Tuesday, April 16, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 4/16/13 (#27): Bombón Asesino (WINK!)

In no particular order...

Malvino has spent the night at Rogue's place. Last Rogue heard, Chucho had no idea who beat him up, so Rogue tells Malvino to go back to the warehouse. Rogue goes to work and Malvino loafs around the house for a while longer. He acts creepy around the maid, which makes her nervous (she calls Rogue to complain) and offends the dog.

Meanwhile, Chucho tells his probation officer about the beating, the assailant's familiar voice, the warehouse, and the Avon manager who sent him there to pick up the Turkish cigars. Like any irresponsible law enforcement professional, the probation lady actually takes him to the warehouse, which is still cleaned out so there is nothing to see. Silverio is there, though, and he calls Malvino to let him know that Jesus is watching.

Chucho is embarrassed that his tip didn't pan out and feels bad about implicating the Brothers Dimm because they were sooooo nice to him last night and even paid his hospital bill. The probation officer says she'll question the Brothers Dimm about their connection to the warehouse without implicating Chucho.

Vero mopes and whines to Minerva that she's upset about everyone blaming her for everything when it's everyone else's fault. But eventually she admits that she's mostly upset about Chucho. She was a fool to let him go. The night they conceived Valentina was the most wonderful and romantic night of her life. But they didn't work out because they didn't have anything in common and he was too disorganized for her. Minerva urges Vero to consider fighting to get Chucho back. Vero looks tempted, but says she can't do that because she's a married woman.

At school, the teacher tells the kids to put their names on their papers. Valentina wants to know how/where to include Daddy Jesus's name. The teacher isn't helpful, and some of the kids mock and one girl says she's lying about having two dads. (I don't know why, because the kids actually met Daddy J last week.)

Chucho goes to Orion to start his new job. It's very quiet there. Chucho is told that people get so absorbed in their work that sometimes they miss lunch. Chucho has a desk and a secretary and everyone gives him their telephone extensions (apparently they're not big on desk visits there). Orion comes by and tells Chucho he's been smoke-free for 89 hours and 23 minutes, and confidentially, it hasn't been easy. He says his wife can't wait to meet Chucho.

Chucho introduces himself to everyone, and he gets a vague but polite smattering of applause. He figures it's still better than his first day at Avon. Then two guys introduce themselves. One's name is Simon. I didn't catch the other one, but they are obviously Two New Sillies. They say all friendly things, but there is irony in their voices and they laugh when Chucho reveals that his last job was a secretary at Avon. He defends the honor of that profession!

At Avon, Xochi and Alma moan about missing Chucho. Eventually Chucho calls Xochi with his new phone number and agrees to go out with her this evening. Xochi gives the new number to Alma and tells her about the big hot date they're going to have. Alma begins to look even more depressed. After a while, she calls Chucho just to hear his voice. She doesn't say anything when he answers, but he sees "Avon" on his caller ID and knows that it's her.

Xochi finds out about the dine-and-dash Jess and the Sillies played on Chucho. She confronts Jessica, brandishes her long braid in a threatening manner, and tells Jess not to mess with her almost-novio.

Cardenas doesn't get a chance to interview anyone for Chucho's replacement, because as soon as Fernando sees Discua Paz de la Soledad, he hires her on the spot. She looks like an angel and she keeps winking at him. It is obviously an involuntary tic, but he's not bright enough to get that.

Cardenas tells Alma that Fernando hired her - "she is a bombón," he admits - and Alma is very upset that Fernando hired a new secretaria without consulting her. But Rogue says it's only fair because Alma hired the secretario without consulting Fernando. Angry, Alma asks to talk to Discua in her office. Discua says she left her last job because of a "misunderstanding" with the boss's wife. (Wink!) She seems sweet and eager to please, though, and when Alma warns her about Fernando's tendency to fool arond with the secretaries, Discua assures Alma that there's no chance she'll fool around with anyone. It's against her religion. She's a virgin! She's not touching anyone until she's married!

Alma is charmed and delighted. Next, Discua meets with Fernando and says she's at his disposal for whatever he wants. (Wink!) He invites her to lunch. Jess overhears and is very, very unhappy.

At some point, Rogue is at home again and Malvino has no shirt on. (Does this count as GRATUITIOUS SHIRTLESSNESS?) He's extremely grubby, like, I think there's a clump of caked-on dirt on his shoulder. Rogue is grossed out that this guy is going to contaminate his precious hot tub. (I think it might be a public health issue at this point.) He wants Malvino to go back to the warehouse. Malvino tells him that the secretario and the cops went to the warehouse today. So where's Malvino supposed to go?

Next time:
Discua endears herself to the Other Reindeer.


I added a link to a Bombón Asesino video.


Thanks for this marvelous quick recap. Liked your title. I haven't checked the link out yet, but will later.

I had to laugh at Discua and her winking. I too was wondering if she was doing and inside joke or it was a nervous tic, lol. I like her.

Yay!!! Xochi. I love how she stood up to Jessie. Perfect karma with Xochi standing up to Jess and Jess finding out she isn't getting her old job back.

So Vero is still in lurrrvve with Chucho, go figure. That's probably why she is so mean to him all the time, and jealous. It's a thin line between love and hate : )

I liked how Alma and Chucho were mooning over each other, too cute.

Malvino sure is hairy isn't he? And that dirt you saw on his shoulder was the ending of his tattoo, I think, lol.

I admit, I momentarily wondered if Discua really was being sarcastic with all of her winking. But when she said there was a "misunderstanding" with the boss's wife, I realized she probably doesn't even know she's winking.

I think we're gonna need a bigger beanie.

I saw all of Malvino's tattoos but there was also a mess on his, ummmm, left? shoulder that looked like coffee grounds. Or maybe it was more bruises from his run-in with Chatita.

I did the recap from memory, so I'm sure I missed something. I know the secretarias were not amused when they found out about Jess and the Sillies' dine-and-dash. I don't know what else I missed but I am wondering if Malvino's going to need a new warehouse to hide his money and stack all those empty pallets. :)

Julie, thanks for the speedy recap!

Yes, I think Sansón got offended by Malvino but at least he growled at him when he was putting the moves on the poor maid. It would have been much better if Malvino had kept a shirt on.

I think that Discua with her "wink" is a great addition at this point.

Jesús left the three sillies behind at Avon but it seems that there are two new ones at his new job

I loved Alma's hang up call and that Jesús guessed it was her.


Julie , loved your recap. Malvino is so fun flashing his armpits at Poor Rogue, he has great comedic timing. I think he has secured his place in Rogue's ample villa. Rogue looks too scared to turn him out on the street.ñ

I thought we would see the other side of the coin with Veronica. I can't say I enjoy the tears but it is less screechy. Nowvto watch her, Xochi and Alma vie for his affections. Xochi was very funny tonight.

Loved your "two new sillies" to label the two most annoying but funny guys at Orion. Someone once warned me that you will meet someone totally irritating and challenging at every job, no matter how perfect the new post seems to be. This seems to prove that.

Thanks Julie!! and no, I don't think Mal qualifies for GRATUITIOUS SHIRTLESSNESS. I could call it something else, but with the likes of Chucho, Elias and Rog, giving us Mal for a quick hit is just cruel.

Not surprised about Vero's feelings, but she needs to deal with how she treats her daughter and people in general before I can garner any sympathy for her. So does Elias now get a pass pursue someone else ( I'm still shipping him and Patimelt.)

Discua is sweet, though I hope the winking thing doesn't get old. She and Xochi would make a great pair of friends.


Thanks, Julie. Do you think that Discua will be doing any bumping and grinding in the Avon office ? She was always shaking her bombon in that other novela. Jesus and AltaAlma daydreaming about each other made me think of Gavivision in DA.

Julie, thanks for this. I didn't check out the link yet but i look forward to it after class.

So we have Vero, Xochi, and Alma all vying in their own way for Chucho. But there may be another -- the parole officer was quite charmed by Chucho's impromptu hug -- and then a kiss on the cheek.

that was unusual for vero to engage in such a heart to heart with the nurse/maid. Speaking of maids -- I liked the one at Rogue's house. I don't blame her for being on edge around Malvino. He is scuzzy.

Rogue is all bluster and no muscle to back up his rants -- so yes, I think he is stuck with Malvino. Malvino must be loving the digs and the Jacuzzi after living in that bodega.


Whoa...step back! I'd forgotten what incredible anatomy Ninel Condé sports. She's the female equivalent of the hunkalicious Colunga, that's for sure. Soooo glad my husband doesn't watch Univision shows.

Can't wait for the randy Fernando to bump up against the saving-myself-for-marriage bonbon. That should be quite a scene.

And we're finally getting some of Vero's puzzling back story, but she needs to do something besides whine, sulk and rant before she's redeemed, that's for sure.

There is some repetition here...we've seen Valentina mocked before about her two dads situation but I have a feeling there will be lots of recycling in this one.

Julie, you deserve special kudos for posting a recap (with a smokin' hot video link) while still being under the weather. If there's a medal of valor for recappers, you've just earned one.

Since I was not at home last night, I couldn't turn the captions on and I only watched.

The only thing I remember Malvino saying was ''donde la puerca torció el rabo'' meaning that's was where the problem started, where something bad started. (Where the pig twisted her tail-to twist the tail means to die). I know it doesn't mean much in english, but if someone else heard something else, please feel free to ask.

Tonight is special and I am taping the episode, so I don't miss a thing!! -wink-

That's how I heard it, Pablo, and that's what the closed captions said...but I sure didn't know what it meant, until you chimed in. Thanks.

I turned off the English captions last week when I saw "chamber music" translated as "camera music." It's been amusing, but if I'm trying to improve my Spanish then reading incorrect English translations is not going to help me!

Susanlynn - LOL, I had forgotten "GaviVision"!

OED definition 2.a.: gratuitous = " Done, made, adopted, or assumed without any good ground or reason; not required or warranted by the circumstances of the case; uncalled-for; unjustifiable."

So, Malvino, YES. I'm marking it.

Blue Lass

Oh, and I had posted earlier thanking you for the fine recap, Julie. Google ate it. It's very hungry this morning.

Great job, Julie. Well done.

I wonder how Alma is going to take to sharing the jacuzzi with Rog's new house guest?

See? Verónica has a very human and sensitive side. How very sad, she once had all those candles, love, and Jesús and now... not.

Discua is indeed striking but that winking will get old fast and she's just a bit too jessicarabbity for me.



Julie- Thanks for pushing through illness to get us a fine recap.

I also think Discua's winking tick will get old fast, but I'm looking forward to seeing Fern try to bed a committed virgin. The other day when Jessica kept stalling doing the deed with him finally, I wondered if she was a virgin too. Two sexy bombshell virgins...why not?! This is a comedy after all.

I think the best match for Discua would be Ricardo, the Silly who's always quoting the Bible. I bet that would REALLY piss Maricela off. Fun times!

Vivi, I wondered about Jess not wanting to be with Fernando too, but I think she either finds him unappealing or she's holding out on him until he gets her out of the warehouse. I'm not sure whether it's our fault or their fault that it isn't clearer - or maybe we aren't supposed to know yet.

Blue: "Uncalled-for" certainly describes Malvino's shirtlessness. "Gratuitous shirtlessness" does seem to imply that we should enjoy it, but perhaps if the dictionary says "unjustifiable" then who are we to argue?

Carlos, I don't think Rogue can afford to let Alma see Malvino. How would he possibly explain his presence? If Rogue had a hacienda he could put him in a cottage and say he was a field hand, but in this fine Monterrey home he'd have to be a visiting cousin or something and I can't imagine Rogue claiming this guy as a cousin.

Also, Sanson might bite Malvino's butt off before long. Maybe Malvino should move in with Fernando for a while.

Julie, if nobody has mentioned it, I tried your "Bombón Asesino" link but Youtube has removed the content. More and more content is disappearing everyday from that site. :(



I clicked on your link and it worked fine. I did see it. It was too funny. Judy B is right about Ninel Conde, being like Fernando Colunga ,for the guys : )

Always enjoy scenes with Valentina.

Now we know there won't be any reveal that Val is not Jesus' as some commenters speculated. I'm glad. That would be heartbreaking for all and even more confusing for Val.

The tick won't GET old fast for me. I'm already there. I was hoping she just had something in her eye. Hopefully, I'll get used to it, but I'm not so sure. I still can't do anything but stare at that funky flip Pati has to her hair.

One of the new Sillies looked familiar. The one who stood on the left when talking to Jesus. He's been in either: MEPS, STuD, and/or CME.

I found the look the older of the three sillies gave NG in the opening credits (possiby it was someone else and just edited to look like it was directed toward her) interesting. He seems like the nicest of that bunch--though Ricardo can be nice, too.

Alma almost made me cry when she stared crying after Xochi left her office.

I'm liking this one better. I'm still fast forwarding, but not as much as I used to.


Hmm, looks like I clicked on the wrong link!


Sometimes I have trouble with youtube links and then they work just fine when I try them again. Maybe it's moody. In any case, that's not the original video for that song (though bits of the original are shown in between the clips of the people watching on their cell phones). I couldn't find the original.

I can't feel sorry for Alma because she's pining for one guy while still engaged to another. She's not even all that eager to marry Rogue. And it's not like in LFMB when Fern had an ulterior motive for being engaged to Marcia. There's really no reason for Alma to stay with Rogue.

If she doesn't want to marry him, she can break it off (and give me that bingo square!). THEN she can deal with Chucho.

To her credit, she's staying out of the way right now out of respect for his "relationship" with Xochi. But that's still separate from her engagement to Rogue.

Julie thanks for your recap and the link. And ITA about your assessment of Alma and Rogue. Her continuing with their sham relationship (we all know she is indifferent to him) is a bit of a beanie buster for me.

Nanette...one of the two sillies was in Refugio Para el Amor. He played the sleazy cop who was romancing the girl at the Inferno Club. We all hated him in that one, and he doesn't seem any more likeable in this one.

There's a bingo square for breaking up with the wrong guy?


Julie: Agree about Alma/Rogelio.

JudyB: Didn't watch that one--maybe I was surfing and caught a bit of him in it.

Judy B:

You are so right! That actor was Marcial in Refugio, he is acting the same way he did there : )

Blue, I was thinking of the WEDDING DERAILED square. If Alma broke up with Rogue, wouldn't that mean the wedding is off?

Or - I just realized, maybe WEDDING DERAILED refers only to weddings already in progress?

Ah, yes, I see...I usually think of WEDDING DERAILED as a big blowup at the actual ceremony.

I think of it as a blowup at the ceremony, such as an objection by a previous novio/a or someone getting shot or poisoned, or one of the parties dramatically waiting until the priest asks "do you take..." to say "no", or the bride or groom getting kidnapped on the way to the church, or something like that. It should happen on the wedding day, or at the earliest the day before.

OK. So no bingo square unless they actually get to the altar (or at least near it). In that case, I feel that Alma must proceed with her engagement, idiotic though it may be. :-)

Oh, and just FYI, I watched the debut episode of QUE BONITO AMOR and got SIX BINGO SQUARES the first night! They're going to have a ball with that one. :)

Don't feel bad, Julie. I've got MAIN COUPLE BREAK UP, and it looks like it's going to take the entire season just to get them together in the first place!

It was driving me crazy trying to figure out who Malvino is. It is Ricardo Kleinbaum, he was in FELS y DA. I thought it was Julio Bracho, they look so much alike.

And Kleinbaum was the foppish Castilian friend of the madame in Corazón Salvaje (the one with Aracely and Big Ed.)

I really hope Discua doesn't give in to Fernando, cuz that would be bad news for her.

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