Sunday, September 01, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #99 (Mex 137) Friday 8/30/13 Santos Gets His Wish

Cap# 137

In El Lay, Santos says his last Good-Bye to papi Justo, he tells Michael and Darren he’d rather sacrifice his life than that of his loved ones—but boy would he love to have at it with Guilliano!  Darren says that can be arranged.  The guards arrive a couple minutes later and take Mikey and Santos to their new cell.  Yep they’re gonna be cell mates. 

Horny old Ruben figures if he can’t have the one he wants he’ll love the one he’s with (apologies to Sr. Sills).  La Trampira de Elvira is down with that.  They seal the deal with a glass of champagne—apparently E-e-e-e-vi-i-l-l-l-l-l, like water, seeks its own--in this case, low--level eventually. 

Ana allows Mil Amores, aka Flustered Fernando, to help carry her groceries back to her apartment.  Siete Mares goes apoplectic and wanders off to the nearest neighborhood bottle shop for a fifth of tequila. 

While Maria and Wendy have their very serious S-I-L chat, Amalia confesses her fears about randy Ruben’s probable return and her fear for Maria’s safety.  El Coloso assures Amalia that he’ll turn over every rock to find Ruben and to make sure he never gets close enough to harm Maria ever again and to give him what he’s got coming.

Maria, meanwhile, tells Wendy she needs to lose the classless class-conscious attitude if they’re ever to get along and to overcome what’s in store for all of them because of Santos’s dire legal straits.  Wendy says sorry, but although she appreciates what Maria and Family, et al, have done for her big bro, she still had hoped he’d end up with “somebody else” (aka, somebody she and he had more in common with).  Maria sweetly tries telling her money isn’t everything--but some in Viewerville gotta admit that Wendy, though whiny ad nauseum, knows it helps make the medicine go down and adds a lot of salve to some very sore backsides when necessary.  Wendy, to her credit, keeps her mouth shut. 

Dr. Mike listens to Santos tell him how living in his native land gave him his new identity and how Maria was like the call of nature, nurturing him and healing him.  He eventually came to be that Mariachi, Jorge Alfredo Vargas.  That life and the love he found with Maria and had soothed his savage soul.  Santos Martinez de la Garza, El Gran Empressario, no longer exists.  He’s dead and buried.

Back at her apartment, Fernando is about to lay another serious lip-lock on Ana when Siete Mares, in the middle of a drunken rage, barges in and attacks Fer for smooching with “his woman”.  Ana and Fer are totally disgusted him and Fer leaves before getting to tell her his true feelings.  She starts to scold Siete Mares for his loser behavior and attitude.

Amalia is thinking of Don Justo and what a kind, sincere, and decent man he is for having bought her better medication that will actually cure her disease.  At the same time he calls her to tell her how depressed he is that JAntos refuses to have him help him any further.  He’s totally reached his emotional bottom and doesn’t think he can carry the heavy burden of proving his son’s innocence any longer.  She gives him some needed encouragement, telling him they’ve essentially come too far to give up on both their children, whose relationship and future happiness depends on their doing their utmost to protect and provide forever and always, etc., etc., etc.  That gives him the added emotional strength to continue. 

Bufalo buys the matching earrings for Jenifer with the money he borrowed from Susanito and proceeds to accidentally drop them through an open sewer grate.  (What an effing dope!)  He asks Suz to lend him more money.  

Lourdes pays a visit to Mancia and tries to come to some agreement to avoid a nasty legal suit.  She asks Mancia to speak to her son to lay off the pressure tactics since she's certain that Concho will come around and give his son his due more easily that way.  Mancia tells her nothin' doin'!  Her husband humiliated her in the worst way, she snarls  at her, and her son has a right to go after the miserly son of a snake tooth and nail if he wants to, cuz it's no more than the mean s.o.b deserves!!  Now get out of her humble house and never darken their barrio door again!

She calls the Mariachis and other bar employees together and, after telling them she’s giving them all a terrific raise in pay, she tells them she want them to give the audience a serenade that evening.  The catch is that at the end of the serenade they’ve all got to give the one they love a red rose.   

Coloso, miraculously, has realized he's lost Maria as a possible love conquest and the tension between the two of them finally ends.  They chat and share a sibling hug.

That night the guards come to Santos and Mikey’s cell.  They are taken to an empty darkened conference room where they’re left and locked in without explanation.  A few seconds later the lights come on.  They turn around to see a panicked Orange Giulius in the center of the room tied to a chair and gagged.      


So now Amelia is dishing good advice to Justo. Who would have thought it, I really can't blame him for feeling so low, he's lost the love of his life, his daughter is in another country, his son is in jail, he's given up his career. At least he isn't resorting to the tequila cure. I really like his character.

Glad to see that a ton of bricks apparently fell on Coloso and he FINALLY gets it - Maria isn't his and never will be. I liked that he told her in so many words that he respected the love she had with JA. Now I'll wait to see if he can ever coexist calmly with JAntos.

Bufalo is an idiot. Dear Jen is nothing but a gold digger and the sooner he wakes up and realizes it the better off he will be.

I think the writers have completely dropped the ball with the Ana Fernando relationship. In this episode they were all awkward yet way back Ana aggressively told him she had loved him for four years — this after he got beaten my Lorena's hubby's thugs. Later on in her apartment Fernando told her he loved her, later still they had the I want what Maria has and he said he wasn't sure he could be like JA. Now all of a sudden it is like none of that history exists and he is a fumbling teenager HUH!

One more gripe about the prison portrayal I don't believe in any US prison a prisoner is referred to by a number not his name. And somehow putting two prisoners in a room with another one who is bound and gagged — don't think so. I only hope that both Michael and Santos have enough sense at the end not to beat the c**p out of OJ. If anything happens to him they will be the obvious suspects. Must say OJ did look totally terrified poor thing - NOT!

Gracias, Jardinera.

Santos can't crawl into a tequila bottle this time but roughing up Giuliano isn't going to help. It will give the prison system an excuse not to release him. I guess being a flight risk earns him remand (but in a jail, not a prison. Rant over).

Bufalo is a naive chump; you can't buy love with gifts.

One thing we can be relieved at is that Elvirus will take precautions against getting pregnant by Ruben. Their combined DNA would justify a Red Alert.

Jar, gracias for the recap. Succinct and to the point, but you took time to pitch us a few snarks.

"Evil, like water, seeks its own--in this case, low-level eventually."

"Whiny ad nauseum" Wendy

Buffalo, the "effing dope." I'm sure that when the DVD 'con mas de 16 horas' comes out, he and Jen will end up on the cutting room floor.

Loved your take on Mancia laying it on Lourdes that "her son has a right to go after the miserly son of a snake tooth and nail if he wants to..." When I first read it I thought "son of a snake tooth" that's a novel way to put it, then I read the rest. I kinda like son of a snake tooth, though.

Decie--You are so right about the Ana and Fer back and forth. The writers probably already burned those pages, or erased them.


Hi all! Enjoying a holiday weekend and this epi was really sort of empty. It's like they're stretching this out for us. I will really miss the music once this is over, but not the dopey characters.

I hate the Ana/Fer drag out also. Blech. More later.


No substitute needed tomorrow; however I won't be able to have the avances in the writeup.

No problem. Highlights are all that are necessary. I will be curious to see what JAntos does with his little q&a session with OJ. I guess we will also get to see Maria "take a month" to sneak across the border and arrive in time to give JA emotional support. Seems the AG isn't doing dick spit to help Justo detect the true brains behind this money laundering scheme except lend him a commiserating shoulder to lean on.

I'm going to edit the article and set it up to post automatically. Tonight is the free HD screening of Aida on Lincoln Center Plaza if the rain doesn't happen at the right time to get the Met to cancel. I am now the leader of an opera club; I've become Frasier Crane!

Thank you for the, as always, excellent recap Jardinera! I know the numbers of comments here don't match what is happening over there with "La Tempestad", but all of us here appreciate how much effort goes into these recaps. Thank you again!


Pictures from the People en Español Festival, taking place right now in San Antonio:

Rafael Amaya (el Señor de Los Cielos), Silvia Navarro (Amor Bravio), Majorie de Souza (Amores Verdaderos) are in pics 4-7:

Jencarlos (Pasion Prohibida) and Angelica Maria (Que Bonito Amor) also appear in some of the pics.


URBAN no need to worry about the advances. I thought I heard them say Final Capitulos so the advances usually become non specific. Having tried a couple of episodes of LT I still find it incredibly unwatchable Guess it is different strokes for different folks and to think it is also a Mejia production and in my mind at least one of the reasons his reputation is so bad among Caray Caray addicts. LOL

Lucky you with Aida. It's one of my favorite operas. Been checking out the Met schedule for their Saturday broadcasts and there are at leas half a dozen i'm really looking forward to including the good old Tosca.

Please TN writer Gods no Amelia Justo hook up.


Fatima: you're especially sweet to take the time to mention that! We appreciate your popping in. I couldn't take LT due to the female lead. She was just all wrong, tho' the other actors are/were superb. A Mejia shame.

You are so welcome, Jardinera! I couldn't even begin to just write up the facts much less provide the wonderful storytelling that you give us each weekend. :)

Decie Girl, right with you on an Amalia/Justo hook up. I have this horrible feeling it's going to happen, tho'.

Urban, I'm sure your Opera Club members are in for a treat. You do so much for us online TN addicts, I can only imagine what you are going to do for the "real" people!


Vivi in DC, forgot to say thank you for that link!!


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