Wednesday, September 18, 2013

CI Capítulo 91: Taking The Easy Way Out....Again!

Capítulo 91 

[Parte 1]

Lo del Pasado:

While Simona 2.0 tells Esther she has a problem recognizing her new and improved self in the mirror, Octavio and his guilt-ridden conscience don’t do much better with Ghost of Eusebio, his identical twin brother (as in spittin’ image of) who’s also apparently got it in for Los Narvaez. (And we thought Ewwwie and his raspy voice were one of a kind!  Who knew?)

Lo del Nuevo:

Twin Brother Of Eusebio asks for a job cuz he’s hurtin’ for money.  Tav says sorry, my ranch has been sold so I can’t offer you anything.  Maybe the new owner will have something for you. (Uh, aren’t you the new ranch manager for the one next door, Bozo? It's just like I thought!  You don’t know nothin’ ‘bout runnin’ no ranchos! Just like I thought: just gonna be Simone’s toy-boy.)  Tav wanders back the way he came, telling TBOE that he heard wrong.  No work here.  El TBOE gripes to himself that now he won’t have a chance to get back at his bro’s murderer.

Ester offers Simona a cup of water.  (Viewerville gags and wonders if Ester has meticulously filtered and boiled it first, then maybe added a touch of bleach. Or hey, maybe Ester did finish that well after all?)  Ester can’t believe Miguel and Tav actually sold the place. (I can’t believe Simona actually took a whole gulp out of that mug without retching.)   “--What a shame since all the land around those parts is said to hold gold and even diamonds—all undiscovered.”   They agree that now none of the Narvaez’s will get to share in the goodies when and ever if. 

Speaking of gold in them thar hills, a mining company has a couple of geologists testing the area who’ve apparently found various veins [veta=seam, vein] spanning all through the nearby hills and underground rivers and streams.  However, it won’t do to let the people there know what they’ve found.  Let The Company work it out with the people living around there.  Better policy [politica] to keep quiet rather than brag [alardar] about it and be in a hurry to broadcast their find, they agree. That way the company owner, one Snidely Whiplash [El Insidiosamente Del Latigazo] can buy it right out from under them all.    

Tav the Toy Boy returns to Simona’s manse a bit late for lunch.  Simona shouldn’t have waited on him, he scolds—he’s just another employee now….  No, now relax, she says all smiles and maternal sweetness.  This is supposed to be a bit of vacation, she says caressing his cheek and smoothing his collar.  Right?  How can he not be upset, he asks her?  He’s got so many memories of that place, good and bad.  (Ok.  More bad than good, but….) You never know what you have till the money’s all gone and you need it, he says sorrowfully.  Simona smiles.  Hey, you’ve got all of mine now to play around with, big guy.  Remember?   Take time to get past the troubles you left behind and we’ll talk about running the business afterwards.  Deal?  Deal.  They shake on it and hug.  

Across the way, Lucia and son arrive in a taxi.  Ofelia grovels at her feet.   Luciafer’s there for a last look and to make darned sure a number of unmentioned  things of hers are never to be had by the new owner.  Lucia eventually asks after Ester and learns she’s living in squalor in Realengo.  “--Hmph.  Serves her right for throwing herself at that kind of good for nothing filthy field hand.”  Still, though, says Lucia, she has hopes of going over to see her and of convincing her cousin to move out of there.  Good luck, she’s too in love with Jose Antonio.

Tav has beaten Lucia to Easter’s.  Over another neighborly cuppa (gulp) water which Tav politely accept, he tells  Ester he can’t believe she’d live like that.  She and he discuss the new and improved Simona.  Ester tries convincing him to marry Simona.  True, says he, Simona’s been marvelous and she’s beautiful now as well, but he just doesn’t think of her as wife material.  Hey, marrying for money is as old as the hills, says Ester.  He wouldn’t be the first.  It would settle his money problems and assure him of a very secure future.  Naw, he replies with a manly swish of his chestnut locks, I don’t really like the idea of mooching off my mujeres.  Let’s change the subject.  Ok.  They discuss how strange it is that somebody from Isla Dorada would have bought the rancho, and that that somebody just happens to be a woman!  (Hmmm!)  But nope.  Neither one has the first clue as to who the new neighbor might be.

Meanwhile, Maria Alejandra informs Raiza of her decision to sell the casino and move off the island.  She’s trying to get a buyer and had hoped that the Exmir would buy her out, tho’ he’s still got pipe dreams of returning someday to his country and regaining his throne, she informs Raiza.  Raiza tries to persuade her to stay.  They’ve all learned to admire her and they respect and care about her.  MA replies unhappily that nothing ties her to the island any longer and she’s not up for playing power games with ruthless Doris DOG (daughter of the guv).    Naw, she’s heading back where she came from, to the place where it all began.  She’s got things still to do there.   Venganza stuff.

Back by the pier, Raiza tells MA she’s too young and attractive to bury herself and her little girl in the middle of nowhere on some hacienda.  MA says she’s got an objective and that’s all that’s driving her now.  Raiza tells her to think twice about that vengeance thing cuz whatever she does will reflect back eventually on her daughter.  No.  MariAle’s need to avenge her past is too strong.  Maybe once she’s attained her goals.  Raiza suggests that if the need to get even is that strong, perhaps she should consider seeing a doctor to help her through those types of negative feelings.  (It’s called obsession, dear.)  Again, MariAlej rejects good advice.  She’s already rejected Tav’s offer to kiss and make up, she explains, and that means she’s now got the strength to carry this through to the end; and so that’s the plan.  Raiza cautions her that this eye for an eye thing always has a way of coming back and biting a big chunk out of your backside if you’re not careful.  

Meanwhile, while Awfelia unpacks, Luciafer tells her that she’s still got a job with the Narvaez’s till the new owner takes over, and that after that they’ll see what they can do for her.  Talk turns to Simona’s new look and Tav’s agreeing to run the rancho for her.  How nice if the two of them could eventually hook up, right?  Lucia is all for that provided it gets Tav’s mind off that damned filthy savage once and for all!  Yeah, she’s got lots of good gossip for La Offal, but suffice it for now to know that the little snipe finally got even with her, yes even humiliated her in front of an entire crowd of people.  Lucia tells her the humiliating story about the muddy rose pit and the reason.  La Offal timidly says well maybe we shouldn’t have treated her so badly when she was living here.  (Ya think?)  Lucia doesn’t seem to care about that.  Maricruz may have gotten even, but rest assured the little wench is going to pay for it, and in spades!!  (Ok, folks.  Cue the dark clouds, the thunder claps and the lightning strikes.) 
[end parte 1]
Parte 2:

In the casino office, Mari Ale stops to consider her choices.  Nope.  What’s done is done.  No going back.  Tony arrives and she gives him the ad to place in the afternoon paper. Pretty soon the whole of Isla Dorada will know she’s selling out her part of the casino, she tells him.  He asks her if she’s sure she wants to do this.  Yep.  More venganza needs to attend to.

In Realengo, Lucia surprises JA and Ester with an unexpected visit.  She takes one look around and her grimace says it all.  What’s the matter, Sra., asks JA.  “--Don’t you like our humble abode?”  Lucia tries to ignore him and talk sense into Ester, but he won’t shut up like the cowed puppy she used to know; and now Ester won’t leave her homespun hubby’s hearth.  Lucia doesn’t do homespun, let alone humble.   It’s a hovel.  How could she live this way?  JA says take her, she’s yours!  I’d be better off for it!  Ester screams back that she’s his wife and she’s staying, y punto!  Lucia gives him a sneering and threatening “Shut UP!”  JA, though, doesn’t cower a bit.  He’s in his home and she’s no big fish in their little pond any more. “—Congratulations, Lady.  You’ve succeeded in getting my wife to disrespect me.  You came to cause grief and you have; now leave!”  Lucia looks him in the eye and tells him she doesn’t know how, but one way or the other he’s got to get her cousin out of this squalor and he’s better do it ASAP!

On Isla Dorada once more, La DOG is yelping at the Comandante to get that Mendoza woman off the island like yesterday already.  He tries explaining that he’s got to be cautious about the way he handles things to avoid her father finding out and putting the kabosh on it all.  Anyway, he’s got to find the right motive before moving on her.  Doris doesn’t want his excuses.  She wants action.  “—You found a motive quickly enough when it came to expelling Octavio Narvaez!  I’m just as powerful as my father whether you believe it or not.  Could be my father just might have his eyes opened as to how inept you are in this position!” 

Back inside JA’s squalid little shack, JA yells back at Lucia that he’s never been ashamed of who he is or what little he has, nor has he ever felt the urge to be a rich man, cruel and miserly and corrupt as they are!  "--That’s because you've got no desire to better yourself—because you’re nothing but a hopelessly resigned, submissive cur of a farm hand! [miserable = a powerful and wholly encompassing definition of the word, which when Lucia spits it out, leaves no question as to what she means in describing JA.] ”  JA gives as good as he gets this time.  “--Better a wretched farmhand than a murderer!!”  (A communal cheer arises in all corners of Viewerville.)  Lucia warns him to watch what he says around there.  Naw, I know exactly what happened with you Narvaez’s and with Maricruz.  Too bad you have to leave because if she ever should return one day to live here, she’d make you pay for all the wrong you’ve done her!

Lucia sniffs and turns away from him.  “—I didn’t come to argue with you.”  “—Oh, because it doesn’t suit you now, huh?  Well, I’ll just remind you anyway!  You had Maricruz put in jail without any reason to and then Don Ramiro’s death!  His death wasn’t an accident, either, lady!”  “Stop all this foolish talk!  Let me just say that whatever I did she’s already collected on and with interest!”  Ester asks him to stop saying so many nasty things.  JA asks why, because the little blind girl has heard them all or what?  He turns back to Luciafer and finishes what he has to say.  “—This house is humble, but honorable.  There’s no room here for murderers!”  (Swish! Thwump! He jump-shots the ball right down through the hoop--and, he’s got game!)  He leaves and Lucia tells her cuz that she hopes she has the sense to leave the brut eventually and, if not, that she never has a reason to regret staying with him.  As a final act of beneficence, Lucia offers some of her furniture to Ester to make the place more livable—something he later angrily complains about being nothing more than charity.

Back on the pier, MariAle thinks back to the way she struggled to get her father to give her carte blanche to save the business for him.  It was his pride and joy.  He’d have been so proud of her, but now he’d be the first to cheer her on in her decision to leave it, she tells herself.  Of course, wherever you are right now, you’d probably not be happy about what I’m going to do with my life now, but there’s no other option.  It’s my destiny.

Later, after Lucia leaves, the little blind girl cries and gets Ester to promise she’ll never leave Realengo (ugh!) or her.

Lucia goes to see Simona and unloads on her about the conditions Ester’s living in and how rude JA was when speaking to her.  He had the nerve to accuse her of falsely accusing Maricruz of stealing and sending her to jail and of murdering her grandfather!  (Hey, this is Simona you’re talking to—you know, the one friend on Earth you have; the one you confessed to in your son’s hospital room when you thought Dios might let him die?)  Simona slides past that and tells her to forget all of that and take a nap.  She’ll feel better after.  No way, replies Luciafer ominously, her weird Martian-y eyes shifting from side to side.  “--One day Maricruz Olivarez is going to get what’s coming to her!”

Tav arrives back at Simona’s a few minutes later and learns his SIL is back for a few days. 

JA walks back into his hut and starts screaming at Ester again about Lina, about Lucia’s visit and yada, yada, yada. “—Why isn’t that kid gone???!!  Why won’t you just up and go back to her already!??!” (It’s got me stumped, too.)  She gives him what for for screaming at her in front of her cousin and the frightened little neighbor girl.  He screams back that he only told her cuz what she deserved to hear.  He screams again that she can’t continue to live here with him and needs to go back to her own kind like they’ve all told her to!  “--Well, why did you bring me here if it’s so bad, huh?”  “—I told you a thousand times: because this is the only place they couldn’t throw us off!  Because it doesn’t belong to anyone else!”  Ester snorts at that.  “—Ha!  Sooner or later they will throw you off here!”

Lucia complains to Tav about Ester’s living out a similarly unbearable marital situation to his with that insufferable savage wife of his.  He politely asks her to change the subject.  She decides to ask him if he’s learned yet who bought their ranch.  No, only that it’s a woman from Isla Dorado.  Why?  Does she know anything else?  No, Lucia lies.  He admits that he really’s feeling crummy that he’ll never see the place again once they hand it over.  She gets a lump in her throat also.  (Could be she drank some of that water over at Ester’s….)  She has Tav sit down and asks him if he hasn’t thought that someday somehow he might consider possibly marrying Simona?  Not really, he answers.  Well, he should, she advises.  She’s got all the requisites: she’s wealthy, she’s a terrific person, and now she’s even beautiful.  With all that money he could acquire quite a lot.  He could even regain the ranch!

Tav can’t believe she’d ask him to live off Simona! (I think the term you’re searching for, Tav, is “gigolo.”)   Oh, by no means, says she!  Lucia clarifies that he’d work hard to keep the ranch going and be her hubby as well.  They know each other so well, and get along so nicely, etc.  He tells her he couldn’t marry a woman he didn’t love.  She tells him he wouldn’t be the first and he won’t be the last to do so.  He finally tells her he’ll think about it.  Well, just think how happy the family will be to know you’ve married well and how you’ll be able to enjoy life at her side!  (Certainly, she means materially—cause I don’t think he’s the oedipal type.)

Back at Realengo, JA wonders where Ester got such a crazy idea.  She tells him that FYI: there have been some engineers looking through the area that have found gold in the streams and underground rivers.  They work for a mining company that very shortly will want to develop the land and utilize the minerals there.  They’ll throw everyone off the land for certain!  What’s he supposed to do about it then?  Where can they go that wouldn’t be just like Realengo, he asks angrily?  “--Well, how about leasing a plot of land?”  “--From who?  People like the Narvaez’s?  They’d never lift a finger for me!”   No, try maybe Simona.  She’s a decent sort, says Ester.  And she’s NOT a Narvaez!  Sorry, sneers JA!  She just talked him into rescuing her from spinsterhood!  [sacarle de solteria]”

MA takes time to think how she and Lupita will return to the old homestead but this time as well-to-do ladies that nobody will dare mistreat let alone get away with it!  

The next morning the comandante of Isla Dorada smiles from ear to ear when he reads the headline about La Mendosa selling her share of the casino.  He did what La DOG wanted and avoided any guff from the guv.

At breakfast MA reads her ad in the paper and says a little prayer asking for a bit of celestial intervention to speed along the necessary sale.

Tav is sitting down to breakfast with Simona--for the first time, apparently—and has decided to take everyone’s advice.  He swallows hard and then tells his pretty but still prim hostess that as soon as his divorce is final he...he…he will marry her.  (Limp, spaghetti spined excuse for a man!)  Cara de demure and delighted de Simona. 

In town, the comandantephones Doggin’ Doris to tells her about MA’s ad and talks her out of causing a scandal while she waits to get a buyer.  Her daddy’s still interested in the woman and always takes her side.  Nope, better to leave things in his hands and to let him handle sans scandal.  He’ll let her know as soon as she’s got a buyer and is on her way.  Doris hangs up and starts to devise another way to devil the hell out of MariAle.

Tav apologizes for being such a rude jerk these past few days, and blames it on being depressed.  Simona is the essence of maternal warmth and understanding (though I’m sure she’s got to be secretly measuring him for the bow-tie and black skivvies.)  Hopefully we’ll get a nice neighbor who’ll be a hermit of sorts and leave them in an eternal honeymoon state….. (Wrong!)  Yeah, they’ll be good for each other and eventually they might even buy back the ranch from the person.  Simona’s eyes light up—is that what you’d like?  I will buy the ranch back for you!  We’ll buy it right away if that is what you want!  (Why not buy him his very own jet plane instead?  He can entertain himself by chauffering all the rico's in the region to and from their business appointments and taking their wives on shopping jaunts.)  He takes a moment or two to think about it but eventually says no.  Don’t do anything for him that he doesn’t deserve.  Oh, it’s only what a woman in love with her man like Ester and she would do.  No, he says.  With as much passion as a cold fish between them, he lets Salmona kiss him gingerly on the lips.  (Viewerville can feel those goosebumps rising from the chill all along his limp-ass spine!)        

Meanwhile, Teobaldo comes to pay MA a visit at the casino office.  (WTF?  She calls him by his real name?  I admit I must have slept through the scene where she discovers his true identity or he’s confessed it!)   He tells her the Exmir doesn’t want to buy her out in hopes that she’ll remain there on the island.  Nope.  She’s got no reason to stay there, especially with Octavio Narvaez long gone.  He asks her to trust him and says he’s going to help her with her dilemma and convince the Exmir to buy her out. 


Jardinera- Looking forward to your recap. I'm going to be offline much of the day, so I wanted to make a few quick comments.

I was pleasantly surprised to hear Raiza give Mari great advice about the vicious circle of vengeance, and that she recommended that Mari see a psychologist. It's telling that when Mari finally opens up to Juanita and Raiza about her plans, they both recommend that she see a shrink. Will we actually see Mari seeking professional help by the end of this tn?

As much as in the beginning Mari fought tooth and nail to not sell the casino, to the point of hastening her father's death, now we can see it was really more about staying on La Isla to be close to Tav. Now, she's folding pretty quickly to the pressure to sell, so that she can follow Tav back to Tamaulipas.

JA's a**holery continues to new heights. As evil as Lucia the murderer is, I enjoyed seeing her tell him off. I meant to comment on the last episode how ticked off I was that he's mad at Ester for clothing and feeding Lina. And he dared say more crap in front of Lina last night. Jerk!

Thank you, Jardinera, for your excellent recap. I sure was wondering about the water too when Simona took a sip.

Funny how nobody seems to think a marriage of convenience (Octavio and Simona) is wrong. Maybe that is how Octavio became so weak: the path of least resistance was always the suggested one.

Lucia still hasn't learned her lesson. What a creep!

This should be good with Maricruz bringing the venganza show to the ranch. She is still on a roll which should keep things interesting.



@Jardinera: Awesome part 1. Looking forward to part 2.

@Vivi - To me, JackAss is BY FAR the worst character in C.I., worst than Lucia, Oblivio and Miguel all lumped together. (The only one worse than him was Ewwie, but at least he's dead.) I didn't like JackAss even when he "appeared" to be a nice guy at the beginning. It made my skin crawl every time someone suggested he should be paired up with Solita. Yuck.

Great recap.

Amoebae latte if you please. Cup of gold. I'm not sure I would even sit down. Probably scorpions all over the place. Too bad Lucia didn't have an unboiled cup.

Octo is so traumatized by all his woes that he has recall dysfunction. How could he not see the dead guy Eweee.

Maricruz please show up in time to kick out Lucia.

So what are we going to name the Nav ranch? Rancho Revenge. El gusto es mio rancho.

Thanks for part 1, looking forward to part 2. I'm disappointed MA is giving up the casino so easily but I am tired of Doris too at this point and I think she is bored without Tav to play with. Can I skip to part 2 and just say WTF when Angel/Teo made his first appearance in what? two, three weeks and MA CALLS him Teo?! How many scenes were cut on the editors floor? Or were the writers just too lame to come up with a good story line or did they not story board the plot well enough and now just realized they have run out of time for this plot point?

I really disliked the Ewwsebio character and I didn't like the actor either so I was glad when he was killed off. Disappointed he's back.

Simona? What can be said but she, like other characters, is now going through a personality change and I fear we will all hate her soon enough. Poor fool blinded by love and will get hurt in the end.

One last thing, still holding out hope Karim takes out Doris.

Golawah, "amoebae latte". LOL

Thanks for a fabulous part one, Jardinera, you have such a delightful way with words... I especially love:

"Naw, he replies with a manly swish of his chestnut locks..."


Octavio is so wonderfully frustrating. Twice last night it looked as though his little brain was about to click in and the light come on. For a moment it appeared that he was on the brink o9f recognizing Eusebidos and then when Ester said that a woman had bought the ranch it looked as though he was going to connect some dots... but nopis. His mind reminds of one of those coin-operated games with the claws that grasp a prize. The claws catch a prize and then it's so close to being extracted but then drops back into the pile. What's nifty is how he is able to convey that with his facial expressions.

I dislike José Antonio more and more with each episode. Latina expresses my feelings about him perfectly. I never cared for him either.


Jardinera, this was a great recap. Wasn't it frustrating last night. I was lucky, got to hit the remote button a few times. You're a trooper for sitting through the entirety for us mere mortals.

Ditto on the JA disgust. There were several moments of hitting the remote right there. Cracked me up that suddenly Ester's place is the place to be seen.

Did I want to just slap a certain heroine silly last night? yeah.. have to say. The fact she admits her "vengeance" is stronger than being concerned about how it is affecting her child....yeah, that made my hand itch. I think she had a better chance of finding the psyche help she needed on Isla than back at the Rancho, but who knows. And of course, she'll drag Solita, Tobias and whoever else back to the Ranch too so they can all be miserable togther watching her be vengeful.

I want some nice resolution for Raiza in this TN. She's really come around and been a voice of reason in a lot of muck. Better not just cast her aside plot wise.

Make the twin go away. Dumb plot twist.

Can't wait for awkward kisses time tonight...NOT!


Tis finished and up. I was totally disgusted with JA's lack of ambition. He won't even bother to see if somebody will lease him a plot of land--like Simona hadn't already offered to do whatever it would take to get him and Ester back to civilization months ago. I wonder if MC comes back and gives him what for wearing his ignorance and slovenly lifestyle around his neck like it's a thing of beauty.

Golawah: Amoeba Latte for real! I had that on my mind cuz down here some 12 yr. old little boy a month or so ago was playing in one of the canals and got the brain-eating kind of amoeba in his system. There's no cure and there's only about a 1-2 percent survival rate. He died within a week or ten days.

Sorry for the typo's and grammatical screw ups. Think I've got em all but not for sure.

Thank you Jardinera---CAN'T WAIT, CAN'T WAIT, CAN'T WAIT for part two
At the end of the Maricruz/Angel conversation last night, Mari had a sly smile on her face, what was that all about? Like I just said---

Jardinera---a cute line. It's just
like I thought! You don't know nothin' 'bout runnin' no ranchos! Just gonna be Simona's toy-boy. I add, not if Maricruz has anything to do about it.

Jardinera again--- Lucia and son arrive in a taxai. Ofelia grovels
at her feet. I add, of course she would. Now let's see if she grovels
at Maricruz's feet, Mari has more dinero than Lucifer.

That damn filthy savage. WHAT??? Not a filthy savage anymore. Wake up Lucifer.

Jarifa---Yes, she is still on a roll which should keep things boring.---er, interesting, {sorry, I can't help but think of all of the---this novela is boring comments} LOL Boring? YEAH RIGHT. HA!

Golawah---REVENGE, El gusto es mio rancho. Amoembae latte---you're doing great, keep it up.

What is wrong with JACK ASS? He wasn't so bad in the beginning. Is he angry because he didn't end up with Marycruz? He throws it at Ester and she throws it right back at him---Not knowing the spoken words, it looked like she won last night. He vents and vents and she counters back relentlessly. It looks like Ester is wearing him down. She's taking the fight out of him. Anyway, I thought that things would quiet down when Lina came by but no, he just kept right on. In all fairness though, Lucifer
could set me off also.

Mari---PLEEEESE don't give in to Doris Dog, don't let her win/run you off the Island. Don't sell the casino. You can still own it, let Raiza run it for you, that way Doris Dog hasen't completely won. Besides, the casino was your fathers dream don't let Doris take it from you or run you off from it.
the gringo


Great recap Jardinera. Thanks for clarifying some of the dialogue i couldn't follow. And most of all thanks to your nod to Snidely Whiplash. It has been years since I thought about him.

Gringo, it seems that you are enjoying this novela as much as I am. I too am sorry that Doris will have thought she has won, but it is time to move on to the ranch and more important things . . .like making life hell for Octavio and company and probably herself in the process. This is too much fun!


Thanks Jardinera, I loved you calling Simona Salmona, a cold fish. And so many inconsistencies in this story, it's hard to keep up with them all.

First, Octavio insists he won't marry anyone without love, but he says he didn't love MC, nor Doris, and now Simona, but he's agreed to marry all of them.
And second, MA calls Angel Teobaldo?!? That's a huge mistake. No one caught that one? Really? It's glaring in it's wrongness. Come on sloppy writers.

I hope that Doris finds her way to the ranch. That would be so terrific.

There are some shocking inconsistencies in the writing but I was especially bothered by both Ester and Lucia speaking identical words and phrases to Octavio about marrying Simona. They could have varied the phrases a little, no? And of course the Angel Teobaldo glitch.

But YOUR writing made up for all that, Jardinera. Loved you appalled musing about the water they were drinking in Ester's parlor. DOG (daughter of the guv) for Doris, "venganza stuff", "La Offal" and "Lucia doesn't do homespun, let alone humble."

Great recap. Better than the episode deserved.

You know, I was thinking that all that shack really needs in a nice couch. Also some walls. But a sideboard would be good too. Gotta put the good grinding rock somewhere.

Did she really call him Teo or just refer to Teo? I couldn't get subtitles and was sure I misunderstood. No way did she know who he really was! (Unless that way is that the writers drink as much as we do and forgot what they were doing.


Gringo/Jarifa: I too am surprised at how much I've like this little gem of a silly TN. Could be just that DA makes me wish I was thirty years young again.....
ViviDC: Yeah, professional help is going to be a given I think--and it needs to be a hunky young doc that also takes care of Miguel at the same time so that Tav takes notice.
Carviville: I'm ready to hate Salmona 2.0. She's going to end up fighting for Tav altho' she knows his heart's taken. Before that, tho', I disliked her cuz she let Lucia's crimes slide off her like water off a duck's back, along with all the mischief she caused MC. I'd be cringing and keeping my distance from the likes of Lucia after all that!


Sorry for the bad spelling. I was trying to get everything in and didn't look to correct the spelling errors.

Yes, it's time to move on but isn't there such a thing as an out of state owner? People own businesses all the time and they are not there to run them. But--- if Mari is determined to sell, I bet Corola would still like to grab on to it.

When the casino is sold, what is to become of Doris Dog? I said yesterday, send her to Houston. Let Carlos deal with her.

Not much good to say about Jack Ass
lately but---Better a wreched farmhand than a murder---and, This
house is humble but honorable. There's no room here for murderers!
These were great lines which Lucifer has no way to dispute.

Wow! Ester and Jack Ass might loose their land/casa. What about little Lina?

I cringed when Oblivio gave Simona that limp kiss last night. NOOOOOOO

Oblivio is so WEAK. He is still letting others [Lucifer] make up his mind for him. Why can't this guy deside things on his own? Jack
Ass is doing all the wrong things but at least he makes up his own mind.

Can't wait to see if Maricruz heads back to the rancho tonight. Oh if Lucifer is still there!!!!!!
the gringo

emeralrose: Snidely? But of course, my dear! LOL! (Like I said, I'm showing I'm way past my sell-by date!)


Cathyx/and Gringo: Tav's weak emotionally as well as mentally IMO. He doesn't know what he wants and he doesn't know how to think for himself. He follows everyone else's advice but his own and then when he does do something right it bites him in the ass. Flying during the storm, going for help after crash landing, getting involved with Doris to see what he could get out of it, and now proposing marriage to Salmona. IMO MariAle needs to find somebody else to become emotionally involved with and forget getting even. He's like a bad luck charm.
Latina: No sympathy for JA on my block, either, especially after the way he's stubbornly worn his poverty and ignorance like a badge.


JudyB/CathyX: I'm glad it wasn't just me doing a rubber-necky at my tv screen last night over MA calling Angel Teobaldo. Editing must have been using the C team while A and B were still on partying somewhere.

Gringo, I always look for your comments to each recap. You are a man of style and wit.

What will I do when this tn wraps up and I loose touch with all of you ???


Yes, writers once again cut the scene, where Maricruz found out who is Angel. or it's sabotage. Or I don't know how cold it. I can repeat, that you are lucky not to have avances in episode. There sooooo many cut scenes in them. It's frustrating to wait for some scene, you saw yesterday in avance and then understood, that it was cut. I can only imagine, how many scenes we didn't see at all.
And one more thing. I hate Simona's music. It's soooooo tragic and sounds like someone is dying.

Emeraldrose, who knows? We all just might migrate to the telenovela that replaces it.

Jardinera/Gringo, I never expected to be enjoying this so much since I refused to watch the violent early episodes. I really enjoy the fact that there is so much action and that time is passing rather quickly. No 10 episode days here. I know there are problems with writing and continuity but am willing to put those aside because this novela is just so much fun and almost cartoonish at times. I think it is so popular because of the action, the actors, and the universal appeal of the search for justice be it by revenge or some other means.


Thanks Jardinera.
Golawah-"amoeba latte!!!!"
Please patent this less Starbucks beat you to it!!!
"there's gold in them dar hills!". Wow this one stuck in my head years ago and I kept saying it. Lol! Thanks for the memories it brought back.
We also thought we missed a scene when MA addressed Teobaldo/Angel. When did it happen?
And la DOG!!!! I hope the Dog whisperer comes to teach her some dog manners.
And Screaming MImi JA! what in the world is he so angry about.
I could just laugh at Luciafer being disgusted of Esther's living condition. Doesn't she realize she is about to be homeless? Unless she is looking forward to squat over at Salmona.


And what I forgot to add. They changed the jakal of JA and Esther. Now it's awful decoration
This days Daniel visited almost all Uni's programs. He soooo cute :)))

Thanks for a great part 2, Jardinera. As I've said may times before, I adore your work.

When Maricruz called Ángel Teo, there was a dramatic tone shift in the background music which I thought signified that this was an unexpected recognition and I thought that Teo looked slightly surprised... but then she smiled displaying her dimples without missing a beat... so who knows?

Kelly, I agree, a nice couch will change the whole personality of the place.


Vida2: You're right. I thought the same thing: who's she to be criticizing JA about his shack when she'll be lucky to have a cardboard box in a few days!

Carlos, likewise!


@Jardinera/Gringo/Jarifa - sorry I defected. As you all witnessed, I frequently professed my LOVE for this novela...up to episode 80. I just don't like how this story is turning out. But, to be clear, I'm still a fan of the actors.

I know how that goes. I started "Que bonito amor" and bailed on that rather early. The actors were good but I could not take the plot.


the last post was directed to LatinainMD

Jardinera- Great recap! Things have definitely shifted back to the ranch, as most of the action this episode took place in Tamaulipas. Time to put the Isla Dorada people in suspended animation. (Looks like the writers won't go with my suggestions for killing off most of the Isla characters.)

I also said WTF when Mari called Angel Teo, with no hint that there had been a reveal at any point. Oh, well!

Will JA actually take Ester's advice about getting off his a** and securing their future before they are kicked off by the government?

Thank you Jardinera for a great recap. I missed the epi due to a last minute but spectacular ticket to see a recital by Lang Lang. Holy Steinway Batman, what a performance!

I watched the epi on Youtube this am but it was fuzzy and hard to follow. Thanks to your great recap and the comments here I feel I didn't miss a thing. I agree that JA is truly getting worse but I did like his line about his home being humble but honorable, with no room for assesinas. That would be you Luciafer! (sorry Carlos).

I liked Carlos' take on the Mari calling Angel Teo scene, surprising him by knowing his identity. I'm going with that explanation. I also thought that he told Mari he would buy her part of the casino but you all have clarified that he told her he would convince Exemir to buy it.

Although La DOG is clever and fitting, I still like SUD!


I may have misunderstood the English cc's but I thought that the "geologists" (crooked survey guys) said something in addition to "don't broadcast" the news until we can buy up the land from the owners. Did anyone else hear them throw in a mention that it would not matter anyway since the owners do not have mineral rights? I could have imagined this; not sure.

Jarifa: I also bailed on QBA but watched the last half last night. (Only b/c I waited up to watch The Twilight Zone.) Anyways I turned it on and Maria and Santos were enjoying a conjugal visit, with a guard right outside a very thin door with a small, barely covered window! Really?? What for? So the stupidity continues and Guiliano is still orange and now playing a doctor?

You know what I think could possibly save this TN? Exemir and Teo/Angel get the goods on the Gov, call him on his bad deeds publicly, get him ousted from office, and have his sniveling hide and uber-bratty bruja of an hija thrown out of that beautiful mansion. And maybe Mariana will decide to work on her self esteem and realize SUD is no friend. She should be ashamed!

Manuel: You should marry Simona. She's rich.
Octavio: But I don't love her. and I would NEVER marry if not for love.
Viewerville: Yeah, right!
Ester: You should marry Simona. She loves you and she looks good now.
Octavio: But I can't do that to her. I would NEVER use someone just for the heck of it and looks don't matter to me.
Viewerville: Really? (Weren't you going to marry Doris because she's young and pretty?)
Lucia: You should marry Simona. She's rich and now she's pretty, and what else are you going to do?
Octavio: Duh-h-h ... Okay.

Anon. 5:28 --too funny!
Loriloo: I get the feeling that Mariana is too scared of the little witch. She'll have to catch her in some way in something illegit in order to break the bonds of so-called friendship without there being any repercussions.

Vivi: I would like to think that MA will get even with Doris and Dad before this ends. Doris doesn't deserve to die. That would be way to simple and easy. She needs a long lasting bit of cosmic justice.... I wouldn't dole it out to the Exmir either, if I were her. Just MHO!


A great recap, Jardinera, written with skill and power.

Our Eusebio twin was wearing a WHITE hat. Apparently he's still a bad guy, though. I wonder at the geology that has seams of gold along with diamonds so easy to find. We'll see how that pans out, won't we?

I laughed with delight at "manly swish of his chestnut locks," "Doris DOG", "La Offal," "homespun--humble--hovel," "cara de demure and delighted de Simona."

JA is a jackass, but I appreciated him telling Lucia off as a murderer.

If Tav had married Simona when Lucia first suggested it way back when, we could have skipped most of this TN. The detective could have found MC and she could have gone her merry way with Don Ale. Tav would never know what he missed until she came back for Ramiro's peaceful death 10 years down the road, looking fabulous at the funeral.

I'd say the Gov has more reason to get even with Mari, than she has for getting even with him. He hasn't done anything to her (yet), but she has just been using him to annoy Tav and Doris, and for prestige. She's also lied to him about her feelings for Tav.

Thanks for your recap Jardinera. It was so much better than the episode and your commentary about the plot holes was hilarious.

Vivi in DC, Gov became much more rich, so I think he also used MA.

It was Karim he used to get money-- Karim paid him the bribe, not Mari.

It's late, Jardinera, so I don't know if you'll get this.

I sooooo enjoyed this recap, Wow! What a hilarious spin on the CI happenings. We are out of TN range for a couple of weeks, so I especially appreciate the recap.

And many thanks to you too, LatinaInMD for yesterday's recap.

Both episodes are so whacky, that I can't wait to watch them when we get back.

I'm still firmly in the "it's so whacky I can't wait to see the next episode" camp. :)


Jardinera I'm adding this late. I just want to say after reading all the comments that I too long ago bailed out of QBA. I got sick and tired of all the characters and the way they were stretching it like a worn out garter. There's no more!!!!!!I hope CI doesn't turn out to be like it.

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