Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Qué Bonito Amor #72 (Mex 107.2-108) Wednesday 7/24/13 Endless Drama & Tears. In other words, a typical day in the world of QBA.
Hola, amigas y amigos. This is my debut recap for QBA. I'm going to be a backup recapper for QBA, now that Amores is just about done. I'm subbing for Paquita this week.
And so I get lots of tears and drama and FF scenes in this episode. Well, what do I expect from QBA?
Let's start with a few screencaps to get the ball rolling (more screencaps below).
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JAntos visits an unconscious Maria in the hospital. |
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A kiss on the cheek . . . |
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Coloso is ripping JAntos a new one, because supposedly JAntos is "cursed" and bringing Maria down with him. |
* In the City of Angels, Curtis is sexually harassing Derecho. He seems horrified, but Curtis has a lovely figure. Will Derecho eventually succumb to her charms?
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Behold, the look of abject horror on Derecho's face. |
* Wendy is telling her daddy that Michael is a great guy and she's going to give him a chance. Justo approves. She's also going to work with him in the prison dentist office. Justo isn't so sure about that last thing, but thinks it's great that Wendy might be exposed to a different way of thinking, and that maybe
* Maria is unconscious in her hospital bed, recovering but still not aware of the fate of her bebe. JAntos visits her in the bed, tells her he loves her (she can't hear, of course), says they'll never be separated, and then kisses her on the cheek.
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The doctor comforts a sniffling JAntos as he is by Maria's bedside. |
* Don Concho fires Mirna, outraged by her "infidelity." She says to herself, "We'll see about that!" and is thinking that Elvira will bail her out to keep Mirna silent about the wax on the step thing.
* Lourdes wants to know what's up with Elvira and why she bothered JAntos and Maria's family at the hospital. Elvira is all innocence, saying that she's supposed to be more "responsible" and doing work for the bar, right? So she visited their star singers in the clinic. Lourdes calls her on that, saying that Elvira looked downright pleased with the news that Maria lost her bebe. Elvira feigns wounded feelings at this suggestion.
* At the clinic, JAntos is vowing to stand vigil until Maria walks out the door. Amalia, Coloso, Fernando and the rest of the gang are hovering around and right with him. The doctor puts a stop to this, saying that it's not acceptable for them
* Continuation of the Lourdes/Elvira conversation: Lourdes says that maybe she should give Elvira the benefit of the doubt, but warns Lourdes that hatred leads to bad decisions and makes you a bad person. Elvira is glad that she's able to fool her mom, and then talks about the bar being in danger of going under. They've got to find a way to pick things up while Maria and JAntos are AWOL.
* Amalia tells Paloma that Maria lost the baby. This scene takes way too long to get to that point. Lots of tears. Fernando deposits JAntos home and tells him to get some rest and buck up. After Fernando leaves, JAntos has a mini-tantrum and throws some stuff around the room and rips things up. He has flashbacks of all the happy times after he first learned Maria was pregnant. He cries. Fernando thinks of JAntos and sympathizes.
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Paloma is (eventually) going to be told of the sad news. |
* Siete Mares is bummed out by the Maria news. Ana asks him if it reminds him of his wife. It does. He cries and cries as he recounts how much he loved his wife.
* Don Concho begs to get Lourdes back. She looks astonished. Meanwhile, Elvira is remembering how devastated JAntos was when Maria lost her bebe and Elvira smugly says she's gonna get back at him for humiliating her . . . Evvvviiilllll, she's EVILLLLLL.
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Evil gloating bruja! |
* More with Concho and Lourdes. He makes a grab for her, apparently assuming she'll reciprocate, but she says not so fast, douchebag. She wants a divorce! He had plenty of chances with her and he blew them all! Concho, in a last-ditch effort to convince Lourdes, tells her that he fired Mirna. Lourdes looks impactada.
* Susanito has to find Ira. His mom is trying to hint that it's better to let Ira go than to get tangled in with Ira's trouble. But Susanito isn't going for that and says after what happened with Maria today, he realizes more than ever that he's gotta do what he's gotta do.
* Coloso comes home to a starving Rodrigo. Oops, Coloso forgot to get any groceries. Rodrigo is told the news of Maria. He wants to go comfort JAntos. Coloso forbids it, because after all, this is all JAntos's fault. (Viewerville rolls their eyes.) Rodrigo speaks sense. Coloso gets angry. In other words, more of the same from these two. Coloso asks whose side Rodrigo is on and implies that Rodrigo is disloyal. Rodrigo realizes that Paloma is probably bummed about this news too.
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Coloso blames JAntos for it all, as usual. |
* More crying with Amalia and Paloma, wondering how they're going to break the news to Isa. Meanwhile, it's morning and Fernando is talking with Susanito and is suspecting that something is amiss. Never in the ten years he's worked at that bar was there an accident. Hmmmm... They go to see what's up with JAntos. He's sitting on the floor by the door and crying. They try to get him to open up. No go, he wants to be left alone. They decide to get his dad.
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Inconsolable, in a mariachi outfit, and on the floor. |
*More tears as Isa is told the news. FF>>> Don Justo visits the house. He hasn't been told the news yet.
* Rodrigo is a target of Vanessa who thinks she can get him for herself. He tells her to get lost, there's no way he's interested in her! Moreover, he blames her for the breakup with Paloma. Vanessa and her friend think that they've got an advantage and Vanessa has assured that Paloma will never take Rodrigo back again.
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I see this girl has a career of stalking ahead of her, with possibly doing some bad things to rabbits. |
* Throughout this episode, JAntos (bless him), has taken the loss of Maria's & his child extremely badly. EXTREMELY badly. JAntos (bless him), competes with Jose Angel (from Amores Verdaderos) when it comes to having a BIG dramatic reaction to bad news (though to JAntos's credit he doesn't go temporarily blind like Jose Angel did). Since JAntos was looking very much forward to this baby, Viewerville does feel for him and grieves with him, as he cries heartbroken tears and uses those sad puppydog eyes to full effect.
* Don Justo stages an intervention with a grieving JAntos, who is sniffing a baby blanket for his bebe and crying and crying in inconsolable grief. "You don't know what it's like to lose a child!" JAntos says through the closed door of his pension room. Don Justo replies, "Yes, I do. I've lost you." That seems to break the ice. Don Justo comforts JAntos and gives him some good advice. JAntoes cries about how he doesn't want to live anymore, he wants to go to Heaven to be with his mom and his bebe. Justo talks him out of that one. They discuss how JAntos will break the sad news to Maria. JAntos thinks he's a coward because he just can't do it. He feels so depressed and dead inside himself. Don Justo tells him, in a loving fatherly way, to suck it up, buttercup. That seems to do the trick.
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Trying to talk reason through a door. |
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Santos, wallowing in self-pity, is starting to listen to his dad. Maybe just a little. |
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Dad is let in and comforts JAntos. |
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Suck it up and tell her, Justo advises. |
* Amalia talks endlessly to a sleeping/unconscious Maria about how she's going to be strong and recover from this tragedy, and also cries about how she wishes she could shield Maria from this pain. She goes on and on and on. . .
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Amalia visits Maria and then never shuts up. |
* Ana sees Siete Mares completely baked and drinking out of a bottle while leaning up against a wall somewhere. He just can't get over the loss of his wife and child. She peels him off the ground and tells him he's going to go home with her and he's not going to drink any more!
* JAntos, looking cleaned up a bit, visits Maria and tells her the usual. He loves her, yadda yadda. She's still unconscious.
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Back at Maria's side. |
* Amalia has some sort of reaction, like a pain, in the hospital waiting room. Don Justo asks her what's up. She explains she's got this rare illness and it's made worse by stress. Don Justo wants to take her to a doctor ASAP. She can't allow him to do that. He insists, reasoning with her that when he turned his back on JAntos, she was there to see that he was okay. Amalia admits that while she wasn't JAntos's most loyal supporter, he didn't do so badly. Justo is able to convince her, it seems, to allow him to help her as a gesture of gratitude. "We'll keep it a secret," he says.
* Rodrigo comes to the house and wants to get back with Paloma. He's of course heard of the tragedy of Maria and tells Paloma that she needs him by her side. "I don't need anything from you!" Paloma yells back. He wants her to listen to him. Oh, that's the last thing she'll do. She takes after her mom and older sister. He leaves, saying that he loves her ("te amo"). We have a split-screen showing these two crying.
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Enjoy your self-induced misery, Paloma! |
* Mirna approaches Elvira, insisting that Elvira get her job back. Elvira is completely without concern for Mirna and says the heck with you. Mirna points to the wax that Elvira put on the steps, which made Maria fall and lose her bebe, and tells Elvira to reconsider.
* Coloso is still on his campaign to get rid of Pochito (JAntos) and rips JAntos a new one over the loss of this baby, as if it's his fault. He tells JAntos that he's cursed and doesn't "deserve" Maria. Coloso, of course, thinks he does deserve Maria, because he's been with her through thick and thin. He advises JAntos to get outta town, that's what's best for Maria. Oh whatever, dude.
* Susanito finds an old photo of his mom and Don Concho when they were young. He later goes to Don Concho to ask what does this signify. Don Concho looks like a deer in headlights and says that he and Susanito's mom were "friends." Susanito asks if Don Concho knows who his dad is. Oh wow, Don Concho's eyes take on an especially trapped look at that question!
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Incriminating photo! |
* Rodrigo remembers how Paloma ripped him a new one, and tells himself that since no one gives a darn about him, perhaps he should go look for his mom. Oh great, just what we need, more self-induced drama and tears.
* There's some scene with that street kid that Fernando has taken under his wing (don't know the kid's name, yet). He and Fernando have visited the house to cheer up Paloma and Isa. Street Kid hits on Isa (in a kid way, as Fernando chides him) then sings a song as he dances with Isa as Paloma dances with Fernando. This light-hearted relief was needed.
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Good, we need a break from all the crying and drama in this episode. |
* JAntos goes to Maria's hospital bed and she wakes. She of course wants to know how the baby is. JAntos tries to deflect her thoughts and then says he'll get the doctor. She's onto that tactic and pins him down: What's the news on the bebe? He finally has to tell her (several times, in fact) that their baby didn't make it, is dead, they lost their baby! She looks impactada and that is where we end our episode!
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She demands the truth! |
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He reluctantly gives it. |
AVANCES: Amalia is AGAIN blaming JAntos for something. This time for the loss of the bebe. Lather, rinse, repeat. Por favor, lady! Give it a rest!
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From Avances: Amalia ripping JAntos a new one (again). |
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JAntos cries pretty tears (again). |
P.S. I'm not sure exactly of the episode number. (Urban Anthropologist? Can you help? :) )
Labels: QBA
Oops another candidate for Suesanito's father and Concho did look guilty. I had figured out it was the rival bar owner. I just can't see that Mancia would have let Suesanito work for Concho if he was his real father.
Ana's saving drunks, Fernando is saving kids, Coloso is being an ass, and Mendoza Meltdowns are driving me crazy.
This is now just too much for me, please somebody get rid of Elvira, Colosso, Amalia, Wendy y all stupid, overreacting, evil, nerve-racking etc. characters.
Someone help me out, I didin't understand correctly but there seemed to be a debate to tell or not about the losing of the baby to Maria, JAntos being on the side of tell and everybody else (even the doctor?) - led by Amalia - on the side of not to tell.
Why can't they tell her, it would be a setback on her health or what?
It seemd to be from avances, that they blame JA for telling her later on despite being told not to tell.
As soon as the doctor said something about keeping the loss of the baby from Maria we had to know that this would have been impossible. Maria would never have stood for not being told about this. However, Jorge Alfredo could have told her that he had to get the doctor because she had been unconscious longer than expected.
Nahhh. That wouldn't have worked either.
I cut Jorge Alfredo slack for his emotional reaction to this; he's coming to this level of emotion a little later than most guys. At least his dad is there for him.
Oscar needs a muzzle at this point. He has some bloody nerve blaming JA for any of this. Of course his game is to force him into further depression and out of the competition for Maria. However, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. The overriding problem here is that he doesn't listen to anybody about this, including Fernando (who is the voice of reason in this tale).
Won't Ruben be thrilled to pieces at this outcome when he finds out. I can already see the predatory look on his face.
Amalia needs to be in a medical facility herself... under the care of a shrink. I am seriously thinking she never wanted Maria to grow up and will ultimately try to keep all her daughters to herself.
I hope Justo sticks around D.F. long enough to influence this situation.
Maria will be sinking into depression and will need a female voice of reason, something that currently doesn't exist in her world.
There wasn't going to be any kind of a good outcome in this situation. Maria would be stressed to the max at the idea of anyone keeping the bad news from her, so JA was not wrong to tell her. If she were to keep demanding to know and the doctor responded by attempting to inject her with a tranquilizer she would be madder than the Wicked Witch of the West on crack. Despite her sometimes irrational decisions, Maria is too intelligent to not recognize when someone is trying to keep something from her.
The rejection we saw in the avances will be irrational but not out of the ordinary. Amalia's willingness to blame JA for any of this is all about her own selfishness.
I love that Fernando and Susanito observed that this was the first such "accident" and are now suspicious.
The only thing I have liked so far is: that snap shot of a young Concho. Yikes! He was one handsome dude!!
Amalia and Coloso. Barf. They need to take their inappropriate selves and disappear forever.
The writers apparently can't make up their minds if Coloso should be a good guy or a bad guy so have made him a complete jerk. I wanted to smack him when he went home and Roddy was waiting and mentioned being hungry and Coloso just blew him off with some more Maria Madness. Now he is a jerk as a friend, as a father and as a human being. No matter what they do to him He is on my s**t list permanently.
Amelia is a selfish, waste of space. I am so sick of her flip flopping disguised as "love" for her daughter that it makes me sick. I have tried to like her, to find some excuse or motivation to explain her possessiveness but can't do it anymore. She knows how much Maria loves JAntos and he her but can she bend and reach out to share his grief-hell no. It's just one more chance for her to take some cheap shots at him. She may not be the nasty obsessive evil mothers we can all cite from other TN's but she stands alone for trying to pass herself off as a loving kind mother when her actions make her Queen Smother.
Kudos to Fernando and Sue for immediately being suspicious of the accident. Two characters who are actually thinking — who would have guessed it.
I'm calling Fernando's little street boy Jalisco until he gets a name. Amelia better hustle home and look out for this little guy and her Isa. He is very advanced for his age. LOL
It looks like Mirna is not stupid when it comes to blackmailing people. She's got Concho and Elvira wrapped around her fingers.
The scene with Fernando's little wingman singing was cute. I think this episode needed that.
It would serve her right if he just threw up his hands and walked away until she grew up but he won't. It is a twist of the usual novela plots where the female character does all the suffering while the guy bops on through life with few scars until the HEA.
I wpould not wsnt to be in Elvirus' shoes when the truth comes out.
I actually hope Justo will rip her a new asshole but he may be too diplomatic to do so.
Fernando & Justo are the smartest characters on this show.
I would love it if next time I hear the line "me quiero morir" in a tn, somebody responds, "Well, die then!"
Coloso says he's been with Maria through thick and thin and that he's loyal - really? Then what was all that shtupping he was doing with Elvira? And what about wanting to make Maria happy regardless of her choice?
The street kid told Fernando his name and said they call him "Jalisquito" but can't remember what his real name is. I just hope he doesn't say hello to another little girl at his new school and Isa throws a fit and tells him "I never want to see you again!" and starts the fourth cycle of jump-to-conclusions-unwilling-to-listen females of the Mendoza household.
The doctor said Maria shouldn't be told about the baby, but when Santos said Maria hates lies, I thought I heard her (the doc) say, "If she insists, of course we must tell her the truth." At least, that's what I think she said.
Oscar deserves to be raked over the coals by the entire band. He also needs a shrink to determine why he refuses to listen to anyone trying to tell him that Maria will never love him as he wants her to.
Little Jalisco might fare better with Isa since she is not a Mendoza and has seen how stupidly her sisters act. Someone should tell the pair of them that the only woman in history who ever had a chance of getting a guy who hadn't kissed someone else was Eve.
Coloso is the worst because, as has been mentioned, he was boinking Elvira while simultaneously swearing everlasting love to Maria. I felt some sympathy for Coloso at first for his unrequited love, but as soon as it was revealed that he was getting it on with Elvira, all that sympathy went out the window.
Unless he has a Madonna/Whore complex, which is possible.
I suspect he was closing his eyes and picturing Maria while he was boinking Elvira, which must have royally ticked her off when she realized it.
It would be different if Coloso was sleeping with Elvira and cut it off when he started to pursue Maria. But he saw no reason to do that. He cries with unrequited love for Maria while getting into Elvira's pants regularly. Boo hoo we feel so sorry for him! LOL. That's why he has no chance with Maria and why he doesn't deserve any sympathy. Old fashioned courtship (or even not-so-old-fashioned!), he was doing it wrong!
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