Tuesday, June 04, 2013
PEAM, Tuesday 6/4/13 (#62): I Withdraw the Question
Now alone, Fernando tries to gripe about that meddlesome "Encanto," but realizes that Chucho saved his life. Fernando can't figure out why, especially after the nasty way he's always treated Chucho.
Chatita has prepared some lovely broth for Vero, conveniently forgetting that Vero had requested jasmine tea. (If I recall correctly, the broth was already on the stove last night and I don't think Chatita ever intended to serve anything else!) Vero asks where Alma went; Chatita says she's folding the laundry. She suggests that Vero get together with Alma so that they can compare notes on their own time instead of always asking her about each other!
Alma has to go back to the office. No soup for her! She pauses in tribute at Chatita's shrine to St. Thomas.
Vero says the soup looks great, but she starts picking things out of her bowl. Hasn't she any manners at all? I withdraw the question!
In the Avon cafeteria, Chucho, Mari, and Susana ask Xochi how things are going with Julio. (Jess comes by wanting some gossip, but is rebuffed.) Xochi talks about the fight with her mother. From another table, Julio sees Chucho smiling at Xochi and worries that the smoldering remains of Xochi & Chucho's relationship might be rekindled at any moment. The other Sillies have to reel him back in to keep him from starting a brawl.
Xochi says she needs to figure out what to do about her mother. Jess wanders by again and offers to lend her a costume to seduce Julio. (Xochi's everyday costume is already working miracles with that guy, so why risk another ER visit?) Susana says that since Jess is in the mood for gossip anyway, guess what everybody's saying about HER? Word is that Jess is fooling around with Rogelio! For once, Jess looks embarrassed. She denies the gossip, but is unable to explain why she was promoted. Chucho says they're only asking because they care about her.
Susana asks Jess to clarify her recent claim that Rogue and Alma's wedding wouldn't happen. Chucho wants to know, too! Jess flashes back to the night at Rogue's house with the whip and the firefighter costume and Paty and the phone with the incriminating video. She tries to change the subject, asking why Chucho is so interested in this. Chucho replies that it's not right for Alma to marry this guy if there's something she doesn't know about him. Jess's strong work ethic suddenly kicks in. She's got a lot of work to do! Bye!!
Chatita remarks on Vero's strange soup-eating technique (a lot of items have been dragged to the rim of her soup plate, uneaten), and says she's always happy to listen, but she's not going to tell Vero anything that Alma or Chucho said to her in confidence. Vero just wants Chatita's opinion of how well she's doing in her quest to reclaim Chucho's love. All Chatita will say is that if Vero wants him, she'll have to fight for him.
After lunch: Susana hands Rogue a stack of papers, including the CONFIDENCIAL interoffice envelope with the radioactive "active pause" photo of Alma and Chucho.
At the mall, Paty thinks about Rogue seeing the radioactive photo and gloats. She celebrates her victory by heisting a perfume bottle. The security camera sees all.
Cantú, the shady lawyer, meets with Rogue at the office. Rogue summarizes his plan to have a "professional" seduce Fernando to help him get over losing Diskette.
The "professional" tries to engineer a chance encounter with Fernando in the parking garage. Despite her extreme hotness and apparent interest, Fernando is still too distracted mumbling about Chucho's interference to pay any attention to her.
Paty swipes more stuff from the same store where she lifted the perfume. Is this her first shoplifting expedition? Does she want to get caught? I withdraw the question. She's been caught! She is uncooperative and tries to make a scene. They search her bag, in which she has stashed enough merchandise to open her very own Walgreen's.
Cantú says all the judges are on holiday vacation right now, so the fact that no arrest warrants have been issued yet doesn't mean there won't be any at all. He's worried that Malvino and his pal will say or do anything to save their own hides. He would like to ensure their silence. Rogue doesn't think that's necessary, but has another request for Cantú: investigate Chucho and get some dirt on him. And if they can't find any dirt, they'll make some up.
Désencanto - that's Fernando 3.0 - finally makes his way up to the secretarial pen and scowls at everyone. They think unkind thoughts at him. Jess follows him into his office, and he snaps at her. She offers him a massage. He tells her to get out and NEVER come back. "You really are a Désencanto," she whimpers.
Gilberto's wearing his sunglasses in Alma's office. Alma takes the budget Gil helped her prepare for the campaign and hands it off to Chucho for review. Gil is confused as to why her assistant is reviewing a budget. Alma explains that Chucho has a degree in finance, and she trusts his expertise. Gil seems titillated by this mundane information. I think his wife had better switch to a smaller rolling pin before he loses what little is left of his higher brain functions.
Pánfilo is collecting trash in the office. With great deference, he asks Mari can he please empty her wastebasket? She grumbles at the inconvenience and even holds her nose. Where did she pick up this snotty attitude? And no, I do NOT withdraw this question, because it's legitimate! Has she seen anyone else behave this way? Rogue and Fernando weren't this rude when they were introduced to Chatita. I think Chucho is wondering the same thing, because he's clenching his teeth at her.
After reviewing the budget for like five minutes, Chucho has an idea that will cut costs by 20% without any reduction in quality. Amazing. Alma is impressed. She'll tell Gilberto to make the changes. I'm sure he'll be delighted to take the secretario's advice. Alma also tells Chucho she met Chatita for lunch today to talk about him, but here's Marta so that's the end of that conversation!
Rogue tells Cantú the plan is to wipe Chucho off of the map, but apparently that's not the same thing as ordering a hit as we were led to believe in the avances last night, because they just finished saying that they would either blackmail him or frame him for something.
Rogue gets a panicked call from Paty at the store's security office. He and Cantú rush off. The radioactive photo remains on his desk in the unopened CONFIDENCIAL envelope.
Marta tells Alma that "active pauses" are great, but she needs to do a comprehensive analysis of all the dynamics in the office. She'll have to interview everyone individually and also observe how people interact. They're having a little social in the office tomorrow, so she can get started then. (She has no appointments? Or maybe she's hoping that if she spends more time in another office, she won't have to worry about Vero bursting in on her. If that's what Marta thinks, she's in for a rude awakening!)
Vero and Valentina are at the supermarket. They're planning a nice dinner for Chucho. Their shopping cart is chock-full, and they have about ten pounds of meat in there. Gee, are you sure that's enough, Vero? And Valentina's going to make him a "Greatest Daddy in the World" poster.
Chucho asks Marta to leave Valentina out of whatever personal interest Marta may have for herself in the divorce. She promises. He says he feels guilty, like the divorce is his fault. Marta says Vero's marriage had already run out of steam before he even showed up, and his arrival was simply that one last drop that made the bucket overflow.
Susana asks Pánfilo some friendly questions, and he tells her about his old job as trash collector and his diabetic foot and how Alma helped him out "again." "Oh, Alma's helped you before?" asks Susana innocently, and Mari is terrified that her cover will be blown. Pánfilo backpedals and all is well, but Chucho lets Mari know that he Does Not Approve. She tells him to mind his own business. He warns her not to ask him to lie for her.
Mari goes to Alma's office to pick up the dress. Alma tells her she'll have to take it in to be altered right away. We don't get to see much of it, but what we do see is stunning. Alma asks, who's this hot date with? Elias Franco?? Alma is impactada!
Julio and Ricardo have proposed a brilliant plan for Gilberto to get away from his wife: Pack his bags and move out. This was the best they could come up with? I withdraw the question. Gil wishes she would just disappear. This sounds rather ominous to Ric. Chucho comes in to get Gil's updated budget. Julio wants to talk!
Paty denies that she was stealing anything. Rogue tells the security goons that she's very wealthy and doesn't need to steal, but they've got the proof on video. Cantú says they'll pay for the stolen goods, and that will be the end of it. Paty doesn't like this, because she feels it's an admission of guilt, which seems only fair since she's guilty. Cantú hands them a large wad of cash and I think he gets the video disk in return. (That doesn't mean they don't still have their own copy of it!)
Alma is looking for Rogue. Susana says he and Cantú left in a hurry a while ago. Alma wonders what's up with that.
At home, Paty swears up and down to Rogelio that she didn't steal all that stuff. It was someone else! (Even her crying is hilarious.) Alma calls. Rogue pretends he's at Cantú's office, dealing with something regarding his "other business." Alma can hear Paty's exaggerated sobs over the phone, but amazingly does not recognize the voice. Rogue says it's another client of Cantú's, she was accused of shoplifting. Alma is SHOCKED by this stranger's moral turpitude.
Fernando looks at pictures of Bisquick on his computer and cries and feels sorry for himself.
Jess goes crying to Cardenas and confesses that she's done something terrible.
Elias goes to Marta's office. He's not sure why she asked him to come. "I'm in love with you," she announces. "But we hardly know one another," he protests. "We've only met a few times." She says she knows him better than he thinks. (That doesn't sound creepy or anything!) She's heard all she needs to know about him through Veronica. (She should know better than that.) He's a wonderful dad, talented, sensitive, etc. "Yeah, I'm so great she can't wait to divorce me!" "She can't appreciate you, but I can!" And she fired Veronica as her client, because she can't give therapy to the wife of the man she loves!
What does Julio want to discuss with Chucho? He's worried that he can't compete with him for Xochi's affection.
Rogelio finally opens the CONFIDENCIAL envelope and sees the radioactive photo. He drops it, and then peeps at it through his hands in a masochistic game of peek-a-boo.
Next time:
Rogue confronts Chucho with the ¿Será Amor? photo. A crowd gathers. Alma shrugs and says, "¡Sí!" Or, you know, maybe that was just snippets of four unrelated scenes spliced together.
Labels: Manda
The first half is from yesterday and the second half you can watch tomorrow!!
OK. Now to our business. Somewhat before December 31st:
Half of Monterrey uses Unefón and the other half makes short visits to speak about unimportant things crossing the city from side to side instead...
Jesús has time to work, gossip, save lifes and fix the world all before lunch break!
Then he shows face #34 when Rogelio enters the building and face #21 when Pánfilo was picking up Marisela's trash... what brings us to:
El que nace pa'tamal, del cielo le caen las hojas
(Whoever is born to be a tamal, gets the husks from the sky) makes more sense in spanish...
Pánfilo is still picking up garbage, what good is that?
In the store, the camera is on the ceiling but in the monitor you can see Patricia from the front!! Shouldn't we be seeing her hair?
I know some people wish Jesús shirt was spandex, right?
I am glad the envelope said TOP SECRET and not URGENT!!! Otherwise...
Don't miss tomorrow's episode! It's Wednesday!
The whole Paty robbery, denial and crying was ridiculous. She is wearing on my patience.
I was disappointed to see Panfilo picking up garbage,(not saying that there is anything wrong with Sanitation but I thought that he was going to stay off of the feet a bit more) I was hoping that he could do nothing in the office along with the Stupids.
Your recap was much more fun than the episode itself...but the days right after Christmas are always kind of a bummer.
I like the way Xochitl is slowly opening up & smiling more. Julio is over the top but cute in his adoraion of her. I'm glad he came right out & admitted to Jésus that he fears the competition.
I too hope Jess confesses to what she did to Fern.
I loved the distracted way in which Fern dissed thte professional escort. She looked quite nonplussed.
The crying from the next room when Rogue was on the phone with Alma was hilarious.
Just how is Marisela supposed to get that dress altered in one day???? She's half Alma's size. If she can alter things that fast why doesn't she alter her attitude toward her Dad?
And Vero is encouraging Valentina to make a huge card for Jésus that calls him the best dad in the world?? How does she think that is going to make Elias feel? I'm sure it will make him more kindly and willing to compromise on the divorce. (Not!)
And even that's a stretch, because so far Elías has had more time to be better than Jesús...
Paty shoplifting enough "to open her very own Walgreen's" and of course "Bisquick" (gone but most definitely not forgotten).
Missed this episode but you're keeping me delightfully up to date.
Funny, when my kids gave me homemade cards with "Best Mom in the World" I never thought to apply stringent logic to that statement! I DO think Chucho and Elias are incredibly affectionate parents. In fact, they may be setting up Valentina for some real disappointment when she marries and finds out her husband isn't going to be as all-adoring as her two papas. But that's another story for another time.
I'm with everyone else on Panfilo's big break being a....wait for it....maintenance man who collects the garbage!!! Brilliant thinking outside the box Alma, NOT! Man has a bad foot, so what else would you do but recommend a job where he's on his feet all day. Ok--someone needs to stop me now.
Patimelt-- just priceless!! Got a chuckle at the way she kept hanging all over Rog with the security guys.
And Jess is surprised that Fern told her to get out? I'm so on the fence with her. Some days I feel bad for her and really want to like her, others I want to wring her neck. But she'll be ok I think in the end...her possible confession may be the road to that now?
I agree Xochi and Julio are sort of "cute" - but I'm still sort of rooting for her to just blossom, get confident, get a makeover and hook up with someone else.
So next plotline will be attempting to frame Chucho--I'm sure it will involve his "finance" background somehow. Yawn.
Suddenly, I'm not so sure about Marta and Elias. That was just weird of her. And he also has the sorry excuse for a female known as Marisela drooling after him. This poor guy, if it wasn't for Val, he should go running for the hills. Speaking of Marta--anyone else crack up as much as me at Alma asking her to observe this motley crew at a social event and give her assessment. Marta's brain may implode watching this group.
Chatita should have slapped Vero's hand for playing with her food.
I'm not sure exactly when Mari's "hot date" is. I thought it was "tonight," but maybe it isn't. New Year's eve? (I don't know what day it is!)
I hadn't even thought of Elias and the huge card for Chucho. Yeesh. That's just what Eli needs.
I was thinking Marta would need therapy herself after observing the Avon social dynamic, but now I'm thinking she needs therapy anyway because if she thinks that hearing Vero's thoughts on Eli is enough to know whether or not she should be in love with him, she should have her head examined.
I don't know what the big deal with that photo is. The whole office was taking the yoga class except Rogelio.
I am saying this because no friend in the world would ruin a friendship over a person, when there's more than 7 billion people in the world. I am sure this ''love of my life'' could have been easily disregarded so the friend could be happy.
The thing is that Patricia knows Alma doesn't love Rogelio, and that's why she is doing everything she can to keep the man she loves.
Well.. that's the idea. Patricia loves Rogelio (for better or worse) more than Alma does, so I think is just fair that she fights for him.
Paty reminded me of little kids who think by closing their eyes you can't see them. She is dealing in a whole other layer of reality. She evidently has had a lot of experience shoplifting. Rogelio better not think she is going to disappear quietly when he marries Alma. Paty is going nowhere and will probably make even more extravagant plays for attention.
Chatita should take over Marta's clientele-heck she is already advising Verónica. She'd probably do them more good with her common sense down home advice.
I am ready for the wedding. I hope we don't have to wait much longer.
With the addition of the escort, we add to the "Sexy Divas" on PEAM.
( I don't know how many men are watching, but my guest is the producers think many are, because they keep adding a new "hottie" every few weeks.....personally, this is disrupting my ability to watch the sports channels. The NBA Finals, and my Nats all get tuned in after 9pm.)
I hope Alma didn't give the "spoiled brat" Marisela her doplar dress, or maybe she should. (Marisela should be careful, life has a way of getting back at you when you are disrepectful to your parents.)
Paty is just a thief, she steels cosmedics from stores, and men for her friends....
Jessica, seems to be repenting...Something people do when they come in contact with the "Holy Spirit, or in this case "the light"....same thing.
Too many Divas now to do a complete run down on them all, but Alma is still Alma(dumb as a brick).....we are stuck with her.
I don't know what I think of Paty's shoplifting excursion. She was acting like an amateur, but we know she likes to steal things, so it probably wasn't her first time. Maybe she really did want to be caught.
But why? Maybe as a test to see if Rogue would come running if she needed him?
I was wondering what that look on Vero's face was when Chatita was talking to her and then they cut away. Flaco told me that Chatita not only told Vero that she had competion for Jesus but also that Vero would have to fight fair for Jesus. I think that look was "sure, whatever--no way." She is the most self-absorbed person. But I'm enjoying her.
Did Alma even try to think of a good job for Panfilo, or did she just tell Cardy to hire him and say "he has experience in garbage collection"? He should be doing something like watching the security monitors or sitting on a stool doing prep work in the cafeteria.
I'm amazed that Rogue opened the envelope so soon. On telenovelas, people can have a fancy little wood chest containing their family secrets and heirlooms and not bother with opening it for YEARS.
I don't think Rogue will be upset over the photo because it's shocking; he'll be upset with the caption because it means people are making fun of him behind his back.
-- Blue Lass, between gmail addresses
Jesús would need a lenghty prescription. He also needs ''mind your own business'' pills and nosey syrup to wash'em down...
I think we can expect more misguided plans by Veronica to snare Jesús even though she seems at least average intelligence, she is not reading the signs of Jesús' indifference to her romantically just like Alma isn't getting any clues about Rogelio's philandering.
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