Saturday, June 08, 2013
Corazón Indomable Fri. June 7 Don Ramiro Se Murió
Yes, she's been arrested on trumped up charges of the theft of a very valuable necklace. The police chief scolds her as she is helped to the ground, "You are a disgrace to your grandfather don Ramiro who has always been an honorable man." He does not buy for a single moment her ridiculous story that it was a gift from doña Lucía who had compelled Maricruz to retrieve it from a mud puddle. (Well, when you put it that way, it does sound a bit far-fetched.) He orders the strapping young policemen (no pretty police women?) to escort her inside the fragile looking mint green police shed.
Meanwhile, it looks like Octavio has made a few bucks and is sending a money order along with a note for Miguel to get things started on Maricruz's little house he promised. He writes.
Maricruz is peering out through the back bars of her cell. (Hey, at least she got a room with a view.) In black and white (so we'll know this has already happened) Maricruz recalls the events leading up to her incarceration. That "I was screwed" look of realization creeps across her face as she slowly sinks to floor of her cell and cries out to no one in particular, "I didn't steal nothin'!"
Back at the ranch poor Lucía, who is joined by Ester and Miguel in the sitting room (although everyone is standing), is embarrassed by recent events, what with her illiterate felonious sister-in-law in jail and all. She thinks that she and Miguel should scrape together a little money, spring Maricruz from jail and then send her, the deaf-mute girl, and the old man far far away... problem solved.
Maricruz has a roommate. At first she complains about her nap being interrupted, but then seems to welcome the company. They bond. "I'm Maricruz and I'm innocent."
Back at the ranch, Lucía insists.
Maricruz doesn't eat. Her roommate does. It evens out.
Ramiro is not looking good as he leans back against Solita as she cradles him and tries offering him sustenance. Having forgotten that she can't hear a word he says, he babbles and whines about Maricruz's innocence.
At the stables, Lucía consults with Eusebio:
"You know what you have to do, Eusebio."
"Of course, señora."
"But the grandfather and the deaf girl?"
"When they see what is happening they will leave... terrified (despavoridos)."
"And if they don't?"
"That's their problem."
She points out that one can't hear nor speak and the other is senile and ready to die... soooo
"Anyway, tonight's the night."
"Sí, doña Lucía, this very night."
Jailhouse bonding. The roommates tucks Maricruz in for a little rest and then finishes Maricruz's dinner as Maricruz remembers happier times... in black and white , of course.
Nighttime at the stables, Eusebio remembers Lucía's words, "Tonight's the night," swigs from a bottle, then picks up a can of gasoline and mounts his horse.
La India María tucks in Ramiro as Solita cuts twigs outside. María then tells Solita to give him some herb tea when he wakes up. Solita seems to understand.
Maricruz dreams... need I say in black and white?

Now he's sprinkling the gasoline around the hut.
In their bedroom back at the ranch Lucía speaks cryptically to Miguel. She asks if he's gotten the money for her plan to get a lawyer to spring Maricruz and send the family packing. Well, yes and no. He has enough for the lawyer, but not enough to relocate her family, and besides, they may not be willing to go.
"Perhaps they'll leave after what is about to happen."
Say what? This captures Miguel's attention.
"What might happen? What other thing are you thinking of doing?"
Tension builds as we go from scenes inside the hut to scenes of Eusebio outside.
Lucia says who knows what might happen after Maricruz is out of jail. Heck, she might be so ashamed of what's happened that she'll want to leave. Miguel tells her that he really doesn't want anymore surprises.
Octavio is still laboring over his little note to Miguel, do we care?...Next!

Miguel joins her and informs her that Maria and Santa are gone. She rejoices. Life is good.

Need I say it?
This is awful. Solita and then Ramiro realize that the place is on fire.
Maricruz gets a telepathic signal that all is not well with Grampa.
Inside the hut, Solita struggles to get Ramiro up and out.
Outside, Eusebio is worried, "Why is it taking so long for them to leave? Haven't they noticed yet that the place is on fire? Sra. Lucía said 'best that they die. The old man, yes, but the deaf girl, no. She, no."
Inside, Abuelo is farting around. First his treasure box, which he hands to Solita and pushes her outside. Next he wants his friggin' shotgun...
Maricruz frets in her sleep.
Eusebio grabs Solita, then shoves a rock up against the door trapping Ramiro inside.
Ramiro is shouting for help, "¡I'm burning, ayudame!"
Maricruz is awake and shouting, "¡Abuelo!"
Solita is struggling silently with Eusebio. She drops the box spilling its contents.
Eusebio is holding the struggling Solita. She of course can't hear him but he says for our benefit, "Forget the old man. He's not good for anything. I'll take care of you. We'll get along fine."
The neighbors show up and start sloshing buckets of water on the conflagration.
Never have I been more happy to go to a commercial for Advil.
The neighbors have given it up and straggle away.
Solita looks on the smoldering hut, stunned and bewildered. She collapses to the turf.

It's morning at the ranch and Eusebio comes galloping up on his horse. He has no time for Ofelia who demands to know what has happened. At first he insists that she wake up don Miguel but then tells her that Maricruz's jacal burned and the old man burned up.
"Really? And the deaf girl?" she asks (hopefully?).
"No, not the deaf girl."
"Why are you so sure?"
He's back in charge and sends her to get Miguel swishing his little quirt. Then... he almost looks remorseful.
Ofelia delivers the news to Miguel as Lucía remains abed and feigns sleep.
Ester was going for a ride but when she learns of the previous night's events from Eusebio, she loses her enthusiasm.
Miguel finishes his chat with Ofelia. (He is wearing a red jersey and plaid pajama bottoms. Fashion police take note.) Lucía asks what's up. He tells her to go back to sleep. She lies back and thought bubbles her satisfaction, "Everything went as I wanted. There won't be a shadow of those riffraff left on our ranch."
On her way back to the house, Ester bumps into Miguel and announces that she's going to pack her things...she's outta here, I'm going back to México."
Upstairs she confronts and accuses Lucía. She announces her imminent departure. Lucía tells her she can't leave because it might look suspicious, but too late, Miguel already knows she's leaving. Lucía seethes into commercial.
That worthless piece of police chief arrives, glances at the remains from the fire and declares it a tragic accident caused by poverty and faulty upbringing. Old man's dead, deaf girl's gone, nothing to see here... next!
(That was his next!, not mine.) This guy has a lot to answer for. Miguel, bless his heart, puts in a word for Maricruz's release.
At the breakfast table Lucía and Ofelia make small talk about the fire. They are joined by Miguel... Ofelia escapes. He tells her that all that was left of the shack are ashes and the charred body of Ramiro. "And the little deaf girl?" Lucía inquires.
"Didn't find her, she's disappeared. They're looking for her for surely she needs help."
"She'll turn up. Such is life." Lucía cheerfully offers. "Ofelia!"
Ofelia appears with breakfast but Miguel has lost his appetite, "Why is your cousin leaving the ranch?"
Maria is on her way to wash clothes. Santa tells her the sad news.
Lucía tells Miguel that Ester is leaving because she's bored. Nobody her age to relate to. Then she insists that they take steps to get Maricruz released.
José Antonio, Santa, and Maria survey what is left of the shack. They decide to visit Maricruz in jail, but it sure will be difficult telling her what happened.
Speaking of Maricruz, she's being tormented by thoughts of an angry Octavio castigating her for landing in jail and vowing to never return.
Alejandro is at his desk whining to Tobías that his PI hasn't been able to find his wife and daughter. They discuss some changes in the sevidumbre. Is anyone interested in this?
Said PI has just arrived at the ranch. Lucía has been notified.
But first Octavio and Eduardo have a little inane chat. I think that it's just to remind us that these guys are still in the show.
More jailbird bonding. Apparently she has told her cellmate about the little Octavio seed that has been planted because she is encouraging Maricruz to eat. For the kid.
Santa, Maria, and José Antonio approach the police chief who, trying to look important, is leaning into his car window talking into the radio microphone. They ask permission to talk to Maricruz. After looking them over suspiciously, I guess he grants it because next thing you know, the guard is calling Maricruz to the outside window.
Looks as though this is gonna take awhile so lets see what the PI and Lucía are talking about. She invites him in, they sit, she offers him a drink which he declines and then he gets to the point. Alejandro Mendoza is looking for his long lost wife and daughter. The daughter was baptized María Alejandra Mendoza Olivares... 20 years old and probably very pretty. Lucía thinks...
Back at the jail with Maricruz, María, Santa, and José Antonio... haltingly, reluctantly, and excruciatingly they begin... first small talk, Santa and María left their jobs, Maricruz reminds them that she is innocent, they've been praying for her, they give her the ball scores... is my grampa sick?...
Believe it or not we're going to check back with Lucía and the PI.
"...and for unknown reasons his wife and newborn daughter stayed here."
Can anyone just say what they mean tonight?
"Well before he dies he wants to find his wife and daughter."
Lucía's way ahead of him...
"Tell me the truth, how is my grampa? José Antonio, tell me. Tell me, please."
"Please Mija, you have to be very strong for what I'm going to tell you," cautions Santa.
Sí, sí, Santa, I'm very strong. Whatever it is, tell me."
"Don Ramiro... died."
"I knew a don Ramiro but he moved to the state capitol. But I never knew a María Alejandra, "the PI
wants more but she has no intention of helping.
Maricruz finally learns of the fire.
And so this episode ends...
Lucía lyin'
Maricruz cryin'
Labels: Indomable
I would find this story far more believable if it were a period piece rather than taking place in the present. How is it that it took Lucia as long as it did to want to get rid of the "gentuza"? How could it have taken Don Alejandro this long to find his daughter? And twenty other questions I don't have the energy for.
Octavio's lack of backbone about Lucia's treatment of Maricruz is abominable. He has no cred as a hero and has no feeling for Maricruz. I don't think I will be able to believe an about-face on his part.
I just checked the author's other titles and it's like he writes the same story again and again with minor variations. Corazon Indomable, Maria Mercedes, Maria la del Barrio, Marimar, and Innocente de ti all demonstrate a strange obsession with women who lack the basic social skills of normal society, to the point of living in rags. One wonders where this comes from.
Most authors from that time have very similar pieces (among each other and themselves), but here you listed several that have been remakes, so no wonder why the story is the same.
Anyway, personally, I also think that the cinderella story is getting old, very old, and we should move to a new age.
I also find unbelievable that ''right now'' all those thing are still ''happening''.
99% of the TN plots are based on this pink stories, old and new. That's why I browse other channels from other countries to see if I find something interesting. Televisa is kicking while drowning (dando patadas de ahogado), in La India María's words...
San Cirindango de las iguanas!!
In either case, I can't believe that anyone would be living like this in 2013.
If my Spanish were better I'd apply to work there to do a better job with some of these stories. My goal would be to do some modern stories that wouldn't be dated in ten or twenty years.
Do we think that when MC gets out she takes Solita with her? I really hope so. Or maybe Santa or Maria take her with them. I hate for her to be roaming around alone.
So we also get the cliche of call of the blood with MC knowing something happened to Abuelo.
I think part of why all this horrible stuff is happening over and over to MC is she has to really really really get her anger going and her thirst for vengeance must be intense. She may even blame or take it out on Octavio when she finally meets up with him. After all, it really is his fault for marrying her and then leaving her. Why couldn't he have taken her with him when he left for his job? She could have stayed in the hotel while he was away.
I am rather shocked to find out Ester actually has limits. Its took the death of Don Ramiro to realize her cousin is crazy and now she's high tailing it back to D.F before she gets incriminated further.
For a second I thought both of them were gonna die. I am glad at least Solita made it out. I could understand that Don Ramiro wanted to save the box (its essential to the plot) but your gun?? Really?? RIP Abuelo.
From the advances it looks like we are heading to the next phase muy pronto!
Amen to UA and Pablo's comments on this plot line. A "historical" take on this would have been better used. Maybe once this moves fast forward we get a better dose of reality....maybe.
So now Lucia goes to the true forefront of villianess. My guess since she caused someone's demise by fire, is....well, we've seen it before. This brawd is toast.
Esther has a conscience? Who knew!!The possibilities of what is going to happen to Solita is making me nauseous.
So now we will get a meaner, smarter MC? Shades of Teresa. Let's see if they go that route and Brenda can pull it off.
How many episodes until Tav finishes his letter?
Cathyx - ITA that all of this bad stuff is happening so MC will be very angry and vengeful. I just hope we can leave this torment phase now and Solita goes with MC or someone else who won't harm her.
Thanks to the other recappers as well as I have been out of town and without your work, I'd be lost.
I was devastated by Lucía's firm declaration that she will not be seeking redemption. I think that the best we can hope for her is that her makeup is not disturbed by the painful suffering death she has already earned.
For me, justice can't come too soon for Eusebio.
mezcal helped.
"I don't think I will be able to believe an about-face on his part.
Did you miss the part about the money order?
Thanks for joining us even though I haven't a clue as to what you're talking about.
"I think part of why all this horrible stuff is happening over and over to MC is she has to really really really get her anger going and her thirst for vengeance must be intense."
Well then she is certainly getting a good start in that direction. This is clearly not Un Gancho al Corazón, is it?
"I got a kick out of Maricries roomie chowing down on the prison grub."
For some reason that cracked me up. "Here, you take a nap and I'll look after your dinner."
Thanks. I hope that things are a little happier next Fri. Good luck on that.
"I am rather shocked to find out Ester actually has limits."
And how about poor Miguel?... he's married to it.
I am watching PEAM but while I wait for Friday's recap, I have been around reading everything!! I always have something to say, LOL-
I would like to swap TN because PEAM is driving me crazy and I like India María more than I do Carmen Salinas, but looks like this is worse!!
I keep expecting Lucia to start showing her insanity in the form of a crazy unblinking stare and getting a response when she talks to the mirror. If the scenario happens that she does lose the baby, maybe that will put her over the edge.
Thanks, I'm glad that you're with us here.
"I got brave and decided to watch. Not a good decision..."
Did you have any mezcal handy?
"Shades of Teresa."
Thanks, it's great having another old friend to watch along with.
"In spite of the horror, your words made me laugh.
and delighted to help out.
@UA - I agree that the plot is pretty far-fetched, but not so much when it comes to MC's living conditions or the way she sees the world. I know it's hard to believe, especially from our First World vantage point, that people could live in those conditions and have so little knowledge of the world, but the fact is that they do exist. I've seen it first hand in Mexico and I'm sure it happens in other parts of the world. (Heck, I met people like that when I lived in rural Indiana for a couple of years.) Example - a few years ago I visited one of my relatives in Mexico City for an entire summer and was present when she hired a very young girl as a live-in maid, and when she showed her the room she was going to have all to herself (it was like a large dorm room, simply furnished but very nice), the girl almost broke down in tears because she was SO happy. Soon after, I found out why. On her very first day off, she decided to go visit her family, who lived just on the outskirts of Mexico City, no more than an hour away from my relative's home in a very posh part of town. She asked my relative if she could drop her off at some point in the city and my relative offered to take her all the way to her family's home. I went with them, and when we got there it turned out that the "home" was a cave - yes, a small cave on the side of a mountain, only slightly bigger than MC's shack, and it was shared by the maid's parents and siblings. No wonder the poor girl cried when she got her very own clean room. Plus, I got to know her during my time in Mexico
City, and I can say for a fact that this girl was completely clueless about many things, including the birds and the bees. And in a country with millions living in EXTREME poverty, I'm sure this girl and her situation are not the exception. In fact, I think the reason Cinderella TNs are still very successful (not just in Latin America but all over the world) is because many of their viewers can directly identify with Cinderella).
I'm not at all defending Televisa, but I'm sure that they know exactly what they are doing when they decide to remake these novelas over and over. They are hardly losing money at it. For example, they just sold C.I. in over 50 countries, which they can't do with their more "modern" and "realistic" TNs.
I do agree with you also about the idea that MC could be that poor. I've seen newscasts showing people in Mexico getting their daily meals at a garbage dump, and they probably didn't even have a shack to live in.
They keep making them because people keep watching them.
I am sure that because this TNs, many of the people still living in caves, are waiting for the rich guy to come and rescue them, the rich relative to die and leave them millions, and so on, LOL!
TN, for a change, should tell people how to get out of those caves and find a better future. How about Cinderella getting a job with people who can afford to give her a room and at the same time while she works she studies and with her help her family leave the cave?
I know TN shouldn't be taken seriously and are not meant to educate, but are perpetuating thoughts and hopes that don't happen in real life... sorry.
"Never have I been so happy to go to a commercial for Advil." I'm with you, compadre.
Another gem was:
"Octavio and Eduardo have a little inane chat. I think it's to remind us that these guys are still in the show."
Only you, querido amigo, could make this mayhem bearable. I knew better than to watch, but I actually dread even reading the fine recaps, since the subject matter is so dreadful.
But you kept me laughing.Who says miracles don't happen these days? Thanks good Dr. C.
All I could think was "mirror, mirror on the wall who is" the most evil bruja of all.
Pablo, if PEAM is driving you crazy, this one will surely send you to the manicomio. At least PEAM has a little humor in addition to FC.
Pls hang around, I want to hear your thoughts on this, I was going to say basura, forgetting that is our main character.
Cliche # 5 Maricruz gets vibes that sth happened to abuelo.
This is too much for Ester after shooting Jose Antonio???? Who would have guessed that one. Also Miguel is a little impactado.
Don't forget that the producer is Mrs. Salvador Mejia which explains everything.
I also admit to enjoying cleverly placed product placements. I always strain to discern which brand of liquor the good, bad, and ugly may be imbibing.
I say don't spare the fairy tales (old and worn though they may be) and if the shoe fits... celebrate.
But I couldn't tell if someone picked up all those letters from the cherished box that Abuelo gave to Solita before she was pushed out of the cabin and into the arms of Ewwsebio. He was preventing her from saving Abuelo (and making me worry about what he was going to do next) when she dropped all the letters/birth certificates on the ground. Luckily Eww drew the line at kidnapping, but did any of the villagers or Sanita pick up the papers? Or is that something for next week?
Ester! Coming through as much as we can expect her to. Ratting on her cousin would be too much to ask, but maybe she'll be a key to Lucia's downfall in the future. Is anyone else trying to telepathically help with ideas for MC's revenge?
missing the laundry anymore or about the way he milked the cow. Maricruz's beloved abuelo is gone.
Dont get me wrong, I'm not angry but I couldn't help thinking about those things---anyway, I must give you deserved credit for an excellent recap.
No one mentioned the monkey this morning. I didn't see him inside the shack, hope that at the very least, he's ok.
Susanlynn---Don't say that about Solita--it ain't gonna happen. She
has suffered enough.
I have to say that Evil Eyes Lucifer is not the only one with evil in their eyes. Evil could be seen in EWW-sebio's eyes last night.
Pablo Villalobos---Cinderella never
gets old.
Urban---2013? I have seen pictures of some pretty bad slums in Mexico
and other Latin American countries-
Asia too, for that matter.
Yeah right! Those tevlar vests and
AR-15's were needed for the oh so dangeres Maricruz---que?
Room with a view---I laughed even though it wasn't funny.
What's wrong with the 1/2 brain celled police captain? After the fire, he didn't have any of his men search the area for any evidence of any kind. I think that EWW-sebio left his whiskey bottle and there were abuelo's papers on the ground.
Is there something in the water in
that area that attacks brain cells?
Cathyx---I think that our country goddess will take some of her pent up anger out on Octavio---after all he married her and then left her and so yes, he will/should be the recipient of some of that anger. Also, he carries the family
name of Narvaez that she now hates.
What will happen when they meet again? I guess that we will have to stay tuned and I am not going to miss even as much as one minute of it.
the gringo
Maricruz's father is using a computer so there must be some on the boat-casino. Oh and by the way, I just got my first computer only a year ago, so the tn isn't completely unreal.
the gringo,
It is obvious that some of you have been watching telenovelas for years. You know that they are about violence and "Cinderella themes" and what not. Telenovelas have the same recurring themes. So, if you know that, why do you keep watching and complaining? If it's so distasteful to you and the writing bothers you, quit watching and just let me (or others) enjoy the silliness. I'm just tired of hearing the same complaints by the same people. It's seems to be the same conversation on EVERY SINGLE TELENOVELA. We got it! The writing is bad and they don't come up with new things. Can't we just compliment Carlos for writing something funny and move on? He did a great job on a bad episode.
Amor Bravio
Por ella soy Eva
Amor real
El señor de los cielos
So we just keep hoping that we will see another good one, with a little imagination.
"Only you, querido amigo, could make this mayhem bearable."
or maybe a couple of shots of mezcal. I'm so glad you're sharing this mayhem with us.
"Don't forget that the producer is Mrs. Salvador Mejia which explains everything."
but isn't that guilt by association? Besides, he gave us La Madrastra and FELS (both of which curiously you left off your list of good TNs).
"Luckily Eww drew the line at kidnapping..."
Well yes... there's that...
thanks and welcome,
"Can't we just compliment Carlos for writing something funny..."
Sigh... I think I'm in love...
I watched several episodes of this ahead of time and can tell you guys that it *does* get better!
FELS is my measure for how bad a novela is.
I didn't see La Madrastra, but The Soup did a good job on it's best scenes
Agree with ya'll about Ester's conscience. guess some people draw the line at murder. At least we know she has some self-preservation & knows when it's time to leave that cursed ranch.
As to the communication issues, the characters must just enjoy misunderstandings and angst. Although I know that they do have a land line at the ranch, though they must be allergic. And octavio did write in his ancient letter a number that migual could reach him at (so why did he not just call & tell him all me).
great recap carlos, liked especially "Crazy bitch Lucía is talking to crazy bitch Lucía in the mirror" haha someone is probably going to board the crazy train later
At least we see that MC gets out of jail in the next episode & starts her hatred towards octavio.
Kelly, they didn't show anybody picking up the letters, but we did get a shot the next morning of them scattered on the ground when people (don't remember if it was the older ladies or the police)were looking through the rubble. Hopefully it's MC that finds them since we see in the avances that she goes back to her burnt home.
OK, so I think the reason Carlos wrote a letter is that he tried several times to call. Right? I think I remember him in his hospital gone "remembering" that he tried to call his brother and he wouldn't pick up. Maybe I'm crazy.
It seems like half of the good novela list is produced by Carla Estrada...From the list I have only seen Sortilegio (I am still a newbie with only 5 novelas under my belt) which was good but lost its steam towards the end. Para Volver a Amar was also very good...well IMO
Talking about communications, they have computer at rancho. Octavio used cell phone at hospital. He wrote a letter to his brother because he didn't want to talk to Lucia and he put a check in a letter. So by far I think it's believable.
About stories of Cinderella and this novela. I dont think it's a Canderella story. Beginning is very strange, but it's only beginning. For exemple, episode #19 in Mexico got 17.3 of rating points. Not bad, but episode #74, which was aired this thursday, got 22.8. And I dont think its all because people like this stories. URPEA was very successful in Mexico last year, but novela never got those points.
I can't understand why I like this story. I prefer more serious stories like LQNPA. But I can help falling in love with it.
After Amor Bravio I'm on the lookout for anything by Carlos Moreno. I bought the DVD for Cuando me Enamoro, but haven't had a chance to watch. Everyone likes it.
The heading for Caray, Caray says it all
"We love to mock here, don't mistake it for real hate." -- Chris Ferro
"Come, let us gather together and suffer, sisters and brothers." -- Alice
"This has got to be the sappiest, most mindless piece of crap that Televisa ever came up with!
Yet the recaps are hilarious and priceless!" -- riberajoe
Lucia was bad enough when she was just mean. Now she's completely crazy and her behavioral braking system has failed.
We had one of those TN "if only" moments when the detective called at the hacienda. So close to finding the missing daughter, but so far away. Of course, then the story would end.
The monkey! He probably escaped at some point, or maybe he sleeps in a tree. He could have bitten Eww's nose on his way out.
A sigh of relief when Solita escaped Ewwsebio's custody. She's endured so much suffering--
*a lifetime with limited communication, no education
*a lifetime of poverty with limited food, clothing, housing
*a terrible rape, with further threats of repetition
*aggressive threats from Awfelia
*the trauma of watching her sister's humiliation in the mud and violent arrest
*the trauma of almost dying in the hut fire and watching her abuelo suffer and die in the fire
*now being homeless, hungry, alone and uncertain for the future
She will find Solita & the mono probably.
I didn't mean to neglect you in my responses. I always look forward to your take on things. You've said before that you appreciate the recaps for their clarification of details... so if I've done a little of that... and managed to make you smile... then I've succeeded in what I set out to do. I may not take TNs or their characters quite as seriously as you do but I'll bet I enjoy them almost as much. Why else would I stay up until 2:50 AM to get this posted?
As for Ramiro, I'm truly going to miss him, that filthy yellow shirt, and his genuine sweetness... but let's face it, he was never even close to being an adequate parent for those two girls.
"...them giving her the ball game scores made me LOL."
Bless your heart, I bet myself that no one would even notice.
"I watched several episodes of this ahead of time and can tell you guys that it *does* get better!"
That's certainly no spoiler for me. You and Alegria (thanks):
"But I can help falling in love with it."
...give me hope that I've not bet on the wrong horse.
I've mentioned this before, several years ago a patient (who directed me to Ramona at the time) told me that Marimar was the best TN ever... I'm trusting her and you two.
thanks. You really seem to be enjoying this TN.
as for:
"...someone is probably going to board the crazy train later..."
Let's hope. As far as I'm concerned, in TNs, crazy is good.
"Carlos, this is so hilarious!"
Yikes! now I'm worried.
thanks. You know I'm delighted to be on your recapping team and I adore your work. Your analysis of what is going on with Solita reminds me of poor Gretel in LldA and the tragic Liliana in MEPS.
I did get a chuckle about MC and her cellie bonding: "I'm Maricruz and I'm innocent." LOL!
I think Maricruz will take Solita with her. Even if Solita lived with Santa or Maria she would be in constant danger from Ewwsebio. I hope we won't be asked to endure Solita's continued torture. In part, I think Abuelo died so Maricruz and Solita would have no reason to feel the need to stay.
Gringo, "No one mentioned the monkey this morning. I didn't see him inside the shack, hope that at the very least, he's ok." This is worth a double Yikes! I might need to stop watching if we have a monkey muerto.
Has anyone else been distracted by the music that was used in MEPS in now being used in CI this past week? I keep thinking FC is going to appear.
After the writers seemed to implicate Ester in JA's shooting, I too was confused that she seemed so squeamish about Abuelo's cremation.
Cathyx, "thirst for vengeance must be intense";
Daisynjay, "now we will get a meaner, smarter MC? Shades of Teresa"
Karen, "ITA that all of this bad stuff is happening so MC will be very angry and vengeful"
Though I hope Maricruz is wiser and more wary, I hope none of the anvils in the sky fall as a result of any actions on MC's part. I like her as sweet as she is right now.
it was you who inspired me to wish for Lucía to acquire Welsh Corgis as her attack dogs. How appropriate for such a regal creature.
""I did get a chuckle about MC and her cellie bonding: "I'm Maricruz and I'm innocent." LOL!"
I have learned that in TNs, monkeys are especially expendable. In Perigrina, Rperegrina had a monkey to which was dedicated a number of episodes agonizing over him starving to death because Peregrina was missing but when Peregrina discovered her roots and assumed "the new life of wealth and comfort", we never heard from the monkey again.
Rats on the other hand have a great union:
they're in they're out... we never know their names... they're well fed...
BTW, thanks also for the pictures. It was impressive you took that extra step so late in the eve. The first picture of Solita and Abuelo almost looks like an old time painting.
thanks for acknowledging my pictures (actually, it was only 1:50 AM here... not even closing time in Texas bars). Since I last recapped the format for adding photos in Blogger has drastically changed. I'm hoping with a little time, I can adapt.
I'm an inveterate fancier of pitbulls (we've had two... first the incredibly intelligent Clyde Henry and then the affectionate gorgeous Bonnie Belle), but I absolutely adore Welsh Corgis. Our next dog may very well be a Corgi.
thanks for hanging in there as a recapper with us in this challenging yet very promising TN.
her songs without hearing a goat).
I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops. Maricruz has anger management issues (considering how she flew into the poor woman dancing with Octavio at the fiesta), so her rage should quite a spectacle.
I'm wondering who's going to find the letters. Maricruz can't read, can she?
I don't mind Cinderella stories, and I think most people in the U.S. like them. Otherwise, movies like Pretty in Pink and Pretty Woman wouldn't have been hits. BTW: Cinderella, the musical with Lesley Ann Warren, was the first the first thing I ever saw on color TV. The rich neighbor who got the first color TV invited a big crowd over to watch. It made an impression on me, and I wanted very badly to dance a Viennese waltz. I didn't care about the prince; I was too young to like boys ... but I wanted that dance.
I'm also hoping the sweet Simona gets a makeover. She reminds me of the ugly-duckling girl in Strictly Ballroom, another great Cinderella story. I'm surprised Lucia didn't think to fix her up to make her more attractive to Octavio.
It seemed to me that Lucia felt some regret when she found out that Maricruz was the heir to a wealthy man. All of that conniving to get Octavio away from MC and hitched with Simona wasn't really necessary.
I finally got around to watching the fiesta episode, and I have to say that Maricruz, with her hairband, frizzy hair, and large, but pretty features, looked a lot like Deanna Troi in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
"I liked Gramps, at least I did until someone remarked that his voice reminded them of Margaro in LQNPA..."
Sorry, that was me... but you got even with the Shakira thing.
I haven't noticed MEPS music. That still sticks in my mind, the only TN music that does.
as good a parent as he could have been--he came up a little short in some areas but I think that in his mind, he did all that was needed or that he was doing the best that he knew how. I will really miss him and that dirty yellow shirt.
Pablo Villalobos---I believe that you are wrong on this one. Cindrella will never get old. Poor girl makes it big in spite of wicked whomever. That story line will be as popular one hundred years from now as it is today.
This is the PERFECT Cindrella story
and I love every minute of it---mindless piece of crap? Variopinta
I couldn't disagree more. I count the minutes until the next chapter.
Many have said that Amor Bravio was
great and it was highly recommended
to me by a friend in Mexico. Also
there was a brother of a singer that I liked that had a part in it and so I watched it. I tried and tried and tried to enjoy it but it just didn't click with me. I couldn't wrap myself around the story and I didn't like some of the cast members. After 4/5 weeks of trying, I gave up--my first time I might add. And so I guess that everyone is different, but for me , I will be front and center waiting for Corazon Indomable Monday night.
I must have missed it as I didn't get a clue that Ester shot Antonio
Has Evil Eyes Lucifer really figuered out that Maricruz is an heiress? Remember the detective didn't use the name Maricruz, he used her real name which is different.
the gringo
That is in the heading for Caray Caray, classic comments. We don't know which TN riberajoe was critiquing, but then of course it could also apply to this one.
But we like to mock here, don't mistake it for real hate!! -Chris Ferro
Ofelia may be awful, but I like that diagonal braid down the back of her hair. I don't think she could do it herself, maybe Eewwsebio braids it for her in the morning.
"...maybe Eewwsebio braids it for her in the morning."
Thanks for that romantic visual this morning.
Carlos, : )
vengeance was a topic, I'm sure that I would say that vengeance is definitely not a good thing, you know, turn the other cheek. That is the best policy but a very hard thing to do after you have been wronged. But even if you manage to turn the other cheek
it could easily be determined and probably is in many cases thought of as a sign of weekness by your enemy. Maricruz has to be more angry and filled with hate at this point than I can even imagine. She
is probably thinking revenge with
every passing minute and after what she has gone through, who could blame her? I know that payback is comming but my hope is that Maricruz doesn't let her beautiful self be taken over by the dark side, led on by pain, suffering and even death of her enemies. That kind of full reaction would be sad for me and
it would take her down to Evil Eyes Lucifer's level.
Ellie---Add me to the LA- Southern California list of happy novela watchers.
the gringo
Investing in good cows or picking oranges to make money to save the family business... leaving MC alone because she never meant any harm, worthless!
LatinainMD: that was an eye-opening exposé. Thank you for explaining how CI may be more reality t.v. than we'd ever have imagined.....
Anonymous/Pablo Villalobos: There is definitely something to be said for the classical approach. Just doncha dare take away my Cinderella which, I dare say, is as old as the hills--not to mention human nature--and every bit as comfortable to me as an old slipper!! ; ? ))
Nora was a humble but beautiful girl, who was robbed of her true love by evil relatives, just before she could tell him she was expecting his baby. She had a makeover, became a beautiful model, desired by many men, and eventually got revenge on all of them.
Sergio Sendel was an airline pilot (SS in pilot's uniform=yum!) and eventually became the pilot of Nora's private plane, setting the stage for an eventual reunion.
There were some excellent secondary characters and a great cast overall.
My nephew's wife must have chosen her dress directly from Lucía's closet and looked every bit as beautiful...only sweeter.
I'm glad that you're with us. It's obvious that you pay close very attention. Lucía may be crazy but she was already miles ahead of that PI.
Thanks. After having been so critical of Ramiro early on, how could I not have been the one to draw the episode with his demise?
I noticed that also. A while later when she was in the jail, she was not wearing the ring. I didn't see her throw it away. Did anyone see what she did with her wedding band? Tucked under her dress or in her underware maybe?
the gringo
Dear Sir, thanks so much for this most inspired recap! I loved the Yikes theme throughout. I liked the humor throughout your recap for this most horrific episode. Did they have to go and kill Abue? Really???? I am so worried for Soleicto. I hope that, as many of you have already mentioned, she finds Sanita and Maria.
I too can't wait for the transformation of Maricruz and I hope she makes Luciferia, Ester, Miguel and especially ewww-sebio pay in spades! I am really waiting for that day!
of Octavio's family have been, well
to say the least, mean-very mean to her. Among other things they called her "basura" and told her that she was not welcome/allowed in the family home. Also when Miguel had the confrontation with
Octavio over her and their mirrage,
Octavio didn't defend her---well actually he did somewhat, but only after a long tongue lashing of evil words by the older brother. By
the time Octavio mounted a feeble defense of his diamond in the rough
goddess bride, it was to late, for Maricruz had already left the room and heard none of the defense. A short time later Octavio leaves her
[to earn more money?] or to get away from her for good? Then she is suddenly befriended by Evil Eyes
Lucifer--a change of heart , and is given some jewerly [which she has never had in her entire life.] Before she knows it, she is accused of stealing by the Narvaez
family and is on her way to jail.
The pain she must have felt at that time must have been so great for her [remember that although being poor, Maricrez was a very happy person and loved life] that words would not be adequate enough to describe the hurt and suffering she was experiencing. I think that if I were her, I would have taken the ring off too. But what she did with it, that's the mystery.
I'm counting the hours and minutes
until 7:00 tonight. Cinderella? BRING IT ON!!!
the gringo
thanks. You know what? I'm ready for a bit of payback although I still hope that Lucía gets her puppies... maybe a couple of incontinent Bichon Frises.
I sure hope that you don't lose your exuberant enthusiasm when the mean, grumpy, and vengeful Maricruz shows up.
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