Saturday, August 10, 2013

Corazon Indomable #64, 8/9/2013: Coup d’etats, New Business Partnerships, & Tav Grows a Conscious

Cece's recap is up!  

Recap by Cece  

The Old: Raiza is informing Maria Alejandra of the recent agreements between Emir and Carola. Raiza insists that she can be trusted and MA complies. Contrary to Raiza’s advice, MA will be heading to the celebration tonight.

The New
Miguel is reading Lucia’s letter of desperation. She can no longer take his absence, she wants to sell so she can be by his side and Miguel will also be able to see his son.  She’s spends the rest of the letter pouring out the little love (didn’t know she even had that in her) that’s in that hatred filled heart of hers.  Miguel looks not so pleased at this revelation. He does not want her to come and see how far he’s fallen. He blames his situation on her sins.  Because of her sins, he has murdered a man and that will forever be on his conscious. He also blames her for losing what he loves most…. his lands (too bad MA will get her hands on those soon!). So he doesn’t have to think about anything, he prefers to drown his sorrows with alcohol (yea, like that’s not going to get you into more problems. What’s wrong with you brothers? Please, just once act like you have a brain!).  Raiza stops for a visit and tells him to stop drinking (she almost seems sincere). Miguel acts surprised and tells her not her too (oh gee, sorry for caring). Raiza reminds him he has to work tonight, and to do so he needs to have a clear mindset. He tells her that Lucia wants to come to La Famosa Isla, but Raiza firmly tells him to say no way! Raiza comes up with a plan for Octavio to somehow convince Lucia to stay at the ranch.

Ed, Tav & Sonia talk about Tav’s upcoming wedding to Doris. Tav doesn’t find the situation funny and turns the table on Ed by bringing up “el monstro”, Teo.  I am not really paying attention to their mindless banter as I cannot help but notice that: 1) Ed has a great smile and he is highly underutilized in this TN; & 2) Sonia must have changed hair products because her hair looks different…better even.

Doris and Andres are having a heart to heart (aka, Mr. Calm trying to reason with Crazy). He doesn’t want to meddle in his father’s life. He is disillusioned with Doris; she has committed a crime against his affection and devotion. Doris says he is being dramatic (I tend to agree). But he insists that she has changed, she is now so capricious just to get her own way.

Pompous Emir is talking about how he will torture MA with his presence at tonight’s event, but she will just have to deal with it.  He manages a short pause from thinking out loud and notices his right hand man is quiet. He states that he doesn’t think what Emir is doing is correct. Emir asks if he is questioning his authority, and for that reason he tells Emir he chooses to stay quiet. Suspenseful music begins to play as Mohammed begins to pour him a glass of wine. Emir looks over at Mohammed and comments that he has a strange light in his eye. When Mohammed leaves, Emir eyes the cup strangely and something in his brain must be churning (methinks there is something in that wine).

MA comes out in a radiant black eveningwear with a big bow on her side. She is going to have to accept being partners with Emir. She is MA, so she will overcome this minor problem like any other! She does her favorite thing, which is thought speech. She gives herself a pep talk saying she will overcome this situation to achieve what she wants…. being the wife of the Governor.

Carola is nothing but happy as she envisions her new life as a millionaire. She gets to live like she wants to! Tony is not as happy as her. He feels sad because they have worked together for many years. Carola tells him not to worry; she will have special projects for him.

La Noche Especial
The black number has now turned purple (my eyesight has failed or they had low lighting in the previous seen), as MA walks in with a happy face despite the situation. Raiza informs MA how the over the top Emir plans to outdo himself celebrating this new partnership. She also informs MA that Lucia wants to come to La Isla and this does not make MA happy. Raiza wants to know if she knows and has something against Lucia. MA denies (and lies) on both accounts.

MA bumps into Carola and Tony. MA informs Carola that she already knows about Emir being her new partner. She congratulates Carola about getting what she finally wanted. They go back and forth and I am too tired to rewind…but more or less: Carola advises her not to mix business with pleasure. MA seems to believe otherwise, and she knows that Emir would not be a good business partner but she will pick up his slack.  They both greet Emir in the Saloon. Emir has an arrogant smirk on his face as MA speaks to him of their partnership. She questions whether he became powerful through force and fraudulent ways. Emir tells her that he is proud that he came into power legally and without violence (please correct if wrong). They walk arm in arm and sit down, where Emir stares at her way too long. MA looks extremely uncomfortable while Mohammed looks on with a frown.

Doris is getting ready for the night at the casino. She talks her personal stylist, Marina, into putting the moves on her dad…. saying she has class and education (I am not judging, but you accept her and not MA, who supposedly has more education, class and money…  I don’t get the logic of this “woman of the casino”. Better yet, I am glad I don’t because I don’t want anything in common with these irrational, illogical, one brain celled characters!).

The Ranch
Esther asks if Lucia really wants to go to the Island to tattle tale on her. She should say that Esther is happy, which is the most important thing. Nope! Lucia corrects her saying that Esther is putting herself in an embarrassing, shameful situation.

Esther wants to know the real reason that she wants to see Miguel. They get into a quarrel about the same old tune. Lucia wants her out of there, but Esther is a fighter and will leave when she wants to! Esther warns her not to start with her schemes and just to jog her memory she mentions that JA and herself know her secret. She mentions that they know about her involvement with burning down MC’s , and if she opens her little mouth, off to jail Lucia goes. Lucia doesn’t believe she would do that do her (Really?? Clearly you’re drinking from the same fountain as Tav and Miguel). Esther gives an ultimatum, leave her and JA alone in peace, or continue with her uppity & scheming ways and get sent directly to jail. 

The Announcement
Carola informs everyone of Emir’s partnership with the casino and how it will be in good hands. Emir says a few words actually supporting his new boss/partner. He speaks like a politician and says nothing will change and the business will be run to the same efficiency as before. Raiza is super happy and in awe of MA because she basically has the casino in her hands. She thinks that MA has good luck, and is impressed with what a man will do for love. She is happy that she chose to be on her side. Meanwhile, Mohammed is planning something sinister. He tells the two henchmen to be prepared. 

Doris has arrived late to the party and has a hissy fit. Emir almost escapes her wrath but she calls his attention. With the nudging of Marina, introductions are made. He actually sticks around for small talk, and Marina turns her flirtatious dial on high. He invites them to play but Doris denies. He tells him that the casino will pay, he is the owner after all (Emir you little devil…. if his plan is to allow all his friends to play without money. He will sink that ship fast!).

Raiza is putting her powers of persuasion to the test. Although her opponent is rather weak willed with no backbone, so this is probably not a challenge to her. Miguel is actually showing some resistance because he fears that he is already too much in debt. He also worried that if Lucia comes to the island they will need money to live. But these minor problems do not last long, as he gives in to Raiza in the end.

Mexico City
Tav actually remembers that he has a wife and daughter running around Mexico City (too bad they are actually right under his nose). He is frustrated that the person on the other end of the phone cannot find MC. He tells them that there is NO way that MC could be prepared lady…. she is completely uneducated. He lies and says he is looking for her on his part (more like chasing MA, but whatever you say). 

Tav makes sad face for Serafina. Serafina cannot find the address to where MC is. She tells him not to worry and to let things be. Tav takes this moment to grow a conscious and tells her he has to worry about uneducated MC and also his child.  Serfaina wants to help him out, so she and her friends will go looking for MC house to house (Umm that may take a while, but I’ll give you an A for effort. At least you are more proactive than Tav).

The Final Stride
MA eventually walks up to the party (Emir, Doris, and her two friends) and notices what is going on.  She informs her partner that someone is going to have to pay for all these chips-- owner or not, that person will be him. Doris, ever the instigator, wants to know if he will let MA talk to him in such a manner. While MA and Doris throw insults at each other, one of his henchmen creeps behind the Emir (looks like MA notices this), pauses, stabs him, pauses, and then disappears in the confusion (QTH!!). Emir collapses and MA screams for someone to call the ambulance (I think this is the fastest time someone has called for help in a novela). Teo 2.0 appears and tries to remove MA from the scene. He tells her that she needs to escape because she could be incriminated in the crime. MA wants to know who he is, and regardless she’s not going anywhere (How will she be incriminated when she was across the table!).

Doris and her friends tell her father what happened, and he seems to think it was an inside job. Doris is worried that her father could equally be attacked if he gets himself involved, but he tells her not to worry. He leaves to handle the situation.

Back at the casino, Teo 2.0 advises MA and tells her to be strong and think straight as the police are arriving.  Things get more bizarre, as Teo 2.0 transforms to Teo. He asks a tied up Mohammed whether or not he wants him to call the police. Teo says that he saw everything but tells Mohammed not to worry. Teo will not spill the beans. Mohammed wants to know if Emir is dead, but Teo does not believe so. Mohammed begs for something that I did not understand. Teo comments that Emir is a bad leader and deserves whatever comes his way.


Oops. I posted this on the wrong comment thread. Sorry.

Thanks Vivi. I was really hoping Karim would die, but it doesn't quite look like he will.

Why isn't Ester afraid that Lucia might kill her? She knows she's capable of it.

I'm not getting what MA is planning by being so passive about Karim as her partner. And for that matter, I don't understand what Teo is planning either. I guess I'm really confused.

Maricruz is in very fine form. Loved her attitude subduing her emotions and using the situation to her advantage. So glad that Teo is looking out for her. What is Teo's involvement in this international intrigue???? :0


Cathyx- There were a lot of things going on in last night's episode. Much of it didn't make a lot of sense, but I was entertained by it all. LOL!

This was also the only show I got to watch before my cable went out last night. But my dvr was working, so I got to watch my recordings of the CI episodes I missed this week, and I finally got to see the dress Doris was wearing earlier in the week- the purple /multi-colored one with the great sexy back. I realized we have seen this dress before. Roberta (Jessica Coch) wore it at the wedding of Gonzalo and Regina in Cuando Me Enamoro. You can see it at minute 16:19 in this clip, just before Fina (Rocio B./Carola) sings Ave Maria, disguised as a nun (just before she shoots Gonzalo and Regina-- gosh I loved CME!):


Wow, Vivi, you have an incredible memory. Her dress was over the top revealing, but I would never have remembered it from CME.

Cathyx- I remember liking the dress the first time I saw in on Jessica Coch. In my head Ingrid Matz (Doris) is much smaller than Jessica Coch, but they both fit in the same dress, and both looked great in it.

I wonder in Rocio Banquells will get a chance to sing in CI? She has a lovely voice, and it was such a treat to hear her sing in CME, even if it was under such ironic circumstances. :)

Things weren't going MariAle's way with the purchase of Carola's shares complete. She was smart in just accepting it and figuring out how to deal with it. Some heroines would waste time bleating and crying over it.

La Paloma- I like that Mari went right into acceptance/fight mode after she found out about Carola's sale to Karim. There wasn't much time to do anything else. Loved the royal purple power dress she wore too.

But if she were really smart, she would have bought Carola out long ago, and/or not antagonized her to the point of wanting to sell to Mari's enemy. She underestimated Carola.

Well, glad to hear that CeCe is off volunteering. That's such an important part of our culture and part of what makes it great. I remember when a friend of mine spent time in Russia years ago as part of a volunteer group and the people there were like "You work for nothing!!!??? Are you crazy!!!!???)

And then we have Doris and her incestuous brother who neither volunteer nor work for pay. Full-time spent enmeshing. Yuck! Whadda family.

Vivi said: "There were a lot of things going on in last night's episode. Much of it didn't make a lot of sense, "

Agree, especially the failed (?) attempt on Karim. The role of Teo is a mystery. Has he become an expert in Mid-east governments? He knows that the Emir is a tyrant back home (in Dubai?!!)! More mysterious was his rapid costume change from beauty to beast in what looked like 2 minutes. (He must have a telephone booth he borrowed from Clarke Kent to make changes into Super Teo.) Could Teo also have a dark side to his plan to gain MariAle's love? We now have Octavio, Teo/his alter persona, Karim and the Governor all after hand (?!) and she hates all men, except perhaps Octavio. She seems confused.

RE; The news cast from Dubai, Did I hear "esta muerta", or did I miss something. Then there is the Emir in lying bed. My Spanish is limited, what did I miss?

I too am wondering about Teo;s involvement with all of this and with Mohammed. He didn't bother to untie him but shuffled off after taking the duct tape off his mouth.

Loved MAs dress!

Why all of a sudden is Tav obsessed abt MC again? Seemed to come out of nowhere again, like a binger, all or nothing.

Cant believe Karims not dead. Perfect opp for the writers to get rid of one suitor while intro another (Teo) . Teo is so creepy. I really don't like this story line.

I'm starting to think that maybe Andres is adopted and is hung up on his "sister" which of course she uses against him.

The previews for Monday didn't look to promising.


Maybe Tav is obsessed with finding MC and hijo again because he is serious about MA, wants to do "right" by MC before marrying MA, or if he isn't being noble then maybe he just wants to find her so he can get a divorce.

Maybe I should hold on the Tequila until after each episode. I could swear I saw Angel trying to persuade María Alejandra to leave the casino with him and then moments later saw Teo aiding a bound and gagged Mohamed. Is it possible that we are wrong in assuming that they are one and the same? Maybe Angel is Teo's brother who had the misfortune to be born with that hair rather than Teo himself making an unfortunate choice of wigs.

I'm guessing that Karim will survive but that most certainly means that we'll be bidding farewell to Mohamed and a few of the not so merry men...or at least their heads.

And gee, just when everyone seemed to be getting along so well.


I never gave too much thought to volunteering until I moved out of my country.

I believe in karma (I have no idea if this has anything to do with any religion), I believe that what goes around, comes around. So, when I first arrived here and I felt pretty alone and didn't have much to do, I started to volunteer at a local center who helps underprivileged people learn how to read and write (I never thought there would be so many of them in the 21st century and in a first world country like France pretends to be).

Anyway, I keep going (not right now, in August they are closed out) and it's been such an experience! And once I started, things started improving for me, too. Karma!


Elna June sighting at La Tempestad!


Hooray! So relieved, Carlos to know Elna June is okay. Heading right over there after CI.

Adriana, Love your volunteering story. Religion aside, I too believe that if you live with love and generosity of spirit, that love will come back to you. Blessings always go both ways.

Now we have to wait for Maricruz to figure that out!

Cathyx - I'm with you in hoping Karim had died. Oh well.

Vivi - I too loved MA's dress and the lush purple color.

emeraldrose - color me confused regarding Teo as well. I don't want him to be creepy but he keeps doing weird (and creepy) stuff.

Carlos - thanks for the EJ update.


I am standing in the confused line. I thought that Karim was stabbed in the back and was d.e.a.d. And what was up with Teo's conversation with the trussed up Mohamed ?

Maybe too much of the budget was spent on lipstick and the ladies' wardrobe and not enough on the writing staff salaries.

Angel (Teo) tried to take MA out of the casino so no blame would fall on her from the Emir's people but she wouldn't go because she didn't know who he was. I think he reverted to Teo to go back and try to talk to her. However, he saw that the assassins fake-trussed up Mohammed, who was in on the assassination attempt. Mohammed is pretending to be tied up (well, he IS tied up, but he asked to be) so no suspicion falls on him. Teo saw all this and when he took the tape off his mouth he told Mohammed not to worry, he won't talk. But I think he did so in order that Mohammed knows he didn't quite get away with it, just in case they try to throw the blame on Mari. In the space of ten seconds Teo figured out exactly what happened and how the Emir's enemies can try to throw the blame off themselves and onto Mari - and all this while switching from his secret identity to Teo the monster! Teo/Angel the super hero! Wow!

Cece's recap is now up. Thanks so much Cece!

Yes, that whole last sequence was strange and confusing. Not just Teo's quick change and sudden ability to know all (including Mohamed's plot); but also how Doris and her amigas teleported home to the Gov's house, before the police or ambulance had even arrived to the casino. QTH?!

In any case, I really don't know how the police would be able to pin the crime on Mari. It's not like killing Karim would get Mari the 20% he owns. It would just go to his family. She clearly didn't do it herself, as she was across the table from him. Someone would have to make an accusation, and who would that be? If Mohamed tries to accuse Mari, to throw suspicion off of himself, then Angel/Teo could easily blow that out of the water by telling the police what he saw-- what the director chose not to show us, Teo seeing Mohamed conspiring with the (attempted?) killer.

Refresh my memory, I've missed a few episodes--- Did Tav ever inform Miguel that Lucia lost the second baby? Or does Miguel still think she's pregnant?


Thanks! Excellent review of that crazy bunch of squirrels and nuts.

"(Emir you little devil…. if his plan is to allow all his friends to play without money. He will sink that ship fast!)." Thanks for making the connection! I was unable to follow all the chatter.

"At least you are more proactive than Tav)" ain't dat the troof!

"(I think this is the fastest time someone has called for help in a novela)." Methinks you're rig! It's a veritable tn first!


Where is that phone booth that Teo does his quick chg in?

Carlos, I have the whole bottle of tequila right next to my chair, can't waste time with lime & salt. This TN requires .750ML an episode.

Is Angel Teo with wig & minus hump?

I have to admit my mind wanders on this TN, could be a tequila stupor.

Mrs Mejia took all the Mejia TN cliches, threw them up in the air & we are getting in estupido pile of crap.

I'll be glad to see Lucia at Isla Dorada, she is evil but a least she can put 1 & 1 together & come up with the right answer, unlike the Navarez men. She couldn't possibly murder Ester and JA could she?

I keep worrying about Mohammed losing his head.

Variopinta, yes. Angel and Teo are the same person. He's just a quick changer.

And I'm looking forward to Lucia showing up at the casino also. And you know she'll rock any gown she puts on. And I'll bet she won't be fooled in believing MA isn't MC either. But she probably won't be able to convince the men.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one confused over this episode. Confusing loves company. That way I don't feel so dumb.

CeCe, I loved the recap. Thanks for such marvelous work. I loved the following observations,

"She’s spends the rest of the letter pouring out the little love…..that’s in that hatred filled heart of hers" and,

"Serfina wants to help him out, so she and her friends will go looking for MC house to house…Umm that may take a while, but I’ll give you an A for effort."

I continue to be entranced by all the beautiful clothes. MA looked splendid as usual. I think they'll have to get back to the ranch just to save on wardrobe bill. Someone should showcase some of these designers on air, in print, wherever.

Are we supposed to believe that Tav has hired a detective to look for MC? Who the heck was he talking to on the phone?

At the moment I am fine with the Ester-JA romance, but as Judy noted the other day--where are Ester's parents, how much money does Ester have of her own? Didn't Ester talk of building her own house?

Vivi, I am pretty sure Miguel does not know that Lucia lost the baby. Neither Tav or Lucia has told him, but it is strange how the pregnancy lately hasn't been mentioned.


If Lucia came to the island I can totally see her wrapping the Luv Gov around her little finger! Would definitely give her an edge over MA.

Barbabra- That's why I thought I had missed something, because no one mentions that baby anymore. You'd think Miguel would mention it. And since we never know how much time has passed by in this thing, Lucia should probably be showing by now, and won't Miguel have questions when he sees her? Oh, I forgot. He's a Narvaez man. He won't ask any questions.

Did they mention the lost baby in the email that Lucia sent to Octavio?

And even if they haven't shown Miguel being informed of the baby being dead, that wouldn't necessarily mean that he doesn't know. You know, editing or something. We never knew that Octavio hired an investigator to find MC until we heard him speaking to him on the phone after the investigator has already started looking.

Cathyx- Yes, Octavio was informed via the email, but we haven't seen Miguel being informed. Yet, he doesn't mention that baby at all.

Octavio was informed by Esther. And she asked Octavio not to say it to his brother, because Lucia thought that he will immediately return to rancho.
And I think Octavio called to police. MC still his wife and she is disappear. I think it's a job for police.

The detective must be on an intelligence level equal to Oct & Mig.
Mrs Mejia probably just thought that one up.

Didn't Oct decide not to tell Mig about the baby so he wouldn't return to the ranch?

"Oh, I forgot. He's a Narvaez man. He won't ask any questions."

Vivi, will Mig recognize her, I'm sure Oct wont. Mig's brain is so saturated with booze he probably forgot about the baby.

I know Ester asked Tav not to tell Miguel, but shouldn't Miguel be asking about Lucia's pregnancy, and doesn't she think he'll ask when he sees she's not pregnant? That's what's so confusing.

I don't think, that Miguel thinks about his real boy (what is his name?). So why he should think about unborn baby? Lucia, I think, wants to tell him at face. Or may be he will see her and will understand everything. Or may be we all should forget about this pregnancy.

"I have the whole bottle of tequila right next to my chair, can't waste time with lime & salt. This TN requires .750ML an episode." Lol...i need a shot of redbull because everytime I load the novela to watch...i end of falling asleep"

Vivi: "Oh, I forgot. He's a Narvaez man. He won't ask any questions." Spot on! The end of this episode was so confusing...and on top of that, people conveniently forget things (marriage, babies) and remember them at random moments(Tav)only to forget again.

This TN is messing with my brain. There are soo many plot holes about sloppy writing! Add me to the one of many who cannot understand why this TN is so popular in Mexico (ok besides the popularity and cuteness of the leads) because the plot is horrible.

Isn't this on at 4:00pm in Mexico? Maybe it's watched by young teens. They would love it and not care about plot holes and obliviousness.

LOL Alegria! Indeed, maybe we should all forget about it, because obviously the writers have. :)

Thank you CeCe, you helped clear some things up from Friday's episode. It's still confusing though. Seems like everyone is confused and is trying hard to understand where this one is headed. Well I think that being confused is better than reading about most everyone being sooooo bored, which was the case just a few episodes back.

I'm not a teenager and yes there are holes in the plot but I haven't
seen a novela without them. Things
always seem to be left out and don't always make sense. That's why we have thinking caps and imaginations---we fill in the holes, it's no problema.

CeCe---I liked your---She spends the rest of the letter pouring out the little love that's in that hatred filled heart of hers.

Won't that be something or maybe fireworks if/when bsc-evil eyes lucifer meets Maricruz on the island?---Can't wait.

Will bsc/evil eyes lucifer and Raiza get into it? That would also be interesting.

If lucifer goes to the island, who runs the ranch, Ester?

Tav is looking for Maricruz while chasing Mari alajandra. LOL Way to go Oblivio.

Teo, a quick change artist. Is he working with or against Mohammed?

Will MA be accused of setting up the assasination attempt?

Karim and his friends gambleing for free. A great way to sink the casino and get back at Mari Alejandra for her rejection of him.
Will he succeed? He going up against Super Mari.

Can't wait for Monday---I will not fall asleep and I don't need the help of tequila to get me through it. I enjoy it immensely.
the gringo

thanks for your recap Cece. I'm glad others were confused regarding the plot. In light of the chemistry that MA (ABC) & Tav (DA) have its a shame the writers don't try a bit harder. I know our team of recappers could do much better.

Anon @ 1:42 am thanks for explaining what Teo/Angel was doing.

Vivi et al - yes Miguel not mentioning her impending child is odd but he hasn't asked about his son so I don't hold out much hope. The writers really shouldn't have the brothers being so dumb. It makes one fearful for their offspring.

Speaking of Lucia's deceased baby lets not forget that only Ester and Ofelia know what happened to it. We know Ester lied when she said that they gave it a decent burial. That's got to mean something right? And as for MA being accused of an assassination attempt on the Emir, arch-enemy #2 Doris and her girlfriends were the only ones as close to Karim as MA, and Doris would gleefully swear that MA was on their side of the table.

Paul- That whole baby burial thing is so bizarre and random, I refuse to waste any brain cells on it until the writers choose to do something about it. I mean, is Ester a witch who does strange spells with baby corpses?

Paul---Yes, Doris would lie---but even if MC isn't accused of the attempted killing, she might be accused of planning it. Oh I don't
know, maybe because of her dislike of him or for her attempted kidnapping by him. Yes--Doris would do anything to see Mari go down.
the gringo

Hi Cece...thanks for managing to do this AND do some serious volunteering this weekend.

I particularly liked "Karim manages a short pause from thinking out loud". Only a short one of course.

Always bothered by seeing Karim drinking wine. I realize some so-called good Muslims break the rules and drink alcohol when abroad. But they're not supposed to. And for some reason, seeing him with a glass in his hand just bugs me. So evidently he's not only a bad ruler, he's a bad Muslim. Well, no surprise there.

Not sure how they're going to implicate MA in the attempt on his life, but I'm sure one of her swains will ride to the rescue rather quickly.

In the meantime, continuing to try and not overthink this. Can't expect PBS-quality material--just sit back and enjoy the gorgeous dresses and hope that Octavio's sidekick takes another shower soon.

JudyB--LOL PBS material? No novelas
are not PBS material but they sure are fun.
the gringo

Gringo, yes this novela is fun and your comments make it more so!

Well I'm now rooting for Raiza. She seems nice enough (relatively). She's just a single gal trying to secure her financial future. And she's one of the few people here who hasn't killed or abandoned anyone, so cheers to Raiza!

I read something today that Ana Brenda was going to be done with acting after this show. She's going to focus on planning her wedding and moving to Spain to be with the torero husband. How long will this last (the career pause, not the wedding because best wishes to them both)? It'd be a shame for this to be her last novela. She has potential.


Kelly, no, she said, that she won't permit us to forget her :))) Yes, she is planning a wedding in autumn and then go to Spain to be with her husband for some time during his work. But then she promised to return.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thanks for this most excellent recap, CeCe. And good for you with the volunteer work.

Well, since there seems to be general consternation and confusion over this episode I'll hold off on giving up my Tequila supplements... at least for the time being.

I'm going to cling to my theory that Theo and Angel are not the same entity. Nobody can change clothes that fast, much less make the organic physical changes that would be required. Plus, where is all the money coming from? Even in Mexico you'd be looking at superbucks for the plastic as well as orthopedic surgeries required to make those changes in Teobaldo. Not to mention the cost to open up a rather well-stocked antique store as well.

But for me Ángel's hair is the capper (so to speak)... who in his right mind, with the infinite resources that Teo would have to have, would choose that wig? I rest my case.


I think the surgery was what Teo was saving his money for all those years.

JudyB: Thanks! I love volunteering but unfortunately it is much harder to do so now as opposed to during undergrad. It's just unfortunate on these days I have to get the recap up so late. I should also take your advice and watch the novela for the pretty faces and glamorous clothes if nothing else.

Carlos: Lol, your comments are always hilarious. I think you are asking too many logical questions. Unfortunately, the answers may not be so with this TN. However, I did think that Teo is getting the money because he was the one robbing all the casino folks + his saving as well.


CeCe, I really enjoyed your recap and all the comments this episode generated.

In MA's and Karim's convo about how he gained his position, I thought he said he inherited it, but his ancestors gained it by force.

Judy B., I agree. Karim constantly drinking is not a good example for a Muslim. However, he disregards the welfare of his people, so why not disregard other things?

I lol to see Mariana on screen. That actress played Venus/Lovely Norton on MEPS. She was a cantina worker who was trained to impersonate a society heiress in order to ensnare the bad rich brother. A faint echo of MariCruz' journey into society.

Gringo asked who runs the ranch once Lucia is gone? She said she would sell all the livestock, fire JA, and send Ofelia on vacation. I assume the oranges will rot on the trees and the house will be locked up. Nothing left to wrangle.

Teo/Teo2/Angel flipping from persona to persona--que que what??!

The deep purple dress was a nice gown with authority. I think the least Univision could do is give us a video runway show of ALL the ladies' clothing from this TN. And a compilation of the best Tav/MC/MA kissing scenes.

I look forward to Lucia's arrival on the island. Fun family reunion ahead.

As Variopinta said "Mrs Mejia took all the Mejia TN cliches, threw them up in the air & we are getting in estupido pile of crap."


@La Paloma - I haven't seen any video compiling all the evening dresses, but I have definitely seen fan videos online compiling the best kisses between Octavio and MC/MA. But since you don't want spoilers, I don't recommend looking for them - you might catch sight of stuff not yet shown on Univision.

@Carlos - I'm not a doctor, and I know you are one, so I apologize in advance if I say something that doesn't make sense. I don't think Teo required orthopaedic surgery, since his hump was not due to a bone/spine malformation. When he first consulted with the plastic surgeon and he checked his back, the doctor told Teo that it appeared he had multiple "lipomas" all bunched up together. I'd never heard that term, so when that episode first aired I looked up the term. Here's what I read on Wikipedia:

Not saying that explanation is realistic, since the wiki page says lipomas are generally just a few centimeters large. But it does make more sense that he would recover faster from removal of fatty tissue tumors than if he had required corrective orthopaedic surgery.

Alegria- Good to know! As long as she really is pickier next time. :)


ABC y su torero

Más fotos he is in his torero suit in one


I did hear that consultation discussion where the lipomas were addressed by the surgeon.

This of course is a TN in which TN medical principles apply so I'll not belabor my points. Lipomas are indeed fatty tumors which arise in the subcutaneous tissue... that is... just beneath the skin. The reason I think (thought) there was an orthopedic problem (specifically kyphosis, outward curvature of the thoracic spine) is because of Teo's posture and abnormal gait. Lipomas, even incredibly large lipomas, would cause a bulge but not alter gait or posture significantly.

A most telling moment was when a post surgical Teo approached Octavio's apt. in Mexico disguised as his former self. He was walking along the sidewalk straight and tall and suddenly stopped and took a moment to adjust his posture to hunched forward and added a shuffle or lurch to his gait.

Of course in TNs, medical conditions are what the writers say they are, so I defer to that. I just want you guys to know that when I make medical observations (which I try to avoid unless specifically asked) they are based on my training, observation, and experience.

By the way, removing lipomas of that size would require rather extensive and expensive surgery.


@Carlos - thanks for the more logical medical explanation. I really appreciate it. As far-fetched as the whole Teo transformation is, Mrs. Mejia had an even more preposterous storyline in Ciudado Con El Angel (CCEA). In CCEA, William Levy's character was a psychologist. About halfway through the novela, he started saying that he had also had training as an ophthalmologist but had never practiced in that specialty (or performed ANY kind of surgery). This little fact (fiction) was conveniently brought up just before the novela switched from storyline #1 to #2 (yes, Mrs. Mejia combined two distinct novelas written by Delia Fiallo to come up with her CCEA monstrosity). In storyline #2 of CCEA, Maite Perroni's character ends up blind after being shot in the head and is told that she is permanently blind. Ever the hero, William Levy's character decides to embark on a 1-year trip to the U.S. to take speciality courses to become an EYE SURGEON. (BTW, during that 1-yr. trip his infant child did not age one bit b/c Mrs. Mejia continued using the same baby). After that 1-year, he returned as a REKNOWNED eye surgeon, supposedly the best in the world. They then found out Maite's character also had an inoperable, malignant brain tumor. He insisted they should still operate, though he was only supposed to observe a brain surgeon remove the tumor before he did what he had to do as an eye surgeon. Well, during surgery he suddenly took over the entire thing and kept digging around Maite's head like someone carving a pumpkin, all while the brain surgeon and a more senior eye surgeon just stood there and watched. It was so ridiculous, way more ridiculous than anything I have seen on C.I. so far.

Oh, Latina, how could I ever forget Dr. Juan Miguel's medical marvels from CCEA!!

I really liked the first part of that tn, Maite and William had smokin' chemistry (still think they do, no matter how crappy the scrip is), but when h became Dr. Know-it-all, the idiocy was just too huge.

And I think you forgot to say that the good doctor made blind Marichuy believe that he was another guy and made her fall for him, but she never suspected he was the same guy she used to be married with - his voice (which is very distinctive, by the way) never made her doubt.

But having Corazon Indomable as a comparison now , I guess that was the most realistic part of the story.

Wow, Latina, that sounds like quite a TN. I'm glad I missed it. But it would be fun to have them do a short TN that has all bad cliches and moments taking place in one show. But only for about 3 months. That would be all I could take.

Estupido pile of crap? Maybe so but I just love this story. I know that there will be a few more twists and turns to keep us all guessing but everything will turn out great in the end. Estupido or not, this novela has a lot going for it---A great couple with super chemistry, a great cast, a beautiful rancho, beautiful locations, great fashions, a great villaness, evil eyes lucifer, interesting mysterious characters--
Teo 1&2, Emier Karim, a crazy jealous wacko, Doris but most of all, a poor country girl that made it big. Bad writing, estupido? I don't care, I loved it from day one and I still love it today. I won't miss a minute of it.

Yes---a beautiful purple power dress. A great look.

Kelly---I too am starting to root for Raiza. She is helping Mari for now. I hope that it isn't just a trick to gain Mari's confidence and then turn on her. I agree that Raiza is just a working lady trying to make a living. I hope that she doesn't pull a fast one on Mari at some point in the future
Right now though, it looks like Raiza will end up on team good.

Carlos---Big bucks for surgery? Remember that there was several robberies and those robberies were from rich or upper classed people. If it was Teo, and we all think that it was, he would have gotten the big bucks, dinero that he needed.
the gringo

@Adriana Noel - Oh, trust me, I did not forget about William Levy's Juan Miguel pretending to be a different character, and Maite's Marichuy falling for that. I just chose not to go into that subject. (It's all fresh in my head, since CCEA just barely ended a few weeks ago here on Univision - I watched the reruns since I didn't see it back in 2008 - and it's only because of the Levirroni chemistry that I kept watching).

@Gringo - I'm with you, and I'm sticking with C.I. until the end. Like I mentioned before, I've watched all three versions of this novela, and despite all the plot holes, editing snafus, etc., C.I. is still very entertaining to me. (And I agree with your previous comment that Marimar was AWFUL - bad acting all around. The only reason I watched Marimar is because I spent several months in Mexico back in 1994 when it was on its original broadcast run, and I was staying with relatives who watched it every night. I watched it just to keep my relatives company and to compare it with the original Mexican version La Venganza, which I watched when it was re-run in the early 80s; that one I did like.)

LatinainMD---You ar so lucky to have relatives in Mexico and get to travel and see them. I would love to go to Mexico but alas it may never be. So---I travel to Mexico in the novelas and through music. Second best, yes but I enjoy
them both very much and also along with some Mexican friends that I have met over here, such nice people.
the gringo

I did get the feeling that Ángel/(Teo?) might have been taking advantage of the confusion and circumstances to pull off a little abduction of his own. There was absolutely no reason for MA to run away.

If indeed Ángel and Teo are one and the same, then why switch roles at precisely at that time?


Gringo- I'm not sure if I would say that Mari is leading Team Good. She's not exactly fighting for truth and justice-- just revenge. I don't think leading a weak man to drink and gamble his family's livelihood away is going to earn Mari or Raiza any points at the Pearly Gates. But, Raiza's bank account will be more plentiful from the money Mari will give her, and Mari will get her moment in the sun to gloat over Los Narvaez once she has their lands in her hands. I am sure it won't make her happy in the long run though. Just like she's not happy now.

The ONLY reason I'm sticking with this
Mejiaísimo mess is Ana Brenda & her wardrobe & the appearance of Luciafer.

Miguel doesn't know that Lucia lost the baby. He keeps referring to his wife and "mis hijos" and every time he says that Octavio gets a funny look on his face, like he's feeling guilty for not saying something, but doesn't have the guts to tell him.

LatinainMD, I'm so envious that you got to see both previous Mexican versions of this TN! I know that the earliest version was a TN done in Columbia. I have watched bits and pieces of Marimar on youtube and it does seem pretty awful. And I don't suppose there's much chance of ever seeing any of La Venganza or La Indomabla.
This is my first TN, but despite its flaws I am really enjoying it. I look forward to every episode. I just wish I hadn't missed the first 20!

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