Monday, July 08, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS, Week of July 8, 2013

Here's a fresh page for this week's conversations.  Enjoy!

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I started watching Dama y Obrero and now I'm hooked. I haven't watched a Telemundo novela from beginning to end since Gitanas and I think that was about 10 years ago. So far my novela beanie isn't getting a huge workout, not like Corazon Indomable where the beanie has a vise-like grip.

I also saw the first episode of Marido en Aquiler On Demand and I was very impressed with Sonya Smith. The only thing I didn't like was that the villian Teresa Cristina acts way over the top. So it looks like I'll be watching that one too. I don't know how I'll juggle 3 of them

Marido en alquiler - the villain is played by Maritza Rodriguez, her villains are always pretty broad (pretty broads), real gleeful lip smackers.


Yay!! Another DYO watcher! Welcome to the (very small) club, Sue!

Just had to add that I'm getting a strong sense that there will be a "pity noviazgo" (or even a pity boda?) between Oleg and Margarita, just like there was in CME between Adri and the guy with the brain tumor. Which bites because I HATE that kind of storyline--anything that has to do with deceiving someone who is terminally ill is a total turn-off for me. And Marge is so sweet, she totally deserves some real happiness!


Hi Amy–Margarita does have a crush on Oleg. I thought during a scene with the two of them that she was channeling her inner 14 yr old.

I have two or three more episodes to go before I'm caught up. Tomás just drank a whole bottle of whiskey and I saw the flashback of Estela causing Gina to fall down the stairs. Reuben and Lupita are a definite "beanie couple": of course in a novela the brother of the protagonista would meet the sister of the galán. Small world.

Is Gina's use of English words and phrases to remind me this takes place in the US?

DAMA Y OBRERO - LUNES 7/8, part 1

Margarita is seriously p****d off that no one chose to tell her she has cancer. Ignacia is mortified that she was the one to unwittingly deliver the news. Gina begs Marge to understand that Pedro hid the news from her so she wouldn’t suffer (!!!!), but Marge wants to march to the construction site and confront him. Mireya, hearing the ruckus outside, rolls into this conversation.

Ruben is blowing off Lupita again, he’s busy with work and that’s why he hasn’t called. He’s a little thrown off by the fact that Pedro is her brother, but not thrown off enough to derail the planting of the “stolen” money in Pedro’s locker after Lupita leaves, confused.

Abuela Alf tells Ignacia that her daddy called and wants to come to the wedding. Iggy is taken-aback, but is still reeling from “sticking her foot in it” with Pedro’s mamacita santa. She has to find Pedro to warn him.

Marge beats her to it, and gives her son a good smack in front of all the obreros on the site for lying to her. Pedro breaks down in tears, claiming he did it so she wouldn’t suffer and he could look for ways to help her. They embrace tearfully, and Jose Luis is a really convincing crier. I was kind of impressed by his performance in this scene… Yair (PP) could have used some lessons.

Ruben reports to Tomas that the deed is done. The money has been planted.

Abuela Alfa is cracking me up. She sneaks a peek to get a look at this “Pedro” Iggy’s crushing on during the ruckus at the site and gives an approving smirk… later in Iggy’s office, she responds “un obreeeerrrrro…” like she’s biting into a decadent piece of cheesecake. What a pistol ☺

Abue Alfa connects the dots upon seeing Marge and Pedro at the site… Pedro is Margarita’s SON?? Oh. Boy. As Ignacia rattles on about how guilty she feels about spilling the beans, Abue bolts.

Someone needs to WD-40 the hinges on the…. Oh wait, that’s Lupita Cachorrita, squealing in devastation over Ruben’s indifference. It really is almost impossible to listen to her as she squeaks at Aunt Gina. Aunt Gina tells her to stay away from Ruben, he’s TROUBLE. (Anyone care to make this interesting? 5 pesos says she’s pregnant.)

Ignacia begs Pedro for forgiveness, but he’s not having it. She thinks because she has money she can do whatever she wants, hurt whoever she wants. She crossed the line into his private life, and now she needs to stay on her side of the world. Go on, get married and announce it in the newspaper, the internet, wherever… see if I care! I am TAKING MY TOYS AND GOING HOME. YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME! Ignacia is devastated by his accusations, and surprised to see her picture and engagement announcement on the front page of the paper he threw at her before he left.


DYO - Lunes, parte 2

Tomas pulls JM (sigh) into his office to inform him of rumors that a worker from the site robbed the money. Tomas thinks they should march down to the work site and check everyone’s lockers, but JM refuses to support invading innocent people’s privacy like that (because he is AWESOME) and says they should just call the police. Tomas doesn’t want to involve the police yet (hmmmm) and cajoles JM into going with him to the work site.

Ignacia rushes to Tomas’s office to get the scoop on the story in the paper, but finds Karina there instead. Iggy closes the door, and demands to know if she “like likes” Tomas. Karina denies it, and lays on a ridiculous guilt trip about Iggy having everything and still “going after” Karina. She honestly doesn’t know what Tomas sees in her (Iggy). She prances out. What a &^%&.

Mireya finds out Margarita has cancer, but is more upset by the fact that Pedro told Ignacia instead of her (ummm, and instead of his mother??). Aunt Gina makes me giggle when she says “Are you SLOW, or what? Who cares that Ignacia knows? The important thing here is the health of my sister!” (I am liking Gina more and more!). Marge enters and tells Gina she wants to know everything about her disease, including her chances of survival, and Gina promises to tell her.

Gina suggests they go to see the doctor together, and Mireya interjects that she learned from her (ahem) accident that things happen for a reason… maybe the reason she has cancer is to force her to take better care of herself. This seems to comfort the sisters, but the menacing music in the background suggests something else is formulating here…

At the site, JM thinks they should wait for Ignacia to get there before commencing the search, since she’s the supervisor, but Tomas barges ahead anyway. Olegario reluctantly begins searching the workers lockers, and JM doesn’t want any part of this, he’s leaving. But wait. Olegario pulls the money out of Pedro’s pack. As the kids say nowdays, OH, SNAP.

Abue Alfa and Ignacia have a heart-to-heart at home. What does Iggy know about Pedro’s family? Iggy lists the relatives she has met, and AA muses at the turns life takes. Estela comes in, a discusión ensues about Pedro, and AA tells Ignacia that being with Pedro is not an alternative, it can never happen. Iggy runs out of the room crying.

Oleg calls Gina to come to the construction site rapidito, something’s about to hit the fan with Pedro. Oleg and Pedro meet Tomas in the locker room, and Tomas accuses him of the robbery. Pedro is impactada and looks to Oleg, but Oleg sheepishly admits he himself found the money in Pedro’s things. “The police are on their way,” spits Tomas, “and you’re gonna rot in jail.”
Pedro demands he is innocent, and accuses Tomas of setting him up “you know why!” JM, the cutest voice of reason in the room, tells Tomas he’s jumping the gun and they need to do a proper investigation, but Tomas waves the money around… “This is 5 thousand dollars, the exact amount that was robbed! What other proof do we need?!” Somebody please show this man an episode of Law & Order.

Pedro begs Olegario for help, “You know me! You know I would never do such a thing! Please help me!” Oleg looks absolutely paralyzed.

DYO Lunes, parte 3

Gina arrives and Olegario informs her that Pedro is being accused of something he didn’t do. She wants to confront Tomas, but Oleg thinks she should go see Pedro. Gina confronts JM, and he agrees that this is not the right way to do things. He wants no part of it, and he’s outta there. Pedro doesn’t want Gina’s help, he’s innocent! Gina insists that it doesn’t matter if he’s innocent or not, the rich people always win, and Oleg nods in the background like a bobble-head through the whole speech.

Lupita encounters Ruben and he invites her to his house. Well, she has to think about… OKAY! Sigh. I fear more unbearable heart-break squeaking is in our future. Although, I finally figured out that when she talks, she reminds me of an audio track that has been sped up. Anyone know how to say “chipmunk” in Spanish?

Tomas comes in with the police, and Gina gets all mama-bear… you are messing with the WRONG INVERSIONISTA’S NEPHEW, she seethes. Fin de capitulo.

P.S. There were some more cozy conversations with Estela and Tomas, but it was more of the same “my daughter’s so lucky” and “don’t worry, I’ll be sure she marries you” type stuff with more “mas-que-suegro” body language.



I think they announced that there will be no episode of "El Señor de los Cielos" tomorrow (Tuesday, July 9). Instead, there will be a two-hour finale of "La Patrona." "El Señor" will resume as usual on Wednesday. :-(

Another Amy, thanks so much--Your recap covered everything while dishing out priceless snark!
"Somebody grab the WD-40 and oil the--oh wait, it's Squeaky..." Too funny! And somebody grab some scissors and chop off those long greasy bangs that hang in her eyes. Other pet peeve: writers, please consult OSHA's industrial standard practices, they don't allow mothers, girlfriends, and frustrated fiancees to march (or roll) onto the job-site at will, slapping people as they go, with no visitor badges, no hard hats, I'm just sayin'.
On the plus side, I, too, am liking Gina more and more. She is a force of nature. Huracan Gina.
J in Oregon

LA PATRONA - Monday, (epi 126)
part 1

(looks like a 2 hour gran final coming up)

Balmy gives Gonzo and his partner explicit instructions,
on guarding Antonia at the hospital,

Francisca has her vision of the mine explosion, again,
poor Gastón, who always patiently listens,
it's not old, it's a future time, maybe what someone is thinking / planning,

the judge visits Lucho at his cell,
can I call you Margarita, Lucho turns on the charm
Balmy leaves them alone, (but not locked in the cell together)
Lucho tells her his story, abandoned, an orphan, he learns to steal....

Poncia sits alone at the big dinner table at La Dorada,
a nice meal and a glass of wine,
she remembers Antonia's victims, and is happy that Antonia is finally in jail,
a sound,
it's Lagarto, who's come to, re-arm,
he leaves Poncia bound and gagged,

Irene, Lucia, Patti, Ricardo, Ricardito, and Constanza arrive home,
(Ricardito is wearing a hat, similar to Lucia's)
a happy family, but Lucia misses her Duende,
who appears in the doorway,
Constanza is upset that he escaped,
no, no, the judge let me out while she determines his case,
and they all praise his lawyer, Ricardo,

at the hospital, sweet Antonia convinces Gonzo to have some of her desert,
that she has loaded up with her sedatives,
his partner sees him asleep in the hallway and checks on Antonia,
he gets conked from behind,
Antonia grabs both of their handguns and slips away, dressed as a janitor, like Lagarto,
meanwhile Lagarto frees Gertrudis, who wants a kiss,
who then runs amuck, grabbing a syringe,
but Lagarto notices Antonia slithering around,
who gets outside and steals an ambulance,

Francisca, in bed with Gastón, has her mine explosion vision again,
this time she sees Antonia,

Gabriela in bed with Alejandro, is mulling over Antonia's suicide attempt,
boing!, she wakes Alejandro, your mom did it all to escape from the hospital,
he calls Balmy, who says not to worry,

Balmy calls Alejandro back, you're right,
Alejandro convinces Gabriela to stay in her fortress,
he'll take care of everything, not to worry,


LA PATRONA - Monday, (epi 126)
part 2

Antonia arrives home, takes off Poncia's gag, but leaves her tied up,
she changes clothes, and re-arms,
outside she runs into Lagarto, and the shootout begins,
she hits him once in the leg and takes off for the woods,
but he still follows,

Gabriela, tells the guards to be careful, but if they see Antonia,
take her alive,
David is worried for her,

Lagarto is following Antonia's blood trail through the woods,
he comes to a bleeding rabbit ??, it's a trick,
Antonia is behind him, shoots him again, in the chest, he falls to the ground,
(this guy is even starting to look like a Zombie)

meanwhile, Balmy gets a call that Antonia's neighbors are complaining about all of the shooting,
and away they go,

as Antonia goes to finish Lagarto off, she hears the sirens, and runs,
we see Lagarto's eyes move,
Alejandro finds shell casings in the dark, huh, and follows the trail,
they come to the dead whatever it is, and neither Antonia or Lagarto is there,

Antonia arrives at the mine,
the guard still thinks she is the owner,
She ties him up and leaves with a giant box of ?? dynamite,

Alejandro and Balmy go to the house,
and free Poncia,

the next day,
Cecilia shows up at Francisca's for her cooking class,

Balmy, Ricardo, Alejandro, and Lucho have a strategy session back at the office,
over coffee in bright red mugs, (no doughnuts)
Gastón relays Francisca's vision,
hmm, but which mine?

Gabriela discovers Cecilia is not there,
calls Francisca,
yea, yea,
then a knock at the door,
(you'd think Francisca would have put a peep hole in her door by now)
in walks Antonia, dirty face, and pointing her gun...



I noticed on the avance for Wednesday it was saying, últimos capítulos.

I suppose after "Marido en Alquiler" launches we might get a better idea of how long we have left.



Another Amy, your recapping skills are getting better by the day.
I'm not really watching the show, but I do follow the talks in here and enjoy all your comments.
The truth is that after PP I needed a break because I was so emotionally involved in that one.
And DYO is more of a classic story, the kind I'm not that interested in anymore.
I do plan on watching Santa Diabla, though, but the expectaions are so high with that one, I'm afraid I'll be dissapointed.

¡Maldita sea! You mean we have to hold on to that imagine of Monica standing over Aurelio with the knife for another day? And by the look on her face she can't do it. She'll give Aurelio just enough time to wake of from his Cleto nightmare. Then the question, will Aurelio be able to kill Monica? I'm sure we all know the answer to that one. Although I don't think he will.


AnotherAmy, thanks for another great recap! I like your brand of snark.

Gina is growing on me too, she is quite the force of nature.



So, does Danny tell all to Marco? Not yet. He demands immunity for Doris. Marco will ask Benitez about that, but in the meantime, can he answer just.....No, says Danny, nothing until she gets immunity.

Lots of other people are worried about Danny talking, too. Take Ramiro (Please, take him, you can HAVE him!). His idea is to find Doris, and then threaten Danny that she’d be harmed if she talks. Doris is his weak point. So he starts things in motion to locate her. He also meets with Irina, has two requests. First, I’m not talking to Aurelio anymore, and you shouldn’t either. Second, the next President is going to be Sergio Colmenares. He’s my cousin’s hand-picked successor. You should seduce him, and he’ll then be on our side. But remember, don’t have any contact with Casillas. He leaves.

Irina flips open her cell, presses buttons. Aurelio? She tells him Ramiro won’t meet with him. Aurelio says okay, but find out where Danny is being held. Irina later relays this to Ramiro, who tells Huerta and Castro to find out, so Aurelio can eliminate Danny.

Alfonso stops by Eugenia’s desk, he has two tickets for the Berlin Philharmonic concert, if she wants to invite him, he’ll go. If not, he’ll understand. Later, she shows up in a beautiful reddish pink dress, sort of off one shoulder, her hair and makeup dazzling. Let’s go to the concert. But he can’t. Colmenares is giving a press conference. They go to the conference. Comenares speaks, and later, Irina tries to make a date with him at her gallery. But no, he’s a married man. He also addresses a reporter’s question about Danny. I don’t know the case, but if I’m elected, we’ll root out official corruption, no matter how high it goes! Irina later tells Ramiro, it’s hopeless seducing that guy. He’s a politician who is honest and faithful. Unlike you. Ramiro says lets discuss this is our usual hotel bed. Okay, she says cheerfully.

Chacorta comes to surprise the Colombians. But although we know they’re really dealing with both Aurelio and Topo, there’s no way to see that, and they wine and dine Chacorta. I sort of think they may be setting him up for a fall, too (maybe not).

Topo calls Randy, can we do business? Yes we can, says Randy, but my contact will be El Troiano (the Trojan, whom we know is Turco). He won’t tell Topo who it is, yet.


Leo SLAPS Marco. Don’t you EVER use me to make another woman jealous! Marco is confused, didn’t think he was doing that. He’s not sure of his feelings. Leo seems to be sure. Marco still loves Eugenia, that’s his real girlfriend. As for Leo, they have sex, but that’s it. Marco isn’t convinced.

Aurelio is going to visit Mónica. Since Chacorta is in Colombia, that leaves Bert in charge of the ranch. And he has to keep an eye on Matilde, make sure she doesn’t drink too much. So Bert decides HE will drink, and gets to work on that. Ximena expresses concern, but he tells her to leave her alone. He then goes to find Matilde (the Ximena thing might have been after this, but that’s not really important). Mati is still wearing her sexy mourning outfit. Bert throws him down on the bed. I’m not in the mood, she whines. But I AM, he answers, and starts kissing and molesting her. Wait, she says, but he won’t stop. She changes tactics, okay, we can do it, I was just surprised. But do you have any condoms? No, and he doesn’t care. Later, after it’s over, she tells him it wasn’t as much fun as before, when he was all innocent and tender, this time he just went for himself, only just doing what he wanted to do. Tough, he says, gets up, he’s going back to work. Hmmm. After he leaves, she rushes to the bureau, still can’t find those birth control pills. Damn!

Mónica is getting all ready for Aurelio’s visit. She has Triste bring out a large ice chest. She opens it up, there’s Miss Sinaloa, bloody and dead. After I kill Aurelio, she tells Triste, I’ll send this ice chest to Chacorta. That’ll teach him who’s boss! She also gets out a great big hunting knife for her meeting with Aurelio. He shows up, she’s dressed “to kill”, as usual, with a cream colored minidress of expensive, fine material. She even makes a few double entendres about I’ve got a surprise that’ll just KILL you. They have drinks, he’s sad about Don Cleto, died in his arms, but she’s bored with this. Let’s get it on. She goes to the bathroom, comes back in lingerie, very sexy, no way can he resist. But when they kiss, he has a flashback to Don Cleto, pulls away? What’s wrong? Nothing, he says. Even when they start to make love, this happens again. She asks him, you killed Don Cleto, that’s what’s bothering you, right? She has that knife right under the pillow. Will she be able to go through with it?


Sorry about the typos. About 3 times I said he instead of she, or him instead of her. But you all can figure it out, right? :)

No show tonight, as La Patrona is the 2 hour gran final.


thanks so much AnotherAmy,
love your recaps,

this is a very fast paced story, and Ana Layevska is so very good with the guilty looks, Ignacia wears her heart on her sleeve,

ahha, when Alfonsina sees Pedro and his mother, then she disappears , I too thought she made the connection, but wait, she couldn't have made the BIG one, that Pedro is Gina's son, so why then isn't Pedro an option, or did she,

I'm wondering if Gina just won't say she put the $5000 in Pedro's backpack, I mean really, Tomas' evidence is pretty shaky, can't really blame José for running for any open door, and nobody even counted the money to see how much was there.



Great recap, Deb, you captured it all!

At one point, all the guys were sitting around, being very stupid, totally convinced that Antonia was secure behind bars. And later, they gathered again, took them quite a while to figure Antonia went to the mine. And they STILL don't know which one.

So I thought the ladies were the smart ones. They at least took Francisca's warning seriously, and Gaby also realized Antonia's trap. But Francisca should start using her powers to see through that door. Or at least feel the evil through it. Oh well.

Yes, that Lagarto is hard to kill. And Antonia is quite the marksman (marksperson?). She easily matched the trained policeman Lagarto. But I shouldn't be surprised, as she showed her skill way back when she picked off Lagarto to save Balmy in that stable.

Gonzales sure was dumb to eat that pudding. But his buddy was even dumber to go inside without any concern, and get conked. And the guard at the mine was dumb, too. Yes, brainpower is not running too high among the inhabitants of San Pedro these days.

And just where did Antonia happen to get a dead rabbit to leave a fake trail for Lagarto?

I have to hand it to Antonia, she's got the whole police force, about 10 good guys, and Lagarto, all after her. And so far, she's coming out on top. But tonight's the gran final. Payback time!


great recap as always Hombre,
I'm surprised at what I miss,

I too thought that Miss Sinaloa was bloody, but I think it was that bright red dress she was in, like the one she wore when Isidro was killed, reflecting through the ice, she definitely belongs in a narco museum.

Aurelio seems to have really lost his edge, but he and Mónica are so hot together, will she disappoint Triste,

So Aurelio gave the word, kill Eugenia.



Thanks, Deb. As always, an excellent recap.

I have a hard time imagining pudding face Gonzo as the next sheriff of SPdO. Maybe Rod the Bod will stay in town to oversee its transformation into an idyllic little mining community.

Funny scene with the lizard and the cyclops. Now we know why Chacon was so interested in seeing where Dr. Gert was - creating a diversion. And at one point wasn't Gert yelling that she wanted to be blind in both eyes?!

Lucho totally outdid himself in the charm department. Even Judge Margarite was smitten by the end of their interview.

I loved it when the Judge explained that Lucho is the one who ruined Balmy's arrest record, and then Lucho told Balmy he should go back to detective school - too funny.

I didn't think there were too many surprises last night - except for where Antonia found/got the dead rabbit/dog/whatever. Even Francisca's and Ceci's stupidity was somewhat predictable, because Antonia has to have the right bait to lure David and Gabriela to the mine.

I was glad to see both Balmy and Lucho at the men's tigre meeting - all bff's.

Fashion update: Antonia looked quite elegant in her black leather and ? lace venganza ensemble. But she really needs a comb out and clean up before the Patrona showdown.



Great job Deb. I decided to turn a blind eye to the stupidity of Ceci (who seems to lack the survival gene) going (ALONE) to Fran’s house to cooking lessons, when she knows the woman who killed her baby, and had her raped and nearly murdered, is on the loose. It served the purpose of getting Guerra her bait so that we can have the mine showdown. Both Guerra and Gabi were wearing black and leather in their final scenes. Perfect outfits for a showdown in El Chamuco.



Someone asked a week ago if the actor playing Juan Manuel was the same guy that plays Lucho in LA PATRONA (its not). The actor playing JM is Shalim Ortiz. He played Frank Varela in UNA MAID. He nearly ran over Marisa and fell in love with her. He was a rival to Cristobal since they loved the same women even though Frank worked for him. I dont think hes supposed to be a bad guy in DYO. This novela reveals fast so by now it wouldve been known if JM was a villian

I find it funny that Sofia Lama plays the obsessed gf. Why? In SIN SENOS Aylin Mujica and Sofia were mother and daughter.

I like Roberto Tapias song but like many of you i think the song doesnt fit the novela



Many thanks, Hombre, for your excellent recap. Well, it certainly hasn't taken Beto long to become as much of an a$$hole as his father. First, he kills his best friend, and now he rapes Matilde. With all those macho Casillas sperm swimming around thanks to Chacorta and now Beto, what are the odds of Matilde's becoming embarazada?

La Patrona,

Beth, that was funny with Lagarto and Gertrudis, she couldn't remember his name, caiman, reptile, what is it, and when she wanted a kiss, Lagarto couldn't have agreed less,

Vivi, I suppose Ceci rode her bike down a remote country rode to get there, what I thought was odd was that David didn't see anything wrong with this, he probably would have driven her if his mom didn't want him to hang around the house for some reason, this guy is definitely the weak link, ( I think he spent too much time hanging out with Alejandro)

Francisca's vision showed Antonia walking out of the explosion, unscathed, hmm.



thanks for the recap anotheramy! I saw Independence Day and saw the previews for this tn. I really like Ana L. And the story seemed interesting so caught up with some episodes this weekend before catching catching it yesterday at it's regular time. I'm liking it so far and it's cool to see the differences between these tns and televisa.

I'm with ya'll about liking tia gina, and thought it was smart that ole called her. Hopefully this softens her to pedro since he really has taken a dislike towards her.

I really hope that they resolve the bro/sis storyline sooner rather than later later though, always hate it.



Muchas gracias Hombre!

I too can’t believe we have to wait an extra night to see what happens with Monica, AC, and the GIANT knife. Well, if Monica ends up dead, she sure will be a sexy corpse. She and AC really do have some hot chemistry.

I love that Don Cleto’s memory is haunting AC, preventing him from performing with his women. If he can’t with Monica, he sure as heck wouldn’t be able to follow through in the bedroom with Ximena (if she actually let him get anywhere). I hope La Rusa isn’t expecting a visit.

Speaking of bedroom antics, Beto has become a world class jerk with women. I think he’s acting out more out of pain and rage at what he was forced to do with Alejandro, and this will lead to a very quick self-destruction. AC is also on a path to self-destruction, but he’ll end up taking a lot of people down with him before he falls. I really hope Eugenia is saved, but she barely made it out alive the last time AC ordered a hit on her.


Muchisimas gracias, maravillosa

Very ominous with Eugenia tied up with the finger clippers there. I didn't see Tijeras though & that's his bag.

Impactada to see Miss Sinaloa on ice.


Great recap, Hombre. Thanks especially for the info about Ramiro trying to locate Doris. I didn't get that at all. Doris will be toast -the three little pigs should have no trouble finding her.

After Leo slapped (really slapped!) Marco and chewed him out, he had a QTH look on his face like he didn't have a clue about what she was saying to him. This seems to happen frequently with him. Sometimes I think that for an astute investigator, he doesn't understand women at all.

Who would have thought AC would be so guilt-ridden that he has continuing nightmares and memories of killing Cleto. I think it's only a matter of time before Ximena and Alba find out he killed Cleto.

I thought Cabo and Tijeras wanted to take Chacorta on a ? raid to kill someone else and have Chacorta get killed in the fight. Was this about getting more cocaine for the expanded C/T coke ventures?

Re: Miss Sinaloa. We have the biiig screen TV, and she wasn't bloody. She had on a frilly or ruffled red top that went high up on her neck. The make-up people had done a good job with her somewhat ghoulish, bruised death make-up (if it was her in the coffin - could have been a mask).

At the end of Randy's call to Topo, Topo wore a satisfied, maybe knowing, smirk. I wonder if he suspects Turco is El Troiano.


I think Topo is just happy that he got Randy on his side, or thinks he has.
I doubt anyone knows who Troiano is yet. Just hope Troiano/Turco makes it out alive with Ximena and the kids .
The shit Beto can hang in with his father. The kid does look a lot like him, just not as guapo.

Seems like the name Troiano is a dead give away handle.


Thanks so much for the recap, Deb. Of course Antonia had to get out of the hospital, but Gonzo appears to have about a 4th grade IQ. What an idiot eating that pudding with a big smile on his face!

And more telenovela nonsense: Francisca asks who it is when Ceci knocks on the door, but not when it's the Big Bad Loba.

As I said, I'll do the two-hour final tonight, but it will probably be up later than usual because (rats!) I have a can't-miss-it neighborhood association meeting tonight.


Thanks, Hombre, fine job on the recap. I certainly hope we get to see some retribution for Ramiro the slimebag!

The one I really hope finds out that Aurelio killed Don Cleto is Beto. That little monster deserves to see his papí knocked off the pedestal he's put him on.

Also, Aurelio sent one of his goons (Niño?) to kill Eugenia.

I'm quite sure Mónica isn't going to kill AC Wednesday evening, but I wonder if she'll survive.


I'm all caught up. Now I can watch in real time.

"Abuela Alfa is cracking me up. She sneaks a peek to get a look at this “Pedro” Iggy’s crushing on during the ruckus at the site and gives an approving smirk… later in Iggy’s office, she responds “un obreeeerrrrro…” like she’s biting into a decadent piece of cheesecake. What a pistol ☺"

I love Tina Romero!

And whoever brought up OSHA, thank you. My beanie tightens every time someone walks on to the site without a hard hat. Iggy seems to remember hers every time she leaves the office.

Wow! So much has happened and we're only 10 episodes in. Does anyone know how many episodes there are?



Thanks for the clarifications and comments. One thing I want to make clear (since I had a typo) is that Ramiro wants to maybe kidnap Doris, and then have Danny told that he'd better not talk - if he does, his wife gets killed. But even if Danny doesn't talk, he wouldn't be off the hook, since Aurelio still wants to silence him. Either way, Marco may be frustrated AGAIN in trying to get info on Aurelio.

But Aurelio has many enemies, and even some of his friends and family might not be so supportive if they find out what he's done. So we continue to have lots of possibilities for his downfall.

I'm thinking that both Aurelio and Monica will survive their night of passion. He because the show must go on, she because she's just so darn hot, I'd really miss her! But we shall see.

DYO - martes, part 1

Gina accuses Tomas of setting up Pedro out of jealousy, and then informs the police that SHE gave Pedro the $5000, throwing in facetiously that she has a lot of money and if Tomas needs some she can give him some too. Tomas is stuck—what’s he going to say? “You didn’t give him the money, because I put it there!” Tomas is seething.

Ignacia is in the house-to-be, tearfully reliving Tomas’s marriage proposal and Pedro’s rejection.

JM dodges Estela’s questions about Pedro at the office.

Mireya tells Neto that she doesn’t want to see him around for a while. She is worried that something might happen that would put her impending marriage in peligro, especially after he told her what he feels for her and kissed her impulsively, and if anything happened to interfere in her relationship with Pedro, she couldn’t live. Neto is desperate and promises nothing like that will ever happen again. She is adamant… she’s worked to hard to get this thing with Pedro.

Ruben lures Lupita into the Santamaria living room (aka “the lair”) and comes on strong, despite her protests that anyone could walk in any moment. She squeaks and squeaks (and omigod this isn’t going to be a rape scene, is it?) and he final stops (whew). He jumps up, WHAT is your PROBLEM? You didn’t mind doing it on the office floor the other night! She tries to explain, but he mocks her… You think I’m going to introduce you to my mother or something? Are you stupid? You think I’m going to introduce you to my friends and take you to parties? No freaking way.

Adding salt (and iodine and peroxide and acid) to the wound, he refuses to take her home, demanding she find her own way. How do you say douchebag in Spanish? Estela walks in as Lupita is walking out.

Abue Alfa comes looking for Margarita at casa de Perez, but finds Mireya instead. I’m dying for someone to come barging in while Mireya is strolling around on her dos patas.

Pedro tells off Gina again for interfering in his business (and saving his @$$), and Gina takes it in stride, shooting right back at him good-naturedly. You think I’m going to stand there when those rich people are trying to hurt my nephew? Pedro doesn’t want Mamacita Santa to know about the robbery incident. Gina says what we’ve all been thinking… ANOTHER SECRET? Because that worked out SO WELL the last time…

Abue Alfa tells Marge that Iggy has canceled her wedding to Tomas because of Pedro. Marge is worried.

Estela interrogates Ruben in front of Lupita, and makes multiple disparaging remarks about Lupita’s neighborhood of origin before telling her to GET OUT. She scolds Ruben for messing around with someone of her “class”. Hello, pregnancy foreshadowing… nice to see you once again. I have an involuntary flash forward to Squeaky Wheel in labor. Oh. My. Lord.


DYO - martes, part 2

Olegario visits Iggy at the Santamaria casa, informing her of the Tomas robbery debacle and, quite respectfully, blaming her for all of Pedro’s troubles. Please stay away from him, he begs. She promises him that it all ends here, she won’t allow anything else to happen to Pedro and thanks Oleg for coming over to tell her. Estela is listening around the corner, having heard the whole convo. Estela is formulating a plan. We know this because she appears to be thinking, and “formulating a plan” background music is playing.

Pedro has walked in on AA and Margarita just as AA is asking about him. Gina walks in as he is asking who she is, and AA says she’s Gina’s friend… Pedro and AA hit it off, and Pedro is grinning (and acting) like a 6 year old. AA excuses herself and Gina takes her out to catch a cab. Pedro is beaming and confides in Mamacita Santa that he really likes that lady, he feels like he could really trust her. He’s hungry. What’s for dinner? He hopes it’s not beans, he’s sick of them. He wants chicken. Yup… mentality of a 6-year-old. Nevertheless, I think it’s kinda cute…

Karina enters Tomas’s office to find JM. RUN, my darling!! Run fast!! She confronts him….You told Ignacia I like Tomas, didn’t you? It’s not true, because you are the one I like, the one I’ve always liked… and she slithers over to him and the spider lures the adorable fly into her web of doom by way of a venomous kiss. The fly is totally into it. A little part of me dies inside.

AA tells Gina outside that she’s relieved Pedro is Margarita’s son and not the son of Gina and Mariano… can you imagine Iggy falling in love with her own brother? What a tragedy! Gina thinks that they still need to keep Pegnacia apart at all costs, and AA isn’t so sure now. What’s the problem? They’re from two different worlds? That’s not enough. Gina panics… my nephew has a girlfriend and Iggy is engaged!! Of course that’s enough!! We. Must. Keep. Them. Apart. Forever!

Iggy mopes as she relives tender moments with Pedro and Oleg’s regaño. She has to QUIT him before anyone else gets hurt.

Oleg mopes in his living room, torn between his passion for Gina and his cariño for the ailing Marge. Mireyita gives him an uncharacteristic pep talk, telling him to fight for what he truly wants, which inspires him to pursue Gina (NOT what Mireya intended)… which he does, with Marge listening in (new drinking game… take a shot for every eavesdropper). Marge is heartbroken.

JM looks serious after the Black Widow kiss, he’s still not sure about her—this is totally out of the blue. She wants to show everyone that they like each other, he says he doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone (oh my gosh. THIS is my galan, right here… nerdy glasses, annoyingly high hair, and all). She kisses him again, and Tomas walks in. Karina is smug. JM apologizes for being so unprofessional, Tomas asks, amused, how long this has been going on. Karina plays it up, and won’t let JM talk. JM looks adorable and totally uncomfortable. Iggy walks in and demands to speak to Tomas.


DYO - martes, part 3

Olegario continues to try to get a word in edgewise with Gina, and Gina gushes about how he is the key to her sister’s recuperation, without him, Marge could fall into a depression that could be catastrophic… can she count on him to help her sister recover? Olegario stammers…sssss..ssss…si…. poor guy. Huracan Tia strikes again.

Ignacia wants to see Tomas at the new house tonight at 10pm. Tomas promises to show. Ignacia leaves, and Karina abandons her fly without hesitation to bolt after Iggy. What’s going on? she hounds. What’s wrong? Ignacia says that after listening to her, to AA, to others, she’s going to do what she should have done a long time ago. Her expression is mysterious. Karina pops in that things are going well with JM and they just kissed. Iggy responds “me alegra”, but her expression says she couldn’t care less. “Wish me luck,” she tells Karina before her mysterious exit.

Mireya cooks dinner for Marge and Oleg, and leaves them alone with a wink. Oleg is not comfortable with this arrangement, and Marge is making eyes at him (even after what she overheard?).

In a conversation with Ruben, Iggy gets suspicious that Tomas has it in for Pedro, and has been harassing him. She storms out.

Neto and Pedro have a meeting of the Brain Trust to try to figure out who put the money in Pedro’s pack. The strain proves to be too much, and Pedro asks Neto to be his Best Man. Neto gets weird… he’s not sure he can (due to the Mireya-imposed restraining order), but he’ll try. Pedro’s confused, Neto tells him to talk to his future esposa to clear it up.

Ruben looks preoccupied when AA enters, asking for Ignacia. She’s gone, he tells her, and then leaves himself. AA is confused, but takes advantage of the empty house to sneak a cigarette by the window. Her illicit smoke-break is interrupted by the doorbell, Mariano is here and he wants to tell Ignacia the truth. Fin del capitulo.



So, I am actually enjoying this one even though it’s very cliché and predictable… I’m having fun watching the quirky characters, even Pedro in his silly puppy moods and limited attention span isn’t getting on my nerves quite yet. Then again, we are only a few weeks in…

Ana Layevska is such a natural. It’s so uncommon (in my limited tn experience) to see an actor or actress who is so real and un-cartoony, and she even shines despite the contrived plotlines. She’s been great in everything I’ve seen her in (Lola Volcan, Relaciones Peligrosas, and this one) and can play such diverse characters. She is my new favorite, for sure.

My LEAST favorite part is the Marge/Oleg/Gina triangle. I've said it before, but poor Marge can't catch a break--her family lying to her about her terminal illness, and now a possible fake noviazgo, all for "her own good"--it just seems like way too much for this poor sweet motherly woman who just found out she has cancer. NOTHING good has happened to this woman yet.



Me again... I forgot to mention in my recap that Estela finagles Olegario's address from the receptionist at the office, thus advancing the devious plan she has been constructing.

Okay, AnotherAmy, another great recap!
jlk: can't the writers come up with anything more original than the bro/sister romance storyline? It's icky and not even remotely suspenseful.
NovelaMan: I recall the actor playing Jose Manuel when he was in Una Maid. He was sort of bland in that, I like him much better in this one.
AnotherAmy: Ana Layevska was also in Fantasma de Elena, she played a psycho villainess. This role (DyO) gives her a chance to show her range as an actress.
By the way, poetic justice if Mireya gets into an accident at the end, and ends up in a wheelchair for real.
Just thinking ahead...
J in Oregon


Francisca tells dirty-faced Antonia that she won’t do anything against Verónica. Antonia raves about how powerful she is. She orders Fran to call Gabriela Suárez and tell her to come here. Fran refuses and tells her to go ahead and kill her. Then Antonia’s eye lights on Ceci. She holds a gun on Ceci telling her what to text David, that she’ll only give herself up if he comes there.

David sneaks out, of course, although he does tell the guard he’s going to town to see his novia.

Antonia makes Francisca and Ceci tie each other’s hands. She insults Fran again about coming from a bordello. She starts giggling maniacally, telling them the only reason she hasn’t shot them is that she doesn’t want to alert the neighbors.

Gabriela notices that David is gone. Meanwhile, David runs into Fran’s house. His sweet granny points a gun at him and tells him not to let Fran and Ceci go. He reminds her that she said she’d give herself up and she tells him she lied. She accidentally shoots David in the arm. He sobs that she’s crazy, and that he’s not going with her. She threatens to kill Francisca. She says she’s taking him to El Chamuco and Fran starts screaming like a Mexican Cassandra.

Gabriela calls Alejandro and tells him to get David, Francisca and Ceci right away and don’t take no for an answer.

Instead of El Chamuco, Antonia has taken David to the San Pedro del Oro mine, the one right in town. She tells him it’s perfect that it’s Sunday and no one is there. They go inside the mine. Meanwhile Lagarto is outside with a rifle. He says he knew where she’d go. He clicks his tongue reprovingly that she brought her own grandson as a hostage.

Ricardo, Alejandro, Lulcho, Balmy, and Gastón arrive and free Francisca and Cecilia. Ceci sobs that Antonia shot David in the arm. Balmy figures out that David is the hostage, and Alejandro figures out the plan is to bring Gabriela to the mine. Fran tells them they were going to El Chamuco.

In the mine the ghastly hypocrite tells David how much she loves him. But sometimes you have to put sentiment aside to gain an objective. She grabs David’s phone to call Gabriela. Gabriela is in the backseat of a car. Antonia tells her that, if she ever wants to see him again, she has to do exactly what she says. She tells her she won again. She knows that every woman’s weak point is her children. Gabriela says she’ll do what she wants but don’t hurt David. Antonia tells her to come right away to Galery 11 of the San Pedro del Oro mine and don’t ask anyone for help.


AnotherThanks, AnotherAmy!
so nice to get the little details you throw in,
and your comments are so great,

so Gina did say she gave Pedro the money, and...
didn't Tomas, when he walked out, take the money with him,
I was waiting for him to give it back to Pedro, and have to lump it,

ah yes, a wink from Mireya, as she leaves Olegario and Margarita to their dinner,

Neto (Christopher Melquíades, as Mireya called him) and Pedro talking about who planted the money, wow, they just couldn't get around to Neto seeing Ruben there.

but Ignacia, picked up on it,

and Ruben couldn't even walk Lupita back to his bedroom, she is worried about his mother walking in, and she does, so how does a high school girl with no money get from beverly hills to east L.A., isn't los angeles something like 80 miles across, creep,

AnotherAmy, you would have loved Ana Layevska in El Fantasma de Elena, she was one of the most evil twin villains ever, but she made you laugh, she had so many disguises, but there was always something corny about them, one of my favorites was when she was a ranch hand, there to steal a baby.

which reminds me, when we see Ignacia, we always see her right hand, rarely her left, and is that the engagement ring Tomas gave her, on her middle finger? (Ana is not your usual cup of tea, she is Russian you know)



Francisca correctly blames herself for not listening to Gabriela about going to La Fortaleza.

Gabriela argues with her driver. She wants him to get out and let her drive the car. He tells her that Lucho Vampa told him this might happen, and he drives right back to La Fortaleza. The guard calls Lucho in another car. Lucho tells him to hang onto Gabriela no matter what, and then he tells Alejandro that Gabriela found out that Antonia has David.

In the mine Antonia takes off David’s gag. He tells her she has a funny way of showing her love. Who taught her that? She says it was her parents who caused her to dry up like a flower without water. Her father doubted that she was his because she was blonde. He took revenge on her for her appearance. But at the same time, the blonde was sought after. First her father touched her, then he beat her over and over again, saying it was to take the devil out of her. David asks if he raped her. She said he didn’t; for him it was better to sell her to a bordello, to sell her virginity and then leave her there. Antonia tells David she ended up being the queen.

At La Fortaleza, Gabriela is like a madwoman. She tells the guards they are fired. She keeps trying to get away, while Constanza, Irene, and Patti look on in horror.

Back at the mine Antonia tells David she forgot that family, but David has her blood. He should feel proud of her. She rose to the top. He tells her she’s wrong. Francisca was poor and forced to be a prostitute also. But she came out whole and with dignity. She didn’t spend her life walking all over people the way Antonia did. She replies that she was born to be La Patrona.

David tells Antonia everyone hates her. And he hates her because she’s demented. She puts the gag back on him. She tells him what’s going to happen. Her first husband was a mining engineer, and he knew she loved to watch explosions. She holds out a bunch of dynamite.

Gabriela has on handcuffs. She orders Alejandro to take them off. He asks her if she’s crazy; if she takes David’s place, Antonia will kill her. She tells him she’s prepared to sacrifice herself for David. For him she resisted the tortures in the asylum. Alejandro insists that Antonia loves David and wouldn’t hurt him. Gabriela knows better. She says that that hyena wouldn’t mind living in the dark if she could make her suffer. Alejandro gives Gabriela a mild sedative, which she spits out when he leaves the room.

Antonia is getting impatient. She calls Gaby’s cell, but Alejandro answers. He asks her what the hell she thinks she’s doing? Let David go. But she hangs up on him. Gabriela says David will die and it will be his fault.

David tells Antonia to go ahead and kill him. She calls him her love and says that her objective is his mother, not him. He’s just the bait. David says she won’t come. His uncle is protecting her and he won’t let her come. Antonia says she knows she’ll come for her son, but what she’ll find is death. She waves the sticks of dynamite.


Gabriela is sobbing. Lucía and Ricardito come in to comfort her. But she proceeds to trick them into bringing her the box that has the handcuff key inside. Alejandro goes to check and Gabriela bashes him over the head, sneaks out a window, knocks out a guard, and steals Ale’s SUV.

Antonia sets up the dynamite charges. She says they’re all going to blow up. But she tells him they’ll wait for his mother. She tells him about his father, weak and alcoholic. He fell for Gabriela Suárez and that finished him. She tells David they could have escaped and traveled the world together, but she knows he doesn’t love her any more. She saw the same look of rejection in his father’s eyes after he saw her helping Marcos Beltrán to die. From that moment Fernando hated her just like David will do when she kills his mother.

Lagarto looks pretty bad, but he says he’ll kill Antonia if it’s with his last breath.

Gabriela enters the mine with a pistol drawn. And a bunch of cop cars arrive. Balmy had been to El Chamuco before and realized there was no one there. Alejandro is there as well. Lagarto says they’re all there now para bailar todos con la huesuda (to dance with death).

Antonia raves on to David, mentioning seeing an art work representing Medea in Greece. She says Medea was capable of killing her own children to punish the man who betrayed her. Medea loved her children, but the hate was more powerful. She says it’s the same with her; she loves David, but sometimes hate wins in her.

She hears a sound. It’s Gabriela. She tells Antonia not to do it; to let her son go. She did her part; she came alone. More and more crazy, Antonia tells Gabriela that now she knows who is the most powerful one. She’s the only Patrona of San Pedro del Oro. She wants her to cry, to beg, to kiss her feet. Gabriela asks what she wants in order to release David. Antonia says she wants her to get on her knees.

Alejandro has shown Balmy a map of the tunnels. They’re going to split up and look through the tunnels; there’s a handy phone in each tunnel to keep in touch! Balmy tries to stop Ale and Gastón from taking their guns. Fat chance!

Antonia reminds Gabriela of the day she came to see her at the asylum. Gabriela was a complete mess, but still head high and proud. Gabriela thought she could win out over Antonia Guerra. The next time Gabriela addresses her as Antonia she shrieks that she call her Patrona. Gabriela: “Te lo ruega, Patrona.” This still doesn’t satisfy her; she wants her to look her in the eye. She tells Gabriela she wants her crazy with pain. She wants her to tremble. She points the gun again at David and tells him she loved him more than life, but he betrayed her. Just then the phone in the tunnel rings. It startles Antonia and Gabriela goes for the gun.


They have a knock-down drag out fight, with the gun changing hands a couple of times Finally Gabriela manages to slice open Antonia’s face with a knife. We see, at least I see for the first time, that David has dynamite taped to his body. Gabriela finally gets the gun and gets Antonia on her knees! Gaby tells her that’s the way she always wanted her. She tells her to plead for her life. Antonia tells her she doesn’t have the guts. When it looks like Gabriela is going to fire, Antonia gives in. But when Gabriela tries to free David, Antonia leaps and gets the gun. Gabriela stands in front of David. Alejandro comes in and points the gun at his mother, telling her not to make him do it. He says he’ll do it if he must to protect his woman, his child, and his nephew. She shoots at Gabriela, but Alejandro jumps in front and is shot.

David says that Ale is dead. Gabriela asks how Antonia could kill both her sons. Antonia says Alejandro isn’t going alone; everyone will die with him. And she pushes the timer on the firing mechanism of the bomb. Balmy finally arrives. They have to drag a hysterical Gabriela away. She’s afraid she’ll have to leave Alejandro like she did her father. They carry him out.

Balmy drags a shrieking Antonia out of the mine just before the explosion. Lagarto is there, however, and shoots Antonia. He tells Balmy he’s rid the world of the infernal patrona. Balmy and the other cops shoot Lagarto, rather excessively, I thought.

While they operate on Alejandro, who was not dead, Gabriela blames herself and her thirst for vengeance for what happened.

Balmy talks to Antonia, whose head is braced on either side, as if in a vise. He tells her he tried everything to save her. But she behaved as if she wanted to kill love. She wakes up. He tells her Lagarto was the one. Antonia: “Rodrigo, I can’t move my head. I can’t feel my legs or my hands. What happened?” He tells her Lagarto’s shot hit her in the spine. She’s a quadriplegic! She begs him to say it isn’t so. She asks for a specialist. She says she’s afraid. Balmy says he’s leaving SPDO. He tells her she’s going to be judged; but a greater judge already sentenced her. He tells her he isn’t leaving her because she’s crippled; he’s leaving her because of her crimes.

Gabriela is begging Alejandro to wake up, finally calling him baboso y imbécil. His eyes open. “With such tender, romantic words, who wouldn’t wake up."


Meses después

The same judge comes to La Dorada to give the verdict to Antonia, while all the tigres look on. They list all her victims and declare her guilty. I’d list them all, guys, but it’s getting very late. She’s been given 500 years in prison, but because of her condition, she’ll serve house arrest. She begs Alejandro and David to forgive her, to not leave her alone. David and Alejandro both say they don’t feel anything for her any more.

Gabriela goes in for the last word. She tells her how she took 12 paces one way and 12 paces back, each one naming her enemies. This kept her from going crazy. She tells Antonia she thought hate saved her, but it was God. Antonia tells her she was the intellectual author of the deaths of the rest of the lobos, but Gabriela isn’t buying it. She tells Antonia she realized that she was just a sick person full of hate and fear. She, Gabriela, took those 12 steps, but Antonia can’t even take one. She tells her to listen: she’s going to marry her son. She’s full of life (touching her stomach). David and Cecilia will marry someday. They’ll all be happy. Surely Antonia will think of her happiness every second. This is Gabriela’s only vengeance.

Irene is also pregnant. Gabriela is training 20 female miners! She goes into labor. Then we see Lucía recuperating from the stem cell transplant. They bring her little Tomasito to hold.

It’s time for the wedding. Lucho, then Gastón, and finally David give Gabriela away. We see that Patti is also pregnant. Must be in the water.

Irene reminds Lucho he promised Lucía they’d get married. Lucho was just teasing. He’s arranged it all for next month. He says something about a honeymoon in Paris, but won’t she be too pregnant to fly? Oh well.

Gastón is offered a shot at the governor’s race, but he says he only entered politics out of necessity because things were so bad in SPDO. He wants to retire and be a family man.

We see Antonia upside down in some kind of contraption. She’s yelling for Elsa. Poncia has come, but only to pay the servants. Antonia asks if David and Alejandro are coming to see her. As Poncia walks away, she tells her she misses her. She has asked the aides to put makeup on her, but they’ve painted her face like a clown.

Our last scene is a picnic with Ale, David, Cecilia, and Tomasito. David and Ceci care for the little one while Ale and Gabriela walk off, look at the view and say how happy they are. He gives her the medal that was her mother’s, the one that was stolen in the asylum.


Thanks for the recaps Amy. This novela has been pretty easy to follow but I like snark. I can't think of one novela I've seen that didn't require snark and I've been watching them, off and on, for about 30 years. Imagine what the Caray crew could do with something truly, truly campy like "Rosa Salvaje" or "Maria la del Barrio."

My least favorite part is the Ruben/Lustupida coupling. Does this girl have no friends her own age? Wait 'til she starts fainting because that is usually the first sign of pregnancy in a novela. They never say, "Gee I haven't had my period for two months."

I want Margaritas's antique sewing machine. And the thread collection.


Sue455, I'm a long time watcher, too, so I totally get what you're saying.
But I do have to mention that we are having a great time mocking Corazon Indomable, a remake of Marimar, so we don't need to go that way back to find campy stuff.

But you're right, watching tns comes with a tone of snarkyness... The heroes are so pretty, though, it's worth the trouble :))



AnotherAmy, checking in so you know you have another regular reader appreciating your snappy caps!
deb, you called that with Gina and the $5,000! Gina sure handled that situation.
JM, not only is he not a villain, he seems to be a man of integrity going against Tomas.
Agree liking Ana L.'s quirkiness, I also like that she wears "normal" clothes and isn't styled in some crazy way.
Ruben and Estela's verbal abuse of Squeaky was painful! That might be the first pregnancy symptom.
Overall I'm still on the fence with this one. Best for me is the fast pace.



Thanks AnotherAmy! Loved your snarks.

I'm getting hooked on this one as well.
My favourite is Tia Gina, but love the main couple as well.
I like the Ana Layevska - José Luis Reséndez pairing, they were great in the La madrastra, almost the same set up - rich girl-poor boy - like how both of them matured since than.
Never saw Fabian Rios as a bad guy, but must say he's playing it well.
These telemundo TN,s are a lot different than the Televisa productions more beleivable lifelike. Hate the bro-sis situation though, hopefully they clear that up soon enough.

DyO / PP [JC]

DyO, Hi irisz 79. Yes, it is remarkable how different the Televisa / Telemundo TNs are. I think about this all the time! I think they will resolve the bro/sis issue because everything moves pretty quickly in DyO land. And Mariano showed up at the door.

PP/JC, wanted to mention that I noticed Univision is running a promo with JC Canela for Premios Juventud, to be shown July 18 at 7 pm. Not sure whether JC will be performing, but he's involved in some capacity.


Novelera, thanks so much for a magnificent final recap. This was a mammoth episode, with lots of action, but also a lot of talking, and you captured it all beautifully.

I was very satisfied with the ending, Antonia will now suffer endlessly, and Alejandro survived! Lots of babies, too. A typical telenovela ending, and that's fine with me. I've seen several shockers recently, that didn't really have anyone end up happy (like La Casa de al Lado), and this was a nice bit of relief.

I felt the actress playing Antonia did an amazing job of acting, from her evil patrona side, to her kittenish sexy side with Balmy, her phony upstanding side with the Ladies Club, her fake love, her real love, to finally her desperation.

Since they almost never let the good guys kill the villains, we sort of knew it'd be Lagarto who fired the key shot, and I guess he died happy.

I feel sorry for Balmy, since Antonia really was a very special woman (if only she didn't have that pesky habit of killing everyone around her!).

A very enjoyable novela.



Thanks, Novelera for this very detailed Gran FINAl and for all of your recaps. You write beautifully.
I made a note to use "reprovingly" more in my everyday conversation.

I am very happy that Ale did not die, and it was nice to see the many flourishing romances, all bearing fruit for a new and improved generation.

What is the future of Poncia?
Were loose ends tied up in her case?

I do not know what to think about the prolonged physical and mental torture of Antonia Guerra. It was absolutely brutal. In general, I am against the Death Penalty, so I don't advocate for death. Perhaps this is a fitting solution for those who are inclined to cry out for raw, gut-wrenching justice. I would have been satisfied to have her spend the rest of her life in an absolute maximum security prison
on death watch so that she could not do herself in.



Corny and traditional ending but I LOVED IT! It cemented the TN as a rosa with many thorns! All the tigres got their happy endings and a better, wiser generation takes over SPdO. And I did cry at my fifth viewing when Francisca talked about Max and Val and Tigre finally resting in peace. That with the combination of the song 'Laberinto' playing, did me in. The cynic in me could not dislike this unabashed fps because there were so many heartbreaking, needless deaths in this TN, we needed something happy at the end.

However, the ep as a whole did seem badly edited, as if there was another ending after the mine show-down scenes, but they changed it. I love the final scene with Ale and Gaby at the edge of that ravine, was it supposed to be El Chamuco?, where he gives her back the medallion. The Mexican tourist board should use that view of the valley in their tourist ads. I wanted to visit Mexico just seeing that view.

La Patrona,

thanks so much novelera for taking the time to write this fabulous recap, you really have a way of capturing not only the action but the essence of the story,

and this was quite the story, the first for me where the female carried the lead, yes we had Alejandro weaving his way in and out, and yes he did take a bullet meant for her. blah, blah, blah,

so much pain and suffering she went through, only to make her, and those around her stronger,

I was so disappointed that she seemed to have lost her patrona status, held captive by her driver, and later handcuffed in her own bed,

I thought she would remember the pill trick she learned in the manicomio, and I hope she fired all of those guys and the lady doctor as well, when she got back,

I don't think Alejandro was getting the part where after all she had survived she would not be able to live with herself if Antonia killed David, Alejandro of course didn't think Antonia would, nor ever harm him, duh!, this was quite the learning day for him and David,

I hadn't figured that Patti would get pregnant to make one of the four, so David and Cecilia didn't get married as yet,

I was half expecting Antonia's fingers/toes to start moving in the final scene, oooo, leaving her alive,for me was creepy, I thought her last request to Balmy would have been to kill her, she never did look like she was defeated, still mulling that over I guess,

well I hope all remains well in sleepy San Pedro del Oro as long as Gonzo is in charge,

yes J desde NYC, that final scene did look like the original Tigre scenes at El Chamuco, wasn't that place rumored to be where the devil lives, to keep all away, and now so peaceful.



Thank you so much, Novelera, for this wonderful recap. There was so much dialogue and so many back and forth scenes, and you did a great job catching all of it. And thank you for all the recapping you've done on this TN. I love your insights into the characters and where the writers might be going with them! Muchisimas gracias!

We got more detail on Antonia's terrible early life and her child molesting father. It's easy to understand why she never had any empathy for those girls trapped in prostitution and why she felt the need to be the top loba.

I laughed when the doc gave Gabriela a sedative to calm her down. Gabriela had become a master at cheeking her meds in the manicomio so we all knew that pill would go flying as soon as Ale and the doc left the room.

Both the final scene in the mine and the scene of Lagarto's shooting Antonia and then being gunned down by the cops were very powerful - tense, climactic and well-acted.

Antonia's punishment was fitting on so many levels. Death would have been too quick and easy. As a quadriplegic she has a life of pain, frustration and helplessness ahead of her. And she lost the one man she said she really loved - something to think about during the long, lonely days and years to come. BTW - I thought the judge didn't have a complete list of all of Antonia's crimes, but 500 years will take care of any omissions.

Lucho was so endearing - at first shocked and then ecstatic that he'll be a father and finally have a family of his own. I never liked Irene, but she did redeem herself by the end of the story.

Floridia - I thought Poncia's case was resolved with the document recovered by Lucho. Didn't Gabriela give it to (Judge) Ricardo so her name was cleared a while back? I could be mistaken. Maybe someone else has a better memory than I do.

All in all, a satisfying wrap-up.



I also got emotional at the short scene where Lucia was cured of her leukemia and got to hold the little baby, Tomasito. That girl really is wonderful, and she'll now have two Daddies to help care for her (and they both love her).


It was creepy to keep Guerra alive, but it was fitting she was paralyzed. What made it good, or bad, depending on your pov is that she didn't change. She's still that lying, manipulative, scheming Guerra as always.

I think her whole 'Perdóname David/Alejandro' was a bid to manipulate them to get them to visit her at La Dorada, and of course, they didn't fall for it. I'm glad Ale took that bullet because I've always believed he wouldn't get Gaby's pov or the tigres in general until he felt Guerra's wrath in-the-flesh. Same with David; he wouldn't get it until they felt it for himself.

I loved the wedding scene because it was joyous and sad: sad because Ale had no family there and Tigre wasn't there, but happy because the tigres had made their own family, and it was amazing that Lucho, Gaston, and David gave Gaby away.

The whole scene leading up to Gaby's escape from La Fortaleza was hilarious-her cheeking the sedative, her trying to blackmail Ale into taking off the esposas so she could 'hug him', to Ricardito and Lucia getting the key to the cuffs.


Thanks for the kind words, guys. I was SO frustrated by having that neighborhood association meeting to attend on the very night I'd committed to the final episode. I DVR the early, 6:00 showing of the novela on DirecTV, and so can usually get a fairly early start on a recap. Not so much last night! I wanted to philosophize a little more, but the final was so jam packed that I was reduced to just writing what happened.

Christian Bach was absolutely amazing last night. She must have had about 45 minutes of complicated monologues to deliver, showing an incredible range of emotions: evil glee, hatred, love, self-pity, and on and on. She nailed every scene.

Aracely was also great. Her desperation to escape from her kindly captors and save her son was palpable.

The Telenovela World site is riddled with real or imagined spoilers, so I try to stay away from there. But I did read where someone absolutely said that Alejandro was going to die. So I've had that worry that maybe these people knew something hanging over me for months!

And I also loved the stock happy ending. The wedding was beautiful. I loved three men giving her away.

I thought Antonia's punishment was perfect. When they showed Lagarto shooting her, I thought it was a head shot and that she was a goner! But for someone who insisted on always being in control, the perfect punishment would be inability to do anything for herself.

Great recap anotheramy, agree with you about JM. Stinks to see him fall under karina's web.

J in Oregon, that would be a great anvil for mireya. Even though she's a total faker and seems manipulative, kind of hoping she gets redeemed later on (if that makes any sense). IMO shes seems like if she likes you, she would totally back you up in a fight.

One of my fav characters is quickly becoming neto, he seems like such a sweetie, if only we could get that brain working full blast...

Sue455, probably have to agree with you about least fav being the ruben/lupita plotline. For me it's just that she's so naive it going to be painful to watch what looks like a bunch of misery misery that's coming her way.



To recappers Deb, J desde NYC and Hombre - a huge thank you to you also for all your wonderful recaps, translations and insightful comments. You guys made it so easy for me to better follow this story and stick with it. Your work is much appreciated!



Talk about serendipity! I get a daily email from The Atlantic with links to some interesting stories.

One of today's was more or less related to the famous quotation by Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupt; and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Some excerpts reminded me so much of Antonia Guerra:

"Power gets to our heads. A decade of research on power and behavior show there are some predictable ways people react to power, which can be simply defined as the ability to influence others."

"What it means to have power is to be free of the punishment that someone could exert upon you for the thing you did. This paves the way for another hallmark of the powerful--hypocrisy. When given the opportunity to cheat and take more compensation than due them, the powerful caved in."

"This means that people with power not only take what they want because they can do so unpunished, but also because they intuitively feel they are entitled to do so."

Novelera- Thank you so much for taking on this gran finale recap, and for doing it so well. Many thanks to all the other recappers of this tn too. I was only half watching it in the beginning, stopped watching it completely during Gaby’s imprisonment, and got sucked in again when she returned as Veronica. But your recaps kept me totally up to date on what was happening in the story throughout.

I was also satisfied with the ending. I shed a few tears, and yep, Lucia with her baby brother was one of those moments. I’m glad they took the time to show everyone’s happy ending. I don’t care if it was cheesy or clichéd. There was more than enough death and suffering during the run of this tn. And a garden full of babies!

Guerra got a fitting end, I think. Alone, helpless, and totally without power. If she were healthy and in prison, she would have found a way to become La Patrona of the prison. She’d have her own little fiefdom. Loved the final touch of the nurse putting clown makeup on her.

I think the question about Poncia was more about what is she doing now? Who is she living with? My additional question is, did Ale and David ever find out she is related to them? She’s clearly not living with/caring for Guerra (although she cares enough to bring her medicines), but I wish they would have shown her fulfilled in some way, doing something she loves. Hell, I would have loved to see her run off with Balmy into the sunset. Wouldn’t THAT have been something, and Guerra would have lost what’s left of her mind. :)



Beth, Poncia's case was resolved by tearing up that incriminating document. It was some sort of statement by Poncia admitting she had killed her hubby but Guerra had the case taken care of by bribing the cops, but kept the incriminating statement to hold over Poncia's head. But Poncia hadn't killed her hubby; she had stabbed him, but Guerra did the kill shot. Poncia's hubby had been the one to help Guerra kill Marcos Beltran so killing him was in her interest.

glad to have helped anyone understand what was going on. I was surprised that I'd retained most of my seven years of Spanish I learned in school, but I still had the DRAE website and a Spanish English app running when I needed help figuring stuff out.

I never figured out, though, what was Guerra's last request to Balmy? What was it?

I'm glad


Thanks again to Deb, J desde NYC, Hombre de M. and Novelera for
a host of wonderful recaps. That is some dedication! I started watching because of Jorge Luis Pila, but then really got into the plot. I thought all the actors were excellent, and yes, especially CB. I recently watched her in the 1985 film Gavilán o Paloma.
In addition to JLP, I narrowed the field of my favorite galans down to Fabian Rios and Christián de la Fuente. Novelera, enjoyed your discussion of power. Vivi, yes
I would like to have seen Poncia
engaging in some type of happy activity living among people who love her.

I'm taking a big break now, but will get back in a few months.
Thanks for being a terrific team.


jlk, totally agree about that sweetie Neto! He is like the working man's Jose Manuel--Sweet clueless, totally loyal.
J in Oregon

DYO miercoles

Too tired to do a play by play tonight, but here are some highlights I remember:

Margarita kisses Oleg during their "date" and he looks twitchy. They go on a walk together later, and Pedro gets jealous--he wants to be the one to go on walks with her (WOW, 6-years-old much?). (His reaction when Oleg kissed Marge on the forehead was priceless! JL played this scene perfectly) She huffs that Pedro doesn't need to go to her biopsy appt with her... Oleg can do that too.

There's a rumble in the barrio with Estela, Pedro, Olegario, oh heck... everyone in the barrio. Estela is threatening Pedro to stay away from his daughter and lets on to Mireya that Iggy canceled her wedding because of him. Margarita slaps Estela for disrespecting her son and Gina watches her sister with pride. Ruben shows up, and Lupita is listening, and I'm totally giving up on trying to remember who knows what secret and who's related to who, so I'm just riding the TN wave right now.

Mireya demands to know what went on between Pedro and Iggy and Pedro remains sheepish and silent. She is determined to get married anyway, and wants to get this show on the road already. She's sure not happy Neto is padrino though. Pedro catches on that the two have been weird recently, but Mireya talks her way around it saying Neto just doesn't want to intrude since Marge is sick. Pedro's ok with that explanation.

Lupita shows up at Ruben's house to break it off. He is cocky and insulting... You're in love with me, you don't really want to break this off. Bless her heart, she sticks to her guns despite a couple of close calls and says goodbye forever. Or at least until tomorrow.

Ignacia sets up a romantic meeting with Tomas in the new house full of candles and a table set for two. She asks for his forgiveness and says she will marry him on two conditions--1) He stops drinking completely and 2)They have a small,intimate wedding at the house. He's peeved by these conditions and mulls them over, but in the end accepts. Is it me, or does Iggy seem a bit surprised he went for it? He goes for a couple kisses, and she is SO not into it. She actually looks like she might vomit. She leaves, and Tomas is on the phone to Karina setting up a rendezvous. Bleck.

Mariano is surprised Gina is back in the States, and still believes that his child with Gina was never born. I don't remember much about Mariano's and AA's conversation, so I probably missed some important plot points here.

Neto finally got a clue about who might have planted the money, remembering that he ran into that mensajero kid coming out of the worker's dressing room.

That's all I can squeeze out of my country-fried brain right now... feel free to chime in with anything I missed!

I have to say one thing I like about this tn is that there are several characters that actually seem to have a clue and don't fall for every ridiculous excuse or trap anyone sets for them (or at least don't fall right away). Of course there is the Brain Trust of Neto and Pedro, and silly Lupita, but a lot of these characters seem to have more than the normal amount of sense we usually see in tn characters. That may be one thing that keeps me going on this one.

I'm planning on tuning into Marido en Alquiler... Sonya Smith looks like she'll do an amazing job with this!


jlk and J in OR, I also agree about Neto, what a doll! Working man's JM, great comparison! I have a feeling, as someone has mentioned before, that Mireya might be in for a redemption toward the end... the writers have shown us some loyal, caring sides to her personality.

I also forgot to mention in tonight's episode, Marge gets a little fiesty about competing with Gina for Oleg--at one point she says something like "She can go find another European to marry" or something like that. So glad to finally see her show some spunk, as sweet and kind as she is.

La Patrona
Loved this show from beginning to end! Thanks to all you fab Recappers.
The wedding segment was nothing but beauty and smiles all around



J desde NYC - I thought Antonia said to Balmy that she wanted him to know/remember what she felt for him deep inside of her (my interpretation was, that she truly loved him). I also thought she might ask him to kill her, but as Deb pointed out, Antonia never did look like she was defeated and ready to die. Even at the very end she still was very verbal and demanding.

Re Poncia being related to Ale and David: I can't remember if Poncia ever revealed to Gabriela what her relationship to Antonia was. And, even though the tigres knew Ceci was Poncia's niece, there was no on screen discussion of Ceci's being related to Antonia. Poncia stayed in SPdO, so we can imagine that eventually she would tell the guys they're all cousins.

Another loose end was Ines. I can't believe she stayed in SPdO, but we don't know exactly what happened with her.

And we didn't see a Francisca/Gaston wedding.

I think the writers deliberately leave some loose threads either because there's a lack of time or it's not important to the outcome.


La Patrona

Re J desde NYC

In Guerra's last request to Balmy, Guerra tells him that if he never sees her again, if he leaves...then she asks for him to take with him all her feelings she has inside for him.

Overall great novela, kept me watching till the end. I loved/enjoyed the ending!!!
After all the things the tigres went through they all deserved a happy ending.



Well that's two pretty brain-dead galans that I'm watching. Though Pedro does have a flicker of life compared to Tav from CI. I fear for the airline and construction industries.


Let's hope that Chef Reynaldo has more sense than to listen to anything Teresa Cristina has to say. You have to wonder how he would end up with someone like her. ¡Frivolíssima!

Marido en Alquiler- Capitulo 1 - Wednesday - Part 1

Anyone watching this? I just saw the first epy and I must say, Juan Soler is aging rather well (yummy!)
This is a remake of a Brazilian tn (Fina Estampa), so there will be maaany characters intermingling...
Anyway, here is a rundown of who is who... I couldn't remember all the names, but maybe some of you can feel in the blanks.

Griselda/ heroine – is the “marido”, but she is actually a woman who only pretends to be a man on her business cards to attract more clients; she is a handy man, and very good at it, she had to take the reins of the family after her husband disappeared years ago (body never found, so I wonder…); she has three kids (as far as I remember)

Reynaldo/ hero – is a chef that knows nothing about manly jobs, like changing tires, but is a devoted husband (to devoted if you ask me) and father

Griselda’s family/ people

Kike – older son – he has a job, isn’t too happy with his younger brother who isn’t working, but going to school

Antonio – younger son – he is a medicine student and novio of Patricia; he is lying to her that his family is rich and living in Texas because he is ashamed of his mother’s job

Maria (???)– daughter – she is working, too, trying to help out her mother, she’s not going to school either; she starts a romance with Rafael, Antonio’s friend

Rafael – Antonio’s friend, works for a motto repair shop or something, lends Antonio a ride to impress Patricia; seems to be smitten with Maria, Antonio’s sister

Griselda’s amiga(what’s her name?) - her husband abuses her, Griselda advices her to throw his sorry behind in jail; the husband is a driver in Reynaldo’s house

The guy on the beach (what’s his name?)- he didn’t want to pay Griselda for fixing a beach shower or something until Griselda threatened to break it again

Some guy who appeared in Dame Chocolate – in love with Griselda, she is only friendly with him

Reynaldo’ family/ people

Teresa Cristina – Reynaldo’s neurotic, freak control, villainess wife; she makes her assistant’s life a living Hell, micromanages everyone’s life (her husband, her daughter), is all about wealth and power and is Maritza Rodriguez, so you can imagine what she’ll be up to

Patricia – Reynaldo & Teresa Cristina’s daughter – she just turned 21 – she studies to become a psychologist and is in love with Antonio – has no clue about his real family, she’s been fed a bunch of lies; she seems like a sweet girl, together with her dad they always put up with her mom’s shenanigans with an eye roll

The Assistant (name?) is a poor guy, always at Teresa Cristina’s beck and call; he calls her silly names like diosa or Nefertiti, wears fancy, slightly eccentric clothes (is he supposed to be gay?) and walks her puppies on the beach

Teresa Cristina’s brother and sister-in-law (names?) – they run a fashion business, they seem very in love even if models are always on the prowl in order to get better jobs

Paloma – Teresa Cristina’s cousin – has a bar on the beach and is friends with Griselda, too; lets Griselda leave her business cards at the bar, The Assistant takes one when he comes to visit


Marido en Alquiler- Capitulo 1 - Wednesday - Part 2

What happened so far?

- Griselda went to Antonio’s school, to give him a notebook, he treated her badly because he was afraid his fancy friends and girlfriend will see her (she was wearing her working jeans overalls)

-Antonio bought Patricia an expensive ring for her birthday, told her it belonged to his mother; later they made love in a hotel room

- Rafael, Antonio’s friend, came in search for Antonio to ask about the motto he borrowed, but only found Maria (?), his sister; they already know one another, she asks him to come inside to wait, he almost tries to kiss her, then he leaves

-Reynaldo bought a car (with a big pink ribbon) for Patricia’s birthday, but got a flat tire on the way home; he has no clue about handy stuff like that, thankfully he meets Griselda, who changes the tire in a heartbeat; he is left quite impressed; later they meet again at his house; wife Teresa Cristina wanted to throw a big party for Patricia, but the lights in the garden weren’t working, so The Assistant called the handy man, which happened to be Griselda; caras impactadas of Reynaldo and Griselda, while Teresa Cristina demands to know how is it that they know each other.

I kind of like this tn, there are plenty of characters to go around for all tastes and I have a feeling there will be some more to come; Brazilian tns have a special charm and if this remake is any good, then I'll enjoy it.
I haven't gotten a chance to really see how is the chemistry like between Juan Soler and Sonya Smith, but I think they'll make a fine pair.


Thanks very much, Adriana Noel, for your helpful rundown on the characters and plot (so far) in Marido en Alquiler. I watched yesterday's debut, and I confess that so far, I'm not as pleased with it as you are. The characters seem too exaggerated, over-the-top, especially Reynaldo's wife and her drippingly gay assistant. I do like Juan Soler, but his light-up-the-world smile may not be enough to keep me watching. I think I'll stick it out for at least a few more episodes, though. I'm often less enthusiastic about a telenovela at the start than I am later on.

One definite plus: I was able to understand a lot more than I do in El Señor de los Cielos. OTOH, understanding wasn't enough to make me choose Que Bonito Amor over El Señor de los Cielos. :-)

This comment has been removed by the author.


THX Adriana, I might tune in and check it out.
I like both S.S. & J.S. and Maritza Rodriguez is an excellent villana. Let's see how it turns out.

Never saw any brazilian TN except the classic Escrava Isaura - the original one - which is a must see I think.


Thanks, Adriana. I enjoyed this show, because it has all sorts of actors I've seen in other novelas. Some used to be bad guys, and are now good, some used to be good, and are now bad. Antonio and his sister (her name is Amalia) were brother and sister on Relaciones Peligrosas.

The other guy who loves Grisela is Gabriel. Teresa's brother and sister in law are Juan Pablo and Esther. Her assistant is Rosario, nickname "Ro", and yes, he's gay.

The picture of Griselda's husband, who has disappeared, was of Miguel Varoni, so I'll assume he's going to show up at some point.

I'm just enjoying the beautiful people, sunny locations, bright colors. We'll see about the plot.

EL SEÑOR DE LOS CIELOS, Miércoles, Part 1

So, asks Mónica, did you kill your suegro? Yeah, I had to do it. The old guy insulted me, he was trying to take over, I really had no choice. But.....he was like a father to me. Mónica can see that Aurelio was really affected by this, and she is, too. Aurelio continues, saying please hold me. You’re the only one I can really trust. I love you, Mónica. She’s a bit shocked, after pausing, says Me too. Aurelio falls asleep. Mónica has another vision of Miss Sinaloa telling her, Aurelio Casillas ordered the murder of your brother, saying he wanted revenge! Okay, she gets out the hunting knife, raises it above Aurelio’s sleeping form, clenches it with both hands....and starts shaking uncontrollably, tears streaming down. She can’t do it.

In the morning (I don’t think they ever had sex), Aurelio is all business, he’s leaving, she’s not too happy about that, but he goes. Triste comes in, gives Mónica a look, she missed her chance. She covers, nah, death would be too good for him, I’m going to make him suffer. He told me he killed Don Cleto. I’m going to tell Ximena. That’s what will really hurt him. His whole family will turn against him, and later, all his contacts, when they find out about this. That’s the best punishment for him, to make him suffer! She’s also wondering about Cabo. Aurelio told her that when Mónica was kidnapped, Cabo said go ahead, let her be killed. This is only half true, because Aurelio himself SET UP the kidnapping! But Mónica isn’t sure she can trust Cabo, either!

Back at the ranch, Ximena wants to take Rutila to school, but the guards won’t let her. Orders of Bert. Huh? Yeah, Bert comes out, tells his Mom you can’t leave the ranch, Dad’s orders. But Rutila needs to have school. Well, says Bert, why don’t you just get a teacher brought here. Like Aida. Hold on! Says Matilde. No way! That hussy won’t set foot on this property. Shut up, says Bert. I’m in charge. What I say, goes. Later, Aida IS brought to the house, she agreed, it was after her normal classes, she’ll have no problem tutoring Rutila. Mati is incensed. But Bert tells her Chacorta put me in charge of you. So, 1) you’re not going on tour, forget your singing, forget Alejandro, and 2) don’t you question my decisions! Mati is really pissed, but thinks to herself. (I can see the wheels turning. She knows that if she tells Chacorta that Bert forced himself on her (which he did), Bert would be dead.)

Eugnenia has written a hard hitting column about how Danny has been arrested, and how it won’t be long before the Lord of the Skies falls. Aurelio is livid. He charges in to see Turco, can you believe this? Turco tries to calm him down, then says I guess last night with Mónica didn’t go so great. This REALLY angers Aurelio, who starts choking Turco, how dare you talk to me in that tone. And he almost kills him. After he lets go, Turco, sputtering, says, if you do that to me ever again, I quit (he actually says I’ll assume I’m fired, but it’s the same thing). EVER.

CIELOS, Part 2

In Colombia, Cabo and Tijeras take Chacorta to a jungle outpost for one of their deals. He complains they won’t let him take his own bodyguards. Don’t worry, bud, you have US. At the outpost, Cabo tells a paramilitary guy we want TRIPLE what you’ve been supplying us. No, says Chacorta, that’s not our deal. How DARE you question me? Shoots back Cabo, and guns are drawn, we have a macho showdown. Tijeras and Cabo take Chacorta back in the woods, and he dares them to shoot him, they’d be dead. The Cabo and Chacorta get into a fistfight. In the end, no one shoots anyone, but tensions betwen Chacorta and the Colombians are high.

Danny has agreed to talk if Doris gets immunity. Marco talks to Benitez, who is initially reluctant, but after meeting with Colmenares, who really wants to fight corruption, gives the okay. Leo tells Marco that after Danny gives his statement, she’s going back to Colombia. Marco doesn’t want her to leave. As usual.

Irina is really in love with Aurelio, and after he visits her, she can tell it didn’t go so smoothly with Mónica, so she calls Mónica to gloat. Those two are heading for some kind of showdown.

The other day I thought that Ramiro wanted to find Doris, and pressure Danny to be quiet. But he actually is letting Aurelio do the work. Aurelio tells Turco to do it, Turco calls Randy, and shortly thereafter, Randy’s contacts (he’s apparently friendly with all sorts of government leaders) have found Doris in Rio de Janiero. Randy faxes a picture to Turco. Danny is in his cell, thinking about testifying. Tomorrow. A guard brings him his breakfast, hinting he should “really like it”. Danny lifts the metal cover from the food, and it’s a picture of Doris in Brazil!! Uh oh. The guard comes back, if you have any questions for Marco, you have to go through me. Danny is frozen with fear and angst. I don’t think he’s going to talk NOW!

Aurelio is also still upset that Eugenia wasn’t killed. He had told Canijo to do it. Turco told him Canijo had to take care of a shipment. So, asks Aurelio, who disobeyed, my orders, Canijo or YOU! Turco points out that when Chacorta tried to kill Eugenia a while back, HE became a wanted man. Aurelio doesn’t care. Take care of it!



Thanks, Adriana, for your great intro and recap to Marido. Since I could only catch parts of the first episode, and the characters are vague to me, your summary helps a lot.

I did like what I saw of Griselda (what a name!). The actress (?Sonya Smith) seems very believable in her role.

Over the top villainous wife Teresa (reminds me of Lucia in Corazon Indomable) looks like she could be very nasty.

I'm not familiar with Juan Soler (you said he's aging rather well); so far I thought he was playing his good looking, easy going, affable part well.

The husband who disappeared so many years ago must be coming back. Even if he is the kids' father, I thought it strange that his photo is so prominently displayed.

It's telling that the writers are doing the same thing to Ro that the writers did to Jean Marie in Amores Verdaderos - made him a caricature of the over the top gay employee. For me it means there will probably be more unbelievable silliness.

So far, though, it's worth watching.



Adriana Noel - thanks for starting up this thread.

I caught last night's full episode. Dunno if I'll stick with it. All the pairs are matched up already, or instantly smitten/attracted to each other.

As w/ Hombre de Misterio, I recognize a lot in the cast (i.e. Kike - el clon/ how could he play Sonya Smith's son when he looks only 10yrs her junior??) from other Tmundo novelas.

ya veremos.


Muchas gracias, Hombre, for your continually terrific recaps.

I think the recap has one small error. Wasn't it Tijeras rather than Cabo who fought with Chacorta in the woods? In fact, it looked as if Cabo was rather enjoying watching them fight, though he finally broke it up.

What was the significance of Cabo's asking the paramilitary guy for triple, and Chacorta objecting that that wasn't the deal? Is Cabo asking for triple because he's going to be supplying Mónica as well as Aurelio? If so, why would he ask for triple in front of Chacorta?

I was hoping they'd get the scene with Eugenia and Aurelio over with already. I think it may have been in last Friday's avances (after the 20 Momentos). I'm definitely not looking forward to that scene, and I'm not happy that they're keeping us waiting for so long. I want it over and done with, and preferably with a better outcome than the avances suggested. Since the avances have often been misleading, there's reason to hope.

Does anyone know how many more episodes of "El Señor" are still to come?


One more thing: I found myself feeling sorry for Danny last night. True, he's been perfectly happy to be in collusion with Aurelio, but he (Danny) seems to have a loyalty (in his case, to Doris) that most of the other Bad Guys lack. When things got messy, he sent her off to Brazil with the briefcase full of money in spite of her protestations that she didn't want to leave him. And now, in jail, he agrees to give his deposition on just one condition: immunity for Doris.
I can't see Ramiro, Huera, Castro, or even Aurelio showing that kind of loyalty to someone else. Aurelio talks a good talk about his feelings for Ximena, but increasingly the only one Aurelio seems loyal to is himself.

But last night, in jail, Danny realized that the guy who brought him his meal was working for the bad guys, and that there was no one Danny could contact to help save Doris. I agree with you, Hombre--I don't think Danny will talk.


Juanita, you're right, Tijeras was fighting with Chacorta. I think the reason why Cabo asked for 3 times the normal amount was twofold: One, they need the extra supplies for Monica and Topo, and two, they WANTED Chacorta to get upset, and they'd have an excuse to kill him. But apparently they changed their minds when he said Aurelio would know and would get revenge.

One other scene was where Doña Alba (or was it Ximena?) said to Bert, I see you're a man now. Maybe you'll run the business. But you don't have to be just like your father. Don't stop caring about others. Juanita, you pointed out that Danny still does care about Doris, and I agree, this sets him apart from Aurelio.


Having serious La Patrona withdrawals-I'm rewatching old eps and seeing new things I didn't notice-like the fact that Ale was definitely gonna win Gaby back because we didn't see her Vero face until Ale saw it. But can't choose a new TM TN to watch. I saw about 15 mins of DYO-saw Ruben/Lupita hookup; a woman slapping Tomas for insulting her family; Iggy's mom caressing Tomas' face as if she wanted to be with him, which is why she supports her daughter marrying a drunk. I don't know if I can handle DYO, but is Marido any good?


Juanita, I'm not entirely pleased, either, but I like Juan Soler quite a lot and I'm willing to give the show a chance for now. And yeah, some of the characters truly are over the top.

Irisz, I remember seeing Sclava Isaura as a child with my mom, I loved it. You should try a Brazilian tn when you get a chance, I think they are considerably better than Mexican/ US ones. And please consider watching O Clon if you haven't seen Telemundo's remake - it was simply amazing (and so much better than the original). What they do in most Brazilian tns is they give you a sense of community, the villains are not as cartoonish as in other tns and the moral and social issues they deal with are truly riveting to watch.

Beth, I expect plenty of silliness, that is for sure. I think the dead husband's portrait is so big on the wall because they all consider him a saint, which totally means that he's not.
I've seen Juan Soler in some tns over the years, he is a good actor.

Shallowgal, I'm having difficulties sticking to any tns, it must be the PP curse or something :))
Right now I'm watching Corazon Indomable on and off because I'm part of the recap team, but I find it so over the top idiotic sometimes that I just have to turn off my brain just to go through an episode. I'm not sure I'm gonna stick with Marido, but I'm willing to give it a chance.
WHEN is JC Canela coming back to tns? Is he done with his music career already? :)

Hombre, thank you for the other names, there were really quite a few characters introduced in the first episode. And yes, the husband will absolutely come back from the dead!

J desde NYC, you could give Marido a try, watch an episode or two. I don't think it's amazing, but it could be fun, it's really to early to tell.


Thanks so much for the wonderful recap, Hombre.

Wow, Aurelio is falling apart fast, getting crazier and crazier by the episode. One thing about his encounter with Turco. Besides Turco saying that if Aurelio did anything violent to him he'd consider himself fired, he also told Aurelio that he'd never be able to find him. This was a telling threat since Turco is his "fixer" and probably a good percentage of his brain capacity!

I see why Mónica feels that she must kill or significantly harm Aurelio; but, that I've seen, she's never owned the fact that Isidro died because she used his laptop to arrange the failed hit on Ximena and her children.

Mónica also said to Triste that even his children will turn against Aurelio when his murdering Don Cleto is known. That will definitely be interesting assuming that Beto finds this out!

AdrianaNoel, thanks so much for your list of characters and the recap of the premier episode. Can’t decide if I’ll watch this one or not. Both this novela and Dama y Obrero seem cut from the traditional TN cloth of the presumed class struggle between the extremely wealthy they gloatingly show and the honest, hardworking people who are just getting by that they presume is their target TN audience!

One detail that partly explains Teresa Cristina’s arrogance is that she said something about not having set Reinaldo up in that restaurant for him to put the place ahead of her needs and her daughter’s needs. So the money is hers.

I surely hope Antonio gets a comeuppance and fast. He’s a real shit at this point and doesn’t deserve that nice girl he loves, nor his mother and siblings. I notice that this girl is played by the same actress who played the insufferable rich brat in El Rostro de la Venganza.

There are a host of characters we’ve seen so many times. In one way it’s interesting. In another way, for example, the cast of El Señor de los Cielos seems fresh and realistic in their roles because I mostly haven’t seen them before – except for Rafael Amaya.


Adriana Noel - i feel you. lol! nothing interests me in tn land since PP. I too checked Indomable but no go. They've been showing Santa Diabla sneaks, and meh! I thought I read somewhere JC's contract w/ Tmundo is done. I've redirected mi pasión to (off topic) Henry Cavill at the moment.


AdrianaNoel, far from idolizing her missing husband (Miguel Varoni) as a saint, she despises him. She said to someone (Reinaldo?) that her husband said he was going fishing 15 years ago and never came back. She also said something angrily to the picture in the frame around the same time she was doing her morning prayer to La Virgencita.

I came across this article and was surprised to find a picture of a young Tina Romero. I'll leave the links to the article and the picture.

15. Las Poquianchis (Mexico)

Extremely controversial, this movie was based on a real story of two sisters who ran a prostitution circle, keeping the girls by kidnapped and subjected to physical abuse, torture and humiliations. The film, which is told in a documentary style, has graphic violence and adult content to spare, and the performances of the unfortunate girls (none other than María Rojo, Diana Bracho, Tina Romero and Pilar Pellicer) are so intense, that the movie results in a quite uncomfortable experience. But it did happen. Distribution


How old is Amalia supposed to be? She looks REALLY young for Rafael (wasn't he Gustavo in Corazon Valiente?).

Lots of actors I recognize in this one, and after looking over the cast list in Wikipedia, several more to come!



Anon @ 5:24, I had never heard of Las Poquianchis, but just read about them (there were actually 4 sisters). What a horrific, true story. Very interesting piece of Mexican history. Thank you for the info.



Novelera, I agree that the cast of El Señor de los Cielos seems fresh and realistic, but I feel that way in part for a different reason. I HAVE seen several of the main actors before, but in VERY different roles. Perhaps the most striking difference is with Fernanda Castillo, who plays Mónica Robles. I'm in awe that she can do such a convincing job in that role, since I also thought she did a terrific job not that long before as Vivi in Amor Bravío, a VERY different role. I've also seen Gabriel Porras before, most recently as the scumbag Gato who rapes Teresa at the start of La Reina del Sur, again, a very different role from that of Marco Mejia. And, of course, Rafael Amaya was Teresa Mendoza's first love in La Reina del Sur, where he was involved in the drug trade, but we saw him through Teresa's rose-colored memories, where he was NOTHING like Aurelio. It was the difference between the roles I had seen these actors in formerly and their roles in Cielos that most impressed me and perhaps made their roles seem so fresh to me.


Hombre - this is a much delayed thank you for the excellent recap.

Monica has been somewhat suspicious of Cabo since she was kidnapped and then "saved" by AC's and Cabo's guys. At one point when Cabo had rescued her, one of the kidnappers informed Monica that he knew Cabo and just as he was about to expose the ruse, AC (I think) shot and killed the guy. Now with AC telling her that Cabo said "- go ahead, let her be killed", I'm sure Mónica is thinking Cabo and Oscar staged her kidnapping.

There will definitely be fireworks when Mati runs into Aida now that Aida is at the ranch, and I expect Beto will back Aida.

It will be interesting to see what spin Cabo puts on Chacorta's fight with Tijeras when they inform AC of the happenings in Colombia.



The Volleyball player is named Fernando. (Gabriel Valenzuela from LCDAL and CV)


wow, none of these characters should ask for a "sign",
the entire house might fall in on them,

when Igncia did, on the day of her wedding, both Pedro and her (not really) dad came knocking,

yes, why is she marrying this guy, she should be retching along side of Lupita,

btw, DyO and Marido are like so much the same,
Marido has the Telemundo "A' team,
DyO has Ana, (with her engagement ring on her middle finger)


Adriana, I saw EI. also as a child, with my grandma in my case :))

I'll check around if there were any brasilian TN that had been show here and been dubbed. No original shows showed here with subtitles, every single one always dubbed.

I wouldn't understand a word othervise, I'm thankful I'm able to watch TN's with subs at the Uni & Telemundo sites, it sure helps a lot with spanish, already starting to pick up a lot, but do not know a squat of porthugese.


Thanks so much Hombre. I am behind on my Cielos viewing this week. I’m glad neither Monica nor AC came out dead from their encounter. Although Monica wimped out because of her feelings for him, I think her idea for how best to destroy AC is right on point. The more his family and close ties (e.g. Turco) get out of his control, the less control he has of himself. He’s starting to do very stupid/rash things. It won’t be long before his family and allies start to abandon him.



Adriana- Thanks for the rundown of the first episode and players. I recorded the first two nights, but haven’t had time to watch yet. I really like Juan Soler too, but the only tn I have seen him in is “Cuando me Enamoro” with Silvia Navarro. They made a very fun couple in that and I have liked him ever since (plus his funny “Cartas a Juan” Cheerios commercials).

As for other Brazilian telenovelas, I neither saw the original “O Clon” nor watched “El Clon”, but I read the El Clon recaps on Caray Caray. I did watch “India” and that was just wonderful. They dub the Brazilian tns into Spanish. I also saw most of “La Esclava Isuara” last year, when they showed it during the day—I set my dvr. Both of these were on Telfutura before it became UniMas. Since the change over, it seems UniMas isn’t showing Brazilian tns anymore. I’m sure there is some station I don’t know about that does show Brazilian tns.


Brazilian tns

Vivi, O Clon was simply amazing!
What I loved most about it was that there were no clear cut villains like in most tns, at times I couldn't help but root for Said, for example ( the heroine's husband) or feel sorry for Marisa ( the hero's wife).
Every character had redeeming qualities and there was also something tragic about the whole story. I tried to watch the spanish version because I liked teh original so much, but I couldn't get into it at all.

The way the Brazilians always push for morally complex situations is what I really appreciate. For example, recently I saw a trailer of a tn where a woman wakes up after many years of being in a coma and finds the love of her life about to get married to her sister, after raising their baby together with her - there are really no bad people involved, just a lot of sadness and drama.

MARIDO Thursday

- Griselda fixes the garden lights, while Teresa carefully watches her, amazed that she is a woman doing a man's job; they have a talk about husbands and being pretty for them (so Teresa is trying to be pretty for Reynaldo? not for her own narcissistic crazy self?)

- Antonio arrives at the party and almost meets his mother, but is taken away by Patricia; later there is a fireworks show prepared by Reynaldo for his daughter (can everyone rich enough can do one of those in LA?) and Antonio tells Patricia the ring he gave her earlier in the day is supposed to be an engagement ring; her parents hear this, but of course Teresa wants a real engagement party, with Antonio's texan mother in attendance...
- the next day Griselda confronts Antonio, asking him if he is truly ashamed of her; they get into a huge fight, she says she is on his own from now on (she will still be paying for his books, but medical school is kind of expensive, so books don't really count, me thinks); anyway, Antonio has always had a special treatment, different from his siblings, so part of my sympathy for Griselda vanishes with this realization, because this is just so unfair for the other kids - even if Antonio were some kind of e genius, some of the fancy clothes he is wearing might pay for more important things in the house
- Amalia and her futur novio, Rafael, meet a few more times, I have a bad feeling about this guy, he is being rqther pushy with her... and please, spare me the "I never lived until I met yiu" nonsense
- Kike has a son who is about 10, I guess
- one of Patricia's friends is going to work for Reynaldo's restaurant, which makes Teresa very mad because the girl is also Ro's niece and she doesn't like it when people have better things to do than be at her beck and call
- Griselda plays the lottery and from the way they showed the sum she could win (43 Mill) I think that might just be the case...
- ... which comes rather handy for son Antonio, who realizes after talking to his friend Daniel that he won't be able to keep up with the rich family lie for long; Daniel advices him to tell his mother the truth...does he plan to dress her up, make her wear fancy clothes and act like a texan belle?



Novelera, thanks for clearing up for me Griselda's feeling for her husband, this went completely over my head when I watched the first capitulo. I did see her desprecio in teh second, so yeah; now we just haveto waith for Miguel V. to show up.


Many thanks, Adriana, for your delightfully snarky recap of last night's episode. I especially enjoyed "(so Teresa is trying to be pretty for Reynaldo? not for her own narcissistic crazy self?)" and "she doesn't like it when people have better things to do than be at her beck and call."

I too think it's likely that Griselda will win the $43 million dollar lottery, and thus be in a position to be the millionaire mother Antonio has described to his novia and her family. And even without the money, it looks as if she's willing to transform herself into a more "acceptable" mother for her obnoxious son. Sigh. Though the avances seemed to indicate some more positive results of her efforts at transformation. I suppose if this is really just another sappy telenovela, Antonio too will transform, in his case into a decent son and human being. Oh well.


Once again, Adriana, thank you for the great recap. I think I'm getting into this TN, mostly because our leading lady is very engaging and your write-ups are so helpful. I want to see how winning the lottery will move the story along.

I can't blame Teresa for wanting to meet Antonio's mother (I'd want to meet my daughter's novio's family). Teresa has hypersensitive antennae, and she has picked up that Antonio isn't what he claims to be.

Antonio is awful! He's so wrapped up in himself that he can't see what is so obvious to everyone else. He has no appreciation for everything his mother has done for him. And, of course, Griselda has fostered his selfish outlook on life.

Do we know yet who and where the mother of Griselda's nieto is? The little guy is a cutie.

Vivi - thank you for the “Cartas a Juan” Cheerios reference. I knew I'd seen Juan Soler somewhere!



Eugenia has figured out that Aurelio is somehow connected with Alejando Negrete, the singer. She interviews two former members of Alejandro’s back up band. They’re scared to death, don’t want to talk. So she agrees, no names, off the record. They tell her yes, they were at the ranch, Aurelio’s family has been paying for Alejandro’s career. They got Matilde’s singing career going, to, with Heriberto as her manager. But things started getting sticky when that new singer (Leo) showed up. Eugenia has no idea the new singer was Leo. The young girl and guy won’t reveal where the ranch is. But they confirm that no one has seen Alejandro since the day of those tensions at the ranch. It’s as if he’s been swallowed by the earth.

This is a huge story. Eugenia starts writing it up, with Alfonso’s encouragement. She also calls Marco, and tells him she thinks Alejandro has disappeared, and Aurelio could have something to do with it. When Leo sees Marco get the call, she’s at first jealous, but later apologizes when she finds out what it was about. She and Marco have sex again, but she insists on telling him that sex has nothing to do with love. Right.

Aurelio want a new safe house, and Turco gets him one quick as a lick. Aurelio realizes how much he needs Turco. In the new house, he invites Mónica over, since she’s one of the people he trusts. This time, they DO have sex. After the last time, when things didn’t go so well, Irina really gave Mónica the business, gloating. But when Irina gets to her gallery the next morning, all her beautiful paintings have been slashed! She knows it’s Mónica’s work (it is, she had Triste do it). She calls Mónica, and says she’ll be sorry, Aurelio will teach Mónica a lesson. Don’t think so, replies Mónica, I spent the night with him, and we’re on the same team. So take that. Bitch!

The next morning, the headlines Could the Lord of the Skies be responsible for the disappearance of Alejandro Negrete? Aurelio is furious. Bert reads it, his eyes grow large. Alba says did your father have anything to do with this? Bert tells her leave me alone!

CIELOS, Part 2

Turns out Matilde was NOT upset by Aida’s presence. Well, at least she’s pretending not to be. She plays a little game with Victorcito and Rutila, teaching them Colombian songs. Xime is buying this for one minute. Neither are we.

Danny is getting ready for his hearing, we know he’s unlikely to talk. Also, he gets another message from the corrupt guard, who gives him a tie to wear, and there’s a note, saying something like “You’ll get what you want from her”. Whatever, he’s scared sh!tless. He’s getting dressed for his hearing, but we’ll see.

Chacorta is somewhat calmed down from his fight with Tijeras. He’s back, and happy to have his bodyguards back. I don’t know what he’ll tell Aurelio, Cabo apparently proved they needed triple shipments, and they got triple shipments, so what’s the problem? Cabo also calls Mónica, who acts all nice, but we know she’s suspicious of him too, now.

Aurelio is sick and tired of that Eugenia whatever her name is (Casas) dissing him in the newspapers. She’s gotta go, and today! He gathers up Niño and Canijo, goes into town to La Tarde, the newspaper where she works. On the way, he calls Marco, tells him no matter how many guards you have, you’ll never be able to protect your girlfriend! Marco is shocked, tries to call Eugenia, but she’s in Alfonso’s office and doesn’t hear her phone ring. Marco and Leo send all sorts of units to Eugenia’s office. But he gets stuck in traffic. And they’re all too late anyway. Leo tells an assistant forget Danny’s hearing, we have to get to the newspaper office now! But Aurelio is already there, wearing sunglasses, walking right in, having left Niño and Canijo in the SUV, he’ll take care of it. Eugenia decides to walk outside for some coffee, doesn’t even take her purse I don’t think, probably doesn’t have her (giant) cellphone, if she even has one. Aurelio asks, find out she walked out, walks out after. Marco finally gets to the offices, but Alfonso says Eugenia just went for a walk. In a dark corner, near the SUV, Aurelio walks up to Eugenia, and says, how would you like an exclusive interview with the Lord of the Skies. Eugenia’s eyes widen, as she realizes who he is. GULP

DYO jueves, part 1

Pednacia in the oficina… he wants to know did she really cancel the wedding? Yes she did, but it’s back on again. Kicked-puppy face ☹

Tomas and Estela in the new house, she’s lots of help with decorating… “You could put it over there, or wherever. It’s beautiful anywhere.” Tomas enlightens her on the change of plans from boda del año to boda intima at the house. She is not happy… “Who cares what Ignacia wants… this has to be the biggest wedding of the year! Honestly, I don’t know how you stand her. “ Estela’s mother-of-the-year trophy is in the mail.

Karina gets Tomas’s booty call message as she is on her way to see JM. She is elated, and JM thinks she’s excited to see him. He wants to take her to dinner after the movie, maybe a bottle of champagne at his apartment, but she wants to take it slow. She’s such a good girl.

Time-passing montage… Marge/Oleg taking a walk with Marge being coy, Pedro taking Marge to her biopsy appointment, Iggy sitting in a meeting lost in space, family dinner at the Perez’s where Pedro is also lost in space, Mariano looking at photos of little Iggy, Pedro looking for work w/o success, Estela/Iggy sniffing her wedding bouquet, Tomas directing movers where to put furniture, Lupita waiting at the curb for someone and Pedro demanding she go back inside as Iggy watches from her car (weird).

Day before the wedding, Abue Alfa and Ignacia have a heart-to-heart and AA reminds her she can always say no when the judge asks her at the wedding.

Dia de boda: Pedro/Mireya are going to have a “ring-blessing” party tomorrow; Oleg reminds him today is Ignacia’s wedding. Kicked-puppy face.

An entertaining scene at casa de Santamaria where we see the dynamics of the family in action… Estela is rushing everyone to get ready to go and asks AA if she has her handkerchief, AA says she does but why does Estela need it if she never cries? Estela is exasperated… you’re not going to get all hysterical are you? “At least I have feelings!” responds AA, and then she compliments her daughter on how beautiful she looks. “And WHAT is up with that hairdo?” Estela Deville asks her mother. “I spent 8 hours with the best stylist in Beverly Hills for this!”

Ruben enters and Estela asks him if his sister is ready. He checks his pockets looking for his sister and calling her name facetiously. AA loves it and giggles, exasperated Estela (EE?) tells him to stop fooling around and go check on her. (This scene was great… such a realisitic slice-of-family-life, with each character showing their personalities and dynamics in the family—such fun to watch!)


DYO jueves, part 2

Uh-oh. Ignacia’s not in her room, and her dress is still there! Panic ensues. Ignacia comes out of the kitchen in her robe with a glass of milk. She sends the family ahead, she’ll catch up with them. Ignacia is in no hurry. Estela leaves Ruben in charge of making sure Ignacia doesn’t bolt. Ruben in charge. GREAT idea. It takes about 30 seconds for Iggy to convince him he can go (he’s got something he’s got to do).

Lupita is late to the breakfast table and is nauseous. UH-HUH.

Pedro is conflicted, and then runs off to find Ignacia.

Casa de boda: JM tells Tomas things are going well with Karina, they’ve seen each other everyday for the last two weeks. Tomas leaves to get dressed, JM can’t get K to answer her phone…

…because she’s in Tomas’s room waiting for him. She does NOT want him to go through with this… Ignacia doesn’t love him. He wants her to shut up and make out with him. JM knocks, Karina hides. JM and Tomas have a character-revealing conversation… “Arent you nervous? Nerves are good, they’re part of la emoción!” “Nerves are for the weak. I am in control. All the time.” JM leaves, Karina and Tomas pick up where they left off. PLEEEEASE Jose Manuel, walk back in, pleeeeease!!

Iggy mopes at home… “Am I doing the right thing? Dear God, help me make the right decision.” Answered-prayer via express mail: Pedro shows up at the door. He enters (leaving the door open, I notice) and they each share a stumbling conversation with lots of tortured looks. These two actors are really good at this… I’m holding my breath! They get closer and closer to each other, ohmigod they’re gonna KI--- NO!! Here comes papa Mariano through the open door. “Hija…?” “Papa?” Pedro looks confused (as usual).

More nauseous and fainty Lupita. UH-HUH. Reaally looking forward to Squeaky having contractions. Gina thinks she should see the doctor, maybe she’s um… “anemic”. Gina knows what’s up, though, and makes lots of veiled references to “metiendo la pata.”

Ignacia rejects Mariano, he’s missed too much of her life and she doesn’t want to listen to his excuses. She throws him out and Pedro comforts her.

Ignacia is late, Karina is optimistic that she won’t show. JM and Estela go looking for her. Pedro and Iggy arrive at la casa de boda. Iggy thanks Pedro for being there at the right time (what good are signs from God if you don’t pay attention to them?). More tortured looks, Ignacia goes into the house. And interrupts Tomas/Karina in mid-caress! Fin del capitulo!


Thanks, Adriana for a very entertaining recap!

Ro's niece is Vanessa. The actress had a small part at the end of Corazon Valiente playing the crazy daughter of the main villain, Fernanda.

We don't yet know who the mother of Kike's son is, although you can see on Wikipedia she's played by Daniela Navarro, who was Clara on Corazon Valiente.

Antonio really is bad. Not only is he mean to his Mom, but when Rafael said I'm not lending you the moto anymore, Antonio resorted to extortion (I know some stuff you've been doing your boss doesn't know about, you'd better keep helping me or else!).

The chauffeur is named Manuel. His wife is Celeste. He beats her. She was also a beaten wife on Maid in Manhattan.

I really like Ester, Teresa's sister in law, whom they keep putting down for not having kids. She was the mother of the character Antonio played on Relaciones Peligrosas.

So far, one thing is for sure. We'll have less murders on this show than on La Patrona!


Hombre - thanks for the white knuckle recap. Almost every scene last night was hyper-tense, and you captured them all.

I don't know how Eugenia will get out of this one. AC is not only pithed with her, he wants the names of her sources!

At least AC recognizes Turco is absolutely essential to his organization. Maybe this will give Turco time to put his exit plans in motion.

I do feel for Danny - caught between a rock and AC. I thought the suggestion in the note was to use the necktie as he wanted - i.e.; hang himself.

Loved the b!tch call to Monica! Those two ladies are just amping up the jealousy factor. I want to see what La Rusa has planned for revenge.

I had to laugh at Triste saying his cousin, the hooker, did better paintings!

Mati is up to no good, but at least Monica's on to her (just wait till Mati is pregnant and her hormones make her even more BSC).

Alba's look told me that she immediately suspected Beto had something to do with Alejandro's demise.



I'm just thrilled we're getting excellent recaps of all three of the evening novelas. Thanks a million to Hombre, AdrianaNoel, and Another Amy!!


What an exciting episode! Thanks, Hombre, for your fine recap.

Actually, I'm siding with Mónica in her war with Irina. Irina had no business calling Mónica and crowing about HER being able to "rouse" Aurelio. That was tasteless in the extreme. And Mónica knew just how to pay her back.

Yep, Mathilde is up to something for sure. I don't think she'd harm Victorcito, but she's probably paving the way to be his new mommy so Chacorta will give her back her birth control pills.

That was a somewhat puzzling scene with the crooked guard and Danny. I thought he said "Use it in the best way possible" or some such when he presented him with the tie. Personally, I thought he was hinting that he could hang himself using both ties. But maybe I'm just remembering what Antonia Guerra set up for Aníbal Villegas when he was imprisoned!

I can't bear for Aurelio to get his hands on Eugenia. It's just too cruel.

Heriberto looked like he was about to swallow his tongue when he read the newspaper headline. He maybe caught a glimpse of the long arm of the law reaching into the rancho.

Beth, I see from your post while typing mine that you reached the same conclusion about the "necktie gift".


Greap recap, Hombre, as always. I must confess, the business with Eugenia and Aurelio is driving me loca. I think it's been almost a week since the avances showed that she does indeed get kidnapped by Aurelio and subjected to what the avances suggested would be some very ugly torture. For a week now, that scene has been troubling me. Even now, a week later, we still haven't caught up to the avances.

Like Beth, I thought the note with the tie suggested that Danny should use it as he should, i.e., to hang himself. But I also thought that he got the tie at the same time or very soon after getting the photo of Doris. So I was a bit confused when it arrived again. And did it this time have a different note?

Can't wait to see tonight's episode. Your recap, Hombre, made it clear that a lot could happen--with Eugenia, with Mónica, with Beto, etc. Also, of course, with Ximena, if Mónica does succeed in talking to her over the phone and telling her that Aurelio confessed to killing Don Cleto.


Novelera, I see there are apparently three of us with similar thoughts about the necktie. I didn't see your message until after I had posted mine.

As long as I'm writing, I might note that when I was sending my thanks to Hombre for his recap and said that I was eager for the business between Eugenia and Aurelio to be over and done with, not strung out for a full week or more, I was trying to think of a Spanish expression that I came upon earlier in Cielos, but I couldn't remember it. Of course, as soon as I pushed Publish, I did remember it: "al mal paso darle prisa" - "let's get it over and done with."


Excellent dicho, Juanita! I also like that one: al mal paso, darle prisa

I did want to make a general comment, though. We have quite a few newer commenters to El Mundo de Telemundo recently. Long, long ago we early adopters agreed that we would not say anything about what is seen in the avances. We had a significant contingent of viewers who switched off before they were shown, preferring to be surprised by the next episode. It's probably better to continue with that tradition.


Thank you all for correcting my misunderstanding of the note to Danny. I feel so dumb now. When I saw the word "la", I thought it referred to "her", Doris. But of course it means "it", referring to la corbata. Whew. Again, thanks.

I second what novelera said about avances.


thanks so much AnotherAmy for your wonderful summary and comments!

so I guess Pedro never went back to work, hmm,

ah yes, Lupita waiting alone on the curb,
it looks like Ruben's job has given him multiple places to take his dates,
was there a short scene where Estela's credit card was missing from her purse,

I'm not quite sure why Tomas is obsessed with marrying Ignacia, which also includes adopting her family, (including touchy/feely talks with her mom), and he apparently doesn't have a family ??,

it really added another dimension to the Ignacia/Mariano/Pedro chat, when I remembered that Mariano is Pedro's father.


Novelera, thanks for the information about the policy re avances. My apologies for violating it. Just to clarify, is it permitted to say something unspecific, such as, "the avances suggest that the situation is more complicated than we think," or is even that considered off limits? Please understand that I'm not challenging the policy, just trying to be sure I know what it is.


thank you so much Adriana Noel for your summaries and comments, new novelas are sometimes difficult to sort out, and this one sure has a large cast,

you kind of have to give Antonio credit for being the rich kid, I'm not quite sure how he is able to pull it off, (where did he get the money for the ring), but I wonder what Patricia will do when she finds out, since he has been lying to her all of this time, but the part where he disses his mother, wow, that is just evil.

interesting the fireworks, I wasn't expecting that, what a unique gift, (oh did you mention L.A., I think this one is being filmed in Miami)

I was waiting for them to give her the car, (which strangely is the same kind that she already has but hers is a convertible),

odd the scene where the guy who owns the moto Antonio "borrowed" shows up with a girl who only speaks russian and he gives Patricia a motorcycle book for her birthday,

I've been enjoying Maritza Rodríguez (Teresa Cristina) at work, she is so good, her character has quite the sting, but it somehow doesn't affect Reinaldo.

Pablo Azar (Rafael, the motorcycle guy) did an incredible job as the bad-boy boyfriend in "Aurora", I hope they let him work his magic here.



I'm always grateful for your recaps Hombre,
most of the time I have to read them first just to know what happened,
so I don't usually have much to say,
but thanks.



I'm sure the kind of hint you mentioned about the situation becoming complicated wouldn't bother anyone, Juanita.

Please don't feel the necessity to apologize. If you're a relative "newbie" to a group, whether cyber or not, sometimes there are norms that may not seem like norms to you!

I stopped watching Univision novelas quite a while ago, but maybe comments about avances ARE the norm in those areas of the blog.


Re: avances. Thanks, Novelera, for the reminder. Like others here on the Telemundo side of Caray, Caray, I "tele"ported over from the Univision side where avances are routinely published and discussed as part of the recaps. But it is easy to remember to avoid discussing avances, especially since some of the previews are spoilers and some are deliberately misleading.



About AVANCES -- yes, we decided when we started the Telemundo page to avoid talking about Avances here. It's true that we regularly refer to them over on the Univisión side of the blog. But those tend not to be quite as "spoilerish" as Telemundo's. So to play it safe and keep everyone happy, we just decided to stick with what actually happened in the episode.

It seems to have worked pretty well for us.

CIELOS -- jueves

Hombre, thanks for an exciting recap of a nail-biter of an episode.

I haven't been following the blog too closely because I usually don't get around to watching the show until a few days after it has aired. So forgive me if I am repeating something you guys have already beat to death.

But does anyone think Turco could turn out to be an undercover agent? It occurred to me last night when he seemed to satisfy Aurelio's wishes like some underworld genie. And I thought about the twist at the end of Reina del sur when we find out that el Güero was one of the good guys. ... hmm.


Thanks, Adriana Noel. 2nd day and so far, it's holding my interest.

What a (mostly) beautiful cast, esp Gabriel Coronel. Have loved Sonya Smith in everything since Dónde está Elisa.

I'm chuckling at myself, cuz last night I had a dream that Griselda lost the lottery ticket. hmmmm


NovelaMaven - "But does anyone think Turco could turn out to be an undercover agent?" What a great twist that would be! Hadn't even thought of it, but the possibilities are intriguing, especially with Danny in jail and AC wanting him silenced. Would "Super Turk" find a way to transport Danny to the US?




That could be. But wouldn't SuperTurk have to snatch up Doris too? Because as long as Danny is worried about her, he'll probably clam up. (Personally I think Danny is a goner.)

DISCLAIMER: As Novelera and other "vets" can attest, I always always always guess wrong. So pay no attention to me.

However -- what if that Randy guy is DEA? It would explain why Turco was so unusually forthcoming with him.

And if Turco is playing for some branch of law enforcement, the nickname "The Trojan" would be even more apt.


Interesting theory, NovelaMaven!

But hasn't Turco committed actual crimes? He's certainly threatened and suborned coroners! The most recent example is the autopsy on Don Cleto where he placed a bullet on top of the bribe.

He hasn't killed anyone, but he's facilitated drug trafficking. And wasn't he instrumental in arranging for some of those planes to land at secret runways loaded with drugs?

But, maybe he turned his coat later in the game - after he started to fall for Ximena. His motive for helping the DEA could be getting her a sweetheart deal in the US.



Oh definitely, he's committed lots of crimes. But isn't that expected for someone deep undercover? (Didn't Güero Dávila transport drugs for years?)

If he's infiltrating the narco world, I suspect he has been at it for a long time.

But have I mentioned that I'm always wrong?


Tks Hombre for today & yesterday.

I didn't know about the avances rule & I'm probably the biggest violator. No más.

I believe Turco is turning now, for the treatment of Ximena, and if AC can kill his own suegro, no one is safe & icing on top, trying to strangle him.

Ximena knows very little of the business, the one that could get the sweetheart deal is Turco, HE KNOWS ALL.
We don't know much about the Randy/Turco relationship. Randy is the US connection for drugs, so unlikely he is DEA. OTOH, who is AC's US connection?Is it Randy?

Undercover agents do terrible things in order to not to blow their cover. They want to fry the big fish.

AnotherAmy, thanks so much for another great recap! By the way every time Karina slinks towards JM, I recall your words of warning: 'Run, my darling!'
So funny! But he is no dummy, he was skeptical about her excuse for being in the bedroom area of Tomas' new house...
Okay, we have hints of a little Squeak in the oven, whilst over at the constructora, Ruben is seducing another (albeir more experienced) victim.
Whoever made the early call on Squeaky's pregnancy was sure spot on.
J in Oregon



Well, there's another possibility: Turco is simply Turco, legal beagle for AC, but Randy is the undercover agent, using Turco and Topo to get to AC and the Colombians. Turco did ask Randy how Randy had gotten the photo of Doris in Rio so quickly, and Randy laughed it off by saying he has friends in the FBI.

This TN is so complex that there are many ways the story lines could go.



After all these years I finally created a Blogger profile! So, I think my thumbnail photo is going to show up.


Interesting. In the post a comment field, my photo shows up. When I'm just in the main page, click on July 8 link for Telemundo, there's no photo. Is that the case with everyone?


Yes, Novelera, I think that's the way it is for everyone.


Speaking of things people have to do while undercover, Leo also told Marco that she could never be a normal married woman, how could she ever reconcile that life with the fact that she's had to (or has to) sleep with creeps for her job?

DYO viernes

Today's capitulo consisted mainly of 40 minutes of Ignacia looking miserable before, during, and after the wedding, and then on into the wedding night. This was no normal "looking miserable," this was "nearly catatonic, trudging through the episode like a zombie" miserable. LOTS of loooooooooooong pauses and ghosty memories (and viewers holding their collective breath), and she still goes through with it.

The misery continues when Tomas breaks the news that she should quit her job so they can get to work on baby-making and raising a family, and Iggy freaks out. The next morning, Tomas brings her breakfast in bed and is on his way out to go pick up the family, who will be moving in today. Despite Ignacia's insistence that she wants to go with him, she insists she stay in the house. Alone with her thoughts, Ignacia sinks deeper into misery.

Lupita is still pregnant. Gina is still trying to convince her to go to the doctor--using masterful indirectas like "if you weren't so young and innocent, I'd think you were pregnant. This just isn't normal having pregnancy symptoms when youre not pregnant."

Marge mistakes Lupita for Mireya for a moment, and we get a sense the enfermedad is about to hit the fan.

Comedic moment when Neto accidentally flings Pedreya's compromiso rings in the air and the family searches the apartment on all fours until they are found. Mireya is still suspicious that Pedro is being weird because of Ignacia, and finds out that Pedro quit his job to avoid problems. Mireya wants to have her cake (Pedro staying away from Iggy) and eat it too (Pedro working for Iggy)... how can they get married if he doesn't have a job? Pedro suggests the cancel the compromiso, or at least postpone it until he gets work. NOPE, Mireya isn't having that, and she throws a berrinche until Pedro agrees to go back to work at the obra.

Gina has an intriguing phone conversation with a new guy called Braulio, she tells him to STOP calling her... he's going to ruin everything. He tells her if she doesn't show up, he's going to keep calling. She says, don't threaten me... I will come find you when it's necessary. Ohh, man. If Gina turns out to be seedy, I'm gonna be so disappointed :(


Just watched yesterday's episode. Monica and Triste are hilarious mocking La Rusa. LOL!


I just watched tonight's episode. Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! I couldn't watch parts of it.


I guess they wanted to make sure we didn't have a modicum of feeling for Auerlio.

Thought it odd that Marco didn't run over to Eugenia & at least feel her pulse.
He has now lost his padre,madre y ex-novia to Aurelio.


thanks so much for the recap AnotherAmy!

Ignacia did really looked lovely in her wedding dress,
and her fabulous hair/makeup that she whipped up in a flash,
but wow, could she ever stall, in every way possible,

and this whole thing was going multidimensional for me, because the only other time I have seen Ana Layevska in a wedding dress was in "El Fantasma de Elena" where she/someone was then thrown off the roof and died in front of everyone, and then later she/someone haunted that house,

and then when they got to the violins in the garden playing the march, wow, just like when Bianca walked past them in "Pasion Prohibida",

but now that she is married, oh this can't be good,

and did Tomas toast his wedding with Estela, I just know he has been drinking, and wow, he really was prepared to give her a good beating way back when before Pedro stopped him,

and Tomas is actually kidnapping her whole family by moving them in,
this guy controls everything,

when Marge called Lupita, Mireya, all of their names went blank for me, is her condition contagious?

yea, what was Gina's phone call all about.



At Gabriel’s local, Antonio is apologizing to his mom for the way he treated her, but Griselda is no fool – she realizes he wants something from her; she asks him to wait for her if he really wants to talk, because she has to work now. When Antonio leaves, Gabriel comes to bring her a juice, tries to be all lovable, but Griselda reminds him she is the head of a household, she has no time for his sweet words.

Ro is talking with Vanessa (while wearing a ridiculous pink ribbon-like band on his head), warns her that if she goes to work at Reynaldo’s restaurant Teresa Cristina will be very mad.

Back at the local, Kike warns Antonio to be careful what he tells their mother because he made her suffer a lot; Antonio asks Kike to mind his own business. Then he calls Patricia, tells her he might be late for the fashion show because his mother called him with some urgent family business that he needs to attend to. Patricia believes him, but Daniel, who is with her, knows better.
Griselda comes to sit at Antonio’s table. He brought her a flower and a gift, which ends up being a fancy dress. Griselda doesn’t like the dress, she feels humiliated by it. Antonio explains that he bought him this present because he wants her to be elegant, to have style, right now she’s wearing a disguise, that yes, it does make him feel shame.
Griselda starts weeping when she hears her son’s poor opinion of her. He tries to explain that he only bought her the present to make her feel better, because she is very beautiful, but she doesn’t take care of herself. One day e is going to be a famous doctor and he wants his mother next to him when that happens, provided that she becomes a refined, elegant woman, one that learns how to talk and improves her manners.
More and more pained by Antonio’s words, Griselda asks him how is she supposed to work and have money for her family if she changes. She likes how she is, she is proud of the way she managed to take care of them and if he is so ashamed, he better stop calling her “mom”; also, he can go ahead and find another mother, one that can also use the dress he bought. Then she leaves.

(I know we are supposed to feel sorry for Griselda and hate Antonio and believe me, I don’t find him likable at all, but some of the things he said are partly true, even if he only said them because he has his own agenda. When her husband left, Griselda had no choice but find a way to take care of her family, but in the process she gave up on being a woman all together. Some of the things Antonio reproached her, like the way she speaks, the fact that she never learned English even if she lives in the US, have nothing to do with taking care of ones family. Keeping in mind that her life must have been atrociously hard after her husband left, I still believe there is some stubborn resistance in her that she could work on - not to please Antonio, but for her, as a woman, who has the right to her own life, too. I also understand that there surely wasn’t much time left for being pretty when she had 3 small kids to take care of, but they are grown ups now and already one of them doesn’t appreciate all her sacrifice. )
Rant over, back to the show.



Ro arrives at Teresa’s house, but because he was late, she doesn’t let him change into something more elegant, she just drags him to the car in his day clothes (Oh, the horror!)

Esther and Juan Pablo are taking care of the last details of the fashion show, JP is stressed out but Esther tries to calm him – I really like them together, I’m afraid of what might get thrown at them to cause trouble in their marriage.

Vanessa has her work interview with Reynaldo, she explains that she wants to be on her own, maybe even pay for her college education (that now Teresa is paying for); Reynaldo decides to hire her.

Night comes and the fashion show is about to start. People arrive. After Teresa walks the red carpet with Ro, Patricia, Daniel and Vanessa also arrive and because Antonio is not yet there Patricia gives his invitation to Manuel’s daughter, who asks for it in the hopes that she could attend the fashion show.
JP and Esther are being interviewed by the press, we find out she is the designer and he is the administrator behind Fina Estampa, their fashion business.
Reynaldo appears, too, Teresa is upset that he left her alone so much, but he practically ignores her whining in a way that lets us know he’s had many years of practice. Patricia comes to sit next to them, Teresa expresses her discontent with the fact that Antonio is not there, or that they are not still formally engaged, or the fact that she doesn’t like Vanessa, or that Reynaldo hired her…with this woman who knows, everything is a good enough reason to pout.

At his house, Antonio is talking to his father’s portrait and of course he thinks that poor dad surely left because he couldn’t deal with his mother anymore (what about you and your siblings, you big douche?). But, no, he won’t give up, he will get out of the misery he lives in, even if that means finding another mother.

At the same time, on the beach, Griselda remembers how her husband left her with only 33 Dollars in the bank and a mortgage (or something similar), but still she managed to pull through for her kids; sadly, she realizes, that was not enough for one of them, because now she is asked to be something she is not, an elegant, refined woman. Gabriel comes to talk to Griselda, he’s been worried after seeing how she left his local; he tries to comfort her and suggests they could be more than friends. But friendship is all that Griselda can accept from him and right now she wants to be alone. He leaves.

Back at the local Kike and one of the waitresses talk about his mom and how he will always be there for her; when the girl tries to mention that Gabriel loves Griselda a lot, Kike doesn’t look happy with the idea that his mother might one day find happiness with another man, because she has her family and her work (so, as far as I am concerned, Kike is not that much of a great son, either). Then he sees a picture on the paper and gets very angry – the picture is of a man and woman, I wonder if maybe she is his ex?
Later on the waitress talks to Gabriel and how much he cares for Griselda, but he is being rejected. Well, maybe not, she suggests, maybe Griselda is only treating you like this to make you want her more… Geez!…because when a woman says no she actually means yes, right? Anyway, Gabriel seems pleased with this notion.



Amalia visits Rafael at work, asks him not to come by her house ever again, she is still upset that he kissed her without permission or something (this Rafael guy gives me a bad vibe, especially since we now know he is doing some shady business on the side, but a kiss is just a kiss, Amalia, relax). Anyway, he kisses her again and she instantly forgets she just asked him to stop visiting her house – she wants him to come the next day, talk about them.

Antonio arrives at the fashion show, that hasn’t yet started. His arrival reminds Teresa how much she distrusts him and Vanessa and mostly everybody who takes the attention away from her. Reynaldo tries to calm her, but Teresa reminds him that he has to agree with whatever she says because the house they live in is hers, the restaurant is her, too, the only thing that belongs to him is her, so he needs to take care of her and jump at her every request. Reynaldo is obviously very offended by this, he says he’s going to fetch the some drinks, but ends up leaving the fashion show all together.

Antonio and Daniel are at the bar, grabbing drinks for them and the girls and Antonio tells his friend about the talk he had with his mother - she will never change for him, so he decided to follow an advice that she herself gave him: find another mother to play the part in front of Patricia’s family. There are so many things wrong with this scenario that Daniel is left speechless for a moment, before calling Antonio crazy. Not that this matters for the future rich & famous plastic surgeon.

The fashion show finally starts after a long delay and we get to see some pretty bathing suits first. Everybody enjoys the show, including Teresa, until she sees that Reynaldo is not coming back and she is alone, with everybody staring at her (yeah, because with so many pretty models wearing bathing suits while strutting the cat walk I bet all the other participants have nothing better to do than look at you!)

Reynaldo is on the beach, deep in thought – I think as time went by he learned not to pay to much attention to his wife, treat her like an eccentric and try to please her in order to avoid conflict and keep his family together, but every once in a while he needs a break from all the crazy and the humiliation, too.
And he chose the right night, because Griselda is still on the beach, and in the exact same spot where he is (small world, and small beaches in Miami, who would have thought?).
Anyway, she is in the water, naked, taking a swim and probably trying to wash away the stress and Antonio’s nasty words. Reynaldo sees her from the back and is pretty taken with the view; and then he sees the overalls and the cap on the sand and realizes the beautiful woman in the water is Griselda, the handyman.
The End!



Shallowgal, glad you like the show. I find him mildly entertaining so far; as opposed to everyone else, besides the 3 leads I haven't seen most of the cast in other parts so they all feel very fresh to me.

Deb, yes, Antonio is proving to be quite a good liar; I hope Patricia dumps his azz when she finds out the truth, I have a feeling Daniel is kind of interested in her, too, but he also knows the secret so that won't make her like him that much, either.
Thanks fro reminding me this takes place in Miami, I was mistaking it for Dama y Obrero. But still, I think you need a special permit to have fireworks for a party, right?
The convertible was the gift, we just didn't get to see the scene when they actually showed Patricia the the car - and after all that built up with Teresa freaking out that Reynaldo might not be in time, it was a little bit anticlimactic to see Patricia already driving.
Rafael gives me a bad vibe, just like he did in Aurora.

Hombre, I think it's safe to say that both Kike's wife and Griselda's husband will show up one of these days, maybe if Griselda wins the lottery and they suddenly remember they have ties to the family?

Juanita, I believe that Griselda is willing to transform, too, although so far she's been pretty taught when dealing with that ungrateful sorry excuse of a son. I don't want Antonio to be redeemed, I want his mother to win the lottery but still throw him out of the house and then I want him to be in some kind of an accident that will cause harm to his operating hand; and only then I want Griselda to take him back in so that the big idiot realizes what kind of mother he has.

If anyone else feels like doing recaps for Marido, please go right ahead. I'm pretty sure I can take care of Fridays and maybe another day, too, but for the rest, I'm just to busy.


Yes, Deb, I couldn't agree more about how beautiful Ignacia looked in the dress, with the hair and make up she (apparently) "whipped up" herself. Especially in the scene where she was sitting on the bed with Abuela having one of their sweet Abue-Nieta conversations, Ana was looking radiant despite her miserable demeanor!

That wedding march was one of the most painful tn moments I've seen in a long time, with the look on Iggy's face and the loooong pause in the middle, wow. Intense!


What a superb recap, Adriana Noel! It was wonderfully detailed and, at the same time, filled with delightful snark and interesting commentary. I especially liked some of your remarks about Teresa, such as "with this woman who knows, everything is a good enough reason to pout" and "[Reynaldo] practically ignores her whining in a way that lets us know he’s had many years of practice." She really is hard to take; at the same time, I like it that she's moderately perceptive (i.e., not a total caricature). She's just about the only one who senses that something's not right about Antonio.

I was interested in your remarks about what Antonio tells Griselda. I confess that right now I've got no sympathy for him whatsoever. I think Griselda is mostly fine as she is, and that Antonio is less concerned about her happiness than about whether he'll be embarrassed when all the lies he's been telling about himself and his family come to light. Perhaps some of my feeling for Griselda reflects my respect for her competence as a repair person. I wish I had a fraction of her ability! And as for her not learning English, she has been working night and day to support her family. That doesn't leave the kind of time most people need to learn a new language. Still, I suspect that Griselda will transform to some degree, but mostly because this is a telenovela. :-)

BTW, I'm very sorry to hear that you won't be able to continue to provide these marvellous recaps every day, but I certainly understand time constraints, and I'm very grateful for those you've given us. I wish I could offer to do one, but my schedule is too erratic and, more important, my Spanish is simply not good enough. There might be an occasional episode where I might give it a try, but it would be far better if people who understood more would volunteer.


At the start of this powerful but deeply disturbing episode, Eugenia tells Aurelio she doesn't need to interview him, but he and his guys force her into an SUV, her screams going unheard by passersby. Marco and Leo arrive at the newspaper, and are distraught that Eugenia isn't there. One employee saw her walk away with a guy in dark glasses. Oh no. Cut to Aurelio's old machine shop hideout (where he meets with Danny, I think), Eugenia is hustled in and tied to a chair.

Aurelio's phone rings, it's Bert. Dad, that article in the paper, what should I do about Alejandro? Well, son, where did you bury him? Uh, that's the thing, Pa, I just left him there on the ranch for the vultures to eat. Aurelio laughs, repeats what Bert said (and Eugenia HEARS this), don't worry son, I'll take care of it. He calls Turco, I have that reporter here. But Bert killed Alejandro Negrete and left his body on the ranch, take care of it. No problem, says Turco, by the way, you gonna kill her? Yeah, first I'll ask her some questions, then we'll see how quick I do it. Eugenia hears this, too.

Someone saw Eugenia pushed into a black van, they have partial plates, Leo has cordoned off a wide area, but they don't have much info. In Danny's cell the corrupt guard reminds him not to talk, saying the tie he's wearing shows he got their message. Marco walks in, grabs Danny, tell me where Casillas is, it's a matter of life and death! He starts choking him. But Danny isn't talking, even when Marco tells him Aurelio kidnapped Eugenia. Leo also tries to convince Danny, but no.

Ximena sees Alba is upset. Mati walks in with the newspaper, look who's dead, and guess who they're blaming? I guess he was shut up for messing with that singer. Serves him right. I'm going for some guaritos, tequila isn't agreeing with me lately, I don't know, my stomach or something (like pregnancy?). She leaves, Xime asks Alba if she thinks Aurelio was involved.

Aurelio sits down in front of Eugenia, tells how he got started, Don Cleto thought Aurelio was the toughest, most cold blooded killer ever to come through the ranks. His first? Ah, just some snitch, but what really got him going was Mejia's father, killing him really helped the rep. Don't you feel remorse? she asks quietly. Yeah, well recently I felt some after I killed my suegro, Don Cleto. That old fool still had his stupid code of honor. And he didn't like my dealings with the government. Can you guess who I'm in with? Sure, you know about Danny, but who else? Eugenia, scared to death, posits Huerta. Nope, the President's cousin, Ramiro Silva! Aurelio is laughing, Eugenia is not. He tells her almost nobody knows this info, and now you do. So, she says somberly, that means you're going to kill me, right? Well, he replies, what do YOU think?

Aurelio tells her she's guapa, if she weren't a cop, he could have romanced her, taken her on his planes. But too bad. Don't do it, she begs. Ah, mi reina, what would I tell all my associates, my suppliers, the gringos who want their drugs if I didn't do it? I can't disappoint them (sounds like what Pablo Escobar said before he almost killed Leonor). Well, shoots back Eugenia, what are you going to tell your family? Your little daughter Rutila, she's about 8, what's she going to think? Your wife, what did she think after you killed those newspaper workers? She doesn't look at you the same now, does she? And what's she going to say when she finds out you killed her Papá? Aurelio gets angrier and angrier, a slow boil. Then he laughs. You're playing mind games with me. But NO one plays games with ME.


CIELOS, Part 2

Mati has figured out that Bert killed Alejandro. She comes up to him, don't worry, hon. The first time is the hardest. Just like with sex. You were all nervous our first time, now it's easy, you feel great, no? Bert asks, did you ever whack anyone? That's not important, she answers, just any time you think about it, grab yourself here (his manhood) and you'll feel fine. Enter Xime, who asks about Alejandro. Bert doesn't deny this time, says that guy messed up with the singer babe. We talked, and I told him to leave town, continue his career up north. That's the last I heard of him. So he's alive? Don't know, Ma, last time I saw him he was. Happy now? I don't think Xime is convinced. Bert's phone rings, it's Turco, Bert says I'm on my way. Xime's suspicions increase.

Ramiro happily reassures Huerta and Castro that Jiménez Arroyo won't talk, we located his wife, and he knows we know. No only that, with all the money Doris has, we can shake her down, too. What a guy.

The cops are trying to narrow down the location, but aren't making much progress. Back in the warehouse, Eugenia asks if Aurelio always has a little talk before killing his victims. No, you're a special case, normally they don't see it coming, I just whack em. Don't do it, she says again, each death sinks you deeper. Well, if that were true, I'd sink right through the earth. And to show you I'm not so bad, I'm gonna let you say goodbye to your dear Marco. He gets out the phone, dials. Hey, Mejias, say goodbye to your girlfriend. He holds the phone to Eugenia's ear, Marco I'm in a warehouse on the north of town. Aurelio says, I'll even give you a hint, says it's a car assembly plant in (he gives the neighborhood). She yells, it could be a trap! Right, says Aurelio, it could be a trap, but I'll let you think about it. As he hangs up, she shouts, Te amo!

Aurelio has his associates bring in an assortment of pliers. He selects one, then PULLS OFF EACH ONE OF EUGENIA'S NAILS, as she screams in agony! The pig. She begs, you already had your revenge on Marco, don't add another death to your list. Aurelio calmly extracts his pistol, cocks it, points it at her. She curses him, you f*ucking mother! Up yours! He replies, and shoots her in the heart. Dead. He calmly replaces his gun, says that's your next story, looks at his hands, gee, how dirty, better wash up. Hey guys, let's eat.

We next see him in Mexico City, Chacorta and Tijeras are there, when Aurelio greets Chacorta, Chacorta winces, and says that guy fought with me. Aurelio is pissed, no one touches us Casillas, what happened? Tijeras rises slowly, takes off his shades, just guarding our business. Why don't you ask him if we didn't get double the shipment? Chacorta admits it. So, asks, Aurelio, where's Cabo? Visiting a relative. Cut to Mónica's house, here comes Cabo, usual track suit, white top with a star. He gives her an obscenely large emerald ring from Colombia. She also has a surprise for him. Topo. They eye each other warily. Cabo explains how it works. I supply the drugs to you two, you get them to the US. We share the profits and losses, 1/3 each. Easy, huh? Mónica likes it. Nah, says Topo, I have more risk, I want 40%. The guys get hostile, Mónica suggests a drink. They calm down, Topo asks how much are we talking about? 100 kilos a week, 400 a month. Doesn't sound like much, says Topo, with the risk. He calls Randy, tells him the amount. Randy also thinks it's not much, but says for now, we'll go with it. Topo wants to meet with this Trojan guy. Randy says he'll see what he can do.


CIELOS, Part 3

Xime sees Bert get in the SUV with Turco, doesn't know where they're going, she sees his scared face, though. Out in the wilds of the ranch, Bert points out Alejandro's body. Turco holds a handkerchief to his face because of the smell, tells Bert he'll handle disposing of the body. Bert is hustled back home. Turco gets rid of all the guys except Chui. So, Chui, how long have you been working for me? Five years. And how much do I pay you? $1,000 a month. How'd you like to make $10,000 a month? Sure, boss, what do I have to do? What should I do with the body, bury it, I'll even EAT it. Nah, I want you to put it in a big refrigerator says Turco. This body is our life insurance. I want to preserve how he was killed and with what weapon. You know how to do this. And not a word about this to anyone else. Got it? Got it. He calls Randy, who tells him the shipments from Topo are less than we thought. Well, for now, says Turco, go along with it. But I need a favor. I'm sending you a body, it's my life insurance from Aurelio. I want you to keep it. One of Aurelio's victims? No, says Turco, his son's.

The police finally find the warehouse. But it's too late, Eugenia is dead. Marco stares at her, he's frozen to the ground, can't move, can't even approach her. His face is a mask of angst, or shock, of regret, of pain, of deep sadness. He just keeps repeating her name. Eugenia. My darling. Damn you, Aurelio Casillas. He shakes, sobs, tells Leo he failed Eugenia. Leo doesn't know what to say, she's so sorry. But this definitely proves that Casillas killed Alejandro Negrete.

Bert returns to the house, Xime asks where were you? Just doing “business”, taking care of a “matter”. So, I guess it's official now, she says, you're part of the business? Look, Ma, don't ask questions if you aren't gonna like the answers. He walks away.

Tijeras wants to talk business with Aurelio, but AC wants to wait for Cabo. After Tijeras goes in the other room, Chacorta says I could kill him at any time. I know, says Aurelio, no one touches us, I'll handle it. But let's meet with Cabo first. He tells Chacorta he killed Eugenia. Chacorta is impressed, but won't that bring Mejías down on us? That's precisely what I want, says AC, and we'll be ready for him. But what happened with Cabo? Chacorta tells him he asked for triple, he said that's how it's done in Colombia, ask for triple, you end up with double. Nah, says Aurelio, he's keeping some and sending it to somebody else. Canijo! I want you to follow Tijeras and Cabo, wherever they go here in D.F. He leaves. Chacorta says you know, I could have killed Tijeras, but we can still use him. Aurelio answers, let's kill him anyway. We'll get new Colombian sources. Right, says Chacorta, we could talk to Matilde. Ah, yes, replies Aurelio.

Oh, no, says me.


Great recap, Adriana, very funny, and very perceptive. I'm not sure what to think about Antonio's self serving pleas for him Mom to change, but I, for one, selfishly want to see her in a dress with makeup! It was so funny for her to be caught naked swimming, I think I've seen this in 2 or 3 other novelas, sometimes even with a guy swimming naked, definitely an ice breaker.

I think Manuel's daughter's name is Sol (the girl with the pink streak in her hair). Reynaldo's best friend and assistant in the restaurant is Samuel. And I think that waitress in the local is Clara, but I'm not sure of that one.

I know she's supposed to be evil, but I really get a kick out of Teresa Cristina, maybe because she's so feisty and over the top. Some guys (such as Reynaldo) like that. But of course, not if it goes too far.


I meant to say Eugenia was the girlfriend of a cop, not that she was one.

BTW, this show fit in perfectly with NovelaMaven's idea that maybe Turco is an undercover agent, and someone else's idea that Randy could be, too. I personally don't think so. Why? Because, to me, the cops are always medium incompetent, and it's almost bad luck, or years of incremental work, that brings down the druglords. So I don't think Turco or Randy are undercover. But if they are, awesome!


Many thanks Hombre. I just finished watching and my stomach is still clenched thinking about poor Eugenia and her death. At least she was a fighter all the way till the end. I don’t know how Marco is holding it together knowing that AC has killed all the people he loves. (Leo is last on the list. Let’s hope she makes it out of this tn alive.)

I did wonder when I watched that scene if Rafael (Aurelio) and Angelica (Eugenia) had flashbacks to when his character killed her character in “Alguien te Mira.” Starting at Min 3:27:

Will AC discover that his allies (Turco, Cabo, Tijeras, Monica) are betraying him before they get the better of him? He already has a good idea of what Cabo and Tijeras are up to, just not with whom. Good idea on Turco’s part to use Beto’s first kill as a weapon to use against AC. Can’t wait to see how this all plays out.



Thanks Hombre,

I have a question. What does Turco mean when he said that Ale's body is their life insurance. I'm confused.



VRO: Here's a guess. Suppose Aurelio gets mad at Turco and says I'm going to kill you. Turco can say, if you do, your son will spend the rest of his life in jail. I have Alejandro Negrete's body in a secret location, with proof of the bullets which can be traced to Heriberto. If I don't report back to my friend, he has instructions to give this to the police.

Or something like that.


thanks so much Adriana Noel,
I just love the little spin you put on things,

that was an interesting talk Antonio and Griselda had,
I'm glad that she held her ground,
that she is proud of what she has accomplished,
that she told him that if he doesn't like the mother he has, he should go find one that he does,

I'm not sure how his original plan would have worked,
since Teresa and Reinaldo have already met his mother,
I wonder who he will find to play the new part,

and even though the kids are grown up,
Antonio's bills must still be killing them all,
he doesn't seem like a thrifty person,

they zipped right by Kike looking at that newspaper photo,
good catch that it might be his ex,

ah yes the father, I agree, if she does win the lottery,
that's what will probably bring him back,

this is the first I've seen of Juan Soler,
he seems like a pretty mellow guy,



Thanks very much, Hombre, for your wonderful/marvellous/superb/terrific/spectacular/extraordinary/superlative/astonishing/all of the above recap. I don't really have a lot to add to what has already been said. Someone commented earlier that she was surprised that Marco didn't even check to see whether Eugenia was alive. I confess that I too wondered about that, but I think your recap offered a very persuasive explanation for why he didn't do so. I'm also glad that you included Aurelio's comment to his men as they're leaving after the killing: "let's eat." He seems completely unaffected by what he has just done. It also reminded me of Cabo and Tijeras sitting at an outdoor table eating in Colombia. Cabo calmly shoots someone his men have brought in and then goes back to enjoying his food as if nothing had happened. The writers are leaving no doubt that these are not people for whom we should have a drop of sympathy.

BTW, I agree with your explanation to VRO about Turco's plan to use Alejandro's body as his insurance policy with Aurelio.

I wonder how many more episodes remain in this novela. We're supposedly in últimos capítulos, but I'm not sure whether that means a week, 2 weeks, or more. There seem to be a lot of plot elements remaining. What will happen with Turco and (separately or together) Ximena; Matilde's possible pregnancy (and by whom?); what happens with Mónica, Cabo, Tijeras, Topo; the fate of Marco and Leo (separately or together); Randy's role; the appearance of "Chema"; what happens to Beto; and, of course, Aurelio's fate. Seems like an awful lot of ground to cover in últimos capítulos.


Also in things to cover: what happens to Danny; what happens to Ramiro, Huerta, and Castro; what about Irina; what happens to Aurelio's family (his mother, his children, his brother--who I assume will die in a hail of bullets), and more.


At first I found Gina to be pretty obnoxious but I've grown to like her. I'll be very disappointed if she's involved in anything shady. The call was suspicious. Let's hope it's harmless.

We already have two squares filled in our novela cliche bingo re: Lustupida's pregnancy: She got pregnant her first time and she has fainted.

And yes that walk down the aisle with Tomás was excruciating. Will she or won't she? Ugh, she did.

And now Tomás wants her to throw away everything she worked for to become a mother. Maybe she's just not ready yet? I don't think she can even kiss him without feeling sick to her stomach. Better go on the pill. Just don't hide them in your purse because someone will find them.


Wow...Antonio...what a piece of work. Ashamed of his uneducated, unsophisticated mother who OWNS HER OWN BUSINESS? Imagine what she could do with that lottery money. If she loves to repair things so much she could hire assistants and maybe even franchise Carrasco Marido en Aquiler. She told Reynaldo in the first episode when she was changing his tire that everything is a matter of ingenuity and attitude. Antonio has the wrong attitude and it's going to come back to bite him.

I'm disappointed that the writers are relying on the stereotype of the "swishy" gay male. Is it a cultural thing since the original series "Fina Estampa" is from Brazil? I get the sense that many Americans don't care for those stereotypes anymore. I sure don't.

From the comments I've read it looks as though a lot of you follow the Telemundo novelas. The only names I recognize so far are Tina Romero (DYO), Felicia Mercado (DYO), Juan Soler (Marido), and Sonya Smith (Marido). So almost everyone I'm watching is a "fresh face." There is such a different feel to these novelas than those from Televisa. I tried a couple of the earlier ones that Telemundo produced in Miami but they looked cheaply done.

I'm willing to recap one night of Marido. The only thing is that I work from 6AM-2PM so you won't see a recap until late the next day.


Tks a lot Hombre, tough one
What is it with these people & frozen bodies? I think it's interesting it's being shipped to the US, how are they managing that?

Vivi, Eugenia is Rafael Amaya's actual girlfriend.


Vario- That info makes this scene either more disturbing, or more impressive as to the talent of these actors. I'm thinking all those swear words at him that get blocked out. It might be more realistic, but still. It makes me want Turco to live at least, although I don't hod out hope for him even with the "insurance".

And will Danny survive once Marco gets back? I hope they pick up Doris as punishment to Danny, and get her before the bad guys do.


I had to look this up because I couldn't believe it- Rafael is the guy who played Armando on El Talisman! He was able to get work after that! Good for him. I thought the girl he likes, Amalia I think, was also in El Tal (one of the "twins") but no. Unless she had to change her name.

The Telemundo site has a good rundown of who all the people are. I'm only paying partial attention to this one and couldn't keep track of who was related and who was dating. So many people!



Adriana- Thank you again for getting us off to a good start this week. I’ve only just watched the first episode, and I like it. It’s a comedy (mostly), so the over the top villainess (who hasn’t really done anything truly villainous yet) fits. As does her swishy assistant. (And who could forget Jack and Karen in Will and Grace? That’s who they remind me of.)

Hopefully, they will bring in other gay characters who aren’t so stereotypical to balance him out. For example, the boyfriend of the swishy cook in Amores Verdaderos is played totally straight-laced. In real life, the gay community is made up of all types, so hopefully they’ll show that here too.

I really liked the brother and sister-in-law and their loving relationship. It was great when he called that model out for trying to seduce him. I also like the easy-going, loving relationship between father and daughter, Reynaldo and Patricia. They both seem very down to earth and seem amused by Teresa’s antics.

Adriana- I don’t think Patricia had a huge reaction to the car. Teresa complained specifically about how she wasn’t jumping up and down for joy, as she would, and said Patricia was like her father in that way.

And I like both Sonia Smith and Juan Soler in their roles. It will be nice to see Reynaldo and Griselda’s attraction grow. He already really admires her.



Kelly- He was already in Corazon Valiente (he played Gus), and probably another Telemundo tn I haven't seen, since El Talisman. Luckily for everyone in that mess, a bad tn does not ruin a tn career. I think it's expected. Although Corazon Valiente wasn't much better than El Talisman. At least El Talisman was mercifully cut short, while CV went on, and on, and on.


I meant to also comment that the only storyline that doesn't seem to fit with the lighter tone of this tn is the chauffer/wife beater story. Not sure what's the point of that story, other than to show/contrast Griselda's attitude about it being better for a woman to go it alone, than to stay with a bad man. Maybe in the following two episodes I haven't seen yet, that story was better woven in.


thanks Hombre,

so Gen Dan wore the tie they brought him to show he's with the program ???

and I guess he is being held in a cell in his own office building, and his own corrupt ways must have included others, so he must be well aware of what this guy that comes to his cell represents, maybe he even knows him,

so sorry for Eugenia,

ah yes, Beto to Ximena, don't ask me questions when you don't want to hear the answers, the unwritten code of the narcos, never tell your women the truth,

on speculations, this is what I am seeing,

Randy seems to be the westcoast distributor of both Aurelio and Topo, a big fish himself, and with his FBI, CIA, DEA, connections puts him on par with Aurelio, so he seems more like the guy that needs to be stopped rather than a mole,

and Turco IS all of Aurelio's business, I don't see him as a mole, but he may turn when he is finally done with Aurelio, as a way to walk away,

(but I'm curious as to their relationship, as they seem to be telling each other things you would think they wouldn't),

which reminds me, Aurelio seems to be telling everyone that he killed the trusted Don Cleto, how could this ever be good for him, as it's another way of showing everyone that he has no loyalties.



I have been thinking about Turco and his relationship with Randy. Turco is well educated and well travelled. I'm betting some of that education and travelling happened in the States. AC and all the other narco bosses are really country bumpkins/hicks. Turco has probably spent a lot of time in the States and bonded with Randy. Maybe he even went to school with him? Or they could have started out in the business together as very young guys long ago, before Turco returned home to Mexico. Turco mentioned a long time ago to Ximena the other bosses he worked for in other fields. Randy may be part of that old life, prior to AC. I'm assuming it was Turco who brought AC and Randy together.

So it's not surprising to me, if Turco and Randy go further back that Turco and AC, and have more in common (education, life experience, outlook on life), that they would be more loyal to each other than to AC. Randy even called Turco hermano, and knew Turco well enough to tell he's in love with Ximena.

So far AC has only admitted to killing Cleto to Chacorta, Turco, and Monica, all people he trusts. And to Eugenia...but he knew he was about to kill her.


Vivi, as Hombre mentioned earlier, Manuel /Celeste Porras, the chauffeur/wife beater couple, have a daughter, Sol, who knows Patricia and all, and went to the fashion show by using Antonio's invitation, so there may be more to this story.


Vivi, thanks for your ideas on Turco, this makes sense.



Thanks, Hombre, for writing up this pivotal episode. It was so hard to watch. I'm still bothered by AC's torturing Eugenia for FUN and revenge.

Turco's facial expression said he disagreed with AC's plan to kill Eugenia, but he didn't say anything.

It seems both Turco and Ramiro have tracked down Doris. So there's no way Mejia and Benito can ever protect her, and she's probably going to die because the three little piggies want her money. I'm guessing Danny will take his secrets to the grave.

Turco's insurance is a good idea up to a point. It's very possible that AC would let Beto go to jail for murdering Ale, rather than allow himself to be arrested. And I think Turco knows this.

Re: the frozen body. It could go through one of Topo's tunnels as a favor Randy asks of Topo as part of the new Colombian drug allotments.

AC and Chacorta are planning to kill Tijeras and maybe Cabo. It wouldn't surprise me if Tijeras and/or Cabo kills Chacorta.

I too am guessing that Mati may be in the first month of pregnancy.



If Turco was DEA, he wouldn't need the insurance. Aurelio wont let himself be arrested, the insurance is protection for Ximena. I just hope Turco makes it too.
He and Aurelio have a long history, but AC is jefe & doesn't like anyone telling him what to do. If he wants their opinion, he'll give it to them.
As the abogado, Turco knows all. Can't wait until we hear more about Trojan.


Variopinta, I'm unsure what you mean when you say "Can't wait until we hear more about Trojan." Are you aware that Turco is the Trojan?


Thanks so much for the terrific recap, Hombre. As usual you catch lots of things I miss.

I didn't catch on that Danny had on the "right" colored tie. I was still focused on the idea he was to hang himself with the two together.

Also, I missed Mati's nausea. Yeah, it could be Beto's baby instead of Chacorta's. I remember Beto's stupid double take when Leo asked him for condoms to buy time. He's definitely not the type to be concerned about the consequences of unprotected sex.

The scene with Eugenia and AC was terrifying. I was 90% sure she was going to die, but I had some tiny, tiny hope she'd be rescued after the torture. Excellent acting on both their parts. Amaya has made me loathe him. This portrayal is even more disturbing than his character in Alguien te Mira. And, of course, he was actually adorable as Güero Davila, who turned out to really be a good guy.

I wish Mónica would get with the program and call Ximena with the news about AC killing Don Cleto.

They HAVE to show some major retribution for that pig Ramiro. His plan to extort Doris was unbelievable! And his glee that AC knew where she was!

I thought Mati's "cheer up, bud" talk with Beto was ghastly on so many levels. Besides just equating sex with murder, I think she was also referring to sex with fear. She wasn't his first; the look-alike seemingly was. But she seemed to mean that you can bit by bit get over your fear of your homicidal uncle finding out you're screwing his wife. And, in much the same way, you can get over killing a human being, even an actual friend.


Thanks so much, AdrianaNoel. That was a fine recap, and we certainly understand that it's difficult to recap every night. I bow to Hombre's dedication writing about Cielos every episode.

Well, I've hung in this week with all three evening novelas to sample the two new ones.

I haven't found this replacement for La Patrona all that compelling. I liked La Patrona and also Corazon Valiente that preceded it.

The gay guy caricature offends me. Maritza is doing an excellent job as Teresa Cristina, the very image of narcissistic personality disorder. See definition:

Symptoms of this disorder, as defined by the DSM-IV-TR include:

*Takes advantage of others to reach own goals

*Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments

*Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others

*Envies others and believes others envy him/her

*Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence

*Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others

*Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior

*Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

Maybe Maritza looked this up on Wikipedia before the first episode!

I also think the actor playing Antonio is doing a fine job. His facial expressions in the restaurant showed that he was aware he hurt his mother, but his self-interest just won't let him give up on his fantasy of the cultured, well spoken mother he thinks he deserves.

I thought it was especially tone deaf of Antonio to not hear his mother say that she LOVED her work. She not only has pride in supporting her children alone, but has pride in her skills. She can fix anything and likes doing it. So many people toil in work that gives them no satisfaction. Antonio should be grateful the food in his mouth and the clothes on his back were achieved by his mother with satisfying work.

I would prefer the trajectory of the plot if she stayed just as she was. But I'm sure they're going with winning the lottery and a physical transformation.

Juanita, yes I know Turco is Trojan, just curious to see how it comes into play.

I bet Beto is the padre too, but can't figure out how they would find that out. Can't see them doing DNA. Maybe Matilde's big mouth, in which case, she's dead.


I'm also a bit "meh" about this one. I was sort of surprised they didn't develop the fact that Tomás had at least one glass of champagne after promising Ignacia he'd never touch another drop.

I was wrong in my theory that something would stop the wedding. But, as per TN tradition, they've never shown Iggy and Tomás having sex. Of course, they must have; they've been together 10 years! But nada de nada en la noche de bodas, so I get the feeling it may never happen.

I am really struck by the many, many representations of men in TNs with "Madonna and whore" complexes. Many guys, not the heroes, are presented as madly, madly in love with the protagonist, but they always have red hot sex with another woman on the side. But this woman can never convince them to give up their obsession with the protagonist who never, ever really loves them.

Anyway, I really enjoy watching Ana Leyevska, and it's nice she got the lead role and not the villain. But this one isn't really all that compelling to me.


Another Amy, I forgot to thank you for the fine recaps you've done of this novela. I missed a couple of episodes here and there, and was able to catch up with your recaps.


The male name in Spanish is usually spelled Reinaldo, and the Wiki elenco also spells it this way.


Variopinta, I thought it highly likely that you knew that Turco was the Trojan, but your statement made me wonder, so I thought I'd ask. Hope you didn't mind. And I too am curious to see how this all plays out.

Juanita, I forget things very easily also, so I appreciate people clarifying. I don't make myself clear sometimes also.

I saw Topo on La Ruta Blanca today. More drugs. I wasn't paying much attention so I don't know if he is a good guy or bad guy.

Vivi, that link was horrible, especially the Chilean version.
I must say that Rafael does crazy well though.



Thanks for the clarification about Turco. That Turco is one smart man. That's why I think he'll make it out okay. The conspiracy about him being an informant may not be too far fetched. Notice how he tried to talk AC out of killing Danny at one point earlier in the series. Also notice how he is keeping count of AC's victims. He always asks AC if he killed them or is going to kill them (Cleto, Ale, and now Eugenia).

Also, it's good to see that AC finally realized how valuable Turco is to his team in the previous episode.


argh, I missed the first ten minutes of Friday; when I tuned in, was shocked to see the wedding going on as planned after Ignacia walks in on Tomas and Karina.
Well, I kept hoping Ig would bail at the last moment. Oh no! Tomas has already broken his vow not to drink, but Ig didn't have to say anything, her face said it all. AND, last week, Ig mentioned that she would keep working after they got married and Tomas said, Of course dear, whatever you want.
Also, Deb, you comment that Tomas's moving Ig's family into the mansion makes them, in effect, hostages. THat didn't occur to me but...very clever!
J in Oregon

Forgot to thank you AnotherAmy for writing up the great recap. The work you put into it, and also the comments of other watchers, are always much appreciated!
J in Oregon

I just discovered this show Thursday so I've been planted in front of the iPad/Computer all weekend trying to catch up. (Please forgive me for not reading recaps for now because I don't want to see spoilers.)

I'm so glad to know that when I do catch up I'll have recaps! Thank you AnotherAmy!!!

I don't know what it is about this show, but I am really liking it. Pedro is a hottie IMHO. But I'm not gonna be all Estela/Tomas eww about it. lol

word verification: yourfat

How rude!!


Saw the three episodes last night and I like Sonya Smith but no one else in this. The actor who plays Antonio is good because I wanted to reach into the TV and wring his neck for being a patan, un malagrecido, a brat etc. Don't know if I'll watch but it's ok. I also love the theme song, but that's about it.

I have been lurking the past couple of weeks but just wanted to say thank you for the Dama y Obrero recaps.

I started watching because I wanted to improve my Spanish, and this TN had just started, so I figured I had time to catch up. Maybe because it is my first TN, the traditional aspects of the story don't bother me much. I am enjoying Ana and some of the supporting characters (esp. Gina).


Welcome, Sara C. and Anon! I'm really liking this one too... the characters are so fun to watch! I agree that Pedro is a cutie :)

I just saw Ana L in a fun movie called Casi Divas last night on hulu, she was great, even though she was just one part of an ensemble of fun characters. There were also some serious moments that address social issues such as tolerance/sexual identity and the disappearing women in Ciudad Juarez (which I've been reading about recently and can't believe I never knew about this!). I didn't recognize any other actors in it (except Lisardo? makes a brief appearance).

Sara, LOL at your word verification!

Thanks for the info AnotherAmy. I'll have to look for that movie. I've never seen Ana L in anything before this.

This is my first Telemundo TN (I can only watch online) and I like it. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

I am absolutely loving this. It feels like something happens every episode. Maybe that's just because we are only getting started, but I hope the quick pace continues. Anon if you see this Gina is my absolute favorite right now. Oh and the Abuela.

@Anonymous at 2:01 pm. Thanks for posting! We definitely know that there are lurkers. But...we'd love it if you'd put a name, whether a cyber handle or your real name, at the bottom of your posts. That way we'll know you when and if you post again!

I also did the very same thing you did! I was told by someone in my Spanish class that watching novelas increased comprehension of spoken Spanish.

But I wasn't comprehending very much because I'd tune into a novela already in progress. I'd think: "OK, why is this guy in a prison cell? Why does this woman hate the other woman so much? Why does that woman look so sneaky and seems to pretend to like the other one?"

So my long, long-term co-worker from México told me when a new one was going to begin. It was El Privilegio de Amar that began in 1998. Getting the set-up story from the first episode made all the difference. I still struggled at first and backed up and listened to key conversations several times. But the combination of my once-a-week night school class with an excellent teacher and watching novelas has brought me a long way in my study of this wonderful language. And it's certainly been very, very useful, especially living in California where there is a very large group of people to practice on!

I'm still in that class, and there are other students that have been attending for more than 20 years! We just keep signing up again and again for Advanced Spanish at the evening Adult High School. Graciela, our teacher from Guadalajara, is just wonderful. We read Spanish literature and discuss it in class. And for an hour of the class we have free conversation when people talk about a play they saw or a recent vacation, and the rest of us fire questions at him or her.


- Juanita, I'm glad you enjoyed my recaps. Doing them every day would truly be time consuming, because I'm never able to keep them short; I did this with "Pasion Prohibida" in its first few months on the air, because I loved it so much and it didn't feel like such a big effort; but right now I'm far bussier than I was during spring and I like "Marido" far less.
I would love to see your recaps, whenever you get the time for them.

- Hombre, I want to see Griselda (what a name!) with a dress, too, but I'm sure this will come sooner or later.
I enjoy Teresa a lot, too, she has the greatest lines and whenever she says: "Why is everybody so busy doing other stuff when everybody should be taking care of me" she makes me laugh - she has obviously been rich all her life and is used to being given the royal treatment. And the actress seems to enjoy the role a lot, this is unlike all the villains she's played before.

- Deb, I think Antonio was hoping to convince his mom to play the part of the rich texan lady and hope that her parents wouldn't recognize her as the handy man - the change would be rather drastic, so in tn world this could work, with maybe both Reinaldo and Teresa feeling there is something familiar about Antonio's mother; of course he doesn't know that Reinaldo gets to interact with his mom a little bit more and his plan wouldn't work.

- Sue455, glad to hear you can recap one of the nights; I'm going for Fridays.
I'm sure Griselda could turn her job into something huge if she wins the lottery, but I have a feeling the writers won't pursue this, they will start dressing her in designer clothes and make her worry non stop about her kids and her own love life that I'm sure is about to get complicated.

- Vivi, Esther and Juan Pablo are my favorites so far. I didn't think Patricia had a huge reaction to the car because she is kind of used to being rich and also, her mom was asking for the reaction a child or a silly teenager would normally have and Patricia has been showed to have a nice amount of common sense so far.

- Novelera, thank you for all the details on NPD, Teresa is surely in that category. I find Antonio very interesting because it's obvious he loves his mom, but his ambition is just bigger, he's not able to focus on anything else - and if we add the whole lying to Patricia thing, his determination should really be huge right now.
I loved the story about your Spanish classes and how everybody keeps signing up. I learned Spanish through tns, too, ever since I was 10 and I started watching them with my mom.


Thanks AnotherAmy for the recaps.

I was totally surprised Ignacia went along with the wedding, it was totally looking like she's going for a pass ..
and I think she's already sorry for it.

Looks like something is going on between Estella & Tomás, Estella is totally onto him and IMHO T. is doing it for interest.
I wonder if they going to go deeper in it and have a relationship and screw behind Ignacia's back, that's a total euwwwwwww for me.

I don't think Gina is in shady busines, thats just out of character, more like somebody blackmail her, don't you think?
Well, we'll see.

And Lupita is already pregnant, why, why, why all these stupid girls in TN's get preggers the first time around, never heard of pills or other protection options???


Great recap Adriana! Sorry to hear your not able to do it all nights for the future, but I understand and thanks for all the effort you put into it until now.

I sooooo wanted to dupe slap Antonio, he just bit the hand that feeds him.
He must have seen the pain it caused his mum, still he told her face to face that she needs to change in order to fit into his ambitions and the upper class world he wants to live in.
Doesn't he sees the effort she gave into it and pride and enjoyment she gets, and that this work give him the means to be where he is now and where he'll plans to be in the future?!
I'd really like to see him after Griselda wins the lottery, and turns her business into a big company - hopefully by that time he already lef t(been kicked out by Gris !!) to live the life of rich and famous in a web of lies - comes back and eat crow.

ITA with you that Giselda needs to change but for her own sake, not for others, it'd improve the future of her big business as well.

So far Teresa just annoying not truly evil, I do not know were they wanna take that story.

I do not like the oily guy - Antonio's motor dealer friend whose onto Amalia.

Question, why Teresa pays for Vanessa's university? It's in Ro's contract or what, i didn't get that part?


Irisz79, I was wondering about Teresa Cristina paying for Vanessa's college tuition as well. She surely doesn't seem much like an altruistic person! But maybe it makes her feel superior, to the manor born. And maybe it's a way to keep Ro from quitting the job from hell!


Adriana Noel - thanks once again for a fine, amusing recap, and for your time and effort. This is the kind of show that's not gripping, therefore, a once or twice a week mini-cap would suffice, just to get the ball rolling, if you're so inclined.

I just recalled that the guy who plays the chauffeur, Manuel, was also in Fantasma de Elena as Kalima, Montecristo's (Fabian Rios) sidekick. imho, they were both good in that.


I will recap tonight's episode of Marido. I'm not working tomorrow so I should have it up early.


Great, Sue!
Looking forward to it!

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