Saturday, August 03, 2013

PEAM #104-8/2/13: What Time Is It? Time For Chucho to Grow Some Avocadoes!

Hola Manda Peeps. This recap will not be in order and I have combined some scenes to make the recap easier to read. Thanks to Julie, for "What Time Is It".

We get the bit of refried with Malvino calling Yuri and letting him know that Chucho is at Orion, seems they have wired Chucho for sound, as in his cell, computer, etc., and Yuri wants Malvino to keep a close eye/ear on Chucho. Xochi is dancing to her desk, while Susana and Mari are wondering why, oh, why is she doing that? Alma comes into work and is really sad thinking about Chucho not being at Avon anymore. Augusto is very happy Chucho made his choice to come to Orion. Alma continues to think about Chucho and goes to her office and cries. Augusto shows Chucho his new office and Aida comes in. She is very happy to be working with Chucho again. Chucho is not only the new V.P. but he gets the latest model car! Chucho is given his contract to sign and he does. Alma doesn't know why Chucho left Avon, and she cries some more. Since Chucho looks like Deputy Dawg on a bad day, Augusto asks him if he is ok. Oh, he is honkey dorey and Augusto welcomes Chucho to Orion. Hug and handshake. Aida asks Chucho if he is ok. He is. Chucho thinks of Alma and asks her to forgive him. Split screen and both are very unhappy! I just got one question? Chucho where oh where are your avocadoes?

It's lunchtime at Avon and Mari and Jess are knoshing together. They talk about Rico Sauve(Ricardo) and how Suave he is and Mari works with him too, well I gotta say, they all work and play together, don't they? Well, there is Elias too, but he's still married. What to do, What to do?

Ferny comes into work and has a little something, something for Xochi. She wants to know what and guess what it is? Anyone? That's right, diamonds are a girl's best friend, as in earrings that is. She is so exicted she is squeeing and Mari and Susana are wondering what is going on now! He also invites her over to his place this evening but she's a little unsure bout that.

Rogue is all happy his plan is working and he practically dances to his office. The Putz! He sees that Alma is crying in her office and wants to know what is wrong, can he help???? Enough Already! Well he didn't say that, I did. Rogue is thinking he is a genius cause he made poor Alma cry cause Chucho is gone. Alma gets a call from Patymelt and Patymelt knows immediately something is wrong. Alma won't talk right now cause Rogue is there but will call her back laterz.

Ferny sees Alma too and knows something is wrong. He asks Rogue about Alma being blue, and then Ferny remembers that little chat he had with Rogue a couple days ago about some plan to get Alma back. Ferny pulls on his little stash and thinks. Later, Ferny goes to Rogue's office and asks if Alma is sad cause Rogue pulled something, er, put his plan into motion. Rogue of course, doesn't really answer him, just says he hates that "secretario" and something about electronics, like stalking, er monitoring? Well Ferny is ticked off at Rogue and gets up in his face. He tells Rogue he created his own problems. Rogue tells him Ferny is still an accomplice. The phone rings and Rogue tells Ferny you either are with me or against me. Ferny goes. Vero comes in. The phone rings again and it's Yuri informing Rogue that the plan is going well and Chucho is now working at Orion. Rogue is all happy, happy, joy, joy and Vero wants to know where Chucho went!

Meanwhile at Orion, Aida comes with some office stuff for Chucho. Alma calls his cell phone but he isn't answering. Of course, now Yuri shows up at Orion comes to see Chucho. Chucho wants to know what he wants, and he also mentions that Alma is one smart woman. Yuri just came to gloat about his vengeance plan. Just to show how far he will go, he shows Chucho a live video feed of Valentina with her Papa Elias. While this is going on, Elias calls Chucho and asks if he is coming to see Val. Chucho says new job, just started at Orion and all, very busy, can't visit and he loves Val and buh bye! Yuri grins and this pithes Chucho off so much, for a brief moment there, he gets his avocadoes and shoves Yuri against the wall! He tells him to lay off Val and nothing better happen to her and oh yeah, while he is talking to Yuri against that wall he is choking him! Yuri isn't scared he wants to kill Chucho but he'd rather see him suffer. Elias, after that hang up is shocked that Chucho left Avon! Aida comes in and asks if everything is ok? Chucho assures her it is. Augusto comes in to see Chucho and Yuri introduces himself to Augusto as an "old friend of Chucho's from Chicago" and he goes.

Alma is in the parking garage now and thinking about her recent getaway with Chucho. Patymelt calls Alma back cause she is worried about her, so Alma is gonna meet Patymelt somewhere. The somewhere is a coffee shop. Alma cries about Chucho she just doesn't know him anymore, well not that, but he is acting strangely and that he quit his job at Avon. While Alma cries, Patymelt hugs her and says she understands. Well, Alma doesn't, she can't understand why Chucho left. Alma tells Patymelt about Augusto's job offer, Patymelt thinks maybe it was the bump up in the job, quite a difference from a secretary. Alma sees her point but Patymelt is floored when she finds out that Chucho never told Alma he accepted Augusto's job offer. Best thing to do, Patymelt advises her is to go ask Chucho himself. Good advice there Patymelt!

Susana is in the office and sees Panfilo and puts the moves on our AARP babe magnet while Mari snickers over at her desk. Susana left him a "have a happy day" note on his cleaning cart. Susana even calls him, a galan, shut that mouth Susana! Xochi and Mari look like they would love to bust a gut over at their desks.

Elias has brought Valentina home. Vero wants to know about Chucho no longer working at Avon, cause she overheard Val and Elias talking when they came in. Elias doesn't really know what happened. Vero suddenly remembers Rogue and his little planning. Vero smiles and we get a split screen where Vero smiles and Alma cries. Elias is trying to call Chucho cause Val really wants to see her Papa Chucho. Chucho ignores the call, and Elias is now very worried. Val thinks maybe Papa Chucho is very busy and Elias is thinking.

At Orion, Augusto tells Chucho they have a  new project coming up and they need to come up with a product that will crush the competition, as in Avon. Augusto wants Chucho to come up with a proposal for the new product cause Chucho will be doing the marketing campaign and commercials, etc. He wants this proposal tomorrow. Chucho thinks to himself he doesn' t want to compete with Alma.

Malvino, Yuri and the other henchie are outside of Orion monitoring all of Chucho's movements.

Back at Orion, Chucho is working when a message comes up on his computer from Yuri, just rubbing it in. Elias calls Chucho, but he won't answer the call. Aida thinks this is strange. Aida wants to help Chucho any way she can, but Chucho won't let her help.

Later, Ferny and Xochi are in his office working on their project and Xochi sees there is something not right with him and she doesn't want him to be keeping secrets from her. It's about Rogue he says. Xochi tells Ferny she likes him very much, he takes her hands and tells her the same. Now Xochi wants to talk to Ferny seriously. She tells him she has something important to tell him. She tells him about Chucho and her and her and Julio, but Ferny says that is all in the past. She says it was important for her to tell him this, cause she so doesn't want her heart broken by Ferny, awwwwwww......

Vero is so happy that Chucho is away from Alma and Avon, cause she thinks she has a chance now, que, que what???? She also finds out from Rogue that Alma is not taking this well, which further brightens up Vero. She gets so close to Rogue their noses are touching. Rogue even tells Vero there is a little something, something chemical between he and Vero and that can lead to horniness, nah, not that but the physical. She dodges him. Rogue really thinks that he and Vero have alot in common, its so obvio! She does the boot scoot right out the door

Chucho is in his office looking at Val's picture. Chucho now thought bubbles about his recent getaway with Alma and their "chemical reaction" when Aida tries to stop a visitor getting into Chucho's office. It is Lic Montemayor of course. Chucho addresses her thusly through the whole time she is in the office. Alma confronts Chucho and wants to know what is really going on. Well, about this time, Yuri calls and tells Chucho she dies, unless she leaves and to leave the phone on, so he can hear every single word they talk about, Yuri really wants to make Chucho suffer. So Chucho does. Chucho is very formal with Alma and stand-offish. She wants to know why he took off like that, no notice he was leaving and taking this job at Orion. He says it is better this way, all for the benefit of Yuri of course. She accepts the fact that this new job is way better than the one he had at Avon and she touches his face. He looks like Alma gave him a bad case of the cooties! He walks away from her and Alma wants him to understand he is her whole world! Oh, the agony and the frustration! Chucho says nothing. Alma wants to know about their love and happiness, what about that, huh? Well, Chucho, with agony in his eyes, tells Alma it is better if they seperate. Cause she is well, the competiton. Yuri calls again and wants Alma out of there or she dies! Now Chucho has to find a way to get rid of Alma. So Chucho tells her he already signed a contract with Orion and it's all about the moola. Cut and dried. He can now provide a very good life for Valentina. Alma doesn't believe him, good for Alma! Alma just doesn't understand and now Augusto comes in and sees Alma. He is upset cause of course she is the competition and she can't be there. So Chucho agrees with Augusto and Aida will escort Alma out, and Chucho does nothing to stop Alma from leaving. Yuri has a big yuk in the car, I hope a huge, piecart, anvil, personalized, falls on this lunkhead!  Augusto sees that Chucho is beside himself and asks if he is okay? Chucho swears he is fine and Augusto reminds Chucho about that new proposal again. He goes and when Chucho is alone he screams at Yuri down there yukking it up. Chuch tells himself to be strong and he cries for the love of Alma. And here this harsh epi ends.


Yuri and Chucho go at it again.
Alma meets with Elias cause she smelled a rat and tells Elias she thinks that Rogue is behind this whole messed up situation, or does she? Tune in Este Lunes to find out, MUST SEE TV.


Lo Siento, I am running behind. I am working on the recap now, please comment. It should be up shortly. Oh, the frustration!

Clever clever title MADS. Hang in there. It's rainy and cloudy here and I'm having trouble getting started on any worthwhile projects! Which is why I'm hanging around the computer looking for CarayCaray action. (well, it beats street corners)

Say it ain't so Chucho.

This ain't no comedy. I don't like this!

I don't like Vero!

Who will save the day? And, how long do we have to wait?

Hey Y'all the recap is finally up, please enjoy ; )

Great recap! I can't wait for Chucho to grow some avacadoes! I want it to happen soon. I don't like Yuri, Rogue, and Vero having all this fun! Sami

Madeleine, thanks for another outstanding recap. I loved "boot scoot right out the door" and the title was priceless!

As much as I disliked Fernando in the beginning his character is clearly being rehabilitated and I like him with Xochi.

I wonder if Rogelio will get Vero in the sack eventually as they conspire in the revenge plot on Jesus even though she finessed her way out the door in this episode.

Well, at least Jesus got a new car and a nice secretary Aida at his new job.

I can't wait until all of the Uri foolishness ends.


Good Lord! where do you get these expressions MADS.

"Looks like Deputy Dawg on a bad day" funny, so Mads.

And of course, like Jarifa, loved "boot scootin' out the door" (like the song too).

I can shrug off the Alma/Chucho separation as temporary, but any plot threats to young children disturbs me so much (even tho' I know it's all make-believe) that I'm in agony.

Not funny. And has no business being in a comedy. But it is. Ugh.

Up until now I've rather enjoyed Uri and his pumping iron and bumping carritos with the lovely call girl, but I ain't likin' him now. Die Uri die!

Great recap Mads. Hadn't watched this yet, and not sure I want to now except to grab the FerChi scenes.

This whole Uri plotline is so lame. Any company worth their salt has their company electronics secured. And Chucho being so stupid to just let this go on...yeah, this needs to stop. It's an insult to viewerville's intelligence and not how the character would have reacted by what we knew of him before.

Hopefully Elias still has his brain cells working and will figure out that something is rotten in Juarever. I'm sick of listening to Uri's stupid laugh anyway.

Why do I think we just got a hint of Rog doing something that will cause trouble for FerChi?



Hey Mads, I had forgotten you do Fridays for PEAM too! You are some kind of wonder woman doing two recaps in one night.

Daisynjay, ITA that the Uri plot is so lame it's laughable. I can't wait until we are done wading through it. Sheesh, just when I thought my hip-waders were put away for a while. (Just kidding; I knew they weren't.)

I had to laugh that Alma is so distracted she's forgotten she's supposed to still be a little mad at Patymelt. Man, leave it to our Paty to find the chink in the armor.

Thanks Mads!

Hey JudyB..... Just keep repeating; It's only a TN, It's only a TN... It's not REAL, And nothing associated with in is REAL......Stay with in the Fantasy, no one in "real" life would take the Jesuss route to protect his love ones by "punking out".

BTW, this show was "lame" as a comedy, and now sucks at being a drama. ( I bet Chucho and Alma are as boring in real life as in this TN.) I don't even think bringing in more Divas can save this TN.


Fernando is like the proverbial middle school "weaker link" who follows the popular kid (Rogelio) and applauds - an in some cases, tries to out-punk the punk - everything he does just to be accepted by him. At the beginning of the tn, he was nasty, mean, arrogant, snobby, selfish, etc, etc. Then Discua came in and separated him from his bad influence (Rog) and now even though she's gone (and with Jesus and Xochi's help) he has continued on his way to redemption. He's on his way to finding out that he's a much better man than his brother ever hoped to be.

Jesus should tell Aida what's going on and have her tell Alma, Elias and Delia. That way they'll figure out how to take precautions and Delia can put a tail on the thugs (which will connect them to Rogelio) and they can combine their talents and smarts (hopefully they'll have some) to protect Alma, Vale and Chatita.

Some of the plot lines ended sooner than we thought. Maybe this one will, too.

Mads- I'm just getting to the blog this weekend. Sorry for not checking in and voicing my appreciation sooner, especially since this episode was such a bummer. You made it ten times more amusing. I'm hoping next episode Alma and Elias put their heads together to figure out what's going on.

Excellent recap, Madelaine, it was better than the episode.
The title summed it up.
Okay, why can't Jesus write a note if they have bugged everything else?
I hope that the coming attractions are true and Alma and Elias put their heads together because this story line is stupid. Uri aka The Good Humor Man needs to disappear because he is more annoying than nails on a chalkboard. He is making someone suffer because they did an illegal favor for him, he got caught and had to pay the price. Enough already and where is Agent Delia?

LOL, Madelaine, I'm glad you were able to figure out what time it is. ;-) I only just now finished watching the episode, and I have to say it is KILLING me to see FC playing such a... a... such an avocadoless wuss.

I haven't read your recap yet, but I am sure (and grateful) that it will be more rewarding than the glurge I just watched.

Good Morning Y'all and thanks for all the kind words : )

This epi was so frustrating and so out of character for our Chucho! I too hope this storyline makes a quick exit. In the scene with Chucho slamming Yuri against the wall, I swear Chucho could have taken him, really! As big as Yuri is you would think that Chucho would be mincemeat, but Chucho really slammed him!

And Vero and all the grinning! I want to hit her with a nerf bat already. Rogue really has her number.

I know that Alma has been a like a wet dishrag, but that being said, she sure is confronting Chucho way more than she did Rogue. Hopefully, those avances are going to happen and she and Elias will figure out what is really going on. I really want Yuri to take a huge downfall and pull Rogue down right along with him, but this time I hope the charges stick.

Poor Valentina has been yanked around so much, I'm surprised she isn't huddled in her bed in tears all the time. I too want her to end up with her two Dads and as far away from Vero as possible.

The best part of this epi was Ferny and Xochi. I am really liking them together, and I like how they talk to each other. They are so very sweet. I like how Ferny defends Xochi to Rogue. Ferny is coming into his own and I really like that.

Madelaine, super recap. I really don't know how you do it.

I've been watching this TN and keeping up with the recaps and comments fairly well, but I've been woefully negligent in commenting myself. I usually record this and most of the time watch it when I get home the following day. In fact I'm watching the episode right now and just saw the cute scene with Susana and Panfilo flirting. You mentioned that she called him galán and I thought that the part of their exchange that you alluded to was so cute:

"May I take your trash?"

"It's all yours...galán"

For some reason that struck me as so funny as well a a little precious.



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