Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #11 Mon 10/21/13 Is she a prostitute? Is she a killer? Either way, Ricardo wants some of that…

At church, Orines is talking with Padre Plaid - he’s saying that Ricardo suspects her true identity, but still, he has feelings for her. Oh my Gosh, Orines feels the same way, but she can’t tell Ricardo the truth about her, he thinks she killed his dad. Also, she doesn’t know if her husband is still alive or how she could prove her innocence in Colombia.

Ricardo comes to visit Mariano, too, but he meets Jorge outside the church and when he hears Ines is with Padrecito, he pouts and leaves… Ines stole his best friend/ confessor.

Arriving back at the house, Orines meets Raquel, who gloats about the 3 million pesos she managed to squeeze out of Paloma. Orines is upset that Raquel went so far, they go back and forth about who has more to lose if the big secret comes out. And, obviously, Raquel warns Orines to stay away from Ricardo.

At the textile plant, Ricardo and Piero talk about the remote possibility of a little girl firing a .44 caliber. Piero has many thoughts on the matter, all very accurate. 
(Short brake just to say that I find it surprising how this telenovela has never used misunderstandings or people jumping to the wrong conclusions just as a way to forward the plot - it almost seems to good to be true... I hope I don't jinx it.)

Anyway, back to Peiro, he says:
- he thinks a woman could shoot a .44 caliber, but she’d need to have some experience with handling guns, especially since the shot was in the heart; also, she’d have to be very coldhearted to shoot a man in front of her small daughter. 
- he doesn’t think Oriana had anything to do with her husband’s wrong dealings.
- isn’t Ricardo obsessing too much about this whole story? 
- the shot could have been coming from another part, maybe Oriana just got scared and ran with her daughter. 
- the inspector said the little girl found the gun on the beach, maybe the owners of the villa hid it. 
- was there anyone else interested in killing Gabriel – like maybe Lila and her brother? 
And Piero rests his case. 
No way can Sebastonto be the son of this smart man, not while he wears those yellow pants that surely come from the same factory where Hernan from La Tempestad gets his trousers.  But more on this later.

Antonio comes to Paloma’s house to deliver the power of attorney that puts Ines in charge of everything. Orines wants to read it first, take her time understanding it.
But what she really needs time for is to practice her fake signature some more. Later on she does that and afterwards, she signs the document.

Ricardo comes to visit his madrina (this man really needs a social life) and runs into Raquel, who asks him straight up if he likes Ines. Well, what if he did? She has a husband, Raquel says, now she and Ines are friendlier, so Ines confided in her. Besides, the husband called once, when Ines was staying at the villa.
No problem, Ricardo assures her, he doesn’t mind sharing. Hahaha……

Orines is covering her bruise from the park attack with some make-up. Alina thinks she’s still very pretty, if she doesn’t believe her, than go ahead and ask Ricardo, for example. And, like every telenovela kid who has ever lived, 6 years old Alina is smart enough to see that her mom blushed because of the Ricardo mention.

Paloma and Ricardo talk about Ines’ supposed husband. Paloma doesn’t think her grand-daughter was ever married, because Lina has Ines’ last name. Besides, she knows that the ex treated her badly, maybe he was abusive, maybe Ines had to run away with Lina.
So, Ricardo, are you really interested in Ines? Paloma asks.
Do bears crap in the woods? Ricardo doesn’t quite say, but he sure is interested.
Just then Orines shows up. “Estas guapisima!” (You’re beautiful) Ricardo drools all over her, and then asks her out for dinner. Orines tries to say no, but how can she refuse such charming persistence?

Dinner turns into a visit to Ricardo's house, but they don't make it past the front door. Orines gets upset that Ricardo would bring her home, she probably thinks this is just a booty call for him; he asks her if she’s afraid that he’ll try to abuse her like her husband did.
“Jose Luis was never abusive with me!” Orines shouts back.
(Ooops, busted! Bad girl, very bad girl).
Orines tries to correct herself, saying her ex’s name was Jorge Luis, but the cat is out of the bag.
She tries to cover by showing how pissed she is because he brought her to his place to take advantage of her. (These people are well into their 30’s, could they not make such a big deal out of this? She has a child and was presumably a prostitute and he just admitted the other day that he's had his share of courtesans.) Ricardo explains that his tia lives in the  house, too, and he definitely doesn’t want her for a fling (with his  expressing a million different budoair promises)
Just then arrives Friar Third Wheel Mariano - Ricardo asked him to join them, too (threesome, then?)
But Orines is such a party pooper, she now wants to go home. And to make matters worse, Mariano offers to drive her and give up on dining with Ricardo.
So Ricardo is pretty much left high and dry, with a stunned look on his face. Lately Mariano is getting more action from Ines than he is, that would make any man upset, I guess.

Marilu and Fidelia spy the whole scene from the window, they both notice how elegant the woman leaving with Mariano is, could this be Ines? Fidelia tells Marilu about Paloma’s daughter and grand-daughter, but she doesn’t seem to know too many details about Ines – hasn’t Ricardo told her all about the way Ines was found? Is Fidelia suffering from Alzheimer, too?

Arriving home, Orines is telling Mariano about the talk with Ricardo. Padre thinks Orines should tell Ric the truth, he could help her and he’d surely keep quiet in front of Paloma.
Orines can’t do that, though, he thinks she either killed his dad, or she’s a prostitute.

At the Blue Bachelor Bungalow Ricardo is once again harassing the San Carlos police with his rants about Gabriel’s murder. But Manolo is away with business (has Lucina sent him to sample out the best brands of beers Mexico has to offer?)
Marilu comes to nag him some more, asks for a job in the design department of the textile plant…. or something (since she’s a decorator).
Later Mariano comes back to Ricardo’s. After dinner they go over what happened with Ines, too, and Mariano gets Ricardo’s side of the story – of course he didn’t believe the fake name she invented for her ex and he knows Oriana Caligaris’ husband’s name was Jose Luis, too.
Ricardo adds that even if Oriana didn’t kill Gabriel, she’s lying to Paloma. If he had the certainty that Ines is really Oriana,  he’d never tell madrina, but he needs to know what truly happened, so he can understand the whole thing better. What he sees is an intelligent, beautiful woman, but is she a killer or a prostitute? Maybe she’s just a person who had bad luck, Mariano suggests and since Ricardo is a fair, understanding man, he’ll know what to do.

Orines is alone in her room, thinking about whether to tell Ricardo the truth or not. Then she lights some candles in her bathroom and starts to shower, while thinking about her day with Ricardo at the beach (Is this foreshadowing for some very steamy future love scenes? Maybe not under Paloma’s roof, but Ricardo has a similar shower at his place. If not, what’s up with all the full body showings? Talk about anticipation!)

The next morning, Paloma tells Orines that she thought about giving Sebastian's shares to Madhilde and her family. Orines agrees with whatever Paloma decides.
Raquel comes to ask if maybe, possibly, by any chance, Lucina could stay with them, too. Paloma agrees.

Later on, Orines calls Raquel out for being such an encajosa (which means clingy, meddlesome, needy, but in Raquel’s case, I’ll go with pesky freeloader).
First she came to stay with them, after that she asked for the money, now she wants Lucina in the house, too. What’s up with that?
Oh, remember we are the ones who helped you obtain this princess life for you and Alina – Raquel never tires from blabbing.
They are interrupted by a servant calling to say that Ricardo came for a visit – another reason for the two amigas to go at it again.
Orines reminds Raquel for the billionth time that they are in this together. How long does Raquel expect for her to obey, no matter what she’s asked to do? She and Lucina were the ones to put her photo on Ines’ passport; besides, the fact that they share this secret doesn’t mean that she has to listen to them all her life. After all, they’ve already had their reward, the 3 million for the new hotel.
As for Ricardo, Orines adds, she never saw him show any kind of interest in Raquel, like ask her out or something, they only slept together (I promise in her speech this whole thing made more sense). So, as far as Orines is concerned, Ricardo is fair game. (I guess Oriana and Ines haven't heard the saying "Chicks before D!cks" - Just saying...) 
Also, if Raquel really wants to tell Ricardo the truth, then she should just go ahead and do it already. It would only save her the trouble to keep lying all the time.

In the garden Ricardo is bending over to pet Tito (very good direction choice, btw), when
Orines arrives – and they both apologize for the other day and they’re smiley-smile, while Raquel watches from above like a starved hawk.
Once inside, Ricardo and Orines talk about the way Paloma had to obey her husband and not look for her daughter. Thanks God they found you and Lina, Ricardo says, which makes Orines very uncomfortable.
He reminds her she owes him a dinner date and he thinks she should be part of the management of the company. They start to giggle, she has a beautiful laugh… You know, love happens.

Paloma finished with the new will, Antonio leaves with the notary, after kissing her hand.
The old lady surely doesn’t fancy Antonio too much, as soon as he leaves, she wipes out his saliva with a handkerchief.
And here is Madhilde, with today’s perfectly shaped red apple. – Is she channeling Snow White’s step-mom? Or, in this case, fake Snow White’s step-aunt?
She asks Paloma what the notary was doing there. I had to change my will to favor Ines, Paloma promptly explains.
But, what about us? Madhilde is shocked. Shocked!

We don’t get to hear Paloma’s answer, but later on Madhilde tells Ruben the news – apparently their kids were left with something, and there are also Sebastian’s shares who will be transferred to them, but that's not enough, Madhilde is sure as soon as Ines gets married her new husband will want to throw them out of the house.(What's up with Maddy saying that a potential husband might throw them out? I'm pretty sure Ines could do it on her own if she felt like it. Girl power!)
Back to Maddy's big worries, she continues her cringe worthy whine with saying there is no way  they could ever pay a rent and utilities on their own. Oh, the horror…
So what, grown ass Ruben shrugs, Cesar has a job…

Fidelia is seated in one of her huge pink armchairs when Ricardo comes for a chat. The girl he came with last night, Paloma’s grand-daughter, is he trying to seduce her? Fidelia inquires. She’s d be a good catch for him, he should definitely bring her to dinner one day.
Sebastian and his yellow pans arrive just then and Ricardo tells him the shares will be divided in 3 days. Also, Lila got 5 mill on the house in Tijuana. Sebas thinks it’s not that much, surely Lila lied to them. He hates Lila, he hates Berto…ugh…I thought yellow was the color of jealousy, not childish tantrums. Even if he is right...

In Tijuana, Lila is moving out of the big house. Indeed, she made a deal with the buyer to give her some of the money illegally. If only Gabriel had left her the entire fortune… Thank God that he died when he did, or else he could have left his money to Lucina.

Cesar explains to Ines what her new charges will be all about – she’ll be part of the Board of Directors, the people who make all the important decisions for the company.
And the new job comes with a brand new office, detail that wins Ricardo a hug from Orines. She doesn’t think she deserves any of this, but Ricardo sees her as such a brave woman, one that had the power to overcome the adversities – she deserves this and more, even a good man to love.
He leaves and she starts reading a note (did he leave her the paper, I didn’t really notice). Anyway, the note says:
“We’ve both been through Hell and maybe this is what brought us closer. You managed to overcome your problems, unlike me. I’m still a coward.”
Orines’s weepy eyes are not too happy to read this.  

The next day, Orines and Ricardo are out for lunch, when they meet Berto and Lila, who are finally in town.
We get a flashback of Berto remembering how he spied on Gabriel in San Carlos, when Gabriel was spending time on the beach with Orines and Alina. It’s a scene I don’t think we’ve actually seen before, because back then Orines also got a glimpse of a man looking at them, before Berto could hide.
Back in real time, Ricardo introduces Ines to his relatives. Berto gives Orines a very bad vibe, while Ricardo stares at him with an obvious wish to strangle the lecherous slimeball.

Alone with his sister, Berto denies having seen Ines before (although, he definitely remembers her all too well). On her part, Orines tells Ricardo that she feels like she’s seen Berto somewhere, but she can’t remember where. Maybe in San Carlos, Ricardo suggests, he was around after Gabriel died (and before, I might add). Orines is not sure.
Ricardo once again mentions his past mistakes. Orines had problems but she managed to get away from them, unlike him. She tries to comfort him, she thinks Sebas would be left traumatized if he knew the truth. Ricardo insists that he should have taken responsibility, marry Maria and admit his paternity.
Maybe that’s why he hasn’t married until now, or maybe because he hadn’t yet found the right woman … until now, that is. He felt something so wonderful when they kissed, he’s sure she did, too. So, why don’t they give it a try, no strings attached?
Orines agrees (!!!) but, down the line, won’t he reproach her that she killed his father or she used to be a prostitute?
Today Ricardo is sure someone else killed Gabriel and her old job happened when she was so young, almost a child, and she managed to move past it (like he’s already told us a million times). All he can ever think about is her, he feels something so special for her. She’s so intelligent, so kind, couldn’t they just go for it?
From the other table, Berto is spying and he gets the romance vibe that is floating in the air. Lila thinks Ricardo is taking advantage, after all, she’s Paloma’s heiress.  

Night comes, the background music says: “Te as convertido en parte de mi alma” (You became part of my heart – I swear to God, no Spanish lyrics ever sound as romantic in English)
Orines is at home, thinking about her new boyfriend (the new part of her heart). She’s a little distracted when Alina arrives – could she be thinking about Ricardo’s abs?

She goes to talk with Paloma and tells her how nervous she feels to be part of the management of the company. Paloma thinks she can just ask Ricardo when she’s not sure of something, he’s a reasonable man, he can help.

The next day is the day the shares are being divided among Gabriel’s heirs. Ricardo tries to calm down Ines, she only has to sign some documents. In the meeting room, he introduces her to the lawyers and his brother (while Berto keeps looking at her in a strange – I know who you really are – way).

We don’t get to see the meeting, but afterwards, Ricardo agrees with Lila’s decision to have Berto in charge of her shares, but to have him work there, too? Why not, he’s an accountant, even if he never finished his studies, Lila proudly talks him up.

Orines is telling Sebas that he should be interested in having a career, money is not everything. Yeah, like he’d ever pay attention to a millionaire. Anyway, his bro is a lucky man, she’s very guapa. His compliment make Orines feel slightly nauseous, but thankfully, he leaves.
Enter Berto, to tell her she’s beautiful, too, he hopes they can even become friends. Have you met Gabriel by any chance, I think I’ve seen you in San Carlos, he swiftly inquires. No, I haven’t met him, Orines tries to scramble a way out of this, just as Ricardo approaches and listens on their conversation.
Quien sabe…” (Who knows…) Berto gives up on the questioning for now and leaves. Ricardo then asks Orines if maybe they did meet at the villa, after all. No, no way, in town, perhaps, Orines tries to brush away his always present suspicions.

Later with Paloma, they chat about the reunion. Paloma is proud of her behavior and says she’ll buy Sebas’ shares and give them to Madhilde. Orines refuses Ricardo’s date invitation, she wants to spend some time with Lina.
When he’s gone, she has to admit to Paloma that she’s afraid one day he’ll reject her because of her past. Paloma is sure if he truly loves her, he’ll forgive everything.

On his way out Ricardo meets Raquel. He asks her about Ines’ husband, she says she only knew about him because he called once at the villa, but she has no clue why Lina doesn’t have his last name.
Then how about Berto, has he ever stayed at the villa? No, never, Raquel says. Fancy going out with me?
Thanks, but no thanks, maybe another day, Ricardo refuses.
After, he gets a call from Manolo, the cop, who tells him he has no news about Oriana Caligaris, but her husband could possibly be dead.

I haven’t seen a preview, so I leave you with these all important questions:

Should Marilu forget about working in a boring textile plant and maybe start a new fashion line for priests, deacons, bishops etc… with Mariano? Would the Pope fancy the Plaid?

For a little girl who has gone through so much in just a few months (losing her home, thinking her dad is dead, having to lie about her identity), doesn’t Alina seem very cheerful? Could Cynderella be right about Rhoda? Could Alina be framing poor Berto?

And the most important:
If she ever moves in with Ricardo, will Orines want to change the blue with pink in his bungalow?


Of course I'm right! Rhoda is a diabolical genius! Don't let the tears and adorable little pony tails fool you. A man is dead. Her mother is the prime suspect and for what you ask? Isn't it obvious? She wanted a puppy....and she got one.


P.S. If anyone has a better theory, let me know.

Thanks for the funny recap, Adriana!

Tks Adriana Noel, super

I thought casa azul was on Paloma's property, is that incorrect? And please Orines, chose any color but blue. If Marilu is a decorator, why isn't she offering suggestions for casa azul? Casa amarilla?

So glad we don't have to deal with mature virginal protagonistas, so boring, leave that to Mejia.

Lucina s/b fun, maybe a diversion for poor Rubin?

How did the evil queen poison the apple? I thought she dipped it in the poison. I have heard of inserting poison through the cork of a wine bottle with a hypodermic needle. Maybe Madhilde hasn't started with the poison yet.

Orines has fantastic legs, which I am sure Ricardo has noticed.


Adriana Noel:

Thanks for this fab recap. The avances showed a slap fest between Orines and Raquel. Of course it probably has to do with Ricky ; ) Oh and Sebas parentage is outted at last!

I am soo loving Padre Plaid. He is the best TN Padre I have seen in some time. I think Orines should just go ahead and tell Ricky all.

So Berto was at the beach at the hotel? Hmmmm, I wonder if he shot Gabriel? Now I am glad that Lucina kept that gun. Berto is slime times ten.

I hope when Lucina comes to stay at Paloma's she puts the brakes on Raquel.

I can't wait for tonight to see what happens when Sebas finds out his bro is really his Papi!

Variopinta, Casa Azul in on Ricardo's property, not Paloma's.
Lucina and Ruben could work, after the likes of Madhilde, Lucina shoudl be a diosa for Ruben.

Madelaine, I'm pretty sure Berto was the shooter. I think that after Gabriel and Lila talked on the phone when he arrived at the villa, Berto went to San Carlos and spied the place for a while. When Alina found the gun, it was the perfect opportunity for him.
Wow, Sebas finds out the truth already! This tn moves so fast!

Good recap Adriana......Love your title, which not many men will disagree with.....

Madeline, I think you hit the nail on the head.....Berto may be the trigger man....the gun found by Alina on the beach is not a 45 caliper, like what the autopsy showed what caliper bullet was used kill Ricardo's dad. The gun Alina found was more like a 22 or 32 caliper.

Adriana Noel this was a recap great and I loved your fun questions too. Glad you said the "flashback" was new as I don't remember seeing it and it also gives me the impression that slimy Beto is the killer.

I got a laugh out of Paloma's reaction to Antonio. She's a good read of character. I hope our speculation that Oriana is actually somehow actually related to her is true. It's great how quickly this tn moves.

I'm back from Uganda. The dvr is full, but I think this might be the only tn that I watch the saved episodes for. There seems to be a LOT going on and I need to get up to speed.

Thanks for this most excellent recap Adriana Noel. Well done.

I really enjoyed the little chat between Raquel and Oriana/Inez last night. They have great chemistry. They are very evenly matched and both have enough ammunition to keep this going for awhile. I wonder how they got to be friends in the first place?

Could little Lina be any more precious? You may very well be right, Cynderella... just a little too sweet...a bit too charming...



Welcome back Vivi! Of all the tns on recently, this is the one I'd recommend you look at first. The characters are interesting and the plot is moving fast.

It takes me so much longer to comment on this TN because I actually watch it beforehand, lol.

So Adriana, you were spot on with your evaluations of everyone, and I've said before that I was sure that Berto was the one who pulled the trigger, now I'm certain of it. The only other possibility was that he hired someone, but since he was actually in San Carlos, then he was the shooter. But Lina doesn't seem to know that.

I think that Raquel has driven Ines to go for it with Ricardo by insisting that she stay away from him. What would any woman to do with such a handsome man pursuing you and your best friend saying hands off, he's mine?

Can't wait for Lucina to meet Madhilde. That will be so fun. And if Ruben is attracted to her, even more fun. And I can see Paloma loving Lucina.


Adriana Noel - Fine recap. I've been on the fence about Sebas' true daddy, but you've convinced me it's not Piero: "No way can Sebastonto be the son of this smart man...” Loved your addition to the Padre's names: "Friar Third Wheel"

While I do admire Piero's thinking, he and Ricardo sounded like a pair of chauvinists wondering if a woman can fire a .44. But at least they settled on the right answer.

Okay, I buy that every man Oriana meets tells her how beautiful she is. But Raquel ain't exactly chopped liver and, goodness, she wears lowriders all the time. Somebody give this woman a break.

Vivi, welcome back!


True Niecie, how much more skin does poor Raquel have to bare to get some attention?

Niecie, what I got from Ric and Piero was they had doubts because of the strength and previous training one would need to fire a gun. It sounded ok for me because I know for sure I wouldn't be able to fire a gun, no matter the caliber, I guess I would be scared even to hold a loaded one.

Lol about Raquel - it's true that Oriana is very pretty and elegant, but Raquel is half naked all the time, that should at least get her some attention from the likes of Cesar, Ruben, even Piero (but I don't think they met, yet). I guess it's more a matter of attitude than actual good looks, and all those hight cut tops or whatever they're called and all the belly button showings morning noon and night don't leave too much for the imagination. And I hear some men like to work for it a bit - don't know where they are, never met one...

Cathy, Lucina and Madhilde should be a great pair, I'm sure we're in for some laughs with them.

Carlos, if I remember correctly,it was stated in the first episode that Raquel and Oriana were friends from school and they stayed in touch over the years. If it hadn't been for Ricardo I'm sure they would have remained good friends, Raquel did help Oriana a lot, with money and everything else.

Karen, Paloma's reaction was spot on... Antonio gives out quite the sleaze vibe.

Great recap,

Vivi, so glad to see you back. We need a different thread or your Uganda trip, would love to hear about it. You don't know how many times we have relied on your fantastic memory for naught.

Don't cut this TN out. Definitely just forget CI, and possibly PEAM if lack of time. I don't think you are watching Santa Diabla, it is the best of the bunch,IMO.

Adriana Noel, I am SO very late to be commenting today, but thank you so very much! I loved your recaps and REALLY enjoyed your asides. They were perfecto!!

Berto looks SO slimy. He looks like a weasel. I will have to look up the word for "weasel" in Spanish. It just looks like it is going to suit him.

Are they really going to let this slimy weasel, Berto work as an accountant? I'd be so afraid he would start embezzling the minute he walked in the door.

Cynderella, I still love your Rhoda Penmark theme. It just makes me laugh!

Vivi in DC, welcome back! You are going to LOVE, love this TN.


Variopinta- Amiga, email me by clicking on my avatar, and I will send you the recap of my trip and link to my pics.

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