Friday, August 16, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #88 (Mex 126) Thursday 8/15/13 Que Bonito Aburrimiento

The Santos, OG death match goes nowhere.

Justo comes to visit Michael to talk about Wendy.

Wendy gets a nasty email saying "YOU'RE NEXT" and freaks out.

OG's such a big man, beating on Jantos while he's being held by two goons.  OG opens up champagne…um, no, if it's Italian, then it's not champagne, dumbass! toast to this big day.  Still haven't heard why this is such a big day.  Ha!  OG's trying to shake Jantos down for 10 million.  What an idiot!

Roddy and Paloma…all alone?  Why?...go to Jantos' family's vault to leave Gloria's ashes.  I'm going to be bitter about Gloria's death for a while.  Roddy is likewise bitter, but in a more weepy way.

Maria and Fernando start tracking down Jantos.  They strike out at the restaurant.  Fernando counsels patience, but Maria is convinced Jantos is in danger.

Mostly I think he's in danger of being bored to death by OG.  So, the plan is to get Jantos to get Justo to hand over the money.  Jantos is thrilled to hear that OG's life is in danger.  OG admits to killing Bruno and Arnold.  He blames Arnold for not taking the money out of the trunk in time.  "Blah, blah, blah, he died like the rat he was."

Roddy sings Ave Maria for Gloria.  It's a little pop-y, but I'll live.  Again…why are the two teenagers at the crypt alone?

Never mind, I'm the one in danger of being bored to death by what I'm concerned is going to turn into the OG-Jantos stalemate that is going to eat up this entire episode.  OG's threatening to kill Justo and Wendy, but Jantos doesn't buy it and he's not going to help OG.  Not that he could, cause he's got no money.  OG points a gun at Jantos' head.

Maria is dragging Fernando through the hotel looking for Jantos.

The gun wasn't loaded.  Cause OG needs Jantos alive.  OG's planning to kill Michael, then Wendy, then Justo.  Yawn.

Wendy calls Justo, in hysterics over the threatening email.  Justo tells her to lock herself in, she's on her way.  He tells Michael about the death threat before he leaves.

Again…OG wants Jantos to call Justo and Jantos refuses.  And now OG's giving him ONE DAY to do it…that's right ONE DAY.  Oh, good, at least Jantos gets to leave the hotel room.  Maybe now something can actually happen.  OG decides Jantos needs a demonstration of his seriousness and decides to go after Maria.

Who is conveniently going through the whole hotel knocking on every door.  Jantos and his escorts see Maria and Fernando in the hallway.  The escorts continue to menace, but Jantos is free.  "Yeah, they want 10 Million dollars or they'll kill my father and sister."  That's hilarious coming from a guy who lives in a one-room apartment with a shared bathroom.

Ana has decided to repay Siete Mares' love notes with an embroidered hankie.

The Mexican cops think they can still find gunpowder residue on Ruben's hands…days later?  Are you freakin' kidding me?  How hygienically challenged to they think he is?!

Fernando wants to fill Justo in, but Jantos doesn't want to worry him.  And he especially doesn't want to ask him for the money.  Maria tells Jantos she's there for him and she'd do anything for him.  Not sure what that would be right now.  Jantos is less worried about Justo than Wendy and Michael because Justo's the one holding the purse strings.

OG and Ruben have drinks at the hotel.  OG brings up that he's planning something to show Jantos he means business.  OG won't give him the details, but he assures Ruben he'll like it.  "We're all going to have a lot of fun."  Die now and save us all the trouble, the pair of you!

Nothing gets decided by Jantos, Fernando, and Maria.  Jantos goes off to run some errand.

Wendy freaks out.  She's worried about the baby.  Justo says he'll get them out of there.

Michael freaks out and is advised by his prison buddy to calm the hell down.  Prison buddy says he'll try to find out what's going on, but it's going to be impossible if OG really is dead.

Jantos meets with Pedro's mariachi buddy to get some ideas about a gift for Maria.  Pedro used to have a medal that he had to pawn, but he remembers the guy Pedro pawned it to, so they go to talk to him.

Maria is upset that Jantos keeps getting dumped on over and over again.  Fernando is more worried about Maria.  He feels guilty for not telling her right away that he knew who Jantos was, especially now that this thing has been dragging on…and on…and on….  Maria tells him she's never leaving Jantos.  If she's gotta live with him in hell, that's what she'll do.  Her life is worthless without him.  Fernando thinks she's crazy.

Ana goes over to Siete Mares' place, where he's suffering the aftereffects of his fall off the wagon.

A guy at the pawn show says Pedro's medal should still be in a box that's been sitting in the vault for years.  He hands it over to Jantos, who reads the inscription on the back.  "For Maria, Hoping this medal will protect you now and always, Pedro."

Maria mopes at home, worrying Amalia.  Oh, Maria, please don't tell her anything or she'll freak out.  Maria asks Amalia if she would have given her life to save Pedro the night he was killed.  Amalia says she would have.  Mirna comes over with what she calls "important news."  We'll see about that.

Jantos hopes the medal really will protect Maria.  Oh, whaddayaknow, he's got enough money to pay for it.

Mirna whines about being unfairly fired and wanting Maria to help her get her job back.  Maria brings up Selena and Jenifer and Mirna agrees they didn't steal the money.  She says she thinks Elvira did it, but she has no proof.  Amalia brings up the "secret" and Mirna says it's about Maria, but she wants to tell everyone and clear everything up once and for all.

Jantos gets the medal and a gift box to boot.

Maria doesn't like Mirna pressuring her.  Mirna blabs about how the bar is her home, etc., she regrets her behavior, everyone deserves a second chance.  Amalia agrees.  Seriously, Amalia?  Mirna swears she'll look out for their interests, but Maria doesn't understand why Mirna wants to tell the secret to everyone all together.  Mirna says it's time to put everyone in their places.  Maria says if that's the case, she'll expect her tonight at the bar.

Jantos gets in touch with Justo and tells him OG is in Mexico, threatening him and Wendy if Jantos doesn't hand over 10 Million.  Justo is mostly worried about Wendy.  Jantos has an idea about what to do…which we don't hear as the show goes to commercial.

Ana makes some coffee for Siete Mares.  His memories and guilt are just too painful to deal with.  Ana begs him to let it all out.

Fernando is glad that Jantos told Justo what's going on.  Jantos explains he purposely didn't tell Maria "Happy Birthday" so she'd think he forgot and he can throw her a surprise party.

Amalia begs Maria to at least have a cake or something, but Maria isn't in the mood.

Wendy bitches that she doesn't want to go to Mexico and live in the barrio.  She refuses and Justo starts trying to talk her into it.  He reminds her that helping Santos will help Michael as well.

Michael's prison buddy tells Michael that Victoriano Etrusco is behind things and he never loses.  Wendy should skip town until this whole mess is over.

Fernando has called all the guys and now he lends Jantos his cell phone to call Amalia.  Jantos tells her about the surprise party and Amalia says she'll take care of the food and get Prudencia and Remedios involved.  He's a little worried about what Amalia said about the "news" Maria just got, but he brushes it off.

Ruben pledges his help to OG, as long as it means getting Santos.  Ruben's tired of waiting to get rid of Jantos and OG assures him this will be Jantos' end.  "Just one thing--you can't touch a hair on Maria's head."  OG is offended.  "I'm a gentleman!  I wouldn't even touch her with the petal of a rose."  Ruben is pacified.  Of course, Bruno's lying…or, well, he won't touch her with the petal, he'll touch her with the thorns.

Fernando doesn't think now is a good time for a party, but Jantos says it's never a good time…so let's party.  Just in case this is the one and only birthday he spends with her, he wants to make it a good one.

At Ay Jalisco, the two guys who dragged Jantos over to meet OG show up to do something nefarious in Maria's dressing room. They drop Jantos' name and Pichi thinks it must be something to do with Maria's birthday, so he shows them to Maria's dressing room.

The guys set up a wire and some kind of flammable liquid.

Tomorrow: It's not a real party unless Maria's beating the crap out of Elvira for killing her baby.  Also, could this be the end of Ay, Jalisco?


Ay, mis peeps. Pues, que les digo. Rehearsals for Symphony Chorus just started. Rehearsals for the play are continuing. I'm hoping to be able to point you at some promotional materials soon...we just took pictures tonight. I'm missing out on getting to read the recaps and join everyone in the festival of head scratching that I'm sure is going on.

Thanks for doing this despite being so busy.

I was scratching my head last night over the idea of a party, but the logic has to be to surround Maria with as many people as possible for her safety. Here's hoping that Ruben doesn't show up or Maria might think he's still on her side.

As to giving Santos 24 hours to come up with the cash, I don't know that Giuliano actually expects he can do that. As you pointed out, he's not even smart enough to realize that all Champagne is French... or he's trying to insult Santos' intelligence. I think he just wants an excuse to kill him.

What I can believe is that he has screwed up so badly that El Padrino won't let this go without some punishment even if he got the #10 million.

We have too many episodes to go for either Giuliano or Ruben to sleep with the fishes yet. However, Elvira's number is up.

Just found this article about TV recappers as a group. We're not mentioned and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Strange episode but at least things are moving along. Can't help thinking how odd it is for Pedro to have the medal engraved for his daughter and yet sign it Pedro, not Papi. Odd family is all I can say.

So it looks like Mirna is going to drop the bomb on Elvirus - good. Of course I still don't see how she thinks she is going to get the key to the storage room where her ill gotten goods are stored.

I'm am so loving the idea of Wendy having to go and live in the barrio God forbid like Maria. I could not help thinking how hilarious it would be if Coloso came back to town (if anyone ever got ahold of him) and fell in love with Wendy. Think of the irony of it, and think of snobby Wendy being chased by a poor mariachi and his pet cock (the feathered kind) .

OJ and Ruben are definitely going to have a major falling out over the bomb in the dressing room. OJ promised not to touch Maria so I guess blowing her up qualifies in his psycho eyes. If the GF doesn't get him for his complete ineptitude Ruben will.

Just as I thought Maria and Fernando go to the restaurant, can't find JAntos and somehow instantly find the right hotel. On the other hand the hotel might have been close to the restaurant so it could have been a logical thought then again Novelelaland.

Very odd that Roddy is left alone with Gloria's ashes and takes care of the internment by himself. Where the hell were all the people who just told him he wasn't alone and they were there for him?

I think the meeting was in the hotel restaurant. It looked generic enough to be that.

Maria doesn't deserve to have to deal with Wendy after all the crap she's taken from Elvirus. Loved seeing her slap that bitch flat. It was long overdue. No more lectures about violence now!

Giuliano and Ruben will definitely be at odds before we're done.

I too thought the restaurant might have been in the hotel. The waiter was rather more formally dressed then if it had been in a more casual place and OJ probably wouldn't know the names of restaurants in the DF having spent so little time there.

I'm totally looking forward to Maria getting off her no violence high horse and whacking the bejeezus out of Elvirus. Mirna's great reveal is going to be in front of a lot of people, hopefully Concho and Lourdes but somehow i'm not counting on that.

I'm still hanging in here. Thanks Mademoiselle La Diva. I was out most of the day, so this is about it for me.

Haha that OG let JAntos go por UN DIA. He should have handed JAntos the phone and if he didn't call, start the torture. Instead, he leaves so he can give Maria a birthday party.

How long will it take Ana to realize that 7Seas didn't write the romantic letters...

Decie--I was puzzled, too, why the medal was signed Pedro. My daddy never signed anything he gave me with his name. It was always, Love, Daddy. Gee I miss him.

Where is Isa?

Poor Roddy. I tuned him out until it was all over.

Mirna can't prove Elvira did the wax job. She only saw Elvira with the can later.

I bet it will be Mirna's money they give to OG. But I'd rather they not give him anything and GF offs him like the cucaracha he is.

I wouldn't mind living in Amalia's apartment. Except that it only has one bedroom, it is quite spacious and sunny. And full of color and good neighbors.

Does anyone know why they leave the lower half of the walls painted with jagged lines in a different color to depict pobresa?


No matter how much Mirna has stashed away it can't be close to 10 Million dollars, pesos maybe but not dollars. And OJ is too dumb to think of forceing JAntos to make a simple phone call. No wonder the GF thinks he is a complete inepto. What amazes me is that he has let him live this long. He's had multiple warnings and time to get the money and now HE gives Santos ONE DAY.

Mirna can't prove Elvirus did the wax job but there are no other likely candidates and Elvirus isn't the brightest bulb around and will probably make some incriminating statement herself. In any case she is going to get clocked by Maria.

When lasrt seen Isa was ttying to get the annoying Jalisquito to play with her dolls and I can't help wondering todo any of these kids go to school on a regular bases?

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