Monday, August 12, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #85 (Mex 123) Monday 8/12/13 Two Parties, a Wedding, and a Reconciliation

JNTR: Jorge Alfredo walks off the stage after Maria finishes “Si Nos Dejan” and Maria stifles her tears as best she can before taking her bow with the band. She does not hear the applause.

Sanchez Apartment: Susanito and his trumpet get home to find the apartment empty.

JNTR Musicians' Dressing Room / Club Room: Jorge Alfredo talks with Siete Mares while Maria talks with Fernando. Siete Mares talks about pride being a bad thing while Maria thinks she has lost Jorge Alfredo forever.  Later Ana comes in asking why Maria doesn't give Ruben a chance [She is truly blind]. Maria counters by asking her whether she loves Siete Mares or is just using him to hurt Fernando. Ana looks like Maria has hit a nerve.

Pensión Courtyard: Susanito looks around for Mancia and Irasema.

Lourdes' Apartment: Concho has prepared a meal and pours her some wine.

Pensión Courtyard: Susanito keeps looking.

Lourdes' Apartment: She is confused at his actions, but he tells her he doesn't want to lose her, that he really loves her. He gives her a ring in a beige velvet box that commemorates 25 years of marriage. She still looks confused and a little suspicious.

JNTR Club Room: Susanito walks in after hours looking around and calling out, finally sitting down. Suddenly a chick appears on stage in Copacabana Showgiri gear and channels Celia Cruz by singing “La Vida es Un Carnaval” and everyone comes out of different corners dancing in celebration of his freedom. Mancia and Irasema were in on this and they appear. Jorge Alfredo and Maria appear and stare at each other during the song. Susanito thanks them and invites them all to his and Irasema's wedding.

The Wedding Day:

Sanchez Apartment: Fernando and Jorge Alfredo are helping Sweet Sue get ready. Jorge Alfredo is not in his traje de charro. Susanito couldn't be happier, saying his mother gave him permission to marry [Really? He still has too much growing up to do]. Jorge Alfredo doesn't comment on that but tells him that the important thing is that he is free and will marry Irasema and be happy. Both Susanito and Fernando get on his case about his stubbornness about Maria.

Mendoza Apartment: Maria and Amalia help Irasema prepare for the wedding. She has a lovely off-the-shoulder white lace dress and flowers in her hair. Maria is down in the dumps but the old ladies tell her that Jorge Alfredo will forgive her soon. She isn't so sure. Doña Prudencia cites that humans have three great things: hope, faith, and the power of love. And that where love exists, all can flourish. Amalia doesn't look too happy at hearing this.

Pensión Courtyard: Pinchi and Homerito prepare the tables, placing the cake in place amid their puns and silent movie horseplay.

Iglesia: Susanito expresses his gratitude to Maria for all her help. She tells him she has always thought of him as a brother. He tells her that he loves her and her sistes.  And that he understands Jorge Alfredo much better after all his own travails and tells her to fight for him.

Ceremony: To the violin and cello rendition of “Ave Maria” Irasema enters the church escorted by Jorge Alfredo, who turns her over to Susanito, then sits next to Mancia (who -- for a change -- is crying discreetly). The Virgencita smiles down on the room as the priest begins the ceremony with Ana and Siete Mares presenting the rings. Maria sits with her family looking sad. When the priest asks for the lazo, Maria and Jorge Alfredo bring it forth and place it on the bride and groom. The priest gets them to hold hands on the lazo behind the bridal couple. Is this the magic to bring our lovebirds back together?

Outside the Iglesia: Everyone throws flower petals at the couple, who kiss in front of the crowd.

Pensión Courtyard: Fernando sings as the happy couple slow-dances. It looks like the lyrics might be getting to Jorge Alfredo and Maria. [If anyone can find those lyrics, please e me the link so I can add them to the end of this article.]

El Lay: Our two incompetent cops talk about Giuliano slipping through their fingers. Could the lab find a fingerprint anywhere? Curtis tries her tricks again and by now most of us are wondering why Derecho doesn't both report this and request a transfer.

Elvira's Apartment: She's dressed to go clubbing and is not pleased when Lourdes enters. Lourdes tells her to stop playing the victim and listen to her. She then says it's been bothering her for a while. She demands to know whether Elvira put down the wax that caused Maria's accident. We hope that Lourdes caught Elvira's expression of “Rats; busted!”  [Male viewers are requested to keep their minds out of the gutters here.]

Pensión Courtyard: Susanito thanks everyone for being there and wishing them happiness. Jorge Alfredo makes a brief speech that they deserve happiness before singing “Cielo Rojo,” the reconciliation song we (and Maria) have been waiting for.

Elvira's Apartment: Elvira does exactly what she was just told not to do and pouts about “How could my own mother...” then kisses her and leaves. Lourdes doesn't see it, but Elvira's facial expression indicates to us that she realizes her mother is on to her.

Pensión Courtyard: Maria smiles. Amalia does, too [She should be checked for bipolar disorder] as Jorge Alfredo finishes the song. Dona Prudencia and Remedios congratulate him and the happy couple. Remedios comments on what a handsome groom Susanito is and how his father – if he knew him – would be so proud. She hasn't had her ear to the ground on the gossip however, as Susanito corrects this, saying that Don Concho is his father. The whole guest list and the entire band is impactada.

Elvira's Apartment: Speaking of Don Concho, he has brought three guitarists to serenade Lourdes who looks like she might give him an A for effort.

Pensión Courtyard: Mancia looks like she's finally accepted Irasema because she speaks of “la felicidad de mis dos hijos.” The youngest frat boy asks Maria to sing and she tells them to play “El Mundo Raro.” She addresses the song initially to Susanito and Irasema, finally looking at Jorge Alfredo after the word “pasado.” [Remember the shawl she's wearing?]

El Lay: It appears that the fingerprints from the recently-found corpse don't match the ones on the rifle. Derecho phones Justo, who answers the phone after shaking hands with someone off camera. He steps away from the desk to talk and he says “Don't tell me that Giuliano Rino is dead; my son's life is in more danger than ever.” His guest – as if we hadn't guessed – is El Padrino, who is pleased at this situation.

Airport in D.F.: Someone walks to the desk and has his passport stamped. It's Giuliano.

Pensión Courtyard: Jorge Alfredo and Fernando talk about Jorge Alfredo's hurt and how he has to leave because he can't take any more. Maria eavesdrops from the doorway.

Airport in D.F.: Giuliano makes a call on his cell to tell someone that he has arrived in Mexico [El Padrino, because of the subtitles.].

Jorge Alfredo's Apartment: He thinks of the previous night in the bar and his conversation with Siete Mares.  He doesn't know what to do.

Mendoza Apartment: Maria tells Amalia she's tired and is going to bed, but Amalia doesn't like that they have been distanced. She tells her she was right to accuse her of selfishness over cutting the apron strings [We'll see how long this lasts] and asks Maria's forgiveness. Maria asks her forgiveness for being hard on her. Amalia tells her that we are all the authors of our own destiny and she must accept Maria's, that Jorge Alfredo loves her, etc., and we're not buying any of this. Maria tells her that Jorge Alfredo is leaving in the morning. After Amalia turns in Maria makes a phone call.

Un Poquito Mas Tarde

Pensión: The band accompanies Maria as she sings “Que Bonito Amor” below Jorge Alfredo's window. She climbs the trellis and ….besos por fin.


Reconciliation sex.... and danger lurks in its wake.  What else?


La Vida es un Carnaval

Todo aquel que piense
Que la vida es desigual
Tiene que saber que no es asi'
Que la vida es una hermosura
Hay que vivirla
Todo aquel que piense
Que esta' solo y que esta' mal
Tiene que saber que no es asi'
Que en la vida no hay nadie solo
Y siempre hay alguien
Ay, no hay que llorar,
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y es mas bello vivir cantando
Oh oh oh ay, no hay que llorar
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y las penas se van cantando
Ay, no hay que llorar,
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y es mas bello vivir cantando
Oh oh oh ay, no hay que llorar
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y las penas se van cantando
Todo aquel que piense
Que la vida siempre es cruel
Tiene que saber que no es asi'
Que tan solo hay momentos malos
Y todo pasa
Todo aquel que piense
Que esto nunca va a cambiar
Tiene que saber que no es asi'
Que al mal tiempo, buena cara
Y todo cambia
Ay, no hay que llorar,
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y es mas bello vivir cantando
Oh oh oh ay, no hay que llorar
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y las penas se van cantando
Ay, no hay que llorar,
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y es mas bello vivir cantando
Oh oh oh ay, no hay que llorar
Que la vida es un carnaval
Y las penas se van cantando
Para aquellos que se quejan tanto
Para aquellos que solo critican
Para aquellos que usan las armas
Para aquellos que nos contaminen
Para aquellos que hacen la guerra
Para aquellos que viven pecando
Para aquellos que nos maltratan
Para aquellos que nos contagian

Cielo Rojo”

Sin tu cariño,
Voy caminando, voy caminando
Y no se que hacer;
Ni el cielo me contesta
Cuando pregunto por tí mujer.
No he podido olvidarte
Desde la noche, desde la noche
En que te perdí;
Sombras de duda y celos
Solo me envuelven pensando en tí.
Deja que yo te busque
Y si te encuentro,
Y si te encuentro vuelve otra vez;
Olvida lo pasado,
Ya no te acuerdes de aquel ayer.
Olvida lo pasado,
Ya no te acuerdes de aquel ayer.
Mientras yo estoy dormido
Sueño que vamos
Los dos muy juntos a un cielo azul;
Pero cuando despierto
Mi cielo es rojo me faltas tú.
Aunque yo sea culpable
De aquella triste,
De aquella triste separación,
Vuelve por Dios tus ojos
Vuelve a quererme vuelve mi amor.
Deja que yo te...


I want Maria to explain how to climb a trellis in that dress, as I have problems with my stairs in long dresses.


Good one vis-a-vis the dress. I nearly fell down a flight of stairs carrying a tray when my shoe got caught in my dress. Speaking of dresses Maria should stick to those mariachi numbers, her taste in street clothes is awful. A red dress, high black boots and tan shawl shudder.

To be fair to Ana she knows nothing about the evil side of Ruben although she should remember he was married and Maria did bust her over 7 Seas. I was amused during most of the singing with the glares, Fernando sings and Ana glares at him, Fernando sings and Maria moons while Amelia glares, Maria sings and JAntos glares.

It is clear to me that Mancia has accepted Irasema and her son's decision. Amelia on the other hand SAYS she has but she has done that before so I'm not holding my breath

Points to the Godfather of all people for recognizing what ineptos Dumb and Dumber are. The corpse must have a been pretty beat up if they can't recognize OJ but somehow they don't get it.

Lovely sequined tank top Elvirus was wearing. Poor thing is going to have to stand up all night. I'm surprised Lourdes didn't tell her to go put on some pants or a skirt that she was not going out looking like street walker.

With all the singing last night, when Concho brought that trio to the apartment all I could think is please God don't let Salvador Pineda sing. Somehow with that gravelly voice of his I don't think he has a singers chops.

Well I guess JAntos held out as long as he could and maybe taught Maria a lesson. He certainly had to put up with a load of unsolicited advice but we knew it was inevitable that he would take her back. From the looks of those previews OJ is going to discover Maria belongs to Santos which won't be good for him.



Thanks so much for this lovely recap and really liked your asides. I catch a couple scenes every night but I do read the recaps.

Sick of Elvirus and Rube. I can't wait for their personalized anvils. Elvirus and Rube should hook up.

Ana needs to stop the games and listen to good advice and start seeing that Mil Amores really does love her. She is encouraging Mr. Seven Seas and with what he has already been through the outcome can't be good.

Finally Maria and JA. I am glad finally that the split is over. That's why I couldn't sit and watch all the time. It's like that song "Break up to Make Up" that's all they do. Now maybe that part is over. They have been through so much together you'd think that they would stick together, no matter the Mama Amalia butting her two cents in, every chance she gets.

I am happy though, that Susanito and Irasema finally got married, and Mancia finally shut up! I hope she doesn't butt into their bidness any more.

Thanks again, Urban.

When Elvirus and Ruben dined together a couple of episodes ago I was wondering whether they would hook up. I'm actually surprised they didn't because he looks like he has the kind of dinero she's looking for.

However, she is more interested in one-upping Maria than she is in feathering her own nest. What a bitch.

The evil ones will soon all be in D.F. I can see things getting verrrrry ugly before we get to the finale. Both Ruben and Giuliano will be after Maria and for the same reason (because she loves Santos). Maria needs a few more lessons in street fighting; I'd love to see her completely humiliate the orange one AND Ruben when the time comes.

Getting back to Elvirus, we have to wonder where she was going in that hooker getup. If she dines in public with Ruben again anytime soon it would be great if someone like Fernando spotted it.

Here's a new head-scratcher: If Justo has an untraceable cell phone, why doesn't Santos have one?

Decie Girle, Ana should know about Ruben's obsession. She's been employed at JNTR for long enough to have observed his behavior even if she wasn't the flower vendor in the opening episode. The look on Maria's face when he handed her the flowers definitely told us that this wasn't the first time Ruben did anything like that. She also would know about the ugly scene that resulted from it when his crazy wife showed up.

Yeah, he's divorced now but that doesn't make this a good idea.

URBAN I couldn't imagine what Ana was thinking it's not like she is as naive as Maria. I guess she's so screwed up herself she isn't thinking clearly.

A Rube/Elrivus hook up - can't see it happening. She might be up for it because he does have money and more status than she does but he is after Maria for her innocence as much as anything else. He was furious when he thought JAntos had slept with her before the actusl deed took place. Elvirus would be no challenge plus which she looks and acts like she's been around the block a few times even more than irasema who had been.

OJ had a yen for Maria when he first met her so going after her is a two fold thing for hum, getting her and sticking it to Santos.

Frankly I'm surprised JAntos doesn't seem to have any kind of cell phone let along an untraceable one.

You make a great point there.

Maria is still innocent enough that Ruben could sell her to Karim of CI when he's tired of her. That's what I think his illegal business really is. Elvirus is obviously used goods.

Giuliano would be about sticking it to Santos. That's also about his ego by itself.

I noticed in one of those close ups last night that JS's eye was red and wondered if they had filmed that scene around the time of his accident. I know he had to wear an eyepatch and the accident happened in early May while QBA was still filming. Wonder if we are going to see that incorporated sometime in the next week or so. I can't imagine that if he had to wear an eye patch that he would have exposed his eye to the kind of lighting used in filming.

Muchas Gracias Urban!

I missed some episodes and trying to catch up with the recaps. Really glad JAntos stick to his guts in not forgiving MAria, at least for a while, Maria really deserved it although I was sure they'll make up later on.

Decie Girl - ITA with you on Maria dresses, always with boots?? QTH?? Though with jeans and peasant blouses it's not that bad, and I love the blouses!!
But come on!! Doesn't she have some other shoes?? The wedding getup was horrendous!

Finally we were able to see 'Irasema' without that godawful wig but with some hair extensions??, she looked so much better!

irisz79 I don't normally comment on the clothes unless they are either awful or in the case of QBA on the beautiful and elaborate mariachi outfits. I get that Maria is wearing the shawl because it was a gift from JAntos but with red? Yuck. Actually when he bought it I thought that oatmeal color was awful but it was a guy picking it out for his gal so she was going to love it. Actually the old ladies and even Mancia looked better than she did. LOL


@Decie Girl

No DC, the scenes airing are still far from the time Jorge Salinas injuried his eye. Maybe his red eye is from suffering for long time shooting, so he needed eyedrops that lead him to the accident in NY in May.


The accident happened around the first week of May and he wore the patch for almost two weeks so since the episodes we are now seeing are in the second week of Apeil you're right we have probably three or four weeks to go. Hopefully when we get to the end we won't have a pirate mariachi at the wedding. LOL

I've already seen photos from the finale and you don't need to worry about that. I just hope there was no permanent damage to his vision.

With 38 episodes to go that means about 8 weeks unless we start getting "loaded" episodes again. Last night and Friday were normal-length episodes.


I've been out most of the afternoon and didn't get a chance to comment. Just a short thank you to UA for enduring Amalia so well.

Yes, why WAS Elvirus all dressed up? Another date with Rube? She never did answer her mother.

So at last we see the real Irasema. She is still quite lovely and I wish they had done her more justice all along. My kudos to Susanito, for seeing beyond the wig.

Mancia looked lovely. I'm surprised Amalia didn't do up her hair the way she had it for Paloma's 15h. She also looked quite lovely then.

I'm sorry that JA wasn't in Maria's dad's mariachi suit for the wedding. I know I said I didn't like him in it that much, but this would have been the appropriate time to wear it. Maybe it was given to Susanito to get married in.

Until tonight. Can't wait. Really. I want to see how JA and Maria get it on. Will it rain, I wonder?


Thanks for the recap! I'm glad JA finally got off his high horse. Hopefully they won't break up again.

The wedding of Susanito and Irasema was nice. I was surprised that everyone surprised Susanito at the bar. I should've figured that out.

I'm glad Maria put Ana in her place. Ana doesn't know anything about Ruben. He's not as great as he seems. He doesn't love Maria, he just wants her so JA won't get her.

Ruben, Elvira, and Giuliano are not a good combination. It's going to get ugly.

I won't answer that now but I will be able to tell you later whether the scene is censored or not.

As to Elvirus and her mother, I hope Lourdes thinks intensely about Elvirus' reactions to her questions. She must have similar instincts to Amalia's, so I can see her ultimately facing the truth about her hellspawn.

I think Lourdes has a pretty good idea of what Elvirus is. She keeps probing as if hoping what she thinks won't be the truth. Elvirus keeps blowing smoke but Lourdes is persistent. Concho is much more likely to never believe anything bad about his princess but Lourdes has a better read on her brat. In the end it won't be pretty when and if the truth comes out. Everyone seems to have kind of dropped the subject for the time being a lot like Isa's adoption. It is the one thing that galls the heck out of me with novelas

Isa's adoption is still bugging me. While I don't think Amalia has committed a crime by doing so without appropriate documentation (I doubt even a very hard-nosed judge would have issues with her actions) it needs to be paid off in the form of finding out who abandoned her even if we never see the person(s) responsible.

On that subject, do we know who abandoned El Jalisquito? Does anyone remember anything he said about that? This kid hasn't been on his own a long time.

I am way behind on this site but love reading all the comments, synopsis and all the comedic slams. I wonder if anyone can tell me where that guy named Siete Mares is actually from? I have never heard an accent like that one where all the S sounds are swallowed.
Also, finally Susanitos bride removed that horrible wig. Why did she wear it all along even after she gave up her night work.

Vivian, Alejandro Ruiz is from Mexico City, but I don't know whether his character is meant to come from somewhere else. I don't remember him saying anything about it.

I wonder whether his speech reflects that Siete Mares is drunk half the time.

LOL! Thanks for your response. I have heard some from Central America speak like this so I was just wondering. I loved the bipolar comment! Hysterical.

I thought they said Sieta Mares was from Vera Cruz? Could be wrong tho

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