Saturday, June 08, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #40 (Mex 59.2-60) Friday 6/7/13 The Jig Is Up

capítulo 59-60 partial 

Bruno jumps into a cab and somehow manages to lose the police.

Regino tells his gun apes he wants Fernando, aka Mil Amores, dead.

Roxana and Fernando escape in disguises—well, Mil Amores is disguised.  Roxy has put on the telltale scarf and ginormous “Notice Me!!” movie star glasses.  They discuss moving in together and marriage.  Mil says whoa there, Nellie!  Let’s just move in together first and see how well we settle in.  

Amalia delivers her bad news regarding JAntos to the other blue-haired bon-bons del barrio.  They find it hard to believe that JAntos could be such a rapscallion.  It worries Amalia so much that she’s having “mysterious” heart palpitations and pains shooting down her arm.  She asks the old gals to stay mum about it to avoid her daughters worrying about it. 

Bruno is hold-yer-nose impactada once he gets a load of the squalid colonia and the conditions his one-time BFF now lives in.  And, he is shocked, shocked, shocked to find out that Santos has been forced to earn his living as a fifth-rate mariachi and to live in a stinking barrio in an efficiency that doesn’t even have its own bathroom.  Thanks to Bruno’s treachery this is what his life has become.  Why does he stay here asks the squinty-eyed,  scrunch-nosed,  ass-cotted Bronzo?  Because of his girlfriend.  She’s his guardian angel.  

Bronzo again asks forgiveness and again Santos refuses.  Let Dios  forgive Bruno because he cannot!  He's made him into a fugitive of the law.  He curses the day he introduced Wendy to him! Yes, he’s got to accept Bruno as the father of his sister’s child, but tho’ she deserves much better, if Bruno can make her happy in the long run, perhaps he might be able to forgive.  In the meantime, it’s not a farewell, but an invitation to the bar to see where he works and how he earns his “daily bread”--if he has the stomach for it.  Seeing is supposed to be believing for the skeptical and doubting doofus de Bruno.  He’s to meet him there just after eight that evening.

At the little soup and sandwich shop, Maria feeds a begging hungry child.  FF>>

Paloma tries to involve grieving Rodrigo in her candy-making enterprise and distract him. FF>>

Gloria has a chat with her counselor at the cáncer treatment center and Daniela Romo makes an appearance as herself as a cáncer survivor-life coach for her. FF>>

Roxy and Mil come back to Ana’s apartment with the news that they’re moving in together.  Ana is all happy, happy, joy, joy—NOT.  She bravely hides her disappointment from the happy couple.

Giuliano tells Arnold that Cousin Bruno has lead them down the primrose path and betrayed them.  No, says Arnie.  He’s impulsive and dense at times, but he wouldn’t do that to them.  Besides, he’s staying at Big Bear in some hotel for a few days.  A hot-blooded Italian will do all sorts of things when he is in luhhhhhv, warns El Gusano and Bruno is a man in luhhhhv with Santos’s sister.  Call him if you don’t believe me, he says to Arnie.  Bruno’s cell goes straight to voice mail.  Proof positive, says Gooli that Bruno’s double-crossed them for sure!  They head straight away to Big Bear and find no trace of Bruno.  Consider Bruno dead meat, says Gooli.  

Maria comes home and Amalia immediately presents her with the file on JAntos that Ruben left with her.  Amalia is ready to take Ruben at his word, but Maria refuses to take it as gospel until she at least has a chance to confront JAntos with it and to hear his side of things.   

Daniela visits El Barítono with a “needy india” who she’s hired to clean his apartment for him.  He tells her to forget it and to drop the spoiled rich kid attitude or they are quits.  He apologizes to the woman and says there’s been a mistake so may the virgencita bless her but he won’t be needing her to clean for him after all.  He hands Dani a broom and a mop and the two clean up his place together.  “--Hard work is good for the soul.” (Or something like that is the gist of the finger-pointing conversation.)  He gets a phone call from back home that his mother has just died.  They go back to his home turf so he can visit her grave.  Dani meets his madrina and chats with her while El Baritono sings the umpteenth version of Ave Maria a cappella. 

Wendy and her parents go shopping along Rodeo Drive (we assume) for baby things.  She apologizes for her bratty attitude the past few months.  FF>>

Lalo and Piche clean the bar and Lalo manages to drop some papers of Mirna’s in a vase or on the side of the bar in their hurry to keep her from screaming at her.  FF>>

Irasema goes to Mancia’s apartment to explain her relationship with Sue but Mancia tells her to leave and never darken her door again.  She’s never going to accept a woman like her in her son’s life.  Ira leaves in disgrace.

Lourdes runs into Mirna in the ladies room.  Neither of them are very ladylike to each other, however.  The two hiss and spit at each other like a couple of female alley cats over who owns the bar and the future likelihood of either being “the other woman.” 

Elvira, meanwhile, complains to Daddy that she went to ask forgiveness of Maria and asked her to come back to sing at the bar but she refused on both accounts.  Fine, but whether she does or doesn’t come back, Vi is going to clean all the stinking filthy toilets there as well as continue working as a waitress till she learns not to interfere in his business.  (Now that’s a Kodak moment we’d all like framed and autographed!)  

That evening, Bruno leaves the hotel and takes a taxi to Jalisco No Te Rajes per JAntos’s instructions.  Com. Hecho y Derecho and Lt. Curtis and their Mexico City counterparts (courtesy of a call from Ruben promising Santos will be there) tail him.

Fernando sees Rodri sitting at a table and gives JAntos grief for bringing the under aged teen there when he knows what the authorities will do if they see him there.  JA says he couldn’t just leave him.  (Why not?  Let him stay at Paloma’s or at Gloria’s and his apartment for the evening.  Let him read one of the classics.)  JA explains that he’s going to be taking care of him for Gloria from now on.  El Celoso walks in on them at this point and angrily demands to know what the boy’s there for also.  JA yells at him that he’s now going to be the father that Col refuses to be!  “—So, you know Gloria now or what?”  JAntos lowers his voice and warns him to be careful because once he finds out what’s been going on Oscar’s going to be sorry for all the things he’s said and done.”  “--So tell me!”  

Roddy jumps up and silences JAntos before he can say anything further.  “—No, Jorge Alfredo!  Not a word.  He is not my father.  He has not reason to know anything.”  “—Well, at least the kid recognizes things for what they are!”  He turns on his heel and walks away.  Aventurero walks over to JA and gives him a warning stare up and down.  JA stares back at him defiantly and Aventurero backs away and struts off up the stairs and out. 

Concho swears to Elvira that as sure as his name is Concepcion Hernandez (and despite all the sh!t she’s pulled around there) he’ll get Maria back singing in his bar if it is the last thing he ever does.

In the dressing room Aventurero asks El Col if he isn’t curious as to why Gloria up and left like she did.  Coloso answers of course not.  “Curiosity killed the cat.”   

Leti and Aventurero flirt with each other in the hall about why she didn’t show up to work the night before.  Leti says take me to dinner and I’ll tell you why.

Fernando has guessed that Rodrigo’s the reason Jantos decided not to go back with Rigoberto to the States.  “—I couldn’t exactly leave him alone.” 

The rest of the mariachis begin arguing about the way El Celoso’s been hassling and badmouthing JA.  Aventurero and Sonador stick up for El Celoso while Sue sticks up for Jantos.  Aventurero says you can’t become a mariachi over night.  Some guys take a shot of tequila, put on a charro suit and see themselves as a mariachi.  Sue says they’re all outsiders from somewhere else or other; he’s just from a bit further away than they are.   Aventurero hits closer home though.  “—Susanito, you tell me how you’d feel if out of nowhere some man comes along and steals your girlfriend!”  (Aventurero needs to realice that just because El Col says she’s his girlfriend doesn’t mean she ever was or meant to be.  Jes sayin’, smart-assed machote.)    Sue gasps and frowns.

Mancia, meanwhile, prays to a variety of her favorite saints that the sinner down the block doesn’t snatch her Susanito away!   FF>>

Back in the dressing room all the guys start asking what Sue’s girlfriend does for a living.  He stutters and says she’s self-employed and is going to change jobs.

Amalia tells Maria that she won’t discuss the file again with her till after she’s spoken with JA.  She tells her to look him in the eye when he answers as that’s the only way she’ll know if he’s telling her the truth.

At the same time across town, Ruben and his jack-ass friend from the office receive the rest of the information regarding Jantos from the P.I.  His buddy asks if he’s sure of what he’s doing because he has now involved the police and the whole thing could backfire on them [salir el tiro por la culata]. Oh yeah, says Ruben.  “The dude’s history!  Tonight his act is finished!  Let’s go!”

Back in Concho’s office again, El Celoso tells Concho he’s had it with that “wanna be” Vargas.  “—What’s got your nose so out of shape, huh?”  Celoso says he won’t sing with him any more.  “--It’s either him or me!”  “—Nobody threatens me!  You get your stuff and go your way and I’ll go mine!  I won’t stop you, nor do I have any intention to!”  Fine, says El Celoso and he starts to leave.  Mirna sees her golden goose leaving and taking all the golden eggs with him so she jumps in and suggests letting the public decide first who they prefer to sing in the bar.  Luckily,  El Cocky Celoso de Coloso loves the idea of the challenge.  “--Great idea!  We’ll have a duel during the set.  Leave it up to the public to decide which cock crows the best!” 

Out front by the tables, Mil Amores asks Jantos to give him a couple of minutes alone.  JA sends Rodri back to the small dressing room to wait for him.  He asks JA if he’s forgiven Bruno.  Jantos says no and there are a couple of things he wants to tell Mil.  The first is that thanks to Bruno’s betrayal he’s learned what true friendship is and he thanks Mil for being his friend and tells him he’s been like a brother to him throughout this whole ordeal.  Mil tells him not to get so chummy or they’ll think the two of them really bat for the other team.  They laugh over that one.  “—And the second thing?”  “—Because of his betrayal I met Maria, my pretty one.”  And speak of the Queen of Rome and who should appear but Maria herself.  “—I know the truth!  I know that you’re wanted by the police and you’ve been running away from them!  I know now that you’re a criminal!”

The detectives arrive outside the bar and get ready to do the takedown.

Back inside Maria demands Jantos look her in the eye and tell her that what Don Ruben has told her is a lie.  In walks the sneering and self-assured Ruben.  “--Yeah, he’s a criminal all right.  It’s all there in black and white along with a photograph.  You’re number is up, dude and the charade is over!“  Maria stares up at him in horror while he stares sternly back but says nothing.


How horrible of Mil Amores to tell Ana he was moving in with his GF, he knows she loves him, how can he be so stupid?!

I think Mil is really in love with Ana but is afraid to admit it. He's probably scared he'll mess it up so instead does all these things to push her away.

Good work.

Fernando is scared to death of love. I'm sure he's been badly burned at least once or he wouldn't be fooling around the way he does. Married women can't commit, so he doesn't have to worry about them making demands he isn't prepared to fulfill.

Are those other guys dumber than I thought? Is Fernando the only one smart enough -- or brave enough -- to tell Oscar he's delusional about Maria?

Is Bartono going to make a human being out of Daniela? Hope so.

More later.

What a great start, Jar. Will expect the same for parte 2.

Loved your description of Roxy's disguise--Notice Me!

I don't blame you for >>FF through Gloria's little cancer pep talk with Daniela Romo. If that was supposed to be a PSA, it was too little, to late. OTOH, who better to give it? I'm disappointed she didn't sing it out for us.

Personally, I wish there had been some way to block the times the camera focused on Gloria and just concentrated on Ms. Romo. She is a lovely woman, has a gorgeous singing voice and a serious actress who delivers excellence for Carla Estrada (Alborada and Sortilegio) and can go over the top for Mejia (TdA).

Sometime ago we were trying to figure out the birth order of Santos and Wendy. I was just reviewing some old episodes in order to clear out some room on my DVR and I found that the May 8 epi had Altagracia telling Wendy something she had never told her before: She and Justo had been trying to have children for a long time and had given up when they found out she was pregnant with "tu hermano." So, I guess that's pretty clear that he's older.

This episode didn't get recapped, except through the goodness of Ms. 5Ft who did a bullet list of the highest highlights.

Here's something else we learned and probably could surmise from that episode: While Concho was visiting the temporarily blind Amalia in the hospital, they are talking old times. He acknowledges that Pedro won her heart. Then she shares that the night Pedro was shot was the worst day of her life. Concho was the one that called to tell her. Concho looks vaguely guilty about something. She has the flashback where she has come to the hospital looking for Pedro, only to be told he died.

Here's my theory: Maria and Elvira are about the same age, right? (Something about their rivalry in school just came up this week.) Paloma is younger by at least 5 years (she's 15). Concho & Lourdes, Amalia and Pedro surely knew each other or were around each other to know each other's family. If Amalia & Pedro had been expecting a third child (which we know she wasn't, but bear with me) Concho would most likely have known about it.

So, I'm pretty sure Concho knows Isa is not Amalia's.

Either that or it was not covered in the script review and we'll learn about her parentage some other way. (Can you tell this is bothering me? Or maybe I should say, distracting me from the rest of the silly story).

Amalia, either your disease or your mis-firing synapses are fogging up your thought processes. How can you find the least bit of credibility that Santos is a confidence man preying on lone women. Most confidence men are trying to con the women out of money. Here Santos has been pouring whatever money he has into your family and you believe what Ruben tells (ok, shows) you? Please, Maria, check it out and Jorge Alfredo, it's time to fess up to her.

For once I heard a believable line, in answer to someone asking for forgiveness for some traición--NO. But for a happy ending, Santos will probably change it to OK.

Scenes We Did Not Need in this episode
Concho's Tio's ashes dumped on Lalo's head
Maria feeding the begging hungry child
Gloria's chat with Daniela Romo (just let her sing with the Band, please)
Trip to the Big Bear cabaña to look around for Bruno
Daniela/El Baritono/needy India (although I was pleased to see the photo of Luciano Pavarotti on his wall and I enjoyed his rendition of Ojos Verdes)
Making such short shrift of El Baritono's mom dying (leave it out or have the whole band go with him to pay their respects)
Wendy/Grandma/Grandpa with all the baby stuff and Wendy admitting she's been a jerk

That cuts out about 10 min and that's in part 1 alone!



I agree I think that Fernando is in love with Ana and afraid of commitment. A few days back when that nitwit Rox was kissing him he was looking over at Ana to gauge her reaction and he doesn't seem that all into the woman he saved. But that move in thing was a cruel thing to do.

I have reached the end of my rope with St. Maria. All along she has jumped to the wrong conclusion about JAntos and kept telling him they were through. Now she has done a 180 and is telling everyone she will fight for their love. Now she has nosey Ruben and Smother nagging at her. I'm betting that once again she will not give Santos a chance to explain, will throw a hissy fit and storm off.

Ruben didn't open the envelope that has a picture of the real JA so he is in for a surprise but on the other hand Derecho does have picture of Santos. We have two sets of Keystone Kops on the scene looking for two different men. The fall out might be interesting.

Bronze boy is an idiot and surprise a snob. His horror at JAntos not having a bathroom was priceless. He can't believe that someone who had the vest of everything living like this. Well, what the hell did he expect.

Poor Sue it was inevitable that someone would ask him about his novia's job but he did handle it well. I thought that Mancia looked a little uncomfortable after Irasema talked to her and then left. I thought she might call her back to talk more.

I wondered how Daniela Romo as herself was going to factor in Obviously it will be as one long PSA. She looks really good but so different without all that beautiful long hair that she lost.

So poor JAntos is once again anchored in the DF by someone he is trying to help. I do wish he had told Colosco why he is taking care of Roddy. I also noticed that once again Coloso was playing with Gloria's medal.

Unfortunately for Santos, it may not matter to the El Lay police that Bruno will be admitting the guilt previously attributed to Santos. I'm not sure it would be enough for Wendy to fess up either.

Either way that goes, El Padrino still has a hit out on him.

If Santos manages to avoid getting arrested for two more episodes he and Fernando have to gang up on Oscar over that DNA test. Once that test comes back positive nobody is going to let him wiggle off that hook.


I agree that it won't matter to the LA cops since they don't seem to have focused on anything but getting Santos even after what Justo told them.

Now the Mexican cops looking for JA will be a different story. If there is a picture of the real guy JAntos should be OK and wouldn't Ruben be pithed. I'm waiting for the day that will come probably in the last episode or three when he finds out that JAntos is not only filthy rich but comes from a distinguished and powerful family. Actually I'm waiting to see how a lot of people react to that including the supremely annoying Amelia. She'll be groveling for her treatment of Santos.

Thanks, Jardinera. Your excellent recaps help me keep up with this one when I miss bits along the way. I agree with Anita about the parts that could have been skipped over.

I want to see Rueben's accusation of Jantos fall through--the photo not matching, or something. The way Rueben always bares his teeth in a ferocious "smile" gets to me. Maybe he did a toothpaste ad and his lips froze that way.

I agree with the pension ladies that Jantos looks mighty fine in a charro suit. If it weren't for that and the music, I might have to put this one on hold for a while.

It has been fun to see the upscale girls get a taste of real work and for Bruno to see how the po' folks live.

Concho and his family are nouveau riche; they certainly don't qualify as "upscale." That is a state of mind rather than spending power.

I also don't think that Amalia will grovel when she hears of Santos' real social and financial position. She is more likely to tell Maria that he is not for her because each of them belongs with their own kind. That rich guys like him only use poor girls like her.

Hi ya, gang! Yeah, Amalia is a real Smother. (Love that nickname!) The real surprise here has been Patti Diaz. This is only the second or third character I've seen her play and this one has been a real treat to see her put into action. Mirna the Manipuladora, complete with the whole interchangeable menagerie of hers. If this telenovela hasn't been mentioned for this past year's premio's, she should get a nomination for a premio for this tn somehow. I also think Salvador PIneda has made Concho come alive on the screen as well. I have a feeling now that the subplots are beginning to come together that the next part of the novela will become more attractive for us in Viewerville.


You are right that Smother won't grovel but will tell Maria that JAntos is too high for her to reach. She seems to have lived her life in a small box and wants to keep her children there as well. She probably thinks it is a way to keep them safe from all those evil things out in the world namely men. No parent wants to see their children hurt but being hurt and learning to deal with it is part of life and Amelia doesn't seem to get that. If Maria is in her early or mid 20's she should have had her heart broken at least once and should be able to cope.

I'm just praying that Ruben's envelope will have the picture that proves JAntos is not the white slaver. Of course even that won't be good enough for Maria the always doubtful and Amelia with the heart of a mother. But I'd love to see Ruben's face when his little scheme blows up in his smug face.

I've really enjoyed this fluff piece more than i thought I would probably because it gives me a real contrast with La Patrona which is violent and intense. The Univision offering simply didn't do it for me at all. And if i have to drosol over a galan Jorge Luis Pila has everyone on Televis beat and Diego Soldano is a close second. Fanning myself. OK so I have a shallow streak

Decie--I thought Flicker Bicker Man brought back rap sheets on several delinquentes named Jorge Alfredo Vargas. The ones with pictures were eliminated and Ruben picked the one that didn't have a picture--the white slaver-confidence man. It'll blow up in his face, only if the Mexican authorities release him and NOT into Derecho & Cos. hands.

He doesn't stand much of a chance without any documentation to prove he's NOT Jorge Alfredo Vargas.

My bet is that somehow he evades them and/or does NOT tell Maria who he really is, otherwise we could end the tn right now.

I've been biting my nails because I want to know what happens on Monday and I won't see it or read the recap until Friday. Ack.

I can see Diego Soldano, but I can't stand Aracely Arambula. Is that novela a remake?

Smothers like Amalia greatly fear abandonment. Well, Maria is no Teresa so I don't see what Amalia is so worried about.

It would be good for that envelope to contain the photo of the criminal that isn't Santos despite this not getting him off the hook. It definitely would embarrass the crap out of Ruben, which is what is desperately needed right now.


Can't stand Aracely either and most of the actors on LP are light years ahead of her talent wise. Yep it's a remake tweaked of course of La Duena. Diego is the hottest thing going and not bad at all for a guy in his 40's. The same cannot be said for Colunga and Yanez.


The Flicker man brought Ruben a new picture in that envelope or at least we think so but Rueben didn't bother to look at it. He's just too thrilled at the idea of turning in JA and even Fabian warned him to be careful or it might bring the heat down on them which surely tells us Ruben is a crook. I want him to be embarrassed. Obviously if the Mexican cops bust JA all it will take is fingerprints to eliminate him as the white slaver - oh right too logical.

I think JA is going to get away from both sets of cops who will be falling all over themselves arguing about who they are trying to arrest.

If JA told Maria the truth which he should, we'd still have a way to go until he could clear his name but he won't. He correctly believes it will put her and his new pseudo family in danger so his hands are tied. He has to live on faith. Maria who has become a complete twit is going to believe Ruben and dump JAntos once again. At least he will have Isa in his corner.

We've noticed a certain lack of TN cliche's in that we don't have the all knowing and wise servants or the meddling or advice giving priest. I'd love to see Mejia avoid the usually break up of the couple for half the story and let Maria and Santos stay together and work through all the problems in front of them. It would a novelty but have no hope it will happen. Alas

Jardinera, thank you, thank you, thank you! I always enjoy your recaps and this one is no exception.

My favorite line: “Lourdes runs into Mirna in the ladies room. Neither of them are very ladylike to each other, however.”

I am very disappointed that JA invited Bronzo (love that!) to the bar. The less he knows the better. I am also worried about the business card for the bar that he gave him will eventually lead someone else to JA.

I love seeing all the little taquerias and hole in the wall fondas. For all of it’s roses and lace in soft focus, this TN is actually also showing some of the real life grittiness of DF, as well as being much more realistic about poverty.

JAntos: Babysitting. You’re doing it wrong. Bringing an underage kid to a bar just so that his bio dad can hurt his feelings and make him cry again is just wrong. I’m pretty sure that I’d be stripped of my Girl Scout Babysitter Merit Badge™ if I ever did anything like that.
So the evil orange cousins ARE supposed to be Italian-American. That wasn’t clear to me before, but maybe I was slow on the uptake. I know OJ speaks some Italian, but that doesn’t mean much because so do I. ;)

Anita, I also have totally enjoyed Mirna, both the character and the acting. And thank you for reminding me of what Altagracia said. I remember that, but I thought it was ambiguous. She could have meant that they had Wendy first, and then couldn’t conceive a second child. However, I feel pretty certain that I was over thinking things (again) and Santos is supposed to be older and that would be the convention, anyhow, so I am just going to go with that.

DCG, I also thought that Mancia’s face has a sympathetic or soft look to it when Irasema left.

To be clear, the ‘other’ JA Vargas is wanted for being a con man and fleecing women out of their money. There hasn’t been any mention of white slavery (or sex trafficking) in the show, only on this blog. My understanding was that the bic flicking PI found a bunch of JA Vargases, a mechanic and others were mentioned, but they were eliminated because the details didn’t match or they either had no rap sheet or had pictures. Ruben eagerly pounced on the one from LA without a picture and with a criminal past, and in his rush to slam ‘our’ JA Vargas, didn’t even bother to look at the picture in the envelope that the PI gave to him this episode. (How’d you like this guy representing you in court? Hoooo, mama.) I also think that there will be such a cloud of confusion and craziness, JA will slip past both sets of cops.

Agree that Fabian is a POS, but I have to give him credit for giving Ruben really spot on advice. He’s batting 1.00 so far. This whole situation could (and probably will) blow up in their faces and annoy the cops. They are definitely in cahoots with some sort of criminal activity, and Ruben’s obsession with Maria could attract the attention of the cops. This is the second time that Fabian has warned Ruben about this; the first time was during that cash sniffing scene. Let’s hope that, like his other advice, he is right about this and eventually we see Ruben behind bars.

JAntos definitely should tell Maria about his past. At least some of it would help prepare her for when she learns all of it. But if he told her in a controlled setting, like a normal person would, it would not have nearly the dramatic effect than if she learns in some uncontrolled setting, so that the misunderstanding, recrimination, tears, and heart break can all be maximized. After all, that’s what we in Viewerville are here for, right? ;)


Carolina--Gracias. As always, you bring a lot of aclaracion to the goings on down there. There's so much we miss. Glad you got all the details of the extra Vargas' in the folder. Makes much more sense.


Jar--Just realized that part 2 was up. And as good as the fist. Now I'll be on pins and needles all week. Confrontations on several fronts. Will they remember where they stuffed Rodrigo, I wonder.

Well, you'll have an Anita-free week ahead of you. Until then...

Of course I meant first, but fist might be good in Ruben's face, eh?

Anita: We will miss you! Enjoy your week away. You will enjoy the marathon weekend afterwards, I am sure.

Carolina: Yes, thanks for clearing up the bit about the missing picture which must be in the unopened envelope. I suspect Jose Alfredo Vargas must be as common a name as John Smith in Latin America, but nobody wants to consider it may not be the same jose Alfredo Vargas. That again might break the telenovela rules about heroines and their family members always jumping to conclusions.

Anita, we will certainly miss you!

Jardinera, I don't think his name is all that common, it's just that that PI is really, really good. ;)

My last words--

And Sr. PI man knows how to Flick that Bick. It's more than a lighter; it's an offensive weapon (IMHO) but definitely a requirement for a really good PI. It's all in the thumb movement. They take them out to the shooting range to practice.

Decie: I'd skipped over the possibility that Maria's family could be put into danger if they knew the truth about him. On the other hand they are and just don't know it because of their simply being in his proximity--at least if and when there's another attempt on Santos's life.

We know there will be. It's a law of all non-comedy TN's that either or both of the protagonists' lives be in danger at least once. Santos has it coming from both ends now.

Possibly it's Ruben's money that's been laundered for the past X years. I have not ruled out the possibility that Ruben is a human sex slave trafficker, though, because of the strip club.


Thanks so much for this most marvelous recap. Everything I wanted to say has been said. Just wanted to thank you so much for this recap.

Hey, Madeleine! I thought you'd given up on this one. Glad to oblige.... ; > ))


I think way back when Fernando was ragging on Santos to tell Maria the truth, he told him he couldn't because it would put her in danger. JAntos was warned I think by Michael who told him to change his name, by Justo and lately by Bruno that his life was in danger. And he cetainly can't forget how his plane was tampered with in episode one.I can understand why he is keeping siltent but he really is cuaght between a rock and hard place. And let's be fair Maria doesn't have the best track record when it comes to listening to him. I'm pretty sure she'll prove that again tonight.

DCG, all excellent points.

I am not in favor of 'lying to protect', which was very prevalent in AB and drove me crazy, but I actually think JA is right. If he told Maria the truth, she would get dragged into his mess and become guilty of aiding and abetting.

Gracias, Jardinera. I'm just getting caught up before tonight! I really don't get why JAntos bothered showing Bruno his living situation, especially when he knows Bruno is being followed by the cops.

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