Monday, August 12, 2013

PEAM #110 - 8/12/13 - A Funeral is the Least of Our Problems

Refrito, Elias kisses Valentina goodnight, she doesn't look too happy but the green stars make her close her eyes.  Jesús tries to take his leave of Aida since it is the evening when Agosto demands he attend him in his office for an emergency.  Oops, Alma has prepared a romantic heart laden table an donned her sexy red dress as she dreams of former kisses.

Rogelio tells Alejandra that he has an important client for her, Nick Donovan.  Even though he smells odd, she would rather cuddle with Rogelio but she is won over by the stack of cash he hands her from the conveniently located briefcase full of bills.  The photographer is burning up his memory card as Alejandra leaves and Virus-onica arrives.  Sanson does his usual disapproving growl.  She thinks Rogelio smells odd too.  Did I miss a product placement or what? Why does Rogelio smell funny?  In his hurry to pin Virus to the couch, she nearly crushes Sanson but he barks to shoo them off to the bedroom upstairs. Que asco.

Aida has to call Alma to tell her that Jesús is detained in a meeting with Agosto so she sits and daydreams of their romantic moments instead.

In Agosto's office Jesús tries to get get Agosto to reason with the group planning a strike but Agosto has a flight planned in half an hour and he doesn't care what Jesús had planned in his private life.  the Elvis guy teases him that he is needed to give a good image to the company in these business dealings. Oh and he is going too.

Elias and his lawyer argue over whether he has obligations or rights to Valentina and if Jesús is the legal father, Elias doesn't owe Veronica anything.

Back at Rogelio's flat, Veronica makes a sexy entry into the bedroom into the eager arms of Roger but Sanson sneaks into the room too.  What does he have planned?

Jesús has to call and break the news to Alma that he has to fly out and can't come to dinner. Alma thinks he must be joking but no…

Fernando and Xochi talk about her fantasy Papa that her mom invented and tricked her with all those years.  The guapo in the picture was a Venezuelan telenovela star. Xochi feels bad for making having such a fit in a moment of feeling small again (gee thanks Barbara, you really did scar this child). Fernando and the office friends surround her with sympathy.

Jesús has to hustle out of the office with Elvis snapping his fingers in delight as it dawns on Jesús that he is working for a tyrant while back at her apartment, Alma is seen ditching the meatloaf on the other end of the phone trying to be understanding of Jesús' new job demands..

Sanson's plan is executed as he climbs up on Rogue's bed and snarls at Virus as she comes back into the bedroom with her peignoir ensemble on.  Now she doesn't want to come into a dirty dog spit laden bed so Roger is at first dreamy and then jumps up to comply as he snatches the sheets off just to please her.  She so enjoys making people act in subservient ways.

Back with Elias, the lawyer thinks that the divorce judge can demand a DNA test to determine paternity of Valentina.  That will take some time but it will save Elias tons of money if he can walk away from child support and perhaps even the obligation to leave his house to Virus-onica.  Elias is looking more and more uncomfortable while the lawyer is showing $$$ signs in his eyes.

After a flight shown on the map, Jesús is in the office of Señor Romero . Elvis teases him about being the secretary to the enemy Alma and sure wasn't secretary of state.  When Romero enters, Elvis is rudely indifferent but Jesús charms Romero who reveals he can't talk to Agosto either, so a jocular rapport is established between the two and everyone suggests that Elvis get lost.

Romero and Jesús have a great time becoming friends and he understands that the strike (huelga) is cancelled.

Veronica comes down and hassles with the ever growling Sanson, picks up the brief case as a kind of weapon but sits down and opens up the treasure chest, she smiles broadly as she feels the money while our ever vigilant photographer has his camera set to Uzi as he captures damning evidence of Virus fondling a great deal of money.  Oh let's hope he backs up his memory cards, please…

Romero has let Jesús go home and he creeps into the bedroom to tell Alma that he avoided the strike. They are locked in embrace.  All the good bits are cut evidently because the next second he is bringing Alma breakfast in bed with a flower but he is already dressed for the office.  They are interrupted by Agosto calling early and anxious to verify that the two agreed to disband the strike. It sounds like Elvis has jumped in to take half of the credit.

Finally just when I was ready to enjoy the funeral, we see Maricela finally confessing to Ricardo that she is not rich princess but her Papa is none other than Panfilo.  Ricardo does not handle it well and does his SILLY dance of laughing at her excellent joke, how could this be true.  Maricela looks regretful that she told him.

Jesús and Alma go on talking about Jesús' less than ideal job with a crazy schedule, a vampiric personal assistant of the president that is stalking him and the feeling that he is being treated worse than a secretary by Agosto who wants to have him at the ready 24/7 with no respect for the private lives of his employees.  The secretarial job is looking better all the time from the rear-view mirror.  Alma grins and wants to know if the Vicky Vampire is attractive.  Yes, says Jesús in a way that lets her know it isn't important.  They laugh.

In parallel universes, the opening scene with Elias waking Virus up who is so irritated that Elias wants her to wake up and take care of her daughter instead of lounging in bed.  They scream and argue blah blah, but Elias is definitely getting sick of her attitude of entitlement.  She so regards Valentina as a piece of property that she can use to manipulate without consequence.  He says the battle is not over.

Alma and Jesús show up at the funeral/or velorio to comfort Xochi.  She is distraught over fighting with her mother when she found out the trick about her father.  They both assure her she did nothing wrong and her reaction was normal as a wolf has to howl when he has to.  Fernando comes in, greets Jesús with sincere friendliness at seeing him.  As he flashes on Rogelio's evil plan to ruin Jesús' life.  After Alma and Jesús leaves, Fernando tells Xochi that he really values Jesús' friendship and feels sorry that he treated him badly in the past.  They agree that Jesús is a true friend and great guy.

Pati complains to Alma about what a rat Rogelio is and has been, I don't think she knows yet what a rat he really is being in regard to his new Virus relationship.  Alma is too kind by half to listen patiently to Pati's whine.

Elvis and Jesús discuss Elvis getting credit for the Romero meeting. Vicky saunters in with coffee and Elvis tries to make up to Vicky who rejects him.  Agosto comes in, Elivis gets a call so Agosto takes his cell phone and dips it in his coffee like a biscotti.

The Avon office, all hell breaks out: Maricela tells her father that Ricardo didn't believe her.  But worse problems Rogelio show up in his dreamy state, meets the new security guard/taxi driver.  He runs into Elias who tells him of all the plans he and Alma have worked on.  Rogelio bursts into Alma's office displaces Paty and begins a shouting match that he is the boss and she the assistant director.  She finally stands her ground and tells him that he does nothing and she has done all the work for as far back as forever.  The office waits outside hearing all the shouting.  In the end, she comes into Rogelio's office and slams her resignation on the desk.

Meantime, Elvis is trying to fake a half share in Jesús's good work with avoiding the strike so Jesús stands up and tells Agosto that he has important things to do in his office and Elvis can surely fill him in on the details of the deal "THEY" made.  As he leaves, it is obvious to even the blustering Agosto that Elvis is full of it and cannot do more than mutter excuses as he tries to cover up his ignorance of the work.

The funeral prayers begin, but Barbara may not be the only corpse to surface soon.  Next steps, Chaos ensues at Avon as Rogelio's world is closing in on him. The Virus spreads with her narcissistic plans. Alma and Jesús are finding their strength. Only Barbara's destiny or at least her next movement is certain...



I always look forward to your delightful Monday recaps and this one did not disappoint!

About Rogue smelling bad, he was with Nick Donovan the cigarillo smokin' man and smelled like cheap cigarillo smoke, and that's why Sanson and the Virus couldn't stand the way he smelled. I had to laugh when she sprayed his mouth with some type of Listerine extra strength spray, lol. I was really hoping Sanson would nip the two of them, they so deserve it, but I too am hoping that Renato makes copies of those cards. I want Virus and Roger to get caught in all their misdeeds.

Yay, for Elias trying to figure out a way to thwart Virus. I hope he and Chucho put their heads together and figure out how to get Val out of the Virus' reach!

Wow! What a change in Alma. First she stands up for her man and now she stands up for all the work she has done and quits. Let's see how Rogue deals with having to do ALL the work! Yay, Alma!

It was sad that Rico Suave (Ricardo) didn't believe Mari. Even she had a hard time not laughing. I worry for Panfilo though, it seems his vision is getting much worse.

Poor Xochi, I hope Ferny and everyone else helps her with her grief. I don't want that poor girl to be blaming herself for all her Mama put her through with all the lies.

I can't wait for tomorrow to see what else happens, but I noticed the intro music has changed again. It seems when Chucho and Alma are fine the music is the love song, when they are on the outs, it is the peppy one, hmmmmm..........

Cheryl, what a fun recap. I especially enjoyed "Vicky Vampire" and "Only Barbara's destiny or at least her next movement is certain."

Sanson was clearly maintaining his good taste with his continued dislike for Veronica.

I thought it was funny that in the middle of the wake Fernando and Xochi mention the novel "Doña Barbara" by Romulo Gallegos.

Poor Chatita referring to Xochi as Xochimilco this time rather than the usual Xochicalco.

I really liked Jesus warning Fernando not to hurt Xochi.

On to mañana!


Gracias Cheryl! I always enjoy your Monday posts; they are a great way to start the week.

Wow, a lot of stuff happened in this episode. Moving the plot along...what a concept. Tonight was a fun night of sticking it to annoying people. Jesus nailing the blustering Elvis and Alma quitting (you go girl!) were great fun. But what I really want is for The Virus to get hers, grrrrr.

Jarifa, I also enjoyed Jesus warning Fernando and the Doña Barbara reference (even though I only saw the most recent version). At least Fernando had the decency to be slightly embarrassed at the warning.


I seem to recall a while ago Barbara thought-bubbling to herself that the tale of Xochi's father was a lie. That her dad wasn't a "sperm donor" at all but maybe was a one night stand? Does anyone else remember that?

Rogelio has been with Pati, Alma, and Alexandra - that we know of - and who knows how many more women. But now Rog's telling Veronica she's the best EVER. So at least we know there's *one* thing Veronica is good at. That skill may come in handy when the Virus finally gets kicked to the curb.

Thinking about who all Rogelio has benn with and just the friskiness of the others, the thought hit me: we have had so unplanned pregnancies yet! Isn't that a bingo square? I wonder if there will be any and if so who will be the first (and maybe last) unplanned pregnancy? Alma, Paty, Xochi, Vero, Vicky, Jessica, Marta, Aida, Maricela??? and of course, any others I might have missed.


It should have read "been" and "NO" unplanned pregnancies. I'm not too good switching between different kinds of keyboards.


Cheryl, you always know how to start our day off with a smile. This recap did not disappoint. What fun.

I too remember that there is more to the Xochi paternity story than the sperm bank. The thing I remember is Babara sighing as Xochi left for work something like "Oh if you only knew the truth." So I think that there is a story waiting to be told.

I hated the Marisela / Ricardo scene. I would so like to see that storyline come to an end. I'm sorry Ricardo treated it as a joke.

Love the new Alma -- standing up for herself and for Jésus. And the new Fernando. I'm glad to see that Xochi (so far at least) isn't rejecting Fernando out of some misplaced guilt over being with him when her mother died. They are really cute together. Now let us please find someone nice for Julio. He's one of my favorite actors.

The photos of Virus fingering the money will go to Elias' lawyer -- the one with the $$$s in his eyes. Where will that lead I wonder.


Thanks, Cheryl. Sorry I missed your birthday last week!

I still can't stand Virus, but it is funny to see Rogue eagerly obeying her every command.

Whatever happened to the budding relationship between Pati and the photographer? Not that he can blackmail her with those photos any more, but I thought he was sooooo in love with her. Did he lose interest now that he knows what a mess she is? Or is he just too busy with his new picture-taking gig to bother her now?

And why is Remigio now working at Avon? Did he give up his exciting taxi-driving career, or is he working two jobs now?

I really enjoyed seeing Alma tell Rogue how it is, and quit her job. Why can't Blanca do all of her angry scenes this well? Whatever - I'd rather see her do a handful of angry scenes and do each of them well, than see her do frequent but distractingly bad ones.

I do remember Barbara thought-bubbling something about Xochi not knowing the REAL truth about her father. Who wants to bet that it's someone we already know... though I admit I can't think who it might have been unless Sebastian got around even more than we thought. (Could she be the woman who bilked him out of all his money? If so, where'd all the money go??)

well, we know Panfilo is the don Juan de Monterrey even in his golden years, mayhap Maricela and Xochi have something in common (and Barbara shared Maricela's snobbishness and hid the daddy's ID because of his job)?

It looks like Xochi's daddy is another one of those shelved plotlines that is now going to be resurrected (at least temporarily). PEAM loves doing that. I've wondered about her dad. It seems that Panfilo and Sebastian are the only choices so far, unless her daddy really is someone famous. Or maybe someone else's daddy and she ends up being that someone's sibling.

Now that Alma has quit will she try to get a job at Orion? The company where people actually work?

The company where people actually work, except for Elvis. I hope he makes a complete fool of himself tonight as he tries to explain to Augie how he prevented the strike. ;-) Maybe he'll be fired, which would create an opening for Alma... I know Augie didn't like having her around the Orion office before, but if she's not working for Avon any more, maybe he'll be more welcoming!

Either way, with Rogue holding down the fort at Avon things should go downhill fast unless somehow Fernando and Xochi can keep the place running.

Julie, good point about Elvis. That guy is a real load. I like the idea of Alma taking his position.

How about Auggie maybe being Xochi's Papa? Now that would be interesting, hmmmm.......

Fun recap Cheryl. Color me confuzzled at Veronica being so hot in bed. Rogelio looked so blissed out after Round 1 that he was more than happy to change the sheets for Round 2. Happy to know Ms. Vero does SOMETHING to earn her upkeep.

I assume this startling hook-up is to enrage Pati to the point that she will spill all she knows about Rogelio's wicked business deals at some point.

In the meantime, I'm enjoying Elvis. It's not far off from the role he played in Refugio, and he was always amusing in that one.

Only saw a few minutes last night but hope to check out the rest later.

Cheryl thanks for your recap. I too will have to watch the episode later.

I was overjoyed Alma quit and told Roger about himself.

Though I don't want Elias to go to the dark side with his lawyer, he does need to man-up with regard to Virus. He can still play fair and give her what is coming to her based on her horrible treatment of her daughter.

Thanks, Cheryl! And thanks also to all of last week's recappers who fed my addiction, er, I mean, kept me up to speed last week while I was on vacation with no Lunivision.

Best parts of the episode, to me, were Alma FINALLY letting Rogue have it and all Sanson's fine moments, such as sneaking into the bedroom and his despondent look over his lack of breakfast. Great acting by that little doggie!

With Alma gone, Avon should fall apart really fast unless Xochi pulls herself out of mourning and rises to the occasion. I wonder what Pancho Lopez will have to say about this. Is he still fooled into thinking Rogue does anything?


I wonder about Pancho Lopez too. He doesn't like Rogue and when Chucho and Alma met with Pancho he said he didn't trust Rogue and didn't like him. I think Pancho knows who really does all the work at that branch of Avon. I hope he makes another appearance and gets rid of Rogue.

Did Maricela ever meet Barbara? I can't remember.

I was hoping when Nick Donovan appeared that he wasn't Xochi's dad. We don't know if he's in this for the long haul or not.

Did not like Ricardo's behavior at the funeral. Why would Marisela tell him a joke at a funeral? All he had to do was look at her face and he could see that she wasn't kidding. Jerk.


Didn't Marisela meet Barbara when she first left the shack and Xochi invited her to stay with them, but then Barb told her she couldn't stay so Mari went over to Chucho's and ended up staying with Chatita instead? It seems to me that they did meet at some point.

Yes, there was a mercifully brief meeting between Mari and Barb. I remember thinking how ironic it was - that if anyone should be leaving home, it was Xochi.

It's too bad Barb didn't let Mari stay. Out of desperation, Mari would have gone running back home to her dad in no time. Or killed Barbara. Either way, a good outcome!

Thanks Julie and Julia. Then Barbara cannot be Mari's long lost mother. I wonder if she'll turn up? Did someone mention the idea that M's mother could have run off with X's father? I'm way too lazy today to check.

Julia, I've never been particularly fond of English Bulldogs, but I've developed a crush on Sanson because he's such a great little actor. So now I like English Bulldogs. Yay Sanson!

It's been suggested.

Now I'm wondering if Barb was even Xochi's biomom. Maybe she kidnapped her? And Mari's mom has got to turn up sometime before this is all over, right? She needs some closure. It would be interesting if Orion people were somehow involved.

Well, don't everyone attack me; I know there are lots of dog-lovers out there...but I have never really liked dogs much at all, any kind. I do greatly admire Sanson's character and acting in this show, though! He's a keeper!

I am a dog lover but I don't love them on the bed. That was the one time I agreed with Virus. No doggie hairs on or in the bed!

Thanks, Cheryl. Great recap as always.

My theory was that Mari's mom had a fling with Sebastian and got pregnant with Xochi, making Xochi Alma's paternal half sister and Mari's maternal half sister. But, if Mari really did meet Barb, that theory is shot, ah well...

Why on earth would Barbara have kidnapped Xochi? She didn't seem to like kids.

The fact that Mari and Barb met and didn't recognize one another doesn't mean they're not related. I don't think we know how old Mari was when her mom split.

I know that sometimes, for plot convenience, long-lost relatives know one another right away - but sometimes, also for plot convenience, they spend almost the entire TN together before figuring it out!

Barb didn't seem to love kids, but she did love the idea of having someone obligated to take care of her. She might have considered it worth a few years of child care to retire early and have someone serve her breakfast. I don't know. She's kind of a mystery to me. How did she get by before Xochi was old enough to support her? What would she have done if Xochi had been more assertive and less accommodating?

Thanks for all the responders. I always look forward to seeing where the conversation and most important where the speculations travel. It willnow be interesting to see if a real father will surface for Xochi. I am so sorry Ricardo was a buttinsky about Maricela' confession. I agree with Nanette how goofy it was for him to think she would be joking like that at a funeral. How totally weird it would be if Maricela and Xochi were half sisters. So did Panfilo ever meet Barbara at Avon?

I am still hoping Rogelio will stay dreamy longer so Fernando and Xochi can further solidify their union.

Oh yes, and Sylvia, Willa wants you all to know that she is a poodle, not a mere dog. Further she does not shed so SHE gets to sleep on the bed!

Wouldn't Barbara have recognized Mari's name? Or did Xochi just introduce her by her first name?

Well naturally, Willa excepted. And accepted! She is not a mere anything! Any other excepted doggies out there?

I was doggie sitting my favorite little French Bulldog, Walter, last year and when I wouldn't let him sleep on the bed he ate my reading glasses. Walter sure showed me. I had to warn his human mommy not to be alarmed when he pooped rhinestones.

Yeah, I suppose Barbara could have been looking to steal a kid to keep as a slave. Ew. Like my opinion of her wasn't low enough already.

Maybe Barbara went to Avon ONCE, to harass Chucho about something when he was "dating" Xochi. That would have been before Panfilo was working there, though. I'm fairly sure they didn't meet.

I am warming up to the possibility that Barb was Mari's mom, though. The snooty attitude and everything. But even if it doesn't pan out, maybe Mari can look at Barbara as an example (warning) of how NOT to have a happy life.

Pooping rhinestones. OMG. What an image!

Thanks, Cheryl, for a complete (and concise!) recap.

Re doggies, Emilia and I kept our son's dog last week. I need to get out the vacuum and start the process of getting up all his molt. Dread it. Yeah, he sleeps on our bed when he's here. We put an old sheet on top of the bed spread.

I would have loved to see Sanson drag his doggy butt over the toe of one of Veronica's dominatrix boots. I bet that would have engendered some real hysterics.

"Elvis" - yeah, he (Paul Stanley?) is playing largely the same sort of dissolute youth he played in Refugio. Hope that guy doesn't end up typecast as such for the rest of his career. It occurs to me that, with a bottle of blonde hair dye and another 40 years on him, he could look a lot like Walter Mercado aka Shanti Ananda.

Virginia / Vicky is beyond annoying. She'll be an orthopedist's and podiatrist's delight within ten years flouncing around on high heels as she does.


I thought Marisela's mom left to marry a rich guy. That doesn't really compute with her circumstances.

I'm sure though that Marisela's actual mother will eventually show up because these parental regret-forgive-me-let's-make-amends are de rigueur in these telenovelas.

JudyB: I guess Rich Guy could have lost his money.

I'm also wondering what Barbara did to get by until Xochi started supporting her. Maybe she worked and the minute Xochi could take care of her, quit.

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