Friday, October 11, 2013

C I, # 108 -- Thurs., 10/10/13 – A Tale of Two Babies (Featuring the Appearance of Saint MariCruz)

            The other day, Jarifa commented “Funny how Simona and Esther are in the same boat: they both pushed marriages with men who they knew were in love with Maricruz and not them and then went on to get pregnant by those men. Esther lost her first child. Will that happen to Simona? “
            In this episode, we see Ester’s baby enter this world a day later than Simona’s newborn son.  I turned to that old master of serial suspense, Charles Dickens. (His novels were originally published as serials with cliffhanger endings. Almost like telenovelas.)  His beginning to A Tale of Two Cities could well apply to us:
            It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. . . .  In other words, we were watching “Corazon Indomable”!
            The early parts of this episode switch back and forth between Simona and Ester at a quick and choppy pace, so these segments are blended and condensed.
Seen Previously
            JA rushes into the hacienda, pooh-poohing Ester’s complaints of pain. MC tells him he must go for the doctor, using the truck.  She’ll saddle up and ride to Ester’s aid in the meantime.
            Simona asks Tav who does the baby look like? She wants him to stay with her. In fact, she hopes he is here every time she wakes up.
The Pain Doesn’t Necessarily End When the Baby Arrives
            Simona has a pain in her brain (not the one caused by Oblivio and his assorted flaws). This one has her screaming and begging the nurse for pain meds. No sign of Tav in the hospital room. The doctor enters to examine our new mother, who looks rough with a strip of bandage mashing her new hairdo and no makeup. As she continues screaming that her head will burst, the doc says she’ll need an injection.  He tells the nurse they’ll run a test for blood clots.
            Tav enters and talks to the nurse about the strain of birth and her head injury as possible causes of the pain.  He sits and murmurs to his now-quiet wife. How pale she is! She adores him and it would be unforgivable if he caused her more sorrow.
            Simona wakes, a little confused. Tav explains her fall and asks how she feels.  She tries to get up, is lightheaded, and Tav makes her stay in bed. 
            Once she is more alert, they go back to the argument before her fall. Tav explains about JA’s betrayal of MC and says Simona needs to trust him. She retorts that she did and look what happened!  Tav claims he told MC to remarry, so she’d have someone to protect her and JA wouldn’t take advantage of her. Simona asks if Tav is sure JA isn’t more than MC’ friend?

Birthing a Baby Is Still Tough, Even in a Bigger and Better House
            Ester, in her bed upstairs in the new house, is also crying out in pain. Lina is her only companion and Ester sends the little blind girl to find help. At the front door, MariCruz arrives and says she’ll help.
            Upstairs, MC finds the baby already born and asks what she can do to help, climbing in bed beside the new mother. A frantic Ester says she hopes God will let her keep this one. MC says she’ll clean the baby and Ester asks Lina to find Clorinda. MC gets a basin of water, puts it on a chair beside the bed and brings some cloths for washing the newborn.
            (Conversation in this sequence indicates the umbilical cord isn’t yet cut. Online sources say an average cord is 50 cm. or 20 in. long. Both the cord and the limits of probability are stretched here, as the mother and her charming helper pass the baby back and forth, but oh well.)
            JA returns home and hears from Lina the baby is born. Upstairs, he asks MC what is she doing to the baby. (He’s showing a great pair of crazy eyes here.) The women tell him to go get help. He says they should cut the cord. MC says the baby is fine, he’s strong and healthy.
            JA exits and MC sits next to Ester again. In a bonding moment, MC assures Ester she won’t die, children are born every day, and if no one else shows up, she’ll cut the cord herself. (Cutting the cord can’t be much harder than running a string of businesses.) Ester asks her enemy for prayers, which MC will gladly give. She’s a mother, too, after all.
            Ester continues her momentary alliance with MC and shares her true confessions. All her hopes are centered on this child. JA never loved her; she wants this son so she won’t be alone in the world. She wants to hold him for warmth and the infant is passed back to his mother. Clorinda arrives and will put her midwife skills to work on both mother and baby. (She’ll take care of cutting the cord.) 
We Convene a Neighborhood Forum on Birth
            Leaving the house, MC stops to speak to JA. He thanks her for her help, although she berates him for ignoring his wife’s needs--Ester might have bled to death! He replies the baby is strong.  “If you take care of him,” replies his jefa (boss).
            Clorinda comes downstairs to report to the new father: mother and baby are doing fine. He thinks a baby is a great responsibility. She thinks he can say that since he has money. (I may have missed something here—open to corrections.) He asks their former neighbor to stay and help take care of mother and child, and to feel at home here. Once he leaves the room, she takes him at his word and checks out her new surroundings.
            JA and Ester both admit the key role MC played in their son’s safe birth. Ester is surprised how willingly her enemy helped her, but she just can’t bring herself to show gratitude to MC.  She does think that JA should show his appreciation by not stealing any more from MC.
            Back home, MariCruz stands on the upstairs balcony thinking about birth as she gazes into the distance. Birth is a miracle! She was happy to be able to help with such a profound event. No thanks needed, it gave her joy to participate!
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
            While the birthing drama is underway, Miguel needs something to do.  He goes to visit the lovely Natrasha, who welcomes him with the offer of a drink. (Her nana doesn’t approve of the visit.) They both like brandy, so they toast to their friendship and maybe something else! Trasha confides she usually hangs out with artistic and bohemian types, but she’s making do with the rustic, humble (and muscular) folk.  Mig thinks he’s a great fit for her usual crowd. (A flirtatious, possibly lecherous Miguel is a stomach-churning sight.)
The After Birth (Not the Placenta, the Ensuing Conversations)
            Octavio isn’t pleased that Simona accused MC of carrying on with JA. She shouldn’t defame his honest ex-wife. “What are her virtues?” demands Simona. “She only loved me and no one else,” Tav replies. The he drops the big bombshell—“The truth is, there’ll never be room in my heart for anyone but MariCruz Olivares.”
            Not surprisingly, this brings back Simona’s big headache. Tav says she can’t keep making scenes over MC. Does she accept to stop raising the issue?  She accepts and blames labor for making her extra sensitive. She loves Tav so much and he agrees to make every effort to return that love to her (even when his heart is full of MC?).
            JA and Ester are also dealing with MC’ lingering influence. JA needs money for the new baby and can’t think of any way to get it except stealing. Ester tells him to quit fooling himself—he only wants to be rich enough to gain MC’ attention and love.
At Least One Couple Isn’t Having Trouble (Yet)
            Solita (still in pigtails but wearing a cuter grade of outfit these days) picks up Nameless from his nap, grabs a paper lunch bag, and leaves the room. The monkey is chattering and playing in the open window frame, but makes no serious protest at being left behind. (He has some scripts to produce before tomorrow.)
            She hands off the baby to Santa as she exits the front door, then joins Perico on the lawn under a shady tree. He’s eating his lunch and they share smiles and bites (of food—this is not yet hot monkey love). Perico tells Solita all about Natrasha making him take off his clothes to be painted.  Was JA ever jealous! (It’s really convenient to have a girlfriend who can’t hear your randy confessions.) As Perico gets up to leave, Solita takes both his hands in a squeeze.
MariCruz Takes Her Dazzling Smile and Heart of Gold On Tour
            MC is talking to some tenants when Tav arrives on horseback. She inquires about the remaining Realengo settlers, suggesting he help them or use his authority with Simona. (Simona wakes up and her intuition hints that the absent Tav could be with MC. Can she stand to keep suffering?)  Tav has never been interested in money, but Simona’s not like that. So, Maricruz will do her best to help the last Realengo stragglers.  They part without kissing.
            When MC arrives home, she rushes into her office, unlocks the cash drawer in her desk and starts counting money. JA asks wuzzup? She’s going to give a little survival money to each remaining family in the Realengo. He thinks she’s crazy and will be robbed at her first stop. No! she trusts them and will have Perico and Mattias go with her for backup. JA says no one will help her crazy self when she’s broke. She doesn’t care—she’s not looking for gratitude.
A Miguel Momentito—The Grand Master Devises a Clever Plot
            While MC is planning a last compassionate stand, Miguel is planning a land and property grab of grand proportions. For starters, he tells the Rancho Simona overseer to be vigilant and make sure the ragged people keep away. Both the hired guns and the regular staff must stay on top of this. (He says this with an evil grin which sits poorly on his chubby face.)
            He tells Awfelia he can’t assume all the responsibility for guarding the ranch—Tav has to help. Then, he’ll make sure Simona is weary from Tav’s workload and worried about MariCruz’ proximity.  He’ll persuade the couple to travel so they can preserve their marriage. While they’re gone, he can take over everything.  He’ll have a ranch again!
Saint MariCruz Rides the Range
            We see a happy MC handing out money to the appreciative stragglers, accepting handshakes from the elders and hugs from the children. (It would appear her own financial troubles have caused her to play Scarlett O’Hara and make today’s skirt from lace curtains in the house, possibly a panel for the back and a valence for the front. Yes, it’s a hi-lo skirt, but no tapering between the front and back, just an abrupt change of length.  She undoubtedly appears as an angel to her grateful recipients.) 
            Tav and Miguel discuss MC’ new project and Mig wonders why she doesn’t give more land. Tav says he’ll never understand the needs of the poor (nor of anyone who’s not named Miguel Narvaez.) They also have some discussion on MC and Simona (details?).
            At the close of day, MC is seated with Lupita (the new and improved Lupita, who is older and has developed very curly hair. She could probably use a little dab of MC’ hair product.) She’s brushing the toddler’s hair and speaking words of motherly love.
            Simona and Tav argue.  Miguel tells Simona to take Tav far away.



La Paloma, thanks for your very entertaining and insightful recap. I really enjoyed your comparison to a "Tale of Two Cities" as well as your ponderings on the length of an umbilical cord and subtitles like "The after birth --not the placenta".

Of course I loved the mooonkey sighting. He was on camera for more than a fleeting moment and was quite vociferous. I wonder what he was trying to tell us? That he misses the big city? The hustle and bustle of DF?

I also enjoyed Octavio reminding Simona what she had agreed to when she got going on the subject of Maricruz again.

Maricruz giving away the money was the best. I thought JA was going to go crazy when he saw her counting all of the money on her desk.

A lot of fun in this one.



Thank you, Paloma!

"the monkey has some scripts to produce before tomorrow" - very funny

"they share smiles and bites (of food—this is not yet hot monkey love)" - LOL

So Miguel's dreams of grandeur are more and more ridiculous... how convenient that he forgot how inept he was while trying to run his own ranch.

Excellent recap, as always, La Paloma.

I missed this episode last night, but I saw it online when it aired in Mexico 11 weeks ago. What I want to know is, did Univision edit out the part where MC first enters Esther's bedroom? From your description, it sounds as if they did. In the original broadcast, when MC enters the room she sees Esther in bed, legs spread, with the baby between them and the umbilical cord clearly visible and yucky white filmy stuff on the baby. It really looked like the baby had just been born. A lot of viewers complained that their little kids saw that scene and were traumatized.

LatinaInMD, yes, they cut all the scenes, that were filmed from above and we can see the baby on the bed. Not only the first one.
So 2 new babies and 2 new-old babies. I will miss our Lupita.
With all this Simona plot with the baby I dont know how they will unite protagonists. They both live their own lifes with different problems. And for me no joy anymore when I saw them together.

Thanks La Paloma. Our recappers are so wonderful in making these episodes so much more entertaining then they were when we watched. A little snark does wonders.

All I can say is my heart goes out to all these poor little kiddies in this tangled web. We think these parents are bad...heaven help how these poor children will turn out.

Normally I love Solita with little NoName...but what the heck was that last night. Wake the poor darling up, and then hand him off to Santa so you can lunch and leer at the new guy? Solita is picking up such bad habits...and I thought she was learning to read lips as well as sign? Almost seemed like she couldn't understand a word the poor guys was saying? How about keeping a little cash on hand and give Solita back her lessons MC? These two are cute together, but was sort of a weirdly put together moment.

Miguel is absolutely worthless. Well he always was, but at the beginning I thought he was just an ignorant boob with a domineering wife. His son definitely seems to be the furthest thing from his mind.

Can I just say, I want to meet the doctors who can take someone with a traumatic brain injury and simply wrap it with maybe two rotations of gauze and leave the hair so beautifully still styled. I couldn't concentrate on anything Simona said...I just kept staring at that lame bandage and laughing. Budget must have been tight on medical supplies. So how many episodes do you think before we lose Simona to said blood clot...they always seem to drop hints about someone's demise. maybe that's hers?

MOCTAVIO SIGHTING. Biggest excitement of the night! Loved your " (He has some scripts to produce before tomorrow.)" He and his cohorts must be giggling up a storm over some of these plots they are coming up with.



La Paloma:

Thank you for this marvelous recap, and I liked the "Tale of Two Cities" opener.

I liked the semi-friendly bonding moment of Ester and MariCruz. So glad that Ester's bebe lived and is healthy. I also like the fact that Ester is on to JA about the continued stealing.

I continue to be amazed by the fact that even though Maricruz's financial situation is precarious she is still helping those poor Realengo people. Even with her last peso. She hasn't forgotten that she was like them once.

Miguel is a waste of space. Can't wait for his anvil. He does have illusions of grandeur. Can you imagine how he would run thru Simona's money if he were to run that ranch? Simona would be bankrupt inside a month.


Isn't that ace bandage thingy ridiculous on Simona's head? I really hope they give her a CT scan soon. I've noticed her changes in mood, one minute she's happy, the next she's pithed. A blood clot could cause that. I just can't get over her change in personality over the last ten epis or so.

I think Natrasha is using Miguel to get to Tav. He's too stupid to see it. He is too puffed up with his own importance. I hope he deflates quickly ; )

Thanks for this stellar recap, Paloma.
I especially smiled at:

"(He has some scripts to produce before tomorrow.)"


"Solita is picking up such bad habits..."

Well, of course she's learning from the best.

It was very neighborly of Maricruz to ride over to help Ester but from what I saw she actually did nothing to affect the outcome of the delivery. I do hope that Clorinda washed her hands before diving in to take over. I noticed that she washed up afterward. I cringed when she even mentioned puerperal fever.

Didn't take long for Natasha's nana to size up Miguel.


A wonderfully literate and cleverly funny recap, la Paloma. You set a high standard...too bad the C.I. writers can match it.

Loved the Dickens intro, but especially delighted by "both the cord and the limits of probability are stretched here". Exactly what I was thinking as they passed that big, brawny baby back and forth.

"picked up Nameless from his nap". Another gem.

But my favorite (other than those great headings) was describing MariCruz' unfortunate skirt as a Scarlet O'Hara window treatment--"panel in back, valence in front."

You're killing me, lady! So funny. Thanks. Only saw part of this. Stopped watching because Simona's shrieks were giving me indigestion. But the recap was pure gold.

whoops...that was too bad the C.I. writers CAN'T match it.

Excellent recap!! You would be a better writer for this show by far!!

Can I say I'm shocked that both Simona and the baby have survived. I was banking on one of them not making it. I'm glad though. It would be too easy for Tav if she died.

How long will the detente last between Esther and MC? It would be really nice if they could be cordial, if not friends.

I must admit, I switched channels when Mig visited Nat. That story line bores me and he disgusts me.

I must say I was disappointed with MC giving so much money away when she has not only herself but Santa, Solita and two babies to look out for. Also, all of the men that work for her depend on her financial stability for their own. She is being much too short-sighted. This well end badly for her.

Thank you La Paloma---Loved the recap. I really liked your reference to Charles Dickens in you're opening dialogue. Another great line from your recap was---The monkey doesn't mind being left alone, he has tomorrow's scripts to produce. And still another good one was---He says this with an evil grin which sits poorly on his chubby face.

Eli---A BIG thanks for yesterday. Wow! You did it at work, I would have never been able to get away with something like that at my job.
No personal computer usage was allowed.

As people whine and complain, I love this novella more and more every night. Last night was no exception as Saint Mari does all that she can to help the last remaining people of Realengo. Yes Maricruz/ABC is a goddess but she is a saint as well.

There was Solita and the monkey last night so all that's left to complain about is Tobias. Well, two out of three isn't bad, right?
Oh! I forgot about the Isla Dorada crowd, you remember that bunch? Maybe they will all be invited to a big party/fiesta at the end of the novella.

Yesterday anonymous stated that Ester and Maricruz would never be friends. You made a good point but I hope that you are wrong. Was there just a little sliver of friendship starting to develop between those two last night?

I was trying to think how blind Lina must have felt as she was next to Ester during the birth last night. She must have been terrified.

I can't wait to see what Natrasha may be up to with Miguel.

Question??? As last night's episode ended, Maricruz was spending time with Lupita, combing
her hair and speaking words of motherly love to her. I ask. how can this be when I have been told over and over almost from day one that Maricruz doesn't love her daughter Lupita?
the gringo


Thanks La Paloma, this show just continues with the crazy, and I think that Rene Strickler is doing his part by making Miguel act crazier and crazier too. Is Natrasha even interested in him? I didn't get the vibe, but who knows.

So white bedding and towels for a birth. That couldn't have been pretty.

I didn't see this episode yet but my mother did and was shocked to see the disparities of the new and improved baby Lupita. She noticed that Lupita is now a toddler and Nameless is still a baby? What were the writers thinking? HOw much time was to have elapsed in this episode. Did they need to borrow baby Lupita for another soap? Did Lupita demand a raise and they refused or what?
If that's the case, then maybe when we see Miguel's baby he'll be driving a car? And can someone please take MC's sister to a hearing and speech specialist? It makes no sense that she's literally giving away the farm and her sister still can't see a specialist.


Anonymous@12:33, Nameless Baby was no longer a baby in this episode. He looked about 2 or 3. Solita picked him up from his crib and carried him outside and handed him off to Santa.

thanks, La Paloma. The one comfort that I get from this show is that it is even crazier than my life. Does anyone responsible for this show actually watch it ? I doubt it. Why would they make Lupita older and not Nameless who was born about the same time. There is no respect for the viewer. Basta. Do they think we do not notice the inconsistencies ,or do they just not care????

You know, some of the really dated and corny ways to show the passage of time would be appreciated by me and maybe others. I liked the narrator the other night filling in plot and letting us know time had gone by. Heck, I would even be happy with the old gigantor clock spinning or a subtitle. It sure would make these novelas more understandable in terms of time. Then we wouldn't have to look at the ages of the small children to try to guess how much time had gone by. It might also help the monkey writers.


I wonder if they used the same baby actor to play Simona and Ester's babies.

Susanlynn, I think that the producers of these shows only care about one thing:$$$$ and if people are watching they could care less about inconsistencies. Just think about how many novelas could have ended as an enjoyable cohesive unit but then 20, 30 40 or 50 more episodes are added for advertising dollars. They simply don't care.


Susanlynn---I don't know what baby you saw but nameless sure looked older to me.

A clock spinning around would be a good and cheap way to show a time advance.
the gringo

Generally I like the look of women in headbands but somehow Simona with that white headband just isn't working for me.

New Lupita's hair could use a little taming... perhaps a little headband for her?

I hope we get to see Lupita and little Noname play together like normal children.


Carlos, you're cracking me up. Maybe if Simona had on some makeup or a leather headband you'd change your opinion.

Simona's ever moving bandage was comic relief for me. In some scenes it was so low, just above her eyes. In another it was pushed up so high I thought it was going to pop off her head.

And where is Miguelito? He should be running all over the house by now. Have you noticed the 3 adults sit down for dinner but he's never with them?

In European families, he would have been fed earlier and put to bed so the adults could enjoy their meal in peace. I would imagine that's how it's done in upper-class Mexican families as well.

La Paloma, thanks.

I simply adore the now toddler Lupita. she is just too cute and knows how to say uh huh to Mom's chatter.
Gringo, I know, I know, but for me, "sticks and stones may break my bones"; but words can't hurt me.

As for the generous act of MC, I know a person like her. And we call her a saint. she would help people around her that comes to her and even if she needed to borrow money just to give them, she would, and sometimes her own food stock, she would give to them.

So now finally, Octavio admitted to Simona that there is only one person in his heart and Mc's heart. Each other. But still he feels indebted just because she bought him.

And the poor ingrate Miguel is creating the intrigue. What happened to that brother of AWWsebio? Grr.....


I forgot this: Judy B-you're so right. Of course rich and privileged people will have nannies to take care of the basic nanneries but that doesn't mean that the mothers don't love their children any less than the poor people who can't afford nannies. The poor mothers have no choice but to take care of their children themselves.
Also, One time, there was a baby crying her heart out while the main actress was carrying her. Poor actress couldn't barely say her parts. So I think it is also the director's fault that we see these mothers without the babies around them when they are having a prolonged script to say. They could probably do it with a rubber doll but I noticed that Latin telenovelas use real babies that can really be a handful and can really cry like crazy. Or what about the scene where Lucia got scared of Awwsebio's brother staring at her while she was carrying her son. when she screamed, poor baby was traumatized and I think that was bad. Bottom line, I will not fault MC at all for want of attention to her daughter or Solita too.

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