Monday, May 06, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #16 (Mex 23.2-24) Monday 5/6/13

Capitulo 23.2: Booty Calls, Real and Imagined

Mendoza Apartment: Maria thinks about the photos. She prays to the Virgencita not to let others hurt her.

Street: Fernando arrives to help Jorge Alfredo out with Elvira, who has passed out from too much booze.

Hernández McMansion, Bedroom: Lourdes and Concho argue about his possible infidelity, then then talk about Elvira. Concho finally has had it and gets into bed, saying he will talk to Vargas in the morning

Street: Fernando and Jorge Alfredo have driven Elvira back. They wake her up and tell her she needs to go into the house. She doesn't want to. They ask where the house keys are; she says they're in her purse. She tries to cling to Jorge Alfredo, but he doesn't let her. She claims to be unable to open the door (which is total BS). Lourdes comes down ahd shoves her inside. She accuses Jorge Alfredo of getting her drunk.

Mendoza Apartment: Maria thinks about what all the other women are saying about Jorge Alfredo and men in general. She thnks again about seeing the photo on the cell phone. Amalia offers to make coffee.

Hernández McMansion: Fernando and Jorge Alfredo try to explain, but Lourdes is not willing to listen. She threatens to have them both fired. She demands they leave.

Mendoza Apartment: Maria doesn't want coffee; she just wants to get some sleep in preparation for an exam. Amalia gets on her about getting a day job, but Maria doesn't want anything from Ruben and have problems with his wife. Amalia is naïve enough to think

Back of Taxicab: Jorge Alfredo and Fernando talk; Fernando mentions the photos.

Mendoza Apartment: Maria is determined to stay up a little while longer; Amalia goes to bed.

Back of Taxicab: Jorge Alfredo knows that the photos were a trap. Fernando starts ranting about “normal men” and how badly they treat their wives. He talks about how they need love, understanding... and him. His cell rings, so he's off to a booty call.

Outside His Amante's House: Fernando climbs the trellis.

Mendoza Apartment: Jorge Alfredo knocks, but Maria has fallen asleep across the table. Our theme song plays. She answers, telling him that Oscar showed her the photos. He tries to tell her about the photos but she is confused and hurt. It has become too much work to love him in the face of the opposition of her mother as well as the problems with Oscar.

Fernando's Amante's Bedroom: The husband's voice is heard within just as they are getting jiggy. Fernando has to get his clothes and make a quick exit as the husband arrives, telling his wife that his flight was delayed. However, Fernando is hiding under the bed.

Capitulo 24: Lagrimas and Lightbulb Moments

Mendoza Apartment, at the door: Jorge Alfredo hesitates when Maria asks him to swear to her that the photos were fake. She goes back inside her apartment, saying that it's best they don't see each other anymore. She cries behind the door. He starts to knock, but hesitates. We hear a single trumpet echoing the human anguish. He walks away in frustration as Amalia enters in her Pobre Madre outfit of a shawl. Madre et hija embrace as Amalia promises to not allow anyone to make Maria suffer. [She really needs to wake up to the fact that her daughter is no longer a little girl.] She goes into the “Every mother suffers the sight of this” mode. “You are so young, soon you will find the right man.” Maria is not buying that one because she loves Jorge Alfredo, but to her mother's question as to what she will do next, she says she will attempt to forget him.

Jorge Alfredo's Apartment: He goes over his conversation with Maria and starts thinking about what to do next.

Mendoza Apartment: As Maria tries to get some sleep she remembers Oscar showing her the cell phone photo. Mas lagrimas.

The Next Morning

Mendoza Apartment: Over the sound of our theme song Maria tries to eat breakfast as Almira tells her she must be strong and that Jorge Alfredo is not worth her tears. Maria cries again. [¡Por favor, Televisa, do not turn Danna Garcia into the next Reina de las Lagrimas!]

Jorge Alfredo's Apartment: To the same music we see he hasn't slept at all; he hadn't even changed clothes. He gets up and fetches a towel and clothes to don after his shower.

Mendoza Apartment: Paloma asks permission to study with Rodrigo at his place. Almira is not on board with this, but Maria volunteers to chaperone. As Paloma hugs Maria calling her the best sister in the world, Almira shakes her head.

Jorge Alfredo's Apartment: He returns in fresh clothes as Fernando arrives [Santos of all people needs to learn about locks]. Upon seeing that he's carrying the charro pants over his arm, Fernando comments on him having been in the same clothes. “What happened?” “She doesn't want to see me again.”

Hernández McMansion, Dining Room [which is decorated in better taste than either of these women have in clothes]: Don Concho sits at the head of the breakfast table, lavishly praising the food. He gets up and kisses his wife but she cuts him off mid-compliment, saying they have to have a serious conversation. He starts to say something, but she says “It's not about that; it's about something more serious. Sit down, please.” He does, after taking a nice wad of dinero out of his pocket. “Not everything is about money,” says Lourdes. “It's about what happened last night between Vargas and Elvira.” Elvira says “Mama!” in mock-astonishment as Don Concho takes this exactly as it was meant and demands the details.

Jorge Alfredo's Apartment: Fernando is sure the whole matter is a misunderstanding and he can clear it up when he stops pretending to be who is isn't. Jorge Alfredo resolves to tell Maria the entire truth that very day [Which, according to TN Cliché #20, will not happen because of some other cliché]. He goes on to say he has to find out about what's going on in the E.E.U.U. Fernando says he knows where to go and he'll go with him, but after he's had a change to shower and change because he fell asleep under a bed. A most disagreeable situation. They laugh briefly and he takes his leave, but these two won't be laughing for long.

Hernández Dining Room: Don Concho is obviously agitated as Lourdes tells him that Vargas disobeyed his orders and went to a party with Elvira, who then tries to play innocent. This riles him more and he goes on about how Lourdes could allow this to happen. She tells him she doesn't like this either; the guy doesn't know his place. “You have to fire him.” When he asks Elvira if Vargas fixed her car, she tells him he did, but contradicts her mother by telling her father that she obliged him to accompany her. This doesn't help the situation at all and Don Concho announces that this changes nothing. He announces that if any such thing happens again he'll kill him piece by piece. He finally takes his hat and leaves for the day (and most of the night). Lourdes is not pleased with her cualquiera daughter, threatening to send her to boarding school if she pulls any tricks like this again. [She looks a little past that age, but perhaps if they had done this ten years ago.... who knows?] Lourdes also plans to talk to “este muerto de hambre.” She gets up, throwing her cloth napkin on the table, leaving her petulant daughter to think about this.

Sanchez Apartment: Susanito [who really needs a name transplant] pours himself some orange juice and thinks about Irasema. After sighing “¡Ay, amor!” he checks the next room, then sneaks out as quietly as possible. However, Mancia must have canine hearing because she charges out of that next room – fully dressed – calling him multiple times with escalating exasperation. He bolts to the other side of the exterior (well-worn) staircase and remains still while she continues to act as though he were still ten years old. She finally goes back inside and he quickly escapes to the street. [Really, this guy should be spending his discretionary income on a good shrink.]

Los Angeles, Courthouse: Derecho and Curtis arrive with him saying we'll see which of these criminals turns on the other and surely they will be found guilty and he can retire from the force with honors. Curtis embraces him from behind, excitedly, and he tells her they're not out of the woods yet. “Why? If you say they're guilty, of course they will be sentenced!” He suggests she release him so they can go into the courtroom a little faster to see if Santos Martinez de la Garza will be arraigned. She finally does, saluting and still addressing him as “Commandante” and they head for the door. He holds the door open for her and for the woman who had observed them all through this scene. [Again, why is this scene not in English, as it should be? ¡Salud!]

Internet Café: Jorge Alfredo and Fernando sit in front of a computer monitor where they observe the trial occurring live en español. [¡Salud!] Arnold is sworn in and takes the witness stand. The prosecutor asks who received the car where was the hidden money? He answers “I did. Santos ordered me to sign for the car.” Jorge Alfredo shakes his head at hearing this. Justo sits in the public gallery, listening. “Did you suspect that this car was full of illicit money?” “No, Sir. I never suspected that Santos was using the company this way. He made Bruno and me receive the money.” Brief closeups of Bruno and Giuliano, who nods slightly. Jorge Alfredo is listening on one side of a pair of headphones and he becomes incensed, yelling “Liar, liar! I didn't do anything wrong!” Fernando whispers to quiet down “Do you want the whole world to hear?” He asks what is happening and Jorge Alfredo whispers that his own colleague is implicating him. Bruno is sworn in. When the prosecutor comments that he said he did not resist arrest he says “Yes, because I have nothing to hide.” There is a brief closeup of Justo as the prosecutor asks “But your associate, Santos Martinez de la Garza did?” He faces the entire courtroom with that question. Brief closeups of Justo and Bruno as the prosecutor says he will repeat the question. Bruno responds that he doesn't need to; “Understand this is not easy for me.” Justo watches out of the corner of his eye, Derecho tambien, while Giuliano gives a threatening stare. He then says “Santos deceived us all.” He looks nobody in the eye. “So you know that he is guilty?” This question echoes a couple of times as we see reactions. Justo is not quite readable yet, Guiliano is satisfied that Bruno obeyed him, and Curtis looks satisfied. “Santos is the only one responsible for that damned money.” Jorge Alfredo stops listening in disbelief. They were friends and colleagues and they are now saying he is guilty. He's guilty for running away from possible arrest but didn't commit this crime. He becomes agitated, starting to shout “I had nothing to do with it.” Fernando gets him to calm down. He walks out of the place; Fernando apologizes to the woman at the next table before following him out. [This may come back to bite them.]

LA Courthouse [¡Salud!] : Justo stands up and asks the judge to be allowed to be heard. This is his son's life they're talking about; he's a victim and not there to defend himself. He will not allow lies to be told. Bruno claims not to be lying. There is disorder in the court. The judge raps his gavel and gives Justo permission to speak, addressing him as “Señor Consol.” More disorder and another rap with a demand for silence as Justo approaches the witness stand. “Bruno, confirm that Santos is guilty.” Bruno starts with “I'm sorry Señor Justo, but that is the truth.” Justo reminds him that he is under oath, finally saying that his statements are full of inconsistencies, the most serious of which is about not resisting arrest. “At the time of your arrest you appeared to be hiding in your office. And if you deny that here are Commandante Derecho and Lieutenant Curtis to confirm that.” The judge asks Derecho if that is true. He stands and says “Yes, Your Honor, and not only that. Señor Morelli was sitting at the computer behaving most suspiciously.” Justo stares back at Bruno. “Very well, Bruno. Are you prepared to swear as to what you were doing at the computer? Such an important thing must have had your complete attention.” Giuliano pushes his hair back in frustration as the spectators whisper among themselves. Wendy has entered the courtroom, although she doesn't seem to have heard all of this.

Iglesia near Internet Café: The bell is tolling as Jorge Alfredo pauses, then goes inside. He approaches the altar bemoaning his fate as we hear the third movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony. He tells Jesu Cristo he understands his suffering because he now feels abandoned. He begins to cry as he kneels, saying that those who once loved and protected him have denied him. He begs for guidance at the darkest time of his soul. Fernando enters the church in time to hear this. He listens silently.

LA Courthouse [¡Salud!]: The judge raps for silence once again. Bruno says that he left the meeting because Santos wanted him to purge the archives. He was going to marry Wendy the next day and leave on his honeymoon. Justo tells him sounds like a good excuse; can anyone corroborate that? Bruno evasively says that he valued Santos and loves Wendy. He values their family and it's not his fault that Santos was doing anything wrong. “He used all of us and the business to launder the money.” Justo isn't taking this; he asks “Why did you wait until this hour to accuse Santos? Don't lie, Bruno. Look me in the eyes and tell the truth.” Bruno doesn't. “Look me in the eyes, Bruno! Look me in the eyes!” He closes in on him when stupid Wendy yells “¡Basta, Papa! ¡Ya, basta! Bruno is telling the truth!” She goes so far as to approach Justo. “You know very well that all this is Santos' fault! It hurts but we have to face that my brother is the only guilty party in all this.”

At this point Justo looks embarrassed and sad. “Santos is guilty, Papa.” Justo nods shallowly, but almost looks convinced. Giuliano looks pleased, Bruno has his poker face back, while Derecho looks like he is still scrutinizing the situation. Arnold looks very satisfied. The judge looks confused.

Iglesia: We now hear a choir singing as Fernando approaches Jorge Alfredo and tries to help him off the floor. Jorge Alfredo is inconsolable but has realized that both Bruno and Giuliano (his cousin) are implicated. They have somehow framed him for their crime. Now he has lost his father's trust.

Street: Susanito sees Irasema and starts to follow her only to be intercepted by Mancia, who drags him home by the ear. This would be amusing if it were not so pathetic. [The previously mentioned shrink should be for Mancia.]

Iglesia: Jorge Alfredo has calmed down. To Fernando's question about what he will do next he tells him that all is lost. He will now tell Maria the truth and then turn himself in to the police.

Rubén's Office: He's probably talking to an HR person because he mentions handing Maria's resume in a few months ago. His buddy Fabian enters. He explains she has no experience and is “casi una niña” but is very responsible. [All flies on the wall have now looked around for the vomitorium.] He explains that Maria currently sings in a mariachi bar [as if that were relevant] and not to pre-judge her, finally says to set up the appointment at HR's convenience. He ends the call and Fabian says “Don't tell me you're trying to get her a job with Julia?” “Yes. I have to get her out of that bar and away from that Vargas and El Coloso.” [We're sure that after one day near this guy she'd rather be between the other two.]

Street: The theme song begins as Jorge Alfredo walks back home and looks as though he is about to run into Maria and Paloma. However, they are on opposite sides of the multi-laned street.

Reyes Apartment: Paloma and Rodrigo sit at the dining table with their books as Gloria serves
coffee to Maria on the couch. After some nice things are said about Paloma, Maria asks what brings them to Mexico City. Gloria starts with “A very sad matter” and continues by saying she needs someone who knows the city, someone she can trust. Maria says “You can count on me” and Gloria begins to cry. “I need to find Rodrigo's father. I have to give him into his care.” “You are giving up your son?” asks Maria. “Maria, I am very ill and I will have to undergo chemotherapy. I don't want my son to suffer on my account.” she tells her. Meanwhile the two kids are reading a love poem which Paloma identifies as one of her faves. He asks her how she imagines her first kiss. She says she imagines it will be at her quinceañera. He seems to be a little disappointed but seems to take it well. They make eyes at each other. [Mancia could take some parenting lessons from Gloria.]

Garza Mansion: Justo demands that Wendy tell him how she could say such things about her brother. She asks “What do you want me to do? Leave Bruno – who is going to be my husband – to look guilty?” Altagracia tries to say she knows Wendy is suffering only to have the ungrateful wench accuse her of favoring Santos. Altagracia denies this. Justo looks impatient through all the drama as his wife says she is sure Bruno is innocent. Justo interjects that Santos doesn't even know what's happening while he is in Mexico City facing unknown dangers, while his life is being destroyed. Altagracia says that she is the only person who fully believes Santos is innocent and she feels completely along. Yet she will believe in his innocence to the last day of her life. Wendy says that she loves Santos, too but her love for him isn't blind. She starts screaming about the evidence, but Altagracia stops her. “No, neither is mine blind. I'd still love him if he were guilty. But I don't defend him because I love him, but because I know him. Against my faith in Santos there is no evidence that matters.” Justo asks Wendy why she did this. Santos should have a chance to prove his innocence [Did the writers forget that in the US the law has to prove guilt instead? ¡Salud!] Wendy continues to claim that Bruno is the only person who has nothing to hide. Altagracia says something about hoping Wendy has done nothing to hide and isn't betraying her brother. However, Justo tells her he hopes God forgives her... and also lets him do so someday. Both parents walk out of the room, leaving Wendy with her crocodile tears.

Federal Prison: Bruno and Arnold are back in their tangerine jumpsuits as Giuliano arrives to visit them. He tells the guard to close the gate and make sure they are alone to talk. [¡Salud!] The cell gate closes behind him and they talk about sentencing. Giuliano says that Santos is better off remaining a fugitive because if he returns he faces twenty years in prison. Bruno tells Giuliano that if he doesn't get them off he will end up with them in prison. Giuliano tries to rough him up to get him to explain himself, but Bruno gets saves his lapels and tells him he will tell the whole truth. All the colour goes out of Giuliano's eyes at that one. The two stare at each other with Arnold staring down the middle.

Reyes Apartment: Maria assures Gloria she can count on her and Paloma for anything she needs. Gloria asks her to help find Rodrigo's father so her mind can be at peace. She's desperate and doesn't have much time. However, before she can say more the kids get up from the table and she clams up. Happy-looking scene of Rodrigo hugging his madre and Paloma her hermana.

Mendoza Apartment: A knock at the door. Amalia is home alone and in pain as she approaches the door. She is not pleased to see Jorge Alfredo and slams the door in his face. He implores her to let him in and she rags on him about deceiving and hurting Maria. No, that isn't it; “I'm here to tell Maria the truth. The whole truth.”


Amalia collapses and is taken to the hospital. A major three-way confrontation between the three men who want Maria.


If I screwed anything up in the early part it's because I have a brightness problem with my TV. E-mail me any issues and I will fix it in the morning.

Sniffapalooza was exhausting; my feet were killing me and my bank account dropped by $500 on perfume, but it was a blast.

BTW, since we're probably in for more of them, I thought another drink cue might be for any scene that is in Spanish when it should be in English and for any mistaken impression of the US justice system

How could they have created an LA courtroom so well visually and screw it up by having the characters speaking Spanish?

"How could they have created an LA courtroom so well visually and screw it up by having the characters speaking Spanish?"

It's like Doctor Who - everybody is really speaking English but the TARDIS translates it to Spanish for us.

Univision had a press event for Que Bonito Amor this Sunday in New York and We Love Soaps was able to do some English interviews with Danna Garcia and Angelica Maria. Also spoke with Arturo Peniche.

Why this surprise at using Spanish for scenes of folks speaking English? (Not just UA, several folks have mentioned this.)
Except when a foreign language is used to convey the plot point that an English speaker doesn't understand the words exchanged how many, how many US TV shows have more than a few words subtitled?
Was Casablanca in French? Maybe American Rick, Norwegian Ilsa, and Czech Victor spoke English as a lingua franca amongst themselves, but Renault? Maybe Rick and Louis really acknowledged their beautiful friendship in English, but I really doubt Renault would have used English instruct his underlings to round up the usual suspects?
Sure some art films have subtitles, but generally US mass audiences hate subtitles, why would Mexican audiences be any different?
Just assume that there are babelfish in everyones' ears.
Compared to the rest of the stuff going on, this is hardly beanie-worthy.
Anyway, shuffle, shuffle, thanks to Urban and all of the recappers. As I mentioned in the closing days of AB, my schedule doesn't allow for real time consistent watching of multiple TN, esp the 10pm slot, but I do find that when I do "drop in" it makes much more sense when I've kept up with Caray. And having that context does help with comprehension.
Chris in Florida.


Thanks so much for this marvelous recap. Darn I thought that Gloria would finally say who the Papa of Rodrigo is. That would have fixed Oscar big time. Ah, well, another day.

I agree about that trial. It really should have been in English. Ah, well, tighten the beanie.

The saddest part was the Church scene with Santos on his knees. I think Fernando will continue to have his back.

I too wonder if Amalia has lupus. This disease she has cannot just be arthritis.

I wonder if Justo really believes in Santos' innocence and is trying to get through these inconsistencies he sees from the paperwork. Altagracia will always believe in Santos' innocence and I don't think Wendy's crocodile tears are going to change that.

Elvira's plans are going to come back and bite her. I hope it is soon.

That Rueben is a real sleaze. I hope Maria never works for him.

Oh, and Urban that is a beautiful fan : )

Chris, there have been novela scenes of US legal matters in English (Cayetano marrying Hissadora in AB). These scenes should have been in English; the learning of English is encouraged in Mexico and other countries because it offers a career advantage in the future, particularly in business.

Not a spoiler, but speculation based on a "poster shot" I've seen: Elvira won't be involved with Oscar forever. There is a better girl for him.

I'm starting to think this novela is taking the stance that blondes are stupid, shallow, and selfish.

If this series did end up with 60 extra episodes we will have to put up with some juvenile behavior for longer than we thought and it's likely we'll wait another few weeks before Gloria reveals Oscar's paternity. All she needs to do is tell Maria his name and that's that. Maria will bring her to the bar and you take it from there.

Thanks, UA, for the wonderful recap!

La joya del Norte

Thanks UA, your recap is perfectly readable, don't worry. It's important to have fun time in your life, and this TN probably isn't part of that, lol.

I agree about the Spanish speaking in the US. Especially the police and the court. There is no reason that would be in Spanish. And most importantly, it denies us the opportunity to make fun of their translations.

So Paloma is supposed to be 14!?! I said when I first saw her she looked about 22.


The US scenes courtroom scenes should've been in English because they are in the United States where English is used for court proceedings. Period.

If OJ, Bruno & Arnold speak Spanish among themselves, that's ok.

If Wendy, Gracia & Justo speak Spanish among themselves, that's ok. (Although both Wendy & Santos should also be speaking English)

A character named "Michael Johnson" would not be speaking Spanish when getting grilled by the American police.

The LAPD probably wouldn't be speaking Spanish in the office...I'm not sure if Curtis is supposed to be Hispanic.

The court scene definately should've been in English and the judge should've gotten some order up in his court.

Novelas I've seen where characters spoke some English:

Manana Es Para Siempre: Steve Norton, an American, spoke English & it was subtitled

La Fuerza del Destino: Ivan emigrated to the US, became a US citizen adopted by an American father...they spoke English in the office.

In this novela, more English is spoken in Mexico (Concho) than in the United States (Michael Johnson)!

Mancia probably read Susanito's Tarot cards and the cards told her he was going to fall in love with a prostitute...that's why she has her eye on him.


Angelica Maria is half American so I wasn't surprised that her English was good. Danna Garcia's English was pretty good as well. English is a very hard language to learn and I give Spanish speakers a little slack when they speak English because I know that everything is reverse for them. We are used to saying "The blue chair"...they are used to saying "the chair blue" (and French is the same way).

Thanks for the great recap Urban. It didn't suffer at all because of your fun-filled busy weekend.

How long till Gloria spills the name of her baby-daddy? They can't take too long since she needs to start chemo soon. She really should tell her son. He's way old enough to understand. It's not like he's a 5-year old.

Cathyx- I don't know how old the young male actor is, but the actress is just barely 18 (probably 17 when they were filming), so it's not too much of a stretch. I originally thought she might be older, but only because of have seen this actress playing a teen the last five years.


Anyone interested in recapping the upcoming 7pm show, please read the synopsis posted yesterday and contact Melinama.

I started wondering why the actors playing Derecho and Concho weren't reversed. Salvador Pineda speaks very understandable English, but is it that Roberto Ballesteros doesn't?

Yesterday I mentioned we had been spared the usual pontificating priest so my heart sank when JAntos went into the church. That was a painful scene and he was so destroyed thinking his best friend had betrayed him. I can't imagine how he would have felt if he had stuck around a bit longer and saw his sister betray him in favor of Bronze Bruno.

I can't figure out if Justo has the same kind of faith as Gracia. He seemed to when he ripped into Whiney Wendy about her actions.

I'm thinking that Orange J is not happy with cousin Bronze B and Bruno isn't long for this world with his conscience driven guilt.

Concha's wife should positively sent Elvira to boarding scholl years ago, she is WAY too old at this point. I'm surprised she didn't threaten to send her to a nunnery. I was actually surprised when Elvira admitted she had made Vargas go with her.

Typical novela plotting. Gloria asks Maria for help in finding her son's father which our good girl does but does she mention him by name or did Maria ask - no. We need to drag it out.

I long ago gave up trying to make sense of when English and Spanish sould be used. It all seems to be based on whim.

Based on the previews i think Maria is going to do one of those stupid things novela leads do. She is pithed at Oscar and JAntos so sleezy businessman hovers around and she will probably tuen to him during her mother's health scare.

Ruben should get his arse kicked, but I'd like to see his wife do that. As declasse as she was in the beginning she needs to see the truth. Does anyone else see the irony in her name?

What will likely happen first is either Oscar or Santos will punch him out the next time he tries to put the moves on Maria.

Justo's faith is not the same as Gracia's faith. Gracia doesn't need tangible proof of Santos' innocence, she just knows.

Justo needs to see the receipts. That's why he was telling Gracia that if the LAPD, all of Santos' friends and their own lawyer are claiming Santos did the crime, then Santos must have done the crime.

But now he's having doubts about Santos' guilt, because stuff isn't adding up. Santos' plane WAS tampered with. Michael Johnson claims Santos is innocent & is being framed. Bruno's story would've fallen apart on the stand* had Wendy not shown up and screeched in the middle of the court proceeding. I think he is trying to make amends to Santos by proving his involvement or not in this scheme.

Wendy is like Justo...she needs to see the receipts. She hasn't seen anything to PROVE Santos is innocent and Santos was probably always the golden child, so this is just another case of Santos messing up Wendy's world.

Santos is like Gracia, he has blind faith in people and cannot imagine people he loves betraying him and doing the wrong thing.

*Justo needs to be Santos' lawyer, he was grilling Bruno like a steak on the stand.


I don't think Wendy cares one way or the other about Sanots' innocence. Right in the begining she automatically assumed he was guilty and her concern was more about her missed wedding and Bronze B then her own brother. It even took her a few minutes to be horrifed when they all though Santos was dead. She is so spoiled she thinks of no one but herself hence her whinning at her mother you always loved Santos more than me. She has some very serious growing up to do.

Justo as a diplomat always looks at all sides. In his heart he doesn't want to believe that his son is a crook but his training forces him to step back and analyze. Gracia knows her son and nothing will sway her. If he were actually guilty she'd go down with the ship swearing he was innocent.

I just wrote this on the Corazon Indomable post:

Alright folks, Jane/Melinama has not yet heard from anyone about recapping this tn. Although it looks like there are lots of people who will be watching, 1 full-time recapper (me) and 1 part-time recapper (Jardinera) can't do it alone, and this tn will likely not be recapped on Caray Caray.

Any veteran or newbie recappers out there...speak now or forever hold your peace.

I might be able to, but I will need Wednesdays show to recap. I can look into it further tomorrow since I'm at work right now and can't check on things here.

UA: Another b-u-tee-ful fan! Last week's was also terrific! Anyway, here are a few of my fave's.

"Susanito [who really needs a name transplant]" I say A Boy Named Sue or BNS

"[All flies on the wall have now looked around for the vomitorium.]"

"Justo asks Wendy why she did this. Santos should have a chance to prove his innocence [Did the writers forget that in the US the law has to prove guilt instead? ¡Salud!] " Not to mention that in a US court she’d have been shut down before she finished her first few words. The judge is confused because maybe he just woke best guess.


Gracias UA!

I love your fan collection :) Finally getting caught up in time to do tonight's recap.

did episode 24 air on may 6, 2013? i'm having trouble finding it to watch

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