Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Lo que la vida me robo, November 25, 2013. Capitulo 5

Graciela tells the police that she accompanied her son, DamDim, to take care of a debt he had with the dearly departed. DamDim confirms they were there for about 20 mins. Lauro observes all with his normally confused face or is it bored look? I can't tell. Anyway the police ask if they remember anything else to let them know.

Next they pay a visit to our resident stud, Alejandro. He tells them about the dearly departed’s bad dealings. Victor is glad that Ale didn't comment about Bruno stealing from him. The police could have interpreted it wrong. Ale saw no reason to mention it.

Gaspar asks Juventino where he's been. He lies and says he was looking into some prices on vitamins for the animals. Instead of scolding me, you should be trying to hook up Maria and Alejandro together. We could then be the owners of all this. Gaspar tells him that he is tired of hearing the same crap. And stop putting ideas into his daughters head. He has other ambitions.

Lauro is upset that DamDim owed Bruno money and wasn't even informed about it. Graciela was going to tell him but wanted to take care of it first. DamDim jokes that if he knew Bruno was going to end up dead, he wouldn't have bothered paying him. Lauro tells him to shut up. Now that DamDim will be returning to the marina, he will be getting some well earned discipline. Whether he wants it or not. He decides to go to bed. He asks if Graciela is coming. In just a moment. I want to talk to Montse first. Mommy dearest asks Montse who is Jose Luis?

Refugio and JL are taking a moonlight stroll on the beach. JL wishes he had arrived sooner so that he could have prevented Bruno's death. Refugio tells JL he's an idiot. He could have ended up dead as a door knob. That's true replies JL. But that guy was going to lend me money. JL doesn't know what to do. Refugio advises him to leave right away. If he is afraid of Montse's family's reaction, then he needs to leave town quick. (Duh. Why do you think he wanted to borrow money from Bruno? And why he wants to leave town in the first place?) JL says he can't leave without money in his pocket. Refugio says you can find money once you leave this place, but take her now. You might not be able to later.

Mommy dearest again asks Montse who JL is. My boyfriend replies Montse. Now I know why you broke it off with Sebastian replies Graciela. So you can get with that mequetrefe (loser, good-for-nothing). Montse defends JL. He is a good man, a mariner just like my dad and the man that I love. Graciela tells Montse not to compare that man to her father. Her father is a retired admiral with all the honors. While yours is only with you to take all that he can from you. You are so naïve. Montse says she will not argue with her. Her dad will allow her to marry him once he finds out how much she loves JL because he is the love of her life. Graciela starts yelling at her and says she is making a speculate of herself in town. Lauro comes out of his room and wonders what is going on. Graciela tells him nothing and she will meet him in the room in just a minute. She tells Montse that she forbids her from seeing JL again. Tomorrow they will resume their talk.

Nadia meets her husband, Pedro, in their bedroom in her lingerie. He asks her what's she doing? Um, let's see. Bedroom, sexy lingerie. She's going to paint? Fry some bacon? I know! Clean the tub!) Anyway he's very tired and had a hard day. He just wants to take a bath, eat and go to bed. Nadia asks why he behaves this way with her? She loves him so much. Ever since they got married, nothing has happened between them. On their honeymoon, he just gave her the runaround. (I don't think the lingerie is working, honey). She wants to be with him. He is her husband. If you don't touch me, then how are we suppose to have a child? I want to get pregnant! He tells her to get that idea out of her head. He says he's sleeping in the guest room. She cries.

Lauro goes to visit his friend the current admiral (don't remember his name). Lauro asks for a favor. He wants his son to return to the academy. He needs discipline. He wants him to start from the bottom. He has allowed his mother to coddle him and he is a weakling. The admiral agrees.

Graciela asks DamDim to find JL and tell him to stay away from his sister or he will regret it. He wonders what she thinks about Alejandro's offer. She says they have no other option but to accept that bastards offer. (I'm happy to report this time she is wearing nice shoes or umm boots).

JL and Montse run into each others arms on the beach but not like Bo Derek and Dudley Moore in “10”. She's not wearing her hair in corn rolls and running in a one piece bathing suit about to give herself a black eye. He's not half drunk in an ugly gray sweater. Anyway, they kiss and she scolds him for not meeting her at their usual time. She tells him that her mother has forbidden her to see him. He's not surprised. He knew her family would not accept him. She says her father will. He just wants her to be happy. They just have to make sure that her mother doesn't get to her father first and fill his head with lies. Talk to him. I will replies JL. But they are going to be watching us all the time. Now we can't escape. Montse again begs him to talk to her father and ask for her hand. If I tell him how much I love you, he will tell you yes. Come to my house in 30 minutes.

Carlotta runs into the house and tells Lauro that a man was killed in his own home last night. I know replies Lauro. The police was here last night and told us. Carlotta can't believe she missed out on that bit of gossip! She was busy in the kitchen making orange cake. Lauro says they were here talking to DamDim. Why asks Carlotta. Because DamDim owed that dead man money. Carlotta thinks DamDim is going down a bad road. Lauro agrees. Carlotta says that the police suspect that a mariner might be responsible for the death. What is the guys name? Jose Luis Alvarez replies Carlotta.

Nadia and Montse meet up at the beach. Nadia wants to have coffee but Montse declines. She is meeting JL at her house. He is going to ask her dad for her hand. Nadia says that the town is talking about her and JL. He is in a lot of trouble. Last night a man was murdered. I was investigating and the police suspect JL. That's just stupid replies Montse. JL is unable to hurt anyone. I agree replies Nadia. If he was guilty, he would be trying to find a way to leave town instead of staying here and marrying you. Montse looks worried or confused.

Maria is smelling Alejandro's shirt. Tio Juventino catches her and asks if it smells good. Do you love him? He tells her she can confide in him. He will help her. She is his only niece and the daughter he never had. I want you happy. She tells him that she has always been in love with Alejandro. Now that he is the son of the owner, everything is complicated. Especially now that my father is against me. He wants me to forget about my friendship with Alejandro. Juventino tells her to forget about what her father told her. You have every right to go after what you want.

Alejandro is outside the Mendoza house ringing the doorbell and JL walks up not happy. Foiled again! When he finally has grown the balls again to talk to dear old daddy. Montse answers the door, not happy that studly Alejandro is on the other side. Alejandro greets her and says he came for two things. The first. They have an appointment with the notary at 9am. Great replies Montse. Now I know. You can leave now. Alejandro is not fazed by her rudeness and says I have another thing I came for. I have an appointment with your father. Lauro walks up and greets Alejandro. (He knows his manners. To bad it didn't rub off on his daughter. And to bad he's having money problems. Since he can't afford to properly cloth his daughter). Lauro tells Montse to bring coffee to his study for him and studly Alejandro.

Juventino runs into the kitchen telling Gaspar that his daughter was thrown from a horse.

Maria is fighting with a horse and is actually thrown. Hummm.......

Montse asks JL why didn't he ring the doorbell? JL says that guy arrived again that's why. Montse doesn't care and says she's going to tell her dad to see him. JL balls shrink and he tells Montse that they should just run away. Her father will not accept him. Montse says she thinks that he just wants to leave for another reason. I have no other reason replies JL. I just want to be with you. Let's go. He kisses her and the sh!t has hit the fan. Graciela sees this and tells Montse to get her caboose in the house immediately! JL tries to introduce himself but Graciela ignores him and walks past him with her head held high like the regal queen that she is. She turns around and yells again for Montse to get in the house. JL whispers for Montse to get in the house. (his voice can't get any higher. His balls are literally in his stomach). Graciela warns JL to stay away from her daughter. (I am in shock that JL kept eye contact with her. Her glare alone would have melted him or at least shriveled it up). Graciella pushes her daughter into the house. She tells her daughter that she is acting like a trollop. Do you not have any shame? Lauro and studly Alejandro walk out of the office. Carlotta walks in with the coffee. Graciella tells Montse to serve the coffee. Lauro makes a comment about Bruno. Alejandro says Bruno had been stealing money from his father for years then lending people money with it. He had many enemies. Carlotta says she understands that the police have a suspect. Yes, replies Lauro. A man named Jose Luis Alvarez. Montse, upon hearing this, drops a coffee cup. Alejandro asks if Montse is okay. She appears nervous. Graciela says her daughter is perfectly fine. Isn't that correct, Montse? Lauro says that that man was in this house, that's why Montse acted like that. Is that right asks Graciela? Yes, replies Lauro. He came twice to talk to me. Well, I ask that you don't allow him to come back again asks Graciela. I don't want criminals in my house. Montse sticks up for JL and says they can't treat him that way if the police have not accused him yet. Carlotta agrees. What if the guy is innocent? Montse wants to take a breath of fresh air. Alejandro says he will accompany her. Montse declines but Graciela overrides her.

Gaspar finds his daughter unconscious.

Studly Alejandro asks Montse if she feels better. Better thanks replies Montse rudely. He asks if she doesn't like him. She rudely replies that she likes to be alone. She finally remembers her manners and apologizes for her rudeness. She tells him to go in and she will follow in a minute. He looks like a wounded puppy and says whatever you like and goes in. (come to mama. I will take away the sadness :). JL has some balls left and decided not to listen to mommy dearest and stuck around to play with the flowers. Montse runs to him and asks what he's doing here? You can't be here. JL says you see why I want to run away? Montse asks him why does he want to run away? Answer me this? Do you have anything to do with the death of that man? Tell me the truth? I can't believe this replies JL. I can't believe that you would think I would be capable of something like that. I am not a murder nor a coward. You wouldn't be a coward if you had already talked to my father replies Montse. Or tried to obligate me to run away and abandon my family. I love you and adore you replies JL. But I can't do it this way.

Montse walks in and sits next to Alejandro. Lauro wants to know more about studly Alejandro. Does he have any family? None replies Alejandro. His mother died when he was born. Graciela hopes that Alejandro comes to visit more often. Graciela wants Alejandro to meet DamDim. Lauro says he's a good for nothing. Graciela doesn't want to air their dirty laundry in front of company. Blah, blah, blah.

JL is at the bar drinking. DamDim warns him to stay away from his sister. JL says he wants to marry Montse and the beer is actually giving him a set and he tells DamDim that no one will make him stay away from his sister. DamDim says do you know who I am? Who my family is? JL says he doesn't care (must be the beer talking). Money doesn't make you better then me. So swallow your words and leave me alone. DamDim reminds him that his dad is a mariner and if he finds out, things will not go well for him. Think about it.

Lauro says he had a good visit with Alejandro. Graciela wants studly Alejandro to come back for dinner. Anytime says studly Alejandro. How about tomorrow night? Studly Alejandro agrees. Carlotta thinks he is a nice guy and really handsome. Too bad you don't want him for your daughter. Graciela tells Montse that she could have been a bit nicer to the stud. Why asks Montse? Because he was a guest of your father replies Graciela. Montse reminds her mother that she's upset. Why asks Carlotta. Because I am in love and my mother will not accept him replies Montse. That's because that man is a delinquent replies Graciela. This time you will not get me to doubt him says Montse. JL is a good and decent man. And if you don't support me, then I have no choice but to run away with him!

Maria comes in limping into the kitchen on crutches. Turns out she was trying to go to Agua Azul on horse back.

Graciela is looking for Montse. Carlotta says she left first thing this morning. She thinks they should tell Lauro. Graciela wants to handle it herself.

Montse and studly Alejandro are at the notary. Montse has sold her property to the stud. He wants to take her home since she has a suitcase full of cash but she declines. She tells him not to tell her family about the transaction. He promises he won't.

Lauro and Graciela talk about finance. Montse and her prospects.

JL and Montse meet at the beach again. Montse can't believe that JL came to see her after the way she acted yesterday. JL says he came to ask her forgiveness after the way he acted. It hurt him to think that she would think he could kill a man. I only went to his house to borrow money so that we could escape. I just had the unfortunate luck to find him dead. But I had nothing to do with it. You have nothing to explain replies Montse. I was wrong to doubt you. To prove to you that I believe you, I brought you this. Take it. I just sold the property that my aunt left me. Why did you do that asks JL. I told you not to. Montse tells him that she can't have the money at her house and he will just have to accept it. She is ready to leave if her parents to not accept him. They kiss.

Graciela wants to know what happen last night. DamDim says JL will not leave his sister alone. Graciela says she wishes JL was involved in the murder. Anyway, I want you to go see Alejandro and tell him exactly what I say.

Maria prays to the virgin for studly Alejandro to return.

The stud returns and Victor wants to know if Montse was nicer today. No, still the same. He has decided that is she still acts the same at dinner tonight, he will thank Graciela and return to the hacienda.

Graciela tells Carlotta that they need to protect Montse from that mariner. Carlotta hoped that Montse would set her eyes on studly Alejandro. Graciela tells her that the stud likes Montse.

Mommy dearest tells Montse that she feels bad she is crying. Montse feels worse that she is not supporting her. Mommy dearest can't support her not knowing who that man is. He could be playing with her. Montse tries to reassure her that JL is a good and honest man. He had nothing to do with the death of that man. If you just gave yourself an opportunity to get to know him. Graciela says you belong to a good family and you can't get with a lowly mariner. If we were in a different situation, I could talk to your dad to have him promoted to a higher rank. But we are in a difficult situation. Only you can save us.

Manana: Graciela tells Montse the truth; DamDim and JL fight; JL and Montse undress



Thanks so much for this marvelous recap! I liked your name for Dimmy, DamDim, and also your name for Alejandro, the stud ; )

JL does need to grow some "avocadoes" and you are right they are shrinking all the time. If he attempts to run away, with or without Monse, I think it will come back to bite him in the butt along with that money in the suitcase she gave him.

Maria is determined to get Ale that's for sure. I wonder if her Tio Juvie arranged with her to have that "accident"?

Who else thinks that Gracie is going to try to guilt Monse? She'll tell her the truth to make her feel really guilty, but will Monse fall for it? Gracie is horrid to her, constantly yelling and slapping her. I wonder why old Mommy Dearest hasn't tried to pawn Dimmy off on some rich girl?

And what is up with Pedro? I liked the she's frying bacon, no she's going to clean the bathroom, lol. Why did he even marry Nadia? I can't wait to find out what is up with him.

I like Lauro though. He and Lottie are the only ones that truly care what happens to Monse. I really don't think Lauro would like JL though. JL has no avocadoes, that's for sure. I'm surprised JL actually told Dimmy to mind his own bidness. Too bad he didn't stand up to Gracie.

Can't wait to see what happens next!

Gloria: The recap was splendid. You always give such comprehensive detail and omit nothing. Very well written. My favorite part of your recaps are your comments: "Bedroom, sexy ingerie. She's going to paint? Fry some bacon? I know! Clean the tub!", "(his voice can't get any higher. His balls are literally in his stomach" (hysterical) and "come to mama. I will take away the sadness :)" were only a few marvelous examples.

What a shame that JL did not find his "voice" until his conversation with DamDimwit. His cowardice (a tad strong but fitting) and ill timing have served him poorly until now. It appears he is under the cloud of suspicion and perhaps worse, already tried and convicted as unsuitable in Graciela's court.

Alejandro did indeed seem wounded by Montse's cold indifference but he knows that her clandestine rendezvous was to meet someone, didn't he? Did he expect her to fall madly in love with him at first sight? (Although, if she had, I couldn't blame her). He should give her a little space and gently court her. Of course we know that won't happen as Graciela is willing to serve her on a silver platter...

Lauro is a good man but you are right Gloria, he seems in a perpetual state of bewilderment. Good heavens man, snap out of it! You are married to a scheming, conniving shrew and your son is a murdering, thieving, useless human being. All that you have that is worthy of your love is your daughter. Wake up. Please.

Madelaine, I am wondering about Pedro/Sergio as well. No spoiler but I suspect his character will only show interest in a woman who has no morals, is cruel and doesn't care who she hurts to get what she wants. Hmmmm. Just having fun speculating here, I honestly have no idea. I feel for Nadia...

Madelaine, I also wondered about Maria's accident. I just can't see how that would help her get close to Alejandro, but maybe that will be revealed in time.

Gloria, thanks again. This was wonderful.


Great recap Mads!

JL is really failing the courage test, and Monse is already starting to doubt that he really has the avocadoes to stand up to her family. The guys really does have terrible timing, though. Always being bested by Alejandro when he comes to visit, and arriving just after Dimi has murdered Bruno.

What do you want to bet that Dimi will arrange to have that gun found among JL's things, now that he knows JL is suspect #1?

I'm suspicious about the horse accident. Juvie encouraged Maria to ride to Agua Azul, but then tells her dad. Could he have done something to the horse, ensuring that it would throw Maria? And if so, why did he do it? Seems to be part of some master plan. Ale would certainly feel bad for Maria once he comes back to the hacienda and finds her on crutches. But girlfriend has to let this go. He's not "hers" and he never will be. Can't wait to see Maria's first withering glance at Monse once she sees the tiny blonde Barbie.


I meant Gloria! Thank you for this wonderfully detailed recap.

I't disturbing how Gracie pokes, slaps, and grabs people, especially Monse. I can't believe Lauro didn't see how she was physically abusing his daughter, in addition to verbally abusing her, when he walked into the room.

Hi Gloria,
Thanks for this wonderful re-cap! I really appreciate how detailed you were and also how well-crafted and well-written it was. Really a pleasure to read!

I especially loved the aside (Duh. Why do you think he wanted to borrow money from Bruno? And why he wants to leave town in the first place?), your reference to J-L's shrinking avocados, and also the translation of the word "mequetrefe" I don't usually agree with Graciela, but there is some truth in what she says: J-L is being a bit of one of these. But at least he did stand up to DamDim this time which was refreshing.

Still, every time I see studly Alejandro it's really stretching my ability to suspend my disbelief for purposes of plot development to accept that Monse wouldn't INSTANTLY prefer him to J-L.

Thanks again!


This comment has been removed by the author.

Why insult the greatness that is DamFab by naming that inutil de Dimitrio Damdim? You could just name him Inutil as it is perfect for him .Great recap by the way!

Detailed and entertaining recap, thanks Gloria!! Loved your references to Alejandro as Stud, and JL gaining confidence through beer. I was really surprised that JL finally grew a pair when talking to DimDim. He needs to be like that with Graciala, as scary as she is.

Vivi, I thought the same thing about Dimdim trying to plant his gun with JL's things. The wheels were definitely turning in his head when his mother mentioned that she wished JL was the murderer.

Gloria, I just love your recaps. I so appreciate all the time and care that you put into your descriptions and translations. Thank you! I had many LOL moments with your comments, especially JL's lack of avocados. Poor guy really can't catch a break, but he makes bad decisions.

Vivi, good thinking about the gun. Somehow poor JL is going to get set up. No spoiler, but if we already know the story, well, enough said. For me, this episode is the first where I can really see how this version is tracking with Amor Real.

Graciela is stupid. Her violent opposition to JL is virtually pushing Montse into his arms. Surely Montse would come to see JL for the spineless wimp he is if given half a chance. Parents never learn.

Ha, Demetrios, I see you are having trouble letting go. Right there with you, dude.

Thank you Gloria! Detailed and entertaining indeed! I usually look at the episode first but couldn't resist the recap and this will help me understand the action better. Question for anyone: "Graciela tells Montse the truth" What truth is that? That Graciela has offered her to Alejandro to save the family's social and financial face? Speaking of saving face: in terms of Pedro has a novela ever had a male character be gay and marry a woman as a "cover story"? Totally serious here. Just wondering. Thanks again, Gloria, I could almost see those sad puppy eyes.


Great work. JL's avocados are definitely shriveling inch by inch here. Pretty soon they'll be too small for Graciela to slice them off.

She is definitely guilt-tripping Monserrat; nobody plays the guilt card like a controlling mother villain. As for her violation of physical boundaries, this is a trait I think is being assigned to all of this actress's nasty mothers. I almost got ill during such scenes in Mi Pecado.

I have no doubt that the horrible coincidence of JL's presence in Bruno's house and his current possession of Monserrat's money will be used against him by Graciela and Dimmy.

Lila, I can't think of any past novela with that plot point but the audience is definitely ready for it. In fact, as soon as I realized that he hasn't gotten it on with his wife that was my first thought.

I think Pedro hates women. He may be a sadist or he may play for the other team but I doubt if he has any takers. He looks unhappy whatever his inclinations are.

You're right Demetrios, why insult LT with DamDim. Perhaps because I miss so much :(... In regards to the truth Lila, it's regarding the financial state the family is in. I should have made that more clear.

Gloria: Thanks for the great, detailed recap.

This is a good TN--well acted, written, photographed, but I find I'm having trouble getting into it. Bizarre. Maybe it's switching gears from the mess that was PEAM. Maybe I just wanted the jumping right into it feeling I had with Amor Bravio and I need to give it a little more time. The chemistry is definitely there between AB and SR, though not as hot as the couple in that Azteca TN that I've seen bits and pieces of (Corazon en Condominio). Talk about hot hot hot!


Haha yeah.Cough cough what kind of anvil could Inutil recieve? Jail because of murder,disturbing the investigation by putting the dirt on JL? Abuse of trust of someone i wont mention? His anvil could be quite interesting to see,i highly doubt Inutil will see a transformation.

Gloria, great recap! In answer to the poster that asked why Graciela has not set up her son with a rich girl, I think it all comes down to everyone in town knowing that Dimdim is a zero. He has no education, no skills and no family money to support a wife with- something that's expected from a "man". No one expects Monsse to bring home the bacon, whereas Dim would be expected to provide fro his wife.

Thanks, Urban. Be interesting to see what Pedro's story is. And thanks, Gloria for clearing up question about "the truth." Hulu is slow getting this episode up - darn!


Gloria thanks for your recap. I enjoyed your commentary especially the guessing game about what Nadia would do in her lingerie.

Since we know Juvie is bad, I'm not sure about his "plan." I may have missed interpreted his caressing of Maria's face but I don't trust this guy.

Vivi - ITA about Lauro being clueless. Gracie was yelling and tapping Monse's head too hard. it seems the actor is playing the same character - clueless father who allows horrid things to happen to his children - he did in MEPS.

Karen, I was thinking the same thing about old Pops. The actor has "befuddled" down pat.

Lila, I thought about Pedro possibly being gay, and I suppose he could be, but mostly I think he's just plain mean and cold. I, too, am anxious for his story to unfold. I just love the actor.

Diana, maybe Alejandro is hurt (perplexed?) by Montse's coldness because of their initial meeting, which was anything BUT cold, hee.

Has anyone noticed that whenever Graciela says "Montserrat" it sounds like she's swearing?

Karen, I also thought Juvie's behavior with Maria was inappropriate (foot massage, really?) Very uncomfortable.

Sylvia, yes, the cool breezes quickly became warm, sultry air at their initial meeting. Alas,it doesn't appear that the initial delight of their romantic, moonlit encounter carried over. For Monse anyway!

Also agree that Graciela seems to be spewing her daughter's name with great contempt. As someone pointed out the other day, DR is in the same mode as in Mi Pecado but thankfully not quite as bad.


DR in Mi Pecado was the stuff of nightmares. She was more scary there because her hatred for her daughter came from a place of self loathing and the abuse she suffered as a child and young woman. Gracie is just plain old mean. Not sure where her hate for her daughter comes from, unless she sees Monse as a rival for men's attention and the attention and love of her husband. It is funny how Monserrat's name sounds like a curse word out of her mouth, but she calls Dim bebe and coos at him like he is one.

Thank you for the excellent and very entertaining recap. I'm finding it hard to like Lauro-- I mean Dim is pretty awful but maybe it has to do with his father's absolute dismissal of his son while his daughter can do no wrong. Chicken or egg I suppose... Thanks again. So far I think I'm enjoying the recaps more than the capitulos!

Vivi: "she calls Dim bebe and coos at him like he is one". Yes, she certainly does and it's quite nauseating, isn't it? :)


Im pretty sure Gracie has neither affection for her children,she is just manipulating Inutil because she spoils him so much,spoiled kids are easy to toy around with,she married Lauro for power,social status and nothing more. She is something like Isa from AB and Lauro is like Cayestupido only in a more pernament manner.


Thanks Gloria, this is so very well done and hilarious as well.

Karen, the first time I saw Lauro, I immediately was reminded of his character in MEPS, except there I think that he spent a good bit of time under the influence of Sleepy Time Tea. Poor guy is such a doofus. He may be principled, but in many other ways, his son is a lot like him.

For a couple of seconds there I thought that María was going to stick with that horse... that might have a TN first.

I really am getting a kick out of Graciela and I love her voice.

I think that Pedro is just a jerk with an extra dose of crazy.


Thanks, Gloria.

I may be mistaken, but I think the military guy was the same actor who played that part in Amor Real. However, in AR, he was a general and the mother went to talk to him about getting the military guy away from her daughter.

I wish that Graciela would dial back the venom just a smidge. I think a more subtle evil would be more effective. Also, I find it hard to think of G. as an upper class matron with that Charro hairdo and odd layers of clothing draped all over her. I get a Debbie Harry/Cindy Lauper Girls Just want to Have Fun vibe from her. She is too old to rock that messy bed head look.

You make a great point about how Graciela makes her daughter's name into a swear word. That might be why the authors decided to give her that name vs. "Magdalena", which was her character's name in the original.

As to why she hates her daughter I can speculate that she envies her youth and beauty because it creates opportunities that Graciela no longer has. Her own beauty is fading along with the family prestige and fortune, she has no ability to create a new fortune, and a son who is useless.

I suspect that Demitrio's useless state was what Graciela needed to be able to control him. She is also royally peeved that she failed at creating this same mindset in her daughter.

gloria - Thank you for the recap! You covered it all and did a great job.

The Montse-running-to-JL on the beach scene was rather comical.

Montse in that skirt has absolutely no VPL, nor even a VTL (visible thong line). My imagination dared no explore the topic any further. Eeek.

Madelaine - I'm with you. WHY did Pedro marry Nadia??? For appearances sake???

Too bad we did not get to see whatever footwear Graci was sporting with that outfit she had on, last night.

I'm having trouble with Carlotta sitting around the house, ALL DAY, DOING NOTHING. It worked in AR because most 'gentle women' did not work outside the home. But this is now, and she comes off more like a dimwit leech for it. Oh WHERE is my telenovela beanie hat?!?

UA, good point about Gracie being royally peeved. That's a great word for her. She is perpetually peeved.

doris, LOL! I totally agree about Carlotta. She sits around kvetching about being a load. Well she IS ONE! She's a nice one though. She's a good listener and I guess that's her role. She's more of a mother to Monse than Graciela is. She's also a bit of a scamp, judging by the occasional twinkle in her eye.

I too was wondering why Pedro married Nadia. Maybe he married here for status reasons but truly loves another?? However he is so cold and steely, I cannot envision him loving anyone at this point. I am interested to learn more about Pedro...he is certainly a little mysterious.

I am going to guess that Graciela was happy at Dimmy's birth because he was The Son His Dad Hoped For. Monserrat was probably a pretty baby and a cute little toddler so she was a fashion accessory for Graciela. Once she learned how to say "No!" Graciela had no use for her, especially when she showed evidence of being both attractive and intelligent.

Until she became a possible -- though outdated -- solution to the family's financial problems.

Graciela is a classic narcissist.

Thanks so much, Gloria Monday, for this fun and thorough recap. I especially appreciated it because I missed the last part of the episode when my cable conked out. You filled in all the gaps so nicely!

BTW, I think damn Dim would be acceptable to even the most diehard DamFab fan. ¿O no es así?

Thanks mucho, Gloria. Superb.

I think Pedro married Nadia to create some sort of respectable image. But I can't figure out why Nadia married him. She was a romantic and wanted to get married, but it's not like there are no other prospects around. Why would she settle for someone who is so cold to her, and while she is still so young and, from all appearances, a catch? Was he different before they were married? Putting on more of an act? Or was she in love with the idea of being in love and blind to the reality?

JL is spineless. He scurries like a rat every time he even runs into someone else approaching the pink mansion. How is he ever going to get up the courage to be anything but an also-ran? Also, I worry about what will happen to all Montserrat's money. Why did she take it all in cash?! Is someone going to steal it? Find it and think JL stole it? Will it get burned up? Will he flee town with it and leave Montse high and dry?

I haven't seen any of the previous versions of this story, so no spoiler here, but I wonder if Dimibrow will plant the gun and make an anonymous call - then when the police search JL's place they find the cash, which they assume must be Bruno's stolen goods?

Pedro could have worn a hell of a mask during the courtship. An online advice columnist got a question this week from a man who thought he married a very relaxed, secular woman only to discover after the wedding that she was a fundie.

Abusive men are often talented at concealing their real selves for long periods of time until they marry, then let loose.

Gloria - Great recap. My favorite line:

"JL has some balls left and decided not to listen to mommy dearest and stuck around to play with the flowers."

I'm wondering if Pedro is really as mean as he appears to be, or if he's deliberately pushing Nadia away to avoid something.

It's strange that Monserrat keeps showing her navel when she plans a meeting for JL with her dad. The midriffs don't exactly say "I'm an adult, ready to make important decisions." She looked great though when the scarf blouse was pulled down to her hip.

Seriously. She should take a page from Cher Horowitz's book and try to wear her most responsible looking outfit for such an occasion.

Will navel baring be AB's signature "luke" in this tn? In Teresa it was the rose, that was part of each of her "lukes" in the different phases of her life- from jeans to pencil skirts. In Abismo it was short shorts, boots, and crochet vests. Actually, she wore a few dresses this episode that did not bare her navel and were quite conservative. The continuing theme seems to be dresses and skirts in bright tropical colors that look great against an ocean backdrop.

Julia: shout out to Clueless--love it.

I'm actually intrigued by Pedro. He's the most interesting character for me right now.

OT: Julie on the PEAM page was lamenting Erick Elias not being the lead in that TN. If you're lurking--I read that he's going to be in a new project: "Amor de mis amores" but don't know if it's a movie, TN or what or if he'll be the lead. Just thought you might be interested.

The TN that SN might be doing next is supposedly slated to replace this one when it's done, though how they can program a TN that hasn't even been finalized for production with one that just started is beyond me.


That could depend on how long the current one will be.

Bodas de Odio was 75 episodes
Amor Real 95 episodes

LQLVMR could be 150.

UA: I hope 150 at the most. These longer ones are killing me. What's the longest TN you've seen?

Thanks for the info.

"Seriously. She should take a page from Cher Horowitz's book and try to wear her most responsible looking outfit for such an occasion. "
ROFLOL!!! Does Montse even have a computer with the wardrobe co-ordinating program that Cher had?
That truly is one of my favorite movies. ;o)

Urban A - Oh noooooes! No way this is 150 episodes. Filler city. Ack.

Nanette, the longest one I know of is Yo Amo a Juan Querendon which I think was 300. I didn't stick with it, as I rarely do with comedies.

The longest drama I know of is Las Vias del Amor, which is 220 episodes. It is currently airing on UniMas in the mornings (just started last week). It's got Jorge Salinas...

Thanks for the re-cap. I missed the last part, so thanks for all of the details. Sorry I'm leaving such a late comment, but I had a long weekend, and it was my first day back to work.

Demetrios, ITA; don't insult the greatness that is DamFab by naming Dimi Damdim.

Anon 5:21, I think you had an excellent name with Dimibrow. I'd vote for it. I don't know how many others on the patio would agree. Only time will tell.

I am really interested to see what Pedro is all about. My first thought was that he is gay. But if he wants to hide it, you would think he would want to have a baby to continue with the façade. No spoilers here, but maybe he suffered some sort of abuse.

What is up with Gracie's wardrobe? I don't think she should not wear anything above the knee. And enough with the lace already. That's just my opinion. Ale, the stud, is still looking good, and Juvie is creeping me out with that foot massage he gave to Maria. He probably did it to get on her good side, but it was creepy!

Hasta manana!

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