Monday, November 18, 2013

TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: MARIDO EN ALQUILER, week of November 18, 2013

THIS is the post for Marido fans.

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Antonio walks in while Amalia and Rafel are discussing Griselda’s conviction that Teresa Cristina is behind the attempts on her life. Antonio insists TC wouldn’t be capable of such a thing. When Antonio asks why she would do such a thing, Rafael gives him a disgusted look and responds: “Why to hurt your mother, of course”. Rafael says it would be easy for her to get hold of a snake. Plus, bad people don’t always get their own hands dirty; he can attest to that fact! Tony finally gets it when they remind him how sensible his mother is. Then he says he’s sure that Griselda has a defense against TC, and he’s going to take care of the whole thing.

TC is explaining her obsession about Reinaldo and Griselda to Rosario. She says that he was unfaithful first; in his feelings if not actually. She could see in his eyes that he was interested in La Bigotuda. She tells Rosario that Reinaldo thinks Griselda is perfect, but she’s not. Just then the private detective calls and confirms that the real investor behind the fake investor Barinsky was Griselda Carrasco. She asks him to do one more thing.

At Rey Gourmet, Simón brings up hiring Vanessa back as the hostess. Reinaldo says to not even mention her name. He goes on to say that he should have listened when Simón warned him about her.

At Fina Estampa, Juan Pablo tries to grill Vanessa about what happened with Reinaldo the other day. She manages to deflect his questions, saying Reinaldo was just upset about what happened to Fred.

Antonio wants to talk about the TC situation, but his mother says she’s too busy on the house repair project. He gets her to listen, and tells her that TC has a really big secret. And, if Griselda can find it out, she’ll have TC in the palm of her hand. He tells her he couldn’t get the secret out of Iris. Griselda tells him that Iris makes a living out of this secret, so she’s unlikely to tell them. She reminds Tony that Iris worked for her and could have gotten a bunch of money for this secret, but she didn’t do it. But Gris thinks there is someone who can help them.

Alba comes to see Beatriz at Maridas en Alquiler. She tells Bea that she’s at Maridas about a possible bathroom remodel. She notices that Beatriz is happy in her work. She mentions that Bea and Gloria are very close now. Hablando del Rey de Roma, Gloria calls and says she has to tell Beatriz something important and don’t mention it to anyone, especially Alba. [Note to Alba: fire Gloria ASAP!!]

Gris has come to the beach looking for help from … of course, Paloma.

Meanwhile, at Rey Gourmet, Reinaldo tells Simón what happened with Vanessa.

At Fina Estampa Juan Pablo tells Marcia to make a public announcement about Esther’s return to the company. Then he asks where in the heck is Vanessa. He’s very annoyed, and tells Marcia that Vanessa is just another employee and can’t just wander in and out as she pleases.

Susana rags on Rafael about his being off work, saying he can’t come and go as he pleases. He tells her he told Eduardo where he was going. She is SO furious with him, and asks how long he plans to deceive poor Amalia, because what he loves is her money. She’ll unmask him because she knows what he wants. He gets closer to her and tells her he knows what she wants – otro revolcón (another roll in the hay). He reminds her that no one is as good as he is, but she’ll have to suffer. He tells her she’s not going to get neither his body nor Eduardo’s job. [I don’t think it’s a good idea to poke this particular snake.]

Griselda goes to the beach and tries to get Paloma to tell her the big secret that Iris uses to blackmail TC. Gris says she has to know because she’s fed up with her cousin harming her family. She says she doesn’t have proof of what TC is doing, so she has to have something to threaten her with. Paloma says she doesn’t know. [And this brings up an irritating plot point. They’ve shown Paloma looking at Marcela’s video a bunch of times; but they don’t ever say if Marcela spilled the beans 100% about TC killing her own mother on this video.] Anyway, whether she knows or not, Paloma doesn’t tell Gris, and Iris looms up and tells Gris that the family is something sacred. Yeah, right!

Simón is completely blown away by what Rei tells him about Vanessa. Rei says he deleted the photos from her phone, but Simón fears she might have them somewhere else.

Vanessa has come to see Esther about her relationship with Juan Pablo. [Really, someone needs to slap the taste out of Vanessa’s mouth, and soon.] She tells her she thinks things aren’t completely resolved between the two of them. Esther loses her temper and asks her if maybe they didn’t get resolved because of Vanessa. Esther says she has nothing to tell her because it’s really none of her business. As a parting shot Vanessa says that Esther never said that she didn’t love Juan Pablo.

After Griselda leaves, Iris rags on Paloma for even thinking of saying anything about what they know about TC. Iris goes on to lift the corner of the tent on a mystery. She says that TC doesn’t have her blood, but rather the blood of an unfaithful and horrible father. Iris tells Paloma that, if someday she reveals this shameful secret, she’ll be sorry.

TC abuses her servants some more. FF>>> She tells Ro she’s going to Rey Gourmet to announce who the real investor in the restaurant is.

Reinaldo tells Griselda he honestly doesn’t think TC had anything to do with Amalia’s accident or the fire. He thinks she’s egotistical, but not a psychopath. He then gives us some foreshadowing by saying to Griselda that she’s different from TC. She has no secrets. Gris swears she has none, but remembers hiding her investment. Rei swears he has none, but remembers the photos that Vanessa took.

Simón shows up at Vanessa’s place to ask her not to use those photos so that Patricia won’t be hurt any more than she already has been by her parents splitting up. The little snot asks him what’s so bad about Reinaldo being interested in her. H tells her that first of all it’s a lie. And she’s young enough to be his daughter. And Patricia would be hurt by it.

TC has some other scheme cooking involving the detective she hired. But we don’t yet know what it is.

TC is about to leave for the restaurant. Manuel is at the wheel. José jumps in and tells her he didn’t know she liked snakes as well as róbalo. She gets the tiniest bit hysterical, saying she doesn’t’ know what he’s talking about. He kisses her. He tells her to pay attention to him. If they don’t talk about this now, then she can forget about the róbalo and also how good Omega 369 is for one’s health. [I didn't understand this Omega reference. Anyone???] He jumps into the drivers’ seat and off they go.


thanks so much novelera, for the wonderful recap!

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oils, "are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential nutrients for health", and according to science one of the best things you could eat, and apparently Jose's robalo has the omega-3 oils, the "69" variety.

hmm, so we see Reinaldo looking at the Vanessa pics on his computer, often.

and it looks like there's no keeping a lid on Victoria's genetic parents.


Thank you, Novelera!

I think Rei and Gris' bliss is about to be over - they're both keeping secrets and even if Rei is innocent, Gris surely isn't.
At least he could have told her the truth about the photos and I think Gris would have understood, but he'll never forgive her for teh investment secret.


Would this be too farfetched? Last night we got a hint that Esther is still in love with JP. What if JP mans up and defends Esther when and if Bea fights for custody of her child. Then during the court battle a dna test is done since there was no need for one before. It is determined the child is Esther and JP's bio child from that out of the blue romp at work. A miracle child and they live happily ever after.

I still prefer Esther stay with Gabriel though it's not likely. The way JP despises an innocent child is unforgivable.


Josie, your theory is not too farfetched for telenovelas! The only thing is, they already played the lunar card. This is the old chestnut whereby a baby has a mole somewhere in the same place on its body as that of a bio parent.

Thanks for the great recap novelera! I didn’t get to watch last night, so it’s really helpful.

I am so dreading the Rei-Gris breakup because I know it will be painful, and instigated in the most vicious way possible by Vanessa and TC. Ay yay yay! Also dreading the baby egg-sperm donor reveal. No one is going to be happy with this.

I need a happy storyline! Even Paloma and Ivan are on the rocks, and for a while that was a delicious little treat as their attraction to each other built up and led to their sweet relationship.

I wish they would show us already what was said on the video Paloma has. I can’t believe Paloma is sitting on the info if she has testimony on video that TC is a murderer. I don’t care if TC is family. I would turn her in!


novelera, I forgot about the lunar. Guess my bio child scenario is out!

I too can't believe Paloma hasn't come clean with Gris. How can she keep quiet after 2 attempts on Amalia? Blood is not thicker than water when it comes to murder.


Thanks for the recap!

I understood from Paloma and Iris's conversation on the beach that TC and Paloma share a father, but I could be wrong.

I was relieved to see Tony taking the TC danger seriously and trying to help out by telling Griselda about the existence of TC's secret. I was also glad to see Jose apparently stepping up at least in some way or another in defense of his kids, even if it's going to be simply withholding sex if TC doesn't lay off of them. (A male Lysistrata?)

And I'm dreading Rei and Griselda's contrived and inevitable pending doom. The only rational thing for Rei to have done is to tell Griselda exactly what happened. Does he really think she wouldn't believe him if he just went to her and told her the whole thing? He's just creating this problem for himself now by staying silent. (Telling Patricia is a trickier thing, because he knows it will hurt her to find out that her friend could do such a thing.)

Tuesday Recap

I'm so sorry, guys, but I won't be able to post today's recap. I was going to do it this afternoon (morning, for you), but something unexpected and rather urgent came up with my tax agent, so all other activities have to take a back seat.
I haven't even had the time to watch the show, yet, and I don't know how long my meeting will last. Grrr...

If anyone can post some bullet point facts, I'd appreciate it very much. As a return favor, I'll take care of tomorrow's recap - unless Kelly mentioned she's doing it? Ah, my brain is toast, she said the dates several times but I still can't remember. Ugh...

Hey. I'm doing Thursdays. Anita was filling in on some Wednesdays but I don't think she could do tonight's. Would tonight (Wed) be too much for you on top of your tax stuff, or a nice break to think of something other than taxes?



Here's a start of what happened Tuesday:

Rei and Gris decide they need to tell each other the truths they are hiding. They are on the phone to each other. Rei is standing next to Simon and is about to tell Gris about Vanessa, but Simon stops him to say, dude, not over the phone. Gris wants to tell him something too and starts to, but Celeste tells HER not over the phone. So they make a date for lunch at the restaurant, and leave plenty of room for more misunderstandings and accusations.

Miguel is just about to drive TC to the restaurant so she can drop the bombshell on her ex of Gris owning the restaurant. But Jose shows up to confront her by hopping in the backseat with her. She orders Manuel to get rid of him and when Manuel gets out of the car to go around to the backseat and get rid of Jose, Jose locks the doors. Ha! Somehow that I can't remember, he ends up driving her so he can talk to her about the snake in Amalia's car. She protests and get offended, and he presses. When he asks one last time if she put the snake in the car, she says yes I did it! Then says she also sank the Titanic and something else sarcastic. Bottom line is he gets no where with this issue but they do have sex in the back of the car. He drops her off at the restaurant and then takes off with the car. She's better off with Miguel, who actually waits for her. It's hard to make a dignified exit by public transit.

She happily told Rei that she knows the true owner of the restaurant. She drags out the reveal, introduces the PI and Barinsky, and finally tells him the bigotuda owns the place. Rei demands the truth from Barinksky as to who owns it, just as Gris walks in to say "Yo". There is no screaming or yelling, just disappointment from Rei. They talk in his office and he expresses why he didn't want to be in this situation again. She protests that she's not TC and she shouldn't compare the two. After all, Gris was married to that mujeriego of Jose but she would never accuse Rei of cheating (or something to this effect). She asks if he wants to break up over this, and they end up parting so he can think about everything. I hope Simon and Celeste are pushy enough to talk to each other about all this and how Gris was ready to some clean.


Adriana, not to worry! Sometimes life has to take precedence over telenovela recaps.

Kelly, thanks for jumping into the breach!

My God, will the wheel of karma never, ever smack TC and Vanessa in the chops!

I was very disappointed in Pati for not believing her father was framed. Hope that gets cleared up tonight. And I also hope that Pati's whole crowd at the college shuns Vainessa from now on.

I was also disappointed in Reinaldo's reaction. He gave TC the satisfaction of seeing how his and Griselda's relationship was spoiled by her bombshell. I liked what Griselda said to him, and we hope he heard it.

She told him that when she loves, she loves with her whole heart. She couldn't bear to see him lose the restaurant that was such a big part of his self-esteem. So, she did what she did. And it's NOT fair to think she'd behave the same way as TC because she had a financial stake.

One more thing. They are more and more hinting at Esther going back to Juan Pablo, especially when Vanessa (amazingly inappropriately) told her she'd never said she didn't love him.

And, last night Esther was sort of desperate (can't remember the exact words) with Gabriel, telling him to remind her what he means to her or some such.

I CAN'T STAND IT! Gabe does not deserve to be kicked to the curb for Juan Pablo no matter how much they reform JP. Think about Victoria! Now who would be the better father, huh?

Kelly, thank you for stepping in. I was sure you were recapping Wednesdays... I'm getting old.
I still haven't seen the show , but I'm done with the taxes - they are payed, I'm poorer... and so life goes.

I can definitely recap tomorrow, because my computer is starting to act out again, so as long as I have the means to recap, I'm game. I did decide I need a new laptop, though. Guess what present my hubby is getting for his birthday? :)

Thanks so much Kelly and Novelera! I am falling behind on the show this week, so I'll likely catch up this weekend. But I can clearly see what's happening with Rei and Gris. It's just so sad. Yes, would Karma please slap Vanessa and TC around a bit?

Novelera- I can't stand how the writers are keeping Pati and Ester emotionally tied to Tony and JP, when they have MUCH better men in their lives right now. Ugh!

At least JP started out good, but the way he has behaved about the baby is just beyond horrible. I get why he was upset. I even get why he would end the marriage. But there is no reason to be so UGLY and MEAN about it, especially when Ester has caught him with his pants down (literally) more than once, and she has kept it classy and civil.

Other than the way he behaves with his sister and nephew, Tony has few redeeming qualities. And even his sister, he basically sold to Bad Rafa (not to be mistaken for Good Rafa) in exchange for a motorcycle!

I thought that since this tn came from Brazil originally, they would buck some tn conventions and allow for major switch ups with the main couples, but it's not looking like that.

MARIDO Wednesday
Part 1/3

Yesterday’s main issues:

- Rei found out Gris was the secret investor in Rei Gourmet – she explained him her reasons for wanting to help – basically she did it out of love, but for him the situation is too similar to what he had with TC, so he wasn’t yet sure what he’ll do about it
- Daniel and then Tony saw the pictures Vanesa posted of her and Rei in bed together (from now on called THE PICTURES); Tony decided that he should talk to his mother about them ASAP


Tony and Gris are in her room, but she’s had a difficult day, so she’s in no mood to talk. Tony insists, though, since what he needs to tell her is already common knowledge so she absolutely has to know, too. At first Gris thinks it’s something Tony has done (who can blame her?), but then he shows her the site with THE PICTURES. Gris is impactada!

Ro is tending to TC’s feet, massaging them, while she’s overjoyed because she caused a big fight between her two sworn enemies, Gris and Rei. Ro thinks she should worry about what Jose might do, but TC doesn’t think he’d ever hurt her. Ro insists, though, he even suggests that maybe she should “take care of him”, it’s not like it would be the first time.
He seems to be fine and in love with his reina del Nilo once again, but later, while in the kitchen with Elsa, we see that he’s still struggling with Fred’s death and TC’s involvement in it. So, in order to calm his nerves, he goes on line and sees THE PICTURES!

Once Pati is sound asleep, Simon calls Rei, to warn him about THE PICTURES, but Rei doesn’t answer – he’s alone, at the restaurant, trying to drink his sorrows away.

Gloria is waiting for Beatriz to come meet her, but Bea is with Alba, who has decided to tell her that one of the eggs she donated has been chosen by a patient; and, not only that, but the same patient also chose her dead boyfriend’s swimmers, too! Bea is shocked, she can’t believe the baby she wanted so much gets a chance to live, but in another woman’s womb.
As far as I understand, she’s upset because the patient chose BOTH her and Guillermo, because since she’s a donor, being chosen was bound to happen.
Anyway, she’s very upset because Alba didn’t even try to stop the insemination. Alba explains there was nothing that she could have done, the patient chose going by certain characteristics, the files had no names, just some numbers.
But Bea is too upset, she even says that Alba convinced her to donate in the first place (which we all know is a lie); she demands to know who the patient is, who has HER baby, but Alba points out that she has no legal rights over the child.
Bea insists in knowing the identity of the woman and finally steals Esther’s file from Alba’s desk – because, obviously, the file was just sitting there, with the donor files, making it very easy for Bea to read it.
When she finds out Esther is the patient, she’s shocked!
At the same time, Esther is blissfully unaware that her happy life might turn into a nightmare; she’s at home, with her gorgeous baby daughter, rocking her to sleep and acting like a very happy mommy.


MARIDO Wednesday
Part 2/3

The next morning Simon goes to see Pati at the posada, but she’s already gone. Sure enough, she went to talk to Vanesa.
She can’t believe that her best friend fancied her father for so long without saying anything; can’t she realize how much older he is and, also, isn’t she dating uncle JP?? Vanesa is acting so casual about this, I feel like strangling her – she admits that she always found Rei particularly delicious and now he’s single, so what’s the problem? (Pati’s argument that he is in love with Gris goes right above Vanesa’s head).
I believe the argument goes on for some time, but the scene cuts off for me, so I don’t know what happens next.

Gris hasn’t slept all night, when Tony goes to check up on her in the morning, he can see that she’s destroyed. He wants to know what she plans to do, but whatever that might be, she has no intentions of talking it to him. She asks him to keep mum about what he knows for now and urges him to go to school, because he has an exam that day. In the meantime, she’ll be waiting for Rei, who still has clothes at her place and will arrive soon enough (so he didn’t drop by last night). She also asks Tony if she could keep his computer, preferably opened at the page that has THE PICTURES.

When Rei finally shows up, he’s still upset over the whole restaurant situation, but Gris is fuming because he’s a cheater. Rei starts saying how he feels like a perfecto idiota - even if she meant well, he can’t get over the lie.
Oh, so it’s the lying that bothers him, Gris starts her attack? And then shows him THE PICTURES and asks him what she should call them: mentira, engaño, infidelidad o burla (lie, betrayal, cheating or pure mockery).
And she keeps on and on, not allowing him the time to open his mouth even for a split second – although I think he DID allow her to explain why she chose to go behind his back with the whole restaurant business.
He does manage to say that THE PICTURES aren’t real, but she won’t hear him; he’s a vicious man, going after a girl his daughter’s age, he has no limits. When she finds out THE PICTURES were taken the night of Fred’s death, his supposed last night at the hotel, she bitterly calls the whole affair his despedida (a sort of a bachelor party). She thinks she’s been so blind, thinking he was a prince, but no more, his mask has finally come off, so he better get the Hell out of HER house. She says that enough times for Rei’s reaction to change from one of modesty and pain to one of anger and annoyance – once again he’s being thrown out of a woman’s house. So, instead of trying to plead and try to explain, he decides that her mask has finally come off, too. At least that’s something they can both agree on!


MARIDO Wednesday
Part 3/3

Gris goes downstairs, where all her kids are waiting for her, worried because they know Rei is with her. K gives her a speech about how she absolutely must apologize to Rei and try to make him forgive her, because he’s the best thing that ever happened to her. Tony interrupts K because he knows the whole story and eventually, he urges his mom to tell Amalia and K about THE PICTURES, too.
When she finishes, K wants to go punch Rei (no surprise there), Tony asks him to stop behaving like a cavernicola (caveman).
And here comes Rei, who briefly acknowledges their presence and leaves with his bags. They think he didn’t dare to say anything else because he’s guilty, I think he didn’t speak because he’s pissed with Gris for throwing him out.
The kids are all shocked, but Gris asks them to stop mopping, because she most definitely won’t! Life has to go on, she’s too old to cry over love matters (which I totally don’t agree with, Gris is trying to put up a brave front, maybe, but she does look rather rigid – maybe she’ll break down later, unseen, because I don’t like her being so cold).

Ro is taking breakfast to TC. She’s looking through the window, happy to see that Rei’s car is parked in front of Gris’ house and he only came about an hour before, which means he didn’t sleep with her. But Ro explains that whatever is going on between Gris and Rei right now has nothing to do with her – and he shows her THE PICTURES.
TC takes her time to see them all, with a pensive look on her face.
As Ro tries to make it clear that he had no clue what Vanesa was doing and nothing happened while she was with Rei, TC is strangely calm and asks Ro to bring Vanesa to see her ASAP.

Barbie gets back from her trip to New York, with a lot of luggage that Jose and Elio refuse to carry upstairs for her. Instead they’d like to know how come she looks much more prosperous than when she left – well, her family loves her so much, they showered her with gifts.
If Barbie is now rich, why did she come back to live in that dump?
Later she calls Kikito and K reluctantly allows her to speak to him.

Gris has a brief chat with Amalia in front of the house - Amalia doesn’t understand how come Gris can just go on living, she wonders if her mom thinks less of her for having cried so much over Rafa – Gris explains that it’s normal for Amalia to cry, she’s so young, but she’s older and wiser.
Whatever, I don’t like this reaction, I really hope Gris is only acting like this to fool the kids.
On her way out, Gris meets TC and gets out of her car for some shared snark. TC wonders how it feels to be abandoned by 2 men, Gris warns her that the truth always comes out and TC should watch her back.

Rei is back at the hotel and telling the manager he’ll be staying there indefinitely (Isn’t apartment renting cheaper? Does he plan to keep working for Rei Gourmet?)

Ro goes home and asks Vanesa to come with him to TC’s house, but she doesn’t feel like obeying, she prefers to go to work. She acts all casual about it, so Ro calls her unbalanced (which doesn’t even scratch the surface of how annoying she is) and pushes her out the door: they need to see TC no matter what!

Pati calls Rei, wanting to speak to him; when she shows up, she asks him straight up why is it that she can’t even have a normal parent? He was her rock, she feels so disappointed now.


Thanks so much, Adriana. This sounds like such a painful episode. I think I'll skip it. I also hope Gris is just putting up a front, but I think it will be a while before either of them are able to calm down enough to see the truth.


love your recaps Adriana!

so we're still hanging on Fernando's little job of getting rid of K,
and what's up with Ivan's ex,
or Leo's fighting.

and I'm thinking that Vanessa will make TC's hit list,
unless she explains nothing really happened,
in which case, will they become friends?

Barbara is never going to hide the fact that she has a ton of money.


Thanks so much, Adriana! First class recap.

Actually, I'm kind of OK with Griselda's behavior. Of course, she should have let Reinaldo talk and perhaps she might have done so if he hadn't taken it so badly that she'd hidden her investment in his restaurant.

But, in her mind, he had colossal nerve giving her crap about what she did when what he did was 1,000 times worse.

To me, her attitude is the same as it's always been. She won't be defeated by anything. Her Knight in Shining Armor turned out to have feet of clay, but she's not going to let that destroy her. I admire how she's taking this.

I guess they're going with Beatriz trying to get her baby. Another sad development.

Deb, you definitely pointed out some things that I've been wondering about as well.

Why hasn't Fernando carried out his harm-Quique plan? And what IS up with Carol, Ivan's ex?

I think TC is going to try to enlist Vanessa in her "Get Gris" campaign. I don't think it would bother her so much if Vanessa had a roll in the hay with Reinaldo. What drives her nuts is how much he adores Griselda.

Thursday's episode will be brought to you by the word $%^&, which is what I was thinking at my antenna that chose not to work last night. Watching online and the recap will be up soon.

Next week though I'll be out of town on Thanksgiving and I doubt my parents get Telemundo. They don't watch novelas for some strange reason. Can anyone take Thursday? I can do an earlier night if it helps.


Thursday part 1
Scenes grouped together. I couldn’t get the captions so I may have missed some details of the conversations.

Vanessa has been summoned to see TC. Vain doesn’t think she owes TC any explanation and TC doesn’t want one. TC wanted to see her out of curiosity. She’s amused and is wondering what the plan is, what does Vain want in exchange for this since Rei will now hate her until the end of his days. JP won’t be so happy either. Paty, her EX-amiga, won’t want to see her face anymore and all the friends at the university… Vanessa is starting to cry and tells her to stop. She asks not to be tortured anymore. She was just so angry that Rei wasn’t taking her seriously. She never should have posted the pics. C laughs and tells her not to cry. Serpientes like us never cry; they attack and then celebrate. This is what she wants with Vain, who is totally confused. TC offers to pay Vanessa to help separate Rei and Gris under the condition that Vain defends her story about the night with Rei until death and beyond. Hecho. And then Ro finds out about this and how many zeros are on that check TC gave to Vanessa. Vain is happy but Ro, not so much. Van still looks unsure about TC when she comes near, but she’s happy about the money. When TC laaves, Ro tells her she sold out to the devil. Vain says lots of people do this and nothing happens to them. She’s young but still an adult and old enough to know this is wrong,. She gets no sympathy when this (hopefully soon) comes back to bite her on the butt. Ro may realize that he hasn’t set a good example for her.

Rei gives Paty his word that nothing happened with Vain and he tells her his side of the story. She offered to help and he thought having a drink with her was the least he could do. Rei says no way could anything have happened. He’s not superman and was completely knocked out. Then he tells Paty that he and Gris broke up, not just because of Vain. Simon picks up Paty from the hotel and Rei thanks him. Paty tells her father that if the story he gave is true, then she’s very sorry. Rei says that he is actually the most hurt because of Gris buying his the restaurant. Right. He’s just glad that paty knows the truth. Then he gets a call from Gigante. He’s confused.

Barb happily hangs up all the clothes she bought in NYC. Jose and Elio talk about her. They didn’t know her family was so rich, and if they are, then why is she staying with them? She doesn’t get anything from the Luchador. So where is it all coming from? Elio questions whether it might be from a chinese treasure? But Jose says she’s too dumb (ha) and got the treasure stolen from her locker at the hotel. But they definitely don’t trust her.

Alba’s nurse calls Bea to find out where she was, and tries to hide that fact when Alba walks in. But Alba’s not an idiot. She tells the nurse that Bea already knows and the best she can do is convince Bea not to look for the baby. Alba told Bea on the condition that Bea stay away, and hopes that she does. But Alba doesn’t fire the nurse so maybe she is an idiot.

Esther’s. Doorbell. Uh oh. Beatriz. Bea is acting very odd and Esther notices. Bea wants to see the baby who is sleeping. Esther is trying to talk to her but she’s not listening. She picks up the baby over Esther’s protests. Esther begs her to put the crying baby back in the crib ad then gets a call from Alba. Alba wants to talk to Bea. Bea won’t take the call and says she has to go to work. She finally puts the kid down and leaves. Alba wants to talk to Esther but Esther needs to attend to Vicki first and hangs up.


Thursday, part 2

Amalia is talking to Rafa at the Taco Bar about what happened with Gris and Rei. Gabe overhears (eavesdrops). He and Clara chat about this when Beto (?) walks up and shows them the pics. Gigante and Rei are meeting for lunch at Tacos Bar (good choice, but isn’t there a non-Gabe deli around?) Gigante is trying to convince Rei that Gris loves him, she bought the restaurant out of love, etc. Gabe butts in. They argue and Gabe hits Rei. Rei is yelling that the pics are false and eventually everyone will know what really happened. He and Gigante leave.

Ines and Mario talk about going back to New York, but TC is their only hope.Diosa comes in to tell Ines that she has a visitor in reception. Gris. She would have expected anyone, the Queen of England even, before Gris. Gris gets to the point. “How much do you want to tell me the secret of your niece?” “Well, well…” answers Ines, in English. Diosa wanders back and forth and Ines says they can’t talk there. Meet in her cabana in 5 minutes. She leaves. Tony comes in and wants to know what’s up. She’ll find out in 5 minutes. They wait while Ines tells Mario. Happiness and joy. When the 5 is up, Gris goes to the cabana. Tony, done with his mother, starts wondering about Paty and what she’s up to. She’s in her room whining to herself about these relationships and how they are all behaving like animals.

Gris enters the cabana of Ines. “Grimelda”. “If you call me by the wrong name one more time…”. Ines manages to get out Griselda, and tells her to make herself at home, tossing pillows off the couch for her. But Gris again gets right to the point.

G: How much? What is your price?
I: hems and haws and says Cinco.
G: Cinco.
I: Cinco
G: Mil?
I: Millones.
G: Cinco millones!? Hecho
I: Starts blabbering on and then realizes that Gris agreed to the Price. Then she cheers.

Ines worries about what TC will do and wants the money first. Gris agrees, but tells Ines that if she plays games, it’ll be Gris who murders her. They set a time and place to meet.

Ro sees her leaves the cabana and calls TC to tell her. He hasn’t learned anything. He follows her at TC’s order, and sees her talking to Tony. TC thinks she’s involved Tony in whatever is going on. Tony is annoyed about the money, naturally, and thinks Gris should’ve bargained. But Gris says she’ll do anything it takes to keep her family safe. Seems like a video surveillance and bodyguards all around would be cheaper and more effective, if a more boring solution. She makes Tony promise not to say anything to anyone.

Mario is dying to know what happened. Ines plays sad and stalls until she screams “Five million dollars” and jumps on Mario. More happiness and joy. They want to go back to NYC. Ines is tired of all this and wants the secret to have a new guardian, Grifelda.

TC remembers being threatened by Gris and decides that Tony is involved in this too. She calls Fer to revise the plan and target. (Seems like Ines would be the best target of all, but then, I’m not nuts).




Kelly, no novelas on Thanksgiving day, next Thursday.

Kelly, thanks so very much for the fine recap.

Wow, just when I was enjoying Vainessa being made aware of the fallout from posting the photos by TC, her crocodile tears are dried up by a big fat check. There was an allusion to a press conference so V is likely going to really get busy with the gossip rags. Bah! I just hope Patricia continues to believe her father and isn't sucked in by this.

I'm not very happy about Barbie cashing in the way she did. I was on vacation when José came back from the dead, so I don't know if there was any dialog about how and why he knew there was treasure hidden in the walls of that house. But José was apparently a friend of Chino and certainly has more right to the money that that miserable thief Barbie. I'm AMAZED Elio was the smart one this time, but got pooh poohed by his father about the source of Barbie's "gifts"

I'm pretty disgusted with Ro as well. The guy is not right in the head. Other than an odd expression that looks more like indigestion than anything else, he seems to be completely over the fact that TC killed the man he loved. He immediately alerted her to Gris visiting Iris and I'm sure Gris' plan will be foiled. It's way too soon for her to have TC's secret at her disposal.

Last night they did say "Capítulos Culminantes". If my memory serves, this usually means about 6 weeks to go.

Kelly, loved the recap! Iris is pretty funny with all her "Grimelda" talk. Gris, on the on the other hand, is an idiot- as much as I hate to say it, Tony was right, she should have negociated.
Novelera, as far as I remember from before he left but since he couldn't find Chino he decided to go back for the hidden fortune.

MARIDO viernes 22 de noviembre: News of a Kidnapping. (Apologies to Gabo*)

At the Maridas store Alba confronts Beatriz about going over to see baby Victoria. Beatriz says she could have told Esther the truth but didn’t. Alba wants to know what she is up to. Is she going to take off with the baby and disappear? “You authorized the donation of your eggs; you signed a contract.” Beatriz says she didn’t authorize her to choose Esther to receive her eggs and Guillermo’s sperm. “It was a coincidence.” Alba informs her she has no rights to that child. Beatriz gives Alba an ultimatum: She has one week to Esther the whole truth or she will do it herself.

“Now this is an honest to goodness wardrobe,” Babs says as she hugs the bag with the money. José knocks at the door and she stashes the bag under the bed. José is curious about her supposed family. She tells him that just because his family doesn’t remember him, “not even at Christmas,” doesn’t mean her family is the same way. José thinks it’s strange that he’s never heard her call them. She says they call her. “And are there pictures of you and your family?” “Yes, but I have to have them processed.” He asks her when she’s going to get a job. She tells him to get out–she’s tired from traveling all day and she wants to go see her son. “I’m too tired to listen to your foolishness.” After he leaves she locks the door, pulls the bag out and puts a stack of bills in her purse.

José complains to Elio that Babs is making a fool out of him and…she threw him out of her room. He says that he’s giving her enough rope so she will eventually be caught. “She’s lying to us.” Later José is discussing filling in the hole in the wall when Babs comes downstairs with some bags. “They are for the most important person in my life.” “Oh, you shouldn’t have.” “They aren’t for you. They are for my son. The only things you should be getting are tools from your ex’s shop.” She leaves and José thinks she’s found herself a sugar daddy. José, listen to your son! He’s right for once. (Elio believes Babs found and sold the knives.)

Beatriz is crying and Jethro asks her what’s wrong. She lies and says she has something in her eye. Jethro is not fooled. “Is it because of Antonio?” She tells him no and that it wasn’t really serious between her and Antonio. She manages a weak smile to let him know she is all right.

Beatriz tells Gloria that she went to see Victoria. “I can’t tell you how I felt when I held her in my arms.” “Didn’t Esther think that was very strange?” “I wasn’t thinking of Victoria as her baby but mine.” Gloria reminds Beatriz that since she donated her eggs, she has no legal rights to the child. “But I donated my eggs so that someone who couldn’t have a child could have one not so that someone could have a child with the love of my life who ends up dying. What does the law say about that?” She leaves and Alba come out of her office and says that she could have fired Gloria for revealing a story that should have been kept quiet. She decides not to and says that they will see what Beatriz decides to do.

A nervous Esther calls Gabe and asks him to come over because she needs to talk to someone about what happened with Beatriz and Victoria.

Gris is in her office and remembers the first time she and Reinaldo made love. Gigante interrupts her daydream and asks her if she was thinking about Reinaldo. She says she wasn’t thinking about that loser and that she has better things to do than waste her time. Gigante speaks to Jethro about her. Jethro would love to tear Reinaldo limb from limb but she won’t let him.

At Rey Gourmet Simón announces to the staff that the Health Department has given them the OK to reopen. Reinaldo says they will have to go on without him. He informs the staff that Gris is the true owner of the restaurant and that she will decide who the chef will be in her kitchen. Matilde corrects him and says it’s his kitchen. He doesn’t feel the same way anymore.

*Nickname of the Nobel laureate Gabriel García Márquez


Viernes 11/22 Part 2

Jethro goes to pick up Kikito at school. Babs shows up with her gifts. Jethro snaps that Kikito doesn’t need any of her gifts. This makes Kikito and his friend Juliana uncomfortable.

In her sauna TC shows Fernando a picture of Mario. He says he’s seen him around before. “Just do what I tell you.” “Does it have to be today?” “Right now.” We see Mario out jogging and the black car pulls up. The four ski-masked men get out and start punching. Fernando injects some kind of drug into his neck. They throw him in the car and speed off. And they accomplished all this in Miami in broad daylight. Meanwhile TC waits nervously in her living room for news of how it went.

At Tacos Bar Jethro and Babs continue their fight over Kikito’s gifts. Jethro says she couldn’t have bought all that stuff with her maid’s salary so the money has to be tainted somehow. Babs threatens to begin legal action for custody again. She’s not leaving until she gives the gifts to Kikito. He relents and she tells Kikito that it’s for all the birthdays and Christmases she missed. She promises that one day they will all live together again. She glances at Jethro. Kikito and Jethro leave with the gifts and Babs is alone. Clara gives her the evil eye from behind the counter.

Alba dodges another of Esther’s calls. Esther tells Gabe that she has tried a thousand times to get in touch with Alba but it keeps going to voice mail. She describes the scary feeling she had when Beatriz came to visit. “I felt as though she wanted to take her away.” Gabe doesn’t think that will happen and says he will be there to protect them both. Esther isn’t taking any chances and says that she will tell security not to let anyone in to see her without her prior approval. If Esther lives in the same community as TC, then the security guard is busy right now. After Gabe leaves Esther wonders if she is just being paranoid.

Iris is wondering if Mario picked the wrong day to go out for a long run. He calls and tells her to go on ahead to Gris’ store and wait for him. He will come home, take a shower, and meet her there. She thinks he sounds kind of strange but he says it’s just from being out of breath from running. No, it’s because the four ski-masked men have him chained to something under a tent-like structure. She warns him not to be too late because she doesn’t want to carry a suitcase full of money around by herself. He hangs up. She almost skips out of the house in anticipation.

Penny tells Diosa and Paloma that she is sure that Mario has been kidnapped. So Penny, you were a witness? Did you call the police? Did you run to the posada to tell Paloma because, after all, Mario is her mother’s….”friend”? If I witnessed someone being kidnapped I’d be a nervous wreck but that’s just me. Paloma guesses it’s due to TC’s secret and tells the two of them that she has a matter to resolve.

Gris waits for Iris in her office. Gigante asks if he can leave and she says yes. I get the feeling that Gigante knows something is up but Gris is a little curt with him when he asks if there is anything else he can do.

¡¡¡¡ROOOO!!!! TC summons her slave. How he can still work for her is a mystery. She tells him that Iris and Gris together is a bad sign so she wants him to go to Gris store and let her know if a certain someone shows up. “¿Don Reinaldo?” “¡No! Tía Iris.”

Max is training Leo when Babs shows up. She asks to speak to him but he makes her wait until the session is done. Yea Max!


Viernes 11/22 Part 3

Iris arrives at Gris’ office and Gris immediately puts a duffel bag full of money on the desk. Ro is not well-hidden outside. He advises TC that Iris has arrived. TC calls Fernando and gives him the OK to put her plan in motion. “The money is all there.” “It had better not be full of rocks like the last time.” Iris sees that it’s money. But Gris says she’s not getting a cent until she tells her what TC’s secret is. She sits down and begins to tell…but right at that moment her cell rings. Gris tells her to ignore it but it’s Mario and she doesn’t ignore him. “If you want to see me alive again you won’t tell Gris about TC.” “Is this some kind of joke?” “I’ve been kidnapped!” Iris panics. “They’ll let me live on condition that you don’t tell Gris TC’s secret.” Gris asks what’s going on. Mario is cut off and Iris tells Gris that if anything happens to Mario her life won’t be worth living. “What kind of game are you playing?” Gris shuts the door so Iris can’t leave. Outside, Ro is relating all this to TC. I’m not sure how he can see what’s happening. Must be one of those pesky open windows. If Gris doesn’t let her leave Ro is to help her leave. “¿Yo?”
Gris and Iris struggle some more and finally Iris gets away. She has to go save Mario.

In TC’s kitchen Elsa is preparing dinner when the phone rings. She tells security to let Doña Paloma in. Then the doorbell. Paloma says she doesn’t have to be announced and proceeds to go upstairs. Elsa comments to herself that this whole family has such bad manners.

Max finishes his session with Leo. Babs pays him back the money he had lent her so she could retain a lawyer. In his room Kikito opens his presents. Jethro recalls Babs’ words about all of them living together.

Gris sits at her desk and realizes that Iris is not playing a game. “She was desperate when she got that call.” Meanwhile, TC calls Fernando who informs her that everything has been done as she asked. “What now?” “Kill him and throw his body by the side of the highway.” Paloma walks in just in time to hear TC’s instructions. She grabs the cell and ask who’s there. Fernando makes the mistake of saying something because Paloma recognizes his voice. TC tries to get her cell back. “I know it’s you Fernando. I recognize your voice.” He hangs up. “I know it was Fernando and you ordered him to dump someone’s body by the side of the highway. I heard you.” “How dare you come into my bedroom without my permission.”

Night has fallen and Fernando completes TC’s order by stabbing Mario.


Unfortunately I lost my Part 4 which is the last couple scenes. I will post it later today.

Viernes 11/22 Part 4

Gigante informs Jethro, who is at home, that Gris said that she was leaving work early but stayed. Amalia thinks this is strange because she went by the store earlier and it was all closed up. I guess she didn’t see Ro trying to hide in the bushes. Jethro, Amalia and Rafa are concerned because she isn’t home yet. The only one who doesn’t appear concerned is Antonio who is studying while listening to music. Amalia removes his earplugs and asks if he knows where Gris is. He says she had something to take care of but she didn’t tell him what it was. “You can asks her when she comes back.” He goes upstairs and tries to call Gris but her cell is busy. He knows about the deal with Iris so he concludes that she must be at the posada. Rafa tells him how worried Amalia is and demands to know where Gris is. He says he doesn’t know. Antonio tries to leave but Jethro grabs him by the scruff of the designer sweater. “Doña Griselda has her matter to resolve and I have mine. She knows how to take care of herself and I know how to take care of myself.” He leaves. I’d like to strangle him with that “suéter de marca.”

And now for some lousy editing. It’s daylight when Paloma arrives at TC’s house and the two start to argue. Now it’s fully dark and their conversation hasn’t missed a beat. “How dare you grab my cell right out of my hands and if that weren’t enough, you listen to my private conversation.” Paloma asks her if she knows Fernando, the head of security for her community. “For me employees don’t have names or faces.” Paloma explains that she often sees Fernando playing volleyball at the beach during his free time and he has also helped her around the posada. TC still pretends to not know who he is. Elsa answers the door and Iris demands to know where TC is. “Up in her room!” Iris goes upstairs. Elsa thinks that TC’s house is busier than a bus station. Paloma tells TC that she knows her secret and TC will pay if anything happens to Iris because of her past. Iris walks in and tells Paloma that TC sent someone to kidnap Mario and who knows what is happening to him at this moment. Right now he’s dying or already dead. Downstairs Ro appears and Elsa tells him that the “mother of all fights” is going on upstairs. “Mother of all fights?” says Gris as she walks in. Ro is shocked but manages to offer her coffee or something. “No I’ll just go on up. I know the way.”



thanks so much Kelly for making the Thursday recap happen, against all odds, I just love how you roll out the story.

and Sue, great recap for Friday as well, with lots of details that really color things for me, and wow, what a great show, I'm loving watching Iris (Alba Roversi) in all her excited states, and what a development, Paloma recognizing Fernando's voice on the phone, and now with Griselda there, but I suppose all will be careful what they say to keep their own secrets hidden, and there will be no proof.

oh, and when you say Fernando stabs Mario, I think it was with the syringe, to knock him out.


I saw one of the men with the syringe but Fernando pushed him away. I thought he was stabbed but I didn't see the blood so maybe it did happen the way you said. Whatever way, let's hope Mario isn't toast.

Wow, terrific recap, Sue. Just terrific!!

I'd like to think Paloma and Griselda have TC cornered, but I've just about given up hope she's going to face any consequences until the final episode. At least Paloma's basic decency has kicked in and she's trying to prevent another murder.

OK, Fernando is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. Or else the writers aren't. It makes absolutely no sense that such an "it's all about me" guy continues to do TC's bidding. He's gotten no sex and, as far as we know, no money either. But he keeps on risking prison to off people for her. Or should I say trying to off people since his success rate isn't good.

I didn't see Mario get stabbed. I thought they just injected him again to knock him out so as to move him somewhere. Maybe I saw what I thought was going to happen. Guess we'll find out Monday.

And that's another thing that makes no sense. I know TC saying they should kill Mario is part of her sociopathic personality. But it's not very smart. And she expects Tía Iris to not take all that money and with the added incentive of TC's having had the man she loves murdered?

I can't believe Alba has not fired Gloria. Maybe the actress had a contract for X number of scenes! She violated the rules looking up who the donors are and sneaked behind her back to try to tell Beatriz.

Speaking of Beatriz, isn't it possible there's some more of her eggs in the fridge? And more Guillermo sperm. Come on, telenovela writers, have Alba cook up another baby to implant. Or just do insemination. Don't know if that sperm can be defrosted and re-frozen or not.

I reviewed the scene and you're correct: Fernando grabbed the syringe from the other guy and stabbed Mario in the back with it. It was not a knife.

Super recap Sue! The recaps kept me up to date this past week, because I didn't get a chance to wacth the show. In any case, it was a very bad week for the good guys. I might just watch Friday's episode.

So what happened to the get Quique plan? Is Fer still working on that, while they torture Mario?

Vivi, if I remember correctly TC alluded to Fernando not having done his job with Quique, and he responded that he had a foolproof plan that was close to being set in motion.

Of course, the ending of Friday's episode MIGHT put a cramp in TC's plans considering that Paloma, Iris, and Griselda are confronting her all at once about her having had Mario kidnapped. She might want to back off for a bit. But, maybe she's too crazy to do that.

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