Wednesday, October 09, 2013

PEAM #152- 10/9/13: I Saw Paris, I Saw France, I Saw Chatita's Underpants!

Recap By Pablo

From above, she looked like one of those cabbage patch dolls, with the cloth body and the plastic legs sewed up. I hope this fall makes her only two neurons touch and she recovers her memory. Let's all make a chain of prayer tomorrow at noon to the Virgen of Guadalupe so she can be all right soon.
Selective memory vs. accidental memory loss

Flying over Cerro de la silla and through the morning traffic we get to the Hospital del IMSS, where Chatita lays unconscious after the big fall she had when she was pushed by Marta. The doctor asks for relatives of Luisa Herrera (related to Tomasito, maybe?) but nobody knows her by that name. After looking at each other for several moments, they come to realize that the person they're referring to could be their beloved Chatita. She is! But she is so bad that now she doesn't remember anything. Before this fall she only remembered what she wanted to remember, right? Well, be careful what you wish for, because it can hit you in the head. The doctor needs to find her relatives but since nobody knows who Luisa Herrera is he has to describe her: Looks like a penguin.

-Oh, she is my mother! - says Jesús
-She is my girlfriend! -says Pánfilo.
-NOW she is? I thought you were after Susana again!- says Marisela
Once inside, Jesús and Pánfilo are mistaken for a pair of thieves who want to rob her. So sad, this half done miracle has sent Chatita's mind to a restore point dated before her Chato's death. She insists that she doesn't know them even when Pánfilo swears he is her Boyfriend, and if there's a thief in this room it is her, who has stolen his heart!!

Pánfilo, who was in love with her and then left her for Susana the big skeeter when he saw Susana was younger (¿!), cuter, more prepared and still looked like a woman when seen from afar, now that he sees Chatita silent in that hospital bed is changing his mind again, and swears he loves her. Go see if the Devil believes you, old cricket faced man! Now that it could be maybe too late you say you're sorry!! You should have thought about that before going to dance with Susana! You can not go around just breaking hearts, specially at this age, when hearts are not easily mended. I
am sure he wishes he could go back to Doña Susana, but now Sebastián is back, so sorry Charlie, the chair game is on but this seat is taken!
Since Jesús has to flee to the Hospital and can not be there to save the day with Rogelio and Tracy, his Cyrano de Bergerac plan goes on so Roger can answer everything Tracy needs to know through an earpiece. Xóchitl takes his place and thanks to all of them, Tracy will go back to NY happier than a clown on payday. She asks about the rate of people leaving Avon (8%, because they really wanted to do something productive, I mean, that 8% didn't like to walk around doing nothing and left for more satisfying jobs), she asks about sales and profit, and Rogelio tell her about the recycling plan they call ''Go Paperless'', saving $33,200 pesos and 12 Brazilian trees every month.

Rogelio's efforts to gain Patricia back are tied and the clock is ticking
Wristwatch - bad idea
Marimba serenade - good idea (even I liked it)
After sending Tracy home highly satisfied, Rogelio praises Jesús' help, and then tells the staff not to take it too seriously, since he is just kidding! 
Actually, Rogelio needs to wise up because there's only one week left to completely win Patricia's love, and he has failed several times. Xóchitl, who is definitely not the best person to give advice, tells him to serenade her with the TN theme. Now that Discua is gone, he hires her marimba and together they perform it. I must admit that his dancing and ''singing'' was the only funny thing during this episode (and probably the entire run of the TN)! Marimba music really gives this old tired musical theme a new edge! I liked it! WWHDN? What will he do next?

Too much time on her hands 

Alma, who is bored, because due to her high-risk pregnancy, she has to be as still as possible (this is so far the best work Blanca Soto can do as an actress. In the next TN she will play a mannequin), is trying to fix everybody else's lives without waiting to be asked. She assumed that just because she will become a mother soon (if she follows doctor's orders and don't get too excited) all mothers in the world must be as happy or happier than she is. So, she took the task of Google searching, finding and bringing over here Héctor, the long-lost Tracy's son, so she can join the happy motherhood clan. Alma thinks she is a good person, but good persons should leave others alone unless asked because otherwise, being intrusive is a very bad thing and can cause the opposite effect in some people. We call it backfire.
BTW, how old was Tracy when she gave birth to her son? Or is he her grandson? Juárever! All these pregnancies after 50 are very unsettling!

Jesús, knowing that if he doesn't tell Alma about Chatita and waits until somebody else does, it is going to be worse both for him and her pregnancy, calls her. Now she knows and has something else in which to entertain her idle mind.
Riiing!! Just in time, Marta (with a thicker braid to distract us from her weird eyebrows) has arrived from MANNY LOVE to bring gifts for the baby and after asking for Jesús and Chatita, decides to go to the Hospital and see if she can finish what she started. Kill Chatita!!

Right after Marta leaves, Don Sebastián arrives, and in the frame of the never dying orange tulips Alma loves and has always nearby, they talk about the power of love and how to keep the family united by all means necessary. Yeah! You're staying with me, even if I have to kill you!
Good news and bad news

Marisela, Laura, Jesús and Pánfilo, are already there when they see Raimunda coming from school! She went to the house and was told that Chatita was here dying and she wanted to be by her side. Right after her we see Marta, trying to pass as Belinda, I mean Marcia, and she can hide her sadness when the doctor says Chatita is fine except for the memory loss. Of course that is good news to her ''family'' but now Marta will try to sneak in the recovery area to unplug juárever she has to unplug or suffocate Chatita with a pillow or something... Nobody must know who pushed her from the stairs! NOBODY! (in Marta's flashbacks we can see Lalo España doing the stunt as Chatita).
Raimunda, who inherited the cluelessness from Chatita, also needs to know what a twin is and nobody wants to go into that! She should have been there in episode 147 when they explained it, but no, she wanted to wander Monterrey's streets instead...

Viva la familia! Real or electronic

Xóchitl is worried because Fernando is taking that issue with the robot baby too far and she wants it to stop. She asks for Rogelio's help. Rogelio doesn't know what to do because he has too much on his plate already with a unplanned baby in his way. Weird, people who don't want babies are having them and those who want them are not and have to entertain themselves with toys.

After a sour discussion with Rogelio, Fernando understands that this dummy thing is not healthy and asks Xóchitl to forgive him. Now everybody is happy! Again!

The crazies don't know they are! Or do they?

In Rogelio's mansion, Cynthia is giving Verónica some vitamins so she can switch them instead of her medicine, so she can pretend she will try to commit suicide so she can see how many people really care about her. So far, nobody cares that she ''is depressed'', and that is just too much for her, who always wants to be the center of the world and dictate what everybody should do.

Downstairs, Valentina needs help coloring a map of the 5 continents and Rogelio sits down and helps her. Now he is not grumpy anymore. I wonder if this is going to change the fairy tale she is told night after night?
Valentina is calling the dog ''Sansón II'', did the other die already?

Tomorrow: Men don't cry, unless they are chopping onions. Run, run everybody! Everybody to the Hospital!
OMG! SOS! We solved Tracy's subplot way too quick and still have 30 episodes to fill Oh, and now who could help me? Please, send me some ideas, it doesn't matter how crazy they are! - Octavio (the writer monkey on LSD)



This recap is a hoot from start to finish. Love the title ; )

Oh, noes, Chatita isn't remembering anybody. I like the avances though, maybe she'll at least remember Marta shoving her down those stairs.

I love the Rog and Valentina storyline, so funny. They are so very cute and I'm so glad he helped her with her geography homework! Who knew he could color, lol?

I also like the Marimba song and dance, and oh my can Rog move those hips now! Guau! His singing, meh, but those hips, wowza! So now he is even, and I wonder what else he is going to do to win Pato over? He still needs to atone for his crimes.

I am sooo done with Moronica, she is DEAD TO ME! Enough of her already! I dislike the way she treats Val. I hope Val gets to live with Alma and Chucho soon. Even Cynthia is disgusted with her.

So glad the robot bebe storyline is done. Rog gave Ferny good advice and I did like the advice Xochi gave Rog too. How sweet.

They did wrap up Tracy's storyline quickly. I am glad they did and didn't drag it out!

Can't wait for tomorrow to see if Chatita regains her memory. Oh, and here we thought she had Alzheimer's but turns out she doesn't! Yay!

Thanks, I feel like a skipped something but can not remember what it is, juárever!

In the beginning, when they were advertising Payaso marshmallow lollipops and kiddie stuff, I thought this TN could also be watched by kids but now I am not so sure... and things are getting weirder and worse. I wonder if little 7 year old kids who relate to the protagonists are also watching. With parental guidance, of course!

Pablo, perfect title and wonderful recap. Thanks. Sanson 1 went to doggy heaven during the filming so it probably is really Sanson 2. There was a different bulldog Sanson in LFMB so at Televisa this could be the 3rd or more Sanson. Weird how they are stuck on bulldogs.

Rogelio stole the show for me today singing the theme song (liked how he just sounded like a normal guy no trained singer there) for Paty and coloring with Valentina. I also liked him setting Fernando straight re Fernandito.

It was so funny when evil Marta told the nurse she would send her sister a card. Marcia must finally realize how stupid her idea to switch places was if she can even think straight after all of those psych meds everyday.

Well, on we go!


Pablo, thank you for your witty recap.
I'm still laughing at Alma, who is bored, because due to her high-risk pregnancy, she has to be as still as possible (this is so far the best work Blanca Soto can do as an actress. In the next TN she will play a mannequin)
With 30 episodes left sounds like there will be lots of fillers until Alma and Jesus finally marry.

Brilliant Pablo as always! Park the coffee funny.

"In the next TN she will play a mannequin" Oh my...that gave me the giggles big time. Like I said yesterday, this was a real dumb move on the writers part, unless there was something behind this that put the Tall One in bed. (or they had no clue what to do with her.) These daily love fests with her darling daddy are getting boring...

But darn...we FINALLY got a TRULY funny, well done, pull out the stops moment in this comedy. Honestly, what would we do without Erick Elias in this TN? He should win an award for having the acting chops to get out there and perform that dance and belt out the song with the awful voice ( not sure if that was faked on purpose or not--but was perfect for the moment). I love an actor who isn't afraid to do what it takes for a part. And pretty too! I was with Pati with her "wow" mouthing at the end. And helping Xochi and Val...who knew Rog would grow to be our new hero. Now he needs to deal with Virus and we can do a group hug on the patio.

I agree--the Cardy/Jess plot line is just awful.

I don't know about this Chatitia story line either--her moaning in bed I couldn't get a lot of what she said but I take it she's remembering her husband and son? NO offense, but I hope this is another of those wonder cures and she's out of there soon.

Marta needs to go away NOW. Stupid story, unnecessary plot and if they are hanging her around to one more time traumatize help me. I may start handing out the pitchforks to the patio for a friendly visit to the writers.


It hit me this a.m. finally: 30 episodes that is only 6 weeks!!!!


This shouldn't win any PREMIOS TV Y NOVELAS and go down in history as THE WORST TN ever. Unless of course, CI gets worse. Isn't Raspberry awards for bad TN in México?

Pablo, the Raspberry would be perfect! I don't think CI is as bad as this At least there is the occasional changuito sighting when he isn't writing of course.


Thanks for the snarky recap! Shocked that Pablo liked something in this TN!

Roger was definitely the best in this episode. And if we are comparing TN's, I choose CI as the worst between the two. At least I enjoy watching PEAM, even with all of the stupidity. CI is one Debbie Downer episode after another! And at least PEAM uses its whole cast. In CI, cast vanishes and reappears, or doesn't, between MC vengeance monologue breaks.

Thanks, Pablo! Glad you finally got a good laugh from something in this TN!

I was thinking last night that, with what little I know about plumbing, there should be no reason for a leak in the middle of Chatita's living room ceiling. That would be an unusual place for a pipe. But then I knocked my head against something and I was fine.

I wouldn't say PEAM is the worst TN of all time. It's not even Colunga's worst TN of all time. That would be STuD. That was sheer torture, except for the frequent and unnecessary display of FC's insane abs.

However, it's a good point that someone made or implied yesterday about FC not being eager to make a fool of himself being a bad dancer. I'm a terrible dancer, but I'd do it to get laughs. Isn't that the point of comedy?? Kudos to Erick Elias for his off-key singing!!

Thanks Pablo, your recap is a hoot as usual. Your title is hilarious and just perfect.

OMG, Rogelio's performance alone was worth the price of admission. EE is busting with talent and I love that he doesn't take himself seriously. Such enthusiasm!

I would say PEAM is far from the worst telenovela I have ever seen. The good actors in it transcend the dismal writing for the most part. Or at least give it their best shot.

I agree- we may pick on this poor show, but it isn't the worst I've seen, for me TDA ranked higher, but I find myself more bored with the leads than anything else. makes all the silly stuff all that much painful. It's always great to have top notch supporting players, but I shouldn't be yawning and wanting to fast forward as soon as the leads are on my screen ( unless they surface with someone who is more fun to watch).

That was me sort of implying that FC was a bit of a stick in the mud with his lack of participation at the wedding. I've been disappointed in his role in this one. Truthfully, I actually turned into this TN more excited about seeing Erick E in another TN than FC. But I had hoped we would see a new range for Colunga to show his talents since he seemed excited to be doing a comedy. You know, insanely handsome man doing some awesome comedy and poking fun at himself...well, we got it. but it's Erick. We don't even get decent ABS shots thrown in. Bummer.

And Pablo--being this is a Meija gem, I would bet my bottom dollar that this TN gets nominated and FC right along with it. They'll slap Erick into the supporting category.


Well... we will always have LA MADRASTRA. Remember how bad that was?

I thought this was Juan Osorio's that's why I mentioned that he made Octavio write a role for his son, Niurkito Osorio to keep him occupied and out the grown up's business.

I am not familiar with who is who in TN land, but I remember that when I first saw Juan Osorio's name and then Jéssicas (Jeimy Osorio) I even thought she was his new trophy wife.


You are correct, this TN is NOT MEIJA'S. It is Juan Osorio's handiwork, the same one that did UFCS. The only Meija's left are CI and TEMPESTAD. CI is being done by Mrs. Meija ; )

Yeah - this is not the ideal TN, but it's nowhere near as surreal and incoherent as a Mejia show would be.

Sounds like this one might be worth watching...hope I will get a chance to see it later on.

Pablo, your comment about Blanca Soto playing a mannequin in her next telenovela was wicked, but also wickedly funny. And I loved your irreverent title. Heck, the whole darn review was irreverent...but fun.

This is not the worst telenovela I've seen, but it certainly is a great disappointment. The initial episode were fun and interesting and I really had high hopes. But they were quickly dashed.

Rogelio, Paty and Valentina are saving graces, as far as I'm concerned. For the rest, meh...and as Julie noted, we don't even get to see Colunga fab abs. So pish tosh and the heck with it!

Thanks, Pablo. When I saw that dancing scene, I thought "this is so great, maybe even Pablo will like it!" So glad I was right!

To me, willingness to dance is worth 9/10 of the points. Skill is a distant secondary consideration. (I suspect Erick is a much better dancer than Rogelio, though.) I like when an actor can throw himself into the role and not take himself seriously. Lighten up, Chucho! I absolutely love any scene with Rogelio dancing. I don't think Paticakes had to do any acting to show her enjoyment and appreciation of that.

Why does Alma rub her tummy all the time? It's annoying. If she's actually having cramping or something, she should see the doctor about that, and if not, leave that poor baby alone!

I didn't think the leak in the living room was weird. If the apartment upstairs is laid out differently, there could be plumbing there. Plus, water often travels a bit before it finds a place to leak out. In my family's vacation house, we had a leak in the middle of the dining room ceiling a few years ago. A pipe in an upstairs shower was leaking, and the water ran down along the gypsum board ceiling a ways before it found a seam to drip through. What a mess.

Glad the stupid robot baby is over and done. Ya basta.

Is anyone still playing bingo? Fall down stairs and amnesia! Is there any square left on any of the cards?

Oh, I've got squares left, but after the derailed wedding and the pregnancies I had bingos and I've since ceased keeping track.

I assume there's a bingo square somewhere for "previously unmentioned identical twin" and another for "long-lost relatives reunited," too. If not, maybe there should be. The TN cliches are flying thick and fast now!

I mean to say I had THREE bingos. I don't remember what's left on my card, but I know there are at least a couple of squares on there that are unlikely to be filled.

So my new question today is, who is going to end up taking sedatives by mistake because Vero put them in the vitamin bottle?

Great question, Julie. I don't think the writers would let pass another opportunity to go to the hospital with another character.


Loved the new Rogelio -- all the way through but especially the dance.

It's not the best or the worst of TNs -- but every evening has something wonderful. Usually it's a scene with Val or Rogelio. Often it's Pato or moronica. Sometimes it's Xochi, Fernando, Jessica, Fernando, Julio or Aida. Occasionally it's Marisela or Chatita, or Rai. Never is it Marta/Marcia. And it used to be Elias -- Oh how we miss you, Guapo. Ignore Colunga and come back from Nueva York, porfa.

I really do like this show even if it's not my fave.


Good Question about the sedatives. I am just hoping it's not Val or w Rog, or Domi. Maybe Moronica will take them, who knows?????

I think Fuego en la Sangre was the Worst Telenovela Ever. I would have said El Talisman, but that one was SO MUCH FUN in the Caray community. It's a classic! PEAM is not even in that league, weak as it is.

How about the whole cast except Chucho, Alma, and Marta/Marcia can go visit Elias in NY? Field trip! Yay!

Maybe Vero the idiot will give herself some kind of toxicity from taking too many vitamins, and meanwhile Rog will take one pill out of the "vitamin" bottle and just get a good night of sleep. Although that wouldn't be good for the baby...although probably not any worse than stewing in Vero's already toxic juices.

I am going to make more bingo games for real one of these days. I lost my old list of all the suggestions for squares so I need to recreate it.

Elías could still come back.
Marta left and then came back reloaded
Discua left and then came back sick
I just hope he doesn't come back with some STD he got in New York.

What time of year is it supposed to be now? Maybe if he spent some time in the NY winter chill, he would finally be warm enough in Monterrey and not have to wear a shirt plus a sweater plus a jacket plus a scarf all the time.

It might be summer now, though. Alma's split from Rogelio happened in Januaryish, and definitely some time has passed since then. Did we ever have Easter? I don't remember seeing Avon's Easter/spring line of cutesy things all over the office. But maybe we just skipped that.

It should be somewhere in may. I remember the wedding taking place on april 27th, when the pearls and all that...

Pablo, you said you think you may have left something out.... You didn't mention (or did I miss it)about Vero switching the sleeping pills and the vitamins....

Want to bet that either Roger, or the little princess takes some sleeping pills, thinking they are vitamins.

Good re-cap Pablo, and I hope TJ has a good recap tonite.... too much other good stuff on at 8PM. Big Bang, NFL, and MLB playoff game.. also College Ft. Ball

I dare Octavio to write a scene where Valentina mistakenly takes some pills and have to go to the HOspital half dead, that would be scary!!!

If she needs a transfusion, we always have little Niurko to offer his life for hers...

Last night's episode aired May 7. I found that out by looking on Wikipedia, where I also saw a spoiler, but fortunately not a very interesting one.

I am sure they aired it in Mexico according to the real dates, when it was Halloween or X-mas, PEAM also was in Halloween and X-mas, so maybe that's PEAM chronological date. To bad Chatita will have a bad mothers day (may 10th)... ;-(

Well, finally saw the dance scene. Rogelio was funny, but the fella I really enjoyed was that little chunklet of a security guard. He had some great hip moves. And surprisingly light on his feet, given his girth.

FC could have made this tn a lot of fun if he had given himself over to enjoying some foolishness, especially at the wedding(s). He could've been the 'perfect' man that all the females (as they have shown) fall all over themselves for, with just one little glitch - when he tries to dance he is so horrible that he turns them right off! They could've milked it even with their stupid sound effects, playing a screeching halt of a car braking in mid-dance. And then whoever wants to keep Jesus and Alma together must, at all costs, keep her from seeing him dance! Instead, they have him do stupid silly faces that he thinks are funny, which are not. Is this the extent of his comedic acting ability? Not much of one, IMO.

Judy B. speaking of dancing...

check this out;

I'm happy to report that with "fall down stairs," Rosemary la Otra and I have bingo #7. In fact, we only have three blank squares remaining! I'm eagerly anticipating "gun fired," but I don't think we have much chance at the other two. There are far too many real pregnancies to introduce a fake one, and as far as the galan mistakenly believing he has been intimate with the villainess, that ship has sailed.

Hah! Lee...where do you find these? But I agree, the little lady in black and white was giving it her all.

As for Colunga, the man is poetry in motion on a horse. Any chance we could get him on one before this sorry telenovela is over?

Wasn't a gun already fired when they rescued Valentina (and/or Alma)?

...unless Chucho somehow takes the sedatives...and there's some time left; we could have a new villainess. Augusta might still be on the prowl, too. And I still wouldn't put a fake pregnancy past the writers. It ain't over 'til it's over!

Actually, I could imagine Vero having a miscarriage and then hiding that fact so that Rogelio will keep supporting her.

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