Thursday, June 06, 2013

PEAM #64, 06/06/13 – A Kiss is Just a Kiss, A Sigh is Just a Sigh? Really? I Don’t Think So!

Good evening, I am filling in for Tablet Jefa who is off on a secret mission (not really, I am just creating a little drama in my life of entertainment for two bored poodles and forest fire vigilance) so I am here to post a recap:

Elias tells Maricela that the rich bitch is indeed one of the richest of the country.  Maricela rightly is not impressed with the woman's rudeness and lack of class.

Pati continues her broken heart drama in front of Alma and Rogue but asks Rogue to walk her down to her car to protect her.  They fight in the hallway and after she slaps him he pulls his fist back to everyone's shock but his usual lack of control slips and he stops just in time. She can't believe he is going through with the wedding to her best friend when she knows he loves her.  We know it too.

Baby Valentina plays right into Vero's fantasy as she tells papa Jesús that the princess in the fable they are constructing together is named Veronica. Vero gives us a rare ear to ear smile behind the door.

Cardenas and Ricardo talk about the end of year party and how he should use the opportunity to negotiate for his positon.

Elias tells Maricela that his latest complication is that Valentina's therapist is fatally attracted, I mean hopelessly in love with him. Maricela understands how he is such a bon-bon and uses the moment to get into a passionate kiss with him but it is interrupted by our omnipresent Chatita.

Other lips lock as Vero kisses Jesús, Valentina shows up to add to her fantasies/confusion of what these adults do.

In front of the apartments, Chatita wants to know QTH Elias and Mari are doing, just saying good by they both swear as they jerk apart.  Chatita calls curfew and gets the two separated, pulling Maricela away.

Right after Valentina leaves the doorway, Jesús pulls back and says it just isn't right that they kiss when Vero is a married woman and he doesn't want to ruin that.  Vero is very happy to ruin it but Jesús gets up to walk out leaving Vero licking her lips which she imagines were kissed with passion.  Back at Chatita's, Jesús tells of the kiss but says he hopes the divorce never happens.

Rogelio gives Alma a tepid kiss on the cheek and they part for the night.

A teary booze call from Ricardo reaches Maricela. Maricela doesn't extend herself much but at least isn't unkind. While Jesús explains how he hates to disillusion Valentina who wants a happy home like any little girl.

Ricardo ask Maricela for help but the egotist claims she is so rich her father blah blah well Ricardo doesn't push so he doesn't get a kiss.

Jesús gives the only sincere kiss of the evening to the forehead of an appreciative Chatita.

Elias at the bedside to wake up Valentina to give her the only other sincere kiss of the night.  He isn't happy to hear that the supposed romance fantasy of Vero and Jesús is dancing around in Valentina's head.

Jesús arrives home to see the lovely leather living room furniture. I must have missed the episode where this was planned. He drops the plastic off a piece pushes it against the wall and sits down looking satisfied.

The party is afoot at the office so no work can be expected again this afternoon.  Jessica flirts with Cardenas as he looks at some important envelope with some important document in it.  Wonder if the party will keep him from opening it?

Jesús starts to tell Alma his problems.  Elias confronts Vero at her large breakfast which she doesn't want to share with him to tell her that he wants her to quit her dirty tricks (cochinadas), huh? well he means he wants her to stop kissing Jesús in front of Valentina.  They continue yelling that she doesn't want Valentina to hear them fighting but he stomps off reminding her that Valentina is HIS daughter (remember he is her legal father by adoption).

MP (malpractice) Marta shows up in a cocktail dress to do her therapy on the employees of Avon. One should always consider the meaning of a woman who wears cocktail dresses in the morning so she is fancier than anyone else in business attire.  At first she is dissed by Maricela who recalls that this must be her rival for Elias' affections.  Alma shows up with Jesús and they decide that today no work will get done since they will party all afternoon and tomorrow isn't any better so why doesn't she stay so she can begin to observe the office staff and their dynamics.  Everyone thinks this is a great idea and hey, Marta is dressed for the job already so why not.

Rogelio shows up in the circle with approving glances at the lovely Marta and upon hearing what her role is, he asks her to step into his office for a briefing.

They have a conversation about his unhappy "friend" so Marta says the unhappiness may be caused by things she lost in her childhood.  He does't understand but talks on the phone with Fernando who doesn't want to come to the party, neither does he care that he is expected at the end of year toasting.  Rogelio gets off the phone and tells Marta that his brother is going to need her therapy services too.

Out in the open office, Cardenas and Chatita meet, and the toasting commences. Of course, Jesús makes the best toasts to the kindness and leadership of Rogelio, even Ricardo winces at this whopper. Then he toasts Alma who is the alma of the office and his office workers who are like brothers. Such glib lies that sound so sincere just fall from his lips making everyone think they are in a normal happy office (does any such place exist?)  After he wishes Alma all good things in the coming new year. Chatita greets Alma and asks for a hug for the new year.

Xochi approaches Jesús with eternal hope but want to know how he is.  Not so good he answers.  Is it because you love Alma and she is marrying Rogue? No he confesses, he feels bad because last night he kissed Veronica.  Xochi looks crest fallen.

Rogelio and Pati laugh party like as though they were just friends amidst the party fervor that is building. Nobody seems to notice so why not.

Chatita questions Panfilo's obvious familiarity with Susana.  Panfilo says they have been friends in the office and wants to know if Chatita is jealous.  Chatita goes to Susana later and tells her not to trick Panfilo who is her dear friend.

Maricela gets hugs from her father whom she sincerely hugs then she has a real hug with Ricardo who tells her he loves her. She seems moved and a bit impactada from both hugs. All we need now is for Veronica and Elias to show up to see who they begin kissing and hugging.

Rogue is about to go postal on Cardenas that Ricardo is still in the office and partying.  Cardenas tells him that there are certain difficulties in running Ricardo out on a rail so would Rogue reconsider his rash decision??? Maybe the milquetoast Alma will intervene at last?

Fernando is pacing in his apartment, the bell rings and he runs hopefully that it is someone he wants to see…. but it is Alejandra the "social" worker pretending to be a neighbor that wants to borrow sugar.  No sugar here he avers and slams the door in her puzzled face.

Wow, we get Jessica in yellow stage gown singing and showing her true talents as an entertainer.  Xochi uses the moment of Jesús' depressed countenance in the corner to try to get him interested in her or in dancing or whatever.  Wow we get the real dancers, Jessica and Julio at this fun party.  Julio sees Xochi approach the elevators with Jesús who excuses himself and disappears so the silly Xochi can reluctantly be embraced by eager Julio.  Alma comes looking for Jesús and hears from Xochi and Julio that Jesús escaped into the elevator.  Down below outside the building, Jesús has remorseful thoughts of that kiss with Veronica.

Over at Vero's our wise little Valentina is explaining her natural confusion that Mommie Dearest is pushing Jesús into the house and Elias out.  Valentina declares that she loves both papas and she asks about the meaning of the kisses. So maybe she has discovered that a kiss isn't necessarily just a kiss?

Finally as Elias arrives at the Avon building he and Jesús begin to argue about Jesús being at Elias home and stealing his family last night, of course, just in time for Alma to hear this unfortunate news.

Friday previews: It looks like Veronica is trying to corner Jesús but he is off to chase after Rogelio and Paty who he wants to catch in their occulted trip to Acapulco. Maybe he can offer something concrete to awaken the dreamy Alma...


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Blue Lass, I sent you an email. Tablet Jefa had asked me to sub for her tonight weeks ago. I hope you didn't go to too much trouble and enjoyed tonight's episode as I did. Parties are always fun if a bit disjointed to capture the tiny bits of information we get as people pass by. Wasn't Jessica a show stopper with her beauty and talent put to good use for a change.

Thanks, Cheryl. Nice to see the sweet horsies again!

Cheryl, TJ asked for someone to sub for her just a week ago, hence the mixup.

One night during UFCS, two people posted recaps for the same episode while I was still working on mine. Happens. :( Fortunately, someone telephoned me as soon as the first one went up, or I would have spent the rest of the night finishing mine!

On the bright side, I have already forgotten most of tonight's episode. I remember Marisela whining; balloons; and a kiss that my memory is trying hard to repress. I need all the recap I can get.

Ah! Yes, Jess sang. I remember now. I saw Yvonne at the praty and wondered if she'd do another dance for the crickets. Maybe some other time...

Hey, this was fast!
The more recappers the better!

Its December 30th and Avon celebrates THE WHOLE DAY, from 9 am to--- until everybody gets drunk probably, or until the clock gives the twelve chimes so everybody can eat their 12 grapes and wish each other a Happy New Year!! What a long party!!

Me, Kleptomaniac? Never!!
Patricia is visibly outraged when Rogelio insinuates she might be a klepto. She jumps and screams. I wish Rogelio had corrected himself saying... what? Did I say kleptomaniac? I meant nymphomaniac!!
Patricia: Ohhh, that changes everything, that's much better!!

Chatita calls Xóchitl, Xochicalco, the name of a region in México, but the Caption Lady translates that as Cockroach... Que qué what? Is she still drinking?

Jesús, surely following Chatita's advise got a FAMSA card and furnished his apt. and had money to spare since he also bought figurines for the Bookshelves.

I liked the way Jéssica looked in yellow (and that's a difficult color to wear), and she also filled in with a wink!

That senile (sorry ladies) love triangle between Pánfilo, Chatita and Susana is ridiculous! Tell me who in her right mind would think about stealing him from anybody!!!

Ohhh! And another horrible thing! Pánfilos uniform IS NOT FROM AVON!!! is from PORQUE EL AMOR MANDA! I am seriously quitting this TN very soon! Please, put 0sorio on the phone, I need to talk to him right now!

While Jéssica was singing, Jesús had his face #13 (partypooper).

Me, Cheaters detective? Never!!
Well, seems liek Jesús has more time in his hands than we know and now he can even follow Rogelio juárever he goes just to prove that is a cheater! Sooo? Sooo? IT IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS JESUS! You're not marrying him! Leave that couple alone! God! This people never get it!

Thanks Julie, I forgot that I had already used the horses a few weeks ago. I'm also memory challenged at times, I know how Chatita feels.

And thanks about your funny (not at the time but later) story about three recaps being prepared at one time. I feel so bad that Blue Lass worked on a recap and I didn't have time to read up on everything from last week yet. We will try to communicate better so this doesn't happen again.

Pablo, Yes I have enjoyed visits to both Xochicalco and Xochimilco so I get a real kick out of Chatita's name confusion. And thanks for filling in more information on Paty and Rogelio's excellent adventure. I think it will also be central to tomorrow's episode. Let's see if Jesús is going to turn state's evidence to Alma or be cowed into silence by some wild story by Rogelio like he and Patycake are going to be sure his honeymoon suite is all perfect for Alma.

Thanks too for the FAMSA info regarding the furniture. I still wonder when the bank is going to show up and lay claim to everything in the apartment. Let's hope it is not when Valentina is visiting her Papa.

Now that I think of it, it was probably PESE and not UFCS.

OK, so eating 12 grapes at midnight on New Year's eve is really a thing? Someone (Portuguese) told me about this when I was a kid and then I never heard it again till this year, I think on Modern Family.

(I can confirm that the New Year's superstition regarding black-eyed peas is definitely false. It is not good luck. If I eat those things on New Year's day, I lose my job soon afterwards. Never again.)

Hey, come on now, Chucho told Probation Lady he'd follow the Rivadineras brothers around. I guess after saving Fernie's life he felt he was done with that guy, but following Rogue is bound to be far more rewarding and probably not require so much stair-climbing.

I've been thinking of Xochimilco ever since Chatita mentioned it a few weeks ago (poor Xochitl). I think I've only seen it in one TN, but it was VERY memorable. Who else remembers the isla de muñecas? I read the backstory on that place and it was so much sadder than I would have guessed. :(

Tonight, Jesús told Chatita he has been making payments on the apt. So one day it will completely paid off.

I just saw trajineras in Xoxhimilco in QBA (the boy from Monterrey and Paloma). Also some other TN, I guess LA MADRASTRA, ended in four or more weddings in Xochimilco. Beautiful place with flowers...

Regarding the 12 grapes. We still make 12 wishes, one with grape we put in our mouths, is a tradition Verónica probably disregards because of Jesús, the motor that prompts her actions. Anything he likes, she likes!

Maybe Vero eats 12 chestnuts at midnight.

Chucho's been making payments? Oh good, then the apartment will be safe when its legal owner comes back and wants to move in.

Willa! Even better!

Our recappers are so dedicated and wonderful! Thanks Cheryl and Blue Lass...the patio appreciates the efforts.

Question for the day: Office party. Rog gets worked up that Ricardo is there. Check. Office party, he was supposedly fired and is considered not staff. THEN WHY IS CHATITA THERE!!

Is it wrong of me wondering who were the poor slobs who had to clean up the mess from this party? I half expected to see poor Panfilo pushing a garbage cart at the end of the hour and sweeping up.

Loved Pati as always. Love that Fern is not falling for Rog's scheme. And Mari--was this her turning from the dark side. ( My ulterior motive on this is that she takes too much screen time. Not my favorite character.)

Speaking of Mari--seriously Elias? Your concerned about Marta, but no worries making out...oh never mind. Chatita to the rescue. So cute how she busted those two.

I'm getting a vibe from Chucho that he didn't exactly not like the Vero kiss, just felt guilty about it. So heaven help us, if Alma in all her delusional glory goes thru with this wedding, are we going to have to deal with those two as a possible couple for awhile? NO NO and NO please.


Cheryl, this was great -- and I'm sure that Blue Lass' recap was also. I'm sorry that there was a mix-up but I'm grateful for the work of all of you recappers.

The title was right on. Kisses & kisses -- and a back story to each. As for Chucho's reaction to Vero's kiss, I agree that he seemed a bit ambivalent. He insists that he doesn't feel anything for Vero -- but he took his time breaking off from that kiss. And all his remorse seems to be over betraying Elias -- and building up alentina's hopes.

I love the way that Fernando is oblivious to the charms of the hired seducer. (Who is quite a looker)

I didn't hear Jésus saying that he is paying off the apartment debt. That's encouraging. I also was imagining that just as he gets it all fixed up the bank would be back to kick him out.

Valentin continues to be the sweetest part of the show. She's a great little actress -- and her growing illusion about Jésus & Vero is sad to watch. I also am afraid that we will have to put up with a Jésus/ Vero coupling for a while if Alma uses this new info to push her into really marrying Rogue.


Cheryl, thanks for the excellent recap!

I was happy to see Chatita at the party claiming Pánfilo as "hers." That was way too funny.

I loved Jessica's performance and her over the top dress.

I was disappointed in Jesús lingering way too long in the kiss that Verónica initiated. He should have nipped that in the bud because now she thinks she has more of a chance with him: sort of like "the lips don't lie". He needs to get his act together and not use Valentina as an "excuse."


I don't know how this translates to english, but BECAUSE LOVE COMMANDS, or rules or juárever, means something that I am not seeing anybody doing. Am I not supposed to obey what love is telling me to do?
Does Alma love for Jesús is telling her to marry Rogelio?
Fernando is not even trying to get Discua back.
That thing about the wedding, now I marry you now I won't, is growing very thin...
What is exactly this plot?
Maybe we were all misled to believe that the main love story was between Jesús/Alma/Rogelio/Patricia but instead the stronger card will be Chatita/Pánfilo/Susana?
Hahahaha! I can not wait to see what they do because I am really tired of the young and the stupid.


"...I am really tired of the young and the stupid." Pablo speaks such a deep truthiness!

Jarifa, I am tired of Chucho lingering in limbo with Vero too. but, he did it for so long with Xochi with whom he didn't even have a former love or any history. His wimpiness excused by not wanting to hurt feelings makes me cringe.

Cheryl, "his usual lack of control slips and he stops just in time" has got to be the line of the week! LOL!!

Cheryl, if Jesús eventually marries Alma and neither of them can ever make a definite decision in a timely manner it could be a match made in hell! :) At least Paty, Rogelio, Verónica, Marta, and Chatita (!) know who they want and are ready to fight for them.


Let's see if anyone can stand 180 episodes of people wandering aimlessly poking here and there thinking they love this and that only to do, in the LAST EPISODE, what love command them to do and finally get the partner they deserve!!

I double dare you!

I made it through FELS. I think I'll survive this.

What don't kill you will make you stronger.

If I survive this ordeal, we'll see...

Great job, Cheryl. Love the kiss theme and don't mind that the song will be going through my head all day either.

Loved your line "Chatita calls curfew". Saved me many a time when I was a freshman in college.

Will try and find this episode on the internet so I can see Jessica at her best. And Julio also.

Pablo, I think you just came up with a new TN title. "The Young and the Stupid". I say the patio take a stab at writing it!

OT: Blue Lass: I went online to order that vegan chai latte mix and found out the shipping charges are more than the cost of the tea!!! I won't be ordering from them.

Oh, well. I've been having good luck with coconut milk and Oregon Chai concentrate.


Thanks, Cheryl! FWIW, I never mind having two recaps. It's fun to read the same episode through two different perspectives.

I really enjoyed this episode. My fave, of course, was Julio's dancing, but I also liked the little humorous things, like Xochi and Julio gesturing in sync with their party horns, and Rogelio's reactions to everything.

I hope Marta was taking in all the interactions. I wonder how she is going to tactfully word her report to state that Rogelio is toxic and needs to go and is obviously having an affair, Alma needs to be more assertive, and the swirling romantic tensions are choking the office staff.

I also thought it was funny when Alma said "Poor Pato! Why does she stay in such a destructive relationship?" Hmm, ask that about yourself, Alma. Do you REALLY want a husband who flies off the handle over every little thing? And this is while he's still trying to woo you!

I really enjoyed this ep. I'm also now enjoying this TN for the most part, but agree with Pablo that there doesn't seem to be much of a plot.

Fav parts: Chatita breaking up the Elias/Mari face suck and spanking Mari as she walks her to the door. Xochi and Julia gesturing with their horns at the same time. Jessica's dress and performance.

BL: Oregan Chai makes a vegan concentrate, but I wanted to find a dry mix I can mix with hot water at work. I'm so disappointed about Chai-Direct's humongous shipping charges. You can get shipping free on some products if you order $59 worth! Never having tried their products, don't want to risk it.


Forgot to mention: Loved the recap. Also, loved the scene where Fern slams the door in Alejandra's face.

Jessica steals the show. Now lets hear Xochi sing:

They need to find a reason for Julio to dance in every episode. Why hasn't this guy gotten a starring role playing a character who is a dance instructor or something yet?

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