Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #155 Tue 6/18/13 Gramps, you old scamp
Brief overview. Getting a late start. Hope to fill in blanks later. Discuss amongst yourselves.
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It's all about what Anibal wants. . . |
Bulleted list, summary. May not be in order. May be fraught with errors!
* Anibal is determined to introduce Cande as his wife-to-be. She's a bit hesitant, but whatever. He drags her to the mansion and drops a bomb on Vicki. Vicki has a sh*t hemorrhage when she discovers that Cande is classified as the "love of his life." "Is she the woman you were galivanting around with when my mom was dying?" Poor Cande tries to set the record straight, but Anibal won't take any of this crap and tells Vicki that they're just going to have to suck it up and accept Cande. The Furry Fornicator wanders around with a glass of booze in his hand and makes snarky comments. When Anibal is asked how come it's okay for him to marry someone of a lower class and financial status, he says it's okay for him to do it, he's an old geezer (oh wait, no he denies that later) but anyway, he's got money and he can do what he wants, dammit! Unlike Vicki and Nikki, who are saddling themselves to good-for-nothing mooches. Big Angel doesn't like hearing himself classified as a good-for-nothing.
* Nikki and the Little Ape are still happy. Keep an eye on these two, I think I see an anvil in the horizon. Nikki tries to fix dinner, but she BURNS THE PASTA. No puede ser. The Little Ape says okay and they order pizza. They are talking about the families and catch up on things. Gramps cancelled her credit cards, blah blah, Little Ape says that's okay, blah blah, Little Ape is going to get a great job—I wouldn't count on that yet, Guzmancito!—Nikki makes some snarky remarks about Lili, the bad blood is still there and it's gonna be BAD when their real blood connection comes out.
* Anibal has Cande twisted in knots, believing that she's got to still conceal the truth about everyone's parentage. He tells her that if Adri knows the truth, they'll both get sued. Cande says, well, we would have it coming, right? Anyway, Cande gutlessly promises to keep the secret for longer, all the while thought-bubbling about her guilt. Whatever.
* Roy the Boy is coming along in his goal for humanhood. He opts out of a night on the town with Omar to read about gardening and earthworms, and seems genuinely interested! Omar shakes his head. It looks like Lili is starting to thaw a little.
* Adri asks the silver-haired Carlos where this relationship is going. Carlos, to his credit, admits that he's a love 'em and leave 'em kind. He doesn't plan on getting married or having kids, he is too stuck in his ways. Adri says that she's "too old" to think about settling down now (really?) and they agree to just "see how things go." Don't waste your time on this one, Adri! Throw him back in the water! I am waiting for her old flame (and Lili's baby-daddy) Vicente to show up.
* Lili and Polita go out to the movies with Jean Marie. Happy happy. Lili and Polita also have some sort of chat, about Roy the Boy I think and maybe also about what a bitch Nikki is. I kind of dozed off during this part.
* Happy happy at Beatriz's household. Guillo did some artwork showing Leo the Low as an angel. It seems like Guillo is accepting how things are. Salsa-Dude refers to Guillo as "their" kid. Happy happy happy.
* The Furry Fornicator takes a photo of little Mia in the hospital and sends it via cell to Kendra the Ho. She is lounging around at a spa or something, living in the lap of luxury, while feeding the FF some line about her "Aunt Puchis's" sad, sad funeral. "Seeing her in that awful coffin was just awful!" she cries, as she slinks around in her fab hotel room.
* Nikki is chatting with the Little Ape and talking about how Gramps has cut off her credit cards, blah blah blah. "Grandpa will stop being angry with me soon, because I'm his granddaughter—his ONLY granddaughter!" Uh oh!
* Vicki is all outraged about Gramps wanting to marry Cande. She assumes that Big Angel knew about this beforehand and he's keeping more secrets. Poised to read the riot act, she's surprised that Big Angel knows NOTHING and is super impactado. She gets all sweet and sugary with him. He starts to connect the dots and wants to talk to Cande ASAP.
* Anibal is calling people and making plans, obviously trying to manipulate Cande. What a douche.
* Big Angel flashes back to seeing Cande beg forgiveness to a dead Christina (in front of the Virgen de la Guadalupe statuette) about something. He connects all the dots (Cande admitting that Chris's dad isn't dead, Chris didn't know who he was, etc) and starts to suspect that Anibal is Chris's baby daddy. He confronts Cande about this. She does her frozen roll-eye thing here and thought-bubbles that she can't tell Big Angel the truth quite yet. She admits that years ago she met Anibal and fell in love with him, but says she got lost when she found out he was married. She doesn't admit that Anibal is the baby-daddy. (I got a little confused here. Wouldn't Big Angel want some confirmation or denial of Chris's parentage, or does he assume/not assume that Anibal is the daddy?). Anyway, she says that Vicki thinks that she (Cande) is some sort of Grandma Ho now. Big Angel promises to clear that all up for Vicki.
There's more stuff I forgot, but this should be enough to get us started. Screencaps (hopefully) coming later.
Labels: Amores
I really like it when you are tired or dozing off, cause you are so darn funny. Love this marvelous sleep writing thing already!
I think when Anyballs was telling Cande she can't tell, I think he told her they could be charged with trafficking in children/infants. No wonder she doesn't want to say anything!
Poor Angel, if his brain cells were working, and he hadn't had that shock of finding out Cande was marrying Anyballs he would have figured out that Anyballs IS THE FATHER (Maury voice included), lol.
I also liked your little talk with Adri to throw Carlitos back into the water, she should, hook, line and sinker. She so doesn't need this putz.
I thought the movie night with Polita, Lili and Jean Marie was so sweet. I am glad Lili is hanging out with them, and who knew Roy would be so industrious as to study the gardening books. Omar got a big kick out of that, but he had that que,que, what look on his face, lol.
It IS all about Anyballs, anything to get his way, and his sweet talking of Cande, I was yelling don't listen to him, she needs to fine tune her radar, she shouldn't just fall for every lying lie he tells her.
I didn't like the previews with the mishandling of Nikki, but her mouth is running and getting her into all kinds of trouble it seems like.
Anibal dominated the episode, wrapping himself in a blanket of delusional righteousness. There isn't anyone he doesn't toy with including the "love of his life" and his precious daughters. He wants everyone to do as he wishes yet will not tolerate less than full acceptance of his decisions. He brought Cande home yet made no attempt to clarify their relationship. He could have cared less how Vicky reacted, he just demanded immediate acceptance.
I've been thinking about Mia and was relieved to see at least one visitor, even if it was Nelson. Am hoping Mia is receiving some hugs, love and affection from the nursing staff. It seems as though everyone else has forgotten her. How sad.
Carlos gets less appetizing with every appearance. Agree wholeheartedly "Don't waste your time on this one, Adri! Throw him back in the water!"
Madelaine, I also was surprised that Roy really seems to be enjoying his studies! What a transformation.
Not sure why Cande wasn't honest with JA. I have to admit I understood almost none of their conversation at the end. He was obviously being so supportive, I couldn't have resisted telling him the truth. Obviously, she placed more stock in keeping Anibal's secret than telling JA the truth. What a shame.
Thanks again Elvira!
So where does Kendho get the money to spend on several days in a fancy spa hotel? Oh, right, she has gobs of cash sitting around her apartment for paying off bad guys (and yet they don't rob her). Odette used to bankroll Kendra, but Kendra destroyed that setup. All this just makes me go hmmmmmmm.
Maybe she found a way to pawn that jewelry she got as ransom, or maybe she had some money stashed from all her nefarious ways. They never did find out what happened to that second henchie's loot, when he was murdered, you know the one that helped Espanto kidnap Nikki and the Kendho. I wonder if Kendho got that loot after having that second henchie murdered. Who knows how many henchies Kendho knows, jus' sayin, lol.
Happy to hear that Roy is actually enjoying his new job.
I can't tell if Adriana is playing the free spirit with YawnCarlos to trick him into relaxing about her need to up the commitment level or maybe in her heart she is really waiting for her true love to come back. Anyway, smart that she is just going to have fun with the perpetual bachelor in the meant time...
Nelson really was enjoying the show in the Balvanera living room last night. I haven't seen him look so gleeful in ages. ;-)
That anvil with Anibal's name on it can not arrive soon enough. Really. How much more will the telenovela writers make us suffer through with this manipulative, scheming old goat?
Carlos seems like a perfect match for . . . Jocelyn. No commitments, no kids, just take of your clothes and live for the sex … er…..moment.
doris, "gleeful" hit the nail on the head for Nelson's enjoyment of Anibal's side show last night. ;)You are also on target with your comments about Carlos and Jocelyn.
I think that Nelson was very entertaining last night. I know that he's not real well liked here, but after watching his sly remarks last evening, don't you think that he has the makings of an entertaining recapper for us here at Caray Caray? His observations were deadly accurate, sarcastic, and right on target, whether directed at Aníbal, Vikki, JA, Cande, or Yawn/Carlos. Plus he showed unusual tenderness while visiting and viewing little Mia.
Vikki can certainly be shrewish when she is poked at. Like it or not guys, she is definitely her father's daughter.
José Ángel clearly knows the truth about Ánibal as Cristina's daddy, and just as clearly does not want that truth verified.
As for Joan, Doris has it exactly right "... perfect match for . . . Jocelyn."
I too had to laugh at your line about Carlitos and Jocelyn, they are very alike, aren't they?
Yes, it's true, Ms Vikki is Anyballs' daughter, but without all the scheming, and Cris was like her too, with the screeching. Adri too come to think of it. I think that Nikki and Lili are much alike too, even though they don't see it. I can't wait until that truth hits the fan, there will be fireworks I'm sure, cause the huge plot point was said last night, when Nikki says she is the only grandchild of Anyballs and she thinks her Tatito will come around!
Hope Adri dumps Carlos, like right now -- even before Vicente if/when he shows up. It hurts to see Adri willingly take 2nd-class status with Carlos cause it’s clear he’d be the marrying kind if the woman were Vickie.
I didn’t expect Vickie to be so graceless in front of Cande. She could’ve at least asked to speak to AnyBalls in another room to blast him. After all, Cande is her intended’s mother-in-law and Vickie is most likely already pregnant by Angel, just a few months after Cris’s death.
Maybe it’s just me, but at the end I thought Angel knew that AnyBalls is the father of Cris.
Loved seeing JM, Poli, and Lili out together.
"I think that Nelson was very entertaining last night. I know that he's not real well liked here, but after watching his sly remarks last evening, don't you think that he has the makings of an entertaining recapper for us here at Caray Caray? His observations were deadly accurate, sarcastic, and right on target, whether directed at Aníbal, Vikki, JA, Cande, or Yawn/Carlos. Plus he showed unusual tenderness while visiting and viewing little Mia."
Oh yeah!
This was the moment when I became a Nelson fan: yes, he's a douchebag, an unscrupulous hypocrite, an idiot, but geez, he's also an awesome, sarcastic troll. :)
I think Vikki was just reacting to assuming that Cande is the amante that Anibal ran off to Europe with while Vikki's mother was dying.
On Nelson, he nailed the scruffy, near-drunk look last night. I'm glad he's getting more dimension.
Aribeth - When this TN ends, I would love to have your comparison of the Nelsons in the previous versions.
--She's a bit hesitant, but whatever.
--he's an old geezer (oh wait, no he denies that later)
and all the happy happy talk at Bea's
Doris, Carlos & Aribeth--I may get kicked off Vikki's table or even the Patio, but I also loved Nils-con-drink taking it all in and actually getting in a few jabs. He made me smile, and up to now that has been impossible. Aribeth--love your new description of him--Awsome, sarcastic troll.
Could this novela have a sub title
"Two Hippocrates." Anyballs and Nelson are just too much.
Another famous quote from "The Wisdom of Diana." Wrapping himself in a blanket of delusional richteousness. That's Anibal for sure.
Roy passing up a hot night out to read a gardening book? QUE? Thinking back on his past, it's hard to believe.
Oh No!!! Little Orchid puts the martial arts moves on Nikki. Well Nikki does have a very sharp tongue
Carlos---I don't think that there will be any happy dinners at the Balvanera mansion for awhile.
the gringo
Niecie, I, like Elvira, was unsure exactly what JA took away from his conversation with Cande. She deflected his direct question (Was Aníbal Cris's father?) and then told the true story of how she and Aníbal met. (They were together for only a few months. She left as soon as she learned he was married. She didn't earn her 20-year pin.)
I thought she said that after she left him, she was alone with her soul (sola con mi alma) or something ambiguous like that. It's not clear how JA took that.
Kudo's for Nelson last night---OH NO! I must be sinking to a new low.
the gringo
No worries about the Kendho, she is banned from the Patio, or else we would all have to watch what we drink and eat there. She just might put a little something, something in the delightful Jean Marie's petit fours and we so cannot have that ; )
I wouldn't be so confident about keeping Kendra out. Look what happened at Meta Imagen -- she was banned there but Nelson Brizz let her through.
Well. Just don't say I didn't warn you when Espanto cozies up to you on the Patio and asks you what your sign is.
Remember you banned her? I thought for sure we wouldn't let her sneak in, like she tried before! As far as Espanto goes, we are always on the lookout for him and his disguises, he better neva cozy up to me, cause I got something for him, lol.
Unless the Guarduras' table is next to it, there's no way to keep Ms. KendHo from trying to get in. However, I don't think she'd enjoy our company. She prefers Espanto's company at the Morello spa, and that's a little too ritzy for us Patio People--whose expectations are pretty darn low.
La cursilería es la mejor arma para someter a las mujeres a nuestro capricho.
The sales staff told me that old guys wearing blue-tinted glasses had been sidling in and snapping them up all day. Some were chanting "Back to the Stone Age!"
One person showed me a card given her by a blue-shaded geezer. It read:
Mi caso es diferente. Yo soy hombre.
It's getting ugly, my friends.
The old Annibal is very hypocritical indeed. Why would he reject the social class level of JA and Guzmancito and yet feel that he has to payback to Liliana what she deserves as a Balvanera. Wasn't she also the product of a "low class novio" of Adriana? And isn't it Cande is also from the working class!!!
Alas, I did see the manhandling of Nikki by once Disney Princess now Disney evil witch Ratiana. Why is she like that, all the time she always grabs Nikki!!! She needs to attend anger management classes not martial arts classes. I dislike very much physical violence. No matter if Nikki has a sharp tongue, the more Ratiana could be endearing as a long suffering tearful Disney down country lass/princess for me. Just saying. She might as well be an ally of Kendho at the rate she is going.
The old Annibal is very hypocritical indeed. Why would he reject the social class level of JA and Guzmancito and yet feel that he has to payback to Liliana what she deserves as a Balvanera. Wasn't she also the product of a "low class novio" of Adriana? And isn't it Cande is also from the working class!!!
Alas, I did see the advances -the manhandling of Nikki by once Disney Princess now Disney evil witch Ratiana. Why is she like that, all the time she always grabs Nikki!!! She needs to attend anger management classes not martial arts classes. I dislike very much physical violence. No matter if Nikki has a sharp tongue, the more Ratiana could be endearing as a long suffering tearful Disney down country lass/princess for me. Just saying. She might as well be an ally of Kendho at the rate she is going.
gringo: "Could this novela have a sub title "Two Hippocrates." Anyballs and Nelson are just too much." Still chuckling.
Anita: "Patio Peeps: Warning--Don't get too comfy at Nil-sans-brain Table. It is temporary (and has wobbly legs)" - snort, snort.
NovelaMaven: "One person showed me a card given her by a blue-shaded geezer. It read: Mi caso es diferente. Yo soy hombre. It's getting ugly, my friends." Excellent!
Oh my. What a way to end the working day.
I spent the whole episode wanting to strangle that twisted, selfish, stupid old codger. "I am a MAN!" and "I am RICH!" Ugh. How has no one poisoned him or thrown him down the stairs yet? And then on the phone, he told someone "I want things to go my way!" Uh, yes, don't we all? But of course he is a special snowflake. If he doesn't die first, he's totally going to be one of those old grouches mowing people down with his motor scooter.
Sweet of Guzmi to tell Nikki it's fine and order a pizza, but if they want to make a go of living together and sharing household responsibilities, maybe he should try actually teaching her a few things about cooking. And it still doesn't seem to have occurred to her to try to get a job for herself.
Cande is almost as bad as her pathetic paramour. She needs to at least leverage his apparent interest in her to make more demands about his behavior.
Julia - Let's give Odiodette a little more time. I'm counting on her, in or out of the wheelchair.
First - The LIARS and MISCREANTS include Anibal,, Kendra, Nelson, Odette and Espanto.
Second the DISSIMULATORS include Candelaria, Paula, Carlos/Joan, Arriaga, Nikki, Roy, Liliana, Polita and Stepahno.
Third those who tell the truth most of the time and demand the truth include, Vicki,Adriana, Christina, Opilina, Guzman and Jean-Marie.
Adri looked disappointed for a second, but hid it well when Joan said he wasn't a commitment type. I believe she's going along with the relationship because she hasn't had one in a long time, but deep down she's hoping to change his mind. She sooo wants commitment and a family.
Anibal is a total jerk. His comment about cursilerias (corniness) was so wrong! It's obvious he's playing Cande just to keep her mouth shut.
Arriaga didn't press Cande for the truth about Anibal and Critina because he doesn't really want it confirmed. Deep down, he knows what's what, but as long as it's not said out loud, it isn't so.
The actor playing Nelson is really doing a great job. So much so that even if he did a complete about face on EVERYTHING right now, he's (Nelson) so abhorrent that I would, in Nikki's words, "never, ever" want a place at his table. His table should be out in the parking lot, if at all.
When Cande was first introduced, I thought she might be feistier than Cristina and once she met up with Anibal, would force him to tell the truth to everyone, or else. Instead, she's just another doormat for him, easily influenced by piropos and cursilerias. So disappointing. No wonder she left him back in the day without a word. I'm sure he would've been able to sweet-talk her into staying and becoming his "amante de mi vida." Just saying.
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