Camila. I'm predicting that this will be as uglier than anything short of a narotrafficante story.

Thanks UA, great job as usual.

After watching Rafa, Vivi, Aarón and Román last night, I'm officially changing my position...Vivi, Rafa, and Román will end up together...thanks to faulty construction.

As well-disguised as Dionysio was, he should have taken the opportunity to knock over a convenience store.



UtahDesert- I agree that CdlF is doing a way better job in this tn than I thought he would, based on past things I've seen him in. ITA that he plays being in love and doting papa very well. The papa thing I think comes from his real life role as doting papa to a his only child daughter. And I just think it's really easy for SN's galans to play being in love with her. I think she does a good job of building intimacy and a high comfort level with her co-stars which translates on through the screen.

But really, the whole cast has done well with their characters. I really feel the love between the MQ staff, and Rafa-Vivi-Aaron are a wonderful trio and great amigos. Plus Amanda, Osvaldo, Mariano, and Pablo. I've really enjoyed seeing how they all support and care for each other.

"As well-disguised as Dionysio was, he should have taken the opportunity to knock over a convenience store."

Carlos- LOL! Dio probably thinks no one would dare think he'd even be seen dead wearing an old man's Members Only jacket and golf cap. If he keeps his face down, they'd probably all swear it was that viejo Cayetano visiting his wife. They do have a similar paunch...

Glad you came around on Vivi-Rafa-Roman.


I think Silvia Navarro being so good, brings out the best in all the other actors.
She needs to be on the big screen.

And of course Cesar is no slouch either, as well as Olivia & Rene.

Variopinta- Yes, our vets, Olivia (Gussy), Cesar (Dio), and Leticia (Isa) are amazing actors. I am sure the whole cast is learning lots from them.

Thanks for the recap, UA.

I thought it very interesting how Daniel wanted to lie to Augustina and Miriam about Dio’s culpability. His fallback plan ALWAYS seems to be lying. Camila wanted to tell the truth to Gussie, and she did, over Dan’s objections. She seemed neutral about Dan lying to Miriam, which was an optional lie, merely one of convenience. It was not meant to protect her health, but solely because if she knew the truth, she would want to go back to Chile before Dan does. Miriam would demand her own safety over Camila's is what seemed to be the problem, but why couldn't Miriam go back on her own? I realize that looking at the guy is quite enjoyable, but I do not find dishonesty appealing in a man. That is the behavior of a coward. A person with integrity would tell the truth and face the consequences.

Loved the surprise of seeing Dante and Teresa wake up together. Loved their laughing it off. I like these two and I like them together. UTD, you nailed it: “Teresa seems much more likeable and (believable) as a woman finding herself in bed with a good friend than as a rather cardboard harpy obsessing over an ex-boyfriend.”

Fatima, I would love to see a sequel of AB, too. What a great idea. I think they could do a sequel of standard TN length, and that is not anything like the American soaps going on for decades.

UA, Dio’s visit to Isa was in the middle of the night and he had Omar 'make arrangements' last episode to get in then. He didn’t want to be seen associating with her, so he couldn’t go during regular visiting hours. But that disguise? Why even bother?

Nanette, just to ease your mind, the episodes that are available online and that are the same as the originals aired last fall in Mexico, have been exactly the same. Nothing has been cut. The only difference is that they have been using the ‘Ultimas Semanas’ and they have longer and better advances.

Regarding Cristian de la Fuente:
I’ll admit that I haven’t paid a lot of attention to what is coming up for TNs, so I apologize if this has already been discussed. It looks like CdlF will be in another Carlos Moreno production, but no details yet:

Carolina, Dan didn't want to lie to Gussie; he was worried that she will not want to hear the new bad stuff that Dio was doing and would want to defend him as usual. However, regarding Miriam yes and both he and Cam agreed on that. Give my boy a break -- he's doing the best that he can based on the shit storm he's been going through.


Myo, OMG, he is the middle of a shit storm, isn't he? I just checked the transcript and it looks like you are right. :) Dan had concerns about how Gussie would react, but didn't actually suggest lying to her. To me, he seemed to be hinting it, but that is subjective. After some discussion, he said:

"Yes, I think everybody has to know the truth, with the exception of miriam, because if she hears about dionisio she won't want to be close to him and she'll want to move back to chile and I won't be able to go with her."

Not telling Miriam so she would go back to Chile has to do with her safety. They know that Dion is dangerous and he could be pushed to do anything. I think that's a good plan too.
if Miriam knew about Dion, she would want Dan to go back and/or stay with him.

Miriam is not likely to be any safer in Chile, especially without Daniel near her. El Diablo could just as easily send another hired killer there... or someone to kidnap the baby. I'm surprised the writers didn't have Daniel say anything about that possibility.

Quoting Vivi in DC: "And I just think it's really easy for SN's galans to play being in love with her. I think she does a good job of building intimacy and a high comfort level with her co-stars which translates on through the screen."

I think you've got it. She really is extraordinary.

And I also agree about the good feelings among the good guys. This show makes likeable people caring for and supporting each other both believable and fun to watch.

cathyx, Liars always justify their lies. It doesn't mean there is no other solution. Quite likely there is a better one. I was brought up to believe that lying creates more problems than it ever solves. The first problem is just the act of telling the lie to start with. Honest people will avoid doing that. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when it is difficult. Find a way to be honest, even if it is not the easiest option. Life has shown me that people either have integrity or they don't.

Dan has chosen to lie again and again. Sure, he may have some lame excuse for each incident, but his dishonesty is a pattern, and to me it is indefensible. YMMV, but I sure pity the poor woman who would marry or even date a guy who acts like Dan.

In my mention of super actors, how could I forget Leticia Calderon, next to Silvia, my favorite.

I will really be angry if this TN doesn't walk away with all the premios

I completely agree, Variopinta. All the performances in this are stellar.

Carolina: Thank you for easing my mind re: the eps left to be shown.

I was going to comment to you anyway about Dan. I never cared for him, so I'm a bit prejudiced, but I'm beginning to agree with you about the lying fallback he seems to have a tendency to do.

The Trifecta for me: SN, FC and Lu. And if I had to choose whose TN I'd watch of the three, it would be SN's. I sacrificed Lu's last and would have sacrificed FN's if his hadn't started so near the end of AB.

I give Dan a pass. Poor man was marked for killing, but Miriam took the hit. He was locked up w/o a trial.
He was told his wife & child were dead.
He went through all kinds of hazards to get to Mex.
He doesn't know if Camila is involved in the murder.
Give the poor guy a break. Besides he is muy guapo.

Variopinta, I would add to that that he had to present himself as a different person (lie) to learn what situation he was in in Mexico. I don't blame him for lying. He needed to protect himself because he didn't know who he could trust. How could he have done that as Daniel Diaz Acosta and kept his life? As he became more aware of the situation, and who could be trusted and who could not be trusted, he knew the stakes were high. They tried to kill him and actually killed many others. If that doesn't call for lying about certain situations in order to keep people safe or keep others from knowing the game plan. I dare you to tell me that you would somehow find a way to stay honest with Dionisio, Alonso, Leoncio, and Isadora and still be alive to ultimately put them in jail.

Right, & sense then he's been shot, infected with a deadly virus. Pobrecito, doesn't deserve criticism.

Cathyx, agreed and I wouldn't call Dan dishonest; I think what he did and is doing can be qualified as self preservation


Cathyx, Variopinta and Myo: now I feel really bad for what I said about Dan. I see Carolina's point, I see you all's point. I'm torn. Torn, I say.

Shame, Shame Nanette. I know, lying is NG but necessary.

If Dan came to Mexico, announced who he was, because he didn't want to lie, he wants to keep his integrity intact, Dion and Alonso turn him in to the authorities in Chile and he goes back to prison until Miriam wakes up to say that it wasn't Dan who shot her. By then, MQ would be a tourist destination.

Thanks, UA, for another excellent recap. I'm very glad to hear that you're planning to sign on for the upcoming Jorge Salinas TN. I hope the rest of the superb group of AB recappers join you. I wish Salinas' new TN were on at 9 rather than 10, but....

I enjoyed your asides about the supposedly disguised Dio visiting Hissa in jail, as well as your remark about the "L-shaped sheet especially designed for television." And I loved your remark about Agustina not being Emma Peel. Indeed, if she were, Dio would undoubtedly be lusting after her even more hotly than he is after Camila.

I confess that I've got rather mixed feelings about Rafa's change of heart about Roman. I can't imagine having to hear that child's non-stop high-pitched squeal, oops, I mean voice, day after day and night after night, which would be the case if Rafa and Vivi adopted him.
Of course, if Roman is already 11, perhaps they'll have to endure the voice for only two or three more years until puberty sets in. Ojalá.

Juanita, Roman reminded me in this episode of the boy in La Que No Podia Amar who shouted everything he said. I haven't noticed him shouting before last night though. I think it's that stage voice coming through.

Roman needs to be reminded to use his inside voice.

Thank you, UA, for another beautiful well written!

I agree that Roman's voice is irritating, but I feel for the character. He was sweet with Rafa. I hope it works out for them.

I have faith that Agustina will surpass our expectations in her pursuit to bring the real Dio to light. It will cost her, I'm afraid, but she loves her daughter, and she truly seemed sorry for all that she's said about Daniel.

I am not the first person to say that honesty is the best policy and surely I am not the only person whose parents tried to teach not to lie. I have to say that I am a bit surprised to find so many adherents of lying here, but ok. I appreciate Variopinta’s humor that is hiding a truth; Daniel is good looking enough to blind women into overlooking his flaws. And he has had a bunch of things happen to him that suck. Cry me a river. But c’mon, ladies. We are smarter than that. People either have integrity or they do not. Dan does not.

I do believe that it is possible to have a reason to lie. I am not such a moralist to say that one could never justify a lie. However, I don’t see Daniel coming to Mexico to be such a case. He came there willingly, with the stated purpose to extract vengeance on Camila and those he thought had wronged him. He had do lie to protect himself on this mission, that is true, but the whole stinking mission was not the right thing to do. He even knew that and admitted as much to Padre B, if you recall. If he had gone elsewhere to find a new life and live in peace and not harm anyone, he would not have had to lie like did. The lying was his choice.

However, it wasn’t the first set of lies, those associated with being Andres, that was the problem with Dan. It was the pattern that emerged over the course of this story, and especially the unnecessary lies. Just ask Camila if that was a problem. This most recent lie he told to Miriam is only one of many that he could have avoided. And before this shinding is over, I’m betting that we will all be able to see what Miriam thinks about being lied to, as well.

The point is, he does not seem to want to avoid telling lies. He lies easily, without thinking, as the first solution that comes to mind. For anyone who values integrity and honesty, that is a problem. As for me, I steer clear of people like that as soon as I can. If they lie to others, sooner or later, they will lie to you. That’s guaranteed.


I agree that Daniel lies much more than necessary, and I think his choice of Camila over Miriam shows his lack of integrity. I know he is reluctantly staying with Miriam, but I think it is mostly Camila's doing because Daniel was too weak to make a choice. He is able to coast on his extraordinary looks. I love the show, but Daniel is a bit weak as a hero -- but telenovela heroes often are weak in that way. The heroine is usually the strongest one.

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