Monday, September 23, 2013

Corazon Indomable #95, 9/23/2013: Lucia Passes the Venganza Torch, After Becoming One Herself

A lot happened tonight, so let’s skip the old stuff and get right to the new. 

We start the evening seeing Mari walking through her land, accompanied by one of her workers. She mentions that the work they are doing will benefit many people. Are those buckets we see in the hands of the workers in the background? Are they actually PICKING the oranges? Mari takes Jose Antonio off to attend other matters with her, as Nazario, aka Twinsebio, skulks into view and thought bubbles that Mari must have a thing for her capataz.

We teleport to Isla Dorada, where Miguel is greeting Lucia and Mini Miggy happily. Lucia decided to surprise him by not letting him know she was coming back so soon. They’re not just here for a visit, but to stay. In any case, they no longer have a home to return to in Tamaulipas. Plus, Lucia informs Miguel, Ewsebio’s brother has popped up, looking to settle scores for his brother’s death. Miguel looks confuddled by this news.

It’s nighttime in the countryside, but our protagonists are not having a peaceful night of sleep. Mari tosses and turns, and then finally gives up. She laments being all alone, and doesn’t think she can go on. Her loneliness can only be ended by HIM—her obsession and her torment (martirio).  Meanwhile, the HIM of which Mari speaks, is also wide awake and assuming Mari is sleeping peacefully. He wishes he had her in his arms to end this anguish. “Maricruz. My Maricruz.” He remembers asking her if there is any hope for them to get back together, and Mari telling him never. He asks himself why they can’t be together.

Morning breaks, and JA and Mari enter her office. He is heaping praise on her for the good work she’s doing for the poor people of Realengo. They are all grateful. (I didn’t see JA heaping any praise on his wife when she tried to do the same things, with no money. In fact, I remember him being an ass about her clothing, feeding and caring for Lina, and scoffing at her desire to teach the children of Realengo.) Mari modestly deflects the praise. She wants to get the kids of Realengo clothes, games, cookies and candy. She smiles happily, all dimples and teeth, feeling high on her good works. (See Mari. Isn’t this way more fun than your vengeance plots that all end with you in tears?)

JA says she’s the same girl she used to be. Mari gets a bit sad.
M: The same girl, who wants everything, but has nothing. I still don’t have what I want.
JA: What/who you want is about to marry another.
M: They’re not yet married.
JA points out that not only are they already making the plans, but they’re also planning on marrying in the Church, something Tav did not do with her. Mari thinks that if Tav and Simona are getting married in the Church, then they must have thought about this seriously, and Tav must truly care about Simona. She gets teary and sad, but then gets a determined look in her eye. “Let them get married! But I’ll be there! I’m going to that wedding, and I’m taking my daughter!”

In Realengo, Ester takes Lina aside and happily tells her she’s going to have a lovely child like her. Lina is not happy with this news, fearing the baby will take Ester’s love away from her. Ester assures her that won’t happen, and Lina will love the baby. Lina thinks that the baby will be like her real life doll. Ester decides to do Lina’s hair, and tells her, she’ll see how great it looks. Whoops! Lina seems pretty cool with people using this common phrase that’s completely insensitive to the blind. I’m sure Ester will get the hang of it soon enough.

One of Mari’s workers, Matias, arrives at Hacienda $imona and hands Awfelia two letters. One for Simona, and one for Tav. But she can’t let either of them know that the other also received a letter, and they can’t tell the other person that they got a letter. Got that? Awfelia actually follows instructions. Tav reads his letter and we hear Mari’s voice:

As I imagine you’re going to get married soon, I demand that you invite me to your wedding. If you don’t invite me, I’m going to go anyway, with our daughter. Because it’s not fair that she miss an event of such importance. I hope to get a reply soon, to avoid any inconveniences.

Simona reads her letter:
I hope you don’t forget to send me an invitation to your wedding, for me and my daughter. I don’t think that you would deny Tav’s daughter this right. We wouldn’t miss it. Believe me, for me it will be a pleasure to see how you were finally able to buy a handsome husband with your money.

Simona tries to keep her cool, and says that Mari is just trying to make trouble since she’s not happy that she and Tav are now divorced. She wonders if she should show it to Tav. Awfelia follows instructions, and discourages her from telling Tav. Simona frets over what she should do to prevent Mari from crashing her wedding.

Mari proudly admires herself in Lucia’s old mirror, when all of a sudden Tav pops up in her bedroom.
M: What are you doing in MY house?
T: We have to talk, and you have to listen.

Mari points out that she doesn’t have to do anything, since they are no longer married. But she’ll let him say his peace.  He wants to know what the hell she’s playing at, wanting to attend his wedding with Simona? Mari dimples him.

On the Island, Lucia is in a souvenir shop admiring large pieces of jewelry to add to her massive collection. She starts to flash back to her near rape by Ewsebio and Miguel shooting the bastard dead. Then she flashes back to punching her fist through the window when Twinsebio was stalking her. She rushes the saleslady, gets into a cab, and tells the cabbie to step on it.

Back to our squabbling love birds on the ranch, Mari reiterates that his daughter has a right to be at his wedding, and she’s going too. Tav says she needs a psychiatrist. “First I’m a savage, then I’m stupid, now I’m crazy?” Tav says he just wants to avoid any displeasures/troubles for them both, and wants them to just live in peace. Mari tells him that him living in peace, is NOT in her plans. She’s going to make him suffer for everything he did to her. Tav points out that this revenge is making her life more difficult. Mari lies and says she’s having a jolly old time getting even with the Narvaez, and now with Simona since she’ll soon become a Narvaez. Tav says Simona should be left out of this because she’s a good woman.  “Right! She’s a saint. And more importantly, she’s rich. You really go to extremes Octavio. You either gift yourself to a poor devil like me, or sell yourself to a richie rich like Simona!” Tav doesn’t want to argue.  He just wants her to desist with the idea of attending his wedding. In any case, he and Simona won’t let it ruin their day. They (Tav and Simona) really get each other/identify with each other.

M: Right. Like you never did with me.
T: Like I never did with you.
M:  Well, I gave you love.
T: Simona too. And in addition, understanding and peace. Maricruz, believe me. For the first time in my life, I’ve found tranquility. And I’m determined to do what it takes to conserve it, whatever it costs me.
M: I'm equally determined to ruin your wedding with Simona.
T: Well, then run the risk that they’ll kick you out.
M: We’ll see, Octavio. We will see!

Back on the Island, Lucia tries to flee the ghosts of Ewsebio and Twinsebio, urging her cab driver to speed through the picturesque narrow winding roads of Isla Dorada, and then urging him to be careful as he nearly avoids colliding with vehicles going in the opposite direction. Unfortunately, it’s too late and the cabbie loses control, crashes into a retaining wall, and the cab goes up in flames! Lucia emerges from the cab, maxi dress and tresses aflame, screaming for help. Karma decided to speed things along, since Mari was too busy playing lovers’ games with Tav to seek justice for her grandpa’s death.

Mari heads out to the stable to order JA to be her date to Tav’s wedding. She needs someone to back her up in case they try to throw her out. Mari thinks they wouldn’t dare, but if they do, poor them! JA doesn’t get why she wants to go. Mari goads him into going by basically calling him chicken. JA agrees, and says he would go to hell with her, if that’s what she wanted. But he’s not going to let anyone hurt her—he’s going armed! Blows are answered with blows. (An eye for an eye…) “As you wish JA.”

On the Island, Miguel gets the horrible news about Lucia and rushes to the hospital. In her hospital bed, Lucia is looking like a charbroiled mummy. The horrible car fire and the burning of Ramiro’s shack run through her mind simultaneously.

L:  Let him burn! Let him burn! (I guess she doesn’t have any regrets. Yipes!)

Miguel enters the room and goes to her side.
L: It was me. It was me. (She flashes back to having Mari thrown in jail. Miguel is distraught and crying.)

In the dining room at Hacienda el Abuelo, Mari is showing Santa her new knife and fork skills. (Hope it isn’t charbroiled steak.) Santa passes on the gossip from the neighboring ranch that Tav and Simona are getting married Saturday. Mari looks like she can’t believe it’s happening so soon.

At the hospital, Miguel seems to be shocked, shocked I say, that Lucia actually had Ramiro killed. Or maybe he’s just shocked that she’s admitting it. In any case, he’s more concerned with her being in so much pain and her survival. The doc tells him that it’s all in God’s hands now. (Uh, oh. We know Luciafer and God aren’t on the best of terms, and He already gave her a pity miracle with Mini Miggy.) The doc orders the nurse to give her more drugs. Miguel cries, and prays to God to end her suffering.

Tav and Simona share a chaste hug. He asks if she’s sure about marrying him. She is sure, and she trusts him completely. He swears that nothing and no one will impede their wedding. Let’s remember these promises they both just made to each other, and see how quickly they break them. They hug.

Mari is cuddling with Lupita and continuing her habit of confiding grown up nonsense, instead of baby nonsense. She tells Lupita that her father has always considered her a dirty savage. And Simona, the millionairess born into silk pampers, he considers a good woman. “You know what my love? We, WE are going to ruin the party. We’re going to ruin it. Right, mi niña?” Juanita interrupts this, uhm, sweet moment between mother and daughter, and takes Lupita to feed her.

In their shack, JA is studying work documents on the bed (bet he's glad Ester taught him how to read and write, now), while Ester goes to get him more coffee. Mari arrives, and Ester comes back with the coffee, loaded for bear. “What is that woman doing in my house?!” Mari says she’s come with ranch business, and Ester wonders if all the time JA is there at the ranch with her isn’t enough. JA tells Ester to back down, which only makes things worse. Ester says she can do what she wants in her house. She wonders how JA can allow Mari into her house, when he knows perfectly well that the two of them can’t stand each other. JA says it’s his house too, and Ester points out that he pretty much abandoned their house. Mari jumps in to say it’s because he’s working hard to bring home bread/food. Ester says she’d rather starve, and he already had a job with Simona. “Well, he’s working for ME now.” She reminds Ester again that JA is like her brother. Ester is incredulous and points out that JA doesn’t see her like just a sister. JA jumps in just then to stop the argument before it can go further (or get more truthy). He yells at Ester, but she gets right up in his face and tells him to go ahead and hit her! She’s sure that’s exactly what Mari wants.

Did you all forget Lucia? Let’s peek in and see how Lucia has reacted to Karma’s heavy hand b*tch-slapping her across the face.
L: Maldita! I don’t regret it. I don’t regret it! (OK then...)
Miguel tries to talk her down.
L: Destroy her! Finish her off. Finish her off! Burn the ranch with her in it. Burn it! Burn it!!!!

The breath catches in Lucia’s throat, her eyes go wide then close, as her lifeless head rolls to the side.  Miguel screams her name.

Back to the Bickersons in the shack. Mari says she understands Ester must feel abandoned by her husband. Ester informs her that she’s about to give her husband a child. Mari rolls her eyes and says she already knew. Now Ester is pissed at JA for telling Mari her personal business.  JA tries to hustle out of the shack with Mari, and Ester calls him Mari’s lapdog. Oooh, snap! She continues to say that Mari is keeping him by her side since she can’t have the one that she really loves because Simona bought him. Mari says she could have them all, whenever she damn well feels like it! “By what means?!” “By whatever means necessary!” Mari says she’s seen all that she wanted to see. Her vengeance against Ester has been fulfilled, because she’s doing it to herself. (One could say the same about how Mari is suffering because of her jealousy of Tav, so Mari doesn’t really hold the moral high ground on this matter.)

Miguel must have found the same teleportation machine el Emir Karim used when he teleported to the Emirates. All of a sudden, we see him slowly walking down the driveway of Rancho $imona, Mini Miggy in one hand, suitcase in the other. They come upon Awfelia who is sweeping the drive.  She’s shocked to see him and asks about Lucia. He breaks the news to her that Lucia is dead.

In Raelengo, Clorinda can’t believe that Ester isn’t going to use her invitation and go to the fancy wedding. We are clued in that at least a few days have passed, as Clor mentions the wedding is tomorrow. Ester doesn’t have a dress to wear (Clorinda offers to sew her one), and she’s not interested in parties anymore. Her only focus is on becoming a mother and having a healthy baby. She smiles happily and Clor takes her hand.

Awfelia thinks Lucia’s death was a punishment. She tells Miguel about Twinsebio. A defeated Miguel says, let him find me. “Nothing in this life is important to me.” He says this while holding his toddler son. They head inside, and Miguel takes a seat just as Tav and Simona come downstairs. Tav is surprised, but happy to see them. Mini Miggy is happy to see Tav. He reaches his little arms up to Tav, asking to be held by him, and this is the first time we’ve seen this little actor interact happily with any of the cast.

Miguel begins by saying it’s all his fault, all their fault, and that it all happened quickly. Tav and Simona figure out that Lucia has died. Tav pulls Miggy closer to him and kisses his little head.

At Rancho El Abuelo, Mari tries on the WHITE dress she plans to wear to crash Tav’s wedding. Santa disapproves. “I still don’t know who it’s going to hurt more. Me or them?!” Mari pouts about Tav marrying Simona before the ink is even dried on their divorce papers. Santa thinks Mari has two choices: 1) forget the vengeance and forgive him; or 2) just forget him forever. Mari says she can’t forget him. It’s bigger than her will. Octavio neither serves her for her hate, nor her love.

Miguel gives the details of how Lucia died and says she didn’t repent before she died. Mini Miggy is in the background being held by Awfelia, and he’s not happy about it. “It was the curse of Maricruz.” Tav tells him there’s no such thing, just punishment for the bad they’ve done. Miguel doesn’t know how he didn’t go crazy, or lose himself in the bottle again. Tav reminds him of the danger of losing his freedom being back in Tamaulipas. Miguel doesn’t care about going to jail anymore.

JA comes home and asks Ester if she’s ok now. They kiss and make up. Her only request is that Mari not come to her home again. She shows JA the students’ homework she’s grading. He passes on the gossip that Miguel is back in town.

Meanwhile Miguel is lamenting the curse that took Lucia away. Tav reminds him that Lucia acted in the worst way with Mari. Miguel makes the excuse that it was because Mari disturbed her peace of mind.  He never wants to see Mari again. He can’t stand that she’s in the house that he used to live in with Lucia. He doesn’t think Lucia will rest in peace as long as that mugrosa lives there. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Tav wants him to back away from the crazy talk. They’ve already got plenty of that with the hate and rancor Mari has towards them. Miguel says he’ll give Tav peace of mind by turning himself into the police. He just asks that Tav take care of his son. Tav agrees, but thinks they can figure something out and doesn’t want Miguel to make any sudden decisions. Tomorrow he marries Simona, and he doesn’t want anything to delay that. It’s the only way to break definitively from Mari. Miguels says he’ll stay hidden until it’s time to turn himself in. He asks if Tav is marrying Simona, while still being in love with Mari.  Tave admits it. “I love her. I love her like I’ve always loved her. And I always will.”

Mari visits with the Padre and he congratulates her on all her good works.  JA runs in to tell her Miguel is in town!

Ester is let into Miguel’s bedroom. They hug, she asks about Lucia, he breaks the news to her. Other than Miguel, Ester is the only person to show any real emotion at Lucia’s death.

Mari can’t believe Miguel would return with the police after him. JA wants to find out if Lucia came with him, in order to tell Ester. “Of course. I forgot that those two vipers are cousins.” JA makes noises to remind her that that viper is his wife, and Mari gives him a disingenuous apology.  JA finally stands up for his wife and points out that Ester is giving classes to the children of Realengo, and preparing to give birth to his child. “She might not have venom for you, but she has it for other people. Look what happened when I came to your house.” JA worries that Miguel is back because the Narvaez have done something shady with the sale of the ranch and it doesn’t belong to her. Mari assures him that the sale was on the up and up, with legal papers and all.

Simona and Awfelia lament the Lucia-Miguel situation. But, the show, er…the wedding must go on! Simona will see how she can help Miguel out of this legal mess after the wedding.

JA gets the gossip about Lucia’s death from a woman on the road. Does he rush home to comfort his wife over the death of her cousin, and likely her only relative? Nope. He rushes right to Mari’s place to tell her why Miguel has returned. He IS her lapdog!

JA tells her that Lucia died, burned, just like her abuelo. Mari gets a far away look in her eyes and says, “It’s been paid. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. Devine justice.” JA further explains that Miguel wants to turn himself in, and wants Tav to care for his son. “Lucia, dead just like my grandfather. Oh, grandfather. Your death has been paid.”  JA thinks Mari can now end her vengeance. “No! No, no, no señor!” She still has to get even with Tav, especially now that he’s marrying another woman!

It’s the wedding day! The servants are preparing the living room when Simona descends the stairs wearing a short robe. She wonders where Tav is. No one knows. Simona is annoyed.

Tav is spending the morning of his wedding to his second wife, hanging out on the footbridge where he used to hang out with his first wife. He thinks to himself about all the times he met Mari here, and that he’s always been in love with her. Let’s see if he has finally made up his mind on this issue yet. She’s the same as she used to be, but different. Now she looks at him with hate. He needs to forget about Mari, and repay Simona’s goodness by giving her real love.

Mari rides up silently on her horse, and dismounts. She walks towards Tav, who is lost in thought (it doesn’t take much), with his back turned towards her. “Alone with your thoughts?” Tav wheels around. Say it with me now…"Qué haces aqui?"

M: A little bird told me you were here, and I came to see you.
T: Don’t forget that today I’m starting a new life.
M: Without caring about “tu mujer” and your daughter? *sigh* Can I be next to you? As if nothing else in this world mattered except the two of us?

Tav nods yes, and they embrace. Then their foreheads come together, and they keep their eyes closed as they murmur nonsense about whether they really love each other.  
T: You do love me.
M: In this moment, yes.
 They, and we, know this is all just prelude to a passionate kiss. They kiss, and kiss, and kiss, and kiss. Simona frets at home about where Octavio is and with whom?
Tav pulls himself away from the kiss, and says they’re crazy!
M: Yeah, crazy! Crazy because of love! But I don’t have any commitments and I love you Octavio!
T: Yes, but I do have a commitment. Today I marry Simona. You have to distance yourself from me.
M: But you’re going to be unhappy, because you’re still in love with me. I also couldn’t marry someone else- not the Emir, nor the Gov, not anyone.

Tav wonders if she loves him so much, why didn’t she accept him when he asked her to get back together on La Isla?  Because she has too much rancor over what he did to her! Lucia already paid for what she did; Miguel is paying; and now Tav is the only one left. He’s been saved from her vengeance so far, but she can’t forget him. “No puedo, no puedo!” She grabs him into a desperate embrace, which turns tender as they nuzzle each others' necks, both looking sad.

Avances: Mari shows up in the middle of the religious ceremony, wearing her white dress, carrying Lupita, and demands that Tav tell everyone what he was doing with her on his wedding day! The padre doesn’t look so happy with her anymore.


Love, love, love your title, Vivi. Now on to reading your recap.

Awesome recap, Vivi. You had so many great asides, but this one made me laugh so hard that I almost woke up my sleeping second grader:

"Hope it isn’t charbroiled steak."


Vivi this is one of your best. A great deal happened and you covered it with aplomb. Spot on title as well.

Wow, I was shocked at Lucia's continued defiance. She really seemed to want to meet her maker and not the one of heaven.

Too bad about Mari's continued vengeance. If only she'd focus on the good.

Wow, what an excellent recap, Vivi! Thank you for your dark humour especially re Lucia' sorry situation. Great title.

Well, if nothing else, Lucia was consistent. She never did repent not even on her deathbed. Maricruz was at her revenge best with her eye for an eye reaction to Lucia's death. Divine justice for grandpappy.

Will Simona find out about Octavio and Maricruz smooching on her wedding day? Well, if she doesn't then I am sure there will be plenty of other future rendevous of Maricruz and Octavio she will be able to crash.



Glad you all liked the recap. There really was a lot going on this episode. It was obvious that these events happened near the end of the original version, because so much was happening at once. Now the writers will have to think up new stuf to fill the next 70 or so episodes.

I have a certain respect for Lucia. She remained true to who she was till the bitter end. No tears. No regrets. No fear. Head held high till the last moment of her crazy life. Ready to meet her maker (the real Lucifer). Venganza on her lips. It's a shame Mari didn't see her death. It would be a warning that this is what happens when you let your hate and anger take over your life, mind and heart.

Wow. Karmic accident and death all in one episode. It's surprising after so much foot-dragging with minor events that the major ones (this, Teo's reveal) should be more like footnotes.

So weeks ago I was ready to give up on this, which I never do, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I checked Wikipedia to see what was up (still had to see how it ended) and they had the accident and the Tav-Simona relationship and Twinsebio listed. These things were so ridiculous that I had to keep watching. Then the spoilers were gone and I figured they were fakes that got taken down because no way they could make this nonsense work. Teach me to doubt the alcoholism of the writers.

Except now I look forward to this! Not because it had gotten better of course (sorry Gringo) but it's just so crazy that I have to see what they come up with next, and the recaps are gold. I especially like the idea of hiring Esther and her well-digging skills for Simona's ranch. I hope she comes out ahead in this. Ahead and happily single.


Kelly- You're right about the anticlimactic nature of some of this major plot points. The only one they properly built up was the Tango in the Fango.

Lucia's (the MAIN villain!) accident, death bed defiance, and death should have been more of a centerpiece of this episode. Instead, Mari and Ester bickering got more screen time.

Loved the title Vivi!!

Haven't much time to comment but I wanted to "dar mis pesames a Carlos" for the demise of Luciafer. But I do believe that unrepentants go straight to hell.... but I will miss those crazy eyes!

Now, on to the recap for reals.

Vivi, what a great recap, including the title and the Luciafer snark. I was surprised that her eyebrows and lips escaped burn damage. As you say, she remained consistent to the end.

It's bad enough for MariCruz to plan on crashing the wedding, but a guest wearing white is a real no-no. She thinks Lupita needs to attend her father's wedding? I doubt Lupi will remember anything--let's wait until she's old enough to recall the event.

Too bad MC didn't listen to Santa's advice, but then we would have missed all that kissing on the bridge.

I see our heroine is still riding in her peacock skirts. I think Awfelia should sneak over to Rancho Abuelo and cut off all the tails of the skirts. Twinsebio could help her burn or bury them.

So, Octavio is now officially married. Good luck for him.

Thank you , Vivi, this was a great episode and the one coming is a big one, too.

When Mari was talking to Santa (I guess) about how she thought when all is said and done Tav will forgive and still love her, too, all I could think was: between venganza monologues and fashion parades Mari still has the time to watch tns, how else would she get this idea?

Tav did have a good remark today: why are they still apart? They're in love, they have a baby together... When will enough be enough for Mari? Just two weeks ago she was saying that her revenge will be over when she has teh ranch - now that's not enough anymore, she wants Tav to be miserable, she still loves him, but can't bring herself to forgive him - this is such a soapy story, in the hands of REAL writers it would be dynamite!

Alegria: They're not married yet.

Actually, I think they ARE married, because someone said something about the civil marriage having taken place, I guess it was Ofelia - but I can't believe they would do this off screen. So they are as married as Mari and Tav ever were.

Adriana Noel, I think, that Mari is right. He didn't wait for MC forgiveness even a second. When she said "no" he immediately find a person with whom he will marry. Que what? What about waiting? A week, a month, a year? Or is it too much for our galan? Dios mio, he didn't even bring her flowers or something. She just said: return to me, because we have a daughter. If not I will marry Doris, Simona or someone else. Que what?

And Octavio and Simona already married. Ofelia said to S, that Octavio couldn't leave her because they already signed the papers.

@Vivi - just to clarify. These events were clearly from the end of Marimar, but it's not how either La Venganza or the Venezuelan original "La Indomable" ended. Much of what happens next did happen in both of these earlier versions, but without all the silly add-ons from C.I.'s monkey writers. I'll repeat what I said when Caray Caray announced the start of C.I. - both La V. and La I. were DRAMAS, not comedies, and C.I. was supposed to also be a drama. But Carlos Romero turned Marimar into a total comedy, and with his decision to throw in a lot of Marimar elements into C.I., even though it's supposed to be based on La V. and La I., he gave us a very odd dramedy.

Not sure if all of you are aware about the difference between civil and church weddings in Mexico, so I'll give you a little background. First, we all know that here in the U.S. a wedding officiated by a priest or other religious leader is legal, meaning, we are not required to also have a public official officiate. In Mexico, church weddings by themselves do not give any legality to the marriage. As far as the law is concerned, they are only symbolic. So a civil wedding is a must. However, as far as the Church is concerned, if you are not married by a priest, then you are not considered married for its own purposes, which is why Alegria commented earlier that in the Church's eyes Octavio and MC were never married, and thus the fact that they had a civil marriage is not an impediment to Octavio and Simona now getting married in the Church. This all may seem like much ado about nothing, but it was actually one of the reasons for Mexico having a civil war from 1926 to 1929 dubbed "La Guerra Cristera". Mexico's new post-revolutionary government felt that the Church had too much power, and one of the ways in which they chose to take away the Church's power was by depriving their rituals of any legality. In fact, initially the Church was not even permitted to perform those rituals symbolically. Eventually the war ended and the Church was permitted to continue with its rituals, but to this day they have no legal value. Anyone interested in reading more about the Guerra Cristera, here's a link:

Morning all-

Yep. Tav and Simona’s civil marriage was mentioned quickly in passing-- as anti-climactic as many of the other major plot points in this tn.

Latina- Thanks for the additional info on the previous versions of this. This episode definitely had the feel of something that happens in the last 20 episodes, not something that happens with 70+ episodes to go. And they didn’t really milk it for maximum emotional impact. So this episode felt a lot like eating Cheetos. Lots of crunch and punch, but at the end the end, you still feel hungry. It wasn’t very filling, although a lot happened.

As for the civil weddings, it’s such a common staple in telenovelas, the civil marriage versus the Church marriage, that I think most of us know the difference by now. The civil wedding is the only one that’s legally binding, but it’s easier to get out of, and no one really makes a big deal over it. Whereas, the Church wedding is not legally binding, but it is religiously/spiritually binding, taken WAY more seriously (as if a civil marriage isn’t really real), and is much harder to get out of. Once you’re in Church marriage with one of the protagonists, and you’re a villain (or even a good person), you’ve pretty much signed your death notice. So, bye bye Simona! :)

Thanks for the extra info on the history of the separation of Church and State in Mexico.


Vivi in DC, it's not a spoiler, but I don't think, that we can say bue to Simona only because we saw church wedding. You forgot about monkey writers and their amnesia. They could forget about this church wedding as they forgot about million of things.

Good point, Alegria.

As idiotic as these writers are, and I don't put it past them to forget major plot points since they already have, I really don't think they'll pass up this big, juicy cliché. I'm sure they'll bump Simona off eventually, to give Tav and Mari their Church wedding and happily ever after at the end.

Now that we've lost our two major villains, Ewsebio and Lucia, it looks like Miguel and Simona, formerly weaklings in the background, are stepping up to the villain plate. They'll have to really step up their game and add murder and mayhem to their rap sheets to be worthy of the Main Villain title. Or perhaps we’ll get some new villains. Twinsebio doesn’t look like he and his bro are that different from each other. We’ll see, I guess.


I don't count Miguel killing Ewsebio as a villainous murder. That was justified homicide, and a service to the community, as far as I'm concerned.

Vivi in DC, may be you are right. I don't know, how it was in previous versions, but in Marimar there were no church wedding. I hope, it is not a spoiler to say.

Awesome, awesome recap of a chock-filled episode!

I don't have much to add to everyone else's fabulous comments except I was shocked by Lucia's death since, now away from crazy Doris, she is and was the main villain of the piece. Will Simona pick up the MC hate mantle? I actually wouldn't blame her based on what we see coming in the advances for tonight's episode. Simona may be buying love and companionship but she has been alone for many years and I don't blame her for it. MC shouldn't take her vengeance out on Simona.


Wow, Vivi, this is excellent.

This episode has left me stunned. Lucía, the focal point of Maricruz's vexation dies and this is it? She's dead? Her cab crashes because she was urging the driver to hurry? Why? What was the rush? And her death was not as dramatic as would befit her. She croaks out a few words of hate and then croaks? That's it?

We wuz robbed.

Sniff... sob... no more crazy green eyes or flowing colorful clingy dresses.



Maricruz has lost her moral center. Her treatment of Simona has nothing to do with justice but everything to do with her own selfish jealousy. Her performance at the church wedding shows how crazy she has become.

Vivi -- Thank you for a GREAT recap. You filled in a lot of details I couldn't quite get. To quote Gringo, I CAN;T WAIT for tonight.

Tks mucho Vivi

There were so many ¿Qué whats? in this my head is spinning.

Not show the letters to each other, get real. Simona's letter was certainly incentive to invite MC.

JA as her date?!!! That will please Ester.

Cookies & candy for the niños, shouldn't they have sth nutritious, remember your days of scrounging for food MC ?

Vivi as usual, you don't disappoint. Awesome recap. I couldn't stop laughing at Carlos's "we wuz robbed". so true. Lucia obviously died to no ones regret. Thanks Latina for explaining the differences between church and civil marriages. very informative. Is MA trying to make Oblivious wake up from his stupidity? He needs medication for that. Simona is no help,she is just horny. she'll take him anyway she can. Where is Dr Phil when you need him.


Vivi, let me just add to your already long list of accolades. This was beyond fantastic! And that title...

I have to agree that Lucia sort of was sort-changed for a villianess. True, she went out in a blaze of glory (sorry about the pun), but it was like, burn, sputter continued hatred, gone in about 5-10 minutes ( if that). The writers didn't even give her the requisite hospital waiting room crowd scenes with all her family, friends and enemies waiting for the earth shattering news.

In fact, when they next showed Miguel walking down the walk way I was like--wait, where's the funeral? Where is she buried? why don't these people know until now?
I guess it just made it more dramatic for all the reveal scenes. Favorite moment...watching the little guy reach for Daniel. Lord, that man has the magic touch with those kiddies.

The bridge scene--it gave me a headache listening to MC and her whole I'm still...whatever. love you, hate you, love you, but I want to see you suffer, love you, but noone else can have you...Where's a good psychiatrist when you need one.

Thought MC wanted to bring the whole gang to El Rancho. Poor Moctavio should be swinging through those trees by now.

70 episodes???? oh my.



65 episodes, plus a 2-hour Sunday finale, to be exact. By the way, C.I.'s 2-hour finale (in Mexico) is just 12 days away.

I agree with the comments that MC has psychiatric issues. However, I do not agree with the anonymous comment that she has lost her moral center. Why, oh why, do so many people always expect the heroine of a novela to be pure, chaste, morally-centered, etc., while everyone else around her (especially the "hero", or anti-hero in Oblivio's case) can do as they please without criticism? I have yet to read any criticism of Simona over her decision to purchase a husband - comments yes, but no criticisms.

Oh, and by "no criticism" I only refer to no criticism about their "morality" - I know that there has been plenty of criticism about O's actions, but never in a moral context.

Latina- I’m not one to criticize Mari’s morals (there’s plenty more I can find to criticize), but I would say she likely gets more scrutiny because 1) she’s the star of the show (even the galan is really not a major player); and 2) people expect more of the protagonists than they do of a minor side character or villain like Simona.

The gringo has just had a morning of Maite Perroni's Eclipse De Luna
and so I am in a very good mood and
now on to Corazon Indomable. I had to have something to cheer me up as I am starting to get depressed thinking about One Cell's mirrage to Simona tonight. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Thank you Vivi---Some great quotes
from last night's recap---she dimples him---Doc tells him it's all in God's hands now. Un oh. We know Lucifer and God aren't on the best of terms.---Rancho $imona.

Last night was a dark, definitely not funny episode but I had to laugh when Miguel arrived at the rancho with his suitcase which Awful-felia picked up and carried in for him. She picked it up as though it was light as a feather, there wasn't anything in it. LOL

I can't get over the mindset of the main characters. I mean, Maricruz has more money than all of them [how many casino's?] she wears beautiful clothes, and is a better business woman than all of them put together but---she is still a "savage." QUE!!!

Karma hits Lucifer and even with her last breath, she never repented. I was surprised that she couldn't understand the events that had and were taking place.

Miguel is now a broken man, a man that has lost all hope, no ranch, no wife, wanted for murder---I would think that before he turns himself in, he would ask Maricruz for forgiveness, but it looks like that won't happen. Everyone says that Tav has only one brain cell, I think that all the Narvaez have only one cell.

Even the cousin Ester. I thought that there was a chance for her and Maricruz to overlook the past and start anew but Ester looks as defiant as Lucifer. I can't believe these people, one brain cell all. Ester is teaching the children and Maricruz is building a school and all they can do is yell hatred at each other, mostly
emendating with Ester. What is wrong with these Narvaez people?

Tonight's wedding---It will be hard for me to watch this. I can't believe that One Cell will go through with it. Even if he does, the priest will bless this divorced man--QUE?? I hope that Mari can stop it but at this point
and with Tav functioning with only one brain cell, I don't think that it can be stopped.

What if $imona ends up pregnant in the next few episodes? Oh boy!!
the gringo

in telenovelas, I like the good guys to be good and the bad guys to be...bad. It makes things simple, and after dealing with reality all day every day which is often ambiguous and confusing , I like things to be clear and simple. I like heroes and heroines I can respect and villains I can despise. ...but maybe that's just me. I enjoy telenovelas because there usually aren't shades of gray. However, in this show, I hate almost everyone except for the babies, Santa, Solita, Tobias....the good folks. Mari is just hurting herself and those she cares about (Lupita, Solita, Nameless Baby Boy) because her raison d'être, her reason for being , is to have revenge on those who have hurt her which means she is wasting her own life . my mother used to call it "cutting off your nose to spite your face."

@Gringo - re your comment "Even if he does, the priest will bless this divorced man--QUE?"

Going back to my discussion of civil vs. Church weddings, as far as the Church is concerned Octavio was NEVER married to MC, since they never had a Church wedding, so the Church doesn't consider him a "Divorced" man. That's also the case in real life. (I'm Catholic and my husband is not, so we had a nondenominational minister marry us. As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, I'm single. That made it tricky when it came time to baptize our son, since we agreed in advance that we would baptize him in the Catholic Church. I was about to do it only because some relatives pulled strings with their parish priest, but for others in my situation it's almost impossible to baptize their kids in the Church if they didn't have a Church wedding. I think that whole thing is absurd, but it is what it is.

ooops - I meant to say "I was able to do it", not "I was about to do it".

Gringo- None of these characters are good with dealing with jealousy (especially not Mari). Ester is no exception. She knows JA loved, and likely still loves Mari, and likely doesn't love Ester. She has grounds for being insecure and jealous. And what she says about JA being Mari's lapdog is true. He proved it enough times this one episode. I could not believe he ran to Mari first with the Lucia death news. Seriously? No thought for his wife's grief? Mari's vengeance could wait. It's not like that has to be addresses immediately.

Hopefully, Mari and Ester will come to a truce soon, because they are both doing good work. Ester's putting in the sweat equity and Mari's putting in the money. Perhaps the Padre, who is working with both of them, can help bring them together.

Latina -- when my grandson was an infant, I went to our priest to arrange for his baptism. My daughter is Catholic and husband is not. They had no objection, but just never got around to it. When I was baptized several hundred years ago, neither of my parents were Catholic (my mother wanted to convert but was afraid of her anti-Catholic family). I was baptized at 6 months . Back to the story, the print refused, i walked and have never gone back.

Should have been priest refused. Seventeen years later, I still get a monthly supply of donation envelopes in the mail

No I am rooting for Octavio. He said to MC on the bridge before the kiss fest, he liked Simona because he felt peaceful with her, unlike the electric emotions he experiences with MC. Yes, dona ei pacem. He's exhausted with MC's antics

I don't think we are out of major villains yet as Carola is still viable whenever it is she will return. I agree about the Miguel thing as well, he doesn't come off as bad IMO as he killed but necessarily! Lucia's death was inevitable as if you'd have seen the original Marimar you'd know what's coming. I feel as if Nazario had to do with her death though. I'm awaiting Carola's return and demise however.

My daughter is married to a Catholic., but she is Protestant. They were married in a nondenominational ceremony.Their daughter will be baptized in November in a Catholic church in Toronto. The only requirement is that one godparent be Catholic, so there will be two godmothers, my other daughter who is Protestant and my niece who converted to Catholicism when she married. My son-in-law is getting a master's in theology and has made many friends who are Jesuit priests who offered to baptize their daughter. Perhaps the Catholic Church in some countries is getting a little more flexible in its views. I'll have to ask my Mexican student his opinion.

Ok---round two.
Nothing wrong with Mari's high/low
dresses, they're fashionable and look great with boots. Better ranch
attire than Lucifer wore.

Adriana Noel---Mari wants One Cell to be miserable because he is marrying $imona.

Vivi---I strongly disagree. Justified homicide? It was out and out MURDER. EWWsebio had released
Lucifer and then Miguel shot an unarmed man in the back--back of the head. That is murder plain and simple. Whether he was a "bad guy,"
"should be killed" or "killing him would be a service to the community" has nothing to do with it [a lot of bad gang members should be killed] but the FACT still is, Miguel shot an unarmed man from behind. Wheather he DESERVED it or not dosen't enter into it, you shoot an unarmed man from behind and you have commited murder not justifiable homicide. That's even in Texas Carlos.

Anonymous 11:34---I think that Mari should tell church, priest and everyone else What kind of man One Cell is---he married her, got her pregnant and abandoned her. Hell yes, tell the church and everyone in it what kind of man $imona is buying. Mari is not crazy
Tav One Cell deserves to be shamed
on his wedding day. GO MARI!!! Give him hell on his wedding day.
He still feels justified in abandoning you, he never tried or got a teacher for you. He was too busy with his educated nose in the air listening to Miguel and Lucia talk down those that weren't on their level in society. Of course he is marrying $$$imona. High society Narvaez.
the gringo


Gringo- Still not shedding any tears over Ewsebio or have any ill feelings towards Miguel for what he did to him. Sorry. He was still on top of Lucia on the ground when he was shot, legs still straddling and pinning her. That counts as still having a hold on her, in my book.

They should have just gone to the police right away and told them how it happened. I bet Miguel would not have gone to jail for long.

I'm pretty sure everyone in that town already knows exactly what happened between Mari and Tav and the Narvaez. Half of them were at the civil wedding they had. I think what she's blabbing about is their kissing session that morning on the bridge. We'll see how Simona reacts to that news. Although she didn't react much when she actually saw them kissing with her own eyes the other day.

Thanks Vivi, what an episode. It's almost enough to make me want to actually watch it, but who has the time?

I would bet that if Octavio had a real heartfelt conversation with MC that was full of repentance and remorse for how he treated her, how his family treated her, and how he now realizes the error of his ways, that she would be right there to forgive him. But he has never don't that, and I don't blame her for not forgiving him. I don't think he's very remorseful.

This show is very good for underutilizing and undercapitalizing on the big happenings. Lucia's death is just another example of it.

I'm surprised that they got married civilly already. I figured that Simona and Octavio wouldn't end up marrying. That tells me then that if they marry in the church too, Simona will die later, because we all know that MC and Octavio will end up together, so Simona must die or they don't marry in the church.

If Mari wanted The Big O to suffer, she missed a golden opportunity. She should have done everything in her power to,promote his marriage to Doris. Now THAT would have made him suffer. !!!! However, I am sure that he will have some suffering ahead with his old friend Simona.


"It was out and out MURDER."

No, sorry, it was not... plain and simple. Miguel was protecting his wife whom was being violently raped by Eusebio.




Susanlynn- Totally agree! Rather than look like the ignorant savage that they all think she is by daring to show up at a wedding in a white dress, she should have flown Doris out to attend. Might have had more impact.

Given that the sheriff in town caters to the wealthy, surely if Miguel had gone to him right away and explained what happened with Ewsebio, he wouldn't have spent a day in jail. He's both rich and justified. (But I realize this would have required thought and then he wouldn't have had a reason to go to the Isla and lose the ranch, and since there is no other way in the world this could have happened...)


MC could learn from recent news, take a bunch of photographers with her, get really close to the novios & maybe the priest will stop the boda.

MC & Ester will end up BFF's & Ester will teach in the school, Mejia is pretty predictable.

Not sure how Miguel will end up, but MC & one cell will raise Miguelito.

Solita, little no name, mono, Tobias, Carola. Does MC even call her family?

If you can't forgive, you are doing damage harm to yourself.

Did anyone else wonder where little Miguelito was when Miguel received the call informing him of Lucía's accident? He called the sitter to tell he needed her to come stay with him, but I didn't spot or hear the little tyke anywhere in the room.


Carlos- There's a crib in the room. We're to assume Miggy was doing his favorite thing-- sleeping.

Vivi---That episode was a long time ago and my memory is a little fuzzy. I don't remember all of the details but I do believe that when Miguel shot him, EWWsebio was standing with his back turned. Lucia had all of her clothes on, does that matter, he still attacked
her? Look, I'm not defending EWWsebio. I never liked him from day one but, I repeat, his back was
turned and he was unarmed. If he had advanced on Miguel or had a weapon and threatened or tried to use it---that would be a different story. There would even be a question if he did have a weapon but didn't use it. If you have law and order, NOT VIGILANTE JUSTICE, you can't do that. Miguel was armed, he should have marched EWWsebio down to the police station and reported the crime. Carlos said, he was protecting his wife. A big guy robs a 7-11. He isn't armed but you are. as he is running away, you shoot him in the back. Miguel was procting his wife
and the guy with a gun was protecting the 7-11. You can't do that, it's called murder especially
when it's from behind. Vivi, you are right, Miguel should have went to the police and told them what happened. He "may" have gotten off
but now he is a man on the run wanted for murder.

La Tempestad had a murder trial going on last night--a lot of emotion, I watched it. 21 comments
CI really bring it out of us--50 comments. WOW!

Cathyx---Your right. If Octavio asked Mari for forgiveness and meant it, he would have been forgiven in a heartbeat. It's that Narvaez mentality---too bad.
the gringo


I got a good look at the crib and even rewound to check... nopis, the crib was empty.


Gringo- You can look at the shooting here and judge for yourself:

CI got less comments most of last week because we posted later. The trail on LT right now is lame, and CI just lost it's biggest villain. I sure hope there'd be comments on that!

Carlos- Maybe Miggy was at the casino?


You guys really think Mari would have accepted Tav back and dropped her vengeance if he had just apologized? I really don't think so. I think that would have worked for lesser bad-doers like Ester. But she was too hurt by Tav, and is still too raw and bitter about it, to give up her vengeance with a simple apology.

He does owe her a big one though. I would like to see him take lessons from Rod the Bod on Refugio on how to do the on your knees, begging, weepy apology.


Thanks for that link, Vivi... case closed.


Wow. What a sizzling (no pun intended) discussion! We're giving this fine recap and Lucia the "charbroiled mummy" the attention both deserve.

Vivi, your title was just awesome. Horrifying...but awesome. You DO have a way with words.

Hard to find humor in much of this but I enjoyed [Octavio] "who's lost in thought (it doesn't take much.)"

I really should hate this pussy-footed galan but I'm in love with the actor. Clearly he is dynamite with kids. Yes, I too noticed how Miguelito, who always looks like he'd rather be somewhere else, reached instinctively for Daniel Arenas. Be still my heart!

Was shocked that Lucia remained completely and stridently unrepentant. Doesn't happen often. Only other time I remember was in Heridas de Amor where the villainess, when informed that she'd been forgiven by one of her victims, snarled that she didn't care. And of course she had a horrible long, drawn-out death.

Frankly I'm glad we didn't have to see too much of char-broiled Lucia. I hated the character but I also hate the idea of any living creature suffering like that. (It's just a story, just a story!)

On the baptism stories, there still seems to be a lot of latitude among priests, regardless of the strictness of the hierarchy. One of my students who died from complications of AIDS was nevertheless allowed by a local priest to complete his confirmation as a Catholic, and his partner was confirmed as well. And his funeral service in the church was beautiful and consoling. And when my husband and I attended Marriage Encounter with the Catholic Church, the priest at the first session allowed us to receive communion even though we were not Catholic. The priest at the second requested that we receive only a blessing. So, it often depends on the individual priest. We appreciated the generosity and openness of the first priest, but also respected the strictness of the second. Both were acting in good faith.

Vivi in DC, I'm sure, that if he insist, if he tried to conquer her with flowers and dinners, she will forgive him quickly.

Alegria- At the very least Mari should change tactics and let him believe she'll forgive him if he brings her flowers, takes her to fancy dinners, buy her jewelry, etc. Make him work for it by giving him some hope. She needs to know her audience. If Tav thinks something is too hard, he just walks away, and right into the arms of another woman who will throw herself at him and expect NOTHING from him in return (except marriage). When did we ever see him do anything romantic for Doris or Simona either? Heck, she could take lessons from Aracely, who ended up with Ed at her feet, buying her wedding gown, taking her out to dinners and the movies, and becoming a happy henpecked husband. In the beginning it seemed that Aracely needed Mari's advice, but who's the one who's happily married now to a devoted husband?

Vivi what a memorable recap for a memorable episode. I won't erase this on my dvr.
Gringo I share with you your comment regarding venganza and karma.
For me it looks like everyone is blaming MC exacting her revenge and curse.
Let's see. For me, Lucia had divine justice as MC rightfully said.
Miguel too, who killed a human being (good or bad)looks like will have his karma and mind you, MC had nothing to do with all the events surrounding this incident.
Ewwsebio for that matter met his karma for being a bad person especially his crime against Solita who happens to be MC's adoptive sister. MC again has nothing to do with this event.
Lucia'a crime and punishment had nothing to do with her act of cruelty against MC. It is about the ordering of the killing of another human being who happened to be MC's grandfather. Truth of the matter, her act of cruelty against MC has already been paid for and MC directly applied her venganza(re the mud/necklace/ious).
The only left venganza that MC needs to be credited to is the one for Octavio whenever it will be. And for the sake of love, I will not blame her. Yes maybe it's too much and she should already forgive him but having that last argument with him, I probably would be vengeful too, having heard from him such irreverent and disrespectful words.So I think Karma is being kind to MC doing it ahead of her revenge.
Please TN writers, find MC somebody else to love who will respect her for what she is.
I am afraid of MC's future financially. The writings are on the wall. They are all saying she is giving most of her wealth to the poor people. Maybe this is karma too for being so consumed with her hatred and the need for vengeance.

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