Wednesday, May 22, 2013

PEAM #53-5/22/13: On The First Day of Christmas My True Love Gave To Me: Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire???

Recap By Pablo

Dec. 14th

This episode has been sponsored by Payaso Comforters and Edible Arrangements.

Staff in the Hospital Universitario de Monterrey didn't know what they were getting into when Rogelio Rivadeneira was taken to the ER. Of course, besides the clean room and the service, they needed to clear at least one floor for Avon employees, who, true to their slogan (you can leave Avon but you can never take Avon out of your heart) love to take Avon wherever they go, and they all just love to hang around in Hospitals (and Restaurants)!

Alma is there, she has the right as the girlfriend, but Jesús is also there (in a very bad moment to discuss about lies, sex and videotapes), Verónica gets there too, Fernando, Discua, Susana, Patricia, Elías, Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar...

OK. So Jesús, who now feels he needs to protect Alma from evil Rogelio, asks him why is he lying to the pretty, green eyed goddess. When Rogelio denies all participation in deception and such, Jesús makes face number 63.5 (the one with one less frown than # 64 in his repertoire, from the days of Acting School in The Popeye the sailor Acting and modeling Academy), and swears he will get to the bottom of this! Rogelio, with a little crack in one of his ribs, doesn't know if is better to cry or laugh trying to convince Jesús of his truthiness. But Jesús, who should be minding his own business but who has time to attend this one and many more, is not going to leave him alone! If more people keep getting in and out of his room, Rogelio could end up in worse condition than when he was admitted.

Verónica, who moonlights as a Kiss stand in, talks to Alma about her love for Jesús, her intentions of divorcing Elías and getting back to Jesús and recover the family they all miss and wish they have. To prove she means business, she kisses Jesús passionately so everyone (Alma) sees is true. BTW, Verónica is one of the few in Monterrey, or México so to speak, with an imported family tradition (shared with Jesús and here I had to LOL and almost ROTF) of roasting chestnuts. I wonder how many people do that, since in México, roasting chestnuts is not part of out Christmas folklore. We don't even have chestnuts!

From the Hospital, Jesús is beamed up to Verónica's Mansion to help Valentina decorate the Christmas tree and eat some ''roasted chestnuts'' and then take her to the privadita see her recently painted room. But now she wants to spend the night there and she didn't have the backpack with her toothbrush, her Lysol spray and her black light to see if there are germs or more on the sheets, so they all get beamed back up again to the Fountain Mansion and back to the privada in a jiffy!! Oh, and she doesn't travel light! Besides all that stuff, she shouldn't be forgetting her Payaso Comforter, because it is December and  is convenient when it is cold.

Jessica, with horns and tail tries to tempt Cárdenas, who hates to see her like this since he wants her to be the mother of his children (what's up with all this men wanting specific women to mother their offspring?). Jessica doesn't get quite well what he means, she knows all she's got and wonders why Cárdenas is not yet jumping all over her with lascivious drool and red blooded eyes!

Elías has a plan with Marisela, but first must recover his job and for that he needs to go see Rogelio. After they talk and gets his job back, Elías has been saved by Rogelio, would he want to marry him too??

Discua, who contracted absent-mindism (just like Jesús when he burned the shirt), forgot her dress and went out on the streets in a blue silk camisole with black lace barely covering her cleavage. 

Patricia, in one of those hateful moments of thinking out loud in a demonic voice, tells Alma what really happened. She is really upset because all she did was worthless (well, almost everything: beating Rogelio up is something she would like to do over again). Jesús saved Alma and Alma believed Rogelio's lies. Then, seizing the moment and with Rogelio's wallet, orders herself over the phone, a Famsa 80 inches plasma screen TV.

After his baptism and being reborn, Fernando wants not only to be true to Discua, but to himself and the world. He wrote a confession detailing all he has done wrong and then, thinking about Alma's bachelorette party, takes the scissors and makes 50,000 dollars worth of confetti. I am sure Alma will be very happy, but what about Rogelio? 

Chatita, who we never know what  she is going to come up with, only shows up to mess it up when she spills the beans and tells Verónica that the idea of painting that room was Alma's, and that she even brought the paint, brushes, rollers, and the blue uniforms so they could protect their clothes.

The only moment I felt true and emotional happened between XOX and Julio, when he convinced her to let him take her home. But there, when Bárbara came out, all of that fell to the floor when she started again with her emotional violence. 

Wink-o-meter: Low ;-)  ;-)  ;-)

Tomorrow: Jesús, true pretender, can one day be a quantum physicist or an architect and the next a gorgeous stripper!!
Rogelio, true healer, will get out of the Hospital to plot with Jessica how to get rid of Discua and her tic once and for all... Don't miss it, it could be something entirely different to what you have been told in the previews!!




I LOL with your description of the visitors in the hospital which of course included the "Three Wise Men". I don't think I will ever be able to see a group in a hospital waiting room without thinking of your recap.

Rosemary Primera


Thanks. I wanted to end that sentence with:
''and La Pinta, la Niña y la Santa María''
but I felt it was too much! LOL

Pablo, thanks for confirming what I thought about chestnuts and Mexico. I also liked Melchor, . Gaspar and Baltazar added to the group. Too funny!

Verónica actually allowing Jesús to take Valentina without the list of "dos and don'ts" was very interesting. She can be quite the chameleon to get what she wants. Too bad she is crazy!

Fernando cutting up the money with Santa and a snowman in the background was good too. It seems like his "conversion" is real at least for now.

More trees appearing, people singing "Campana sobre campana", Christmas must be anyday now. That could cause some very interesting situations and dilemmas if they let it.



Pablo--I'll read the rest of your recap in the morning, but the title got me. Congrats on getting a terrific episode. Can't wait to get your take on our Pat-a-tat-tat-tatty. She talks sooo fast and throws those idioms around like nerf balls.


Wonderful, so funny, priceless recap.

I laughed out loud when Ferny cut up all that dinero and confessed all his sins on paper. Rogue will have an infarto! I thought he'd kill him in the hospital.

Rogue is very vain. I had to laugh about him and his nose. As long as his nose was ok, he was ok, lol.

Glad Chucho let Rogue he was on to him.

Patymelt was too funny with the devil voice and Jess with the horn and tail, lol.

Who knew that Vero could dress like Kiss and no rules, or regs, no hand sanitizer, or fumigating spray and she's letting Valentina spend the night at Chucho's, que,que what???? Maybe it is the Christmas spirit, Hmmmmmm?????

Oh my, Pablo, another stunning recap! Your " Jesús makes face number 63.5" particularly tickled me.

This was actually a good episode to watch recovering from a bout of some nasty bug. Made me smile at the absurdity of most of what I was watching...though I did enjoy some of the Christmas touches. Chestnuts??? Maybe some inside joke we aren't catching??

Ferny really means business about becoming a good guy, though it was sad to see him cut up the evil money. I think Rog would have been almost ballistic if he gave it to some good cause...but that's me. Though I have to say, for some reason I'm starting to feel unsure about he and Discua actually becoming an end game item. Hopefully he'll stay good, I like the idea of a split between he and Rog.

Love love love Val and her reaction to her room. FC is so good with kids in scenes and she is such a cutie. Vero crack me up though...amazing how the Disinfectant Queen vanishes when it suits her. For Val's sake, wish that would last.

Remind me not to get sick anywhere near that hospital. Sorry lack of medical personnel roaming around and no security of check-in on who can come and go. Either that or this was a low-budget production....had to cut somewhere in casting.


Thanks for your support. I still miss little important details like the Marsha Brady one (my nose!) but I am getting there.

The chestnuts thing could be just to let us see how Verónica REMEMBERS something important from Jesús family life and incorporate it to her EVIL PLAN of conquering him. She can pay attention to detail when it comes to get what she wants.

In real life, that Hospital, is where all the medical students and nurses go to make their internship while and after studying/graduating. It should have more people or movement right?
Maybe they just showed the facade because they already used the one from the IMSS (where Pánfilo is) and they didn't want Avon people running around from room to room, between Pánfilo and Rogelio!!

AyAy Pablo. Another treasure trove of mixed metaphors and cultural education lessons and laughing all the way. Too many great lines to single any one out--I loved todito todito.

How did you manage to skip over the second near death of poor Fernando? I know it didn't move the whole story forward, but Rogue up and in full command of his bodily functions tries to choke Fernando. He was furious. It certainly sets the scene for the future schism between the brothers.

I was *waiting* for the doctor to mention Rogue's half sunburned face in front of Alma. Darn if Rogue didn't come up with a good excuse for not having been in Toluca later.

CI and QBA should borrow these writers for some of their episodes. We could use a character like Pattymelt in both of those (Elvira in QBA is such a predictable drag).

Maybe as Veronica's ridgidity loosens up her fashion sense deteriorates at a faster rate. What on earth was that outfit - Kiss - doing in 1) the psychologist's office, 2) the local headquarters of Avon, and 3) the hospital. It was also inappropriate for just plain old street wear--unless you are plying a trade on the streets.


Thank you, Pablo! I haven't had a chance to read this yet, but I just had to tell you this: I turned on English captions last night, and guess what the Caption Lady said? Just guess?!?

It was when Fernando was telling Rogelio he was going on the straight and narrow and the path of true light blah blah blah and Rogue said something like "I'm sick of hearing about your mystical bullshit." Yes, all spelled out in English, in CAPITAL LETTERS, not just "BS" but the whole word. It didn't really match what Rog was saying in Spanish. He was expressing contempt, but not THAT much contempt!

I had to laugh. This from the same network that once bleeped "pipi" and blurred out a puddle of dog-pee on the floor.

Pablo, such a clever title and a terrific recap, right out the gate with your first sentence about edible arrangements. I love how your opening paragraph had an almost noir or hard-boiled tone to it. And "Melchor, Gaspar y Baltazar" made me snort out loud. You've got a way with words, amigo. No doubt about it.

Julie, for reals? MYSTICAL BULLSHIT was all spelled out? That is really too, TOO funny.

Yeah! I miss some things to highlight some more that only make me lift my eyebrow. Too good here inthis blog there's a lot of people who is paying attention to different things, so we can cover practically the whole spectrum!!

Speaking about the doctor. I saw him taking care of Olga in CdL, but I would swear I saw him here before. Wasn't he the one who treated Jesús when Malvino beat him up? The Hospital was a different one, so I am trying to find out if this is TODIM (the only doctor in Monterrey) who works in more than one Hospital...

Indeed Rogelio says: Estoy hasta aquí (and he touches the tip of his hair) de tus babosadas místicas. I have had up to here with your mystical BS... Who've thunk it?

Babosadas. That's it. Is it really that harsh? I assume it's stronger then "tonterias," but I figure if it's not bad enough to bleep in Spanish, the English probably doesn't need to be a bleepable word either.

Actually, I would even have been surprised even to see "crap" in the captions, which is probably how I would have translated it. ( says "rubbish," which is probably better.)

Oh... BS could stand for Babo Sadas! I didn't even think of that! They really should have used "BS"!

Great recap, Pablo. Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria would have worked, too.

Anita: loved this: "Pat-a-tat-tat-tatty."

Afraid that if Discua breaks up with Fernando, he'll go back to his evil ways.

It's time for Jesus to have the Xochi break up talk with Vero. And why was he acting like that when Chatita was telling Vero about Alma? V has no say in who Jesus hangs with.


Julie, that BS was great!

The nice thing about the conversation between Rog and Fernando is that you didn't need to know a word of Spanish to know what they were talking about. If it wasn't clear during that scene, it was obvious later when Fernando was making confetti of all that cash!

I LOLed at the chestnuts thing because it just seemed such a pretentious thing for Vero to say. She is trying so hard to impress Chucho and she can't see that he is immune to her charms. You'd think the fact that he never attempts to kiss her or even touch her would be a dead giveaway.

I saw "Pattymelt" on a lunch menu today and thought, "spelled wrong!"

I have a new Payaso brand product idea: Breakfast Wine for Kids! With 8 Essential Vitamins Plus Iron!

Pablo, you have a gift. You really do. :)

Favorite lines from today:

- Rogelio...trying to convince Jesús of his truthiness.

- Elías has been saved by Rogelio, would he want to marry him too??

- Discua...forgot her dress and went out on the streets in a blue silk camisole with black lace barely covering her cleavage.

- Wink-o-meter: Low ;-) ;-) ;-)


Heh. I liked the part about the hospital clearing out an entire floor for Avon employees. And, you know, it's not just for the benefit of the Avon people. I'm sure the other patients appreciate it too, so that none of the Avon weirdness rubs off on them!

I'm looking forward to "tomorrow" to see what awful horror of an outfit Vero comes up with next, but I suppose "tomorrow" won't come tonight because we still have Alma's bachelorette party, right? Is that tonight? That should be traumatic enough.

Oh aged VCR seems to be dying and I missed 3/4 of this. So ESPECIALLY grateful for your witty recap Pablo.

Kiss stand-in for Vero's outfit. Wicked.

As was face 63.4. You're no fan of Colunga I know. Well,heck, I've never noticed whether he can act or not. I just like looking at him.

Verrrry sorry I missed the Fernando scenes. I'm getting such a kick out of Fernando's saintliness.

Oh well, hope my VCR does a better job tonight...if not, I'll have to scour the internet for a new (rebuilt) one.

A laugh riot from beginning to end, Pablo.

Chestnuts, huh? I only ever have roasted chestnuts at my local neighborhood holiday open house/street fair, and they aren't that good. Like potatoes, but more chewy and bland. What's the point? If you're going to pretentiously adopt a tradition, pick something tastier!

Paticakes is a delight. She is so irrepressible. I loved when she was taunting Rogue about the injuries and talking Hey-soooos into the stripper thing.

Fernando may have seen the light, but he is still an idiot. Why didn't he return the money to wherever they skeezily got it from, or else donate it to some worthy cause?

Is not that I don't like him (I am liking Pati more like everybody else), but I have noticed he is making those faces, and someone said before, face number something...

Last night I remembered Robin Williams in Popeye with an eye closed and I thought, maybe Colunga studied acting in the same school Popeye did...

Pablo, great job as always.
I didn't get to see the whole episode but appreciated your humor. Expression 63.5 had me ROTFL.
I wonder if the preview is what we will really see tonight. I can only hope.

Ha ha, I was the one who numbered the faces, but I don't think he has 63 -- maybe 6.3!

Oh my, you're even tougher on Colunga than Pablo!

Any expression on his face is fine with me :).

Julia: me, too!

Are you two actually looking at his *face*? ;}

What are you insinuating?!?!

¡¡JA!! We'll wait until tomorrow and see if you remember ANY of the dialog.

He has dialogue?

He has a face??

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