Thursday, November 28, 2013

Corazon Indomable #144 I think?

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Part 1:

The music tells us that Al drops a bomb at the dinner table in front of Mercedes, Mom and MC, the three m's, hahaha. A jealous exhusband came to his studio and threatened him if he paints his exwife. It doesn't seem to warrant that much suspense to me.

Doris drops a bomb to Octavio except the music isn't that intense because the water fountain in the background is making so much noise it's hard to hear them. She tells him that she told her daddy that they are back together and getting married. Octavio gives her a look that I can't identify. I think he's using his one brain cell to figure out what she just said.

Al says that the best way for this woman to get even with her ex is to let him paint her naked. I'm sure that Gringo will agree. MC doesn't and Mercedes wonders if MC knows who Al is talking about. Mercedes wants to go to an antro (dive bar) but Al says not by yourself. MC agrees to go with them, and so does his mommy. Hehe.

Doris and Octavio are already at this antro and our new group finds a table in viewing distance. It looks more like a disco club than a dive bar, so I'm not sure why she called it that. Al spots them but MC wants to ignore them.

Octavio wants to leave, but Doris says the fun is just beginning. And, Octavio needs to not run away from his past and deal with it like a man.

Mom and Al get their drunk on while MC and Mercedes sip juice. Al and Merc dance.

Doris drags Octavio to the floor too and with MC watching, Doris grabs Oct's head and kisses him. Octavio pulls away and asks why she did that. Here's the thing, one cell. You're now engaged to her. You kiss on the lips now.

Part 2:

MC is now dancing with Al and he want's to get close so MC can make Octavio jealous. She says that it will bother Mercedes so no. More back and forth jealousies occur, yada, yada, yada. Al then takes MC home.

The next day, Al has all of his artist friends gathered together. Not sure exactly what he's proposing but I think he wants all of them to put some artwork in the exhibition his mother wants to have. They all agree.

Octavio pays a visit to Clementina. Mercedes mom is there too. He asks if she recognizes him. Yes, intros are made.

Everyone leaves the gathering except Natasha. She tries to convince Al of something. If I had to guess, which I do because I didn't understand what she said, she wants him to paint something of meaning instead of pretty women.

Octavio says that he has something very important to tell her, and it's best to tell both since it affects both of them. He tells them that Al is a Don Juan, like Clem doesn't already brag about that fact, and that MC is his exwife. Merc's mother is impactada though. She had no idea that Al was a loose man. And Clem is surprised that he's MC's ex. Octavio came to have Clem insist that Al does not paint MC. To sum up the next few minutes, Clem tells Octavio to butt out and leave.

Meanwhile, MC comes to the studio with Mercedes for her painting session. Al is a bit surprised, but eventually Mercedes sits in the back to watch Al paint MC. After the session and he's alone, Al thought bubbles how much he can't wait until MC is his lover. An knock at the door interupts Al's dirty thoughts and it's a friend who brought his best picture to show Al. It's called Liberación and it's swatches of colors across the canvas.

Clem and Merc's mother continue to talk after Octavio left. Merc's mother thinks that if a woman's exhusband doesn't want something to happen, then it shouldn't. Just then Mercedes and MC come home. She tells them that she watched Al paint MC. Clem tells MC that her ex just left.

Al is having drinks with dad. They say loving things to each other.

Clem tells her also that he wants MC to stop being painted by Al. Merc's mother agrees and tells Merc that she doesn't want her to hang out with that hussy MC who is divorced and gets her portrait painted. She drags her to the next room and informs Merc that Al is just marrying her for her money.

Doris is visiting Octavio and wants to go to the art exhibit with him. Octavio wants to know why she is always trying to put him in compromising situations. She just wants to go to have fun.

Clem lets MC know that her picture will give Al the notoriety that he deserves. MC tells Clem that Octavio has no right to be jealous since he will be marrying another rich woman soon. So she hopes that her picture with her magic dimples will wow everyone and also get back at Octavio for trying to tell her what to do.


CathyX - I hope that you catch that the first entire hour was a repeat of the last hour from Tuesday.

You thus only have one hour of show to recap - hope you get this message!

If someone has her email - please notify CathyX of the above.

Things keep just getting more complicated with those crazy kids!Poor Octavio just can't get it together. Doris needs less eye makeup; the eye liner seems to be getting more extreme with little wings to the side. Alfonso needs to return to the pit he crawled out of.

Anyway, Happy Hannukaha and Happy Thanksgiving to all!


"Hannukah" spelling correction.


I sent Cathyx an e-mail. Hopefully she sees it. It seems that the plot is so repetitive that even Uni can't tell that they're repeating an entire episode! LOL!

Enjoy the day, everyone!


Wasn't it curious that Lupita didn't reveal more to Maricruz about her encounters with her dad and her cousin as well? Over the years, my experience has been that kids about that age enjoy and insist on sharing everything they know and everything they've done with anyone and everyone who's willing to listen. Generally, you can't shut them up. I wounder if Juanita threatened the child with dire consequences if she revealed the clandestine rendezvous with her papi?

Just a thought... perhaps if Maricruz wasn't so self-absorbed she might get to know her daughter better as well as the lady taking care of her. She might even learn a few things.


The entire recap is up Thanks for the heads up about the first hour being a repeat.

Carlos, obviously MC doesn't spend enough time with Lupita to hear what Lupita has to say.

Pardon me for butting in where I don't really belong, but....I did start watching CI at the beginning with high hopes. I lasted through part of the Casino set. So, today, waiting for kitchen stuff to come together, I read a couple of CI recaps (you guys are having such good fun).

Is this really the same telenovela? It seems to me that except for One-brain-celled Octo and self-absorbed dimpled MC, the cast of characters AND the story has changed.

They could have made at least 5 (five)[V] 100-episode tns out of this unending dramedy (or is it a comedram).

1. La Chica Salvage copes with poverty, dirt, handsome men, and modern life; gets married, tries to wear shoes and gets pregnant. A fire forces her to leave for the city to start over. There she finds friends and happiness.
2. La Señorita Desamparada finds her Rich bio-Daddy by chance, bears that child, learns to read, write, wear shoes and mullet skirts. There she finds family and happiness. Then Papi dies and makes her very rich and desireable.
3. La Rica Elegante takes over her daddy's casino and makes a muddle out of her relationships with some rich and influential men and women and flees the scene leaving everything in disarray. She hopes to find family, friends and happiness far from the docks.
4. La Señora Privilegiada moves back home to her pueblo and wreaks havoc on the neighborhood, its inhabitants and several decent pretendientes. All the while she seeks vengeance for all the wrongs she believes she has suffered at the hands of rich people. She thought she would find family, friends and happiness there. Regrettably, she loses everything and leaves for the city to start over.
5. La Musa "works" her way into a wealthy home as a companion to a loney matron and is immediately sucked into the lives of the family and their friends, which she tries to maneuver to her own benefit. She knows nothing about art, but is clearly confident in her own abilities to guide a handsome (yes, Brandon, despite the cockscomb hairdo) young Lothario on the path to righteousness, but fails to find success anywhere.

All this time, there is one constant in her life, dogging her. His name is Octavio. Still, if she would only open her eyes wide, he could be her eternal happiness in any one of these scenarios.

Dontcha think? Naaahh. It was a good try, though. All I can say is that CI kept a whole stable full of actors temporarily employed at something-or-other.

Anita, waiting for her Peruvian chicken to roast.

Thanks Cathyx for the recap and snarks. Great job with so little to go on.

When the artists were gathered, Al asked them to give him unsigned art work that he would exhibit, giving people the impression that it was his work. He told them if any money came of it he would give it to the artist whose work it actually is.

This idea can't end well....

Thanks LoriLoo. I sort of thought that may also be the case but didn't want to put that in incase it wasn't true.

I just reread my recap and it brought home to me just how awful this TN is, lol.

Thanks for this snappy recap cathyx.
I groaned last night when I saw the prolonged repetition and selfishly wailed,
" Why not me!" Then I realized that I could be thankful that I recapped a Friday episode and had some extra time, so after reflecting while sipping a shot of fine Tequila, I was happy that you got a partial reprieve on the night before Thanksgiving. Now I'm hoping that La Paloma gets a similar break tonight and CeCe as well tomorrow night.

So Alfonso is going to display the works of other artists as his own? Surely any art critic worth his salt who attends this exhibition will see right through this fraud.

Anita, you pretty well summed the whole thing up. You can see why we're all so very proud of our Maricruz. She's touched an affected so many lives.


It feels like this is moving in slow motion. Nothing is moving the show along at all.

Same old same old. We get to watch while Octavio, once again, goes through a jealous rage making absurd "immorality" accusations against MC while he is engaged to another woman.

How many times does this story have to repeat?

And I think we can see from the previews that the portrait is very discrete, but Tav will be morally outraged that his ex-wife, the mother of his child (one of the mothers of his two children from two marriages now, while he's working on number three), dare allow an image of herself be shown at a public exhibition!

The plot is so tiresome.

Thanks Cathyx!

Thanks for your recap Cathyx.

Anita - your evaluation of this tn is funny and spot on.

Happy Hannukaha and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Happy Thanksgiving all! Hooh boy! Tiresome indeed, but a fun bunch to watch this with. With this recycling of plot I expect Tav to really marry Doris this time, knock her up and we'll have miniTav number three while he and MC continue to do stoopid things to get back at each other. I'm sure Juanita would've looked for another gig long ago but I'm sure she loves Lupita as a Mother would her own child.


Poor MC, she's only ever slept with one man, for a very brief period, and that quite a while ago now. These TNs sure like to keep their protagonistas femeninas sexually deprived.

And at the same time she is accused of all sorts of immoral, loose woman behavior. And mostly by the only man she's ever slept with.

And Tav only marries women to get revenge on a 3rd party.

This is so messed up!

Thanks Cathyx---Your a trooper to recap on Thanksgiving. At least you had only one hour.

Carlos---Wrong again. Lupita doesn't hardly talk at all or haven't you noticed?
Wrong a second time---Maricruz has been spending "more and more"
time with Lupita---but according to you, MC is sooooo self absorbed
Too much tequila? well yes, I understand it's Thanksgiving.

Cathyx are you Carlos's sister? Lupita talks very little, almost not at all.

Anita---I liked your cockscomb hairdo. I have been thinking, is it a bad hair day?

Carlos---The next novela will be called Marycruz y Lupita.

Oh Cathyx---No naked paintings on Univision allowed.
the gringo



"Carlos---The next novela will be called Marycruz y Lupita."

But I won't be there... unless of course... Vivi promises me a monkey...


I agree with you Audrey. So messed up how Octavio is with Maricruz on immorality accusations. Like seriously!? His a true hypocrite. Octavio working on his third marriage while Maricruz has still only been with him. Someone needs to put him in his place.

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