Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Amor Bravío #159 (Uni 154) Tue 4/2/13 Hell hath no fury as a Kimodo scorned.

Some scenes were adjusted for continuity 

Daniel takes a crack at Dionicio and warns him he’ll kill him before he’ll allow Dionicio to lay a hand on Camila!  He has Omar disarmed for the moment, but before you can say “no puede ser”, two more henchman come out of nowhere and grab Daniel from behind.  Once they have him under control, Dionicio tells him he has no idea what he’s just provoked.  Daniel calls him a coward, saying he uses others to do his dirty deeds.  Dionicio replies that he does whatever he wants and he always gets what he wants.  Daniel assures him he will never be with Camila.  Dionicio disagrees, saying she is what he desires most and she’ll be his whether Daniel likes it or not.  Daniel calls him a dirty pig.  Dionicio:  “You won’t be able to prevent it.  She’ll be mine.  Besides, who are you to complain?  You had the opportunity to keep her forever but you let her go.  Go back to your country with your mujercita and I’ll make Camila very happy!”  Daniel swears this will never happen, this isn’t over yet.  Dionicio:  “Wrong!  This story is over and you’ve just helped me end it!”  Dionicio stands back and allows Omar to beat Daniel to a pulp!

Agustina wants to know why Camila won’t promise (not to give LMQ to Dion).  Camila just says it isn’t necessary because she’s already said they’ll do everything possible to put Dionicio in jail and get Agustina out. Agustina assures her daughter that should their plan not work, she’d rather rot in jail than to see Camila hand over LMQ due to her own stupidity and blindness.  Camila knows everything will turn out alright.  Agustina insists that Camila swear to her she won’t give up LMQ.  She couldln’t live with herself if Camila were to lose LMQ because of her.  Camila then tells her she wouldln’t be able to live with herself if Agustina were to rot in jail because she wouldn’t give up LMQ!  Now they’re both crying.  Camila apologizes, saying Agustina is pressuring her and asking for her promise only makes it worse.  Agustina continues to insist that Camila swear she won’t give up the ranch.  Camila finally gives in and swears, BUT thought bubbles, “Forgive me mamita, and God forgive me but I don’t know if I can keep that promise!” 

Mariano’s Mancave
Oh Gawd!  The fair maid Miriam has arrived, complete with a basket of galletas!  Rocio receives her warmly.  Miriam explains she’s come to say adios!  She’s brought the cookies and the recipe so they can make them after she’s gone.  Rocio is grateful Miriam has made Ana so happy.  Rocio thinks Ana may be seeing her as a second madre.  Gag me!

Dionicio’s Lair
Daniel is lying unconscious on the sidewalk in front of El Diablo’s house.  A Good Samaritan pulls over to help him.  Daniel finally comes through and asks to be taken to Aculco rather than to a hospital in Metepec.

Vivi, Rafa, and Ramon are visiting.  Piedad serves them coffee and explains they haven’t heard anything regarding El Cerdo’s whereabouts.  Ramon shouts his lines, asking permission to go visit Ana.  He wants to see how the construction turned out.  Rafa agrees to take him and Piedad offers to have Rodolfo take him.  Rodolfo’s armed and as dangerous as things are now, it would be better if he took the child.  Ramon thankfully exits, stage left. 

As Rodolfo*sigh* escorts Ramon, Nati meets up with them.  Rodolfo explains Rafa and Vivi are adopting him.  Nati’s happy to hear that, all children should have their mom and dad.  She takes this chance to say her goodbyes to Rodolfo.  She may not see him again and sincerely hopes he’ll meet someone someday that will make him happy.  Rodolfo’s shocked to hear this – doesn’t she plan to live here after she marries Yago?  Nati nervously says yes but wants to say she thinks Rodolfo is a tipazo (oh yeah!) and she wants him to be happy.  Ramon shouts they should leave cuz Ana is waiting.  Rodolfo distractedly agrees.  He’s looking into Nati’s eyes, unable to tear himself away.  He tells Nati it was really great seeing her.  Ramon shouts again and finally succeeds in dragging my Rodolfo away.  Nati’s left with her thoughts as la banda plays on. 

Mariano’s Mancave
Scene opens with Miriam and Mariano sharing a bear hug.  She explains again she’s come by to say her goodbyes.  Ana rushes to soothe a crying Agatha in the other room.  Rocio and Piedad conveniently leave the room to help Ana.  This leaves MirMar alone to talk.  Mar notices she’s a bit sad.  Mir explains she thought she’d be so happy to return to her country but things just aren’t right between Dan and her.  She tells him about the intense discussion they had last  night.  Their relationship has changed immensely.  Neither he nor she are the same as before.  Mariano points out they were separated for a few months, during which a lot happened.  Miriam agrees and feels her future is uncertain.  She doesn’t know what will happen with her life or her marriage when they return to Chile.  She feels something is lost (broken) between her and Daniel and it may never be mended.  Mariano suggests that maybe it can be mended in Chile but Miriam isn’t so sure.  Mariano takes her hand and utters his mantra, “near or far, I’ll always be there for you.  You can count on me and I appreciate your trust in me.”  Miriam doesn’t know why but she feels she can tell him anything without feeling embarrassed.  She doesn’t know why she’s feeling so confused.

Camila has returned from visiting Agustina and meets with Vivi and Rafa.  She explains she’s sworn to her not to hand over LMQ but if they can’t find that briefcase she’ll have no other choice.  Rafa is sure that no matter what, Dionicio will continue to pressure her until he gets his way.  He’s very concerned about this situation.  Camila echoes this sentiment as does Vivi.  Vivi then pleads Daniel’s case, saying he’s feeling excluded.  Camila reminds them they had agreed Daniel should be kept at arm’s length.  They all know how impulsive he is and he could end up causing them a big problem (problemón).  Rafa explains Daniel asked them to intercede in his behalf to ask Camila not to give in to Dionicio.  Camila asks rhetorically if they think she actually wants to.  Vivi asks Camila not to take it the wrong way, everyone wants to help her but don’t know how to go about it.  Rafa understands the one in danger now is Camila and that’s why they will ask Daniel to stay away – for her safety.  Camila is grateful and the friends join in a group hug.

Mariano’s Mancave
Ana, Rocio, and Refugio have finished changing Agatha.  The doorbell rings and Ana assumes it must be Roman.  She’s happy her grandmother isn’t so stuffy about Ramon any more.  Rocio explains Luzma helped her see the error of her ways and now sees that People should be valued for their inner wealth.  Refugio confirms this and says Grandma now just wants to see her family happy.  Ramon arrives and Rocio actually asks him for a hug. 

Amanda’s Hostal
The Good Samaritan walks in dragging Daniel along.  Aaron, Amanda, and Dante rush to Daniel’s side offering to take him to the doctor, which he of course refuses.  He tells the Scoobies Dionicio’s to blame. 

Nati is trying to convince Luzma to attend her bachelorette party, even if Rodolfo has to escort her.  Luzma’s not sure, saying this would raise Dionicio’s suspicions.  Nati’s sure she can explain that Rodolfo is armed due to LeonCerdo’s escape.  Besides, once Rodolfo drops her off, he can leave.  Luzma resists, saying she’s afraid.  Nati reminds her of Camila’s advice not to allow fear to paralyze her.  Nati reminds her that Dionicio’s place is well fortified and LeonCerdo wouldn’t dare come for her there.  Luzma finally agrees and will ask Rodolfo to take her and Dorotea.  They talk of their plan to fake the bachelorette party.  Everything should be as normal.  Nati is grateful for Luzma’s help in this.  Luzma now needs her help in keeping a secret.  She’s figured out a plan to leave without anyone being able to stop her.

Hotel Lobby
Hissadora and Dionicio meet and she immediately notices his fat lip.  She thinks it was LeonCerdo and informs him the Tongueless One has escaped.  Dionicio’s not concerned.  His henchmen would make quick work of him and send him back to jail.  Hissadora’s the one who should be taking precautions.  Nah, she’s not scared of him.  She thinks he’s far away by now.  Dionicio still thinks she should be careful.  She now informs him she is now officially Cayetano’s sole beneficiary.  She is the only heir.  When she is the widow Albarran she will be a very wealthy woman!  Dionicio has his own news.  He’s certain that by Sunday, Camila will hand over LMQ and he’ll have everything…….under control.  Hissadora is surprised Camila hasn’t handed over LMQ yet and shrewdly asks what’s going on?   He tells her not to worry, he’s pushing Camila “to the limit” so she’ll hand it over unconditionally.  Hissadora’s not sure what he means by “taking her to the limit”.  Dionicio: “The important thing is that I understand myself and by Monday we’ll have Buenaventura and LMQ!”   Hissadora responds and raises her glass, “We’ll both have what we’ve both wanted so much.”  Dionicio raises his glass and agrees, “Asi es.”

Dionicio suddenly announces he must leave and Hissadora’s disappointed.  She thought that at the very least they’d be celebrating in one of the hotel rooms.  Well, Dion’s busy – got people to see, places to go,  you know – he’s got a pending matter to attend to.  They’ll see each other at Yago’s wedding on Saturday.  It will be a grand affair.  Hissadora hadn’t thought his daughter’s wedding would have meant so much to him.  Or is there something else to be celebrated?  Dionicio can only laugh his evil laugh – Bwa-ha-ha!  On that day, he plans to seal the deal with Camila.  Hissadora hopes he isn’t about to make a mistake.  Neither of them can afford a mistake now.  He has everything under control and suggests she worry about herself.  He then kisses her goodbye and she turns her face away from him.  He walks away bwa-ha-ha-ing as he goes.  “Imbecil!” she thoughbubbles, “your damned obsession with Camila will be your ruin.  She’s no better than me and isn’t worth putting our plans at risk.”  She gets busy with her phone and calls Esteves, saying she urgently needs to see him.

Amanda’s Hostal
Amanda is applying First Aid to Daniel’s cuts while they and Aaron discuss Dionicio.  Daniel admits it wasn’t wise to confront Dionicio but he was so angry he couldn’t help himself.  Aaron only hopes his actions won’t have consequences.  What was he thinking when they all know Dioniio is always surrounded by his henchmen?  Daniel feels Dionicio must see that Camila still has those that will defend her.  Amanda thinks this only gave Dionicio an excuse to kill him.  Daniel doesn’t think Dionicio would dare kill him now – he can’t afford another death.  Aaron is glad Daniel will be in Chile tomorrow so Dionicio would have to think twice before sending someone to kill him.  Amanda continues to scold him, saying she doesn’t know how he’s going to explain this beating to Miriam. 

Later, we see Aaron on the phone – he’s called Rafa to notify the Scoobies of Daniel’s actions, in case his actions have repercussions.  Rafa can’t believe Daniel confronted Dionicio.  The meeting between Cam and Dion was supposed to be just between the two of them.  Now Dion may think she told Daniel everything.  Rafa gets off the phone and Camila gets in his face and reminds him and Vivi this is exactly what she was worried about.  Daniel is so impulsive that sooner or later, she knew he would cause a problem. Vivi attempts to defend Daniel, saying Camila should consider Daniel only went to speak to Dionicio as a way of standing up for her.  Camila’s not amused, they have no way of knowing how Dionicio will respond.  She pleads with Rafa to please tell Daniel to stay out of this, por favor!?  Rafa promises but assures her Daniel was only trying to defend her. 

Later, Rodolfo*sigh* and Eleuterio escort Dionicio in to see Camila.  He sarcastically asks if she’s armed her men to protect her from him.  She explains LeonCerdo has escaped – yeah he knows.  Well, he wants to speak with her, alone.  That is, unless she’d like to go out to the garden again like they did yesterday.  She dismisses the men and they reluctantly leave.  Dionicio gets right to the point, saying she’s obviously stayed in touch with Daniel despite the fact that he chose his first wife over her.  Dionicio thought his proposition was to be kept between the two of them.  He was obiously mistaken.  Her “knight in shining armor” (principe azul) felt he was within his rights to beat him in order to defend her honor.  She apologizes for Daniel’s action.  Oh, he’s sorry too, and now he’s upping the ante.  Not only will she have to comply with his demands in order to free her mother, she’ll also be saving Daniel’s life!  “Yes Camila, if you want Daniel to continue to live and for me to forgive him for laying a hand on me, I’ll expect you at nightfall this coming Saturday to be mine once and for all!”  Camila: “You are the most detestable…..words fail to define what a disgusting man you really are.”  Dionicio:  “Insult me if you must but you’re in my hands now.  You know I will carry out my promise/threat.  You either agree to sleep with me and hand over LMQ or you will lose the two people you love most.”  Camila can ‘t take any more and physically attacks him, screaming at him to leave!  “Largate!!!  This very moment or I’ll have my muchachos take you out, LARGATE!”  Dionicio manages to hold her at arm’s length and very calmly explains, “You can’t afford for anything to happen to me – who would get your mother out of jail, hmm?  (Skincrawl alert!!) Furthermore, there will be consequences for every aggression from you, or anyone wishing to defend you.  That’s already happened because of Daniel’s actions.”  Camila backs off and calls him a maldito.  Dionicio disagrees.  He’s a winner and that is something quite different.  He’ll see her Saturday night at his home and he expects she’ll be discreet this time.  He finally leaves and Camila looks really scared.

Agustina is with an attorney, signing divorce papers.  The attorney asks if she’s absolutely sure she wants nothing from her husband.  Agustina is very sure.  She wants nothing but to be free of him.  The attorney agrees to serve him with the divorce papers later today.  Augstina just wants Dionicio to leave her and her family in peace.

Hissadora arrives for her appointment with Estevez.  She informs him she is now Señora Albarran.  She explains the reason for her visit and reminds him of their agreement to deliver LMQ and will also deliver Buenaventura to compensate for the delay.  Well, she doesn’t want Dionicio to intervene.  Estevez is surprised and she explains she’s the only one that can deliver Buenaventura so she shouldn’t have to share any of the profits.  He thought they (Hissa/Dion) were in cahoots and would be equally involved.  Yeah, well that was yesterday, she’s changed her mind.  They had signed a contract saying they were the major stakeholders in LMQ but as for Buenaventura – she’s the sole owner.  There’s no reason why she should share the profits with Dionicio or anyone else.  Esteves could really care less.  His only interest now is that both properties be handed over by next week.  She’s cool with that and expects that when they deliver the properties, the documentation for the tourist developments will reflect whats she’s just laid  out.  Estevez again says so long as he has both properties, he could care less about the percentages she and Dionicio work out.  In fact he will give her a document erasing the previous document just so there are no delays when they sign on the dotted line.  Hissadora’s fine with that – oh, one more thing.  Mum’s the word to Dionicio regarding this, ok?  She doesn’t want him to find out until the day of the signing.  He’ll have no choice then but to accept her decision. 

Rodolfo and Eleuterio return and confirm that Dionicio has left the building ranch.  Camila tries unsuccessfully to act as though nothing is wrong but Rodolfo sees right through this. She explains she’s fine and just needs to be alone.  She heads off for her cabaña.  Left alone, Rodolfo and Eleuterio are sure something really heavy happened between her and that mendigo.

Ana and Ramon play with a kite as the fair maid Miriam and Mariano look on.  She compliments him on the great job he’s done raising Ana.  Many other men would have run from that obligation.  Mariano feels it wasn’t difficult at all.  He adores Ana and can’t imagine why anyone would turn away.  There is no better joy in life than one’s child.  Ana and Ramon come up to them and engage them in a game of tag, or in Ana’s words, “Las Traes”.

LMQ Kitchen
The Help discuss Camila.  She won’t tell them with the Desgraciado told her.  Hipolito doesn’t think it will matter.  After tomorrow, they’ll have all the proof they need to get Agustina out of jail.  Eleuterio hopes so, cuz they don’t know how he wishes he could get his hands on Dionicio and teach him a lesson for bothering La Patrona.  Rodolfo tells him he’s not the only one.  There are a few here that would like to get their hands on that desgraciado. 

Vivi and Rafa arrive for Roman and Ana protests, saying she hoped he could stay longer.  Miriam asks for a ride into town and she heads into the house with the kids.  As Vivi and Mariano discuss the adoption, Rafa walks away to call Daniel and tell him they met up with Miriam and they’re taking her home. Daniel confirms he’s still at the Hostal and will go home soon.  Miriam obviously doesn’t know about the beating.  He plans to tell her a slightly different version so as not to harm her delicate condition. 

Camila plays distractedly with Maja as she goes over Dionicio’s disgusting proposition and threat to Daniel’s life.  She can’t believe how low a person can go.  But no, she won’t be his.  As soon as she has those fake passports, she’ll put him in jail.  Daniel will not be in danger and her mother will be free.  “I will put you in jail, Dionicio.”  She realizes she can’t tell anyone about his threats or she’ll be risking their well-being.  She prays to La Virgincita to help her succeed in her plan.

LeonCerdo is in some type of garage/warehouse area and hides when he hears voices.  A couple of men are discussing him, saying they need to keep a watchful eye out for him, saying he’s a good for nothing.  When they leave, he comes out and looks through a toolbox and pulls out a huge knife.  He hides again when he hears a man approaching.  The man puts a few cans and a humongous jug labled “ACID” on top of what looks like an old dresser.  He takes a few of the cans but leaves the jug behind.  LeonCerdo comes out again, thoughtbubbling that he doesn’t care if no one likes him.  They’ll like him even less once he’s finished what he’s about to do.  Especially that mendiga bruja Hissadora!  He sees the jug (may as well be labeled “Acid for Hissadora”) and thinks how much he’d like to have her in front of him now.  “You’ll see how you’ll deeply regret having betrayed me.”  He grabs the jug and heads out. 

Inside, Yago finds Dad slumped on a couch.  He asks about the “doctor’s appt” he supposedly had earlier.  Cayetano is totally out of it but says he didn’t see a doctor but went to an attorney’s office.  He doesn’t remember which one.  He’s tired and wants to take a nap.  Yago finds it odd he would nap at this hour but Cayetano gets up and stumbles away.  Yago remembers Mariano’s suspicions about Hissadora drugging their dad and warning him not to allow her to give him anymore of those teas.  Yago now thinks something is wrong here.  (duh!) 

Outside, Hissaddora is walking the grounds and swears she won’t give one centimeter of this land to Dionicio.  She got this place on  her own.  Being with old man Cayetano has been quite the sacrifice.  While she was getting control over Cayetano’s mind, all Dionicio could think about was possessing Camila when he has her!  She doesn’t understand how he can prefer Camila when she (Hissadora) is much more of a woman.  This will be very costly for Dionicio and he will regret having spurned her.  She’s been talking aloud, assuming she’s alone.  But when the camera pans out, LeonCerdo is standing below the landing holding his knife and has heard everything she just said, one assumes.  Since he can’t speak, he thoughbubbles, “You’re already dead Hissadora, You’re already dead!”

Avances –
                Camila tearfully says goodbye to Daniel – for-e-ver!
                Daniel responds he’ll always be there for her
                Miriam hears this and accuses him of lying to her
                Luzma sees LeonCerdo in the garden!


Well, here it comes -- the bad guys will now begin to attack each other!

Will LeonCerdo throw that acid in Hissa's face? I'm sure that will be her anvil. creepy.

How far will Camila go before she turns down Dionicio? Will there be a chance for Dan to save the day? We'll just have to see.


@ Vivi in DC ---Yes, what Dan did was rash and stupid, but I really disagree with your take on Cami giving Os permission about informing Dan about the deal. The fact that she didn't say no DOESN'T mean that she said yes. And it doesn't matter if "poor" Dan feels left out from all this, what matters is carrying out their plans without making any mistakes (because they can't afford it!) and Dan does nothing but make things worse. And what irks me most is that they keep saying that he should be kept out of all this & be "at arms length" as much as possible, YET they continue to update him on what's going on all the time! They just can't stay true to their word! And haven't they figured it out by now that Dan can be nothing but impulsive and always acts out of his own stupidity??? He always acts from his stupid emotions and not with his head just like when he assaulted poor Alonso! (Yeah what he did was wrong, but he apologized for it. There was no need for Dan to know & act on it.) The ONLY time I approved of such an act was against Leo because he DID deserve that beating, but that's it. So anyway, who cares if Dan did it out of honor of "defending" his "wife" - she doesn't need saving! He's NOT her "white knight in shining armor"! She can take care of herself and he should REALLY stay out of her business already! Sure, he's the one who put her in this mess in the first place, but he should only be focusing on the part of JUSTICE from this and that's it. Then leave already.

~ posted by not-a-dan-fan.

Paquita: when I saw the acid, it gave me the shudders.

Not a spoiler, an obvious conclusion:

An acid attack? I don't think I'll be able to watch that, even if it is on Hissadora.

Thanks for the recap. I missed details of Dio's threats.

And gag me too. Good thing Mir did not break a leg playing tag in heels.

I will enjoy watching justice being dealt. I did not think that the writers would go through Caye signing away the ranch, but they did. Bring it on Leo!



Thanks so much. What a clear, clean and snarky recap -- smoother than the episode.

It was a good one, however, full of developments that nicely narrow the possibilities as we move forward.

I had to laugh at your description of Miriam, the fair cookie lady. Her scenes with Mariano's branch of the Albarran family were really a bit much, but nicely build the case for her absorption into their ranks. I did wonder exactly what Refugio and Roccio had in mind with that look they shot each other as they described Miriam as Ana's second mother.

Ah, yes, Ramon. He lacks the proverbial "inside" voice.

The acid disappointed me. I hate these endings where the villain, usually a woman, is disfigured. It feels so sadistic. On the other hand, from the perspective of our tongue-less one, turnabout is fair play.

Our two lovely young women, Nati and Luzma, both pondering ways to fly the coop. In the real world, I would probably say that it's not a bad idea for any young, promising woman to leave this protected (or not!) world. In this case, they both need to stay put and be united or reunited with the good men that love them. I am a traditionalist when it comes to novela endings. I plan to be sitting on my couch next Friday night, eating popcorn and weeping my way through multiple love scenes and weddings.

Paquita- Loved the smooth flow of this recap. Wonderful work!

What a striking difference between how totally unconcerned Isa is about the threat of Leo, and what we can tell is shaping up to be a gruesome revenge. Acid and a big knife. Yikes!

The backstabbing between the villains begins. Isa is right that Dion is putting their deal (and freedom) at risk by adding his sick obsession with Camila into the MQ deal. What will he do when he realizes Isa has cut him out of the BV deal?

Traveling Lady- I found that look between Rocio and Refugio to be interesting too. And then they purposely left Mir-Mar alone. I think they may be trying to do some matchmaking. Rocio never did think that veterinarian Camila was feminine enough. And everyone knows Dan really loves Cam. So maybe she figures she can do a little switcheroo and get a more suitable daughter-in-law and feminine mother figure for Ana?

Yay! Maja sighting. She seems to be well and enjoying taking over the whole bed, now that Dan isn’t there. Here’s a cute pic of SN in bed with one of her own doggies, a rescue pooch:


Acid attacks are nothing new in novelas, but in past instances I've seen acid was a woman's weapon (and you don't need much). Interestingly, the Karmageddons that involve acid usually happen to the younger Femme Fatal villains, like the junior Hissadoras.

Speaking of whom, it really makes my blood boil when women say such things as "I am more woman than you" and there is no comeback for the target of that comment. In both cases in this story the target is Camila, who gets this crap from both Ximeana and Hissadora, both of whom basically sold themselves to men to get what they want. In other words, to be more of a woman is to be a whore.

If that is what it takes, I'd rather be the Borg Queen.

This is a far cry from Rocio's comments about Camila being less than (her concept of) feminine.

Thank you, Paquita! Such a great recap. Particularly love your description of the fair Miriam's visit:)

What is a tipazo? I'm figuring it's something good since you referred to your Rodolfo as one.

Well, I guess my fury at Isa is over the edge because I wouldn't mind her being disfigured. I haven't seen other TNs so I'm not familiar with this being a common occurrence for women, but Isa's vanity is off the charts so I wouldn't mind that outcome. However, I do agree that if it's something commonly used against women, then it needs to go in future.

I know what Dan did to
Dio was stupid (only somewhat imo), but I can't say that I blame him. I probably would have reacted much the same way, but being a 5'2" woman, I would have been armed (no, I don't own any guns personally...just TN talk).

UA - Whatever Isadora's fantasy about herself, she's also no doubt jealous of Camila.

Camila has had multiple men interested in her. She's young, fresh and natural.


Marta- "un tipo" is a guy; "un tipazo" is a great/awesome guy. Camila has often referred to Mariano as un tipazo...when she is telling him gently that she's still not interested in him, despite his many virtues.

Thank you, Vivi! I had heard it before but wasn't sure I understood exactly what it meant. Makes sense it's connected to "tipo."

Traveling Lady, I don't doubt that. Camila also grew up with a lot of advantages Hissadora didn't have such as a loving (if flawed) mother and educational opportunity. Hissadora could have done the latter after she did her first husband in unless she was foolish enough to think his money would last forever.

If Hissadora manages to kill Cayetano you know the boys will contest the will. All three of them heard from his own mouth in a lucid period what he intended to do. What surprises me is there is no standard practice in this tech age of videotaping a person reading their will aloud to demonstrate a sound state of mind; a lawyer in a Law & Order episode from years ago talked about doing this. With all the digital video being easy enough for children to do there is no good reason not to do this.

Back to the land grab: We can assume that Estevez has at least a superficially legitimate business and Nat once took a phone call from him. Why didn't she remember that once they knew about the collusion between Hissadora and El Diablo? They could have stopped this much sooner if they had gone to Estevez with the truth and once he regained his cool he could have gotten the law out on this evil pair.

Urban- Remember Nat never managed to get any info on Estevez other than his last name-- not even a phone number. That's why at the time Cam and Dan tried to follow Dion to the meeting but he was already gone. I guess they could try to do a search for a developer names Estevez, but that's a pretty common last name.

How about his phone records? Oh, that's right; we still don't have the cell phone records proving the connexion between him and Julio.

This raises the next crisis: Camila's Tosca moment is pending. What if she decides to pretend to go through with it and... just before he puts his infernal hands on her she puts a knife to her own throat? If I had written this that is an option I would have explored. Not that she would actually kill herself, but I wonder if it has occurred to her that her submission would change nothing.

Thanks very much, Paquita, for a great recap that cleared up much that I missed. I especially enjoyed your saying about Dio: "He walks away bwa-ha-ha-ing as he goes."

And yes, I agree, Roman definitely shouted his lines. Arrgh. I can't stand listening to him. Indeed, I don't even enjoy watching him; he's not a very talented actor even when quiet.

I was a little surprised at your "Gag me" response to Rocio's saying that Ana sees Miriam as a second mother. I just assumed it was not very subtle foreshadowing, but it didn't bother me. What DID bother me was Rocio's PSA about how she now understands that people should be valued for their character, not their money or status. And then Refugio and Ana add to this morality play. Gag me.

One thing I didn't understand was Aaron's saying that he's glad Daniel "will be in Chile tomorrow." I was puzzled when I heard him say this in Spanish, and I assumed I must have misheard, but apparently not. I thought Daniel and Miriam were leaving for Chile on Sunday, the day AFTER Natalia's scheduled boda. ??

Traveling lady, you made an excellent point about how it's always the women who get disfigured by acid (or other means) on TNs. However, I also agree when you go on to say "On the other hand, from the perspective of our tongue-less one, turnabout is fair play."

Actually, I was a little surprised that LeonCerdo was able to read ACIDO as fast as he apparently did. Though it also occurred to me that perhaps he DIDN'T read it and mistook it for water! Hmmm...I wonder if he's thirsty.


Maybe Aaron meant “tomorrow”, as in really soon? Like how you say I'm already there, meaning you'll be somewhere soon? Or maybe the actor just made a mistake and they left it in.

Juanita- LOL about Leo being thirsty. Perhaps he'll think it's tequila? He hasn't gotten his drunk on since he's been in jail, and we all know how he used to like his liquor. Unfortunately for Isa, "acido" is a pretty easy word for a newly literate person to read, and Leo's probably been around workroom tools/products enough to have a pretty good idea about what it is and what it does, without even reading the label.


What could be very interesting would be if Leoncerdo uses this against Hissadora and the resulting fight causes him to get some in the mouth, making it impossible for him to eat normally if he survives. That could cause him to off himself, which would be better for everyone.

Thank you Paquita, we're down to the wire with this one. I'll miss yours and everyones wit when this is through.

I agree with so much that everyone has already said.
Isa is not at all worried about Leo. I wonder why she is so confident that he won't hurt her? And yes, the acid is very cliche. I thought that he might put it in her drink, or replace her drink with it and she swallows it. Then she'll never talk again, just like him. Spanish is really easy to read, so the fact that Leo could read the word acid isn't a stretch at all.

I'm with Juanita, Rocio talking about Miriam being like a second mother to Ana didn't bother me too much, it's more of a hint as to what's to come. But the total and complete turnaround in her snobbiness does gag me. I think it's a very wide stretch that she would turn around 180 degrees like that, and is now a warm and loving, compassionate and fair woman, is unbelievable.

As far as Dan is concerned, I like how Netgirl put it yesterday in the comments about Dan:
She said, "Mir may have come back from the dead, but in his heart, Dan is still married to Cam so he still reacts like a husband. To him, "his wife" was told that if she doesn't have sex with a lecherous criminal old enough to be her father, she will lose her family's land and her mom will rot in jail. Imho, Dan did what many husbands would do if their wives were threatened."
Exactly, he still is madly in love with her, and this is just what he feared would happen to Camila. And he feels impotent to be able to help protect her. It has to be tearing him up inside.


I have to believe that after all this Daniel is going to be the one to rescue Camila from the devil. Dionicio has mocked Daniel and Camila's love for him so many times this would be an incredible humiliation for him.

Maybe Leo will spill the acid where it protects Luzma from further "attention" from him.


Thanks Cathyx! UA, I would love to see Dan as the rescuer! Paquita, I like the MirMar name. I too will miss this tn, the recaps, and comments when it's over. Thanks everyone, this has been great fun!

Paquita thanks for your recap. I am happy the bad guys are turning on one another.

Vivi - thanks for the pic.

Though a few TNs I've seen do punish women with disfigurement, Isa is vain and would hurt her mentally and emotionally as well as physically. And as TL and Juanita mentioned, it is fair play for the tongueless one.

The plot device that vexes me is when the protagonist actually listens to the villain when the stakes are really high. Cam knows that Dan is volatile so he won't be the best one to share this new development but she needs to tell someone so they can think this through together. And she has a team of people she can rely on - Vivi, Rafa, Mariano, Osvaldo, etc.

Having said the above, Dan was an expert at undermining Dio so he probably needs to know a filtered version of Dio's latest b/c it includes ANYONE who tries to help Cam.

Cathyx & Netgirl - ITA about Dan's actions.

Nice that Miriam doesn't worry about getting her pumps dirty while maintaining her 50's housewife vibe.

I hope Augie's divorce doesn's go through until after the heck hits the fan for Dio. She could inherit eerything. Even Omar. Who is really a tipazo deep down, despite the violence. I picture him in a similar situation as Hissy, but without the sex.

He was sold off to Dio or Dio's father when he was younger and made to do all the family's dirty work. He had to stay to help send him younger siblings to school and improve their lives while sacrificing his own, and didn't want to risk their safety given the wrath of Dio. Since he doesn't have a Kitchen Virgen to pray to, he asks to the ceiling at night for forgiveness and thinks about what might have been -he had an interest in the priesthood- knowing that it may be too late for him. He's done too much to be saved. Unless Augie can help find his true path, probably from prison

Or maybe he's just a good-looking thug. We may never know the truth.


LOL, Kelly - I like that back story for Omar.


Kelly- LOL! I love that you have created a back story for Omar. Unfortunately, his little smile as he beat the crap out of Dan, and even back when Isa cut out Leo's tongue (although I may give him a pass for that), shows that he seems to enjoy the shadier aspects of his job a bit too much.

Paquita: Great recap.

The guns and serapes must have come in a set. But, seriously. Our guys look muy guapo.

That look between Nana and Rocio when Miriam and Mariano were talking was kind of weird.

Even though it was a stupid thing to do, I understand why Dan went after Dio. He’s protecting his wife (and she is the wife of his heart). Also, not keeping him in the loop is not fair. However, Cam said it right—and she ought to know, she’s the same way—that he’s impulsive and might cause more damage (which he did). I think they needed to keep the sleeping with Dio part of the demands to themselves.

I have to say one thing for CdlF—he plays sick/injured very convincingly.

What day is it in TN land?

Until I saw Leo with the acid, I was thinking that at the end, when Isa and Dio are caught because of his obsession with Cam, that would be the final straw for her and she’d take him out. But if Leo gets her with the acid first, not sure that would happen after all.

Dio’s obsession with Cam has turned him stupid. Isa’s obsession with Dio has turned her dangerous.

Finally got to the recap. Now on to the comments!!



So what is Nat's plan? She said goodbye to Rodolfo like she's leaving. She has a secret plan with Aaron. And Aaron is leaving to go back to Chiapas. Hmm... Maybe she's going with him?

Gracias Paquita,

I doubt there will be any of Dio's money left. It is all ill gotten gains. I'm sure they will pay off the people that bought the pensions & whoever else they find he swindled.

That was not very smart of Dan. He knows that Dio has his patiños (henchmen) around. Surprising they left him in front of Dio's casa, and not drop him in the woods.

boo hoo, only 8 more episodes before Mejia.

I think of it as 8 more episodes before Jorge and Pablo.

But I will miss this series.

Miriam does exude something of a Donna Reed vibe. I wonder what kind of a career she could have had. I wonder... when she gets together with Mariano who will convert?

Paquita--The best scene in this epi was the Maja sighting. I wish we could have seen a big hug as well. Thank you, you recorded everything with your own inimitable style.

Loved the 'Roman shouts his lines,'
and 'Mar takes her hand and utters his mantra,' and 'Dionicio suddenly announces he must leave and Hissadora’s disappointed. She thought that at the very least they’d be celebrating in one of the hotel rooms. Well, Dion’s busy – got people to see, places to go, you know – he’s got a pending matter to attend to,' and the best one 'He sees the jug (may as well be labeled “Acid for Hissadora”)'

It just broke my heart to leave Camila with that horrible decision to make. We all know that something is going to go wrong with the briefcase heist (unless this is it and they spend all the rest of next week in the happily ever after time zone).

Vivi--Isa is sure that her dismissal of LeoCerdo was perfectly just--he didn't kill Padre B, so she doesn't owe him anything. She's in the clear, nothing to fear.

It *is* interesting, though, that Dio thinks nothing of waving it in Isa's face--still after all this time--that he's still intent on *having* Camila. We've misjudged Isa. She *does* have feelings (whatever they might be) for Dio as a bed partner. Dio had better watch out. It's a good thing Leo found the acido first, or Dio might have gotten some poured down the front of his pants. (I also like Cindy's take on Leo getting some on the acid on himself.)

TL--Agree about our syrupy sweet Fair Maid Miriam, the Cookie Lady. But she's just what Mar needs--as for a second mother for Ana...I think both Refugio and Rocio recognize that there is something happening between the two of them and they are still aware that Dan and Camila were married by the Church--a big thing for them.

UA--I'm sorry I missed posting an appreciative comment yesterday. I had a late dentist appointment and got home just in time for PEAM. I had the opportunity to ask her professional opinion about a drooling tongueless man (yeah, I had to explain where I got all this from). She said that he probably *would* need a drooly pad as the tongue has an integral part in swallowing--just as I swallowed some rinse water and noted that fact that the tongue goes up to the roof of the mouth and then sort of helps direct the liquid/masticated solid toward the back of the throat, where the swallowing takes place. She thought he would also have trouble chewing up food, too. Hmmm. food for thought, no?

Juanita--Leo was able to read Acido easily because he learned his vowels first. (However, you are right, Agua should be as easy, but he might get them confused.

You can tell I've only gotten halfway through the comments, but I'll post now.


Leo would also have little or no taste for his food.


Anita- I'm am chuckling just imagining your dentist's face when you asked about the mechanics and issues of being de-tongued. :)

Vivi- I missed Omar's smile. Maybe he's jealous that he'll never get the chance to marry one woman much less two and he's taking out his frustrations.

Miriam is going to open a Montisorri (sp?) with scholarships for all the huerfanos at the Padres. Luzma will work there when she gets her degree in education. It'll be open to all religious persuations and she'll teach Anna the traditions of her faith since thats how Agatha will be raised. No need for conversions this time. But first she needs to project manage the reconsteuction of the orphanage and make sure it's up to code. She'd look good in heels and a hard hat.


Kelly- When this thing wraps up next week, you should write up your vision of the future for each character if the writers don't manage to cover it.

Vivi, so glad you ignored the comment from "not a Dan fan". I don't even read her comments anymore because it's always the same rant over and over. (How long ago was the fight between Dan & Alonzo)? I'm sure we all have characters that we don't like.
But are we are sensible enough to know that the same theme over and over gets old and uninteresting after awhile. Responding to it would give the impression that we actually read it.


Hey, Kelly, I like the idea for MM. Both my kids went to a Montessori school. It was a great experience in learning for the whole family. "Freedom within Boundaries." In fact, we were one of the 28 founding families of the original Capitol Hill Montessori School (in Washington, DC)--now absorbed into the DCPS system, but has all the flexibility of a Monessori school. I'm a big proponent.

Cam has probably realized that her giving in to Dio will probably not do any good. But if there's a one in billion chance to save her loved ones, she's going to take it.

I don't think either Miriam or Mariano need to convert.


Nanette--If she has to do it, she'll close her eyes, hold her nose and think of Inglaterra. That'll be just enough to make Dio rise to the occasion, n'est-ce pas?

I picture her throwing up all over him if she has to do it with him. (Not that I think it will get that far). And nothing will kill the mood more than the smell of vomit.

I'd rather have him develop Alonso's little problem.

The whole thought of Cam even in a bedroom with DionDevil, even fully clothed is just wretched. *shudder!*

UA, when I read your comment, I thought about Isa's drug for Cayetano. Dion-the-dirty-dog needs to be put down for a while.

netgirl- Ooh! Good idea. Camila could pretend she's going along with his sick desires, and then use some of Isa's dopey drops on Dion and steal the briefcasee while he's knocked out.

Vivi-in-DC: From your keyboard to the writers' ears!

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