Saturday, July 27, 2013
Amores Verdaderos #181 Fri 7/26/13 El Gran Final, Part II
Hola, Madeline and I (Elvira) are sharing duties on this recap. I do the first segment, she does the second.
Some screencaps to get us started!
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Vikki and Big Angel welcome their little bebe into the world. |
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"That slut is calling." Sometimes these photo captions just write themselves! |
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Big Angel and the Little Ape overhear some very interesting stuff! |
Amores Verdaderos Cap 180 Part II,
Segment One, by Elvira: "New horizons for just about everybody, but in different ways."
Refried: Salsa-Dude tells Bea some cock-n-bull story about having to go away for a few weeks for training in a place with no cell service. He kisses a sleeping Guillo goodnight/goodbye, saying that the boy has given meaning to his life.
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Bea is unaware of what perils await our Sunglassed-Salsa-Dude in the near future. |
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A sweet good-night for Guillo. |
Nikki is distraught over losing her dad. She gets comfort from Lili. (Who would have thought!) Then Auntie Adri counsels her, saying that dad will always live in her heart. Nikki can't think that she can tolerate seeing the Ho right now. Speak of the devil, here comes the Ho in uber-short Ho-widow's dress.
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At long last, the primas are getting along. |
Vicente advises Vikki to take it easy. Vikki can't leave her daughter in a time like this.
When the Ho arrives, Big Angel (still blind) has trouble containing his rage and the Little Ape has to hold him back. He approaches the Ho and the Little Ape immediately whisks him away. The Ho gets the stinkeye and cold shoulder from everyone else as well. She puts on a good act of being the grieving ho widow, with crocodile tears and everything.
Big Angel can't keep his fury in, so the Little Ape escorts him to another room so the Ho won't figure out that they're onto her and have plans to entrap her.
The Ho continues her act in front of FF's coffin. Nikki is moved by little Mia and wants to hold her.
Polita is performing some sort of bizarre/hilarious "spell" to get rid of the demons that obviously have infiltrated the house, since all this douchebaggery has been afoot for a while. I think the demons are actually a Ho in widow's weeds and an old grandpa douchebag chilling in Nuevo York. Thomasina interrupts her, wondering what is up. Hilarious scene!
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Expelling the evil spirits. Well, it was worth a shot! |
Back at the funeral. The police guy comes around with some documents to show Vikki. Meanwhile, Big Angel is furious that the Ho came to the funeral of her latest victim. The Little Ape is on duty to calm down the big guy.
Back in the main salon, the police guy is updating everyone. Gramps has escaped to Nuevo York. As it happens, Vikki has the address of an apartment he keeps there. Police guy says they're working on extradition. Also, the Furry Fornicator had some interesting papers and there's something for Vikki. She's handed a letter which she reads aloud. The letter, written by the Furry one, apologizes for spilling the beans about Lili in the way he did, but he had to expose Gramps' douchebaggery. He tells how Gramps had him shot (in the leg) to shut him up, and also, he's decided to return the 20% shares that Gramps
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Adriana and Vicente reacting to the reading of FF's letter. (This is a gratuitous Vicente shot, for which I make no apology!) |
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The Ho is unhappy to find out that the Meta Imagen shares will not be hers after all! Sucks to be you, Ho! |
Salsa-Dude is on Trap-the-Ho duty, and sidles up to her to find out what her plans are. She's unhappy about the shares being returned to Vikki, but she's assuming that the insurance policies and will are still going in her favor. She asks Salsa-Dude about the bruises on his face (which, Viewerville knows, were acquired when he confessed all to Big Angel and the Little Ape). He waves them off as coming from a dumbass rookie during training. He adds, "I'm sick of this job!" (Good save, Salsa-Dude!) She says they'll be off to Brazil as soon as she gets her dough from the FF.
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The Ho plots and plans with "Puchis," aka Salsa-Dude. |
In Nuevo York, a liquor-swilling Gramps (Anibal) is calling Gilda/Hilda and "putting her loyalty to the test." He instructs her that a guy is going to come by and pick something up, and she is not to tell anyone. She agrees, but looks nervous after he hangs up.
Cande is sprung from jail and Lili is there to greet her. She updates Cande on the news on Gramps. (Swilling it up in Nuevo York.) Cande cries about how she could have fallen for that old douchebag liar.
Meanwhile the old douchebag is telling his contacts in Nuevo York that there's going to be a bit of a delay delivering the "merchandise." These guys don't like the sound of that. That's not how things are done. They hustle Gramps off to talk to the big boss "personally," and Gramps doesn't seem to have much say in the matter.
Sad scene where Nikki has the FF's ashes interred as the priest performs the proper ceremony.
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Well, at least someone is going to miss him. She says goodbye to the Furry Fornicator as the Little Ape sympathetically looks on. |
The guy Gramps has sent to the office has arrived and Gilda/Hilda lets him in. He puts on gloves and opens the safe with a combination, obviously given to him by Gramps. He's getting the loot when the police come in. Hilda/Gilda ratted out Gramps! Awesome! They discover the diamonds. Oooh!
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Caught in the act! |
Coming back home, Vikki has labor pains. A cute little bit where a still-blind Big Angel stumbles back into the car so she can go to the hospital. (Zambrano drives, BTW.)
In Nuevo York, Gramps is not getting the red carpet treatment. He's tied up and being treated very roughly by some thuggy guys who are apparently unhappy that he hasn't provided them with the diamonds. He's threatened with a knife by a scary-looking bald dude who calls him a "traitor," even though Gramps begs for just a few more hours to deliver the goods.
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Fun: He's not having any. |
Vikki's in the delivery room, pushing and screaming in pain, while a still-blind Big Angel says encouraging, loving words. When the baby comes out and starts to cry, something breaks loose in Big Angel's dysfunctional noggin and his vision gradually clears. He's finally able to see and says joyfully to Vikki that their child is beautiful. "It's a blessing from God!" and indeed it is, as both mother and father rejoice over their new offspring.
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Vikki's not having much fun at the moment either, but the outcome of her discomfort will be much more happy than with Gramps. |
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"Can you see us?" Yes, indeed he can, finally! |
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Happy happy, joy joy. |
Salsa-Dude is handing the Little Ape a "crime resume" on Kendra, alias Macaria Chavez. He says he gave this document to Odioette so she could expose the Ho, but apparently Odioette blew him off and never read the documents. He wants the Little Ape to have this info to give to the police, for when the time comes . . . The Little Ape hopes that "their plan" works, because as predicted, the FF autopsy showed up nothing untoward.
The slut calls Salsa-Dude and he tells her they'd better not meet until later. He's able to put her off. "Let's hope she doesn't pull any surprises," the Little Ape says and Salsa-Dude says he'll try to avoid that. [I think this last bit is a refry of what Madelaine put in her recap]
Thank you everyone for being such wonderful participants of this blog. It's been a whole lot of fun recapping for this show and I hate to see it go! But onto the next beanie-flipping novela. It's been an honor to be one of your recappers and I thank all my fellow recappers for their wonderful work. Thanks again,
- Elvira
Segment Two, by Madelaine: "Carry On, My Wayward Son"
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Paying respect to little Luna. |
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She gloats over Anyballs' fate: Ill fortune couldn't happen to a nicer guy! |
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She volunteers with Jean Marie's encouragement . . . |
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. . . and wins! |
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Salsa-Dude sucks in his tummy as the guys get him ready with proper wiring. |
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She looks so pretty. How can so much beauty contain so much evil? |
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Espanto snaps a few pics of Salsa-Dude playing along with the Ho. |
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More playing along with the Ho. |
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Yep, they're sure getting an earful (read the CCs!).
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Unrepentant Salsa-Dude tells her that the game is up. Sucks to be you, Ho! (It needs to be said twice.) |
Labels: Amores
LOL @ the caption
Geez, Angel Jr. did inherit his daddy's genes. Kudos to Victoria for delivering such a big baby (at the age of 45!).
Jean Marie married the love of his life and Polita got a happy ending too. La Voz de tu Barrio! Ha! With Nikki and Vikki happy with their respective parejas, it looks like the only storylines that remain unresolved are The Ho, Espanto, and poor Salsatriz. Anibal’s done for.
Kendrat’s Karmageddon needs to be the Karmageddon of all Karmageddons. Murdering for money is one thing, but throwing a baby in a dump? QUÉ. ASCO. She could have at least left Mia with her nurse.
The Bob Marley costume made a totally random encore appearance! Thank you writers.
I LOL at the scene in which Big Angel learned that Kendra's nickname for him is "ranchero karateca"!
Yay! Aniballs is getting his comeuppance!!! I thought for sure Gilda would be loyal but the old goat was wrong! Ha! Hope that wasn't the last we'll see of him, he needs to be extradited to Mexico, perhaps missing some limbs, where he'll spend the rest of his life in prison. I know I'm a little sadistic but only when it come TN villains lol
While JA's smile (with miraculously restored vision) of utter delight lit up the room, Vicky's joyful tears of love for her new born son made my heart ache. There was no doubt who was the more emotional, for once (and it was entirely fitting), it was Vicky.
Equally emotional was JA's visit to the grave of his dead daughter. The cycle of life continues but the past is acknowledged, respected and mourned.
Aribeth, the baby was a bit of a beautiful bruiser, wasn't he??
Bailey Marie, excellent reference to Jane Eyre.
Lily, I am assuming (no spoiler) Anibal won't live to see extraiction (?)
I'm still laughing over Mía's black mourning outfit. Who knew there was black funeral attire for babies?
Mexico's Got Talent! Her name is Polita! Yaaaaayyyyy! This will be her happy ending and that is good. She sounded great last night.
I can NOT believe one of my predictions actually came thru --- JA got his sight back when the baby was born. Usually whatever I guess is completely, 100% wrong., LOL
Wow, I actually saw the "Dias Despues" lettering on my TV screen last night. A first! ;-)
I'm looking forward to the recap.
Dear recapping team,
Elvira, Madelaine, NovelaMaven, Aribeth, Marta, and Cynderella,
THANK YOU for all your labor and time you put into recapping AV for us. I truly, truly appreciate y'all. Such a major time commitment and I am grateful. My heartfelt thank you, again! Y'all
I have fixed my timing on the Gran Final for Sunday night.
Thanks to all the AV recappers. You have done a spectacular job.
I had an afternoon where I kept on saying, "No puedo." I just couldn't get my behind in gear.
I have a bottle of Mountain Dew and hope the caffeine will rejuvenate me!
Now that most of the major loose ends have been tied up, I'm very happy for Polita. That cleansing really worked ;-)
I'm not a violent person, but I don't want to see Kendra arrested I want her to suffer slowly. Maybe get hit by a truck and let it go back and forth over her body. Leaving that baby in the trash is the last straw for me. What a sociopath!
Anibal looks like his money won't get him out of this one.
Poor Salerno, I do hope that somehow it all works out for him.
The 'My Goodness! its a miracle! I can see you!' was sweet but at same time way over the top... if that makes any sense.
Wouldn't it have been funny that kenDrat gave Espanto/Inepto all the cash from the life insurance policy counting on the shares of the business and now Espanto/Inepto is gone and will probably hide from her, and she has been left with nothing!! LOL!!
That would be great!
Thanks so much Elvira for all the screen captures!!
Well, I guess we also don't know if Cande will have to serve time. She's just out on bail right now. But she has realized what a fool she was to trust Anibal.
Little Mia was so cute at the funeral. She was out like a light as she was passed from hand to hand. That's the first time I've seen a little child/baby dressed in mourning clothes in a tn. They usually make a point of keeping the little kids dressed normally.
Bailey Marie - thanks for the JE reference.
Lily - ITA w/you about only being a meanie when it comes to the fates of TN villains, LOL.
Diana - for some reason I thought Chris and JA's child was a boy but also glad he finally got to mourn her. It was also nice he could be content that his daughter was now with Chris.
Doris - congrats on your guess; I laughed when JA got his sight back and thought someone really nailed that plot.
So only Susanlynn are feeling sympathy for poor old Aníbal? Don't forget you guys, he's not only old but has a weak heart. Heck I was feeling bad for him all alone on that jet plane, but now... Yikes!
By the way, wasn't one of his captors our old friend Coyote from MEPS?
Angel's words at his dead baby's grave -- that he takes comfort in knowing Luna is being rocked by her mom in heaven -- was so moving. Kudos to the writers of that scene.
Maybe I'm just optimistic, but I see an underlying theme of forgiveness running through AV. Hopefully it'll include Salsero and he'll stick around.
I want Anibal to go down, but didn't like seeing him brutalized either. I would prefer to see him do a perp walk before his family and Odette.
I will miss the recaps and all the comments. I'm off on vacation tomorrow and not sure if I'll have access to see AV tomorrow or visit Caray. Thanks to all for making this such a fun ride.
Dang, I still have yet to see "dias despues" on the screen. Am I going blind?
I'm going to miss AV a lot, and the recaps even more. Thanks for making this such an enjoyable TN experience!
I can't believe KenfHo would put that darling Mia in the trash. We are restored and I am ready to see her get the biggest of pie carts tonight. I hope the writers take pity on poor Betty and let the sexy SalsaMan survive. I love the superb work all the recappers have done with this memorable telenovela. Mil gracias.
Aribeth and Madelaine:
What can I say? Your last recap for this fun novela is spectacular, a pleasure from start to finish. Thank you for this and for all the others you gave us during the looooong run of this show. You are champs, both of you!
For me the only interesting question left is how the writers resolve the Salsa Dude story. I am hoping he gets a second chance -- not only is he truly repentant but the fate of Beatriz and Guillo hinges on his fate. And hasn't Beatriz grieved enough?
I'm not really into vengeance fantasies. For me it's enough to know that the villains are thwarted and kept from doing harm in the future. [I dislike the handful of telenovelas that have left the viewer with the uneasy feeling that the villain may strike again.]
I'm quite ready to see lots of happy people dandling lots of plump babies on their knees.
"And they lived happily ever after."
Again, the screen shots added so much dimension - special thanks for "...a gratuitous Vicente shot, for which I make no apology!" Sigh...
Elvira, "I think the demons are actually a Ho in widow's weeds and an old grandpa douchebag chilling in Nuevo York", "liquor-swilling gramps" and "Vikki's not having much fun at the moment either, but the outcome of her discomfort will be much more happy than with Gramps" were among my favorites.
Madelaine, your choice of a theme for the captions was inspired starting with "Carry On, My Wayward Son". "She looks so pretty. How can so much beauty contain so much evil?" and "It's not enough that the Ho is a muderess, she is also the breaker of innocent hearts, but then again, was there eva any good in this woman?"were more of my favorites.
I'm fervently hoping along with Niecie that "I see an underlying theme of forgiveness running through AV" will include Santino...
Karen, I thought the scene of JA and Cande at the cemetary was well done and a lovely tribute to his lost daughter. May she be happy cradled in her mother's arms in heaven.
Carlos, yes! I remembered the TN but not the name. Coyote!
I would also like to thank Elvira, Madelaine, NovelaMaven, Aribeth, Marta, and Cynderella for their insight, time and dedication. You made this delightful journey even more special. The commenters are also greatly appreciated.
Missing Anita (the "I heart Anita" t shirts have flown out of the store and left the shelves empty)...
Can't wait until tonight.
I have a bad feeling that Anibal is going to end up as fish food, at the bottom of the Hudson River, wearing concrete boots.
Seriously, this diamond fencing thing is too crazy. Writers must have had to concoct it in order to get rid of Anibal with no blood on the hands of our D.F. characters.
Salsero will probably get shot and nearly die, but not quite. Then his redemption will be earned. Just my guess, because the whole thing has become rather formulaic.
As for Kendra's fate, I'm tuning in to see what the writers do to her. Can't wait! Must see TV!
However, Kendra has looked particularly beautiful in all her scenes with Salsero, this week; more natural hair and make-up. I realize now that the actress really is pretty without all that harsh make-up .
The guy getting the diamonds from Anibal's safe looked awfully familiar. Which other telenovela has he been in?
That actor that got the diamonds from Anyballs' safe was in Corazon Salvaje as a friend of Juan del Diablo, he was a fisherman in that one. He was also in another TN, the title escapes me at the moment. He has always been a character actor. He usually play a good guy.
Elvira---Salsa Dude is on Trap-the
Ho-duty. I know that catching Kendra is serious but I nearly laughed my head off when I read---
Salsa Dude is on Trap-the-Ho-duty.
Great one Elvira.
Madelaine---How can so much beauty
contain so much evil?
It sucks to be a Ho!
I hope that Salsa Dude has some extra strength Listerene, jus' sayin'
These were great lines as well.
I might add though that if he got hit in the head hard enough with that camera, he won't have to worry
about listerene anymore. It coud be curtains for him but let's hope not.
Luna Arriaga Corona---What a pretty name, I just love it. Too bad the little baby died.
I guess that Espanto ran out of disguises. This was the second time around for the Bob Marley look
Susanlynn---You won't have to feel
sorry for Anyballs much longer. He
didn't come through with/ deliver
the diamonds, He's not long for this earth. At this point, his breaths are numbered. He saw his family for last time, he isn't commin' back.
Polita gives a great performance as the Voice in the Hood and comes
in first. Way to go Polita. A chance to sing with Ana Barbara, WOW! You did it girl. Polita rocks!
Can't wait for the Sunday special tonight. Two weddings? Will Salsa Dude live? How will it all end for the Ho? But best of all---Nikki and the Little Orchid are finally
friends. YEAH!!!
the gringo
Regarding the remaining single characters, I think Polita got her happy ending by winning La Voz de tu Barrio. Zambrano and Gilda seem too random to get love interests (although Gilda pretty much turned Annyballs over to the police).
My heart would be soooooo happy if Tomasina and Felipe became a couple, especially after Tomasina had that icky (but thankfully brief) romance with Espanto.
I can't believe little Mia did not cry when she was trying to sleep and the mean ladies kept passing her around between them.
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