Monday, May 06, 2013

PEAM #41, 05/06/2013 - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner? No, No, It's Not Sidney

I haven't had time to visit this blog for a few days.  I was conducting two photo exhibits this past weekend so thought I would share the photo that seems to be the favored one this season. These are Los Hermanos de Pura Raza Española, who live in southern France where I met them last autumn.

Refrito; Alma looks sadly at her only picture she has of her brother and her. She blames herself for her brother's death.  Her father tries to comfort her and take the blame for the death on himself.

Elias and the yellow footed Mari get out of his car laughing, the sillies pull up to the same bar and also turn the old car over to the parking attendant.  Elias and Mari are scooting in past a waiting bevy of beauties.  The personnel manager gets a phone calls from his obstreperous mammie or fight over who has the entry fee into the club. For some reason the suited sillies get in past the young hopefuls.

Papi tries to tell Alma that her Rogie is a great man, Alma says yes but Papa is going to tell her something completely honest that no one else knows.  Since he had his infarct and heart transplant three years ago he has changed and he is completely in love with Susana from the Avon office.  She came to see him often while he was in the hospital in recuperation. He expresses worry over the affection Alma obviously has for Jesús Garcia that is making Rogie so jealous. Papa asks if she is evaluating her choice of Rogie and her reasons for marrying him if she isn't sure of her love. He wonders if she feels something for Jesús.  She admits that she does feel something.

Said IRON Chef is preparing the romantic meal and explaining to Chatita that he is planning this to reconcile Veronica and Elias. This will go so well obviously.

Back in the den of spirituality, we have Descua standing on Fernando's bare back while she salutes the spirits and calls for universal love while her pretty feet tromp the protesting head of Fernando who obviously envisioned a very different form of Massage not this Message.

Patimelt calls Alma on the phone for help so Alma leaves Papi to rush to her very best friend's side.

Back at the candle lighting stage of the dinner preparation, Elias is suddenly missing, the knock on the door is silly Xochi with her fire extinguisher and through the hose and braid, Jesús spots Veronica applying her lipstick in a provocative way in the courtyard.  Xochi is left with Chatita  to say silly things to each other interrupted before Xochi gets too shrill. Veronica comes in to see the elegant dinner laid on the table.  To a very surpassed Jesús she expresses how she cannot believe he went to so much trouble to prepare this gourmet dinner just for her.  Well, you all knew this episode was on a fast train to Looneylandia.

Inside the club, Elias and Mari enjoy umbrella laden drinks and snacks. She is more genuine than we have ever seen acting excited to be in this great little club.  She adds only one oh, of course I have been to great places in New York and Paris, which Elias takes with a shrug.  She gets back to her nicer self when they interrupted by a call from Chucho begging him to come back to Chatita's.  The misunderstanding unfolds beneath the music that makes Elias assure Chucho that he is clear to enjoy the evening with Xochi and he will keep Mari entertained at the bar. The Sillies seem to have a ring side seat and begin to order drinks.

Papa raises Rogie's blood pressure by informing him the Alma is too involved with her feelings for Chucho and Rogie better find another way to make Alma fall in love with him again if their PLAN is to work.  hmmmm…

Veronica is settling into the notion of a romantic dinner planned for her by her Chucho.  Xochi whines at the delayed return of Chucho to Chatita's bedroom.  Chucho looks nervous.

Back at the Bar we get belly dance and song in one star.

Vero says they will eat tranquilly and enjoy talking about  past great memories we share. They were novios and they have a daughter, what could be wrong with that? says the sweetest sounding Veronica we have ever heard. Here we can really see what our Doc Carlos means about her beauty, she is breathtaking but Chucho looks like he is choking while  Xochi finally makes it to the doorway to look into the dining room to see her place usurped by who? Chatita looks confused and we are saved by a break, bracing ourselves for Xochi's outburst that will surely come.

Chatita tries to keep Xochi at the doorway while Veronica pours on the charm.  Whew, for the moment Xochi turns to pout back in the bedroom.

Veronica reminds him that they had complete love when they conceived Valentina. And they both feel complete love for Valentina.  Oh yes, Chucho takes off with reveries of his complete true love for Valentina.  Finding Veronica so open and relaxed, Chucho tells her the whole story of how he was on the verge of a professional life and citizenship in Chicago when he was first invited to invest in a sure scheme with a reputable firm but it turned out to be a complete hoax and he lost all of his money.  Then he learned about the existence of Valentina so he came to meet her for a short trip when he had his second brush with financial and legal disaster with the money smuggling mess.  He fully intended to go back to Chicago to resolve the first financial disaster and complete his plans for citizenship and professional life in finance. Veronica is still smiling and listening, what a miracle.

Meanwhile Fernando is in bed trying to talk Descua into joining him so she can rub his sore muscles that she kind of created, but she gets offended that she will never get into bed with a man until she is bonded to him in HOLYiest matrimony (holy smokes thinks Fernando).  She stomps out of his bedroom leaving him moaning about his many pains.

The consoling Alma meantime is trying to get Pati to confess her heartbreak with this terrible boyfriend and wants her to divulge ALL.  Pati at least is smarter than that, so the two women profess endless friendship since they have been TRUE friends for ever so long…

Back at the bar, Mari and Elias discuss Elias' disastrous marriage, Mari can't understand why he hasn't returned to her.  Why would he be with someone that he was so unhappy with.  But she wasn't always a horror, she changed.  Mari can't understand.

Chucho and Veronica are at least getting to have that long delayed truthful conversation about why she did not tell him that she was pregnant.  Well he went to Chicago, but he defends that he went to Chicago to forget about her.

Maricela shows us a new facet of her character and is actually telling Elias that he ought to return to his wife and reconcile with her.  He thanks her and gives her a big hug to celebrate her great advice, but the Sillies have to keep Ricardo down as he thinks the big hug is romantic.  The Sillies are beginning to break down into Mama's boy, henpecked husband who is worried about his wife's reaction that he is out at 10:30 PM, the silly who has no where else to go and the poor lovelorn Ricardo who wants to stay to see HIS Maricela further break his heart.

Chucho breaks away for a feigned bathroom need but enters Chatita's bedroom to hear the mounting shrillness of a jealous Xochi who thinks her rightful place has been taken from her by this ex-wife.  Chucho tries to explain that he was merely planning this romantic dinner so Elias and Veronica could reconcile.  Xochi is almost mad enough to leave but I fear she won't.

Just then Elias and Mari come back to Chatita's, laughing all the way into the courtyard about their plan to help Elias reclaim his marriage, the sillies pull up and plan to enter the building in pursuit of Ricardo in pursuit of  Maricela.  Veronica takes this moment to put her arms lovingly around Chuco's neck telling him of her memory of the best kiss in her whole live which she got form him and she wants to repeat it.  We fade with the lips milliseconds away from locking.

Next: Xochi gets to reveal her dominatrix fireman's uniform including the inexplicable big whip which she uses to great effect breaking Chatita's knickknacks.  We have a brief review of who all loves Chucho now…Alma, Xochi and now admittedly Veronica. Xochi shows up in the office looking injured and no wiser than yesterday.


¡Guau! A recap in 32 minutes? You are a whiz, Cheryl.

I loved your cynical take on the proposed dinner "This will go so well obviously."and you all knew this episode was on a fast train to Looneylandia."

It was quite interesting to see different sides of both Vero & Mari. Vero was so beautiful and so attentive. As for Marisela -- Who new she could be so perceptive and selfless?

Then there's Pati -- no selflessness there. I loved the look on her face when she realized that she didn't need to call Alma out because Alma wasn't with Rogelio anyway.

Of course the whole episode is so full of misinterpreted hugs and kisses -- or near kisses.

What was with the weird scene where nobody claps when the singer/dancer at the club finishes her number? They put so much time in on the non-moment.

Thanks again Cheryl. You blew me away as usual.




Thanks for this marvelous recap.

Mari really surprised me. I thought she would be chasing Elias but instead tries to talk him into going back to his wife. Maybe what her Papa Panfilo said to her sunk in.

Vero was spectacular I must say. She actually listened without all the snide asides. Who knew she could be so understanding, Amazing. Now hopefully Elias and Mari don't walk into the kiss.

Xochi is so over the top. That blowup fire extinguisher was such a hoot. I can't wait for tomorrow to see her try to use that whip.

The lady singer. That was a shame. Noone clapped except the sillies and the hurt look on her face. I wonder if we will see her again.

I'm glad Sebastian told Alma all about Susanna. I don't like the alliance he seems to have with Rogue. But they had a nice father/daughter bonding moment.

Patymelt is just a hoot. I like how she fake cried and Alma wants to know all about the loser boyfriend. I wonder what kind of story Patymelt will give her.

Cheryl, thanks for the excellent recap!

I liked how the whole episode revolved around Chatita's place and Xochi being stuck in Chatita's bedroom guarded by Chatita herself. I also liked how Discua in her tryig to avoid "interacción carnal" with Fernando tried to kick him out of his own house. Too bad we are going to have to wait until tomorrow to see Xochi in action with her whip!

Off topic, in some recreational rag reading at the grocery checkout this afternoon, I ran into People en español's "Los 50 más bellos" edition which included Blanca Soto and Ninel Conde as well as many other telenovela favorites.


Nov. 6th (night) Could this day be longer than Nov. 2nd? Looks like...

Yvonne's didn't cover much and Chatita's can hold an arsenal. Can you guess what it is?

1- I was wondering what would be the menu, since Verónica is so picky when she eats. Does she eat meat?

2- I doubt that the cheese with green mold is from Chiapas (Looked more like roquefort to me, but juárever), you can not count on Chatita's mind anyway!

3- PEAM #3 (in case you want to keep track, #1 was said by Chatita and #2 by Doña Susana).

4- I doubt any aspiring dancer/singer would use her own name to break in the show business. She not only sang a very long song but nobody liked it... Sorry Charlie!

5- Things Chatita has taken from her bra (now I understand why it is so huge): Keys, chewing gum, cell phone, notebook, typewriter, Rompope, ok, ok, I am kidding, but, isn't gross seeing her take all that stuff?


Los chupes- the drinks
Mandar por un tubo- To ignore
Mandilón- A man who obbeys his wife (from mandil -apron- and the one who wears it in the relationship)

I am very sad playing in my mind the only wink I heard from Discua...

Oh, and I don't trust People's judgment since that time when I saw Don Francisco and Joan Sebastian as two of the 50 most beautiful... WTH??? I mean, c'mon! They were not beautiful even as teenagers!!


I think that cheese was actually blue cheese. I wondered what he made the meatballs out of? It couldn't have been meat. Maybe some veggies mixed with breadcrumbs. Vero sure loved that dinner.

Cheryl, what a beautiful photo! Thanks for sharing it with us.


Tks Cheryl & great picture.

How can you trust any revista that doesn't nominate Fernando Colunga in it's 50 más bellos.

Don Francisco, are you serious, viejo verde, I can't stand him. At least Joan Sebastian has talent a beautiful hacienda & gorgeous horses.

Cheryl- The photo you shared is beautiful! I can see why it's a favorite at the exhibit.

Pablo- Don't forget that Chatita also had matches down there, and Chucho joked she'd start a fire. LOL!

Looks like Fern is already getting tired of the chase with Discua. We'll see how much longer this lasts.

I was once again not paying much attention while watching this, but it doesn't seem that Vero gave Chucho a good reason for why she 1) broke up with him; and 2) never told him she was pregnant.

Just like Chucho, I don't think finding out that he was leaving for Chicago was a good enough reason not to tell him. Like he said, he would have changed his plans had he known. There must be more of a reason that she went 6 years without telling him, and would have gone forever had he not found out on his own.

I also liked that Mari got out of self-centered mode for a bit to give Elias advice about working things out with Vero. He spoke about how Vero wasn't always so strict/crazy, but the unhappier she became with her life, the more rules and such she imposed. I thought that was very astute of him to pick up on that. Mari then suggested that HE might be to blame for Vero's unhappiness. I'm not sure if I buy that (he seemed like a pretty darned good husband to me; not his fault if Vero can't appreciate that), but Elias ssemed willing to accept blame in the situation, so good for him. I really hope he doesn't see Vero kiss/nearly kiss Chucho. They have such a nice bromance. I wouldn't want to see that ruined.

Cheryl, WOW what an incredible photo. No wonder it is the crowd favorite. I know know know you are a super talented photographer yet your pictures continue to amaze me. Thanks for sharing.

Favorite recap line: "Xochi is almost mad enough to leave but I fear she won't." Funny! No, we know and fear she will never leave.

How amazing that Mari gave some actual, selfless advice. Of course it only serves to cause more confusion. Still, maybe she is starting to wise up? I hope.

Great recap Cheryl. Love the title, very witty. Thanks!

Anyone interested in recapping the upcoming 7pm show, please read the synopsis posted yesterday and contact Melinama.

Cheryl, your recap is delightful and very well crafted as always. Thanks for recognizing the beauty that is Veronica which I thought was evident from the very first day. Her personality was downright enchanting last night.

Your photo is stunningly gorgeous. Wow! I can't stop gazing at it.

I've not really had much to add to the conversation for the last several days although I've really been enjoying this show and have appreciated the recaps and have followed all the comments.

I'm sure that Vero was transported back to a happier time by that meal. Tiny meatballs (real meat I'll bet), marinara sauce (probably had a touch of sugar), cheese (he asked for Parmigiano), and spaghetti (definitely not gluten-free), red wine, and a great looking salad. My mouth was watering. I think that she and Chucho make a very appealing couple, but, alas, she blew her chance a long time ago.

I was really confused by the performance at the club and especially by the lack of applause. I thought they were going for a burger and fries. And the Sillies were admitted ahead of a covey of pretty girls? Cárdenas was cute with his hopeful,"See you inside?" to one of the waiting girls. And Mari is suddenly Ann Landers?

Poor Fernando, his face was so red it looked as though it might explode during his massage.

I had initially thought that I would tire of Chatita's forgetfulness but I thinks it's endearingly cute and suspect that she may use it to her own advantage from time to time.



Wasn't the singer in the club the sexy receptionist from Avon? Or not. I'm soooo confused. It took me the longest time to figure out that Discua and the child psychiatrist weren't the same person...


I too love your pic, so beautiful!

Good afternoon, I was up until 4:00AM catching up on PBS and other addictive programming. I so appreciate the kind comments on my photo.

The Discua/Fernando impasse will be interesting as it evolves now. I wonder if Jessica can get back in the game (although I can't imagine any sane woman wanting this payaso)

The ungrateful wretches who sat numbly watching the hard working singer shrink before our eyes was just cruel. It did not have any humor value at all for me. Maybe one of the Sillies will chat her up, but again I appeal to sane women to rise up against meanness and silliness now!

I do like that several of the characters are revealing additional facets like Sebastian, Veronica, Mari.

Favorite phrases from today not yet mentioned:
- “back in the den of spirituality”
- “the yellow footed Mari”
- “belly dance and song in one star”
- “so she can rub his sore muscles that she kind of created”
- “the sillies…in pursuit of Ricardo in pursuit of Maricela”


Thank you, Cheryl. That's a beautiful photo.

So far I've seen only the first 20 minutes of this (and would like to see the rest before I recap tonight's) but I looooved the scene where Fernando was LITERALLY letting a woman walk all over him... in exchange for still no sex whatsoever. Awesome! I'm sure he was frustrated afterwards, but from the look on Discua's face she seemed to find it quite satisfying.

I was confused by the meal Chucho made for Vero and Elias. I know Elias can put away like a dozen goats, but I thought Vero was not only vegetarian, but vegan. Was I wrong about that? Maybe the meatballs were veggie meatballs, but the cheese was definitely cheese and that's not vegan!


I wondered about those meatballs too and the cheese. Maybe Vero wasn't always a vegetarian/vegan. They were strolling down memory lane. I think Vero ate the pasta but not the meatballs. Still the flavor would still be in the sauce. And she ate the salad didn't she? Hmmmmm

Thank you, Cheryl for the photo and the hilarious recap. I loved- on a fast train to Looneylandia.
I too confused Discau with Marta.
My only issue is with Jesus as to why he continues to answer Xochy's questions. It leads her on and she is oh so annoying.

Well, now Chucho is on the hook with TWO women who thinks he wants them. It was bad enough when it was just Xochi, but now Vero too and not only are her feelings at stake - so are Chucho's finances and his ability to see his daughter if Vero gets upset.

I can see how this is kind of stuff is considered "romantic comedy," but it sort of gives me hives. Argh.

Is more like an ''annoying mistake''. I hate the way romances are portrayed here, all of them, real or fake or hopeful, and I don't see the comedy!

I am only reading it because of the articles, I mean, I am only watching it because you're watching it and I want to talk about it and make fun of it... Is so unrealistic (and I am not even referring to the lack of time lapses so we know how long has been between events).
Horrible! clever clever gal...I love "den of spirituality" when poor Fernando was really hoping for a "den of iniquity". Such a clever play on words.

And your photo...oh my, so powerful. Wish humans related as well and as honestly as animals seem to do.

Pablo, you crack my up...yes,our romantic comedy is neither romantic nor comic, but the blog is a great way to carp together and share our experiences. Ordinarily I watch this all alone (no one else in my family is interested in Spanish) so I love coming here for company.

As for the meal, I thought Vero gave the impression she was ready to chow down on meat, cheese and the works, as long as it meant getting Chucho for dessert.

I just wrote this on the Corazon Indomable post:

Alright folks, Jane/Melinama has not yet heard from anyone about recapping this tn. Although it looks like there are lots of people who will be watching, 1 full-time recapper (me) and 1 part-time recapper (Jardinera) can't do it alone, and this tn will likely not be recapped on Caray Caray.

Any veteran or newbie recappers out there...speak now or forever hold your peace.

Ah Judy, Yes, dreams of Chucho for dessert, who wouldn't be enticed.

Pablo, I love your ranting about the quality of this so called romance but it gives all of us a chance to free associate and get down to our silly cores which is good!

Well, foo. I'm not going to have time to watch yesterday's episode before I recap this one. But I do want to see it - if only to witness the poor singer whose performance wasn't even good enough for chirping crickets.

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