Thursday, May 16, 2013

PEAM #48- 5/15/13: How To Teach a Bobblehead Doll To Dance Without Tipping Over

Dec 12th or juárever day Osorio decides it is. Juárever!

Discua is home so she won't be able to enjoy the ''active pause'' which is a fancy way to say that you will spend more time in the changing room than doing yoga. That's  supposed to improve work efficiency, but if I were Alma, I'd better let them gossip and have their way with the carrot cake, since that is something they already manage to do well....
Tomorrow, Dec. 13th. or 21st. for that matter, someone will have to tell her so she is prepared with her sporty outfit ;-)
Jesús, who besides being a ''Licenciado'',  a pizza delivery guy, a chef, a pet sitter, a party planner, campaign designer and mole vendor outside movie theaters on Sundays, still have time to teach yoga!!

Don't do good things that look like bad things, used to say Jesús grandmother but he has forgotten all advice, lost in Alma's green eyes. During the waste of, I mean, the active pause, there was plenty of people she could have chosen to ''do the yoga with'' but she chose Jesús, and him, with that bad judgement (remember that last night he spent the night at Verónica's when he could have easily declined that offer without damaging  his relationship with Valentina -juárever). Jessica takes the chance to tell XTL how slow she was not grabbing him before Alma did, and Ricardo uses his Unefón to snap a close up picture (that later changes to a completely different shot) to post it both via closed circuit and printed in manila envelopes! Ain't nobody got time fo' dat!!
Well, thanks to the ''active pauses'' now the staff is energized and well rested to do all this and their usual workload too!!! Hahahaha! Allow me to laugh here! Will it be love? Reads the caption on the picture and Jesús is making a very huge fuss about it, when in the beginning, he didn't mind. Holding, pulling, pushing,  breathing, and gets lost in Alma's green eyes when THE WHOLE OFFICE STAFF INCLUDING ROGELIO AND FERNANDO WERE WATCHING!!! Echate esa! Can you imagine this in real life?

Pánfilo, whose street sweeping doesn't agree with his diabetes, is found in Chatita's bed resting. She insists on taking him to the Hospital paid by his health insurance because without him, her life would be worthless...
He notices her advances but she backs up, pretending her selective amnesia has kicked in.

I understand Jéssica.  If I were her, I would also be afraid being all alone in that stockroom where nobody ever moves anything and the same boxes are always there creating cobwebs... creepy as Cárdenas secret basement lab!
I would also be very afraid and would surely do  anything, ANYTHING to get out of there ASAP! Cárdenas arrives to the stockroom, bearing the good news. She has finally been promoted to guess what?
Yes! Secretary! And now under the three stooges orders! And all that without a budget!

Rogelio starts getting worried because dancing is his Achilles' heel and him, being the god he is, needs to learn right away! After failing big time with Fernando, whose idea of dancing proved wrong at Discua's church and his steps are 
a) asleep/awake
b) killing ants
c) I am on fire

He missed the water sprinkler!!

For a moment there, I thought Jesús, being the man he is and being able to do everything a man needs to know AND MORE, was going to teach him, but no, alas, Julio was the chosen one given his flexibility from the hips down and his ability to dance even with his EYES!... Julio and Rogelio are caught dancing, practicing, stepping on their toes or juárever by the cameras because one of the other two stooges, Melchor and Gaspar, accidentally pressed the button on the computer that sent the feed to ALL THE MONITORS in Avon. After that, Alma gets there and kisses Rogelio probably thinking she is actually kissing Jesús, and Jesús arrives there too, making all those ugly faces he does when he feels dissatisfied. I don't understand why, because he is old enough to understand that Alma is not meant for him (at least not right now), so suck it up and move on fella! Stop hiding behind walls pouting and making those sad faces, after all, if life has given you lemons, go get the sugar and make a tasty lemonade!!

Of course Chatita, faster than a Penguin with hemorroids, runs to Avon to tell Marisela that her father is about to lose a foot due to his illness. Marisela worries more about her coworkers finding out the truth than her father's  sickness, the whole muégano secretary gremio want to go with her to the Hospital, of course she can not allow that, and once more, tomorrow we will see the whole TN cast in the waiting room or praying to Virgencita de Guadalupe for Pánfilos health.

Nosy-bastian, hears Rogelio talking over the phone with someone named Patricia and wants to know if this is the same or another woman with that same name.
Of course, Patricia has her own agenda and pretends to ruin Rogelio's wedding plans, and since tomorrow, or Dec, 21st, for that matter, he and Alma have an appointment for another wedding thingy they must do together before sealing the deal. Patricia uses the video to black-e-mail and make him take her to the rancho for a couple days, where she surely will make it impossible for him to  attend the wedding curse, or juátever he needs to do in Monterrey!

Verónica and Elías have a sour discussion regarding house abandonment, divorce, lack of love, dirty shoes, lawyers, rules and even custody of child and splitting of goods!! All in front of a very ugly rendering of Verónica's face made by some pop artist.
But guess what? Verónica is CHANGING!! It is true than you can move mountains easier than grains of mustard and she is asking Minerva to go to the store and bring 2 pounds of beef steak. Is it really the way to a man's heart through his stomach? We'll see about that! 

The new Fernando refuses to go get 50 grand from Malvino at the new warehouse, because he knows that money will not be used to pay Jesús or Jessica's new salary, but it will be used instead enjoying life to the full with lover #2, Patricia and him, in his new path in the way of light, he can not do anything wrong anymore. 

Rogelio's love affair is in jeopardy since gossip spreads faster than wildfire!



Excellent, funny recap.

Poor Panfilo, losing a foot, this is so not good. I am glad Chatita came and told Maricela and they told Alma.

Those three sillies are just plain stupid. Like Chucho couldn't figure out who took that pic.

I had to laugh though, at the dancing lesson. Rogue really has to left feet, and who knew that Julio can dance. I like the way he moves, jus' sayin', lol.

Veronica wants steak, que que what??? I know it was for Chucho but goodness, gracious is she gonna eat any? Two pounds is a lot of beef. Unless she is making a stew. Isn't it funny she relaxes her dietary rules for Chucho but not for Elias.

I was wondering how long it would take for Elias to move back in. And like he told Vero, it is his house. I wonder how long he will stay, hmmmm.

As always, it is a pleasure to help you make the most out of this silly TN.

Pablo, such a genius. Making merry from the mess last night. I couldn't even concentrate thru the whole yoga thing. Yeah, let's do this in the lobby. And does the company pay for the nice coordinated outfits?? We get a mug at my place....

Have to say, we need to thank Rog/Erick. Lately, he's our source of real comedy. Chucho last night came off really bland in the whole yoga thing and again, had those moments of not being terribly bright. Smart thinking not one of his attributes.

I'll be forming the line to slap Mari silly later. Anyone want to join?


Pablo, thanks for yur maravilloso recap!! I love how you try to keep track of the dates: it is so frustrating especially when the telenovela uses holidays or (inter)national events as markers. I once tried to keep track of the time in LFMB but no matter how you sliced it I was always about 6 weeks off. One of the other problems with these telenovelas is that there really isn't very much weekend time portrayed and it ends up feeling like one continuous work week.

I liked the fact that Fernando is changing for the better and that Elías moved back into HIS house.

Madelaine, thanks for bringing back the "que que what?". :)


Oh Pablo, you have such a unique take on all of this. Your recap is hilarious.

Yes, a lot of inane silliness here. But quite a few fun moments. The dance lessons (both) were very funny. Probably Erick can actually dance fairly well but he portrayed the two left foot, rhythm impaired doofus very well.

Elias in the house is going to be interesting. He's absolutely right that it's his house & he has a right to be there. Vero's statement that the wife always gets the house is so 20th century.

Julio got two good moments tonight -- the dance lesson but he also got to be Xochitl's partner in the Yoga session. Too bad she was so busy glaring at Jésus that Julio never got more than a chance to hold her hand.

I didn't get to watch the last 20 minutes yet -- but I'm glad to hear that Fernando is actually making more moral choices. -- his search for the "Luz" may be more than just a chance to be with Discua. Good for him.



Pablo--Thanks for the eyewitness account of all--and I mean ALL--the silliness that went on last night. It was almost as if you were there, at least in the lobby. Were you taking pictures, too?

I agree, Rogue is the one to watch. It's even better when Patymelt is in the picture.

I'm tired of Chucho's wishy-washy character. I agree with you, Pablo. It's time for him grow him some spine-y needles and some soft-balls.

Will it be Sebastopol who finally unmasks the Rogue? If he does, will he help cover it up so his Alma doesn't get "hurt" or does he man up and tell her she's making a mistake with Rogue. My money is on helping cover it up (only for the tn's sake, not for veracity).


Güera--Don't hold your breath over Fern. His brother demanded at the very end that he's nothing but an inútil and go get the money and do something útil for the first time in his life.

So, will Bisquit's admiration be stronger than a brother's scorn?

Thanks for the recap, Pablo. I have a cold and I fell asleep during the first commercial break, then drifted in and out after that. Pathetic!

But I did see where Vero gave Minerva her grocery order. Vero, you cannot solve all of your problems with meat! Meat is not the problem! Meat was NEVER the problem!!

If I were Rogue, I'd think twice before telling Fern to make himself useful. Fern's interpretation of "useful" might not be what Rogue had in mind, especially now that he is feeling virtuous AND extra-horny! (In other words, I think Discua's influence will be greater than Rogue's.)

Qué tal Pablo....Loved your riff on Chucho being the perfect man so you expected HIM to be teaching Rogelio how to dance. Enjoyed every minute of the lesson however, with swivel-hipped Julio (and since I seldom know the actual date in real life, unless I check a doesn't bother me a bit that Time is all wabberjocky in this show). The Calvinist in me, though, is always perturbed at how little work gets done (none!)and really, why should the whole secretarial group head for the hospital. They can do the whole solidarity thing before she leaves with hugs and prayers.

Yeah! Looks like they always look for the littlest excuse to run away from the office!! That's why I think they don't deserve any more encouragement, like those ''active breaks'' that bring nothing to the efficiency at work. What they need is Jessica's whip!
And a cracker, like they called Jesús sometime ago!!

Gracias, Pablo; always so funny.

Partner yoga at work? If anyone tried to make me do those exercises with coworkers, I think I would file a harassment case. Not to mention, does the company issue undies, too, or do you just have to remember not to wear your red or purple skivvies on a day you're going to be forced into a white gymsuit for two minutes of inappropriate stretching?

FINALLY they gave Julio something entertaining to do. Way to go, writers! The dancing scenes were fun.

Pablo: Thanks for the recap.

I’m really tired of Xochi acting like a 12 year old (no offense to 12-year olds).

I'm thinking Jesus isn’t smart enough for Alma. He really is a doofus a lot of the time.

Best part was Elias moving back into the house (though it will be confusing for Val—well maybe not, she IS the smartest person--along with Chatita--in this TN). Also, if E really wants Vero back, being in the house might be the best way to accomplish that.

Judyb: I thought it was strange that the whole administrative staff was prepared to go to the hospital. That would never be allowed in the real world. That probably wouldn’t be allowed in most TN worlds either.


What a hilarious recap, Pablo! I laughed all the way through breakfast!

It was a pretty fun episode, especially the dancing.

Pablo "The Great" recapper....

Nanette, in the real world, when a woman no longer wants to be with you, there is "Absolutely" nothing you can do to keep her.....

You are better off (if married) spliting everything down the middle, and move on. (That's usually when they will want you back.)


OK. It looks like I am going to have to watch this episode just to see the dancing and inappropriate yoga touching among employees and staff.

Thanks for the laughs Pablo.


Lee: I agree with you. In fiction world, however, there's always a chance. A male friend once told another male friend of mine when he was going through a break up, that a woman may not know what she wants, but she definitely knows what she doesn't want.

Pablo, thank you for the absolutely terrific recap! Oh my, I had so many good laughs because of you. I can't wait to see the dance lesson scene. ITA with Julia that this actor (Ricardo Margaleff) has been woefully underutilized so far. He's such a wonderful comedic actor and we already know he can dance. Please writers, more scenes with Julio!!

Oh goodie, I hope Fern sincerely turns into a good guy and will no longer do Rogue's dirty work. It's fun to watch Rogue blow his stack.

Thanks again Pablo.

Thank you, Pablo.
I just had a chance to read the recap. You do make this silly story funny.
Yes, Jesus can do everything and yes, The Ice Princess is melting.
Nanette- yes I've had it with Xochy too.

I'm a FC fan and hadn't seen EE in anything before (and was prepared not to like him), but he's (Erick) converted me! Rog and Paty (along with Val) are the best thing in this TN. Rog is sooo funny! Love his 'juarevers' and how he calls Discua 'Biscuit' and last night called her 'Bizca' which, of course, means 'cross-eyed' which then prompted Fernando to explain all about her winking tic. Hilarious!

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