Thursday, September 12, 2013

Qué Bonito Amor #107 (Mex 145) Wednesday 9/11/13 Papers? I don’t need no stinkin’ papers! I got LOVE!

Santos is still trying to get out of the sewer as Maria, Colosso and the truck driver (can't remember his name) are on their way.  She flashes back to her one night of drowning her sorrows in tequila w/Fernando .  She sings a great drinking song and Fernando accompanies her on his Magic Guitar that also plays trumpets, percussion, and violins.

Meanwhile back at the sewer, Santos is still stuck.  A guard tells El Nuevo Padrino/OJ that everything is under control.  OJ's satisfied and looks forward to his revenge on Wendy.  There is suddenly a rush of water and Santos is swept along.

Maria has fallen asleep on Colosso's shoulder and of course Colosso fantasizes about her being the mother of his children.

Justo and Wendy are at the hospital.  She tells him she's discovered the importance of family.  She asks about Santos.  He reluctantly tells her Santos doesn't wish to see him anymore.  He's going through a rough patch.

Michael is back in his cell.  He doesn't know how he's going to tell Maria about Santos.

Amalia will have to stay in the hospital overnight.  Justo insists on staying with her.  It's the least he can do for Maria.

The three travelers are having breakfast and Maria insists Colosso tell her what Fernando told him.  Colosso refuses.  She then asks to borrow his cell so she can call Amalia.

Justo is at Amalia's bedside. 

Maria tries to call with no success.  Poor reception is blamed

Breakfast at Casa Mendoza.  The little ones use Amalia's illness as an excuse not to go to school.  Their plan doesn't work and Fer tells a tall tale that Moms can see everything/everywhere/at all times.  (Actually, that's not too far from the truth)

El Lay Jail – morning roll call and Santos is nowhere to be found.  The prison has been searched and no Santos.  Elsewhere in the prison,   Fer/Gandalf is assuming Santos is dead.  Michael can only hope OJ rots in hell for all his misdeeds.

OJ also assumes Santos is dead and thinks Michael is the only one left. 

Maria has reached the checkpoint.  She's given instructions to go to her hiding place.

Dr. Johnson is summoned to the warden's office.  He refuses to give up his friend. 

In the sewer, Santos continues the struggle. 

Colosso says goodbye to Maria. 

Santos marches on.

Fer and Ana send the kids on to school.  Roddy thinks about his mom.  The little guy suggests they sing a song for moms to La Virgincita.  The boys sing a song about wanting to see their moms again. 
Very touching song.  Waaaah

Amalia awakes to find Justo there.  She immediately freaks – SHE CAN'T FEEL HER LEGS!!! WAAAAH!!!!!

Tijuana border crossing – truck driver tells border guard he's carrying tuna in his truck.

Santos, yeah, he's still marching on.  Ouch, ooh, ay, ay, ay.

Border guard looks through the boxes but doesn't see Maria. 

Doctor comes to see Amalia and tells her it's all part of the disease.  He's not sure she'll be able to move her legs.  They have to run some tests but the possibility remains SHE MAY NEVER WALK AGAIN!!  Why me?  Why me?

Truck driver lets Maria out.  He hands her some cash and tells her they must now part ways.  She takes off, charro hat in hand.

Warden now has all of Santos' cellmates in his office and threatens to increase their sentences if they done’t talk.  Fer/Gandalf tells him it's unjust that Santos should have been put in jail for 28 years without having committed a crime.  Whatever, dude, warden sends them all back to the cell de castigo (punishment cell) is that solitary confinement?

Ok, I'm confused – all this struggle and Santos is back in the cell.  What?

Maria is stopped and asked for her papers.  Since she has none, the cop tells her she will be deported for being an illegal!  She tries to explain she's no criminal!  She only crossed the border for love. (Oh, brother)  Cop: “Love! Love has no nationality and no papers.”  She tells him one doesn't need papers in order to love. “yeah, well, you're under arrest!”  She's handcuffed and put in the back of a police vehicle.  So much for best laid plans.

A filthy Santos flashes back to one of the many tear filled kisses w/Maria.  He breaks down in sobs. 

Maria is taken to the border and told never to come back again.  Next time they won't be so nice.

Santos continues to cry, asking for Maria's forgiveness.  Guard returns and finds the missing prisoner in his cell. 

Colosso and the truck driver are sharing a meal in Tijuana when they see Maria walking forlornly down the street. 

Michael speaks to Maria's image on the wall of their cell “de castigo” (guess it's not solitary confinement—they're all there together.  Has Maria's image been made into a stencil?  That image looks exactly like Santos' pencil drawing, hmmmm)  As Michael's speaking, guess who joins them, all fresh and clean – Santos!

The evil trio that is Elvira, Mirna, and Ruben share a celebratory glass of wine.  Bwahaha!!  Mirna is sure that Susie is close to falling into her trap.  Ruben thinks it would be a good idea to implicate him in the economic ruination of the bar they're planning.  Elvia thinks they should start by making the alcohol and food disappear.  That's the bar's profits right there.  They all agree and toast to their new “business”. 

Santos shares the bad news that although the sewer empties into the ocean, there's a ginormous gate barring the way out. Asked how he was able to survive, he replies that as Jose Alfredo once said, “Mi derrota la tengo sepultada.  The power of love overcomes all obstacles.”  He must survive for Maria.  He can't give up.

Back in Tijuana, Maria also doesn't want to give up.  Colosso  suggests she call Justo and inadvertently lets it spill, that Justo is in Mexico.

OJ walks dramatically down Maria's street, saying the time has come for Santos' great love to end.  BWA-HA-HA!!!


Thanks for the recap...slept through most of that one. Saw Maria get kicked out and wander pass Colon and truck driver forging more magic in Love land. Was confused because I thought she was back in the USA somehow.

Can't help it. Amelia will now have to perform her faints from an upright position.

I guess that guard was angry at Santos for getting dirty.

Good work.

Someone should have told Maria that she could lose her licence to practice law by trying to cross the border illegally. Or does nobody care about that?

As it was she wasn't thinking on her feet when she saw the cops. She should not have been afraid and when asked what she was doing she should have told them she was on her way to doing a serenata (considering she was carrying the hat in what looked like a dry cleaner's bag).

At least she is 1700 miles away from Giuliano, who might at least walk into a beat-down from the band. Nobody is home at Casa Mendoza at the moment so we may have to wait until Friday for that.

Justo needs to call the prison before encountering Giuliano. He could play this really well if he already knows that Santos is alive before he encounters this pretender (who will never be a model for the Mafia edition of GQ).

We ares spared the Derecho and Curtis honeymoon for one more day.


So now Amelia will be doing her Nancy Kerrigan impersonation. At least she will have something else to focus on other than her daughter and the detested JAntos cause no matter what she says that is how she feels.

What a looney prison. Four prisoners go missing at night and the guard waits until morning to report it. Had they gotten out they could have been out of the country but alas they think Santos is dead and meekly return to their cells. As if that wasn't hilarious enough the presumed dead prisoner covered in muck wanders around weeping and finally decides to return to his cell where a startled guard finds him. Off to solitary for the four of them — guess the word solitary has a different meaning here.

To our dear recapper the cell picture of Maria isn't a stencil it was Santos' first shot at immortalizing his bonita.

I think we've been giving Coloso too much credit. He is back in mi chiquita mode and fantasizing about having her and hating on pochito. I feel sorry for that waitress or who ever they set up as a new love interest for him. Oh and why isn't he home being a good father like he promised. Poor Roddy he is back at the Mendoza House of Drama.

So now Maria appears to be getting ready to double down on her stupidity and making another illegal and dangerous border crossing to see a man who is refusing to see his own father and has twice sent back her letters — unread. And this woman passed a law exam in Mexico? URBAN you are right she could very well lose her license although I don't know if that is as true in Mexico as it is in the States.

Can't wait to see OJ's face when he finds out Maria is in LA supposedly with Santos. I hope Wendy is in her own apartment or he'll just switch focus. And who will be home — hopefully Fernando who knows who he is and won't be fooled by him.

Can't help but wonder if Ruben knows the new Padrino is in town. That will not be a happy meeting and hopefully a deadly one for one of them.

Paquita--So sorry you got stuck with a pretty boring episode. Even the search of the truck had no heightened suspense--we just got a close-up of a tuna can, hardy, har har. Nor was the scene of Maria getting caught.

What were the police doing right on that corner anyway, with the door already open. Maria must have looked mighty suspicious. They spoke pretty awful English, too.

UA--I like your idea of having her tell them she's on her way to a serenata.

Our truck driver friend is named Rigoberto--not that you'll need to know for our sakes. We're just glad you are hanging in there so it doesn't become a solo show for me, UA and Decie (and occasionally, recently, Golawah).

The pencil sketch on the wall of the punishment cell came first. It was drawn by Santos when he was shut in there once before. He had a contraband pencil which was taken away from him when the guard realized he was really sick. Apparently he got another pencil right away when he was back in his cell to draw Maria again on paper which he stashed in a folder under his mattress. Curious that he has to keep that hidden, while he could get mail, lots of it.

Amalia--"She may never walk again, Why me? Why me?" Yep, it's still all about ME.

Golawah--Love the visual of Amalia performing her faints from an upright position. I couldn't believe they didn't give Justo an easy chair for his vigil. I've given up ranting against scenes of a sedated patient in a hospital bed without railings and not sleeping completely prone. It's all for the camera angle, I know, but Amalia wasn't a worthy candidate--DamFab, yes.


Decie--We're pretty much on the same wavelength.

You mentioned that, "Four prisoners go missing at night and the guard waits until morning to report it."

Don't forget that the guard is in cahoots with El Padrino and OJ WANTED them to escape, that's why the guard promised to wait until morning to report them missing.

I know it's a stretch, but I think OJ wants to mete out his vengeance by himself or with his henchment rather than order them offed in prison.

ANITA I think he wants to to the job himself so that his victims know who ordered it but being OJ who was inept as a capo he remains inept as a don. I still can't believe that only one guard would have noticed that four prisoners were gone but it is all in the name of drama. So far we have seen inept policeman on both sides of the border, inept guards in the US, inept crooks on both side of the border so i can only conclude that the writers/producers have a real hate for authority figures.

I keep thinking about these weird flashbacks. We know JS had that accident during filming and I wonder if some of this odd story telling was filling in the spots when he couldn't film. It isn't as if novelas shoot like movies and edit stuff out. What you see is what they shoot. The unfortunate thing in this show is that having to stretch out things saps what should be tension in the plot but when your leading man can't film we get what they can cobble together. I still think they could have come up with something to explain the eye patch but who am I to guess.

Elvira is really DUMB for real, for plotting to ruin her own bar.

ANON 207 Yep Elvirus is short in the brains department. The stupidity of ruining your own bar as a revenge tactic makes no sense. Once things go wrong in a bar it never recovers so the Twit Duo and Ruben are in for a nasty surprise. All that needs to happen is that JNTR goes belly up or the Mendozas and Susanito sell their shares while the Mariachi's go elsewhere since I can't see them sticking around to work for Elvirus & Co. The Mendozas plus JAntos open a new spot and all Ruben and his merry band of sluts will have is a piece of vacant real estate.

But, but, but Anon207--Elvira TRUSTS Ruben when he promised her that the bar would be theirs..after they get rid of Susanito and Maria.

He left out Concho and Amalia, but I guess he figures they are old and won't notice. I'm sure he will bring up the piece of paper Concho signed without reading, signing the bar over to Ruben. This could be considered an unresolved issue, no?

Too many unresolved issues. Decie get to work on your list. I think many are red herrings.

Ah, I thought of a couple more besides the ones already mentioned. Who knows that Virus actually stole the money out of the cash register that got the two nice waitresses fired. Do we care if they get their jobs back?

Will they ever nail Virus for the wax job on the stage floor.

How are Dumb and Dumber going to tie OJ's fingerprints from the gun used to shoot Bruno to being the shooter. Ok, so it was his gun and so? He got himself a new one to try to shoot Justo.

Are they going to look into why the Mariachimobile broke down? They guy cut something, so the garage where AAA took it should see that when they go to fix it. Do we care?

How about the guys that knifed Roddy's mother to death?

Oh, and Elvirus was the one that bribed the guy in the park with the boat to leave Maria and JA stranded. What was she thinking, it just threw Maria right into JA's arms with that one.

I can't remember now, have we had any poisonings?


Coloso is in fantasyLaLaLand if he thinks there is still a chance for Maria to be his. Hasn't she told him, over and over he's an amigo-brother? I guess hope springs eternal, but this latest determination of hers to get to Jorge Alfredo ought to make it pretty plain he's on the losing end.

Oh, and have they connected Ruben to Fabian's death or is it just Susanito's memories and would only be hearsay?

ANITA not going to need to post a list as we all keep adding new things every day so here are a couple more

Is Irasema ever going to remember where she heard Ruben's voice when Fabnot bit the dust.

Has anybody found out that the original El Padrino was killed

What about how 7 Seas though Mirnsa looked awfully familiar when he first went to JNTR

Will Ana find out thast Fernando wrote all those letters

Did Justo resally resign from the diplomastic corps or is he just taking a leave of absence.

What ever happened to Salvador?

How many are we up to know LOLJen the golddigger did get her job basck but I don't know about the other one.


Decie girl, I have to agree with your comment from yesterday, that this show is really good at conveying the feel and flavor of Mexico. That and the music, and of course, my Jorgito, are what make it worthwhile. This show has converted me from someone who vaguely enjoyed hearing mariachi or ranchero music, but only if it was live, into a fan.

However …

I hope the keep the sewer sludge off my Jorgito in the future. Somehow, a 'banito' as the guard called it just doesn't seem sufficient for that situation. Eeew.

Sorry, but hearing “Wasted Away Again in Mariachiville” TWICE by Maria and various musical-style impromptu bust outs in song by that horrid street urchin, Roddy, and Coloso just don’t do it. If I could, I would FF through all of that schlock. I want my music back. And I want that street urchin locked up in a closet for the rest of the show.

I actually did change the channel for the D&D wedding the other day. I just couldn’t take it. I’d rather see which house that cute young couple in Philadelphia are going to decide to buy on HGTV.

Here’s another for the List of Loose Ends / TN Writers Hall of Shame:

What about nailing Rub for kidnapping JAntos? JAntos and Justo know who did it and Coloso and that mariachi muchacho played by Latin Lover (sorry, forgot his name) knew someone was being held in that car and Coloso recorded the license plate number in his cell phone, but the pieces have never been connected.


The creeps who killed Gloria have been arrested. I think it happened two weeks ago. Commandante Malo was in the station talking to Maria at the time. There was no follow-up scene where she told Roddy.

Ruben should be nailed both for the kidnapping of Santos and the murder of Fabian. Irasema still has not remembered that it was his voice she heard.

Maria went to the police to file rape charges against Ruben and it's still possible that he will ultimately be arrested for that. That has to make somebody remember that he has been under suspicion for the murder of Fabian. However, unless his henchmen turn on him or the photo in Oscar's cell phone is adequate evidence he is unlikely ever to be charged with the kidnapping.

Agree that bankrupting the bar is a stupid move. However, I think that Ruben is playing both Elvira and Mirna. He is intelligent enough to know the stupidity of this and cold-blooded enough to use both of them to somehow get to Maria. They think he is looking to off Maria but he is more likely to kill them.

URBAN Malo did tell Maia about Gloria's killers being found but Roddy was supposed to identify them and that never even came up later on.

Maria tried to file the rape charge but the jackass cop gave her grief about it and while Malo told him to take care of it no cops have been anywhere near Ruben to charge him. He is going to get away with it much like Braulio did. Typical - sigh.

I've been outed!! But I'm sure youve all guessed by now that I've stopped watching on a regular basis--didn't even know D&D got married!

That's why I didn't know Santos had sketched the Maria etching on the wall. Sorry, gang but beisbol is muy caliente for my Doyers lately and my attention has been elsewhere.

I've ffd thru most of the episodes. Tell me I didn't miss the quinceanera!!

Hey! I'm still here, so you guys are not alone on this one even though the action seems to be over with the guy with the meatball head and horrible wig.

This has me really confused. Do I understand correctly that Maria is a "Licenciada"? If so, that is not a law degree, correct? Isn't it the equivalent of a Bachelor's degree in the US? Somehow, I am remembering this from one of my first classes in Spanish.

If this is correct about this being a bachelor's degree, then this would explain why Maria doesn't seem to know much wrt law.

You know, she sometimes gets on my nerves just as much as that horrible Amalia with the strange mouth. Looks like it's going to be a Justo/Amalia match up and I DO NOT LIKE IT!!!


Maria doesn't know US law, which is why her attempt to cross the border is immensely foolish.

Not to mention that since she was already denied an exit visa she should have known how this could jeopardize her professional future.

She should have phoned Justo before attempting this.

I also hate the idea of Amalia getting rewarded by ending up with Justo.

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