Thursday, May 16, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #131 Wed 5/15/13 The course of true love never did run smooth … but come on, this is ridiculous!

Note: Balzac (heh heh) and the Snails have the night off.

Some of our characters are settling cozily into their misery.  Some are plotting revenge.  And at least one is prepared to fight for his happiness.  Not a night for champagne on the Patio, perhaps, but no reason not to set out some pitchers of beer and munch on a handful of Tostachos …

José Ángel brings Guzmán up to speed
The señora Victoria knows everything and now the Ferretti is out on her … er … ear.  And there's something else Guzmancito needs to know: Kendra poisoned Nikki against him.  JA details the dirty tricks, including GigoloGate.  Now Frankie understands.

Francisco tells JA that the video surveillance tapes show  Leo in the mall parking lot with the guy who planted the necklace in Bea's purse.  Another crime he'll have to answer for!

At JA's urging, Francisco tries to call Nikki but can't reach her.  [Someone on the Patio whispers: "Because that Troll took away Nikki's cell phone!"]   Polita is secretly relieved.  She was worried that Nikki would tell Guzmán what the Mean Girls said to her earlier.  [We know this because we are the snails and we hear her thought bubbles.]

Let's Make a Deal
The Miami sophisticates have decided to call a truce.  Nikki had Guzmán, Roy had "Kimberly" and now they are even.  Why not go back to being like brother and sister, the old friends they used to be?  They toast to Truth: ¡Cero mentiras y sólo netas!  (Zero lies and only truths)
[And I notice that from the side, Roy's head looks a lot like the iconic Bob's Big Boy statue that was always getting stolen from the restaurant of that name.]

"So did you vomit today?" asks Roy pleasantly.  No, but she admits she tried to call Guzmán and instead talked to Polita and then that little dwarf, Arriaga's daughter.  Liliana? Nikki is surprised that Roy knows her name.  In any case, Ratiana told her she is hooking up with Guzmán these days.  Roy  looks a bit green.

Ratiana confides her sorrows to the green friends who never let her down. 
She is joined in the greenhouse by don Aníbal who, on hearing she is staying the night with Polita, offers her instead a guest room in the mansion.  Special treatment because she is Candelaria's granddaughter?  He doesn't deny it.  Does he still love Cande?  Maybe more than that first day …

Back in Miami, Full Disclosure
Roy reflects: Guzmán has all the luck -- first Nikki, then Lili …  Nikki doesn't think Lili is such a prize.  But why did they get married anyway?  Nikki tells Roy how Kendra's dirty tricks turned her against Guzmán.  And Roy admits his family is broke and he married Nikki for money.  Nikki laughs.  As if her tatito is going to write a big fat check …  But Roy sets her straight: the day after the wedding, Aníbal Balvanera paid the family Pavía a tidy sum.  Nikki is surprised but not as devastated as we might have expected:
¿O sea que mi tatito me compró un esposo?
(So my grandpa bought a husband for me?)

They let the depressing truth about their marriage sink in and they resolve to keep their leaky brotherly love boat afloat.  If they can.

It's a wet night in Mexico City 
Can Nikki hear Guzmán weeping for her?  He needs you more than ever, Nicole Brizz!

Paula is crying too.  [Well, no news there.] She feels so guilty!  And now Betty is talking about maybe ending things with Santino because … um … her relationship with him might make it harder to get custody of Guillo.

Vikki is also crying.  At first I think it's the shoes. Those suckers must kill! (And I mean, why sketch in those ridiculous shoe?  You're all alone in your studio, kick the stupid things off) But then José Ángel joins her and somehow I forget all about the shoes.  They spar a bit -- he should have told her, he didn't want to hurt her -- and she keeps turning away from him.  Finally he holds her face gently, forcing her to look at him:
Si usted no quiere ver lo que dicen mis ojos, quizá quiera saber lo que gritan mis labios.
(If you don't want to see what my eyes say, perhaps you want to know what my lips cry out.)

He kisses her gently, tentatively.  And then he folds her into his arms and kisses her passionately.  Yo lo amo, yo lo amo, repeats Vikki.  Y yo también, he answers.

As she lay dying
JA pulls away.  He can't love her, he mustn't love her.  He wants her, wants to make love to her, he has dreamed of that moment.  But then he thinks of their farewell kiss at the bus station and he remembers that at that very moment, Cristina was dying.  He'd like to love Victoria but he cannot.  His remorse, his guilt, won't allow it.

Not everyone in this house has a conscience
Certainly not Nelson Brizz who brazenly confronts Aníbal in the foyer of the mansion.  Aníbal is going to have to get used to seeing Nelson around because he's not going anywhere.  And he's still waiting for that position he was promised.

Nelson goes upstairs, leaving Aníbal alone to imagine his son-in-law's downfall:
Sólo necesito tiempo para comenzar mi venganza.  ¡Nelson, te voy a destruir! 
(I just need time to begin my revenge! I'm going to destroy you!)  
[A cheer rises up on the Patio. Bwahahaha!]

Vikki reminds JA that he isn't responsible for Cristina's death.  Maybe so, he admits, but their love would be disrespectful to his wife's memory. [Well duh. You just buried her, dude.]  He shouldn't have kissed Vikki and he won't do it again. Forgive me, he says.  He climbs the studio staircase and exits while Vikki collapses in misery at the foot of the stairs.  
No me dejes, tú eres todo para mí, te amo José Ángel.
(Don't leave me, you're everything to me, I love you.)
[which is kind of interesting because these two are still treating each other with courtly formality, even in a moment of passion -- Lo amo -- but when she is alone, she uses tu]

Ella es fresa pero no para tu mermelada
(She is a strawberry but not for your jam; fresa literally means strawberry but also "snob")

Lili walks in on a melancholy Guzmán and guesses correctly that he is thinking about Nikki.  Snap out of it, she tells him.  Is he going to cry over that snob for the rest of his life?

But Nikki really loves him, Guzmán says.  And he just found out that she behaved the way she did because Kendra Ferretti poisoned her against him.  And Liliana … completely ignores what he has just said!  Nikki loves him?  So what!  She's married!  "Excuse me for meddling," says Lili in an eerie echo of Cristina, "but I don't want that rich brat to make you suffer anymore -- I don't want anyone hurting you!"

Guzmán is surprised that Lili is talking like a woman, not a child.  [I'm not sure what he means.  Does he think bitchy and womanly are synonyms?] That's not new, she tells him with a touch of bitterness.  He didn't notice before because he couldn't take his eyes off someone who doesn't deserve him.

Jean Marie returns from a movie date with Estéfano and tells Polita about Odette's cruelty to her son.

Lili whines to Polita that Guzmán is still moping over that worthless Nikki. Lili confides that don Aníbal has invited her to stay in a guest room in the mansion.  Of course she turned him down -- her father would kill her -- she said she preferred to stay with Polita.  Polita thinks her friend missed her chance.  She could have been Queen for a Night, just like a granddaughter of Aníbal Balvanera!  [Hey.  Is that Balzac (heh heh) snickering in the background?]

Vikki and Arriaga each lie alone in bed, each one longing for the other.

Halcón 3 hands in his gun … and his phone and his radio
Francisco Guzmán turns in his security equipment to Salsero.  They shake hands and share a man hug.

Guzmán rescues Victoria from Tomasina's breathless interrogation about The Kiss.  He will be back tonight to pick up his things, he tells her.  She has his final paycheck ready.  He insists on giving back half of it as payment on what he owes her.  He admits he is sad about Nikki.  And she admits she wishes Nikki had chosen him instead of the Troll.

In a medical office
Beatriz has blood drawn.  She will stop by for the results in the afternoon.

Rich People at Breakfast: An Awkward Moment
Adriana joins Aníbal as Tomasina hovers and serves.  When he was in the hospital, she was helping Tomasina clean his room, say Adriana. [Translation: She was searching his room for evidence of his baby-stealing].  And guess what she found?  A photo of Candelaria Corona as a young woman!  Why would he save a picture of Liliana's grandmother?

Aníbal answers smoothly with the story of the riding accident at the hacienda years ago.  Cande was his nurse at the village clinic, she was very kind to him, and she gave him a picture of herself -- she had just had some photos developed -- on the day he was discharged.  And imagine.  He never saw her again until Cristina's burial!

Adriana listens to this story coldly.  She doesn't believe a word of it.

Poor People at Breakfast: An Awkward Moment
Polita bustles in noisily, brandishing a newspaper.  "Look!  It's Roy the Rollero!"  Lili reaches for the paper but JA holds on to it and starts to read aloud about Roy's recent victory.  Guzmán comes in and everyone looks uncomfortable.  Then Felipe shows up wanting to talk to Guzmán.  He shepherds him out of the breakfast room, much to the relief of the others.

Go for it, Francisco!
Felipe is glad to hear that his son has resigned his job with the Balvanera family.  He needs time for himself.  "Here," he says, passing an envelope to Francisco.  "A plane ticket to Miami.  Go after Nikki!  She's the woman you love!  Fight for that love with everything you've got!"

The Sisters Balvanera are Ready for Happiness
Is happiness ready for them?  Adriana expects good news from her detective.  She doesn't know Aníbal got to him first.  And she doesn't know that Vikki's on again-off again romance with Arriaga is off.  Again.  Arriaga is in the background listening when Vikki proclaims melodramatically:
Tomé la decisión de arrancarme del corazón a Arriaga.  El amor que siento por él tiene que morir para siempre.
(I decided to rip Arriaga out of my heart. The love I feel for him has to die forever.)

The Clash of the Brujas may prove fatal for Odette!
Guzmán goes to Miami but gets lost because he can't understand Cuban!
Nelson Brizz's nose is out of joint!


It was sweet that Guzman called Salsero his brother-in-law...

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the recap. You have outdone yourself.
GigoloGate, Bob's Big Boy, and geez,,, you even threw in a little bit of Faulkner. Best of all,,,
"Guzmán goes to Miami but gets lost because he can't understand Cuban!" I want some of whatever you've been sipping on the Patio of Equis Expectations.

Well, crap. Doris has already picked out my favorite lines. How am I supposed to praise your brilliance now??

I chortled from start to finish. I even dribbled a little coffee on myself.

As usual, I was already in bed when the opening credits ran. Thanks to this recap, I may be able to skip watching it altogether. I'm sure it's more entertaining!

NovelaMaven: You did amazing justice to this somewhat bittersweet episode.

"settling cozily into their misery" and "Excuse me for meddling," says Lili in an eerie echo of Cristina" were my favorites in addition to what doris already pointed out "Gigologate". Loved the nod to the similarity of Roy and Big Boy (spot on). In my much younger days, I remember a huge Big Boy statue "down the shore" in Jersey. Probably long gone but an icon of the 60's certainly.

Tides swirled and there was a definite shifting of characters and dare I say it "maturity"?

Despite everything that has happened, Nikki remains trusting and somewhat gullible in that she trusted Polita's assertion that Francisco and Lili were together without question. I was pleasantly surprised she made the move toward reverting to friendship with Roy. When I saw her in her nightgown, I was afraid that she and Roy's truce would lead to a romantic mistake. I thought they acted maturely in discussing their feelings and why they actually went through with the marriage. Nikki did take the news that her husband was bought and paid for very well.

JA and Vicky's scene made me melt. He was so tender yet he couldn't hide his passion - nor could she. However, could he not have given a bit of thought before he kissed her? Loving her and then rejecting her within minutes must have sliced Vicky's heart like a blade. Perhaps Carlos does need to appear so JA will see what he will lose.

And Felipe. Bless him.

Our characters are on a journey which I liken to a train. Some are on the right tracks, others needing to switch (to avoid oncoming collisions) and others need to just stop and back up.

I fear for Bea and for her news. She needs support, love and understanding. Santino will provide all of the above - I hope she does not release him - she will be all alone.

NovelaMaven, thank you so much for this most excellent recap!


Silly me-- how could I forget to tell you how much I enjoy the Spanish phrases you include. They truly are my favorite Mavenism. Any chance you'll be giving us a wordnerdery comment/grammar lesson any time soon?

PS I am thinking about packing my Butt for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica.

So glad you knew about the Big Boy, Doris and Diana. I couldn't resist -- the resemblance was uncanny!

"the Patio of Equis Expectations"
And so it shall be known -- for the next 50 episodes!

I love your train metaphor, Diana. Here's hoping that Espanto and company stay far away from the roundhouse.

Sara, I'm not so sure it's a good idea to drag your Butt* all the way to Costa Rica. Yeah, I know it's great, but man, it is heavy.

[*Sara means A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish by Butt and Benjamin, the best little reference grammar in (or out of) Texas.]

If I go all wordnerdy, you will only have yourself to blame. I have been holding back, catching some gorgeous imperfect subjunctives and throwing them back. But now, watch out!

Teresita, I liked the Guzmán-Salsero scene too. Let's hope Salsero actually gets to be his cuñado.


Thanks for this most excellent recap and the Spanish phrases.

I am glad that Roy and Nikki have called a truce. Roy can be nice when he wants to be. I just hope that they both come to their senses and end this farce of a marriage. At least Nikki knows the truth about her Tatito and that he bought her a husband and that Roy just married her for the money. It will be interesting to see what happens when Frankie comes for a visit.

Ay yi yi, Poor Ms Vikki and the Angel. Such passion, such angst! That kiss was just smokin'! But it is too soon for the Angel. He still needs to work through his grief over Cris. Tomi was right about that. Ms Vikki should be a bit more patient. That split screen of them was so sad.

Lili has grown some but has she really forgotten Roy? I think not. Yeah, sure she says to Polita he is dead to her, but the way she acts, I'm thinking he is alive and well for her. She sure was grabby with that paper, jus' sayin'.

Has Polita been reading the snails? That remark about Lili staying in a guest room like she was the granddaughter of Anyballs was down right spooky!


I agree with you, this is like a train ride with the characters and I agree with NovelMaven, I too hope Espanto isn't in the round house.

Poor Betty and the blood test. I too hope she doesn't dump Santino. She will need all the help she can get, cause that low one is still out there.

Adri is spot on in not trusting Anyballs. I really wonder if that PI will show up at all. Anyballs' explanation about the pic he has of Cande is flimsy at best. I thought the light bulb would go off in Adri's head about the clinic in Santa Rita when he explained about his riding accident, but he did mention it happened before she was born so that must have thrown her off. She probably thought that Cande would have left years before she gave birth to Lucia. Hmmm. I think at some point she will figure it out.

I can't wait for tonight with the Kendho/Odio showdown.

NM - I live in The South and we've had (para siempre) the identi-kit twin chain restaurants, Shoney's. Big Boy statue is complete clone. Netas.

Also, NM, I would be ever-so-grateful if you would toss in those imperfect subjunctives. Now to go find a price on the Butt guide to modern grammer....

EXCELLENT recap! SO clever!

"Also, NM, I would be ever-so-grateful if you would toss in those imperfect subjunctives."

Ay, Doris, si hubiera sabido ... If I had known -- well there's no telling what I would have done. But now I know, so be on the look-out for a Festival of Imperfect Subjunctives!

Around my part of the midwest, Bob's Big Boy is just another kitschy memory.

Anon 9:59, so glad you enjoyed the recap.

Oh me, Oh my. To the heights of romantic exchange of spit to the depths of dispair with no me dejes and arrancarme del corazon. How did you do it and keep me laughing through the whole recap, ending with --because he can't understand Cuban!. Just wanted to let you know I'll have to wait for my eyes to dry before I can read the comments.


Hey, all, we had a Bob's Big Boy not too far from us in College Park, but I never frequented it since I was a confirmed patron of Hot Shoppes and their little hottles of coffee.

Another excellent recap NovelaMaven. You make it seem so easy. Lots of memorable lines, but my favorite is:

"Does he think bitchy and womanly are synonyms?"

They're not?... ummm... I meant,
of course... they're not!

Actually I think that Aníbal's explanation of how he knew Cande was actually truthful... as far as it went. He did fail to mention that they had a child together, but he only discovered that fact recently.

I had to crack up at the new brother and sister... I did not see that coming.



This recap was such a fun read, which was needed, since so many of our characters seem determined to give up on love and settle for misery—Nikki, Guzman, JA, Vicky, Bea, Lili, and even Roy the Big Boy (I remember them fondly from growing up in SoCal). Thank goodness Felipe is giving Guzman a push in the right direction! If Paula stopped whining and feeling sorry for herself long enough (she had been doing so well for a while too), she might be able to figure out what’s really going on with Bea, and help her through it.

Not sure why JA looked so shocked when he heard Vicky say she was going to rip him from her heart, when just the night before he told her he could NEVER be with her, because of the guilt over Cris.

Whatever Anibal is planning against Nelson, he better do it soon. Fine if he can’t kick him out of the business because he owns shares and the legality issue. But why should Vicky have to live in the same house as him? Doesn’t Anibal own the house? Not Vicky or Nelson. In a sense, both Vicky and Nelson are guests in Anibal’s home. He can kick out whomever he wants then. It’s not like it’s joint property between Nelson and Vicky, meaning he would have a right to stay put until a divorce settlement.

I think it’s funny how Anibal thinks he’s fooling both his daughters, but both of them see right through him. He might as well come out with the whole truth about everything, because it wouldn’t shock them.



"He might as well come out with the whole truth about everything, because it wouldn’t shock them."

I agree but I really think that Aníbal thrives on the intrigue and deception.

I sure hope that Kendra doesn't kill Odette. If she does infarct and die, I'm guessing that she has not signed the altered will and Estéfon will inherit... but I'd much prefer that she survives and mends fences with him instead.


NovelaMaven – Terrific recap. Thanks for the JA-Vickie dialogue; you always know just the right scenes to break down. My favorite lol: "Guzmán goes to Miami but gets lost because he can't understand Cuban!"

Funny when JA couldn’t help but bust out a laugh when he said the words “selling your sexual services” in relating GigoloGate [thanks, NovelaMaven] to Guzmancito.

At least Nikki’s trying to bring calm to the mess she’s in. Good for her. But I still don’t want Roy for Lili.

Agree Tomasina’s right - JA just needs more time. Vickie should be patient, but of course JA’s hesitancy sets her up to give Carlos a go. That kiss was hot though.

Loved when Anibal thought-bubbled “I will destroy you, Nelson.” Hurry up already.

NovelaMaven - thank you for your excellent, detailed recap and especially for your translation of the Spanish phrases. It's so helpful to me in understanding what's going on. Festival of Imperfect Subjunctives! Perfect!

Roy the 'Big Boy' - too funny (for those of us who are old enough to remember the Big Boy restaurants and statues). Nelson also has that look sometimes.

Angel and Vikki both need time to grieve and heal. Angel will be mourning Christina for months to come, and Vikki is dealing with the enormity of Nelson's betrayal. I'm convinced, though, that they will be together and happy at the end.

Poor Bea. The look on her face said it all. She knows what the results of her blood test will be. I'm afraid she'll try to be noble and push Salsero away, but hopeful that he will stand by and be supportive and loving with her.

I'm hoping the misery in Miami will be over soon. Guzman has his plane tickets (yea! Felipe!), and maybe he'll find a map so he doesn't stay lost too long!

It sounded to me like Anibal has a plan for dealing with Nelson. I hope it's a good one!

I too am looking forward to the KendHo/Odette scream fest tonight. It looked like Odette has some sort of attack. Maybe this will be the beginning of her 'redemption'.


"... Bob's Big Boy is just another kitschy memory."
Same here. They statue came down ages ago and it's hard to find a Shoney's anymore. They've been replaced by faster food joints, Panera, etc.

I was pleasantly surprised by Nik-Roy's truce, and even moreso by Roy-ero's honesty with Nikki as to why he married her. And now the scales have fallen from her eyes after learning that her beloved Tatito bought her a husband. Should be interesting ...

Nelson & Anibal's (pardon the expression) pissing match will not end up well. I'm looking forward to Nelson getting taken down a notch. Or two. Or three.

Whenever Joan/Carlos comes to town, will he fall for Adriana this time?


It is Anyballs' house but I think he is afraid if he kicks FF to the curb, FF will turn around and spill all he knows about Lili and Cris. I really think Anyballs has a plan to oust FF not only from the his house, but his bidness. He did say he was setting that in motion : )

Doris, I love your idea about Carlos and Adriana!

They seemed to make a point of Nikki only drinking a little champagne...could they (please no!) have her pregnant from her wedding night in the barn??

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the recappers who explain everything in such an entertaining way! With this diverse group of story-tellers, it's always fun to read and learn. I haven't been here from the beginning but I'm trying to catch up with some of the past episodes.

I love this show and am so grateful y'all are here to help me understand it.


Calling upon our trusty, intrepid, "Live and In Your Face," People on the Patio reporter, NM, that if there are any plans to interview Odiette, it had better be NOW.

Note to all readers and commenters--People on the Patio will soon go on-line, with a page all of it's own. There will be an archive of past interviews.

The On-line version will also feature:

The Collected Wisdom of Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon and Birthing.…

Feed that man - please!

There is nothing worse than a whiny man, wallowing in self-pity. Buck up.

Simply because you love a good woman does not mean you necessarily deserve one.
…the anvils, my friend, are blowin’ in the wind.

"my mood had sunk about as low as Kendra's ethics"

...and many more since these early ones.

Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. Interesting comments today. Let me add a couple of thoughts:

--When Nikki is with Roy, she is less. Less funny, less pretty, less animated. He drags everything down to his abysmal level. That must be why he styles his hair so high -- he is fighting against this downward pressure.

--Aníbal is a hoot to watch. He is so smooth, such an accomplished manipulator and liar, so dangerous, with that deep, seductive voice. I don't want a regular seat at his table, but I do want to stop by for a glass of that good red wine he was drinking last night.

--We've had signals of life from Carlos, but we are still waiting for Adriana's long lost love, Vicente. That is going to be fun, especially since he is also Ratiana's father. I'm looking forward to a major LLAMADO* DE LA SANGRE

*"llamado" is not a typo. I've noticed that "call of the blood" is masculine, with an -o; "call of the telephone" is feminine, with an -a, "llamada." I'm always fascinated by the diverging of genders for related but not identical words.

Anita, it might be that People on the Patio already has an Odette exclusive in the can. (No, not that can. Ewwwww. It's an expression, guys.)

NovelaMaven--Whew. Glad to hear that news. After last night's avances, you may not get another chance. I'm sure there's a Big Bang in that Can.

It'll be interesting to see how neutral NM can stay, knowing the gossip whirling around her son.

I meant Odiette's son, not yours, Novela.


I'm so with you about Anyballs' I could listen to his voice all the time, same with Cesar Evora, that basso profundo. sigh!

I can't wait for Vincente to show up too. I wonder if Lili/Lucia will feel something in her stomach when she meets him, like she did with Adri, remember she felt weird in the Delegation and then in the Balvanera Manse when she finally met her?


Lo sé, Anita, lo sé. Mr. Maven and I have worked hard to keep our children out of the glaring CarayCaray limelight.

"I can't wait for Vincente to show up too. I wonder if Lili/Lucia will feel something in her stomach when she meets him, "

Personally, Mads, I won't be satisfied with anything less than a full-on faint calling for smelling salts and making people wonder if she is pregnant. (Or maybe a Linda Blair head-spin. That would work.)

Thank you NovelaMaven. You brought
some sunshine in with your recap of
an episode that didn't have much. I
laughed from the very first line--Balzac and the snails have the night off. Your Boy Toy description as Bob's Big Boy was hilarious. I lived right down the street from a Bob's Big Boy [statue and all] and ate there several times. Come to think of it, Roy's hair does look like Bob's, what a hoot.
Another that I liked was---It's a wet night in Mexico City. Paula is crying too [well, no news there.]
The recap was fun reading all the way through.

Diana---Loved your train comparison

Just wondering if there will be a big showdown between Boy Toy y Guzman tonight.
Looks like a showdown between Odette and the Ho. Could it be two
showdown's in one night?

Victoria in Texas---Just guessing that there might be a Nikki/Guzman
kiss tonight that is as hot as Arriaga y Victoria's was last night.
the gringo



I never noticed the Big Boy resemblance until I saw Roy in profile. Then I realized that weird crest on his head is just a straight up pompadour! That is, it's all front and no substance -- kind of like the Rollero himself!

Thank you so much, NM, for your fabulous recap! So many laughs! I love the mention of Big Boy, because I grew up near the first Big Boy (in Glendale California) and Bob's was our favorite family restaurant. There are still several restaurants open in S. Calif. (and the oldest standing Big Boy restaurant is in Burbank, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from Glendale!). And you're right, Roy the Boy does look like Big Boy from profile. That little tipped up nose and everything. Not a man, but a Boy.

It was a fun episode, with Big Angel tittering a little at GigoloGate. Poor Guzmancito. I sure hope he is able to intercept Nikki in Florida!

I admit I was surprised by the civilized way that Roy the Boy and Nikki talked to each other. But this truce should end in an annulment, and soon. Since I presume they haven't consummated their marriage (well, they've both consummated with someone, just not each other) it should be possible to get an annulment from the Catholic church, right?

Very curious to see what transpires tonight with Odioette. I hope she can be redeemed, because she'd be a fab mother-in-law for Jean Marie if she just got rid of the nasty bitchiness. And Estefano deserves that too. Hope it works out.

I am unsure of what Carlos's role will be, since I'm presuming (no spoilers) that Vicki will end up with Big Angel at the end. I still think Adri is destined for her baby-daddy since she has said several times that he was the love of her life, plus he's the baby-daddy. The guy who plays Carlos is galán material, so I hope he's not wasted.

P.S. I should add that I presume that Carlos will give Big Angel a run for his money, but that ultimately she'll choose Big Angel. Assuming that's the case, I hope that our presumed galán Carlos (no spoilers, just my guess) will end up with some lovely lady.

" I hope she [Odette] can be redeemed, because she'd be a fab mother-in-law for Jean Marie"

Absolutely, Elvira. And Jean Marie would be a fab son-in-law for Odette. After all, he is (or used to be) one of her biggest fans.

Anita: You are so kind! Thank you (I say genuinely blushing) - you have made my day!


Elvira---The Bobs Big Boy on Colorado in Glendale was a nice place, to bad it's no more but you are right, another is in Burbank or is it Toluca Lake?
the gringo

Elvira - It's doubtful Roy will want the marriage annulled since it is the Pavía's meal ticket.

Are you saying my Butt is big?!


Um ... Compared to what, Sara? If it's like mine, well yes, it's not exactly diminutive.


Laughing out loud at the recap, Queen Maven, laughing out loud and hard. :)

Thank you very much!

That was a hot kiss, wasn't it. However, there's one teensy-weensy thing that almost ruined the scene for me: the makeup malfunction. At the end of the kiss Arriaga's chin and mouth was white. Erduardo literally licked the make-up off Erika's face. It was, well, funny. Even Era noticed it, so she spontaneously tried to wipe the stuff off his face between two kisses.

Btw, random fact: did you know Erika's original name is Teresa de Jesús Buenfil? :)

Gringo, the Bob's I always went to was on Glenoaks in Glendale. That's gone now. *sob* I looked up on the Big Boy site and there are still several in the area.

Aribeth - I did notice Erika wipe EY's bottom lip with her hand and assumed it was because her lipstick smeared him. Didn't spoil the scene for me though, just emphasized they were really going for the gold. :D

Now that I think about, I have mixed feelings about Carlos showing up and complicating things for Vickie and JA. It would've been interesting to see Vickie and JA come together naturally in fits and starts after Cris's death, without outside interference.


NovelaMaven-I tend to carry my weight in my gut. My butt (lowercase) is flat. Um...I'm kind of shaped like the letter "B" (that's in profile.)

Now, my Butt (uppercase) does weigh a bit, but since I will be taking classes while I'm in Costa Rica I'm thinking it might be nice to have it on hand.

Anita-Love the headlines.

I *really* hope the Odette interview is real and not just a joke. :-/

Aribeth, I thought we had straightened this out before: YOU are the Queen! :-)

Like Niecie, I noticed the make-up thing and it didn't register as a malfunction -- though Erika's lips did look very, very pale.

"I have mixed feelings about Carlos showing up and complicating things for Vickie and JA."
I know what you mean.

-On one hand, a new character at this point is like opening up the board on a Scrabble game that has been stuck in one corner.

-On the other hand, I find myself getting very conservative and like you, I almost resent the stranger who comes into town to shake things up.

Oh well. Maybe it will just depend on how appealing the new guy turns out to be. :)

Miss Sara,
"I *really* hope the Odette interview is real and not just a joke."
Hmm. I think we need to talk.

Thanks for your nice comment. Now that you mention it, Nelson Brizz does have kind of a Big Boy look about him as well!

So glad you've been enjoying all the recaps and that you took a moment to say so. Welcome!

So has anybody noticed -- Adriana has gone and had herself a makeover while we had our backs turned? She's still dressing down (though her clothes are no longer a downer) but her hair and make-up have been majorly glammed up.

Also, now that Ratiana seems to be wearing more make-up and has more 'styled' hair, she looks ten years old, that is to say, her actual age.

NovelaMaven: WHat a funny recap. I laughed the most at Paula. She really does cry alot, the poor actress probably got dehydrated during filming.

I actually didn't mind Liliana's advice to Guzmán. We know what Lili feels for Guzmán and her lie to Nikki so that makes her words suspicious but they aren't that crazy sounding. I found her point as valid as Felipe's. Guzmán does not need to be saving Nikki of her choices all the time, she is a married woman now and she wasn't forced by Kendra, he never gave her a reason not to trust him and yet she went and left him for her now husband out of (who knows? spite? hurt?). I'd be very hurt if I was in Guzmán's shoes.


I think those little missteps sort of add to the scene instead of taking away from it. I like when the actors just keep going, you don't get to do over things in real life.


great recap. i find myself screaming at niki, just walk away!!

He doesn't speak Cuban. That was funny! Was he really lost or were you joking?
I missed that avance section because I was distracted by a photo of William Levy's hairdon't in La Tempestad. If they don't have him cut that off, I will certainly root for his love rival. :-)


What can I say? When it comes to Nikki, I am shameless about my bias. I'm like one of those over-indulgent parents whose child can do no harm. Eiza has made the character so endearing that I can't help cheering for her, even when she doesn't exactly occupy the moral high ground. :-)

Ron O'Gorman,
I know what you mean. But now that Francisco is on the way, let's hope Nikki stays put until he gets there!

I was just kidding. I have no reason to expect that Guzmancito will get lost anywhere but in the eyes of his beloved.

Oh and if Ivan Sanchez is Sweet William's rival, you may find yourself rooting for him for reasons that have nothing to do with hair styles. If you liked Gabino Mendoza ...


Novela- There's definitely something about Eiza. I show my classes Lola every year and my students adore her!

I can't tell you and other re-cappers how much I appreciate what you do for all of us who love novelas and understand little to none of the Spanish language. This has opened up a whole new world to me as far as watching television. I much prefer the fantasy world of novelas versus the idiotic reality tv in the U.S. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Ro M:

What a nice comment. Thank you! You are welcome here and I hope you stop by often.

Thanks NM, great and funny recap. I also adopted NIkki. Like you, I am also an "overindulgent mom" who thinks my daughter is spotless. And what can I say, team Nikki/Guzmancito forevah! There, that explains my bias.
To change my fav. topic, Years ago when I first came to the US in 1983, we resided in Burbank. Our favorite restaurant to eat best burgers was Bob"s Big Boy. I think Gringo, you're right.- that was either at Riverside dr., Burbank or Toluca Lake
It's funny, that I used to tease my husband Big Boy because he has a picture of himself when he was a toddler that looked exactly like Big Boy. Hair and all. (Memories!)
I love the romance between Arriaga and Victoria. The things they say to each other are so poetic and so I enjoy to hear the Spanish words they utter to each other and so I get misty eyed.


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