Thursday, November 28, 2013

Lo que la Vida Me Robo #7, 11/27/13: Yo mom, let's send an innocent man to jail!

Sorry for the late recap, it's only 10:25 am on the West Coast and I'm just getting up from bed, because it's Thanksgiving and my 30th birthday, weeee let the fun begin!

The recap is all done :)

The Old Stuff: Montse and Jose get it on, man I hope the water in that river was warm!

Maria and her creepy uncle:

Maria, who I've decided I don't like is sitting around wearing a really iffy looking outfit, she is joined by her creeper of an uncle Juventino who is there to ask her for a favor, he needs her to get him the key to Domingas bedroom, Maria, instead of asking why he needs said key instead tells him that Dominga is "muy poca cosa"- or in English "not good enough" for him. Someone on the patio groans and another member throws something at the TV while shouting "have you met your uncle?!". Juventino pushes her just a little bit more and she caves,she'll get the key for him, and this is when my serious dislike of her begins. Also I can't stand her stupid side ponytail thing.

Victor is a hot errand boy:

And shows up at the Mendoza home with the money Graciela asked for, she wants to know why Alejandro didn't bring the money himself- this woman has some nerve! and is informed that Alejandro wanted to come in person but he's just very busy, he also will NOT be coming over for dinner and he sends his apologies. Graciela does not look happy at all and tells Victor to wait while she goes to get the deed to the house, Victor flashes her a smile that says "we've got your number you witch" and reminds her not to forget the promissory note. She shoots him what I like to call the "I will stab you" stare and goes off in search of the paper work. She returns with the deed to the house and asks Victor to tell Alejandro that she appreciates his help and she extends an invitation for dinner the following night. Victor tells her that he doubts Alejandro will be able to join them because he's very busy wrapping up a few lose ends before returning to his hacienda. Graciela is surprised to hear this and asks how long Alejandro will be gone for, "oh a few months" says Victor and starts to make his exit, but not before asking for the promissory note, which Graciela forgot to give him, she reluctantly hands is over and he flashes her a wicked smile and does something that will make me love his character forever- he takes a little bow and leaves, that to me was priceless!

A tip for Nadia-

Kill your husband in his sleep....or get a divorce, whichever is easier on you. Poor Nadia goes to Pedro with some coffee, she tells him that she loves him and that she doesn't know how much longer she will be able to put up with his indifference. He tells her that her one and only job is to put up him, she tells him that she at the very least deserves an apology (for getting slapped by him in yesterdays episode) and he tells her that he never apologizes and suggests that she go shopping, that will make her feel better. Nadia tells him that shopping is not what she needs, and Pedro basically says too bad too sad, go away and take your coffee with you. Girl, throw that coffee in his face and take yourself to a good divorce lawyer, and after that go buy some shoes you can actually walk on, because you look like a baby calf taking it's first steps. The door bell rings and the maid announces that Pedro has a visitor.

My papa could die:

If he finds out about us, Montse tells Jose as the lay on a bush or brush or something that just looks freaking uncomfortable. Jose argues that the longer they wait to tell her father about the relationship the harder it will be to break the news to him, Montse tells him that once daddy is better she will tell him she's dating him and Jose expresses worry that her dad will be as much of a snob as her mom, Montse tells him daddy is a good man and wants her to be happy. She tells Jose that the love fest is over, she's gotta run home or risk having to explain  why she looks so messy. I think that should be pretty easy, all she needs to do is skip in the door and when asked by anyone why she looks so messy and why her hair is wet her answer should be "because I just shagged my boyfriend in the river" then she should smile and skip all the way to her room.

Maria, you're a bad Egg:

We see Maria getting the key to Domingas room, everyone on the patio boos her.

Pedro, you've met you match:

Pedro's visitor turns out to be Alejandro, he had been planning to visit Pedro at his office and was surprised to be asked to meet with Pedro in his home, Pedro tells him that he does not like dealing with personal issues at work and Alejandro wonders what personal dealings pedro is reffering to:

Pedro: "Before your father died he and I had a few deals pending, he owed me many favors and I hope you honor the deals he had with me"
Alejandro: "What deals were those?"
Pedro:"Various things here and there, the most important one is a land deal we were working on, he was going to sell me the land"
Alejandro:"I don't understand your interest in these lands, they are far away and hard to get to..."
Pedro: "I'm glad you see that, I'm sure you realize it's in your best interest to sell them to me.
Alejandro:" I will have to think about it, there's something you need to understand I don't have to honor any of the deals you had with my father, he and I didn't think about things the same way. I don't owe anyone any favors and I don't need to gain anyone's approval. If you'll excuse me.
And with that he leaves
Pedro looks muy enojado

In the garden we made out:

And had the same conversation we've had a million times before. Montse let's the cat out of the bag, her family is in financial ruin and her mother wants her to marry a rich man. This of course upsets Jose, who tells her that her family is a nightmare (true dat!) and that he is sure they will wear her down, she says that won't happen, she will talk to her dad when he is better and everything will be okay, they make plans to meet up two days later (I think, I had a hard time understanding what she said) at the same time, neither of of them notice Graciela lurking in the background.

Mama tengo una idea-

Montse finally makes it inside the house and is sent to look after Lauro, once gone, Graciela tells Dimdim that she found his sister and the new boyfriend outside, Dim points out that his sister is not the same, they can't control or manipulate her any more and if Alejandro finds out about her romance with Jose he won't want to marry her anymore. Graciela agrees, she tells him that Alejandro already cancelled on dinner and Dimitro seems surprised at this, "why" would Alejandro do that he, maybe because your mom called him a bastard, told him that he was nothing but a servant boy with money and made him feel smaller than an ant? Just a guess. Anyhoo, she also tells him that Alejandro plans to return home and Dimdim tells her she can't allow that to happen, he's the only one that can save them!

Graciela agrees, the first thing they have to do is keep Jose away from Montse. That's when Dimdim tells her he has an idea that could work, but first he needs to know if she's willing to send an innocent man to jail. Graciiela demands an explanation, if he had some information that would help the police with the case why didn't he say anything? And how can he be sure that Jose is innocent? "Mom, mom, mom, I know exactly what happened to Bruno because I was there, I killed him!", Graciela looks horrified, but is it because she now knows her son is a murderer or because she's finally getting a good look at his eye brows?

He explains what happened, after she left he went back to speak to Bruno, he was upset that Bruno had given the deed to the house to Alejandro, Bruno pulled the gun, they fought over it and the gun went off, it was an accident! Graciela is crying, clearly horrified at the fact that she has a stupid son, she slaps him a few times and pulls his hair and tells him that this could land him in jail, he says that if they frame Jose the whole problem goes away, which is why he needs to know if she's willing to send an innocent man to jail. She tells him that she will do anything for her children, anything.

Pedro plots:

Pedro realizes that Alejandro is nothing like his father and has no idea about the kinds of deals he and the old man had. He instructs the police chief to find the dirt on Alejandro, anything they can use for black mail, if Alejandro proves to be a problem they will just have to get rid of him.

Alejandro eats dinner:

And Victor comes in and informs him that he has the paper work on the house, they have a conversation and Victor asks if Alejandro has made up his mind- about what I don't know, maybe someone can help me here? They both agree that the family are snobs and that Montse would not get used to living with someone like Alejandro, things would be easier if she were more like Maria (bitch please). Alejandro tells Victor that he's worried, Maria fell of a horse and injured herself, this sends Victor into a panic, it turns out he's in love with Maria and wants to go see her now, Alejandro is happy for his friend and tells him to leave in the morning, it's late and there's no reason to rush out now. They agree that Victor will leave in the morning and return later in the day.

You know your family hates you when:

They make you eat lemon jello. Everyone knows that red jello is the best and only jello that matters. Lauro, not only has a stupid criminal for a son, and a wife with no morals but the poor sucker can't even get some of the good jello. Any way, we find him and Montse bonding, she wonders if their financial situation will improve and he says it could, of they have a good harvest the situation could resolve itself, she wants to know what would happen if things don't improve, would he force her to marry someone for money? He says he never would, those are her mother's ideas and he does not agree with her. Graciela happened to walk into the room when the conversation started and she does not look happy.

Dominga is attacked:

By the rat also known as Juventino, he opens the door and asks her why she did not take the bracelet he offered "por las buenas", then he tries to force himself on her, thankfully his brother walks in on the scene and beats the living daylights out of him.

Graciela spins her web:

And tries to get Lauro to believe that Alejandro is interested in Montse and that she might have some feelings for him as well, Lauro seems to be buying it, he's not very smart is he?

We fast forward to the next morning, Graciela (oh my lord what is she wearing, WHAT IS THAT THING?) gives Carlota instructions to not let Montse out of the house not even to go to the garden, Graciela says she's going to far, the girl needs fresh air, Graciela puts her foot down, Montse is to stay in the house, she leaves because Dim is waiting for her in the car, they have errands to run.

Tia Carlota has some advice:

Montse and Carlota discuss Jose, Carlota tries to reason with her niece, the man makes very little money, is she sure he's not trying to use her for her position? "no" says Montse, Jose loves her and she loves him, she is not worried about money. You might not be now says her aunt, but what about when you find yourself living in a small room, cooking, cleaning and looking after your children? How will you feel when your husband brings home less money than what your skirt costs? Montse repeats" money does not matter to me"

Victor visits an ungrateful Maria:

And he brings her roses, she is a total jerk to him, and I think we all agree that he deserves so much better, she tells him to leave the flowers on the desk and starts to ask about Alejandro, Victor informs them that Alejandro will return shortly. We also see Gaspar and Juventino on a walk, Juventino tries to excuse his attack on Dominga by saying that it was all a big misunderstanding, she opened her door and he thought she was asking him to come in, Gaspar does not believe him and tells him he is done covering for him, next time he wont be so lucky. They walk into the hacienda with enough time to hear Victor say he is the new administrator of the factory. What happened to Bruno Juventino wants to know, and is told that Bruno was fired after Alejandro found out he had been stealing from his father, he is also told to watch out, next time it might be you who gets fired. "I'm not a thief" screams Juventino as he goes into attack mode, "yes you are" says Victor and the two almost come to blows.

Meanwhile Graciela and her idiot son start on the course of setting up an innocent man, they pretend to be there so that Dimdim can see where he will be working, the captain gets one of the marines to show Dimdim around and as soon as he and Graciela leave Dim asks the marine if he knows where he can find Jose,it appears that the marine leads Dim to the Jose's room because next thing we know we seem him plant the gun under the mattress. Part one of the plan is done.

While he does this Graciela is off talking to the captain, this is the story she gives him: She tells him that Jose is driving her daughter crazy, she has asked him to stay away and has had no luck, he even went into her garden *gasps* and she's afraid of telling her husband because of his health, but it gets worse, she knows that Jose killed Bruno, she and her son saw him going into his house moments before he was shot to death, they were there to ask him not to  loan Jose any money, because if he did he would use that money to run away with her daughter. The captain asks why she kept this quiet and she says she did so in order to avoid  a scandal, he buys her bull and has his men search Jose's room, and another group is sent to spy on him, they have orders to detain him and if he tries to resist they are told to shoot him.

The men searching the room find the gun and the money Montse had given him to hold on to, Jose realizes that he is being followed and asks what's going on, the men draw their guns and tell him he is under arrest for murder.

I don't know about you folks but I'm off to buy Jose a sympathy card that reads "Sorry you got arrested for a murder you did not commit, life sucks like that way sometimes, chin up!"


Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving!


Marvelous part one and Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday too!

I am liking Vic too. He is a hoot and I liked him asking for that promissory note repeatedly.

Pedro is the worst putz. I'm with you I would have thrown that coffee in his face too. He is an A$$HAT!

I don't like Maria either. I can't believe she said that about Dominga. Shame on Maria especially for getting those keys. Why does she think she is better than Dominga I'd like to know.

Take your time with your part two.

Eli: Happy birthday! Thank you for taking the time to write this great summarywhile it is not only Thanksgiving but your birthday as well. That's dedication of which I am extremely appreciative.

Really enjoying your sense of snark: "Victor is a hot errand boy" and "...go buy some shoes you can actually walk on, because you look like a baby calf taking it's first steps" had me chuckling in appreciation.

I was incredulous reading that Maria dared to utter Dominga is "muy poca cosa". How could she aid and abet Juvie who is beyongd sleazy. Giving him the key to Dominga's room has hastened her crossover to the dark side where she joins the cold, cruel Pedro.

Like you and Madelaine, I so enjoyed Victor cooly yet undeniably cordially controlling the business transaction with Graciela. He was one step ahead of her and put her politely in her place.

Can't wait to read Part 2 Eli. Hope you are enjoying every minute of your special day.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Eli Happy Birthday! Thanks for your recap and funny asides. I particularly enjoyed your description of Nadia walking like a baby calf.

I was horrified that Maria gave her tio the key and speechless that she said that about Dominga. I think we are to believe that Maria was just naive but she is about as stupid as Dim-loser.

Happy Hannukaha and Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Hi Karen!

That was me Diana

Thanks, Eli! Happy birthday, and we're off to a great start. I won't be able to watch until this weekend, but I'm dying to catch all the delicious scenes detailed by our dauntless recappers.

Eli--There's still time to wish you a happy birthday and many happy returns on recapping this telenovela. This was a great one. You have a gift of printed gab.

I liked all of the rifs Diana mentioned.

Also liked: [Gracie] shoots him what I like to call the "I will stab you" stare.

And to Nadia: Kill your husband in his sleep....or get a divorce, whichever is easier on you.

And to Maria: Maria, you're a bad Egg

It doesn't change our impression of Maria as a bad egg, but she did ask Juventino why he needed the key. He answered that he had a little surprise for Dominga. Maria did resist...a little...before giving in to his charming way.

BTW, I also liked: Someone on the patio groans and another member throws something at the TV while shouting [at Maria] "have you met your uncle?!"


Thanks Eli for the excellent recap and for taking precious time from two very important days to provide it for us. I hope that you are having a very happy birthday and a wonderfully happy Thanksgiving as well.

Heck, I was very disappointed in María who is one of my favorites. There will of course be a price to pay and a lot of growing up to do but I hope that if there is an anvil hovering nearby for her that is is a tiny Nerf-anvil. Victor is not too bad a second place prize, María... behave... no Alejandro for you.

Looks like Graciela and Dim have placed their anvil orders early and Pedro has already put his on layaway.



Happy Bday, Happy Tday and, thanks for the recap! I do not like Maria either...but she has some redemption possibility.

I must say thanks to all of you recappers and commenters today, I am thankful:-) after LaT and Dam Fab ended I have felt like a fish out of water, casting about on Hulu, throwing my line hither and yon, trying to find a telenovela that would catch and hold my interest -

I don't know why I didn't start with this one... I should have, especially with the excellent reporting! I still yearn for Dam Fab, and Ivan Sanchez, etc. but... I'm coming around. NM, your words of encouragement helped, and, knowing I'm not alone on the patio helps:-)!
Eli, have a fabulous bday!!
thanks, Ana from Utah

Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving Eli! Thank you so much for doing this on such a special day! Oh that Pedro is one baaad hombre! He's gonna be a lotta trouble for our Alejandro and totally agree with your advice to Nadia. I fear for her life with this devil! And I'm with you on Maria, what stupid little witch: to expose Dominga to sexual assault by her creepy uncle indeed! I hope Victor finds out that she is poca cosa for him! Uuuuf! Look forward to part two!


Anita: loved you pointed out that Eli has the gift of "printed gab".

ana, join us. This is going to be fun.

Carlos: I am still laughing at "Victor is not too bad a second place prize, María... behave... no Alejandro for you." Oh my, you are the best.



Eli - Thanks for gifting us with a fabulous recap on your birthday. Hope you have a wonderful celebration. Enjoyed all your commentary.

I don't like Maria but she probably thought her uncle was going to surprise Dominga with a gift or something, not try to rape her. I do think she's jealous of Dominga though. Juventino's brother knows exactly what scum he is and should have gone to the police, or at least fired him.

Sure hope they bring in someone else for Victor. There's no chemistry with Maria.

Second half was as good as the first Eli. Excellent job.

"Graciela looks horrified, but is it because she now knows her son is a murderer or because she's finally getting a good look at his eye brows?" and "You know your family hates you when:
They make you eat lemon jello" were among my favorites.

Maria barely concealed her distain for Victor. Rude and cruel - not a good combination. She's not evil incarnate at this point but give the girl some time, she has potential.

And Graciela? As you noted Eli,(bitch please) - she should have told the truth which is that she would do anything for her son. And only her son. She shows her love for her daughter by framing the love of her life, sending him to prison although innocent. She further shows her devotion by selling Montse to the highest bidder.

I have to say I look forward to seeing what hellacious outfit Graciela will sport each night. She hasn't let me down yet!


Thanks for part 2 Eli. Your explanation for why Ale may be leaving town (Gracie being herself) was priceless.

Ana - please join us as we savor this new show and occasionally mourn the early demise of LT.

Hi Diana! I hope you had a great day. Like you, I look forward to Graciela's outfits as they are outrageous and ridiculous. Though her psychotic manipulations of her daughter (all that you mentioned), make one shudder at her coldness.

Thanks for part two Eli. It's a wonder Montse is as healthy as she is with a sick Mom and older brother apparently used to controlling and manipulating her. Perhaps Carlotta has run interference all these years and protected her along with her adorable doofus Daddy. Nope, Maria should know better than give the key to another woman's bedroom to her Tio or any man. She's seen how positively dismissive Dominga is of Juventino's attentions. She should've known better but she's a self-centered little witch. And why is running around only wearing a blouse? I'm sure she's going to craft her own anvil.


Thanks, Eli, for going above and beyond the call of duty and spending part of your birthday writing this recap for us. Happy Birthday and wishes for many more.

Juvie has a much bigger part and is eviler than the character in Amor Real. sometimes, I can't believe that this actor is the same guy I loved as FC's sidekick in Pasion. He was such a funloving guy in that novela.

AB's little pursed mouth ..always gives me a giggle.

Happy Birthday Eli and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

It is becoming fun to see how Graciela's outfits will outdo each other from day to day. I do not remember the one from this episode. I am still stuck on how she thought that xmas tree dress was cute. Give me a mullet skirt anyday over that.

Graciela looked truly disturbed that her son got caught up in such big trouble. She sure did spin a good story for the captain.

I am glad that Alejandro (thus far) has realized that he shouldnt be playing with fire (Graciela), realized his wrongdoing and is moving on. Not sure how he will be convinced to stay.

So Pedro is evil...surprise surprise. Wonder what he wants all those lands he smuggling something? Illegal activities.

Hope everyone is enjoying yummy food and perhaps early black friday shopping!!

Happy birthday Eli! Thank you for the wonderful recap on your special day.

Eli, Happy Birthday! & I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you so much for the marvelous recap. I really enjoyed it. It was a highlight in my day, especially since I spent it at work. Boo!

I thought Maria was very rude to Victor. It reminded me of her character from CME. I felt bad for Vic; he seems like a nice guy. And I guess she is naïve to her uncle Juvie's ways, otherwise I would hope that she wouldn't have given him Dominga's key.

Ana, ITA, I too am lost without DamFab & crew. I still find myself watching episodes of LT that I can't bring myself to delete from my DVR. Don't get me wrong, I like this TN, but I never got a sense of closure from LT. It was like a really bad break-up.

Running out of time, but I have to say what an A$$HAT Pedro is. And why doesn't he open his mouth to talk. Has anyone else noticed that when he talks, his mouth barely opens. It kind of makes me laugh.

Back to work...hasta manana!

p.s. Hope that everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving! Have another piece of pie, and do some shopping!

Thank you so much for a lovely recap, Eli and Happy Birthday. :))

Urban and Vivi in DC thank you for your comments yesterday re the mullet skirts. This stuff is considering cutting edge?!

Pedro. Very. Evil. Man.


Eli, Thank you for giving us a birthday present on YOUR birthday. Happy Birthday to you! And Happy Thanksgiving and Hanukah too. I am thankful that you took time out of your busy day to give us such a superb recap. I like your style, and your editorial comments are a hoot. It was hilarious when you told Nadia to buy some shoes she can actually walk on. She DID look like a baby calf, lol!

That Pedro sure is one scary looking character. AuntyAnn, funny you should mention Pedro not moving his mouth. I noticed the same thing, and wondered if the actor is trying to effect a certain accent. (My ear isn't good enough to tell.) Both Pedro and Juventino mumble and run their words together.

Wow, we Patio folk sure had a lot to groan about with this episode. It was a veritable cavalcade of jerks.

Thanks Eli. You absolutely rock!

I forgot to comment on Graciela's latest getup. That woman does not disappoint, does she? Her necklace reminded me of a guillotine. I know, wishful thinking on my part.

Dear Eli--
Happy Birthday and Thanksgiving! Hope you had a great double celebration. It's amazing that you found time to do the fantastic and funny re-cap, too--with many thanks! Sorry my comment is late, but I just found time to catch up this morning after the holiday. I especially loved your observation about Maria's weird side pony tail things and your advice to Nadia.

I really like Victor, too, and loved your commenting on his great subtle comedy in that scene with Graciela. I remember that same actor playing the doctor (Ernesto was name, I think) in La Que No Podía Amar. I remember the recappers used to call him 'the only good man in this telenovela'

Thanks again!


I know this is crazy late but I couldn't let the occasion pass without telling you how much I enjoyed reading your recap. You have a real knack for telling a story.

Hope you had a wonderful birthday and a joyful Thanksgiving. You were so generous to carve out some turkey time for the Patio. Thank you!

Oh man. How do you solve a problem like María?

Yes, she is behaving very badly. She is rude and unkind to Victor; and her stupidity actually put Dominga in harm's way. But I have to say I admire the way the writers set this all up. [Yes, yes, there are writers for this show -- I could swear there are!]

Dominga and Gaspar have been telling María the truth -- FORGET Alejandro. María reacts to their truth like a bratty adolescent -- she wants to kill the messenger. If María refers to Dominga as "muy poca cosa" for her uncle, it is because she is still smarting from Dominga's "offense."

Juventino has been using María's immaturity to his own advantage, sidling up to her seductively, telling her what she wants to hear, getting her firmly on his side. So when he asks her to do something sketchy (like get the key to Dominga's room so he can leave her a "surprise"), she does it.

She has a long road to travel, I suspect, and some lessons to learn the hard way.

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