Saturday, November 09, 2013

Porque el Amor Manda #174: More Monkeyshines

[Done from memory, without notes...because WHY SHOULD I WORK HARDER THAN THE WRITERS?]

Roger gets all prettied up for the jailhouse wedding. We know he's a good guy now coz they finally found him some shoes that don't clash with his suit. Paty has more fabric in her left sleeve than the whole rest of her dress, casual. They kind of fast-forward through the ceremony, which in typical Mexican fashion has five times more document-signing than kissing, but juarevs -- everyone's all smiles. No lasso of love, but I guess it's not the venue. Domi catches the bouquet, and she and Cantu do the happy dance.

Afterward the beaming couple repair to the rose-petal strewn prison infirmary conjugal suite, where Paty strips down to a particularly fetching Federico's of Monterrey number that has Rog's eyes popping. She bounces around on the bed, urging him to come and get it, rise and shine, throw away those crutches and walk, baby -- and he does! It's sort of a cross between Joanna Spyri's Heidi and a Viagra commercial, and yes, that's as creepy as it sounds. I don't think the monkeys should be allowed to collaborate. They have such different visions.

In the afterglow, Rog tearfully confides to his wife that he may never see her again, because of the death threat and all. Que que what? Then you must escape -- escape from prison! As soon as possible! She eyes the wheelchair and appears to get a brilliant idea, which we never hear another word about for the rest of the episode. I think they let the dormouse have that scene, and he climbed back into the teapot and went to sleep and no one noticed.

Many hijinks ensue in the Purple Towers as the employees plan the surprise party for Jesus, including a silly device in which everyone starts whistling as soon as he walks in the room. He's expending way more effort trying to figure out what the gremio is up to than getting Rog transferred to a nice safe wheelchair prison, which I don't understand. Doesn't he like surprises? As part of the prep the chicos rehearse some choreography that includes several signature Julio moves, including Gum on the Shoe, Stomp the Balloon, I Showered Today, and Sand in My Clothes. A good time is had by all.

Meanwhile, Suarez confronts Vero idling in front of Alma's building and recites a litany of her crimes for which they have no evidence. She tells him it's a free country and she can stalk her daughter all she wants, so there. He says he'll be watching her, but he doesn't make the magic poke-each-other's-eyes-out gesture that Jesus always does, so it doesn't count. She drives off snottily.

Back at the prison, Darwin brings Ury the thing, you know, that thing he asked for. It's a whittled-down red plastic object that is probably supposed to be a shiv but looks more like a barrette. With 400 pounds of cranky muscle behind it, I guess it might do some damage. Meanwhile, Monster brings Rog his thing, which turns out to be a sharpened screwdriver. Ha ha! Roger's thing is way bigger than Ury's! And harder, too! That's definitely going to push his picadillo button.

In other news:

- Delia tells Jesus he's no longer on probation. Hugs.

- Jesus tells Vale that Roger "had to go on a trip." Sigh.

- In some kind of tourism plug, Paty takes Vale and Rai to the Museum of Science and Technology, which they find very chido. Yawn.

Thank Monkeys for an episode with no kidnapping, stomach noises, baby giggles, prison beatdown, or umbilical cords. Isn't it pathetic what we need to be grateful for these days?

Avance: Ury threatens Rog with the barrette. Oooooo.


Blue Lass, thanks for the wonderful recap and letting use see how those monkey writers really look and work. You sure are creative!

At least Rogelio can walk again.

On to Monday!


Loved, loved, LOVED, the monkey writers pics!!!

Whoa Blue those monkey at the typewriter pictures. Are those library catalog drawers in the background?

"Many hijinks ensue in the Purple Towers as the employees plan the surprise party for Jesus, including a silly device in which everyone starts whistling as soon as he walks in the room. He's expending way more effort trying to figure out what the gremio is up to than getting Rog transferred to a nice safe wheelchair prison, which I don't understand."

I don't understand either...and it was such an annoying, cheesy series of scenes.

On the other hand, I could have watched Julio dancing for another 45 minutes or so. HE IS AMAZING. If Colunga won't take off his shirt, who cares?...just give us some more Julio gyrations (and loved your monikers for all the moves).

Thanks Blue Lass. Your memory is just fine. Enjoyed the recap.

Thank you, Blue Lass you remembered it all.
Your recap did justice to the episode. The choreography was cute. Julio can move those hips.
On to the next episode.

Blue: those pics cracked me up!

Saw that the Gran Final is 11/20.


As if the telenovela doesn't already worship and bow down to Jesus enough, now the whole office is planning his "homenaje" ... and I thought it couldn't get any more ridiculous!

Blue- I decided to wait till this morning to read your recap, and I was not disappointed. I can't stop laughing. Those pictures are sidebar worthy. Now, did you have and audience as you took those pics, and who took them of you? I can only imagine what was going through their minds. Did you tell them you were taking them for your crazy online friends? LOL!

The worship of Chucho continues. Did anyone else at the company get a super special celebration for being at the company for three years? I think rising from secretary to second in command is plenty reward enough.

Was it Judy, who the other day, said her opinion of Colunga has gone down several notches? I think he's reached rock bottom .. no more a galan in my book. However, Roger and Elias can act in any tn, and I'll watch. They are actors ... and with pretty faces that equal or surpass Jesus.


We have a manual typewriter at work, so I was a PEAM scriptwriter for Halloween. My coworkers thought it was hilarious and insisted on photographing me in front of the card catalog. :D

ITA about Julio, Judy -- he should have his own show. He could be a dance instructor. I would tune it to watch that every night!


BTW, I forget the scene with Chatita and Panfilo in the broom closet. My sound went awry right about then and I mercifully also lost the subtitles, but Chatita's body language was totally inappropriate for an abuela, that's all I'm going to say.

Egads...I think I must have been out in the kitchen during the Chatita/Panfilo scene myself. And thank God!

For another, all-too-brief look at "Julio" dancing, google youtube gran finale Amorcito Corazón. He's amazing.

A big celebration/worship session...because he's been at the company TWO years...if you don't count his two stints working for the competition...or his time in jail...or his time in the hospital...or all his personal time off. Meanwhile the rest of them have been there for years, some of them even actually work, and do they get celebrated? Even Alma, whom they all love, didn't get a party for her major promotion!

Juarever. Loved the recap, though, and the hilarious monkey pics.

I would watch a show with Julio starring as a dance instructor, too. Monkeys, get on that!

Thank you, Blue. Funny. I especially enjoyed your recounting of Julio's dance moves.

All along, I've been thinking that Vero deserves the torment of prison, which would be uniquely horrible for someone like her. Also, as others say, it would be traumatic for Valentina to lose her mother.

However, the more I think about it, the more I think Valentina's life would be easier if Vero died in an accident caused by her own scheming, rather than go to jail. For all practical purposes, Vale has already lost her mother. She's already said she'd rather not see her any more. If thinking about her depresses her now, just think how depressed she'd be thinking about (and visiting) her mom in jail.

I agree Julie. It would be best for Val if Vernonica could die in an accident. Perhaps while doing something noble and not self-serving as per usual.

Then Val could remember her with affection and respect for her good qualities (seems like she had one or two in the beginning), and forget all the rest.

Blue Lass, Thank you, thank you for the hilarious recap and charming monkey writer photos. I agree that Julio's dancing is one of the few solaces of this slow moving beast as it lurches toward dooms day, aka the grand finale. This story is so looney-stupid, if it weren't for the charming community of faithful viewers giving us gems of snark and insight and my fabulous fellow recappers, I don't think I could have survived. I think Colunga needs to take a lesson from Cesar Evora who has honed his acting skills and survived so successfully beyond his galan years. Fernando Colunga needs to go deep to get a new lease on his career. I worshipped him from Alborada days, my first telenovela that sunk a deep hook and has kept me a fan and Caray Caray devotee all the years.

I agree, too. It would be far better for Valentina if Veronica died and didn't hang over her head like a dark storm cloud for however long she could go to jail for.

Which should be Life Without Parole.

BTW, for everyone who seriously misses Jorge Salinas, on Monday one of his older novelas will air on UniMas. Las Vias Del Amor also has Gabriel Soto, Elizabeth Alvarez, Enrique Rocha, and Daniela Romo. However, you have to endure Aracely Arambula.

UA: Thanks for the heads up on the JS TN. I'd check it out, but am all set to start La Reina del Sur tonight. Can't wait!

Agree about Vero. Would be easier on Vale if she died--as long as it's an accident.


Las Vias del Amor will air at 9AM EST. It was made in 2002 so Jorge and Gabriel will look a little younger.

Enrique Rocha's villain is a little different from his usual in that he actually falls in love with an age-appropriate woman.

Emilio Larossa is the producer.

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