Saturday, September 14, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #134: Patricia la Recepcionista, Part I

On the other side of death's door:

Jesus has thought of a way to keep Alma next to him for everz and everz. He gets a coquettish smile. It's probably just something lame like asking her to marry him and not something cool and original like letting Valentina attach them to each other with super-glue, but anyway, he won't tell, even if she blandishes him with big besos. She tries anyway.

Delia arrives in mid-blandishment to announce that Marta is going to be spending the rest of her life in the manicomio. Ha. We'll see about THAT.She also gives Jesus a book that may or may not be about after-death experiences, and oh, by the way, tells him that he is free to return home as long as he stays away from Valentina. Wasn't that kind of the big news? Shouldn't that have been the opener, or was she trying to warm him up with reading matter?

Just then Valentina comes rocketing in like a Chucho-seeking missile, followed by balloons, Paty, Elias and Chatita, in that order. Delia allows that the defendant is not at fault if he's bedridden and someone launches a child at him. What a grown-up. No wonder she doesn't get many lines. Chucho gathers his motley family around and gives a pretty speech thanking his tocayo for all the lurrrrrrves. Group hug + manly fist bump.

Out in the middle of the street, frightening the horses:

Discua accosts Fernando in front of his apartment building. She never defrauded anyone! She's innocent! He looks skeptically at her fancy car. Hey, I worked (out) hard for that! She homes in on his lips several times, but he stands firm. Alejandra eavesdrops with pretty mouth agape.

At Big Bra Central:

Chatita is hanging up laundry when someone raps insistently at the door. Surprise! It's Discua's cleavage! Chatita tries to give her the bra -- after all, they're practically twins. (Discua and Chatita, that is. Get your minds out of the gutter.) Discua says that Chatita probably doesn't remember her, but she needs some advice. Chatita says she doesn't remember anybody; why should that slow down the therapy train? How about a drink? Discua replies that Beings of Light don't drink. Then she confesses that she's in love with a married man. Chatita gets the rompope.


So glad Alma found this job for Patricia. Rogelio's reaction was priceless.

Chatita takes on another counselee. Her attitude with Discua was understanding but challenging. I wonder who this person is that she referred Discua to.

And Marta? Really? It did take me a minute to figure out if it was Discua or Marta when she came in dressed in white. Why did they hire two actresses who look so much alike??? (except for the booty) -- unless the resemblance becomes a plot point

Loved watching Rogue confess (again) about the tricks and Domi giggling (again) Glad they repeated that scene.

I also liked Officer Delia acting like the see no evil monkey and ignoring the sight of Val in the same room with Jesús since he didn't initiate the contact.

Worried about Fernando's feelings. Turn away from the light, Fer.


I really like this show. -- mostly.

And Blue Lass, Don't worry about the delay -- just don't serve that tainted shellfish. Whenever you get to the recap I'm sure it will be stellar as always.

Blue- Thanks for part one. Every time Chatita breaks out the rompope, it makes me want to try some.

The best part of the hospital scene with Jesus, was when he was speaking about embracing all the people in his life, Alma, Val, Chatita, and Elias who is like his brother, and Pati jumps in and says he can feel free to embrace his sister Pati, ANYTIME. LOL! Love that girl, now that she isn't stabbing her BFF in the back.

OK, I finished, but I had to post part II separately, not sure why.

Thanks Blue Lass. I always enjoy your efficient recaps and clever way with words.

I did laugh Friday at seeing Chatita face to face with Discua's impressive cleavage. But was rather horrified that Alejandra felt she had to run and tattle about what ALMOST happened, but didn't. In fact if she just could have said, I saw Discua trying to come on to Fernando but he turned away, maybe. But as it is, she has just caused Xochi great pain and triggered even more anxiety. Where's the good in that?

Paty and Vero fight. Great stuff. Both actresses are good at physical comedy.

Thought Chucho's marriage idea was pretty lame. It took him this long to think about getting hitched?! Reeeealllly?

In then Columbian version Xochi's character is kind of sort of bad. In this version, she's boring and annoying.

Felice día de "El Grito" ¡Viva Mexico!

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