Thursday, July 04, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #58 (Mex 86.2-87) Wednesday 7/3/13 Que Aburrido Amor

            Opening sequence shows our two lovebirds suffering the pangs of morning sickness.  Amalia sees Maria rushing to the bathroom and the wheels start to spin.  Hmmmm  Amalia brings her some food but Maria doesn't want to touch it.  Amalia tries to give her a pep talk – stiff upper lip, all that stuff, but Maria feels defeated and dejected and betrayed.  Amalia philosophizes that when we fall in love, we tend to magnify our emotions.  But the same thing happens when our hearts are broken.  We tend to see only the bleakness of the situation and forget the joys of life.  Maria feels lost and confused.  Amalia encourages her to eat.  She notices Isa is there, crying.  Isa lashes out that she no longer loves Maria because she's rejected her “Papito”.  Maria agrees she brought a lot of pain into their home the day she allowed him to have her love.

            Achis, achis! The MariachiMobile is on the prowl and almost runs over our lovesick Santos. Colosso jumps out of the truck and reminds Santos he was gonna give him a trancaso if he ever broke Maria's heart again.  Santos can only agree that he deserves it for hurting her yet again. Rod (who was in the truck w/Paloma) steps in and says he will not allow Colosso to hurt Santos. 
            Amalia scolds Isa.  She explains there are many things she doesn't understand at her young age. Maria misses Jantos just as much but there are times we must say goodbye to those things we love the most, even though it may hurt.  This is a time for them to be united.  She suggests Isa apologize to Maria.  Isa cries when she learns this won't cause Jantos to return.
            Colosso repeats Jantos deserves a beating for what he did to Maria.  Paloma doesn't understand why he wants to get involved in this.  “Because I lurve her.  Yesterday I saw her cry like never before and it's all his fault! She sang with so much pain and her eyes expressed such sorrow that it broke my heart.”  He's sure she'll never forgive Jantos now.    Jantos leaves and Rod goes after him but Colosso pulls the dad card and holds him back, saying Rod must obey him.
            Isa comes to apologize to Maria.  Maria explains they'll probably never see him again.  Ana and Lety come to visit.  Amalia gives them the 411 on what happened yesterday.  Ana tells Maria not to cry any more.  Lety is sure Jorge must have had a good reason for doing what he did.  “No, no Lety.  Hell that's not even his name!  He wasn't even capable of telling me his true name, he took advantage of me!”  Ana thinks Maria did right by showing him the door.  Maria's convinced he never loved her.  Lety thinks otherwise.  They all saw how much he loved her. Maria rushes off to the bathroom in the midst of this.  Ana seems to know what’s up.  Maria tells them she's been nauseous for the past few days.  Ana tells her she thinks she may be pregnant. (Idiot Mejia thought it would be a good touch to add the cry of a baby to the scene ay, ay, ay) Lety can't imagine that could be since they've never had sex......or have they?
            Fernando catches up to Santos.  Santos explains he's planning to turn himself in and declare his innocence.  It's the only way to recapture Maria's love.  Fer doesn't think that's a good idea.  A scuffle ensues.  Fer ends up knocked out on the floor.
            Colosso and Rod argue in the car.  Colosso can't believe he'd take sides against his own father, when that Pochito hurt his “Chiquita”.  “Once and for all,” says Rod, “she is not your Chiquita!”  Colosso threatens to hit him.  Rod tells him Gloria never hit him.  If anything, she taught him to be truthful and speak his mind.  Colosso feels that what he needed was his father to teach him respect.  Rod doesn't take kindly to this criticism of his upbringing and warns Colosso not to speak ill of his mother.  Colosso tells him if he doesn't like it, he can get off here and now.  Rod agrees and gets out.  Paloma scolds Colosso and gets out of the car before he thinks of kicking her out too.  She catches up to Rod who's crying.  He misses his mother and doesn't think Colosso will ever love him.  He wanted to hit him but worst of all he spoke badly of his mother.  He wants to leave and look for his mother. 
            JNTR – Concho can't think of another way out other than to lay off half the staff.  No one comes in anymore since Jantos left.  Mirna and Lourdes suggest looking for another singer. Amalia comes a knocking
            Colosso has come to Maria to discuss his son.  He blames everything on Jantos for coming back.  This causes Maria to cry.  She can't help it – he betrayed her, etc, etc.  Colosso reminds her he never betrayed her, he's always been there for her, and asks again for another chance. Why does she continue to reject him.  He lurves her. 
            Santos revives Fer who is pithed that got another beating.  Because of Jantos, all the other Mariachis have turned against him, Maria won’t speak to him and to top it all off, Jantos wants to turn himself in!  He would support him if this weren't such a cowardly act.  Doesn't he realize he could get killed in there?  It would be like committing Harekiri!  Santos explains she's not just any one – she's his mujer, understood?  Santos asks him not to butt in – he’s already done too much.  “Bueno pues, es mi perro, yo lo baño!” (Hey, it's my dog and I’ll bathe him)  Santos regrets putting Fer in danger.  Fer says he can pay him back by not turning himself in.  Back and forth we go til Santos thanks him again for everything he's done then walks away from the police station.  Fer complains that the beating was for nothing.
            Colosso kisses Maria!  She slaps him.  She can't believe he would dare!  She kicks him out.  He doesn't respect her or her pain.  Yeah, he says, the pain that jerk caused yuou!  She asks him to stop criticizing him.  “So on top of everything else, you defend him!” exclaims Colosso, “I can't believe you still love him.”  She assures him she does and she will go to her death loving him.  She tells him to leave again.  He finally leaves but pauses at the door and she pushes him out.
            Concho welcomes Amalia warmly.  Lourdes accuses her of being one of his past amores.  Amalia adamantly denies it and says she only came by to let him know Maria won't be performing. She's overwrought because of her breakup with Jantos.  Elvira overhears, of course, and is overjoyed.  Amalia clarifies that Jantos is back in D.F. and returned the traje to Maria.
            EPT test shows that Maria is definitely preggers.  (I didn't know they came with baby sound effects)  Maria is impactada. 
            Santos sits in a bar (Cruz de Olvidos)and drowns his tears in his tequila while singing ???  Bar maid guesses he's nursing a broken heart.  That's the only reason he would sing with such feeling.  Everyone comes here to forget their troubles.  She wisely says that running away doesn't resolve your problems. It's best to resolve them and not run away.  He hears Fer's voice telling him to fight for his love.
            Lourdes tells Amalia that Maria is under contract and must sing, no matter what her troubles are. Amalia repeats that Maria will not sing tonight.
            Maria thoughtbubbles that she must tell her mom about the baby – Jorge Alfredo's baby.  She's walking down the street and Jantos follows her.  He tells he he's come to defend their love from the death sentence she's condemned it to.
            Paloma argues with Rod that he can't go looking for his mother when he doesn't even know where she is.  Rod's hurt that Colosso would even consider hitting him.  Colosso arrives and Rod tells him he's moving out because he doesn't accept him as he is.  But mostly because of the way he criticized his mother.  Colosso half apologizes and suggests they let bygones be bygones.  Rod still wants to leave.
            Maria feels Janto's the one who condemned their love with his lies.  Jantos says it's easy for her to accuse and sentence him when she swore she would love him all her life.  Oh, she'll love him for the rest of life, but without seeing him.  She'll love him in the darkness that he planted in her soul (can anyone say drama queen?). Oh yeah?  Well he's gonna love her infinity + one.  But he won't do it in darkness but in the light that she planted in his soul.   Not to be outdone she says she'll cry over what wasn't more than just a dream.  She swears she'll love him for-ev-er.  And when she dies, it will be far away from him.  He begs with her but she refuses to get caught up in his web of words.  He's made her a victim of his love.  He tells her she saved him from his desperation, the bitterness he had when he met her.  “Well, you left me with that bitterness. Just leave before our love becomes hatred.”  He begs her again to listen to him.  Give him the opportunity to tell her of his past.  Then, if she still wants, he'll leave.  He'll know then that she never loved him. 
            Rod turns to leave.  Paloma begs Colosso not to let him leave.  “Hijo!” calls out Colosso.  He earnestly apologizes.  It's just that he's so tosco (crude).  He had to earn his way at a very young age. He an't help himself – sometimes he just commits tarugadas (tarugo=blockhead).  He apologizes for threatening to strike him.  Rod repeats, again, that his main complaint was that Colosso dared to criticize his mother.  She was a mother and father to him.  Colosso agrees she is a great lady.  They all agree she's an extraordinary woman.  Now that we have that clear, the pochito is quite another story.  Rod reminds him that Jantos was there for him when he most needed support.  He's only telling it like it is:  Jorge Alfredo and Maria will love each other for-ev-er!This brings Colosso to tears.  This really hit home. 
            Fer tries to enlist the help of Soñador to find Jantos.  Soñador wants to know why Fer defends a fugitive.  Fer is sure Jantos is innocent because they've already killed two of his friends and an attempt has already been made on Jantos' life.  Fer reminds Soñador that when arrived from Guanajuato he received a lot of help from his friends.
            Maria agrees to listen to his story but not before saying how much she hates lies.  He reminds her there was a time that he tried to tell her his story but she stopped him. - Flashback -  She can't forgive him now because….because she's going to start a new life where his lie doesn't fit in. He takes this as her way of going back on her word that for her he was worth more than anything else.  Yeah, well payback's a bitch, she says (not in so many words, but you get the point).  Fine. Fine.  He plans to keep his word and won't bother her again.  Que te vaya bonito. After he leaves, she says she would go with him to hell itself but she can't condemn her child to a life of pain.  Jeez,  lighten up a bit. 
            Colloso is seeing the light.  This morning when he kissed Maria - yeah he kissed her - she was so defenseless he couldn't help himself.  It was the sweetest kiss of his life but also the most hurtful because she's so cold and ended up throwing her out of the house, never wanting to see him again. 
            Maria returns to her apartment and Jorge returns to his.  We see a montage of flashbacks of their relationship.  Coming out of her reverie, Maria swears he is the owner of her heart.
            Colosso cries over Maria.  Rod offers some advice given him by his mother.  To conquer a woman's heart, one must be patient and kind and never attempt to force her to love you.  The heart of a woman is like a seed that blooms when it's ready.  The best seeds flower with patience. Colosso calls him a Don Juan.  Rod corrects him and says he only has eyes for one girl.  He and Paloma snuggle and Colosso jokes, “Canijos, comiendo pan de lante de los pobres!” (eating bread in front of the poor)
            Fer convinces Soñador to help him find Jantos.  Ana finds out and she's none too happy.  They bicker.  He explains he wants to find him and help him.  If that's an obstacle to their love, then he's very sorry. 
            El Lay – Justo gets a call from Fer saying he's going to find Santos

            Casa Mendoza – Amalia has noticed that Maria hasn't eaten and is worried for her health.  She figures Maria needs to tell her something.  Maria agrees she has something to confess.  She tells Amallia and her sisters that she's preggers!!  ruh-roh!  Amalia looks like she'll go into another coma.  


I hope I'm not being a wet blanket here but I'm getting so bored with the "I hate you" "No, I hate YOU more" nature of Maria and Santos arguments. yawn

Having said that, what was the song he sang in the bar? I thought it was La Barca but that's not it.

The song was:

Cruz de Olvido

Con el atardecer
Me iré de ti
Me iré sin ti
Me alejare de ti
Con un dolor
Dentro de mi

Te juro corazón
Que no es falta de amor,
Pero es mejor así
Un día comprenderás
Que lo hice por tu bien
Que todo fue por ti.

La barca en que me iré
Lleva una cruz de olvido;
Lleva una cruz de amor
Y en esa cruz sin ti
Me moriré de hastío.

Culpable no he de ser
De que por mí puedas llorar,
Mejor sera partir
Prefiero así que hacerte mal.

Yo sé que sufriré
Mi nave cruzará un mar de soledad,
Adiós, adiós mi amor
Recuerda que te amé
Que siempre te he de amar.

To my knowledge Alejandro Fernandez has never recorded this, but had he done so his recording would have been the right one to use. Of the half dozen I've heard, Pablo's is the best because of his ability to sound tearful when appropriate. This song has been recorded by almost every man who becomes famous for this music genre.

Having said that, I reiterate that I wish they would consistently use the same singer to dub JS and the one who sounds like Alejandro is the right one.

Great work, BTW, and on to our tale:

The missing scene from the other night was in El Lay following one of Justo's phone conversations with Fernando. Wendy ranted that Santos is evil and selfish for pursuing a woman and getting involved with her family while on the run from the law. Justo wasn't pleased with her outburst, but didn't scold her sufficiently.

Maria is being an idiot and it's she totally deserved the kissoff she got last night.

Amalia should not have been so explicit about Maria's problem, especially in front of Lourdes and Mirna. Surely her contract allows for sick days and Amalia could have phoned Concho about that.

It makes me sick that Elvirus will be up to her old tricks again and that Ana is still singing that same old song.

Concho will go under without both Santos and Maria unless they can find a new female who might tempt Oscar.

Three oles for Roddy for telling him off about Maria and Santos. However, I don't think Oscar is about to give up on Maria despite her slapping him and showing him the door.

Maria was a dumbass to think "Who, me? How could that be?" when Lety & Ana wondered if she could be pregnant.

The children are the only ones making any sense.

Oh no, Elvira's on the prowl again. So who's going to see JAntos with Elvira first & jump to conclusions? Amalia or Maria?

Maria, who doesn't like lies, is perfectly willing to lie to Santos about their baby. And I supposed if she got away with lying to Santos about a baby & he went away forever, she'd be perfectly willing to lie to the child about his father. Probably the same lies Amalia told her about HER father. Looks like Isa will be the one to spill the beans.

Maria never loved Jorge Alfredo. She's in love with the idea of love. She's in love with drama. If she really loved him, she'd hear him out like he asked. But by telling him something to the effect of "I don't want to listen to you b/c I might believe what you say" IMO she's saying she's too stupid to discern whether or not he's telling the truth or not. And she is stupid, so she told no lies.

But again, if she really loved him, she'd at least hear him out. He did point out to her that he tried to tell her about his past, but she shushed him & didn't want to hear it.

By refusing to listen to his story she's saying the only thing that matters to me is me, and you don't matter at all. Maria doesn't want a partner, she wants someone who will kiss her ass & blow smoke up it. Coloso fits the bill so she might as well settle down with him. Although, I don't think I'd want to subject Coloso to that. He's not a bad guy and even he doesn't deserve a drama queen like Maria.

Looks like Sonador joined Team Santos. Fernando is a really good friend to keep trying to help Santos after being rejected & punched out by him. Good thing Fernando is in contact with Justo, too. Justo needs to get down to Mexico City ASAP.

And I'm glad Fernando shut Ana down. She's another one who doesn't want to listen & thinks she's always right. Looks like Lety is the only one with a brain cell in her head.

Elvira is going to get even more obnoxious once she finds out Santos' true identity. She might then decide she wants him for real and not just to punish Maria for their childhood differences (like Ruth did with Sofia in FELS).

Santos now has Fernando, Sonador, and Roddy on his side, possibly Lety.

Anon207, I don't think Maria is the narcissist your post implies. She's just -- as Anita said yesterday -- immature in terms of experience in these matters. I doubt she's had many dates and it seems that all the band members treat her like a little sister. Amalia has not been any help here, either. I have concluded that she expects Maria to become the Tita of their family. Honestly, I preferred her as a martyr mother who tries to work despite her illness.

Concho needs to wise up to Elvira's true evil. I'm wondering whether he will royally offend Mirna to the extent that she exposes his theft of the Mendozas' share of the bar.

And let me also say that if Maria did ever decide to settle down with Coloso, she'd only be using him and would pine after Jorge Alfredo as a way to not get close with Coloso. Using him like Elisa used Gael in AdP. That still burns me, that Gael got stuck with whiny Paloma. You know his soul died a 1000 deaths when he decided to stay with Paloma, and Coloso's soul will die 100K deaths if he ever did get Maria.

Maria is not a narcissist in general, but with Jorge Alfredo she is. He came to her, and said "I know I was wrong for lying to you, but hear my story. If you still dont' want to be with me, I'll leave you alone."

And what did he get in return?

I'm not listening to you

You're just going to lie again

You tricked me

You betrayed me

You never loved me

I will love you from afar, to the death

Our love is dead because you killed it

And then she thought bubbles (as he walks away) "I will live in hell with you but I will not subject our child to your lies."

Listen to the man 5 minutes without interrupting, see what he's got to say, then decide. But she doesn't want to do that because she's busying starring in her own drama and people like Amalia & Ana are assisting her in that.

And now with the pregnancy I can see "Jorge Alfredo tricked me into bed, got me pregnant and left me" in the future.

Maria is very, very immature, no doubt. That's why she shouldn't be giving relationship advice to Paloma, Rodrigo, Irasema or Susanito. I think it would be best for the both of them to separate for a while and grow up/prove innocence but if Isa really does spill the beans to JA about Maria's baby, he won't leave her alone and she needs to be left alone for a while to mature.

Actually, if their relationship is to have a chance, he needs to let HER come to HIM. (Same with Coloso........if he truly wants a successful relationship with Maria, he needs to let HER come to HIM).


Great recap, Paquita! Such endless stirring of the rehash! The cheesy bit I most enjoyed was Rodri and Paloma hooking their thumbs together to fly their fingers like a dove.

Thanks for the lyrics Urban! Duh, that was the name of the bar, I should've known!

I am new to Caray, Caray. Love the recaps and comments. Was happy when Maria slapped Coloso. Now will be happier when someone slaps some sense into Maria!

ugh, the dove thing. Yes, very cheesy. But hey, that's what teens do when they're in luuurve so I'll give them a pass.

Let me get this straight. I'm a 20 something woman currently throwing a hysterical fit of the vapors over my OTL's "betrayal" so my MOTHER takes it upon herself to go to my employer and tell him I won't be coming to work. Unbelievable. Amelia knows no boundaries and she cloaks all of her actions in I'm a mother, my heart told me this, it's what mothers do. Rolling my eyes. If Maria and Santos end up staying in the DF in the barrio God help him, he will have the worst MIL in the world and not get a minute's peace.

Poor Fernando. He has become the resident punching bag, two beatings by thugs, one by Coloso and now Santos.

Best line of the night was when Irasema and Suesanito where arguing over her defending Santos and she told him Santos is a good man and if anyone knows men it is me.

Letty does have some smarts and like Fernando keeps telling Maria let him tell you his story and his reason for what he did. They must feel like they are talking to a wall. Ana's being suspicious makes sense since was legitimately betrayed. Hey I'm all for sisterhood but somehow I don't think I would risk my relationship with the man I love by ragging on him about his trying to defend a friend. Technically Maria's problems are hers and Santos' and the entire barrio family should just butt out.

Gloria certainly did a first class job of raising Roddy. He is loyal to Santos, treats Paloma well and has the backbone to stand up to his bullying father. I did so love him telling Coloso she isn't your chiquita. Haven't we all said the same thing? Then he went in for the kill with the Santos and Maria will love each other forever.

Maria slapping Coloso was kind of tame she should have hit him hard enough to rattle the brains in his head, not that little tap.

So we missed Wendy being a brat -not. She is so definitly not going to like Maria and her family.

Thanks Paquite, ITA with all who says Maria needs to shut her YOU DECEIVED ME monolog for 5 min and listen to Santos explanation.
She the worst drama queen ever.

Hopefully she did not buy the EPT test in the Pharmacy just below their apartment because the news will be all over the barrio (and in Santos ears) by this evening.

Loved the lilac blouse she wore this epi.


I forgot, that baby giggling during the preggers talk and EPT test was deplorable which idiot writer idea was it?


Roddy spoke for all of us when he told his father off about his delusions of someday marrying Maria. He must know Maria at least 10 years if not longer; how can he not know that if something doesn't happen right off the bat (as in within two years) it won't happen?

Of course, this same producer put Pablo Montero in the same position in Abrazame Muy Fuerte where he fell in love with a girl whom he knew since birth. Not realistic either, but that character at least behaved honorably.

Unfortunately, that means that it is quite likely that Maria will marry Oscar and will have a medical excuse not to consummate it.

I just love how Maria I Hate Lies Mendoza announces her two week pregancy to her whole family apparently not thinking thay should Isa run into Santos she will blab the fact she herself had planned never to devulge. I gues their are lies, Santos lies and Mendoza lies with Santos' being the most unforgivable while the Mendoza lies are just to protect people.


"Maria's convinced he never loved her." Um, what? How many times does he have to prove it to not only her but also her family? Who would give up all his money - thrice - to buy you your dream victrola, pay your family's medical bills and give your little sister a whopper of a quinceanera if he didn't love you? How about all that "I love you more" nonsense? More than what?

Maria's crying (her ugly grimace and unsightly collagened lips are sooo not cute) has more than reached my ya-no-quiero-verlo limits. FF time every time she's on screen now. Blech!

If she had told Coloso to bug off in no uncertain terms just like she told JA, he would've given up long ago. Instead, she's put up with it all this time, sometimes even smiling at his clumsy oafishness with her so naturally he won't give up. That anemic little tap (slap) will hardly make a difference to him, especially when she told him she's hurting so bad. Of course he'll stick around hoping to be her hero!

She asks Santos "what do you want from me? To go on the lam with you?" - THAT'S WHY HE DIDN'T TELL YOU BEFORE, IDIOT! Because he doesn't want that! She won't even stop haranguing him long enough for him to explain the danger she and her family could be in.

Then he reminded her that he tried to tell her his story but she stopped him and she had the nerve to say, I changed my mind. Huh? Was he supposed to read her mind about that? Santos, don't ever take her back!

I hope Elvira gets to him in a weak moment and he finally gives in to her and she gets pregnant. Then she can lord it over Maria that she is having her true love's baby! It would serve Maria right.

In the avances, it looks like Miss I Don't Like Lies No Matter What is going to tell a whopper of one. Really? You're going there? "This baby may not be yours?" right after she accused him of "taking her purity" like he forced her to it? UGGHHH!!

I would say rant over, but I doubt it - more to come, I'm sure. :-)



I did a little checking about the song Cruz de Olvido. There are 236 versions of it on ITunes but alas none by Alejandro Fernandez but there are 4 by his father. The thing has been covered by everyone from Luis Miguel to Bronco. Would love to hear Alejandro do it, simply love his voice.


Rant away. I have to keep my remote out of range lest I throw it through the set with Maria and her idiotic behavior. Couldn't believe those previews with Miss No Lies setting up the big one and in front of her little sister and mother to boot. Does she seriously think that in the approximately two weeks since she did the deed with Santos that he is going to believe she's been giving it up all over town? What a moron.

And how did he get back in the house? He's been banned by Maria and Amelia and why would he go back and subject himself to their abuse and rudeness.

Seems weird that Amalia made all those faces and caras-de (impactada; told-you-so; I-knew-it, etc) when Maria was all fainting and nauseous and then acts all surprised when Maria tells her she's pregnant, like it never entered her mind this could be the case. What?


I think it was just Amelia sticking her head in the sand again, thinking her nina would never do the deed before she was married and then only to have children. All the Mendoza's seem to live in some kind of dream world where reality never intrudes and if it does thye just run away from it or go into blame someone else denial.

I can't see Elvira trapping a man with a pregnancy; she's too vain. She thinks she is So Damned Hot that once in bed with her no man would even look at any other woman.

Never mind that Oscar disproves that one already.

The only thing that can make that happen is if she finds out who Santos really is. Entrapping him into marriage with a pregnancy then might be on her agenda despite that it could ruin her surgery-enhanced figure. Except it would be nice if he had a sudden attack of ED once she ripped off his clothes.

Diecie Girl, don't even bother with the versions by Luis Miguel or Pepe Aguilar. Neither of them do justice to that song. Luis Miguel is not a mariachi singer in any sense of the word and Pepe Aguilar always sounds like he's half asleep to me.

RE Amalia's lack of boundaries, that was a right-on statement. She will never stop until and unless Maria tells her in no uncertain terms to butt out of her business. I'm sure Maria didn't even know Amalia went to Concho's office. She should have just called him to say that Maria is ill and will not be in to work that night. But we had to have a set-up for Elvira to find out about the big break-up.

As for Maria's lack of firmness in rejecting Oscar, that is easily explained. She would have been taught to be a "nice girl" and not show anger or other negative emotions. The situation is particularly dicey because she works with him. The last time he tried to force a kiss on her Santos slugged him before she reacted appropriately.

The pregnancy hormones aren't going to make any of this any better.

It's almost tn full evening schedule, with time out for local fireworks.

Sorry I haven't given you all my long rambling comments today, but, here....I give you the day off.

Paquita--Sigues con la excelencia de tus palabras.

You all got Maria pegged right. She THINKS she's all grown up and mature because she's been the breadwinner, going to school, mothering the younger ones, cooking, cleaning, singing in a bar where decent girls probably shouldn't and keeping her virginity in check for low these many years.

But she hasn't figured out how to stop Coloso from sliming up to her and get rid of people like Ruben (and there probably have been more) without bowing to Concho's pressure to be nice to the customers. And, si, she doesn't know how to behave when her real live principe azul came along. Even she pointed out to JA that she learned about love from telenovelas and that's what she was expecting--not betrayal and heartache.

Shoot, I apologize, I shot off my mouth anyway.

Thanks Paqui and Feliz Cumpleanos, USA.

UA--Wouldn't that be funny--the battle of the pregnant dames for the hand of JA? Who did JA really impregnate? Mejia can accompany any hair pulling with plenty of baby cries.

I don't think Elvira would let herself get pregnant deliberately or otherwise. She likes herself just fine, like she is. But I wouldn't put it past her to go the fakey route.

Ok, I had more to say than I thought.

Anita, you probably have that one right on the money. However, the good thing about that is she can't keep up the pretense for long.

Light-bulb moment: She fakes it, finds out that Maria knows the gender of her baby, gets one of the same, and pulls a switch. However, Santos will demand a DNA test which will disclose which baby is his but will also show that this baby can't be Elvirus'.

Particularly since the night in question he was so drunk he passed out and never had sex with Elvirus in the first place.

I wish my Spanish were better so I could get hired at Televisa.

So Maria tells Santos that she learned all about love watching telenovelas so she sure as hell should have known that Trampira was causing trouble and that her own Principe Azul is innocent of everything he has been accused of. She should also have learned that virgin girls always get pregnant the first time and she should have been careful. Just another indication that she isn't the brightest bulb on the planet. LOL

Decie Girl - agree with you. If she learned from tns she shdve known you can't have love WITHOUT betrayal and heartache. LOL

Tienes todo de razon!

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