Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PEAM, Tuesday 6/25/13 (#77): Relocations and Dislocations


Cardenas proudly shows off his no-longer-mysterious tube TV/telenovela collection to Chatita.

At home, Eli is despondent that Vero moved out. Minerva tries to cheer him up, saying there's always hope. But she sounds like she's quoting a fortune cookie. Meanwhile, Marisela is coming up the walk and thinking that this palatial estate is just the place for her.

The boner specialist says that not only will Alma and Rogue have to wait before they can have relations, but Alma will have to sleep in another bed. Otherwise, you know, she might thrash around in her sleep and knock that thing clean off of him by mistake. (Yes. We'll just say it was a mistake.) Patymelt pretends to be amazed that Alma isn't just climbing the walls in frustration to be with her new husband. She gloats openly in front of Rogue and imagines laying a passionate kiss on him in front of Alma.

Chucho comes home to Vero's surprise dinner. He is very, very slow to understand that she intends to live with him; but when he finally understands, he refuses. Emphatically. Sort of. But she is so pathetic: she has nowhere to go. She has no money. Eli cut off all her bank cards and whatnot, and she spent all the rest on groceries for this dinner. (Note for Vero next time: you don't need to buy two cows to feed three people for one meal.)

Fernando actually gets a warmer welcome from his cellmate than Vero got from Chucho. By bedtime, they have bonded sufficiently for Fernando to confide that he had nothing to do with Rogue's crime; he never made a dime off of it; he's loyal to Rogue because Rogue cared for Fernando like a father; and their father was never around when they were growing up.

One more thing...
Alma tells Rogue that she's been summoned to Avon's Maximum Wrinkle-Stopping Ultimate Mosquito-Repelling Supreme Control Center Anti-Aging Home Office Anti-Smudge Mega-Headquarters in Toluca. She has to go tomorrow. Rogue suspects this won't turn out well for him.

Well, I said it would be brief!
If I have time tomorrow (and if I don't drown overnight in my own, er, condensation), I'll fill in a little more of this, like whatever the heck was going on in the office. Until then, please don't hesitate to throw in any details you care to add.

Next time:
¡No manches!
It's Pancho! Pancho Lopez!
This time I think they mean it!
(I think I saw Candy, too!)


Woohoo! I got home earlier than expected, so I got to see a lot of this. However, I totally missed whatever was going on between Xochi and Julio in the office. I hope it was sneaky and crafty!

And now, the air conditioner(s). Here's hoping I don't drop one of them out the window.


I hope you don't one out of the window either. We almost did that a month ago : )

Thanks for this wonderful recap, and you got everything that was important, the other stuff, not that important.

I had to laugh when the Doc told Rogue and Alma they couldn't sleep together due to the risk, lol. Alma looked so relieved and Rouge looked out of his mind. My favorite part was Patymelt thanking Jesus, and at first Rogue thought she was thanking Jesus the secretary, lol. Patymelt and her divine intervention, lol.

I think Xochi and Julio are working on her self esteem and maybe a makeover. I'm not for sure, but I like what they are up to.

And I can't wait for tomorrow to finally see Pancho Lopez, I really hope they aren't kidding this time and yes you did see Cande. I know at the end of UFCS we wondered about her cause of that ring, but evidently there really wasn't anything wrong, and she is fine.

So far, so funny, Julie. ..."knock that thing clean off of him.." Excellent ...we can only hope so. Gertie

Julie, thank you for the very fine recap. You recappers are just as dedicated to recapping as you would be to a regular job!

Too bad so sad that Rogelio is not healing properly. Best comment was Pati calling it "divine justice". Second best was his doctor telling him to watch out for his zipper.

I really enjoyed the "telenovela contest" with Cardenas and Chatita.



Thanks, Julie! Short and very sweet. You hit all the high notes.

My favorite part, although it wasn't plot-advancing, was watching Maricela dance to the grupera music. When she finally lets herself be who she really is, she might be fun.

I feel cheated, though -- I waited all night for Pancho, Pancho Lopez, and got nothing but another preview! (Although he did bring Candi and say "no manches," so that was a little bit of payoff.) I did love the way they all looked scared of him when they heard he was coming.

Hope all went well with those air conditioners Julie. Love your concise recap--pretty well summed up the antics last night.

I can't abide watching Vero and her delusions any more. Get a job and start earning your keep woman!! Set a good example for your daughter, you know, the one you manipulate all the time. ( And it kind of bugged me last night that she didn't get up from that table and go hug her daughter good night. Val waved?)

I so want a Xochi makeover!! A real one this time.

And hopefully Ferny's confession to the roomie will save the day. HOPE HOPE HOPE.

Sanson is my hero!! Now if the humans in this storyline would be so decisive and show their true feelings.

Hi Miss Julie...thanks for writing a funny recap whilst also having to wrestle with a window air-conditioner. You're my hero!

Best line ever:

"She sounds like she's quoting a fortune cookie."

Honey, we could put that line in every single telenovela recap we write. I get so annoyed by the swift bromides everyone throws around in times of trouble. I mean, it's good to learn this stuff, Spanish-wise, so we've got a few bromides in our quiver also, but jeez, how can one actually know that things will work out just fine? Always want to clock people who say that.

Like Blue Lass, loved Marisela dancing to the grupero music (that was on in the beginning...a part you didn't see) and even more, Ricardo's dancing which was awesome and funny. Didn't know the actor had it in him.

Only watched the first part as Alma and Chucho's stupid gazing at each other is beginning to get on my nerves, but now I want to see the Chatita/Olivero action so I'll look for it later on.

Thanks tiger lady, above and beyond the call of duty. You're the best.

"boner specialist", snort!!! You're too funny Julie. Way to go with the AC.

Oh, is Pancho coming to Monterrey? I thought Alma was going to Toluca! Well, if we stay local, that's fine with me. Monterrey is better-looking anyway. (And I would LOVE for Pancho to come to the house and meet Rogue. With some of those stinky tacos. Rogue would DIE. He would just DIE.)

I didn't get to rewatch this ep yet, but I did see a little of Monday's (I literally fell asleep while skipping through the scenes). I saw Fernando meeting his cellmate. From what I could make out, the guy is mostly talk and not especially intimidating.

And I've noticed that Fernando seems to get along really well with people when his brother isn't involved, so he might even make some nice friends in prison who will teach him some street smarts or coping skills for dealing with his brother. (Normally it would be odd to expect someone to make nice friends in prison, but Fernando has odd luck.)

Off topic for Nanette and Gertie: I just finished the PESE 4 DVD set and really enjoyed it. While watching the first 3 DVDs I felt like the old Dragnet: just the facts, m'am, just the facts. It really moves fast but the editing is impeccable. I Ithink they covered every single subplot. Eva is there in all of her glory with all of the Eva "schtick" including the "Rata de 2 Patas" in the elevator, vulture imitations, getting slapped by Helena, etc. The fourth DVD is pretty much the 2 episode finale intact with a behind the scenes portion. In this day and age of inexpensive technology, I still don't understand why the production companies don' t also offer a complete season. Dvd reproduction costs close to nothing these days and the editing would be minimal considering they already have complete versions edited for tv. Anyway, the 4 DVD version is well worth it.


Jarifa: Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to watch it when it reairs. I wanted to see it when it was originally aired, but it overlapped AB and SN is my fav--so I went with her. Glad to know the DVD is worth getting.

Did Marisela standup Ricardo?

And if Elias is interested in Mari like he told Marta, why does he only talk about his love for Vero when he's with her?

Please tell me Jesus is going to stand firm re: Vero? What kind of message is that sending Vale if he lets her stay? Unless he goes somewhere else to stay. Maybe Chatita has room for her, but I wish she'd just go far away.

For those of us who didn't watch UFCS, who is Cande?

Both my posts needed some proofing and editing.

Thanks, Julie! I'm bummed you didn't get rewarded for your efforts with Pancho's visit, but you still managed a great summary in spite of your AC wrangling!

My favorite parts:
" Avon's Maximum Wrinkle-Stopping Ultimate Mosquito-Repelling Supreme Control Center Anti-Aging Home Office Anti-Smudge Mega-Headquarters"
"she might thrash around in her sleep and knock that thing clean off of him by mistake. (Yes. We'll just say it was a mistake.)"

My favorite part of the show was Marisela and Ricardo dancing, together, yet separate. Did she stand him up to go hold Eli's hand, or were their concert plans for another time? I wasn't clear on that.

My other favorite part was Rogue getting double-teamed by the boner specialist and Paticakes.

I hope Chucho doesn't cave and let Vero stay. Chatita has an extra room now that Elias isn't staying there. Really, though, I would prefer for Ricardo to move in with Chatita and Mari, and for Vero to go bunk in Marisela's former bed at Panfilo's place. And then I would like Vero to get the janitorial job at Avon, and Panfilo to be promoted to something that won't require him to be on his feet all day.

If what's-his-guts is retiring, who will take his place? Chucho? Valentina? She's the smartest one.

Oh, also: Chatita amazes me. Selling Avon products to the families of people who work at Avon! And both Xochi's mom and Cardy's mom acted like they'd never considered the products before!

I liked the game of Telenovela Charades Chatty and Cardy played. We should play that during dull moments on the Patio!

Nanette: I didn't see what plans Mari made with Ric, but she did seem to be reassuring herself that she "belongs" with Eli as she approached the house. That makes me think she was feeling guilty trying to justify being there rather than being elsewhere. So she probably did stand up Ric or was planning to blow off any subsequent plans she made with him.

Never mind that she never even seems to have much fun with Eli.

Telling Marta he wants Mari was probably his clumsy way of trying to convince Marta to leave him alone. If he says "I want Vero," Marta can argue that Vero doesn't want him and sooner or later he'll have to give up and accept Marta; but if he wants Mari and Mari wants him, Marta has no hope.

In UFCS, Candy is Pancho's sister, who had some interesting adventures. I don't want to say a lot about that because I think the show is still in late-night reruns, but it's good to see her again.

Nanette, no matter where Vero ends up sleeping tonight, it's way too late to worry about sending Valentina the wrong message. Vero hasn't set a good example yet.

Julia, I like your idea for all the sleeping arrangements, especially putting Vero in charge of sanitation at Avon. Just make sure someone else orders the supplies, because she tends to overestimate her purchases...

Who's what's-his-guts? Who's retiring? (Dammit, who wrote this recap, anyway?? Oh, right. Sorry!)

Oh, Gil is retiring. Duh! I forgot. That's how much I care. Considering that Alma already her secretario review the guy's work, she might as well give Chucho his job.

But then who will ferry her to and from the gym each morning?

Nanette, Candi is Pancho's sister. There was some question about her fate at the end of UFCS, so her fans are relieved to see her.

Julie, if Rogue called Sanson a "naco" for preferring the secretario, so I can't imagine what he'll call Pancho!

Yeah, Blue - I really want Pancho to meet Rogue. If not tonight, then someday.

In fact, Pancho should bring Popeye and any other available dogs with him, just for the fun of seeing them pee on Rogue's shoes.

Thanks, Julie. The recap was short and to the point. The office stuff should have been left out because it was sheer foolishness. I chuckled at the boner specialist and I loved the the description- Avon's Maximum Wrinkle-Stopping Ultimate Mosquito-Repelling Supreme Control Center Anti-Aging Home Office Anti-Smudge Mega-Headquarters in Toluca. It's so true.


Here's Flaco's theory. Pancho meets Jesus and likes him (of course). Promotes Alma to Rog's spot and gives Jesus Alma's position.


I just remembered last night that Elias was also in UFCS as Sebastian Bravo. I wonder if Pancho will run into him or Marisela in Monterrey.

I just remembered that I did actually see the very end of UFCS and do remember Candy. I'm looking forward to tonight's ep if for no other reason than there will be some new blood--even if only for a fleeting moment.

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