Wednesday, September 11, 2013

PEAM #132- 9/11/13: He Has Risen! Oh Well....I Am Sure He Will!!!

Recap By Pablo

I wanna be an actor. In this episode Jesús spent the whole time laying down ''unconscious'' and still gets paid.

Due to the many problems that Verónica has brought into his life Jesús is now dead.
Well, almost. His pulse is very weak, his chronic gastric ulcer has caused him an internal hemorrage and he has lost 90% of his blood. To make matters worse, his blood type is AB negative, a very rare, very, very rare type... Oh, telenovela Gods, please make someone in Monterrey have his same type, please!! Jesús still has 50 episodes left, a daughter to take care of and a huge pile of overdue work at Orión!

Not everything is milk and honey.. Now that Fernando has married Xóchitl, according to Murphy's law, Discua is back, and she wants him!! She is under the Universe's microscope and she thinks she deserves him!

Xóchitl can not be unhappier, because even when Discua is not pretending to work at Avon, she still has a big influence on Fernando, who has decided to find out the truth about Discua's fraud, according to that tampered newspaper Rogelio showed him once. Oh, and the newest Discua disciple is Ricardo, who now sings and dances illuminated tunes all day. If he was annoying quoting, imagine him now!

In Rogelio's mansion, Verónica is both happy and mad, like always, but this time with a reason. 
She is happy because she kept the necklace (more suitable for Sansón), and she is mad because Elías took Valentina without her consent. Tell me something new!

Patricia is attempting with all her heart to succeed in the working class or die trying, and she has had many jobs so far. All have failed because she is not patient and has no respect for any of them. She has been a hamburger, a soccer ball and is now a ''living statue'' all painted in silver and asked not to move a muscle. Luck is not on her side, because first it was a guy who jumped on her asking her to marry him, then a fly on her nose and then the kids that had made her fail before, who now make her lose yet another job...
While Patricia is posing as a silver Greek goddess, people start throwing money on a little piece of carpet at her pedestal's feet. The kids poke her with a stick under her skirt and tickle her and she is afraid about losing the money. One of the kids says:
-Speaking of money, let's take it!!
And the owner of the paint company runs and takes it all!

Now Patricia is sad again but a little girl comes and gives her a marshmallow lollipop. I am not sure if it's a Payaso lollipop since it doesn't have the clown's face on it, but could be... thank God she is a klepto and not diabetic, sugar and anger don't mix.

At Avon after nine, after coffe, or after some juicy gossip, Marisela overhears while walking to the cafeteria that Jéssica is talking to her mother and says that she has a BIG SECRET!! Of course the word big doesn't bring anything up, but S-E-C-R-E-T is like catnip, and Marisela jumps all over Jéssica asking her to reveal it. Jéssica denies everything but she will soon fall. They all do, sooner or later.

Fernando is busy demanding Rogelio tell him the truth about Discua when Verónica tells them the good/bad news regarding Jesús. For Rogelio the news is good, since he wants him dead. For Fernando the news is bad, since he truly appreciates him and wants to go see how he is. This is emergency time in Avon and now the whole company wants to show up at the Hospital... even if he works in Orión!

Rogelio is puzzled, trying to move heaven and earth, to find out why Veronica ended up with the necklace that was meant for Patricia, but Susanna can't figure out what happened. Susanna concludes that the only plausible explanation was that Patricia returned the gift, now if she only knew WHY...... 

All hell broke loose with the crying and screaming in the Hospital while Jesús fights for his life with the help of the medical staff. First Alma and Chatita, then Alma calls Patricia, Patricia calls Rogelio, who calls Verónica, who calls Cynthia. Chatita calls Elías, then Marisela, who in turn tells Susana, Xóchitl, Fernando, but like all gossip while going from mouth to mouth changes to the complete opposite, by the time Discua hears it, she thinks the one in the Hospital del Bosque, sick and lacking of hemoglobin, is Fernando, and gets very worried. She lights a white candle, sends some green energy and makes a distance chakra healing so he can recover soon... I don't know who told Augusta Constante, Augusto's older sister, because she shows up all lovey dovey, what causes a confrontation with Alma, who after hearing all the wonders Augusta speaks about Jesús, she yells:
I saw him first!! I have even licked him!

In a very surreal moment, while Alma is using her x ray vision to see the how the surgery is doing and talks to Jesús through the wall, Verónica shows up and they have a confrontation. Alma gets so upset that she appears to have four breasts, that, or her blue dress is one size too small. I think her bra does more than lifting and separating, it's splitting!!

I know why Verónica gets along so well with Cinthya. The lawyer has something for weird fur coats and Vero has that thing for weird shoes. Showing remorse, or maybe a side of her nobody knows, she cries on Cinthya's shoulder very carefully so as to not damage the fake fur, because she still loves Jesús. That's a weird way to show it. Because I love you, I will kill you? That is so last century's macho thing!

By the way, Alma, instead of going to the nurse's station and ask for a Jesús update politely as she has been taught to do, screams from the back of her lungs, PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL US SOMETHING!! PLEASE!! Even under the most stressful stress you can not do that...

Luckily for Jesús, Fernando has blood type AB- and offers his whole 2 and a half gallons to save the friend who once saved him from killing himself jumping from the roof. Talk about karma!

PEAM computers are the rage in Monterrey and Toluca. Remember they have them at Avon and Orión? Well, Pancho also has one and now Discua!! My guess is that they are better than Apple or Dell. I want one for Christmas!!

Alma, Valentina and Chatita hold hands and pray to Christ and the Virgin to save Jesús' life while he is under surgery. Why is nobody praying to Tomasito Herrera? Why the discrimination? Why, oh God, why? Why is Jesús dying he who is veeeery good to everybody sane or insane!! So not fair!

If Jesús dies we could always blame the size of his oxygen mask, labeled as ''small adult''. I agree he is short but, do they really have to rub it in? Is he also wearing spider man briefs?

Tomorrow: Jesús is dead (If we say it 10 times it could become true, cross your fingers)



Fantastic recap, I must say, I was laughing so hard at all your snark.

I loved Pato as a Greek Goddess so funny and when that fly landed on her nose, too funny! The poor thing didn't have a chance with that touchy feely guy and those bad boys. That paint company woman was horrible. After all the abuse Pato put up with, she should have been paid.

Can't stand Moronica. Yanking on poor Val's arm, didn't even want Val to see Chucho in the hospital, I guess it was the germs, not just Chucho. I am sooo glad Elias put his foot down and took her anyway. Good for him. I also liked the way Pato told Val to have faith, Pato is very sweet with Val.

Rogue and Moronica so deserve each other. Crazy way to show you love a guy by taking his daughter away, who he loves more than life itself. I couldn't stand that toast that Royer did, wishing Chucho dead. Horrible! I hope Cantu and Royer pay for that fraudulent article about Discua.

Karma indeed, about Ferny giving blood to save Chucho.

I wish Discua would just give up. She is fighting herself, but she knows now that Ferny is married to Xochi and she should respect that!

I think Chucho will make it, but he is gonna have to dial back on the stress in his life. Augusta sure looked worried. I like how Alma marked her territory so to speak.

I also liked the way Alma told Moronica off and Pato telling Moronica off too. Pato could so take her anytime. That I would have liked to see, but Pato is changing and for the good.

I can't tell you how disappointed I was that Alma and Paty didn't grab Veronica, shove her into a stall in the ladies room and subject her to a major "swirly". It would have been gratifying to see Moronica with her long hair stuck in the toilet drain and a line of people stretching out the bathroom door waiting to kick her in her scrawny backside.

Also weird that Paty didn't notice Moronica was wearing the necklace.

I'm sick of Maricela's "do you know what time it is?". I was hoping that phrase was gone along with the stomach noises. No such luck. Now Cantu is suffering from stomach noise. Ick. Enough already.

Jessica's big secret? I'm guessing she was either a "working girl" or she had an affair with a married man. And I hope Disqua gets Fernando back. Xochi is turning into a harpy just like her mother was.

Thanks for the support!

I will go for the ''working girl'' secret because the other one, for her, is not a biggie. Although not with married men, she has had several affairs (that we and all Avon know of).

Love it, love it Pablo! I was so annoyed last night, I just want this latest and greatest plot line done.

For starters, I don't know about South of the border, but that poor child should never have been dragged to the hospital and part of the drama taking place. I've never been in a hospital where a child as young as Val is allowed in the surgical waiting area or visiting in an ICU type section. But knowing that the writers are playing fast and loose with facts to make their dramatic moments more...juarever, she has to sit there with the bigger juveniles.

Speaking of Val, looks like our little munchkin is showing some rebellion against Mumsy. And rightly so - bugs the daylights out of me when I see parents manhandle kids like that.

PLEASE SOMEBODY TELL US SOMETHING!! PLEASE!! - yeah, one of the finer moments again last night.

I will have to say at this point, Pati needs to be hired at Avon. Lord, she tries and works harder than most of them at the workplace do anyway. Give this woman a break from the goofy jobs already. (Oh yeah--forgot this is SUPPOSED to be a comedy).

I hate when writers mess with a character just for plot. If Xochi was making so much progress in confidence, etc. why the back track and turning into an annoying little whiner. And that wardrobe--gees better off in the old uniform. I still don't like Discua either. Maybe Ferny is better off without either one right now.

I personally think it would have been interesting to do a Carousel like end to the story. Really have Chucho leave this ghastly orb and be an angel watching over those he loves until the end. But then again, we would have to listen to Alma wail and cry through that, so forget it.


From "I wanna be an actor" to "cross your fingers" your recap was hilarious. Spider man briefs???? Too funny.
Thanks since I fast forwarded through most last night.


Cinthya has some picture perfect eye brows too...Your recap is way funnier than the show. Missed the beast with 4 breasts cause I was zero'd in on Moronica to see if she would actually perform a new facial expression.

Paticakes is really funny...but who is going to agree to not getting paid if they move...

Fernando just happened to have Chucho's blood type. Ah Chucho, the brother Fernando never had.

Thanks Pablo.

I think Jessica's secret is that her butt is fake and she just wears those padded briefs we see advertised. That's why her mom asked if they'd been intimate yet. Either that, or she's a man. I always thought her hands were really big...

Pati's robot dance was funny. She's paid her dues. It's time for a cushy job at Avon. I was glad to hear the Avon ladies tell Xochi that she is being stupid in the way she is treating Fer.

I think Malquiades is skipping school and is a co-host on Despierta America right now!


Thanks, Pablo! I was hoping not to have to watch this episode, but now that I've read your recap I need to see Alma's dress with the four boobs! You always make me want to see what I missed! Univision should be paying you!

Jessica's secret? All I can come up with is maybe she's already married, some brief marriage long ago and the guy disappeared so she never got around to getting divorced?

Paty has had some rotten luck at her jobs, but she needs to get some skills if she wants to find reasonable work. Or - hey, maybe she should work at a school. She's good with kids, and there's not much to steal!

Gracias Pablo
Muy chistoso as usual

Couple of things

Augusta is Augusto's hija, hermana to

Pablo! don't sell my telenovio FC short, he is 6'1". Blanca is 5'11".

My favorite scene in this TN is the opening credits with the dancing.
And Valentina is the best child actor I have seen, very believable.

Good Recap Pablo.... I think we are in for a "BIG" surprise when Jessie's secret is revealed... My guess is she has a STD or is Transgender, why else would her mother want to know if she has had sex with Cardi....


Oh, Judy B....Thank God one game don't make a full season.... We go to Green Bay Sunday, may not be pretty there either.....practice makes perfect...Ahhh!RG3

I don't think Colunga is taller than 5 feet. If Alma is actually 5'11, Colunga is shorter than that. Unless he is using the soap box acting method, LOL!
But well... who am I to verify anything, I am just saying what I see.

Pablo, ck this

Yeah, like that is accurate...

I don't want to stir the beehive here, 'cause I am sure I am going to loose.
Let's drop this because what I meant was that he ''looks'' small on tv.
Close to Marisela he looks tall, close to Alma he looks short.

Pablo, if you ever decide to move to eastern Virginia, please come live next to us.

Thanks for your usual delightfully snarky recap. Loved it!

Thanks also to all the other recappers. I don't thank you often enough. What a team!


Pablo, thank you as always. I love your take on the episode.
I am interested to see what happens tonight on my watch. I just can't believe that Jesus dies, perhaps it's a thought bubble of Rogue's.
Variopinta- iTA- Val is the best child actress that I've seen. She is a natural.
Daisynjay- yes, Xochy has regressed to a babbling fool.


Do you happen to know the name of the song that Discua and her Enlightened crew sings? I have been looking all over for it and can't find it. I thought you might know : ) Cap'n Sylvia also wanted to know.

Ay Pablo! Your description of the four boobs almost made me cry. It was a vision I had tried to repress until you brought your crystal clarity.

Vivi I'm with you about Jessica's secret. It's good to have a new secret to wonder about.

I must add the FC doesn't look short to me. at. all. But I think Pablo was playing about Augusta being Augusto's hermana because she is so much older looking than Alma. Augusta may be closer to FC's age?

It was sweet to see Augusta starting to wonder about her attraction to Chucho. All women fall for him, except Discua!I think she's the only one that hasn't found herself in need of Chucho at some point. Is that still to come?

I also wonder if we've just seen the last glimmer of humanity from Vero. Could having her faint concern for Chucho reviled be the final blow that turns her from a corrupt super model into a swamp creature? Gollom with a diamond necklace instead of a golden ring?

I found some videos on Youtube.
The song's title is not certain but is gotta be something like the first verse

''vamos caminando al llamado de la luz''

They say is played by Ximena Sariñana.

I couln't find the audio, but with this info maybe you can.

If temporarily flatlining counts as "dying," maybe that's what happens tonight. Maybe Chucho flatlines and then quickly gets resuscitated. It's not as though he's going to stay dead. I mean, he is Jesus, after all! (Wait, is that blasphemous? But they've been teasing us with subliminal Jesus-as-savior jokes for months!!)

Fishknits, I think you're giving Vero too much credit. I no longer think of her as human, and I lost hope for her redemption months ago. She's like a machine that distills joy and sunshine into sparkling-pure misery.

In fact, I'm not worried that Rogue will betray her. I think SHE'S more likely to betray HIM. Hopefully their mutual betrayal will trigger an implosion that hurts only them and no one else.


Thanks, Pablo! All funny; the Spiderman briefs quip was the straw that broke me and made me laugh until I cried. At least I was at home!

Does Telenovelaland not have blood banks?! I know hospitals like to ask friends and family to give blood as a gesture and for restocking, but Alma was talking like there wasn't any blood to refill Chucho unless they came up with a donor! Also, why can't he just have O neg blood like a normal person, if they don't have AB neg?

What an awful job. Even without the fly and the molester and those two awful kids who find her everywhere she goes, how was Paticakes supposed to hold that pose for a long time, with her arms up and holding something? That would get exhausting. And what a witch that paint lady was. Time for Pati to work at Avon; I agree. She can't be worse than the employees they already have. I actually think she'd be good at publicity and advertising stuff like Elias does, if she took the time to learn the technical aspects.

Glad the secres called Xochi out on her behavior. She's afraid of losing Ferni, so she acts in a way nearly guaranteed to drive him away? Not very mature. Maybe she needs a refresher evening of performing as Natasha.


Thanks so much for the song and the artist. I looked all over and couldn't find it. Thanks so much!

I also thought that Hospitals should have some hemoglobin substitute for people who reject the idea of human blood in them, like Jehova's witnesses amd such. Does a person really have to die because of that and they have to advertise on radio and tv to find rare types of blood like this? If this is so rare, please keep the bank stocked in case of an emergency, thanks!
Hospital del Bosque it's been scratched of my list, so in case I have gastric ulcer and internal hemorrhage, please have a heart and just shoot me.


I also wanted to ask about a phrase Alma used the other night. She said "todo mi ser". Is this the same thing as "todo mi alma" and "todo mi Corazon"?



con todo mi ser = with all my being

So, yes. It is like saying with all my heart, soul, etc.

Yes, all means the same.

Another great recap, Pablo. Your description of Alma puffing up to defend her territory is an unforgettable image. As are the Spiderman briefs.

Now the big question: Since they can't let Chucho die, will he have some fantastic near-death experience where he sees God and gets the 411 on the Meaning of Life? If so, I'm sure you'll love the character even more.

And is Colunga short? Can't really say. Certainly not Alan Ladd short. I'll peg him as just the perfect height and leave it at that. The actress playing Alma is really quite tall, that's for sure.

Writers, just keep bringing the Pati scenes and the Valentina cameos and I'll be happy.

I was sorry to hear that the Discua song is for real, I was hoping it was just a very accurate parody. It does sound amazingly like those you hear at the Vineyard and other evangelical churches.

Thanks for the research and the recap. Excellent as always.

Lee: Sorry about the Redskins. Maybe it's karma because they refuse to change the team name. Our Bengals, who were supposed to have a bright future this year, also lost their first game. As did the Browns, but nobody expected much of them anyway (sorry Daisynjay).

On the other hand, in Columbus, the USA soccer team beat Mexico. And it was quite the celebration here.

Vivi and Pablo:

Thanks so much. I had never heard that before. It was new for me : )

Judy B. Jessica's Big Secret could have implications along the same lines as the Redskins changing their name.....???

BTW If they change the name to Warriors, as proposed by a local Indian Chief here, all my 'skins gear becomes obsolete, and useless.

We will see if "money" wins out over being "politically" correct.

Blood banks in Latin America - you have to pay in to take out, or the other way around. It really is a bank, or rather, a savings and loan. You can get also get someone else to pay your "debt."

obsolete, useless or... collectibles?

There you go, Lee. Pablo has just "reframed" it. You're a winner either way.

I've heard that they do demand blood donors in latin America, but do they really hold off on giving blood to a critical patient until a donation is made? Wouldn't it be more ethical to give the blood anyway, and hassle the family and friends about donating later if they haven't already done it? Can good citizens just go donate blood anytime and ask the hospital to use that credit toward the next person who doesn't have anyone to make a donation?

Hmmm, what could Jess's secret be? A sex change would be zingy. She does act ultra-feminine in a way that isn't typical for women who have always been female and don't feel the need to prove anything.

Maybe in addition to her Barbie figure and Barbie high heel feet, she also has Barbie's lack of anatomical features?

Or, maybe she has some history of abuse or trauma? She seemed pretty nervous about the idea of doing more than flirty groping with Ferny, at that moment when it seemed almost imminent.

We will See.......

Pablo thanks for your recap both today and Monday. They were great! I admire the fact you keep on giving us laughs though this TN vexes you.

Julie - thanks for your recap. Your jam reference had me chuckling all day.

Well... to tell you the truth this TN for some reason didn't click for me. I am only watching it on wednesdays because I have to (and I must confess that I am glad I am doing it that way because more than that would be suicidal).
Compared to other TNs, and I am saying this seriously, this one is not making me feel anything. And that's why, for me, is a bad TN.
I am watching another on channel 51.1 Azteca (Vivir a destiempo) and I can feel the difference. About a month ago, when one of the characters died, I cried the whole week from 5 to 6.
Last night I saw Jesús in the Hospital and I saw the women crying and I didn't feel anything. I wish I could be entertained to say the least, but I don't find it even funny. Is something ''sin pies ni cabeza'' as we say.
''With no feet and no head'', a mess!

Could Jessica be a virgin??

Sometimes it's easier to "feel" something in a TN (and in real life, for that matter) when all the characters AREN'T already "emoting" their heads off.

If everyone is weeping solemnly or looking shocked and traumatized, I might cry my eyes out. But if they overdo it, I feel as though there isn't any grief left over for me. Like their hysterics are so distracting that I can't tell whether I'm sad or not. Or maybe I'm too annoyed to be sad!

Ninel Conde was a singer in FELS.
She was quite good, singing "El Bombón Asesino", ck it out on youtube.

Darn it Pablo, I tried to comment today via my stupidphone but it never lets me publish my comments! Sorry to be so late for the party, I really really enjoyed your hilarious recap. Great title. The show might be with feet and head but your recap has plenty of feet and heads.

Oops, meant to say the show might be withOUT feet and head...

I just remembered what I tried to comment earlier today. I was very interested in everyone's thoughts on Jess's secret. Well if she does turn out to be a guy or ex-guy, I wonder if Cardy will react like Joe E. Brown in Some Like it Hot..."Nobody's perfect!"

I wanna play the Jessica guessing game, but also the Jesús is dead game.

I think Jessica's secret could be that

1-She has more than two breasts
2-She has a hairy mole or a wart in a private part
3-She likes the 80s and doesn't shave
4-She hides stuff in her hair
5-She has gastrointestinal problems and produces toxic fumes, never use the elevator alone with her.
6-She, like RuPaul, still has a ''little extra'' or a lot, who knows?

Now with Jesús game:

Why do you think the writers killed him even for a few minutes?

1-Because they want to prove the power of prayer?
2-The power of Virgen of Guadalupe?
3-The power of love?
4-Viva la familia!!
5-Because they wanted to improve raitings?
6-Because the TN is so bad is was not being watched in Mexico?


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