Tuesday, March 05, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #81 Tue 3/5/13 You're So Pretty When You Cry, and other nonsense
(I can't believe Leo actually said that!)
A quick recap, which may or may not be fleshed out later with more screencaps. My video capture is processing and will take a long time to finish. In the meantime, here is an overview with preview screencap:
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Nikki can't take the stress anymore! |
OVERVIEW OF EVENTS MAY NOT BE LISTED IN ORDER: (I'm just typing from memory)
* Leo is completely off the rails crazy. Bea's still being kept hostage in the car mechanic's garage. He has gagged Beatriz with duct tape. When he removes the tape (harshly—she cries in pain) and she tries to cry for help, it's back to duct tape for her. Tears stream down her face and onto the duct tape. Poor Beatriz!
* Roy the Boy is feigning love for Nikki while hitting on some chicks at the tennis court. Viewerville is given many, many hints that this guy is no good.
* Nikki continues to torment Guzmancito, of course with the belief that he's a gold digger. One of her tactics is to make sure that her piano teacher, Paula (aka Guzman's hated mother) comes to give lessons every day! Guzman's jaw clenches but he says nothing.
* Nikki's belief in Guzman's bad character reinforced in her mind when she finds the payment plan paperwork that Guzman made for Victoria to pay back Guzman Gambling Dad (Felipe) debt. What Viewerville knows is simply Guzman trying to be a standup guy and pay back Victoria ASAP, Nikki sees as "evidence" that he's a scam artist. She cries, does a whole no puede ser routine, and then calls Kendra-Ho to tell her she was soooo right about Guzman. Kendra says just get the guy fired. But oh no, Nikki is going to make Guzman PAY by keeping him around and torturing him.
* Salsa-Dude suspects something is up. He wonders where Beatriz is. He's told by his godmother that Beatriz went with Leo to the courthouse. Leo picked up Guillo a few hours later.
* Leo is losing grip of reality more and more. He is trying to convince a crying, terrified Beatriz that no one can love her as much as him. Beatriz keeps on asking for Guillo. Leo threatens Bea and says if she doesn't comply, then she'll never see Guillo again.
* Christina is schmoozing with Kendra-Ho as Kendra is lounging around doing useless model things. They have a conversation where Kendra-Ho pumps info from Christina, where she assures Christina that she will be discreet. (Cough! Don't trust her Chris, don't trust her!) First Kendra encourages to try to make Big Angel jealous (I think? I looked away here) which Christina doesn't seem eager to do. Then Christina confides in Kendra-Ho that Lily is head-over-heels in love with Guzmancito, who has been her big hero ever since he saved Lily from their burning house. Kendra-Ho thinks to herself that oh my, Lily was in the house when it was burned! (Kendra-ho was the one who had hired the house to be burned down, if we recall.)
* Adriana is increasingly getting on my nerves. She, Vicki, and Big Angel return to the agency. As soon as she gets out of the elevator she zeros in on Anibal and shows him the rocks found in her baby's coffin and accuses him again of taking away her baby. Anibal looks impactado at this news and also at Vicki's stoic face. (Because now Vicki knows the truth too!) Adriana is in full screech mode when Anibal keels over in a heart attack. Adriana doesn't seem all that concerned about Anibal's state of health, only that he tell her where her daughter is before he expires. (Come on, lady! There's a limit!)
* Leo forces poor Beatriz to write a "goodbye Salsa-Dude" letter, with the assumption that this will get Salsa-Dude off his back. (Oh how little you know Salsa-Dude!) Bea is beyond terrified now. She plays along with Leo's freakiness and pretends to want to get back with him. She asks for "forgiveness." She agrees that they'll all be a family, "just the three of them." Leo is mollified and then says that he needs some "proof." Yeah, you guessed it. He wants to exercise his marital rights. Poor Bea conceals her disgust and fear from him, her eyes go dead, and she submits passively to his assault. (You will BURN IN HELL for this, Leo!)
* A letter has arrived for Salsa-Dude. It's from Bea. It's addressed to "Salsero" (complete with quotes) and talks about "our song" (citing a song that is not their song) and says that she loves Leo and that she and Salsa-Dude are done. Salsa wrinkles his brow with puzzlement. He mentions Bea's letter to Gilda/Hilda, who also wrinkles her brow at the thought that Bea has voluntarily returned to Leo. (I believe he calls Guzman; Guzman knows nothing. He wants desperately to go search for her. He asks for some time off at work, but Nikki tells him in the bitchiest way possible that he can't go.)
* Roy the Boy has arrived and is sucking up to Nikki. She's letting him fawn all over her and is gushing over him, all in earshot of Guzman, who is of course suffering. Tomasina comes to give Nikki her medication. Nikky gestures at Tomasina to not let on that it's for bulimia, just calling it "vitamins." Roy the Boy wants to take Nikki out. Tomasina reminds Nikki she'll have to bring her bodyguard. Roy the Boy gets all huffy and says he can take care of Nikki himself. Guzman is all in Roy the Boy's face. Oh my, Roy is so offended that Guzmancito is so uppity! Guzman doesn't back down, and even calls him a little boy. (Such a contrast between these two, what can I say?)
* Salsa-Dude tells Nelson the Furry Fornicator that he WILL need some time off. The FF wants to balk a bit on that. Salsa-Dude says, whatever, I'm going, fire me if you must. He takes off. (Yay Salsa-Dude!) FF muses to himself that even though Salsa-Dude is being cheeky, that what can he do, since Salsa-Dude knows so many of his secrets?
* Salsa-Dude has connected the dots (how long did it take him? Hopefully not more than 20 seconds) and believes that this letter from Bea is not as it seems. She never calls him "Salsero" and the song thing is made up. He calls Guzman and tells Guzman of his concerns. They are in this together. (I think we are going to have a bonding between these two now.)
* Salsa-Dude also tells Guzman to tell the family that Anibal has had a heart attack. Guzman turns pale and tells the household this. Nikki is beyond shocked. Roy the Boy turns away for a moment and has this fleeting, scheming look on his face. (Alert! Alert! This youngster is up to NO GOOD!) Then he turns back and plasters a "concerned" expression on his face. Nikki is so impactado that she passes out, while within reach of Guzmancito, who is quite willing to let her rest against his shoulder. He and Thomasina exchange concerned looks.
* Gilda/Hilda tells Paula that Anibal has had a heart attack. She is impactada.
* Not much news on Anibal. The doctors say he is very delicate. (Or something. I turned away here too.) Adriana makes a HUGE scene in the hospital waiting room. I'm really getting sick of her. Vicki is trying to calm her down, saying hey look this is OUR FATHER. Adriana doesn't care. She starts to scream to the whole waiting room (Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!) that this man took away my baby! All she cares about is that he reveal where her baby is. Everyone is looking very uncomfortable. Vicki tries to quiet her down. She yells at Vicki, how would you feel if he had hidden Nikki away? Well, Vicki has no answer for that!
AVANCES: It looks like Guzman and Salsa-Dude come to rescue Bea. MUST SEE TV!
Labels: Amores
This was another heavy duty episode and thanks for taking one for the team.
I like Adri. I know she is a bit over the top, okay, okay, alot over the top, but she was so young when her bebe died, her father lied to her about the baby being dead, and was still lying to her all these years later. He also got rid of her boyfriend for parts unknown. If I were in her shoes I would be mad as hell too. Maybe not screeching but I'd find some way to find out the truth. I don't blame her really for being so angry. She could handle herself a bit better though.
Hated the whole Betty and the low ones scenes. He is truly crazy and poor Betty had to submit. I hated that with a passion. I hope tomorrow when Salsero and Guzmi catch up to him they disfigure him at the least and really do a number on him. He has got to go.
I'm glad Salsero figured out the letter was full of clues. Like the name she never calls him (Salsero) the song that wasn't their song, also Gilda knows Betty would never get back with the low one, cause Betty told her.
Nikki doesn't use her common sense, does she have any? What type of gold digger pays back money they owe I ask you? It's the responsible thing to do, which Nikki isn't. Can't wait for her to find out how wrong she is about Guzmi. Her choice in boy toys is getting worse. That Roy is the pits. I don't like him at all and he is after Nikki's money I'm thinking.
Did anyone notice, after Anyballs had his infarto, that when FF was back in his office with Salsero, FF had a it's all mine look on his face? I swear he thinks he is gonna run the place. I really don't think Anyballs would be that dumb to let him run Meta Imagen we'll have to wait and see.
Adriana knows she's in a telenovela and is obligated to overdo the melodrama. But, really, she needs some counseling or therapy. Or both.
I am really disgusted with Nikki right now. Guzman tries to be a good guy and do right. She does not deserve him.
Susana Gonzalez (Bea) did a fantastic job with that eyes-looking-dead when Leo started to exercise those marital rights.
I hope Leo is taken out, and for good. That guy is BSC.
Elvira, terrific screen shots and marvelous title. How could you not love anything that starts with "Leo is completely off the rails crazy". Answer: Impossible.
Really appreciate all of your details: "It's addressed to "Salsero" (complete with quotes) and talks about "our song" (citing a song that is not their song)". With my sub-par language skills, I could not gleen what the letter said but you solved that - gracias.
Francisco, where is your gumption?? I could not believe that you wouldn't leave just because little Nikki "forbid it". Your sister is in mortal danger and you bow your head and walk away? I have to say that the way Salsero and Francisco handled their situations were miles apart. Salsero was leaving - period. Glad though that the two seem to be teeming up tonight for the rescue.
I'm cutting Adriana some slack. Anibal could not have concocted a more nefarious plan. It was beyond evil. Now that Adriana knows her child is alive, He could at least soothe her pain somewhat by admitting what he did and trying to help her. He really is despicable.
Madelaine, no need for me to comment on Roy, you said it perfectly: "Her choice in boy toys is getting worse. That Roy is the pits. I don't like him at all and he is after Nikki's money I'm thinking." What about that strange smile he gave the audience when Nikki was told about Anibal? Ack.
Don't know how Bea was able to think clearly enough to pretend to go along with Leo...I think it was her concern and love for Guillo that is making her survival skills kick in. Please. Let her be rescued before she has to give in to Leo. That would be sickening.
Thanks again Elvira.
I wimped out. I had to change the channel and watched La Patrona instead. I kept switching back during commercials, and each time I threw up my hands in frustration. I saw Guzman meekly give in to Nikky refusing to let him go out. His sister is in DANGER! Screw little miss princess! Gah! Changed the channel.
I saw Salsero read the letter, and although he immediately caught the wrong song and wrong name, it was taking him FOREVER to realize someone must have forced Bea to write it and she was trying to send him a subtle message. Gah! Changed the channel.
And then I saw the heart attack seen, with Adri acting like a crazy woman. OK. I did get some pleasure in seeing Anibal collapse and enjoyed Adri laying into him. :) He deserves it. But for her own emotional well being, Adri needs to take it down a few notches.
I am so glad I did not see the "marital rights" scene. I would have thrown something heavy at my tv.
On the bright side..it's a snow day today!
I liked what you said about wishing Adri had clocked the FF. That would have been great, lol.
Elvira, you are a champ! Thank you for leading us through this gruesome episode. What was the product placement last night? "Duct Tape: The Sadist's Best Friend"?
Though I am normally pro-Adriana, I must agree: "Come on lady! There's a limit."
One chuckle: No need to be coy Roy hits on -- and strikes out with -- two munchkin girls (who left me with El Tal flashbacks.)
I think it is time for the paperbags, especially for the Adri table : ( I'm sure though that we won't have to wear them all the time. I think Adri will come to be calmer later, but right now, since she just found out the truth of her bebe being alive and knowing for sure Anyballs lied to her, has sent her over the edge temporarily.
Adriana. Totally natural that she'd hate Anibal with a passion. But I didn't like when she asked Vickie "what if he had told you Nikki was dead?" Point well made, but I thought that was too harsh since Vickie was already in her camp.
Diana - ITA "Francisco, where is your gumption?" I can't believe he put up with Nikki's nonsense instead of just leaving. Besides, whatever happened to the relief bodyguard Zamboni?
Leo must go down tonight. Two episodes of a woman being tortured are more than enough. We get the point. Enough already. Besides Salsero and Guzman saving the day (I hope!), I want to see Bea get some kicks in too.
Can't stand Roy the Boy, but I love his fluffy hair.
I did exactly the same as you by channel flipping back and forth during the "leo the low" parts. I just couldn't take it. I hope Bea can survive his sadistic, manipulative crap long enough to be rescued by Salsa and Guzman. He is among the "worst" tn antagonist/villans. He has no blood running through his veins, just pure venganza.
On another note, as much as I feel for Adriana, her emotions are beyond being in overdrive. I can only hope that she gets some more information soon, because her hysterionics are getting hard to take.
Thanks Elvira for a wonderful recap. I rely on the recaps when the subject matter is a little too much to take.
I'm going to take up for Nikki a bit (surprise!). I believe that if Guzmi had simply told her that his sister had gone missing that she would have given him permission immediately. She might have even volunteered to go along.
"Ok. Now is it time for the paper bags?"
Paper bags?
But we will be needing one body bag...large.
♫Where oh where has our little dog gone?♫
Here's our monthly, okay, weekly EY update: he won that Mr. Amigo award, and he was singing at the fiesta.
Nicandro Díaz had an interview a few days ago, and he said AV will end on the 12nd of May with a two hours special. This means AV will have 181 (or 182?) episodes. 132 episodes aired in Mexico so far.
For me the show started to get really, really good since the 88th episode. And fortunately nowadays the ratings are very high.
Btw, William Levy's new telenovela (with Mejía) will start next day. Here are the first (paparazzi/fan) photos.
Thanks for the links. Can't decide if EY can sing or not, lol. It was a cute video.
The William Levy new novela La Tempestad, looks interesting.
I wonder where Balzac is too. Now I am starting to worry about him. Someone has to defend Nikki right : )
Thanks as always for your cleverness and the details. I am really naive; I watched the entire episode and did not realize that Leo actually consummated the deed with Bea although he viciously attempted to do so....tho I did see the horrible expression in her eyes.
If this is the case, this opens up another possible pregnancy dilemma if Bea later has a romantic evening with Santino,
and we must all wonder who is the father verdadero?
I have frequently gone out on a limb and proven wrong, so I might as well try it once again.
I thought the name of the song Bea wrote was ["El Principe" - al fin.] I took it as a clue to mean that one must go to the song and find meaning at the end.
There are two songs entitled "El Principe." This one was made famous by José José. At the end of this song it says,
Ya verás que llega un principe
Con un poco de imaginación
Que podría ser yo
The other one by Grupo Limite
offers this:
Who will be the one that goes to take me to fly in that cloud of illusion?
To the world of happiness
It does not matter that it has castles
Less than it kills dragons.
In any case, I may have completely misinterpreted the whole thing, but I took it as a cry for help to Salsero to get Bea out of this ugliness.
Elvira---Adriana is in full screech mode---Yes, that woman could give any man a heart attack but---in all fairness I am not fed up with her screechings at all. This woman has lived for several years with the agony of her dead/lost child and now that the truth is finally comming out we are witnessing several years of pent up emotion. I say give'm Hell Adriana---and maybe you just did.
Madelaine---Nikki doesn't use her common sence, does she have any? Answer---not much.
Niecie in MD---Right Zamboni could have stood in for an afternoon.
Guzman actually calls Roy Toy "a little boy"---that should deflate Roy's bubble a little .
And now Susana Gonzalez---When I saw the earlier parts of this novela, I thought that Ms. Gonzalez
had settled for a small/easier part
after her GREAT work in LQNPA. I guess I was wrong. Although terrible dark scenes in the last two episodes, Susana's brilliant acting has once again risen way past the top of perfection---I say
an Oscar for Susana Gonzalez NOW!!!
the gringo
LOL @ pot lines
the gringo
We do need a Lassie moment don't we ; ) I really wish that would happen. But the avances look great with Guzmi and Salsero going to the rescue. I can't wait for that to happen already!
I am so glad you came out of lurkdom, I've missed you amiga. I like your predictions right or wrong doesn't matter. Thanks for the song lyrics. That song clue she gave Santino should have been a big huge hint for him, which it was once he thought about it. Those lyrics especially they are one big cry for help. Thanks.
So, we're not even halfway through AV? Oy vey! Neta!
Then it's too soon for Leo to disappear.
Floridia: I did not realize Leo had already actually assaulted Bea either. How horrible! And yes, I fear you may be right about a possible pregnancy. As others have commented- its a novela staple and hasn't happened yet. More agony for Bea. Appreciate your insight.
Aribeth, when did Levy grow back his hair? Or maybe is it a wig or an implant??
However he looks much better with longer hair than without, if you watching the pics backward there are some photos of him at a gala with no hair, that doesn't suit him at all
I chuckled as I read the part that said "There's a limit" when Adriana was leaning on Anibal as he was having a heart attack.
"What type of gold digger pays back money they owe I ask you?"
"I am really disgusted with Nikki right now. Guzman tries to be a good guy and do right. She does not deserve him."
Doris I agree that at the moment Nikki doesn't deserve Guzmancito, but I'm sure she will later on once everything comes to the surface and she stops being so naive.
I knew that little girl, I mean boy Roy was up to no good. I like how Guzmancito became very manly to him, though he wasn't manly when Nikki refused to let him leave, especially since Bea is in some serious danger. I would have been out of there, I'm sure Victoria would have understood and let him keep his job regardless of what Nikki said.
I agree I fast forwarded through the Leo and Bea scene, not worth watching, too much for me.
"I'm going to take up for Nikki a bit (surprise!). I believe that if Guzmi had simply told her that his sister had gone missing that she would have given him permission immediately. She might have even volunteered to go along."
I didn't think about that Carlos, I agree.
Team Nikki/Guzmancito
Because of course I am, Siempre! :) :) :)
I was also thinking that
El Principe could have been a street name and that the garage was at the end of the street.
I'm disgusted with both Guzmán and Nikki right now. They are both terrible communicators. She is being a brat, but she really thinks he is just trying to use her. I didn't know why she thought a vividor would pay back money, either. Pretty sure that is against the Vividor Code!
Once again, I had to do some FFing and eye covering during Bea and Leo's scenes. Horrible.
Susana Gonzalez is a fabulous actress. She really captures the psychological trauma on her face that Leo's kind of torture would induce. The physical abuse is bad enough, but the rape attempt or rape consummation is beyond the pale. However, it is to be expected from anyone as sick as he is. I want Salsero and Guzman to fill him full of holes tonight.
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