Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #81 , Monday 1 July. One small step for the lips, one giant leap for the plot.

In brief, and out of order:

Valentina puts Chatita to sleep with her retelling of the boring Queen and Lackey story. In Val's version, a wicked witch put a spell on the Queen and that is why she married the Evile One. Vero wakes Chatita and yanks the Ayudante doll out of her hands.

Elías invites Marisela for an evening out. When he picks her up, Vero is rude and condescending to the young gold-digger. Like she's any better. El and Mari go to a fancy restaurant, where Marisilly stages her usual act of what she thinks sophisticated rich people act like, with the usual abysmal success. Elías looks like he's starting to doubt the tale she's spinning, with her reminiscences of dining at Big Ben and taking a cruise in the fjords of Alaska.

Pato answers Rogue's tragically booty-free call, considerately dressed as a nun so as not to incite an uprising amongst his oppressed lower levels. He irritably puts up with her heckling over his many problems, but then he drops a bomb: he's been ousted from Avon, and his salary isn't coming with him. So buh-bye Sugar Daddy, hello Nine To Five for our Paticakes. She'll have to cut costs; probably give up her expensive apartment. Pato is outraged. WORK?! HER?! What about his other businesses? Well, turns out he had to give up his other TOTALLY LEGITIMATE businesses when he was arrested. No connection, surely.

At a chic club, Julio enthusiastically introduces the new singing sensation, Natasha! The crowd is dead. What is with club audiences in this town? First poor Yvonne, now this? He tries again and gets a few pity golf claps. Natasha, who curiously has Xochi's face and figure, clad in a blingy fancy red gown and gloves and a dark wig, takes the stage. She starts timidly, but quickly gains confidence and belts out a spectacular number. The audience loves her. They throw roses and call for an encore, which Julio talks her into doing. Later, he escorts Xochi home, thrilled by her success and blooming persona. He tries to convince her to perform again the next night and embrace the self-assurance her success will bring. Then he tells her he loves her. Well, that kills the mood. Xochi timidly tells him she wishes she could return the sentiment. He leaves, quite hurt, and she goes inside and finds her mother unconscious.

Now on to the main event:

In the hotel in Toluca, Jesús musters his courage, knocks on Alma's door, and tells her they have to talk. He's being all bold and direct and using his best bodice-ripper voice, which seems to be freaking Alma out a bit. She's clearly picking up the seduction vibe he's putting down, so she gets all nervous and tells him he should leave. Well, our Juicy Hero knows a few things about negotiating, so he agrees and walks away like he'll just go find another used car or Turkish rug somewhere else. He makes it to the door before she stops him. It looks like they'll finally talk. I don't know what it is...his funeral director suit? Her dress that was made by Scarlett O'Hara out of the bedspread at a cheesy Vegas hotel? Anyway, something's holding them back, and Alma just says good night and closes the door.

Then, of course, they have to emote on opposite sides of the door and swoon about their past smoochies. At once, like they're sharing a brain, they both turn around, the door is opened, and 3-2-1 CONTACT!!! For the record, Alma started it, and it goes on in a lengthy and passionate fashion, all through the commercial break. When we rejoin them, they're still groping and locking lips and closing the door and making their way to the bed. Right as they're about to take their tango horizontal, Alma snaps out of it and turns away, and they both stand there frozen.

Alma wails that she HATES infidelity. Hay-soooos just doesn't understand! He asks, with a tinge of sarcasm, why this should be any different from their other kisses that didn't "count". Alma flounces over to the sofa and cries, but Jesús is a skilled Drama Queen Whisperer, and he sweet-talks her and wipes off her tears and nuzzles her neck until soon they are en flagrante snoggero again. He's being so bold and direct, I hardly recognize him. Where is the nervous waffler Alma fell in love with? Not here. Alma breaks away again and insists that she doesn't love him. Chucho agrees. If she loved him, she wouldn't have married the Evile Rogue. That doesn't stop him from continuing to hold her hands and kiss her neck while she gasps and heaves, though.

Alma tells Jesús that if he had just said something sooner, everything would be different. Oh, sure, this is all his fault. They confess to each other how they thought of making a move on her wedding day, and how it all went wrong. Alma gets all angry again thinking about the marriage proposal and kiss with Vero she observed.

Avances: What happens in Toluca doesn't stay in Toluca? Will Alma actually tell Rogue he's being dethroned?


Apologies if I didn't do justice to the grand romantic developments. Mostly I was just snickering through the scenes with Alma and Hay-soooos, especially in the beginning, when he was being all low-voiced Casanova, and then through all her panting.

My excuse for anything and everything is that I'm melting. This heat wave has even reached Seattle!


Excellent, excellent recap! So funny too. I loved your name for Hay-Sooos as in Drama Queen Whisperer! I too wonder where he was at instead of the waffler all this time. He sure was putting the moves on Alma and I really thought she was going to cave. It was just like a bodice ripper, lol. At least she knows how he really feels now how is that going to work back at Avon?

I loved Xochi's transformation into Natasha, and what a terrific voice she has! I am glad she is doing this. I hope she continues, it can do so much for her self esteem. Now what is wrong with her Mama?

Maricela is digging herself in deeper, about the rich bidness, the more she speaks. I had to laugh when Elias was letting the wine breathe, before he tasted it and she had no clue what that was. At least if she wanted to pretend to be rich, she should have done some research. Fijords in Alaska, bwwwaaaaa.

Julia you deserve something very tall with lots of ice for this great recap. This is one crummy summer...you're getting the heat wave, we can't stop the rain EVERY DAY!.
Truth be told once the various couplets starting going, that was pretty much the plot. But I have to admit, I was far more thrilled and interested in seeing Xochi than the back and forth with our fearsome twosome. Add me to those who hate the heavy breathing. Just a little much Alma-- but bless her, being all emotional isn't Blanca's strong suit, so I cut her slack. At least after all the endless dancing around, they cut to the chase with her admitting why she got married ( which was stupid in itself, but this is a TN - rule 14 says you go thru with the loveless marriage when you misunderstand your sweeties overtones to someone else. )

As for our little starlet--oh, how I wish we could see Xochi look like that period (and hear her sing more). Lovely what Julio did, but springing the I love you...I felt it was just too soon for her. This may be mean, but I was sort of hoping her momma was a goner. It would really lead to Xochi taking those next steps of confidence and independence. Guess we'll see.

As for Mari--hate this whole Elias/Mari thing. There's nothing there. No chemistry, they look just wrong, and her act is not even endearing. Someone slap him out of it.


Was this a dream sequence between Alma and Jesus...seemed a bit contrived to me.

Go Zo chee.

Julia, thanks for the "in brief" recap. I sure have to hand it to you because I didn't know if I was going to make it through the Jesús Alma part of the show. I am not prone to violence but I wanted to slap her already!!! Well, this SHOULD move things along if Alma doesn't get all wishy-washy again. Also, Xochi has got to loose the braid already.


I think I meant "lose" the braid but "loosening" it would probably work too!


I stopped watching a while ago, but I had to read the recap because the title was so funny. (And now I think I should start watching the show again...even if it's only on UVideos.)

Julia, your wit and snark has always amazed me. This recap is just full of great lines...

... tragically booty-free call...

...gets a few pity golf claps.

... walks away like he'll just go find another used car or Turkish rug somewhere else.

Then, of course, they have to emote on opposite sides of the door...

...soon they are en flagrante snoggero again.

Thanks for a great start to my day.

Julia- Great recap! There was really no need to go into more detail, because there really wasn't a lot to the episode, although with two major events (Xochi's singing debut, and Alma and Jesus finally speaking the truth), it should have been a HUGE episode. Somehow, the direction, editing, and acting (Alma) made it fall flat.

I was super happy for Xochi. I wish the writers hadn't ruined it so soon with her rejecting Julio's declaration of love, and finding her mama unconscious (could she be faking?). It was weird how the camera kept focusing on her gloved hand during her singing. QTH?

As for the Alma/Jesus scene...their dream sequences ring truer than that whole real hotel room scene. Perhaps had Jesus not been such a weak waffler the last 80 episodes, him suddenly turning into a bodice ripper seducer wouldn't seem so jarring and unbelievable. But it just felt like he had a personality transplant. (FC is very good at bodice ripper though.) And Alma...what can I say. Blanca tried. But some acting coach by now should have broken her out of the habit of playing "turned on/flustered" by panting heavily with her eyes closed and mouth half open. Save that for the actually lovemaking scenes. I did appreciate that they FINALLY got the whole truth out about how they feel about each other, and why neither of them stopped her wedding.

Daisynjay- Elias is a nearly 40-year old man, going through a divorce and a life crisis. A cute 20-something is fawning all over him. I am not surprised that he keeps taking Mari out on dates. But I’m sure the novelty will wear off soon enough, as her immaturity and fakeness wear on him.

Thanks so much Julia. I kept half expecting Alma to send Jésus packing without letting him speak. I kept shouting at Jésus-USE YOUR WORDS! Repeat after me "TE-A-M0" But as the announcer said this TN has entered a"nueva etapa" so finally the truth has been spoken.

Xochi/Natasha was wonderful. I was surprised by her rebuff of Julio at the door. She has seemed to be warming to him. I wonder what's up with her mother.

As usual Paty & Rogue were funny together. Imagine if Paty really does have to try to find a job.

More rain today. When will it stop????

Oh No! The numbers are back in the verification box. I can never read those numbers.


Thanks, Julia! Wonderful recap -- I think I can substitute it for the actual episode, although I may have to dip in to see Xochi's outfit.

And it's stopped raining for a minute! Everybody run outside!

Guera, YES!! Hate those numbers. I may be slightly on the upcoming senior citizen side, but dang, could they make those things any smaller? And fuzzy?

Vivi, I think the aspect of Elias and Mari that bothers me the most is that they are so MEH on screen. I've seen some TN's and shows with this age difference, and you can almost start cheering for the couple they just light up the screen so much. These two -- not so much.

Watch Alma give Pati a job at Avon...

Oh, and I only caught the end of the scene with Chatita and Vero. Forgot to ask....was Chatita taking Vero to task because she was bad-mouthing Mari as a SecretariO, and reminding her that was what Chucho was? Didn't quite get all that....

Yes; Vero was snidely asking how Eli could fall in love with that nothing little secretary, and Chatita taunted her a bit by saying of course he finds Mari appealing, she's *young*, and it isn't at all unusual for a secretaria or a *secretario* to fall in love with the boss, ahem.

I wonder what's wrong with Barb. Could she really be gone? Will she need a kidney transplant? Will she confess to Xochi about her origins? Or will she just use her illness to guilt Xochi into compliance to avoid upsetting her?

Thank you for the excellent recap. Sorry I've been lurking and not commenting for so long.

Maybe Xochi's mom accidentally poisoned herself when she had to (horrors!) cook for herself.

Julia, you did plenty of justice to the grand romantic developments, such as they were. It's so much less annoying when it's a five-minute read rather than an hour-long slog with commercials.

Though I can't complain about the outcome. I didn't think they'd get around to comparing notes on their wedding-day antics until around episode 178. I am QUITE ready for the next stage to begin.

The only thing I really enjoyed last night was Xochi and Julio at the nightclub. And coming home to find her mother on the floor. I wonder if Barbara's faking - her sick idea of a joke to punish Xochi for leaving her alone. I like Emilia's theory that she poisoned herself with bad cooking, too. Or perhaps she starved.

It is not so hot here this week, but the dew point is about half a degree less than the air temperature, so everything is sticky. It's not really hot enough for AC to run constantly, and I still don't have a new dehumidifier yet (the old one died a couple of weeks ago), so... so I'm in the mood for something CRISP and last night's episode was not it.

And Marisela's rich-girl shtick has really gone beyond its time. She's made an ass of herself so many times already that it's hard to fathom why she wouldn't do a little research before her next brag. At least look at a map of the world to find out which ones are the cities and which ones are the countries and why you can't see Alaska and Norway on the same cruise.

FINALLY!!!! And that’s exactly what I shouted (with all my windows and door open) when Alma and Jesus kissed for real. Fernando is back.

Nice bit of acting on FC’s part when he was explaining to Alma that he didn’t approach her that day because she looked so happy and she told him why. I liked the look of surprise on his face and his immediately jumping up and saying “que!?”

Yay for Xochi. She really got into it. Julio moved too quickly, though.

Is Mom faking it?

I’m sorry, but it makes no sense to me why Mari cannot manage acting rich and sophisticated. I could do it just from the movies I’ve seen. Plus, if she really wanted to pull it off, she would have done her homework.

Didn’t realize that Pato would be SOL until last night. Oh boy!!!

Looks like I’m the only one who enjoyed this ep ;)


I'm entirely sure I could do a better job than Mari of acting worldly and rich and sophisticated. She's just kinda stupid. Hasn't she realized that being "rich" doesn't necessarily mean you have to have been everywhere and seen everything. Just pick your narrative, study up on it, and stick to it! Anything outside of that, either act like you've just never gotten around to it, or you aren't interested. Heaven knows there are plenty of rich people's kids in the world who haven't got a clue about anything, but people who are secure in their status don't have to pretend.

Who here suspects that Mad Marta, or maybe eventually Marisilly, will pretend to be pregnant in order to trap Elias, not knowing that he is sterile?

My vote is Marta. Haven't missed her at all...

Julia, I could see that as a real possibility since none of the telenovela women/men ever seem to use birth control. They aren't ignorant so is it the passion of the moment that forever rules their lives?? If they really wanted to play the religion card ie. no birth control would not they just abstain ??? Is sex without protection a recurring telenovela theme? I haven't seen too many telenovelas but there are always a couple unexpected pregnancies. So, I am sure there will be unexpected pregnancies in this one.

Funny thing about the sterility. Is sterility a recurring theme in these telenovelas??? In PESE there also was a character that was sterile: Plutarco.


Telenovelas with young characters usually contain some PSAs about using protection. Usually some characters are totally careless, though, or their precautions fail, so we still get the drama of unplanned pregnancies. In Amorcito Corazón, one character (Zoe) got pregnant even though she had an IUD. And then, of course, we also have antagonists who get pregnant on purpose, or who aren't pregnant but pretend they are.

Pati and Rogue must be preventing pregnancy somehow. I'm a little surprised she hasn't tried playing a pregnancy card to try to force him into choosing her...maybe she's all too aware it might not work.

Elilia- Great new pic of the grandbaby! So cute!

Typing to fast. That's Emilia. :)

Julia, I sure enjoyed your recap and I got many laughs starting with your hilarious title. You're such a clever girl, even when you're melting.

Emilia, Xochi's mom poisoning herself...hee! You always have the funniest one-liners.

Güera, I usually ignore the word verification box. I hit "publish" without putting anything in the box and my comments still get published.

We all know Bárbara doesn't cook, if she poisoned herself it was because she bit her tongue, LOL!

(didn't work for me, I clicked publish ignoring the captchas and didn't appear) ;-(

Emilia, so wonderful to hear from you. I feel better just knowing you are lurking out there!!

Thanks Julia for clearing that scene up. Not like anything registers with Vero for long. But if she wants to get rid of Elias so badly, curious she cares who he dates. I shouldn't try to think like her, I'll wind up making myself sick.

Omg on 1st of July on my birthday, the kisses and this big scene we all waited , come on Alma and Jesus :)))

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