Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #2 (Mex 2.2-3) Tuesday 4/16/13 The Great Escape Becomes the Road Trip of a Lifetime

Lo del pasado
Santos is calling Giuliano from a pay phone outside his hotel to let him know he’s alive and where he is, after all, the family lawyer is someone you can always trust.  Giuliano (El Oompa Looompa) happily takes down the address and later is seen talking to four henchmen and giving them the last best instructions on how they need to operate like real federales to get rid of Santos. Only that will make Godpadre happy. After hanging up, Santos passes by a sign where American ropa of finest quality is sold and decides to exchange his royal blue business shirt for something a little more americano—it looks like a leather jacket will be the thing.  He goes back to the hotel room and starts packing.

Lo del nuevo
El Auto Hotel – Santos hears the police come knock, knock, knockin’ at the door of his Auto Hotel room.  He had already packed his brand new backpack and checks out through the window.  The “fake” popo sent by Giuliano look around but can’t seem to find him.  They go back outside.  Lo and behold, Santos is on the roof and they don’t see him.  He drops down to the ground and *then* they see him and start taking pot shots at him.  It’s a one sided firefight in the dark.  Santos sneaks up and knocks over one popo and then the other and takes off.  They fire and miss but chase him down an alleyway. Santos doesn’t have time to think how they might have found him since he only told Giuliano where he was.

Truck Yard – A long-distance hauler is about ready to pull out when what to his wondering eyes should appear but a face at the passenger side window crying help, help.  He’s not sure what to do, or what he can do, but apparently the honest earnestness of the face on the other side of the window convinces him that it will be ok to let him into the cab.

Garza household in L.A. – Altagracia tells an unbelieving Justo that Santos is VIVO.  Justo doesn’t believe her, especially when she tells him she just talked to him by phone.  He must think she’s lost her diamond marbles.  Justo feels that to clear his name, Santos must return to L.A. Altagracia is not of the same mind. She’s sure that it’s a set up to blame him for someone else’s bad deed.  Altagracia is convinced he’s innocent and Justo is of a mind to believe her.

Character says title of the telenovela out loud/Bingo Square filled Back to the truck. TOBWR (The Only Big White Rig) on the road at night is stopped by some federales (conjecture).  The driver, by name of Rigoberto (aka Choforo, lately of LVO) is sweating bullets, but hands over the keys for them to examine the load.  They flash their lights around, but see nothing but cargo. Santos is scrunched down behind something that looks like a partition.  They hand the keys back and Rigoberto stops sweating bullets. It seems that the Virgen was protecting Santos because that partition was the back of a large framed picture of Her Holiness.  

Rigoberto has lost his fear of the stranger with the strange story, after listening to the whole thing. Santos ends his story by telling Riggo that he’s been living a nightmare (viviendo una pesadilla). Santos doesn’t think Riggo believes him, but he does. Obvio, Riggo ruminates, someone close to you wants you dead.  It might be prudent not to stick around a border town—it’d be too easy to be spotted.  Meanwhile, Riggo has his own slight problem.  He has to go from Tijuana to D.F. by day after tomorrow and his partner got sick. It’s a very long drive. Santos is more than willing to accompany him (according to Google, it’s about 1750 miles) and share the driving.  Rigoberto is not sure this is all on the up and up, and does Santos even know how to drive one of these big rigs?  Santos laughs a confident laugh, but doesn’t answer yes *or* no.  [Aside: Whatevva.  Next we see him driving TOBWR, so I guess it was a yes.] While they are tooling along, Riggo tells him his life story and how he’s been married to the same woman for 40 years. His dream is to buy a little house for them.  He doesn’t see her often because of his job, but he’s still crazy about her.  If you could only see it, que bonito amor, he says.

The Mejia Magic Expressway gets them to D.F. in no time – They have plenty of time to chat, listen to good Mexican music, check the road signs as they pass Guadalajara and Morelia on Route 307 (just try to find that on Google) and finally see a sign they are close to D.F.  They reach D.F. and Viewerville gets a birds-eye short tour of Capital Highlights. Santos thinks this will be the end of the road.  Riggo planned to get a hotel room for the night but won’t leave him abandoned on the streets of a city he doesn’t know. Santos is sure he can get a room in a hotel.  Riggo is afraid Santos’ identity will be discovered when he tries to register and pay with wet greenbacks.

The room is great but it only has one bed – The problem is eliminated by Santos offering to pay for a room in a fancier hotel, if Riggo will register both of them.  Riggo is very impressed with the quarters. He’s only troubled by the fact there is only one bed.  He probably feels he doesn’t know Santos well enough to share cooties at this juncture.  Santos says the couch is fine with him.  Now so grateful for his trust, Santos gives Riggo his gold medallion.  Riggo doesn’t want to take it.  It’s too valuable, but Santos insists, reminding him that he wants to save up for that little house for himself and his wife. Santos hopes that their love will last their whole lives and repeats, que bonito amor.

Back in the U.S.S.A – Two Jailbirds are atwittering in the L.A. pokey.  Bruno, remember him? and Arnold, remember him? chat about their bad luck.  Arnold muses that Santos has more than seven lives.  Bruno is sure he’ll reappear.  He’s the kind that always takes responsibility (siempre da la cara).  Arnold is afraid that he could do them in and, if he does return, the Godpadre won’t be pleased and maybe, just maybe he’ll get rid of him (deshacerse de el—literally, unmake himself of Santos)…or am I mistaken.

Back on the Bad Streets of D.F. – It’s nighttime and all good children should be in bed.  Instead, Santos, that young, carefree millionaire, is taking an evening constitutional.  A hoodie and a pal with a knife accost him and want Santos’ wallet.  They see all the gold in them thar wallet, but Santos isn’t a willing participant in this little drama and fights off the two.  He does well until a third thug shows up with a gun and knocks him to the ground.  He’s about to be dispatched to el otro mundo when a saint’s night out saves him.  A religious parade is taking place (por favor, at night on a deserted street? Gimmie a break.) and the trio of assaulters depart hastily.  Santos comes to, alive but walletless.

Ay papacito, Of All The Bars in D.F., you would walk into the Jalisco Bar – Apparently the Bar has it’s own Wal-Mart Greeter to entertain the customers who are waiting for drinks and a floor show. Our bloodied Santos wanders in and asks to use the restroom to clean up. Not quite oriented, he ends up at the bar.  He asks the barkeep if he can make a phone call to the U.S. of A.  Unfortunately, he was just assaulted and has no billetes to pay for the call. Ya, ya, answers the barkeep, you and a whole pile of folks outside (un monton de gente) using the same story for money.  No Money, No Phone Call.  Santos pleads, I’m not lying, I’m not asking for money. I need help.  The barkeep tells him to leave.  Just then the music begins to get louder and the show is about to start.  Oscar, El Coloso, introduces La Perla Tapatía.  Maria enters, spotlighted, slowly turns and removes her sombrero.  A solo harp is plucked and plaintive yet soothing notes emanate and radiate about her.  Santos turns and sees Her.  The Cupid on the harp has let loose a tune that pierces the Santos heart. [Aside—Viewerville is treated to a gentle throwback to La Esposa Virgen as His Eyes lock on Her Eyes and we get our first close-up of our galán and gallina’s piercing eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, irises, pupils, sparkled cheeks, and crow’s-feet.]

Santos turns back to the barkeep again to plead his case and is shooed away again.  La Perla slowly moves toward him.  Santos begins to argue with the barkeep and threatens to report him to his superior. He whirls and bumps into La Perla, catching her in his arms before she falls. She holds the mike and begins to sing, “Que Bonito Amor.” Their eyes meet again and it’s all over but the boda for Santos and Maria. Oscar El Coloso watches them as she sings the very suggestive lyrics. Santos is mesmerized.
- - - -
Parte Dos
Some scenes have been combined to prevent whip-lash.

Easily jimmied L.A. hotel room – Mike, Santos’ Bro-BFF is getting a debriefing from Giuliano.  Mike is sure that Santos is innocent of the money laundering they are accusing him of.  Giuliano is sure that Santos is guilty, because everyone says so.  He has to be or he wouldn’t have fled.  Mike is ready to turn himself in.  Giulio warns him that by turning himself in he’ll  end up being somebody’s chivita.  Mike shudders at the thought and wonders, Santos, what did you get me into.

Jalisco Bar – Santos is still arguing with the barkeep over a little tiny thing like a long-distance phone call to who knows where and to whom and from some unknown bloodied testy guy.  No way, José.  La Perla approaches and wants to know what on earth is going on and on and on.  He tells her his sad story of being assaulted and robbed of his money.  The barman (who gets offended by the term) won’t let him use the phone and he needs to make this call.  La Perla says she’ll help and tells him to follow her.  All he can think of to say is she is so kind.  Swaying to the music they move past the stage and exit center stage.  It becomes obvious to all the staff and not lost on El Coloso that these two are really into each other. The staff teases El Col about the guy with Maria and he gets a little steamed around the cuello of his traje.  Santos and La Perla continue discussing his need to make this phone call to L.A.  Since it’s an international phone call, only the owner, Don Concho, can authorize such a call. Why L.A. La Perla wants to know.  He lives there and they are the only people who can help him. Come with me, says La Perla, I’ll help you.  Santos remarks on her kindness, are you always this kind? Where I come from it’s all about competition, no one helps you.  La Perla answers sweetly that here we still have open hearts.  She takes him to the Band room and tells the assembled ones this man needs their help.  El Mil Amores does the honors to introduce them.  For some reason, they never get around to Santos—he’s still unnamed and unknown.  El Coloso walks in on the group and plays Lucy to Santos’ Charlie Brown but it’s a handshake instead of a football.  El Coloso gets a big kick out of pulling his hand away each time before they can shake.  The good-natured [not] practical joke falls flat on Santos.  They begin to argue again when in walks the carbon copy of La Perla, dressed in red with raven hair, but somehow lacks the sweetness of La Perla.  It is Mirna, who has some power and authority over the staff.  She backs up El Coloso that Concho says no to cell phone calls. El Coloso tells Santos that he hasn’t been listening: No Phone Call. Punto. Coloso will show Santos to the door.  El Mil Amores steps in to break the logjam and sweet-talks Mirna into letting Santos make the call.  Santos thanks La Perla while Mirna shoos the Band out for another number.

Talking to the Suit and Dreaming of the Blue Prince – Mother Amalia is up late.  She’s standing near the gorgeous charro suit in the glass case. The man in the suit hurt her, but she still loves the suit.  She strokes the suit through the glass. [Aside: Viewerville is anxious to find out who wore this suit, what he did to Amalia and how much could she get for the suit—or, or, or maybe someone we know is going to be wearing it soon. Hmmm.]  Meanwhile, younger sister Paloma is having a sweet Quinceañera dream of her coming-of-age party.  She’s in a ruffled pale salmon ball gown, surrounded by handsomely uniformed cadets from the nearest military boarding school.  They march and whirl and dip and twirl around her and she’s the center of attention.  The music stops and there is one really good-looking lad on his knees before her.  It is Rodrigo.  She smiles contentedly in her sleep.

In another part of D.F. – Gloria (Rodrigo’s mother) is talking to herself, holding a photograph and saying that she wonders where Oscar is now and how much she wants to find him.

Commandante Derecho’s office in L.A. – He finds out the body they have can’t be Santos Martinez because the DNA didn’t match.  [Aside: My they were quick with the results.  I guess the L.A. CSI has cleared out the backload now that they have their own TV show.]  Derecho will have to step up the search for this perp.

Garza household in L.A. – Justo has been going over the books.  Something doesn’t add up.  He learns the feds think Santos is guilty.  He’s wonders the same, but why did he become a fugitive instead of waiting for Giulio to work his magic and get him out on his personal recognizance.  Altagracia is absolutely sure he’s not guilty and someone has set him up (she’s a mom with a one-track mind to protect her chiquilino).  Justo swears he’ll work without stopping to discover who is behind this travesty of justice.  Wendy comes in on this and evidently has not changed her tune since yesterday.  She’s screeching about Santos being alive and a fugitive and learns that her parents helped him flee?  The man she loves is sitting in jail, the family’s name is mud and they still defend him?

Easily jimmied L.A. hotel room – Mike hears the latest about Santos on the news.  He’s not dead and that someone else, possibly a family member is protecting him.  Mike get “the” phone call.  It is very short.  It’s Santos who quickly tells him to call him back on the caller ID number.

Restaurant in L.A. – Giuliano is partying with two party girls, promising a really big party to celebrate, well, him.  He’s interrupted by a phone call.  It is Godpadre.  He doesn’t like how things went down.  It shows on Giulio’s face.  Yes, they’ll have to find Santos *before* the real authorities do.

Jalisco Bar/Easily jimmied L.A. hotel room – Santos thanks La Perla – again – for taking a chance on him. He’s truly grateful.  Poor thing, he can’t think of enough piropos to keep her there any longer.  She signs a chit for Elvira for the phone call and leaves.  The office phone rings and Elvira answers it.  It’s Mike calling.  Elvira hands the phone to Santos as if it might bite her. Their convo is suspenseful because at Mike’s end, Giulio has entered Mike’s hotel room, quietly, while Mike has his back to him, holding a gun and showing no hesitation to use it on Mike, but does stop to listen. At Santos’ end, Maria has come back and is standing by the door, while Santos has his back to her and she listens.  He lets Mike know that he’s in Mexico City, D.F. and not dead.  He tells him not to call Giulio.  Mike tells him that Giulio thinks he’s guilty and not to trust him.  Mike says he's going to turn himself in, but it would be worse for Santos because, having fled, he lost any protection the government might have given him.  Santos begins to wax poetic about this angel he met and how she extended her hand to him.  He describes her to Mike as a señorita that sings ranchero but has all these wonderful qualities, while Maria guiltily listens to him also tell Mike that she’s the only good thing that’s happened to him since this whole nightmare began.  She discretely moves away from the door and Giulio discretely leaves Mike's room and lets him live for another day.  Mike begs Santos to stay away, although Santos swears he won’t live his life as a fugitive.  Mike will wire him some money in the morning.  He tells Santos to move, Interpol is looking for him. [Aside: How is he going to collect the cash without either ID or giving himself away—for this I have to tighten the NW bolt on the Emilia-made beanie.]  Invent a past, Mike tells him, reinvent yourself, choose a new career and above all, hide the fact that you are a millionaire. Act and talk like common folk. Keep a low profile. Don’t trust anyone, not even that girl you just met.  He promises, but as Santos looks at a picture of La Perla in front of him, it’s obvio he won’t keep it.

Out front, Ruben shows up and approaches Maria.  She puts him in his place. Because of him, she lost a day’s pay and the salary increase she had been promised.  He needs to stay out of this bar on general principles—he means nothing to her and she resents his wife thinking they are lovers. He assures her that his wife Lorena won’t cause any more problems.  That’s not the point she points out. For Ruben, it’s is the point.  He’s obsessed.  He needs to hear her, see her.  El Coloso comes up and tells him to get lost.  Ruben laughs in El Col’s face.

El Coloso confronts Maria about Ruben and this new guy.  He’s tired of her as a magnet for men.  He’s going to run off every man that comes sniffing around her until she realizes that she belongs to him and he's the only one for her.  She sharply reminds him that she is not his *property* and they are only friends.  Fortunately, for Santos and Viewerville as a whole, there is a sigh of relief because Santos actually hears this part, which will encourage him to woo her and win her.  El Coloso heads on out to the stage, pushing Maria in front of him when perversely, Santos trips him causing him to fall flat.

Santos really doesn’t want to leave.  He can’t take his eyes off of La Perla.  He sits down at a stage side table and follows her with his eyes while she sings.  She sees him in the audience and sings to him. Santos is perdido in love.  Coloso sees how they are looking at each other.

Sorry—didn’t catch the avances.  I was scribbling too fast. I’m sure Coloso will make life difficult for Santos and Giulio will continue to fail at his latest instructions from the Godpadre.


Good stuff, Anita.

As for the money thing, Mike could use Western Union Money Transfer. Their system is to bring cash to any location (or credit card instructions over the phone) to send to any location with a code word for pick-up at any location, so it's anonymous. I worked on the account a long time ago; American Express also has it; both charge a fee for this. It was mostly promoted as an emergency service, which Santos' certainly qualifies for.

As for saying the title out loud, no series has done it more often than AMF. That must have provided a lot of fodder for the sketch comedy shows of that period.

I think we can figure out why Gloria is looking for Oscar.

Anita, LOVED LOVED the title and subtitles. I sort of glanced through it but will enjoy it later after my appointment with a good cup of coffee.
ITA with you... this is a slight change from the original where 'Santos' did register in the hotel as himself so he could get the money, but here, how is he going to get that money if the room is registered to the other guy and he does not want to give his name?? beanie hat indeed.



Thanks for this marvelous recap. I really like this cast. There are so many actors from TN's that I liked in this TN. Also liked your title.

I really like Maria's spunk. Telling off Oscar and Rueben. Rueben reminds me of Marcial that character from Refugio who constantly chased after Violeta.

I liked your name for Giuliano El Oompa Looompa, lol. He is one bad dude. I hope Mike isn't killed.

Wendy is one spoiled, obnoxious brat. It's all about her. She should count herself lucky for having dodged the bullet so to speak.

That was one smokin' hot picture of Oscar. I wonder if Gloria will ever run into him.


Thank you, Anita! This is just delightful. I love the playful tone you lend to your recap:

Among many: "The police come knock, knock, knockin' at the door...", "He must think she's lost her diamond marbles," "a saint's night out", "...a really big party to celebrate, well, him"

So it is to be all Harps and Flowers with more virgins than can be found in a nunnery. I'm not complaining. Jorge and Danna are so pretty and so likeable. And some of the supporting players may be equally charming -- Mil amores is promising.

Have you noticed that the good girls have already begun to affect the Virgen Morena/Mejía HeadTilt?


Madelaine, I've had the privilege to meet Pablo and what you see on TV is what you get. I'm relieved that he finally has the right haircut and is shaving again; I'm so tired of seeing him with constant 5 o'clock shadow and hair that's too short.

Anita, thanks for the wonderful recap and fun phrases like the "Mejía magic expressway".

Poor Santos being mugged in front of a St. Jude processional! I am afraid that that does tell us a whole lot about his road ahead. :)


Anita: re your comment "I liked your name for Giuliano El Oompa Looompa,"

I was hoping just the opposite, that the recappers would give us time to learn the characters before changing their names.

Oh and this line is a thing of beauty, Anita!

"His Eyes lock on Her Eyes and we get our first close-up of our galán and gallina’s piercing eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, irises, pupils, sparkled cheeks, and crow’s-feet."

Anita- Wonderful recap! Your time away from recapping hasn't dulled your skills at all.

NovelaMaven already mentioned my favorite LOL line: "His Eyes lock on Her Eyes and we get our first close-up of our galán and gallina’s piercing eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, irises, pupils, sparkled cheeks, and crow’s-feet."

I went to bed right after the meet-cute of the protagonists (had to be in Upper Marlboro at 7am), so the recap was much appreciated. Thanks amiga.


Thanks to all 10:00 pm (PST) recappers. I know we've only seen two episodes, and, this is an incredible cast, pero por favor! What's with this wacky story? Or am I just coming off of an AB/LQNPA high?

But I'm sticking with you cause you are the best. Please tell me the story will improve.....Is mom always going to cry? Is Wendy the new Bratgirl?

I love the cast. Did I already say that? How can anyone resist JS's dimples??

LoriLoo- You are going to have to put away thoughts of AB and LQNPA. This is a whole different kind of telenovela. Enjoy the cast, the music, and the costumes. And you might as well learn to enjoy the cheese, because Mejia likes to add plenty of it, and it tends to get cheesier the further into the story we get.

My eyes are open and I'm on my 2d cuppa, ready to take one for the team.

SuzieQ--I'm not actually changing his name. He IS Giuliano (shortened to Guilio, for my fingers' sakes). The name Oompa Loompa (in Willie Wonka) came from Carayers who applied it to his character in Manana es Para Siempre. It was a reference to the color of his skin, which always looks a little orange. I didn't watch it real time and when it was re-broadcast years later, I read the Caray recaps daily to help me keep up. It was one of those unforgettable tear-producing laughs.

UA--Thanks for the information of Western Union and AmEx. Please remind me which show was AMF. Ha! The Mejia head tilt--is that where it comes from? I thought it was strictly a Maite Perroni invention. Danna does sort of remind me of her, but I like Danna better--my first time seeing her in anything.

Mads--I, too am pleased with the number of "old" hands in this tn, but the gaggle of girls working at the Jalisco Bar will probably confuse me, so they will probably always be referred to as a group. Sooner or later I'll learn who the members of the Banda are. I recognized one from Dinero, but besides Pablo and Arturo, I draw a blank.

Jarifa--Thank you for identifying the saint as St. Jude. I'm not familiar with too many of them. It's ironic that he is the Patron Saint of Lost Causes. It already looks as though we will be attaching a lot of religious symbolism to this tn, but I hope Santos (aptly named?) isn't a lost cause.

Vivi: thanks for your words of encouragement. I do love the music... is Danna doing her own singing?

I really Like Roberto Palenzuelas(sp?), you know the supposed abogado. I don't find his acting skills that great but he has the best facial expressions. And he's pretty cute.

LOVE the actress playing Gloria and I've always had a soft spot for Victor Noriega, ever since Angel Rebelde.

As for the cheese, well my doc has ordered me to reduce my cholesterol so I have to cut back. I have indeed ordered my beanie though, with an extra layer of titanium.

Pardon my error. It was NovelaMaven who mentioned the Maite head tilt, so overused in Triumfo it was funny.

LoriLoo - Help me. Who plays Gloria and Rodrigo and who is Victor Noriega playing?


You are so LUCKY amiga. I too like his look now. I have seen him on Youtube of course, trying to watch FELS and his music videos. What a hawt guy he is.


I remember the bar keep from Dinero, he played the book writing salesman. Mike was also in Dinero, he played the two timing rat husband that was married to Alejandra. Macaria from LQPNA is Elvira. One of the ciggie girls is San Juana from DA and one of the young Mariachi's is from Zacatillo which is on in late night. This cast is so huge, I agree, it is hard to keep everyone straight.


AMF is Abrazame Muy Fuerte which was named for the Juan Gabriel hit song that was used as the theme. That directive was uttered at least once per episode until the audience was rolling its eyes.

That series was based on a Caridad Bravo Adams story/novel Pecado Mortal which was a feature film as well as an early novela.


Here are the names you asked for:

Eugenia Cauduro is Gloria. She was in Abismo de Pasion.

Victor Noreiga is Mike Johnson, he played Alejandra's two timing rat husband in Dinero.

Gabriel Navarro is Rodrigo, Gloria's son.


Eugenia Cauduro was Lolita in Abismo de Pasion.

Victor Noriega was Marco Valenzuela in Dinero, Alejandra's two timing husband.

Carlos Ignacio was German Rameriz the toady of Marino in Dinero and he also wrote books.

Thank you all. I realize that I made a BIGGIE mistake, which I will repair in the recap.

The raven haired woman in the red dress who finally gave permission for Santos to call home is named Mirna. I thought I heard Mirtha, but couldn't find a character already introduced with that name. So I guessed that I heard Elvira.

We don't know who Mirna is, do we? She seems to be important.

OMG, Madelaine, thank you for pointing that out, I could not place her before that, Lolita is back! Weeee!

Anita: I was laughing all the way through this recap, amiga. So many fun snarkisms in this. I have to say I spit my drink out when I came to "[Aside—Viewerville is treated to a gentle throwback to La Esposa Virgen as His Eyes lock on Her Eyes and we get our first close-up of our galán and gallina’s piercing eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, irises, pupils, sparkled cheeks, and crow’s-feet.]" LOL!!!!

True, JS is way past getting by with calling them "laugh lines". So is Pablo, for that matter. This tn has the definite feel of Fred and Ginger...er...the latter years. Both Pablo and Jorge could take a lesson from Fernando and go for a face lift and a bit of laser. Poor Jorge's eyes look more hangdog than puppy dog these days (heart attack aside). He's still a hell of an actor, but he is so wrong for the role unless we're supposed to think of her as a spinster and him a late-bloomer which ain't the case.


It is great seeing so many of the "old timers" back blogging with us on this one! Good times ahead!


I forgot one. Paty Diaz was Macaria in LQPNA as Ulises' wife. She is Mirna here.

Loved this recap Anita. My fave line is this, "Viewerville is treated to a gentle throwback to La Esposa Virgen as His Eyes lock on Her Eyes and we get our first close-up of our galán and gallina’s piercing eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, irises, pupils, sparkled cheeks, and crow’s-feet." I LOLed at that scene.

Although cheesy, I am enjoying his novela so far.

Oops supposed to say 'this novela.' Typing too fast.

Great recap Anita. You've certainly captured the spirit and mood of this TN.

One of the mariachis was introduced as el Barítono but he had a particularly non-baritone voice. I wonder if that is supposed to be a joke or if his singing voice is very different?

Poor Wendy, it's all about her, isn't it?



Singing and speaking voices can be very different from each other. Remember Jim Nabors?

There has to be at least one, "It's all about ME," in every telenovela. Otherwise, what would we have to ridicule.

Have to say, Wendy was quite attractive until her personality kicked in.

"Baritone" guitar, maybe.

Gracias, Anita. I got a lotta laughs out of the recap. As far as the show, I just kept repeating "Are you freakin' kidding me?" I'm watching these poor actors do the best they can with meaningless lines that just keep going over and over the same material repeatedly. Ugh!

Excellent description of the slooooow moooooo first sighting!

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