Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #76, Monday 24 June. What happens when you call a girl a princess and put her on a pedestal.

So Val's gone walkabout from the office, and everyone is friqueando. They look "everywhere", meaning mostly in their own area. The guards say she hasn't left the building, so Chucho runs down the fire stairs, and then back up again, to show off his fitness. Then he searches the conference room and men's room back in the admin area. No luck. He runs down to the garage, and Alma follows. Val isn't there, but our Trepid Heroes have time for some Significant Looks and a leisurely chat about having faith before they take up the search once more...back in the admin office.

Meanwhile, down in the bodega, row upon row of boxes is neatly stacked on racks. Val finds one of only three wooden crates in the whole place, half full of packing peanuts, decides this is her princess carriage, and climbs in and closes it. See, this is what happens when you keep telling little girls they are princesses. So here come our warehouse dudes, who of course need to lift that almost-empty wooden crate way up to the top of a high and precarious stack of cardboard boxes, which are not on racks, with the forklift. Their only task for the day done, they leave. Val is friqueando and screaming for Daddy.

Chucho finally remembers one place in the building he hasn't searched: the massive warehouse. So he and Elías run down there and find Val teetering atop the flimsy stack. The Mexican equivalent of OSHA should shut this place down. Chucho hops into the forklift for what he hopes won't be a literal crash course in warehouse operations. Elías gets to stand at the bottom of the boxes, perfectly positioned for an inexperienced forklift operator to spear him, in case Val takes a dive. Once the forklift is in position, Chucho can see where the glam hero opportunity is, so he hops out and makes Elías push the lift lever while he rides on his white steed, I mean, on the fork. So Princess Val is rescued and they ride down in heroic glory as Alma walks in, just in time to admire her knight in shining hair gel as the crate crashes empty to the ground. It does not seem to occur to the fairytale Queen to order a review of the safety procedures of her warehouse.

Back upstairs, Chucho humbly accepts praise and adulation and Elías seems to have maybe forgiven him. How can you not make up when you're working for Avon? The lady secres all fuss over and pamper Val, but Chucho actually takes a break from the princess routine to give her a stern lecture on not running off.

Meanwhile, Rogue has arrived at his house, in the company of Delia and her cohorts. Delia gives him some fancy new ankle jewelry as a token of her affection. He gets a 50 meter radius. Delia makes him cross the line for a preview of the shock he'll get if he does it again.

Rogue calls Alma and asks her to come over. Rogue and Cantú worry that Fernando will say something stupid. They decide they need a new contact in the U.S. Cantú warns Rogue about using the landline telephone. Stupid Rogue thinks it's going to shock him, too. Then Cantú toys with him by telling him the walls have ears. Rogue is not smart or savvy enough for underworld dealings. He's so literal and gullible. Cantú has to tell him to get a new disposable phone every week.

Cárdenas calls Rogue and finds out that Fern is in jail. When Jess hears that, she faints. Cardy tries the Sleeping Beauty protocol on her, and she snaps to and commences friqueando.

Meanwhile, back at the office, Alma can tell that Chucho isn't happy about Rogue's freedom. Elías watches their convo and smiles. Is he thawing? Alma leaves, and after she's gone, Chucho realizes he needs her to sign some urgent papers, and also she forgot her cell phone. He'll have to take them to Rogue's house, where he is always a welcome guest.

Elías wants to talk. Chucho tells him Vero wants to get back together with his hot self (Chucho's, not Eli´s) and play happy family. Alma walks back into the office in time to hear him say that, but of course she gets all sad and walks back to the elevator before she can hear Chucho say that they are never ever ever getting back together. Elías, sigh, refuses to believe this and is back to his old mantra of Juicy trying to destroy his family. He will not admit that his marriage was already toast B.C. (before Chucho). SIGH. This plot arc will never end.

Alma arrives at Rogue's, and he crosses the line to hug her. ZAP! The polis are there within seconds and get snapped at for their trouble

When Chucho arrives at Rogue's palace, Jess in tow, Sansón senses a better option and escapes from inside, where Alma is fighting unsuccessfully to tear Rogue's attention away from his doggy to find out what is going on. Rogue runs after the dog and hesitates to cross the line again. He calls to Sansón, but Sense-on thought bubbles about nice pats from Chucho and Val, and won't go to Rogue.

MEANWHILE, while all this drama has been going on, Vero has been abusing Chatita's hospitality. Chatty says "que telefonote" when Vero pulls out the lime green handset at one point. In her cleverly daffy way, Chatty manages to accidentally let slip about the burglar who broke into Chucho's apartment, and something about a fire. How much will it take to scare Vero away? More than that, apparently, because Vero just invites her to the delicious dinner she is going to cook at Chucho's place. I hope she is not planning to desecrate the sacred Almicrowave. Vero goes to the store and buys a giant cartful of everything, including about two whole cows, neatly sliced in antiseptic packaging.

But who is really buying those cows? Elías checks his bank statement. Seems 50% of his salary is being taken out for support pending the divorce settlement. His lawyer tells him he should cut off Vero's access to the bank account and credit cards. Elías seems to have truly never have considered that avaricious Vero might try to clean him out! BTW, it looks like his previous balance was $97,056.56, current balance is $16,181.75, and there is an additional credit card balance of $24,582.00. Someone's been buying a lot of beef!

MEANWHILE MEANWHILE, Fernando has gotten settled into his new home. While getting his perp pics taken, he argued with the officer about how old he looks, wanted to smile for more flattering photos, and would have preferred the profile shot taken on his good side. Then he meets his new cellmate, who introduces him to his monster hands and says, "I'm on top, you'll be on the bottom." "¡¿Qué?!" He means the bunkbeds. Satisfied that he has sufficiently terrified the new arrival, Cellmate climbs into his bunk and falls asleep, unconcerned.

In other minor news, Pánfilo read Elías the riot act about getting involved with the much-younger Marisela while he's married to someone else. El is confused about why he cares so much.

Marisela vehemently denied she is falling in love with Ricardo, and Xochi laughed and teased her. Marisela is still determined to snag Elías.

Coming attraction: PANCHO! PANCHO LOPEZ!!!



Thanks so much for this fab recap and loved your fairytale theme throughout!

I am glad that Val is safe and I'm glad Chucho lectured her about what she had done. For a minute there I though Elias and Chucho would let bygones be bygones, but nah, not so much. Elias needs to start using his brain cells.

I laughed when Jess fainted and Cardy was going in for the kiss, lol. I had to laugh too when Chucho went to Rogue's and Sanson ran right up to Chucho and wouldn't go back to Rogue, so funny!

Poor Ferny, paying for the sins of his brother. I hope there is some way for him to be released from jail. He really doesn't belong there.

Vero sure spends a lot doesn't she? Gee whiz that cart she had loaded looked like at least $250.00 worth of food if not more! I wonder what she is planning on making.

Best part of the epi? Rogue getting zapped by that nice little anklet, lol. He doesn't even get to go to work, so poor Alma is going to have to do it all, but then again, she HAS been doing it all, all this time.

So glad Pancho, Pancho Lopez is coming tomorrow. Julie will love to recap that! And he is still wearing the sneakers, yay! I wonder if we will get to hear the song again? I have been rewatching UFCS in late night and still get a kick out of it!

Maybe Avon will actually turn productive with both Rogue and Ferny out of the way!

I don't remember at what point Verónica started to fantazise about Chucho and disregarding Elías, but they were a ''happy family'' BC, weren't they?
First time CHucho was there they seemed normal...

Julia, Your title says it all. The best for me was Sanson reminiscing about his past pleasant experience with Jesus.If Alma ever had any doubts about Rogelio, his excessive display of affection for Sanson should have sealed the deal and she should have gone running and screaming as fast as she could. She did have a second opportunity to go running and screaming when she caught Pati calling Rogelio. She actually had doubts about that situation for a millisecond?? and then accepted Paty's lame explanation. Duh!! Another painful experience for Rogelio with his ankle monitor---sort of like a dog with an invisible fence. How appropriate.


OMG Julia, this is hilarious from beginning to end. (I think my favorite is "the sacred Almicrowave.")I was going to skip this epi, but now I have to go back and at least watch Rogue getting zapped like a bad doggie.

Great recap Julie. Yep, first time I got slightly annoyed with the little princessa. And right there with you on the WTH? on the warehouse security and staffing. But was very glad that Chucho took a few minutes to let Val know what she did was not cool.

Meanwhile her wicked witch of a mother is going carnivore and clearing out bank accounts. This woman has serious issues. So once she clears out Elias, then what? She better not get hired at Avon! I couldn't deal with that.

Fav of the night--our hero Sanson. Man he was one happy camper to see his old buddy Chucho again. And that little play on him deciding whether to go back to Rog---too funny. I think Rog would be more upset losing the dog than Alma.

Ferny in jail really stinks--they better get him out of there fast. Roadkill Cantu makes my skin crawl...but who does he ultimately report to? Fotgot, did they ever show that?


We usually see Cantu report to Ury, but he hasn't done that lately. I agree that Cantu is very slimy.

Way to go Julia! Your entire description of the rescue was a laugh riot and exceedingly clever. You do have a way with words my dear. I very much enjoyed this recap. I knew I would when I first read the title. What a fun way to thumb your nose at all that "princesa" nausea.

Okay, I've done the conversions to US$. In US$, Eli's account went from $7279.24 to $1213.63, and the credit card balance is $1843.65. All those cows in both plastic-wrapped and hide pants form add up fast when Vero's involved. She should just buy the farm!

Vero cold make Donald Trump go broke.

"How can you not make up when you're working for Avon?" Ahhhhh. Thank you, Julia.

I didn't see this. After reading about the crate/warehouse and the "trepid heroes," I was going to skip it. (I'm very, very short on time this week and it sounds as though there was more ultra-concentrated stupidity there than I can deal with.) But it might be worth it to see Rogue suffering at home. Delia should have put the ankle zapper in his pants instead.

Val's carriage standards are awfully low for a princess. You figure she would have at least held out for a pumpkin. Packing peanuts? Jamas!

I'm surprised that Elias wasn't EXPECTING Vero to gouge him. Doesn't he remember when she tried to get six years' worth of child support out of Chucho the day after he showed up? She is not a nice person.

Yes, Pablo, I do recall, they seemed a happy enough family before Chucho showed up. At least Elias and Val thought so. There was that one time they all ate popcorn together in bed. (I'm sure we'll see it again.) Vero is just being an idiot, wanting whatever she can't have.

Pancho! Yes!!!

Seriously, I may have some trouble getting the recap done tonight. I'll be getting home late and if I'm not too tired yet, I'll be installing the air conditioner because I was too lazy to do it this weekend when I had the chance and it's going to be a zillion degrees in there tonight. But I would not miss Pancho for anything. (I THOUGHT I didn't miss the Toluca gang, but after a few months of watching the Monterrey crowd I'm feeling nostalgic.)

Elias needs to see a doctor about his memory problems. Brain tumor, Alzheimer's, what? No matter how many times he is reminded, he refuses to remember that he is the one who left Vero first because he was fed up with her hypercritical OCD ways. I think he's just insulted that he isn't the one she thought was worth changing for, more than he actually wants to keep her.

Vero really does seem to think that she is somehow going to force Elias to keep paying her exhorbitant bills while she plays house with Juicy.

Julia: very funny recap. This ep seemed to have a little more going on. I only watched bits and pieces of UFCS, but even I'm looking forward to seeing Pancho Lopez. Flaco says wouldn't it be weird if Jesus and Pancho ended up being old friends. Or we like the idea of Pancho going to dinner at Jesus' so he can meet Chatita and interact with Vero--that would be a hoot.

I always got the impression that Eli and Vero were happy before Jesus. Vero was the one who told Jesus (I think she did) that she never really loved Eli.

If you're going to eavesdrop---then commit to it. Stay until the end of the convo or the point you're going to get caught.

OT: Blue Lass, tried a vegan tea latte dry mix, don't care for it, but going to order another brand soon. May have to give up on the vegan dry mix and try ones you have to make on a stove and bring it to work in a thermos for my daily afternoon chai break :(


Julia: excellent point about Elias.

Grest Julia, gracias

Loved Sansón's thought process, reminder of Popeye y Abeja.

Maybe Pancho will bring Popeye! And I hope he mentions his sister; then we'll know she's all right.

Nanette, I got a new brand of chai concentrate to mix with my soy milk. I'll report out.

Julie--not to worry. Someone just post a page and we can always rant. In this weather, just get that air conditioner in!!

I'll post a page at the very least, because we are definitely going to want to talk about Pancho!

Julia- thanks so much for your recap. I've missed your sly sense of humor and our poor characters need your wit.

Rogue getting zap was great as was Sanson's confuzzlement.

I look forward to seeing Pancho tonight.

Why didn't Elias--when Jesus was adamant that he and Vero were not getting back together--ask him "then why is Vero moving in with you?"

BL: can't wait for your report.

This may be a dumb question, but... does Chucho know Vero is moving in?

I liked how Elias and Chucho put aside their differences temporarily to help Valentina. I am glad Elias didn't try to compete in the rescue or blame Chucho for Valentina going missing.

No, Chucho doesn't know Vero is moving in. He thinks he made it clear that they will not be resuming their relationship. She did try to call him at one point, but he was busy searching for Val and didn't answer. He's in for a surprise when he gets home! (If he ever goes home. It's already after school hours. He picked up Valentina, took her back to the office, she colored for awhile, then she wandered off, then they did the search and rescue, then stood around talking about it, then he left Val there to go to Rogue's house...and he still has to go back to the office and finish the important document thing and get Val. What time is it?)

It must be that weird 56-hour stretch that sometimes takes place between lunch and dinner in telenovelas.

Julia, this re-cap is very funny....

I am so glad the little princess was not harm...to bad she didn't crawl into the box with the shipping tape, and a couple of pieces get stuck to her mouth...but at least we can recall the Mexican National Gaurd, and send all grief conselors home.(Even those here in the US.)

I wonder will Rebecca be with Poncho Lopez....that would be interesting, and probably why Mayvin could not be Alma.


Ah Julia. What a treat! I have missed your recaps. Loved:

"BC Before Chucho"

"two whole cows" as a description of Vero's shopping cart


"sacred Almicrowave"

Oh heck, just loved the whole darned thing. The actual episode I found monumentally boring so thanks for zipping it up with this great recap.

And now Miss Julie...yesss, just put up a heading and get that air conditioner in. It's stultifying in Ohio so I presume it's equally awful out by you.

Well, it doesn't feel as though there's any air out there. But I know there is, because I can see it.

Hah! You are so funny. Our air quality here is horrendous also. Well, what's not to love about another midwest Summer. Only thing missing is another week-long power outage like we had at this time last year.

Ha!!!! Julie, that's funny.

We've got lots of nice fresh clean air here! Want me to send some over to y'all?

Jesus doesn't know that Vero is moving in with him, but she told Elias she was. So I would have thought he would have mentioned it since he's all about Jesus stealing Vero.

It's quite pleasant here in So Cal ;)

Glad to hear it, Julia and Nanette. I don't have any breathing or asthma problems so I haven't noticed the poor air quality but the hot, muggy part I sure do!

Telenovela characters can have numerous long conversations without ever once mentioning the one new and interesting piece of information they have. It's the law: if you've heard something that would make you mad if it were true, just assume it is true and stew about it! Never verify!

Julia- Sorry to be late commenting, but all has been said about your very funny recap. I loved Rogue getting zapped. :)

Pancho Lopez!

Julia: note to self: stop expecting TN characters to do the normal thing.

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