Monday, July 01, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #56 (Mex 83.2-84) Monday 7/1/13

Capitulo 83, Part 2: Todo es Perdido (por el momento)

JNTR Rooftop: While Roddy and Paloma are making up elsewhereMaria accuses Santos of not trusting her with the truth. She has conveniently forgotten that she had shut him down from doing so more than once. He admits to having abused her faith in him [Santos, that was a big mistake] but that he never lied about his feelings for her. He wants a chance to prove his innocence to her before the authorities.  However, this isn't cutting any ice with Maria, who tells him in no uncertain terms that she wants him out of her life and the lives of her family and Rodrigo. She turns away, pauses, then takes off the engagement ring and casts it to the ground at his feet.

JNTR Clubroom: Maria is now on stage singing “Historia de un Amor”. Santos picks up the ring, looks at it for a few seconds, then throws it away. [You have really lost it, Santos, considering that you probably don't have any cash on you.] He pauses at the edge of the roof and we flies on the wall almost lose it. Maria finishes the song, then sits down on stage in tears. Pinchi begins philosophizing to the waiter and we see Santos on the gallery pausing at the Moon/Sun stained glass window. We hear an old song as Fernando approaches Santos asking him what happened. Santos tells him it's done. He doesn't go into details and doesn't want to. He still needs to clear his name and won't ask him to help because he doesn't want to risk his life, too. “I am a body without a soul, without a heart, without love” he says, although he doesn't look remotely like a zombie to us.

Maria's Dressing Room: Ana and Lety aren't making this any easier for Maria as she shows them the newspaper photo of Santos. Maria is asking how she can stop loving him and Lety goes on about how Santos/Jorge Alfredo, whoever-he-is nor any other man is worthy of even one of her tears. She goes on about how she expected their love to have a happy ending. Ana tells her that no love has a happy ending; Lety at least asks whether Maria allowed Santos to explain himself. She told her no and that they are finished. Ana looks satisfied over this.

Dive Bar: As “El Ultimo Trago” plays in the background, Santos and Fernando enter. Fernando tries to give him a pep talk, telling him he didn't survive a sabotaged plane, several attempts on his life, and La Bestia to now be giving up and spiraling down into depression. The answer is that he's lost his motive to survive. Fernando tells him he has to keep fighting to the very end. Santos looks up briefly at an image of the Virgen before saying he's lost his mother and the love of his life, so what is there left? He grabs a bottle off a passing waiter's tray, leaving Fernando to do damage control, saying he'll cover the replacement. Santos pours himself a shot and Fernando really gets worried, saying “I've never seen you like this.” Santos finally says, he's drinking to the end of it, the death of Jorge Alfredo Vargas, Santos Martinez de la Garza, and a beautiful love. Fernando watches, worried.

Capitulo 84: Bacchus Receives Too Much Tribute

Dive Bar: Santos continues to drink from the bottle itself with Fernando realizing he will end up carrying him out of there.

Maria's Dressing Room: Ana sings that same song again (Todo los hombres son eguales). Maria resolves to swear off men. Maria packs up the makeup case and decides to leave; she can't take it any more.

Dive Bar: Fernando tries to talk sense into Santos, who isn't listening.

JNTR Bar: Maria enters, still in her red stage finery and asks for a bottle of tequila and to have it put on her account. We know she doesn't drink. To the shocked reaction of Concho, she sits at a table by herself and forces down two shots.

Dive: Santos has finished half the bottle or more [In truth if he drank that much he'd die of alcohol poisoning before the end of the next scene].

JNTR Bar: Mirna enters and Concho asks her what's up with Maria. She tells him she'll find out.  She approaches Pinchi who tells her to leave Maria alone; "she's drowning her sorrows". Mirna makes some noise about the public as Maria pours herself another shot and sings “Fallaste Corazón”. She starts crying. Music begins, but probably in her head and she finishes the song as though she were on stage. She's almost halfway through the bottle. The audience and staff applaud.

Dive: Santos finishes the bottle.

JNTR Bar: Several female customers invite Maria to join them. She's not in the mood, but Mirna tells her she is obliged to be nice to customers, so she does. Someone orders a bottle and they drink.

Dive: The two men drink (the last two shots) to the women who have suffered their lies. Santos gets up, but he is no condition to be allowed to leave alone and Fernando forces him back into his seat. We hear Maria in the background singing “Ojala que te vayas bonito” as Fernando forces Santos to his feet and they leave.

JNTR Bar: The four rubias and Maria continue to drink. [Isn't this where Maria should be singing “Rata de dos Patas”?] Pinchi and Homerito comment that they have never seen Maria drink before, as does Concho when Mirna tells him she doesn't know what this is about. However, these women are drinking a lot and of the best stuff. Irasema watches with concern.

Pensión: Santos is on the verge of a crying jag, telling Fernando that when he went to his mother's deathbed the only thing that kept him going was Maria's love. “What am I going to do now without her love, condemned for something I didn't do?” Fernando is no saint, but he certainly has the patience of one here as Santos collapses across his lap.

JNTR Bar: It looks like Maria and her new friends are on for the night. She talks about being deceived, the others commiserate.  They ask her to sing. Homerito doesn't help this situation by going on about handsome men and their lies.

Musicians' Dressing Room: Oscar and the guys seem to be trying out a song when Pinchi and Homerito enter to call his attention to Maria's crisis. They tell him she's killed three bottles so far.  Oscar is shocked, demanding to know whom she is drinking with. Instead of telling him that Maria is drinking with four female customers Pinchi tells him that El Pochito had been there earlier and this provides us with yet another occasion that Oscar cannot manage his reactions. He grabs Pinchi by the throat and demands to know who Maria is drinking with. He should just go out into the bar, but Pinchi gets away so he grabs Homerito. Mirna comes to the rescue here, ordering them out into the bar to accompany Maria. They start playing and Maria sings "La Chancla" about lost love [possibly the only kind of song we will hear for a while]. Despite being completely wasted she doesn't miss a note.

Pensión: Fernando tries to convince Santos to have faith in himself. Irasema gets back from work and takes a shot at this while Fernando takes a break. Santos tells her that Maria discovered his secret.

JNTR Bar: The four ladies want to hire Maria for a serenata and Oscar is not down with this. He has never seen her drunk before and is upset about it, trying to tell her she'll not perform well in that condition. She isn't buying that and doesn't need to feel worse. One of the rubias says that if Maria doesn't come with the band, the deal is off.  This degenerates into an argument about “El Pochito” which the entire establishment can hear. Inappropriately, he tells her he can make her happy and she tells him with many “nuncas” that she will never love him. One of the rubias suggests they celebrate as we hear Don Chente in the background singing “El Rey”.

Pensión: Santos continues to cry as he explains the rest to Irasema. She tells him she came to the barque de “Cruz de Olvido” and to the point where there were no days and only nights. But she's here now and he can make it through this.  He thinks he has lost everything.

Street: Maria and the rubias are in a car [most ill-advised]. She takes out Santos' picture to show them; two comment on how handsome he is. One says they'll drink to “tu maldito amor” and all cheer. [Don't know about Mexico, but here in the US you'd be stopped and put in the drunk tank if caught with bottles in hand in a car.]

JNTR, Streetfront: Oscar exits the bar with the rest of the band following him. They get into the mariachimobile [When did Fernando return it to him?] and take off for the serenata.

Pensión: Santos strips the bed, leaves the teddy bear on it, and comes downstairs with a sack (presumably of whatever he didn't take before) in one hand and the traje and sombrero in the other. He bids farewell to Prudencia and Remedios, telling them they were like family to him. Prudencia doesn't understand, but he tells them Maria has rejected him and won't listen. He has lost hope.

Outside a Garden Apartment: The band plays as the mujeres enganadas continue to drink. Oscar sings “Esclavo y Amo”. Another woman comes out of the building and hugs one of the darker-haired females in the group. Maria looks a bit amused as she takes another drink and they all enter the building, Oscar following Maria as closely as he can.

Pensión Courtyard: The two wise sisters try to tell Santos that all is not lost. He kisses them goodbye and both do the blessing. Prudencia cries as he departs.

Garden Apt: Maria sings “El Jinete” as she continues to drink. Oscar looks more worried every second. This is intercut with scenes of Santos pausing before the mural of the Virgen, then walking off into the night and being stalked by criminals. More booze flows.


Historia de un Amor

Ya no estas mas a mi lado corazon
En el alma solo tengo soledad
Y si ya no puedo verte
Porque Dios me hizo quererte
Para hacerme sufrir mas
Siempre fuiste la razon de mi existir
Adorarte para mi fue religion
Y en tus besos yo encontraba
El amor que me brindaba
El calor de tu pasion
Es la historia de un amor como no habra otro igual
Que me hizo comprender todo el bien todo el mal
Que le dio luz a mi vida
Apagandola despues
Ay que noche tan obscura
Todo se me han de volver

Fallaste Corazón

Y tu que te creias
el rey de todo el mundo
y tu que nunca fuiste
capas de perdonar
y cruel y despiadado
de todo te reias
hoy imploras cariño
aunque sea por piedad.

A donde esta el orgullo
a donde esta el coraje
porque hoy que estas vencido
mendigas caridad
ya vez que no es lo mismo
amar que ser amado
hoy que estas acabado
que lastima me das.

Maldito corazon me alegro
que ahora sufras
que llores y te humilles
ante este gran amor
la vida es la ruleta
en que apostamos todos
y a ti te habia tocado
no mas la de ganar
pero hoy tu buena suerte
la espalda te ha volteado
fallaste corazon
no vuelvas a apostar.

Maldito corazon me alegro
que ahora sufras
que llores y te humilles
ante este gran amor
la vida es la ruleta
en que apostamos todos
y a ti te habia tocado
no mas la de ganar
pero hoy tu buena suerte
la espalda te ha volteado
fallaste corazon
no vuelvas a apostar.

La Chancla

Creiyas que no había de hallar
Amor como el que perdí,
Tan al pelo lo jallé
Que ni me acuerdo de ti.
Una sota y un caballo,
Burlarse querían de mí, ¡hay!
Mal haya quien dijo miedo
Si para morir nací.
Amigos, le contaré
Una acción particular.
Si me "queren" se querer,
Si me olvidan se olvidar.
Nomás un orgullo tengo,
Que a nadien le se rogar, ¡ay!,
Que la chancla que yo tiro
No la vuelvo a levantar.

Esclavo y Amo

No sé, qué tienen tus ojos.
No sé, que tiene tu boca,
que domina mis antojos,
y a mi sangre vuelve loca.

No sé, cómo fui a quererte,
y cómo te fui adorando,
me siento morir mil veces,
cuando no te estoy mirando.

De noche cuando me acuesto,
a Dios le pido olvidarte,
y al amanecer despierto,
tan sólo para adorarte.

Qué influencia tienen tus labios,
que cuando me besan tiemblo,
y hacen que me sienta,
esclavo y amo, del universo.

De noche cuando me acuesto,
a Dios le pido olvidarte,
y al amanecer despierto,
tan sólo para adorarte.

Qué influencia tienen tus labios,
que cuando me besan tiemblo,
y hacen que me sienta,
esclavo y amo, del universo.

El Jinete

Por la lejana montaña
va cabalgando un jinete
vaga solito en el mundo
y va deseando la muerte

lleva en el pecho una herida
va con su alma destrozada
quisiera perder la vida
y reunirse con su amada

la queria mas que a su vida
y la perdio para siempre
por eso lleva una herida
por eso busca la muerte

con su guitara cantando
se pasa noches enteras
hombre y guitara llorando
a la luz de las estrellas

despues se pierde en la noche
y aunque la noche es muy bella
el va piendole a Dios
que se lo lleve con ella

la queria mas que a su vida
y la perdio para siempre
por eso lleva una herida
por eso busca la muerte

por eso lleva una herida
por eso busca la muerte


El ultimo adios?


I wonder how many novela writers saw John Belushi down a full bottle of Jack Daniels during Animal House back in the 70s. This is a dangerous cliche and really should be retired.

gracias for the lyrics. I don't know the titles and can't catch enough of the words to even put together a good google search.

You mention that we won't likely hear anything except lost love songs for a while...

Are there actually any of these songs about happy couples with lasting (non-obsessive) loves?

Is there a difference between "mariachi music" and these songs, ranchera, right?

Thanks so much UA!

Wow Maria! For someone who not accustomed of drinking you've done a great job of it!

Not only she can stand up straight after THREE!! bottles of tequila (??) but can sing perfectly. Not a small acomplishment!
And JAntos is three sheets to the wind after one lousy bottle which he not even drank all alone?

At least it was a fun episode :)

Over here if they caught you drinking in a car or even if there is no sign of alcohol but you failed the alcohol test because of pervious drinking you'll get a hell of a fine and take your license as well
The authorities just tightened the law on this.

BTW I didn't get the last part when that woman came out of the building and hug one of the drunk ones, was it what I think it was?

Really, writers? With all the (telenovela cliches) signs of pregnancy you have stupid Maria get drunk on not one, not two, but three bottles of booze? Really?

I was wondering, too, whether one or more of these women were gay, but we were set up for that in that episode several weeks ago when the guys didn't realize their client that evening was gay. However, when I watched last night and several of the women looked at the photo and commented that Santos was handsome, I think the woman in the apartment is another mujer enganada. Maria is considered one of that sisterhood now.

Ranchera is a sub-genre of mariachi music with probably a more specific structure and subject matter list.

There are happy songs about love. Pablo recorded one called "Este Noche Voy a Verla" in which he sings about proposing to his lady. It was composed by Juan Gabriel. However, I think the sad songs outnumber those because it makes for better music.

Just like in opera.

The drinking was bothering me, too. Maria doesn't know she's pregnant; she's ignoring the signs. Amalia will go into a panic over this. While I wish they would someday make an example of somebody by having the baby have fetal alcohol syndrome, I hope this isn't the time (It should have been the Merry Piece of LFDD).

With the Mendoza genes, how could you tell if the baby had fetal alcohol syndrome?

I fear we are now in for a long slog of sad songs and self pity. Maria really is an idiot, now she won't even listen to the wenches. I detest women who turn themselves into martyrs and make everything bad all about them. Maria really is riding that train. Somehow she also ignored Fernando when he told her she fell in love with the man not his name or social position. Instead of focusing on what Santos didn't do she should think of what he did do, how he treated her, her mother and her sisters but no it's all about a name.

I was surprised that Ana was back on the all men are the same broom. I thought she and Fernando had worked things out. Then again perhaps both she and Fernando decided this isn't the time to tell the weepers and moaners about it.

God help us I hope we don't see Santos crawl into a bottle of tequila for next few weeks. Just as Maria needs to learn to listen he needs to buck up and not go crawling to her. I think that in tossing the ring away he symbolically threw away his life as Jose Alfredo, the mariachi and will return to his roots as Santos.

I thought when he packed up all the Maria sheets and the suit that he would give them to the old ladies to return to Maria. Obviously the previews indicate he will take them back himself and set himself up for another dose of haranguing from St. Maria and her mother. He really is a glutton for punishment.

Hate the drinking, it's so cliched but I'm often surprised that pregnant characters will have a drink, usually early on and Maria doesn't know she is pregnant. Perhaps when she finds out she will suffer a few moments of panic but somehow I fear not.


Decie, you're dead right about that. How could a career criminal be the sort of man Santos was to Maria's family despite the smother's apprehension about "who is he, really?" Why would such a woman expect her law-student daughter to choose anything less for herself than she is working to become? That makes no logical sense.

But Amalia doesn't operate on logic.

Maria is more her mother's daughter than is good for her. She isn't seeing that it was necessary for Santos to hide his real identity for her protection as well as for his own.

I also agree that it would be very bad plot-wise to have to watch Santos crawl into the tequila bottle for the next three or four weeks. We're at the midpoint of the series with two bad guys dead and two at large with a Godfather breathing down both their necks and a couple of loose cannons.

We also have an intelligent and understanding father on the way, so I hope Justo goes to the pension first and failing that to the bar to locate Fernando.

I keep wondering if Justo knows that Santos escaped.

One good thing about moving the focus of the story to the DF is that w should finally be clear of anymore Derecho and Goofy scenes. And i wonder if Trampira;s theft will be discovered and the geyoch foced to do real work.

UA--You captured the mood and the action...and the analysis perfectly. Thank you. And the photo of Maria is stunning.

I do not condone drinking to excess in any situation, but this took it to ridiculous and dangerous heights. Either Mexican men and women are better at holding their liquor than other cultures or this was way over the top. I'm surprised Maria could even stand up on her own.

The girls shouldn't have been out driving, but one of them did say, as she passed up another round that she was driving that evening. I don't know if it was the same one behind the wheel or not.

JS came about as close to looking like the JS of LQNPA in certain scenes last night, that I know it's still inside him there somewhere to be a terrific actor.

Whew, I'm glad we saw the avance or I would have been sure he passed on the suit, hat, sheets and other memorabilia to the street people. As sad as he is, that would have been inexcusable and immature.

Who babysits Rodrigo while his dad is keeping late hours at the bar and then going on serenatas? Juan?

Decie, UA, irisz7u9 and everybody else commenting, ITA, on the same page--grateful that you all said it for me.

UA--Best quote, "But Amalia doesn't work on logic."

Jorge Alfredo--Best quote, "I am a body without a soul, without a heart, without love,..." [It sounds better in Spanish]

UA, best zinger, "..although he doesn't look remotely like a zombie to us.

What Lety said to Maria--did she at least let him explain himself--is going to come back to haunt Maria later. As far as I'm concerned, it's grovel time. Santos, though, is so desperately in love with Maria he'd be willing to forgive her just by her opening her mouth and saying, oooops, sorry. No, she needs to grovel, big time, pregnant or not; Amalia, Coloso, Lety, Ana, Ruben breathing foetid air down her neck or not.

Sorry girl, you don't treat a man you told you will love forever and would follow to the ends of the earth the way you did without letting him do some explaining.



I think what some of us find so unforgivable in Bonita Not's behavior is that she is doing immediately, within days, of Santos losing his mother. She also knows how much he loved his mother becuae he told her so. She has to know he is absolutely cruhed but it sure hasn't stopped her from dumping on him because her own little feelings are hurt. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy, and certainly not the the love of my life.

I do so hope that when he delievers the suit he doesn't try and explain, that he hand it over, ignore her rant with cheerleader mom on the side and just walk out with all the dignity he can sum up. I'm just vbitchy enough to wish he'd do it wearing an Armani suitl LOL

The drinking was over the top. Nobody can consume that amount of alcohol without getting incredibly sick or dying.

I just wondered what Ruben will do when he realizes that Maria is pregnant.

Santos is beyond thinking in terms of dignity. He's still wasted and I seriously think something is going to happen to him before the next sunrise.

Hello your recaps UA...always on...I cannot believe Maria would not listen to the man she loves til the end of time...but listens to all the other jerks around her....well we need to tighten our beanies and get ready for the ride.....BNinCA

All along we've said Wendy would not care for Maria and now I for one wouldn't blame her if she despised the girl. If anyone hurt my brother like Maria has and is hurting Santos I'd be up in arms.

Wendy knows how much Bruno and her betrayal hurt Santos and this added on top is too much. It will be most interesting to see how that meeting goes down.

If I were writing this I'd have Maria or blabbermouth Isa see Santos shopping with Wendy for baby clothes and because Maria is the Mexican version of Einstein immediately assume that he has a wife and a pregnant one at that. Particularly galling if Maria discovers her own condition.

If blockhead Amalia has already sensed that Maria is embarazada, Maria realizing it can't be far behind. I really hate this cliche of the virginal heroine getting pregnant first lap out of the gate.

I dearly hope nobody assumes that Wendy is another woman in Santos' life. She is his sister and that would not be difficult for anyone to find out. Hell, Fernando knows.

Justo needs to do something here. Maybe someone will listen to him since Fernando is not welcome at the Mendoza abode.

Probably too late to add anything, but the recap was very well done. Despite the excessive drinking, there was some good music in this episode. I especially liked "El Jinete" with the scenes of JAntos walking the streets.

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