Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #81 (Mex 119) Tuesday 8/6/13 Lipstick on Your Collar Will Tell a Tale on You

There was quite a bit of Frijoles Refritos at the beginning of tonight’s episode. It does not bear repeating.  If you must consult a good translation, see Urban Anthropologist’s fine finish from last night.  If anyone has additions or corrections, I’ll fix it in the morning. (Note: a few scenes are combined for smoother flow.)

Rodrigo is still down in the street looking up at a castigada Paloma.  Vanessa and her side-kick sidle up and engage Roddy in flirty conversation. He rejects her.  Paloma sees this going on and ducks back inside.

Paloma reappears on the balcony and Roddy moves out of the way while she hoists a bucket of agua and dumps it on the two junior metiches.  Roddy and Paloma get a good laugh while Vanessa and her pal get a good soaking.  Then Roddy climbs the magic beanstalk that appears when needed to exchange some sweet nothings with Paloma face to face.

Jorge Alfredo talks to Maria about her day “at work,” after Ruben sees her home.  She looks a little bedraggled. He wants to know what they are going to do next. Ruben is all concerned about Maria, but also about Susanito’s appeal and wants Maria to come back to the office that night. He leaves under a JA death stare (usually reserved for Ana Martin).

Maria is distraught.  She just needs to find one single proof to prove Susano’s innocence. JA gets in a snit over Ruben’s interest and Maria’s willingness to spend time with Rube. What happened to the professor who was going to help, why Ruben.  Maria gets all defensive until she happens to spy a little lapiz de labio on JA's shirt collar. She goes on the offensive.  Our two turtledoves are no longer lovey-dovey.  They have a spat over Ruben vs. Lipstick. JA denies kissing anyone and Maria denies having any interest in Rube.  Regrettably, Maria keeps it up and JA, regrettably, remembers all the women he’d come in contact that day. They included Elvira. Aha! Maria accuses. JA denies. JA accuses. Maria denies. (Well, this goes on and on, so I’ll stop here.)

Back at JNTR, Lourdes has had it with Concho. She just wants him to settle things with Amalia and give her what he owes her.  His irascible old self says to stay out of his business and that he needs Del Olmo to straighten things out.  Elvira volunteers to fetch him and leaves.  Lourdes informs him that she’s going to go back to Agua Calientes.  She needs to be alone.  Concho is cara de impactado unbelieving. She’s always complaining about being alone—what is this, Cien Años de Soledad?  She needs to rethink who she is and what she wants. He doesn’t want her to leave. Think of Elvira, she needs you.  However, that’s not enough of a reason to stay and she’s made up her mind. She’s leaving first thing in the morning. (Somehow, I believe him, but then again, he’s got a lot on his mind and with her gone, that’s one less.)

Jorge Alfredo stops in to see how Mancia is and Irasema just has to tell him how Rube tried to kiss Maria on the lips in the palace of justice.  That raises JA’s ire as she describes how Rube was leaning over her as she lay there unconscious and tried to take advantage of her.

Well, whether Viewerville saw the avances or not, we surely know exactly what JA does next.  Yep, he hustled over and burst into Ruben’s office and gave him a good beat down for kissing his mujer. Poor Ruben (did I just say that?) didn’t have a ghost of a chance with a pithed off Jorge Alfredo. The beat down continues and then JA pulls back.

Just then Elvira walks in and wants to know que es esto.  JA leaves in a huff.  Rube has a bump on the forehead that bleeds, his mouth is bleeding, some sore ribs—and a very wounded pride.  Elvira suggests, in her most suggestive tone, that since Rube has something against Jorge Alfredo and she has something against Maria, they should become allies. (I don’t think she’s quite thinking this through logically, but who am I to doubt it in these ultimas semanas.) The critical moment is when she lets slip that Maria owns the bar. Cara de impactado de Ruben. (I can see where this is going—Ruben remembers he snookered Concho out of the bar some time ago.)

In a moment of truth, Amalia tells Maria that Jorge Alfredo may be many things—a delinquente, a fugitive from justice, but he is not a womanizer.

All this time, Roddy and Paloma have been canoodling on the balcony telling each other how much they luuuurve each other and they can’t bear not to see each other all the time…..when all of a sudden, what should appear but a very indignant Mama Bear.  After much persuasion by The Three Daughters of Amalia Mendoza (that would make a good title for a movie), Amalia relents and forgives Paloma her behavior that led to her expulsion from school, but remains punished—for two days, rather than a whole month.  Paloma swears she has learned her lesson, even though it is Vanessa who constantly provokes her.  Then our favorite little mosquito, Jalisquito comes in to annoy us. (Thank goodness for commercial breaks.)

After Jorge Alfredo tidies up a bit he’s off on another mission. This time he confronts Concho with a famous speech about Money is the Root of All Evil.  Concho is shaking in his lizard skin boots until JA tells him that he’s not going to formally denounce him for theft and fraud to the authorities, as long as there is an equitable resolution.  JA promises to be in on it, to run JNTR properly and bring it back to its former glory, so everybody wins.

Now we move on to the sad, sad tale of Unrequited Love. Mil Amores is home, reduced to Nueve Cientos y Noventa y Nueve Amores with his failure to make a conquest of Ana.  He thought bubbles, what am I going to do with you, Ana.  At least he doesn’t go beat up The Seven Seas. Instead he sings a very sad song.  He apparently headed for the bar, for there he is at JNTR, crying in his tequila.  JA sees him and tries to talk sense—what, now he wants Ana, when she is interested in someone else? Later on he sees the object of his woebegoneness arrive holding hands with his rival. He’s drunk as a loon and begins pushing The Seven Seas around.

Maria is going over a folder, the one that decrees the bar is half Amalia’s when there is a knock at the door.  Who’s That Knock Knock Knocking at My Door?  None other than….Concho.  He’s there because JA urged him.  He states his business, about an arreglo regarding what he owes her for all these years, without involving the law. Amalia is all for turning him in. Maria urges her to reconsider—he’s going to make things right. Concho begs Amalia to consider his proposition. And Maria will be coming back to the bar, isn’t she? No, she doesn’t think so, for now, but she has a recommendation for a new supervisor in lieu of Mirna.  She’s busy with too many things to come back.  Busy with what, Concho wants to know. Busy getting Susanito out of prison. Amalia pipes in, your son, right Concho?

Irasema and Mancia chat over coffee.  Irasema says she’s willing to wait forever for Susanito.  That’s how much she loves him, sniff, sniff.  We peek in through the prison walls and see Susanito cradling his horn and tootling a mournful song.  In a split screen, he tootles while Irasema suffers from red hot flashes.

The Men in Black are in Ruben’s office, awaiting his orders.  He’s told them what to do, but they want to know if he’s sure. Of course he’s sure, do it.  They begin to beat him up, more than JA did.

Roddy and Gloria have a talk. (Sorry, I always FF through these.) I did hear her say they were together and I heard Roddy ask her to promise she would never leave him alone again.  I think she did promise.

Amalia admits that she wanted to scare Concho a bit with her threat to turn him in, but she agrees with Maria that they have enough problems to deal with.  Amalia then wants to know what Maria’s going to do about JA and the little problem of the lipstick-laden shirt collar.  Maria says Mama is right, Jorge Alfredo would never betray her.

They hear a commotion and a knock at the door. (I just can't do Knock Knock Who's There.)  It’s Ruben. He looks awful. He staggers in and scares the dog. Over and over he says, He Wanted to Kill Me, He Wanted to Kill Me. Who? Santos Martinez de la Garza, of course. Cara de impactadas de mujeres.  Why? Because he wants me to drop Susanito’s case; because he doesn’t want me near Maria. He threatened to kill me. If Elvira hadn’t arrived when she did, he would have killed me.  Maria tries to apologize for JA. Ruben answers that she isn’t responsible for the violent character of that criminal.

Maria immediately takes charge to care for his bloody face and gently daubs the cotton on Ruben’s wounds.  JA arrives and quietly observes the scene. Ruben touches her face and hair and says how sweet she is, how beautiful she is, how he envies Vargas for having her. Cara de muy impactado de Jorge Alfredo.

Avances: Maria and Jorge Alfredo break up again. What else is new…..


Fatima--I have to correct my comment on Demian Bichir from last night. I was WRONG!!!!!

Dr. Nesme was played by his brother, Odiseo Bichir.

Demian is definitely a cutie and needs NO RUG.

Great work, Anita.

I wonder whether Ruben's henchmen will realize that there is more than one screw loose after this one. They can easily turn on him at the end.

Although a crooked lawyer would suffer a very serious Karmageddon in the reclusorio.

As for his appearance at the Mendoza abode, someone has to question why he would take Maria to a doctor for fainting while not going to an ER after a beating. That would give him an opportunity for a police report which would accomplish getting JA out of the way.

Hi Anita! Thanks so much for the clarification. I'm still so new to this, but I remember Demian Bichir from his Academy Award nomination as Best Actor last year (I think it was that category)and my mind didn't "see" him as odious Nesme!!

Yessiree, that Demian is a cutie!

Thanks Anita for a super recap!!


Anita - Muchas gracias. My favorite: "Maria accuses. JA denies. JA accuses. Maria denies. (Well, this goes on and on, so I’ll stop here.)" lol

I haven't been able to watch QBA
for awhile, but caught it last night. I realized how much I missed the music and the colors. But it’s incredible that in últimas semanas Maria still hasn't caught on to what a snake Ruben is.

Of course Maria hasn't caught on to what a snake Ruben is even after having been told so by JA and also that he was the kidnapper because alas Maria is an idiot.

Oh my screaming God are we going to have to endure another break up If JAntos takes her back he is a big an idiot as she is. She got her knickers all in a twist when he got into the fight with the Trust Fund brat over a personal insult to her and now she is getting upset because he defends her from being mauled by a creep when she was unconscious. Irasema needs to tell her what she saw because Maria and Amelia would never believe Don Ruben would do such a thing. Gag me with a spoon.

I still remain amazed that Amelia who will admit JAntos is not a womanizer but still goes on about him being a criminal. I guess there would have to be a parade down the Reforma with huge signs and loudspeakers proclaiming JAntos is innocent before she would believe it and probably not even then.

Please writers in these final weeks spare us anymore young love, mean girl antics and appearances by Little Creep. I can't take it any more. Please tell us what is going on with OJ and Justo's quest for justice.

Laughed at the scene of Susanito "playing" the trumpet. Anyone that knows anything about that instrument knows that you hold the air in your cheeks making them swell in order to properly get sound out of the horn. Look at pictures of Dizzy Gillepspie while poor Susuanio face was flat.

This is why #iCANT root for JAntos/Maria:

Maria is stupid. And in my opinion does not, did not and never did love Jorge Alfredo

Jantos has told her a million times that Ruben is very dangerous AND the one responsible for his kidnapping. But Maria continues to let Ruben around her. She simply does not believe Jorge Alfredo's warnings about Ruben. Even Amalia gives Ruben the side eye.

Jorge Alfredo, Irasema, etc. have told her a million times that JA has NO interest in Elvira & that Elvira keeps coming after HIM yet she doesn't believe it.

Look how hard she's working to get Susanito out of prison. Yet she hasn't spent 5 minutes trying to help JA with his case, trying to find evidence to help him.

I cannot root for a heroine who claims to love her man but all of her actions say the opposite. I hate to say it but I'm with Wendy in regards to Maria: she's just not good enough for Santos.

I don't even wish Maria on Coloso. I think Coloso at heart is a pretty decent guy and he needs somebody who's going to be into him and not playing games. Maria is all about playing games, then passing it off as innocence & naivete.

Another game player is Ana. Fernando needs to leave her to the drunk Seven Seas and go find somebody else. Where is Roxana, anyway?


I still remain amazed that Amelia who will admit JAntos is not a womanizer but still goes on about him being a criminal. I guess there would have to be a parade down the Reforma with huge signs and loudspeakers proclaiming JAntos is innocent before she would believe it and probably not even then.

But Maria allows this. Maria herself probably thinks JAntos is a criminal deep down. Look at how proactive Maria has been to prove Susanito's innocence.

Now look at how proactive Maria's been to prove Santos' innocence.

She could be looking for the same clues that Justo's looking at but she hasn't lifted one delicate finger to help prove Santos' innocence.

And I cannot take her professions of everlasting love seriously when she dumps Santos every other episode.

It's sad that the only relationship worth rooting for is the one between Rodrigo and Paloma and half of the time Paloma seems determined to stay stuck on stupid. But look at who her family is.

Thank you for the recap. Honestly I wouldn't know how to even write these recaps especially when the TN is now in "ultimas semanas" and getting even more ridiculous.

From now on I'm just going to call Jalisquito "Smalls"- as in "You're killing me, Smalls!"

I'll admit I missed the part where Ruben had his lackeys beat him up. He sure knows how to get sympathy from Maria and that's without Elvira doing her part with JA.

It seems to me as if Concho is finally getting cowardly and doing the right thing. We will see IF that means he will get redemption or not but I am still not convinced he can get it,


Couldn't have said it better about Maria and her complete lack of faith and trust in JAntos. i'm sick of her. Wendy may have the wrong motives for saying she wasn't good enough for Santos but perhaps her heart told her the girl would not be a steadfast mate for her brother. Actions speak louder than words and both JAntos actions in regard to Maria and her family and her actions when it comes to him speak volumes.

Ana is acting like an idiot. She has been in love with Fernando for four years, he told her he loved her but it that good enough for her. NO, she wants the kind of intense love that Maria and JAntos have and Fernando stupidly told her he wasn't sure he could love like that. So of course she is now using, although I'm not sure she really wants to, 7 Seas to show Fernando what he is missing.

The unholy alliance between Rub and Elvirus cannot be a good thing, Two obsessives — it can only end badly and we won't be shedding any tears.

My goodness, we need a calming mantra right now. It's just a tn, it's just a tn.

QBA has provoked some heated comments over the weeks. I can't fault the characters. They are just doing what was in someone's imagination.

However, it's the ridiculous lengths (and I use that term purposefully) to which the writers go to string out what would otherwise have been fairly decent storyline and resolution into an exhausting jump-the-shark farce.

Since I never saw the original LHdM, how does this compare? Can we discuss it--up to this point without going beyond the latest bloodletting.

ITA with you, Decie, regarding OJ and Justo. The writers missed a great opportunity to make this a real investigative case and spare us the Misquito from Jalisco, the cancer PSA and the teenage angst. (Although I loved the Quinceanera fiesta and will go back and watch it when I'm feeling like it's all been useless.)

UA--I didn't see the irony until you brought it up about Ruben showing up at the Mendozas after his beating while having solicitously taken Maria to a clinic after fainting. Our dimwitted ladies will probably not question his motives--if they even think about it being odd.


I think in his calmer moments Jorge Alfredo will see that Ruben's actions here don't make sense. It looks to me like Ruben's henchmen drew far more blood than JA did. He was ambulatory right after the first beating and refused to go to a doctor or an emergency room.

JA needs an alibi for the time when the henchmen did the real number on Ruben. Possibly he was still with Concho or Fernando, but more likely he was in transit from Fernando's back to the pension.

Elvira will say whatever it takes to break up JA and Maria even if it puts JA behind prison bars. She doesn't really want him; she just doesn't want Maria to have him.

The problem in dealing with Ruben is that he's too slippery. He can easily put a proper face on when it suits him because everyone else is usually too polite to call him out. JA could do it very subtly if he could restrain his temper around this guy, but that has been getting increasingly more difficult.

This whole thing of Ruben "helping" Maria is clearly satisfying two of his own motives: Ruben preventing the truth from coming out and him getting closer to Maria to regain her trust.

From a plot perspective it makes no sense for Maria to allow it. Irasema needs to tell her what she saw.

I do not think Maria is playing games; she is no Elvira. She doesn't know men despite working in a mariachi bar for what must be at least eight years. On some level I think she knows that the musicians are all frat boys who haven't grown up despite paying bills and taxes. That could be why she hasn't had a love life like most young women her age. She has no idea how to communicate properly with a partner.

I would not blame JA one bit if he began questioning her intelligence now over this business with Ruben. The problem is that he needs to emotionally distance himself from her to really break up with her and I don't think he can do that anymore. I'm preparing myself for some self-destructive behavior on his part.


I agree that JA needs an alibi and should also recognize that Ruben's wounds are obviously too fresh. Then again he can't deny that he did give Rub a few good whacks. Maria goes off so fast herself that she will blindly take Ruben's word and let's face it his obvious wounds at face value. It did bother me in the previews that JA appears to go after Rub in the Mendoza house with all of them there and that kind of violence will definitely add more black marks against his name in Amelia Book of JAntos Sins. However if Irasema does mention his mauling of Maria may she will stop fussing over the slick sick bully.

I don't think JAntos can emotionally distance himself from Maria. At this point in his life she is his only lifeline. So he takes her emotional abuse. However the last time she dumped him and then took him back he didn't offer her the ring which I found interesting.

This is probably Rub's last stand with Maria. Once she finds out that he was the mystery voice Irasema heard it will be curtains for him. Now if only Irasema could get herself under control and if Rub repeats some phrase that would trigger her memory the game should change.

Maria's naiveté is annoying at this point and has always been a little hard to take. She has worked around men all of her life and unless she's blind as well as deaf and stupid she should have some clue of how they think and act. Her judgement skills are seriously lacking which doesn't bode well for her ever running the bar.

I think the only reason that Ruben didn't go to the police and denounce JAntos is that Fabnot once warned him that getting involved with the police could turn the spotlight on their own illegal activities. I don't think Rub really cares what happens to JAntos from a legal standpoint he just wants him out of Maria's way.

This is probably Rub's last stand with Maria. Once she finds out that he was the mystery voice Irasema heard it will be curtains for him.

I don't think so. Jorge Alfredo, the supposed love of Maria's life, told her Ruben was responsible for his kidnapping and she still comes around him like nothing happened, so I don't think she'd finally toss Ruben in the trash can over what Irasema said.

HOWEVER, if she DOES accept Irasema's word and only becomes wary of Ruben based on what Ira said instead of what JA said, that should tell JA to leave Maria alone b/c she's a silly bird who doesn't trust or believe in him. I really wish this show had another woman that would be a worthy rival of Maria because right now she knows she can screw all over JA and he'll take her back time after time after time.


I agree that this would have been more interesting if she had a worthy rival but that is pretty rare in TN's. I said it would be Rub's last stand because irasema's revelation would tie him to Susanito and Fabnot's shooting and while Maria waffles with JA she is stedfast with her Mariachi boys. It also might be the anvil on her head that wakes her up to the sleaze. We can only live in hope.

What is bugging me at the moment is that no progress seems to be being made in clearing Santos' name. We are spending endless hours on teen angst, a creepy street kid and the trials and tribulations of the frat boys and their ladies. The only good thing is that we have been spared Derecho and Goofy.

Derecho and Curtis are the problem of clearing Santos' name: They don't want to listen to the facts. Either they can't stand the idea of being proven wrong, they like the idea of capturing a high-profile wealthy criminal engaged in financial shenanigans, or they're just plain lazy.

I also have to wonder whether the writers know about "Innocent until proven guilty" and don't like conveying that to a possibly unbelieving audience. Or don't want to make political waves over it.


Considering that Mexico operates under the Napoleonic Code of guilty until proven innocent the target audience might find it odd that police actually look for clues to prove someone might be innocent . We look at it through the prism of our system and find the whole shipping Susanito off to the Reclusorio with no investigation or real trial and find it horrifying and unreal. From a Mexican perspective looking at Derecho and Co actually doing some serious investigation would be equal unreal

Apparently, the writers don't know about grand juries, either.

(A quick refresher for anyone who needs one:

"A grand jury is a legal body that is empowered to conduct official proceedings to investigate potential criminal conduct and to determine whether criminal charges should be brought. A grand jury may compel the production of documents and may compel the sworn testimony of witnesses to appear before it. A grand jury is separate from the courts, which do not preside over its functioning.
Currently, only the United States retains grand juries, although some other common law jurisdictions formerly employed them ..."

What everyone regarding Santos' legal problems seems to be ignoring is that if there is not enough evidence against him, a grand jury will never allow it to go to trial, so he will not have to go home to clear his name. But given the liberties these writers take with their own legal system, I suppose it's asking a bit much to have them portray our legal system accurately.


I guess so.

Considering the liberties taken with the medical field in TN's why should we expect the legal system to be portrayed with any degree of accuracy. LOL Talk to any lawyer, cop or doctor and they will give you horror stories about inaccuracies in American shows so I guess we can't hold foreigners to a high standard. All we have to do is suspend disbelief, pour a large glass of wine and sit back and enjoy the absurdity. After all it is just entertainment no matter how involved we let ourselves get.

DCG: Exacto!

Anita, thanks for the great recap. Good to have you back.

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