Monday, April 01, 2013

PEAM #16, 4/1/2013 – This Kiss, This Kiss, It’s Perpetual Bliss, but it’s not What’s Criminal

Chatita gets a sweet kiss from Chucho when she agrees to guard Valentina while he takes care of a problem.  He calls Almita to tell her he has been thinking he is sure it was Fernando who is behind the disappearance of Sanson.  Said slime dog, Fernando is meanwhile trying to break into Chucho’s apartment first ruining his credit card.  The sharp eared Valentine hears him and grabs the money she had played with putting it back in the little black satchel it came in.  Sin-stained Fernando tries to use another tool like an a useless allen wrench. Good thing he is completely ineffective at virtually everything, Valentina doesn’t seem to see him trying to break in but after shrugging off the strange sounds, continues to play bank with her play money.  Chatita dreams on in the chair.  Fernando as inept as he is, eventually breaks through the door.  Only Valentina is guarding the house, the treasure, and the sleeping Chatita.  Alma and Chucho drive around.  She totally believes him that Fernando is the culprit but to further his argument, Chucho asks if Fernando has a dog.  NO, she says, well, he continues, there was a barking dog in his apartment this afternoon when he called the office.  Ever the planner, Chucho has papers that he uses to greet the desk staff explaining that he has papers with matters of life and death he must get to Don Fernando.  So he convinces them that he must only slip them under the door.  They joke about his other secretary being there.  Chucho thus forewarned greets a stunned Jessica right after the clever Sanson has torn up the apartment, escaped from the bathroom and eventually escapes into the hall way.  An unsuspecting neighbor lets Sanson into the stairwell and off he goes in his determined little way. 

Jessica continues to fuss fume and deny but Chucho gets into the apartment sees the mess and declares that only a DOG could have done this to the apartment. He leaves and she comes out into the hallway telling him with her ego twice the size of her intelligence that she will tell Fernando he was there.  He asks her not to since he and Fernando don’t get on so well already.  Assuming she holds all the aces, she threatens to tell anyway so quick on his feet, Chucho says well how will you feel when I tell the entire office in the morning that you were here late in Fernando’s apartment. She doesn’t care, still proud but with clouds of doubt covering her lovely face, and then he adds: even that you were NUDE?  She is aghast.  OMG it takes time and patience with this one.

Back at casa Chucho, the culprit has broken into the house while Valentina has hidden the money, covered Chatita and put herself in the closet for safety.  Fernando scrambles through the chests of drawers and comes up empty. He is so inept that he thinks he can hide under the child’s bed.  Chatita wakens and would have looked under the bed but her back hurts her so much that she can’t bend that far so Valentina and she jump in Chucho’s bed.  The skullduggery continues with Fernando able to use his snake like nature to crawl out of the room on his belly without being detected.  When he reaches the street, sweet Karma has struck and his car is up on blocks with NO tires.  As he calls Rogue to tell him that he found no money in Chuchos’ house and he had to sescape and now his car has been stripped, we get a wide-angle view that he is indeed in his fancy car but he is being towed by a large tow truck.  Rogue is predictably beside himself storming that they have to get that money back.  Meantime Fernando gets a call from Jessica to tell him of his next flubbup  that the great Sanson has inexplicably escaped.  Another moment of Karmic justice?

Chucho and Alma are outside Fernando’s  apartment when Alma hears Fernando walking toward them and shoves Chucho against the wall.  Fernando asks who goes there to no effect, one thing Fernando never seems to have is real curiosity.  While up against the wall, Alma and Chucho finally grace us with a real triple scoop sundae KISS with cherries on the top of the whip cream.

Pati in her sparkly cocktail dress tries to console and joke with Rogue to small effect.  She can’t really take serious that he is so concerned with Sanson’s disappearance.  He is much more than an animal he howls.  Apparently he doesn’t share the Laundry problems with her…

She then slips into carping about having to be the maid of honor at HIS wedding while in the meantime she has to hear all the drivel of every detail of music, food, all those things that should be coming to her.  But Alma is your best friend, strange logic,  and it won’t really make any difference in their relationship after the wedding. Everything will be basically the same.  Pati does not look convinced.

Back at the conversation in dulcet tones that is so much easier to translate, Chucho and Alma kiss, snuggle and steam a bit more then he remembers that he has to get back to Valentina and besides Fernando has already passed inside with out seeing them.  They both have found smooth ways to get by whatever occurs between them. 

Back up at the forlorn digs of Fernando, he accuses and hassles Jessica that someone had to open the door for the dog, he couldn’t do it himself.  I think that Sanson is so much smarter than Fernando that he could open his own doors if he weren’t a squatty little bulldog.

Pati and Rogue continue to argue as he manages to get some real business done.  He talks on the phone to another of the Laundry team then gets down to the business he and Pati always agree on as they climb on the kitchen island scattering fruit every direction at last Rogue and Pati are both giggling and happy.

Meanwhile, Fernando tries to switch from complainer to would be swain but Jessica manages to escape evidently not trusting his mood swing durations so much. 

The sweetness continues when Alma lets Chuco off back at his place, making obviously silly small talk.  They are getting less embarrassed by their growing attraction.  When Chucho enters, after saluting the Virgin of Guadalupe for giving him such sensational memories of the kiss.  He awakens Chatita with some difficulty as she seems unsure which Jesus he really is.  At the table he tells her he had a phenomenal evening and tells all about that KISS.  Chatita wants to know if it was accidental, no not exactly.  He really felt that La Licenciada was not acting that she was really feeling it the same way he was.  In that case says Chatita I think you must be in love.  He grins in agreement.  We see the Almita looking at her star projectings.  Meantime Chucho has to tell Chatita once again that he is not the principal love of Alma’s life, after all she is engaged to marry Rogelio.  Chatita starts one of her deeply philosophical stories and gets confused part way through that he must persist in becoming that bridegroom if he feels the way with her.  That was what her husband did.  What happened to him?  Oh he died.  Chucho smacks his head on the table, I meant what did he do before that. We get some homily about believing in your true love and true destiny.  Anyway we all get her drift and her great heart at the same time.

Next morning he awakens the sweet Valentina, helps her dress and lovingly packs her lunch, combs her hair and off they go.  We get to see parts of neurotic notes from the MomDespot which both Chucho and Valentina mostly ignore.  Only in a brief moment earlier in the episode, we saw her worrying about how Valentina would survive a night without her (the first ever apparently, who can blame her anguish even if she is a pain)

Outside the apartment, who should be waiting for them but the peripatetic SANSON.  Wow, that dog has a nose finding Chucho in a neighborhood he has never been in.  Valentina pets him enthusiastically even though dirty dogs are forbidden territory, but it is nothing compared to the joy with which Chucho greets the slobbery little beast.  I didn’t see where he put Sanson while taking Valentina to school but hope it wasn’t his open apartment.

Thanks to Faith Hill:

Next episode: Alma and Chucho get more starry eyed time together at the office while the Brothers Dimm plan an assault on Chucho’s apartment with the Laundry Company.  Never a dull moment.



This recap was priceless and loved the song title from Faith Hill.

Loved that kiss between Almita and Chucho. So sweet. They are so much better together than Alma and Rog.

Had to laugh at Fern hiding under the bed, but Valentina for being so sheltered, sure knew what to do when Fern broke in. Loved how his car was stripped lol. That will teach him, and I agree it was karma! Fern is one tool shy of the toolbox, I must say.I wonder what Valentina did with the money.

It was cute that Sanson showed up at Chucho's. I think he knows that Chucho was worried about what happened to him. I hope he put Sanson somewhere safe while he took Valentina to school.

Patimelt and Rog were so funny, but I can't stand the fact it will be the status quo when Rog gets married. I feel so bad for poor clueless Alma.

I wonder what the Laundry crew is going to do to Chucho's place tomorrow.


Thank you, Cheryl! That was super-fast!

I watched this, but not much of it sank in, so maybe I'll have more luck with the recap.

I did notice the mannequin that someone mentioned earlier. Fern's apartment is full of stuff that sort of looks like movie/pop culture memorabilia, so maybe the lingerie is from some movie? Just a guess.

My bad. I was mistaken the ''lavaderos'' with some railing...

So Cheapskate Fernando's credit card was made out of cardboard and broke very easily. If only in real life they were so fragile...

We can mark the square in the Bingo game where Colunga got to wear the sweater around his neck. Oh! Amd he wakes up perfectly coiffeured too!

I don't wanna know how the dog made it through all the traffic in Monterrey judging by the neighborhoods where Fernando and Jesús live I am sure there's is a great distance between them, but, I will pretend I believe that for the sake of the TN.

I still hate the sound effects very much so and I am going to watch it again on Hulu so I can pause it at will, since I am suspecting Alma had loop earrings in one scene and in the next she had other with little pearls... Well, like Vero, I need occupational Therapy and this TN keeps me pretty occupied, LOL

Cheryl- I was still out and missed this episode. Thank goodness I recorded it because I really want to see THE KISS. But I could picture ir all with your great recap.

I'm glad that Sanson rescued himself and brought himself to where he needed to be. Are we sure he didn't hitch a ride in Alma's car?

Pablo, I am referring to the money laundering which seems to be the only impulse for either brother to actually work. What did you mean by railings?

Thanks Mads and Julie for dropping by too.

Hi Vivi, What a funny thought that ole Anson was whisked through all that dangerous traffic. But, hurray he seems to have bonded with the one person who really likes him. Rogue's attachment seems to be worship of his fine asset.

not Anson, make that Sanson.

Argh. El muy ESTÙPIDO de mi DVR has suddenly decided it does not care for my series recording setting for this show. It won't let me reset it, either. So I only saw the last fifteen minutes. I know I can watch it on demand tomorrow but I am still pithed.

Anyhoodle, thank you muchìsimo por el recap. Now at least I know the awesomeness I am missing. I'm glad Val is turning out to be a spunky and resourceful child. Also that our villains are so inept.

The kid is curious and smart!

The bright red PJs worn by Elias had to be a gift from Veronica and he was wearing them just to keep her happy and to shut her up. Poor guy.

Loved Chatita baby sitting the kid and falling asleep...Jesus is a lucky guy.
Loved,the kiss with Alma. Jesus is a *really* lucky guy. Gertie

where's the money? Is Chucho going to leave the dog in his apt while taking Valentina to school and let the badguys find Sanson when they break in? Oh, How am I going to sleep tonight? I'll have to listen to Faith Hill as a lullaby. Thanks Cheryl.

Cheryl, thanks so much. I've only seen the first few minutes so far but you've whetted my appetite. Your descriptions are priceless. Can't wait for the kiss.

I did see the break in, Fernando under the bed & the car on blocks. It was pretty funny. Chatita climbing into bed with Valentina and not discovering the money box in the bed with them was a hoot.

Vero showed some real humanity in her brief scene with Elias. She looked vulnerable as she asked why their perfect world had to change. Elias is so adult and he just tells her that life is always full of change.

Looking forward to the rest of this epi when I get home.


I thought I was seeing ''Railings'' for a moment when I saw Fern grabbing a wire hanger to force the door open. They ended up being the edge of the concrete sinks where people wash their clothes by hand while they gossip, LOL (why else would they do it outside all together?)

The dog running in the streets avoiding getting hit following Jesús scent would have been a good scene though, proving even more that he wanted to be with him no matter what... don't you think?

This comment has been removed by the author.

Pablo- So, overprotective/obsessed dog owner Rogue may see the affections of his dog and his fiancé stolen by Jesus; and overprotective/obsessed mother Vero may see the affections of her daughter (and husband) stolen by Jesus.

What an interesting couple Vero and Rogue would make...


Gracias muchas Cheryl

I thought I missed sth about Sansón showing up at Chuchos', like maybe he got into Alma's car. But I guess not, who gave him the address?

Pablo, we learned long ago, that even in DF, there is only 1 hospital, 1 restaurant, 1 doctor & you can be in the best vecindad to the worst in 1 scene & there is no traffic.
The doctor does everything from heart transplant to gynecology.

Thank you, Cheryl for a great recap and the "Brothers Dimm". I missed the first 40 minutes last night. So sad I missed the KISS but I did love Jesüs fixing Valentina's hair. I sure hope Valentina doesn't carry home tales of strange men breaking in and Jesüs not being there. Vivi in D.C., Verónica and Rogelio would probably be perfect for each other.



I know... this is make believe stretched to infinity and much more further than beyond, but still, I think that a scene with the dog wandering, sniffing and running around would have been a nice addition, buuuut, that could have spoiled the surprise element, right?
So, the next morning, SURPRISE! he's already there and even when the main door is always open, he didn't go inside...

Yeah, I think we would have benefited from (and been entertained by) watching Sanson using his wits to find his way to the nicer humans. The problem is that dog scenes often upstage all of the humans' scenes. ;-)

Thanks, Cheryl. Excellent.

Lots of cute stuff last night:

Jessica and Sansón

Jessica and Fernando

Jessica and Chucho

Pati and Rog

Chucho and Valentina

Chucho and Alma

Chucho and Sansón

Valentina and Valentina... I cracked up when she instructed her imaginary bank customer to use the Purel... can she get any cuter?



Mmmmm...thanks for starting off with Faith Hill "This Kiss" and describing the smooch as a triple-scoop sundae with whipped cream and cherry on top. Oh yes, that just about covers it. Yummy to the max.

Also enjoyed your descriptions of the vile Fernando:


"snake-like nature".

Absolutely....that man was born to slither on his belly.

"Brothers Dimm." Also a keeper.

Can't help Rogelio and Pati together. His fun-loving, playful nature matches hers exactly. If he ended up with Alma, she's be soothing his tirades the rest of her life. Pati just hmmm...what is the word?...well, let's say she just whip-teases him out of it. Better strategy by far.

Valentina is adorable (sorry UA, are you warming up to her at all?) and the scene with her and Chatita spooning, sound asleep, was dear.

Thanks Ms. Cheryl...excellent as always.

I found out sth interesting on my walk this morning. I was talking to a man walking his dog, a French bulldog puppy. He said they have to be artificially inseminated 'cause they are unable to congress. The female has to have a c-section 'cause the head is too large. He said it's the same with English bulldogs which I think Sansón is. So those huevos are just for show.

Aww, Cheryl. Love your description of the lip-lock last night of our lovebirds Cherry on top indeed.

Rog is such a scum--nothing will change after the wedding. Yeah, right? That kitchen scene was sort of a hoot though--anyone else get a vibe that maybe the broken dishes, etc. were exactly planned but the actors decided to have some fun with that after the first oopsie?

Little Val is such a sweetie. For some reason I looked at all that cash and thought--hey, pay off to vero for child support and shut her up.

Again, so much better of an episode when they aren't at the office. But then it's back to work tonight. Darn.

Add me to the "Brothers Dimm" fan club roster.

Great recap! I had a lot of interruptions last night, so I really needed this to fill in my gaps.


Speaking of oopsie-- meant to say the broken dishes WEREN'T planned. So much for typing on a Kindle.

Cheryl thanks for this great recap and the Brothers Dimm.

I also missed yesterday so I look forward to seeing the kiss on my DVR tonight.


I so agree with what you said, and it would be interesting if Vero and Rog were to meet. I too think they would be interesting together.

Cheryl ,thank you, your recap was priceless
The Brothers Dimm, I love it.
I can't get enough of Valentina, she is adorable to the nth degree.
I am glad that Sanson found Chucho, I hope that this storyline will end soon.
Vivi- you are so alert- yep- Jesus has stolen all of Rogue's "loves " and just by being him.
Pablo- it must be nice to awake in telenovela land with couffed hair.

Thanks for the re-cap...I only saw the last half hour.

My favorite character Sexy-Jessy. I would love to see her in something other than the secretary uniform...(you would think she would change clothes after work) I would have loved to see her in the outfit Sex-Pati had on last night...

Also, the make-up dept. at Televisa is not very good with Sexy-Jessy. Too much foundation or something, because she looks "ashey". I think the darker skin have them miffed..

So far, the storyline is wacked, but the ladies are "hot".


Does anyone seriously think that Alma and Rog will ever even make it to the altar? I don't. (I want the "wedding derailed" square on my Bingo card, but I also just can't imagine Alma going through with this dumb wedding.)

And am I the only person who thinks Fernando would be a better match for Paty? Paty would probably have good chemistry with anyone, but Fernando seems to have better chem with her than Rogue does. Or is it just me?

Lee- Yep. The Televisa makeup department obviously does not have the correct foundation for a black woman on hand. There are many stories told by super models Iman and Naomi Campbell about having to bring their own makeup to runway shows and photo shoots in the early years so that they wouldn't have that ashey look. That's why Iman started her own makeup line. Avon does have makeup for dark skinned women. They should be forcing Televisa to use it. Like the running masacra, this is not good advertisement for their products. :)


I would love to see wedding interruptus with Alma and Rog. But the way this story is going, I'm afraid there will be a wedding. I am just hoping it is interrupted by someone.

Pati and Fern would be a hoot. But can Fern really handle our feisty Patimelt? That is the question : )

I don't want Fern to handle Patimelt. I want HER to handle HIM! She could make him rue the day he was born.

And then she could get to work on the Other Reindeer.

Fern is so anti-gay I feel like he has to be denying some proclivities of his own. I'm not sure Patimelt is truly his type.

Hey! This sounds like a good game!

Since Jesús and Alma are soul mates with a relationship made in TN heaven, let's see how I would like the rest of them to get coupled (with only the characters we know so far):

Verónica should end up alone in a corner feeling bugs crawling all over her body.

Rogelio and Pati, so she can make him pay for the way he treated her.

Doña Susana probably has a husband at home waiting for her every night, and so does Don Gilberto, but since he is a man, he has an affair with Chatita, who love role playing so she can be someone different every night.

Stooge #2 with Xóchitl
Stooge #3 with Jessiquita

The therapist with Elías (both fell in love when he dropped off Valentina once, while Verónica was in London getting aubergine for supper.

Marisela ended up with Lic. Cárdenas.

Valentina is just a kid, but she should adopt Sansón, so they can run and roll in the grass together.

Fernando discovered that all his hate for Jesús was actually love and he also ended up alone... but who knows, Verónica has the power to change men, maybe one day they can met at the Museum or some art gallery...

Julie, sorry to say that with over 150 episodes total(?) and the pace of (in)action in this telenovela, there seems to be way enough time left for Alma's marrriage to Rogelio, then a breakup and a final marriage to Jesús. I shudder to think what else they might try to fill all of those remaining episodes with if not the Alma Rogelio marrriage plot! :)


Julia, actually Fernando must feel very secure in his manhood...

tight lavender teeshirt and tight lavender jeans?



Julia, you're probably right about Fernando's proclivities. Though the real key to his preferences is likely in that little bottle of pheromones that Jess sprayed all over Xochi: possibly the musk of some strange rodent, or perhaps a sloth.

Pablo, "Vero has the power to change men" - terrifying but true (though it looks like Jesus may have the power to change them back into lying carnivores). I hope Vero will use her power for good instead of evil.

I do sort of imagine the Other Reindeer pairing off, Sillies with Secretarias, but maybe there will be some twist to surprise us. I'm ready for a surprise.

Jarifa, I'm shuddering too - I'm wondering if a few months from now we'll all be looking back on this Sanson incident with great nostalgia as one of the high points in the story so far. I envision all sorts of inane hijinx, one silly caper after another, filling all the hours while the real plot creeps along at an imperceptible pace.

I don't mind the slowness/pointlessness too much if the actors find a way to make the most of it. I think the cast is really jelling pretty well now, in fact. I wouldn't mind a little more substance, but as long as we stay out of "wretchedly stupid" territory, I'll be happy.

This is my first comedy TN. I was wondering where it was going, but thought it might be a comedy TN thing, or I haven't given it enough time.


Julie, you're so right. Fern is chasing the wrong species. He might do better in finding his kind in the rodent or reptile houses at the zoo.

He may wear lavender, but to me, the crawling all over his secretaries in the office, where people are around to notice, the lingerie mannequin in his apartment, the gay slurs to great excess, just scream of trying too hard to prove something. Then again, he is a total moron, so all judgments should be calibrated accordingly.

I think Vero and Rogue should get together. He's always trying to get away with stuff; she's super controlling, they both have issues with germs and the lower classes.

Cheryl--Loved the whole recap. While watching, I was worried that they were going to red-herring us when Alma put her hand up to Jesus' mouth. I think she did more of the kissing and J was more on the receiving end.

How great is it that Fernando instead of Pesos Plus is heading into the negative zone. Bro won't care one whit that the dog ate his apartment--no dog, no hidden 'play' money to use for the reward and no 'laundry' money either.

It took me a minute to figure out who the Laundry gang was.

Pablo--You haven't been with us long enough to learn the virtues of beanies. They come in all different sizes and materials, from lightweight Emilia-hand-knit beanies to the heavy duty titanium-lined ones. A beanie for every occasion which requires a suspension of belief.

Pablo--Please tell us about the earrings if you watch it again.

Speaking of details, BTW, when Jesus was helping Val get dressed the next morning, I could have sworn the bed was already made. I wonder what happened to the little case with Val's 'play' money.

Vivi--Rogue-Vero pairing/mating: I'm sure she would be happy with just a Thursday night nookie!!

Oh yeah - the money. I have a question.

A couple of weeks ago, Rogue sent Chucho to pick up $200K at the Tattooed Gentleman's Warehouse. Then Rogue sent his mob lawyer to the Monterrey Summer Camp for Wayward Boys with a $50K bribe for Yuri.

As far as I know, Rog, Fern, and Mob Lawyer all know the initial cash amount as well as the bribe that was given to Yuri. They discussed it all at lunch. However, if I'm not mistaken, Rogue still keeps referring to the cash in the dresser as "$200K." Right? Not $150K.

Am I just hearing it wrong? Or are Rogue, et al really bad at math? (Quite possible, from what I've seen of them so far...)

I don't think they've had a chance to give the money to Yuri yet. He's in jail; they can't just go over and hand over the cash to him. Wasn't the whole 200k supposed to be for bribing Yuri? The 50k was what Rogue was going to borrow from that stash to use for ransom.

Well... nobody has counted the money thoroughly, like one by one, they all assume there was 200K, but I remember the first guy in the warehouse being kinda short and taking some bills from his own pocket to get the ''200K'' and give them to Jesús.

I tought someone was going to notice the missing money and blame Jesús, but he delivered the package unopened and after Rogelio opened it, just put some of it (I am not sure if the whole 200K fitted) in that little case and then in the drawer.

I am sure I heard him saying 200K, but I guess I miss the part where they take some to bribe Yuri...

We need Maxwell Smart here for some more deductions!

I thought that Rogelio took the package into his office and counted the money right after it was delivered by Jesús. Then he offered Fernando the opportunity to select a single bill from a stack that he fanned out. I think that Fernando ended up with a ten dollar bill.



Ah. Right, the lawyer offered Yuri $50K but of course he couldn't actually bring it. Duh! Sorry.

So Yuri is keeping quiet based on a $50K promise from a bunch of people who are at least as crooked as he is. Genius!

OK, just watched my recording...

That was some kiss! Alta really went for it with gusto and left Chulo speechless and befuddled.

Pablo- I kept staring at her ears. There were never hoops. They were drop earrings, with the top dangly part being sparkly, and the bottom dangly part a teardrop pearl. At times with her hair in the way, you only see the sparkly part, which might have looked like hoops. And other times when her hair was completely blocking them, they weren't visible at all.

The hair combing scene in the morning was adorable. Reminded me of my dad attempting, fruitlessly, to comb my hair when I was little.


Well.. remember when Yuri send a suitcase with a false bottom full of money without having a plan ''B''?

He expected Jesús to make it through customs and everything and was very happy eating boogers when the Chicago police showed up and got him!

He is as stupid as Rogelio and Fernando. He could have gone somewhere else until he made sure Rogelio had the money Jesús took over there, but no! He waited there for the police to arrive, not so bright, right?

I believe you. My mind could be playing tricks on me. Are those ''beanies'' you talk about something you use around your neck like a little pillow to rest the head?
I might need the strongest one!

Thanks ViVi... I thought a problem with Jessy's make-up may be in the foundation....she looks like a "mime" in a lot of her close-up shots....

Maybe they'll have a product placement about choosing the right makeup colors and showcase Avon's shade spectrum, and then Jess can stop looking ashy. I can't believe their major sponsor is a cosmetics company and they're letting them get away with bad makeup.

Wonderful discussions today I have been swept off dealing with printing issues.

So I thought that Chucho was carrying a loan or a payoff on the plane but since neither bros. Dimm or Yuri of the gold chains got that cash. Has anyone made a "cash flow" chart?

Oh, Cheryl, the money Chucho had on the plane was seized when Chucho was caught by customs. Is that what you're asking?

Yuri, the Dimms, and Mob Lawyer all know the money was seized - that's how Yuri ended up in jail. Yuri and Mob Lawyer even know the name of the guy who was carrying the money. It is quite amazing that neither of them has mentioned that man's name to Rogue or Fern yet.

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