Wednesday, May 01, 2013

PEAM #38- 5/1/13: Mata Hari, Hare Krishna, Hara-Kiri?

Recap By Pablo: 

It's Nov 6th (12:30-1:30pm)

Mati Hari:
All is fair in war and love, so Rogelio joins Jessica in order to find out more of what is going on between Fernando and Discua, Jesús and Xóchitl and everything else that has been happening under his radar. Of course Jessica drops, almost ''by accident'', that Alma is dining with the ''secretario''. From now on, Jessica will be Rogelio's eyes and ears in the office.

Rogelio invites his father-in-law-to-be to eat at LA GUACAMAYA (restaurant #3 in Monterrey) and to ask for help against Jesús, now that Fernando has declared he no longer does evil, thinks no evil, speaks no evil. Don Sebastián highlights the fact that if Alma is turning her sight somewhere else, it's because Rogelio is not doing what he should be doing!

At Avon, while eating,  the menu that doesn't include the now famous carrot cake as dessert, the secretaries decide at last to help Xóchitl, and Jessica will be the ''coach'' teaching her how to keep a man by her side and happy under the sheets (something she failed at with Fernando, but juárever), she is the only one who offers her help. But as we all know, when Xóchitl goes with the milk, Jessica has gone and come back with the cheese, TWO TIMES!!, so when she says, Xóchitl, you need to open, and then pauses to finally say ''your mind'', I am sure we were all thinking something else... Jessica did it on purpose to tease her friend (and us by the way).

The ''lessons'' take place in the bathroom for executives, located next to the bathroom for sillies, divided only with one way paper thin wall so the men can hear everything they say, but the girls can't hear anything they say. I can not imagine if someone goes to that bathroom with the runs, that would be so embarrassing... specially with those unwanted noises...

Hare Krishna
Fernando and Discual don't kiss once, but TWICE!! It seems like now that Fer is getting the light and his energy is flowing through all four points of his male tetrahedron (and I am guessing that is a humongous polyhedron according to Jessica's behavior after seeing it), Discua skips a step or two from her own sacred speech and gives in... could this be her ''yield a little pull a lot'' plan? Time will tell, the important thing is that Fer is happy (with unexpected outbursts now and then) and Discua is happy getting her goals, whatever they are. I am sorry, stupid, it was my fault that you didn't see me and spilled that boiling drink on me! (insert four winks here, wherever you want).

Jesús quits after only one day and a half in Orión. Turns out he is uncorruptible and he'd  rather be another number in the unemployment statistics than stain his hands with money obtained by cheating. He confronts Eugenio and Simón, and after consulting that issue with Alma, finally tells Máximo Valtierra that his morals are not compatible with Orion's, and he prefers to sleep under a bridge than have money to burn and not being able to sleep at all. 

Pati, besides being very smart and beautiful and with the whole collection of clothing with metal studs in all lenghts and colors on her side, is tempted by her inner self, somewhat demonic (after a instant texting argument with Rogelio) to tell Alma what she actually feels about this wedding, but survival is most important, so she keeps it to herself one more time... I think it is too soon to say pressure cooker but I have to, Pati is getting all steamed up!

Since Verónica has nobody else to ask for advice, she turns to  little Valentina, who has probably inherited, on her father's side, the maturity to perceive whatever is going on and in her limited vocabulary, still finds the words to make sense to her confused mother.

If Chatita's memory didn't fail, she would probably be a hit in the Bed & Breakfast business, specially when her place is the most visited after the Macroplaza and the Museum of Modern Art. 

The only thing worth mentioning from the previews that I hope is true, is Jesús coming back to Avon as a personal assistent to Alma. Because, secretario yo? Jamás!!

Ojos de borrego a medio morir (eyes of almost dead lamb)- Eyes rolled, specially when seeing someone you love
Hacerse bolas (making balls)- Getting confused
Hasta la pared de enfrente (up to the wall across the street)- Way too much
El que no transa no avanza (if you don't cheat you won't get ahead)- This was very popular during some presidential terms in México, where corruption was rampant (and I am sure still is)
Parar la oreja (ears standing at attention)- Pay attention.



What a wonderful and funny recap. Really like the dichos you give us every day, they are marvelous.

I had to laugh at the bathroom meet. Those sillies were so funny with their sushing of their voices as they overheard every single word that Jess said to Xochi.

Poor Valentina. I hope that Vero continues to get help and does something with herself.

Poor Elias' credit card was cut off and now he is back at Chatita's. Everyone ends up there.

What is poor Chucho going to do now that he has no job and soon no place to live? I too think he may go back to Avon. I just hope this time it isn't as a secretary. I too would like to see him as Alma's assistant. I can't see him working with those sillies in finance.

Patymelt was so funny. I thought that voice she thought with was creepy, but it's her bottled up anger at Rogue and Alma.

I kinda of like Alma's Papa. I like what he told Rogue about doing what he should be doing and this way Alma won't be thinking about another guy. Hmmmm. What is Rogue going to do now?

I really thought Ferny was going to revert back to his old horrid self, but he actually backed down. Maybe this is a change that will stay : )

Thanks Mad. The Hare Krishna subtitle is most appropriate!

Maybe something really good will come from Jesus and Alama's all-nighter in the office. I have a feeling his gallant work will get him a job back at Avon.

I'll apologize for this in advance....every time I see Alma's father I think it is Phil Jackson. After all Alma is quite tall and he did retire from coaching ( the Lakers) for a while!? Gertie

Polyhedrons? Is that what they're calling them nowadays?

Phil Jackson... I'd been trying to remember who Alma's dad reminded me of!

Gracias, Pablo.

Pablo, thanks for the recap and most excellent vocabulary lesson!! Gertie

Soooo funny Pablo! Every sentence was a zinger and your description of that ridiculous bathroom setup--yeah mopping the coffee up.

No matter what she does, I just giggle over Patimelt. I agree, she's a shaken champagne bottle just ready to pop. Rog is worried about Chucho, he better turn his attentions to his frustrated mistress or watch out.

I can't quite figure out Alma's pops yet. Maybe I haven't parked the actor's character from Amor Bravia yet and I still have his "stupidness" happening here. I think he's ok, but something is going on with him...and is there a younger brother issue going on here? Missed the dialog when he was hugging the picture. Alma is not happy around him, cue the anxious close-ups every time he walks in a room...

Double hug to Elias. The Bromance Brothers need some jobs - though I guess we see Chucho back at Avon, those two should open their own business. And what would these people do without Chatita? She is going to deserve a major payback from pretty much everyone by the end.

So still wondering. What does Jessica do all day beside wonder the executive floor? I want that job and eat free food.


Pablo, you are a hard act to follow.
Thank you for your colorful descriptions and weekly idiom lessons.
I am hoping that Jesus returns as Alma's personal assistant, this will really add fuel to Rogue's fire.


Pablo, this is a masterpiece. What a great way to start the day.

I will miss the cute silly from Orión; he looks just like my study-abroad boyfriend in Spain. Of course he would be in his 60s now, but juárever.

I've never seen Alma's dad in anything before. He has a beautiful voice.

Now I only have 7 back episodes to watch to catch up! With the dramas I'm willing to skip, but I don't like to miss any of the funny scenes.

Daisy, I got the impression in that scene that Dad blames Alma for Junior's death.

Julie, many thanks. That would explain her reaction around dear old dad, and I guess Rog may play into that as well ( our discussion the other day that she owes him for something and feels obligated to him).
The plot thickens....


Great Pablo,
Love the modismos

El que no transa no avanza

sure applies in Cielo.

Is Max aware of all the cheating in his co.?

Pablo, thanks for the fun recap and the continuing establishment of date and time.

I guess I haven't been watching too carefully because I finally noticed the ruffles on Minerva's nurses cap. Come to think of it I haven't seen a nurse with a cap on for many many many years.

I loved that we ended up at Chatita's place and the Jesús quit rather than be unethical.

Gertie, I agree about Alma's dad reminding us of Phil Jackson. We had Jackson up here before he migrated to L.A. :)


Variopinta, I think Max is aware of it all and would condone it all with his attitude about business practices.


Yeah, in fact, when Max assigned the project to Chucho he said he expected Chucho to use his Avon knowledge to help them win the Chamber's (Camera's) endorsement. For Chucho to use insider knowledge is cheating, period. (When Chucho wouldn't do that, that's when the Sillies decided to just make up better financial numbers and provide falsified documents to back them up.)

And I think when Chucho told Max about the two sillies' cheating last night, Max said something like "I don't officially know about any of that." This means that he'll disavow all knowledge and let those two take the fall if the company is caught cheating. If Chucho had gone along with that, he'd be thrown under the bus as well.

Thanks for the recap Pablo.

Chucho will be back at Avon, where he belongs. The question is, will he have to wear the uniform again, or are personal assistants excused from that? I still don't understand why it's only the receptionist and secretaries who have to wear the uniform.

I wasn't paying enough attention to the scene where Sebas was crying over the photo of his son, so I didn't hear when he blamed Alma for his death. What exactly did he say? Do we have a "Mi Pecado" situation? (Where the big sis was present when her little brother drowned.)

I hope we find out soon how Rogue “saved” Sebastian (either literally or figuratively). This might explain the comment Alma made to Paty the other day about her knowing why she must marry Rogue. She may feel some sort of gratitude towards him for helping dear old dad out.
Rogue seems to keep his shady biz on the sidelines and Avon seems legit, as far as we can tell. But that likely has everything to do with the fact that Alma is the only one of the execs who actually works. Max, on the other hand, definitely encourages his staff to cut corners and cheat.

I thought Alma's dad said something to the picture of Little Sebastian like, "If only you hadn't gone with her that day" or "If only she'd left you where you were." But I didn't quite catch it.

Thanks! I like you like it!

Yes Blue, he said that implying that if not because of Alma, Sebas Jr. would probably be alive. Four days ago, on Nov. 2nd. I saw Alma talking to the picture too, and saying how much she misses him... Maybe they were skiing in Aspen and he had an accident?
For some reason, when I see those pictures, I think it has something to do with snow...

Aspen, Canada, Paris... one of those places...

He said if she hadn't "sacar." That's one of the words I have trouble with. I don't know if it meant "if only she hadn't taken him with her" or if it meant "if only she hadn't taken off." So either she was supposed to be watching him and didn't, or she took him someplace where he got hurt. At least that's how Dad sees it.

Thanks, Pablo! You do great work. Funny and clever title, too.

Sebastian is a mystery to me. Conniving with Rogue suggests he is villainous, and Alma certainly seems wary of him, yet Susana apparently is smitten and he spoke very positively and approvingly of Alma's high moral character. How does Susana even know him, if he doesn't live in Monterrey?

How did Elias run out of money so fast? His credit card was declined the very day he was fired? Or was that just some computer glitch but he felt so defeated, he couldn't be bothered to straighten it out or go to the bank and get cash?

I love Pati's studded dresses. I want them for myself...well, maybe with another five or six inches added to the bottoms.

Julia, I was wondering if maybe Elias had a corporate credit card. That would explain how the plug got pulled so fast.

Pablo, you hit a home run with this re-cap.....

Alma's dad does look like Phil Jackson, and he also looks like Victor from the Bold and Beautiful...

I thought we would get the Xochi make-over, but all Jessy did was give "lame" advice... I still see a frog to princess makerover coming for Xochi.

P.S. I rest my case with Alma's line of fashion... Avon should have a management uniform also.




That was a corporate credit card that Elias tried to use at the hotel. He was shocked it was cancelled so fast. I too wish that Chucho and Elias would just move in together. They would be a hoot, plus they could have joint visits with little Valentina.

Sebastián slowly approaches the table and after taking the picture says:
-Sebastián, hijo mío... cómo te extraño...
Phone rings (Rogelio invited him to diner). After that, Sebastián hangs up and thinks:
-Si Alma no lo hubiera sacado ese día... si me hubiera obedecido...

If- Alma wouldn't taken him out that day (out of the house? of the school? Of the Hospital? Of prison?)

If- Alma would have obey me (Why was Jr in that place where Alma took him from? Whatever that is?)

Elias doesn't have a personal credit card? He was allowed to use his corporate card for personal expenses? Do things work differently in Monterrey or just in Telenovelaland?

Pablo you are the best! Thanks for the translation and everyone who has clarified his comments with the picture.
I'm sure we will find our true blue heroine didn't do anything really but something innocent like taking little bro for a treat, but daddy dearest had to lay the guilt trip on her to see a reason and been doing it ever since. Also explains why she doesn't fight hard ( at this point anyway) for what she wants since she's use to just backing down from a strong-willed father. Hope we get the back story sooner rather than later. Still like to know how Rog fits in her except that daddy dearest seems to like the guy.


Pablo, terrific recap! Thanks for all the laughs. I don't think I'd seen "juárever" before because it really cracked me up, as did all your very astute and hilarious descriptions.

As usual, your vocab additions are very much appreciated.

Comparing Patimelt to a pressure cooker or champagne bottle about to pop is simply perfect. ITA that Roge should be WAY more worried about her than about anyone else. Unless he's one of those people who enjoy setting themselves up in dangerous "oooh, will I get caught?" situations. Which, apparently, he does quite frequently.

Thanks for playing back that scene, Pablo. I forgot about the "if she had obeyed me" part. Typical "if only" reasoning - he assumes that if she'd obeyed him, her brother wouldn't have met an even worse fate. You never know.

As for corporate credit cards - at some of the places I've worked, you have to get a specific type of credit card (that is, the same kind of account and with the same issuer) your employer requires, but in your own name. The employer is a co-signer on the account, but you're responsible for it too. You submit your expenses and they reimburse you, but you can charge other things on it as well - you just have to pay for them yourself.

That way, if you use the card for personal things it affects YOUR credit and not just theirs; AND they can cut you off if they decide to cut you loose.

Usually it works out okay, but it can be very obnoxious if the accounting department is slow, or out of cash, or if someone keeps refusing to approve expenses you thought were legitimate, like one boss I had many years ago who refused to approve my one "travelling expense," which was a Happy Meal from McDonald's. (The accountant was shocked by her pettiness and reimbursed me the $2.99 or whatever it was anyway!)

Anyway, that doesn't explain why Elias had no other financial resources at hand, but maybe if you feel really secure in your job you don't worry about that.

Julie, how dare you try to be Happy on the company dime!

Pablo thanks so much for the recap. I also loved your "juárever" and your other insights. Thanks also for clearing up what Alma's dad said.

I am waiting to see how things will plan out for Chucho's job & housing along with Elias. I hope those two do room together.


Heh, I don't remember what the Happy Meal prize was, but maybe she would have been more accommodating if I'd given it to her!


I don't know why 0sorio (well... he is not Almodóvar) didn't exploit the misunderstanding of the two guys together raising their daughter more when he had the chance, or maybe he will, who knows? It could be amusing, I mean, as macho as both are, right?
He did it subtlely at Orión when both guys hug and then Eugenio says, or boys? when Simón talks about the women in Jesús life...

But when the truck was ''stolen'' and Jesús was explaining to the cops that He and Elías, HAD a daughter, Elías sleeping IN HIS BED, he couldn't WAKE HIM UP... all that could have been a lot more funny or with more double-entendre.
That could have confused the cops, the receptionist, everybody.

Pablo, you continue to entertain us wonderfully well, as much as the tn itself.

So, La Guacamaya is a real place not just the 3d restaurant Carayers have been to with PEAM. Trip Advisor ranks it #78 of 410 restaurants in Monterrey. Hmmm, it does have quite a few stars from reviewers and it's open until midnight, too.

tetrahedron...polyhedron, indeed--were you referencing Leonardo D.V.'s Vitruvian man (the one inside the circle by any chance)?

Pablos, I think you have Discua's number. We're still not sure if it's all an act to get Fern or to make a fool of him. Unless there's a back story, I don't think she knew him before she started work. So, unless she's genuine in her beliefs and believes in his conversion, it's to give him a big pero big put-down.

I don't think Sebastian is so much crooked (agreeing to help Rogue), but certain that his daughter should be marrying Rogue and is willing to help out. That's a lot different from being corrupt in your business. But we shall see what little plot Rogue has up his manga to use Daddysnookums.

I wonder if he had been at Avon before and that's where he knows Susana from. We'll surely find out.

I'm going to miss cutie sillly from Orion, too, but this guy is too good-looking and not silly enough to settle for any more silly roles. He needs to step up into a good guy in a drama.

Yes, Anita.
I have a friend who does raiki and all that and I am always making fun of her because she is trying too hard to convince everybody she knows that she is right and we are not. So, thanks to that pulling and loosing (estira y afloja) I have learned a few things.
Indeed mediations and mudras invite the person to visualize himself inside that Vinci's circle, or geometric figure. I am trying to tie Discua's behavior with what I have heard not to make sense of it, but to make fun, as Osorio intended, LOL!

Pablo-Thanks for letting us know what Sebas said to the photo. More mystery to Alma's backstory.

Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber at Orion are a total waste of good packaging.

Finally getting to, meetings, hospital visit, arrrggh...much more fun to sit back and relax with a juicy Pablo recap and some great dichos to boot. To be entertained AND instructed is the best of all possible worlds.

Just love "juárever"! And of course the title is so clever as well. I find coming up with titles to be a real chore, and my friend Paula once used "I can't think of a title" for her recap. At least that's what she said!

"ojos de borrego a medio morir" is such a charming expression...particularly for the vegans among us! Makes me think of Elvira's "puppy dog eyes" that she always attributes to the irresistible Jorge Salinas.

Anyway, if I ever, EVER, learn to speak Spanish, I'll give you all the credit Pablo.

Off Topic:

Calling on Caraymates in the DC-Metro area! Anita and I are headed to a Lila Downs concert in Manassas ( this Sunday, Cinco de Mayo, with some amigas but one of Anita's amigas has dropped out and we have an extra ticket. If you would like to attend the concert with us and a few other fun women, please e-mail Anita asap at: almeg "at" verizon "dot" net. I think you can figure out that e-mail address.


So sorry to miss the opportunity, Vivi -- I am moving down to your area, but not for another month! I have high hopes for Caraytogethers, though...

You're moving here Blue! Definitely let me and Anita know when you're settled and ready to get together.

I'll be a couple hours away -- but definitely making regular trips into town. :)


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