Thursday, December 26, 2013

Lo que la vida me robo #26 & 27 12/25/13: A tale of misunderstandings and wasted wine

Update: I've now watched the episode and the recap is down below, I can't go into much detail with it beause it's a super long episode but I hope to cover everything so that no one is lost when watching tonight's episode, I'm going to group scenes together in order to make things faster for myself. Enjoy!

Santa, please give Montse a brain....a working brain

Okay, I know that's a lot to ask for but I had to try! Montse, after talking to Carlota and finding out that her husband went to visit her mother a few days before she and Alejandro went back to Agua Azul for a visit jumps to all sorts of crazy conclusions. She now believes that Alejandro forced her mother to make up a story about Dimibrow killing Gamboa, and that Alejandro really was behind all the bad things that happened to Jose Luis. She cries and says that she will never be able to forgive Alejandro for what he has done, she hates him.

Later, when Ale requests to see her she blows her lid and blames him for everything that's wrong in the world, hell, for a second there I thought she was going to blame him for global warming and cancer. Ale, finally gets fed up and asks for his cell phone, he calls captain Robledo and extends a dinner invitation, Montse is left with her mouth open when Alejandro informs her that he will be inviting the captain over so he can confirm that Ale had nothing to do with setting Jose Luis up, and while he is at it Victor will bring Esmeralda who will also confirm that he did not pay her to make up the story about Jose Luis being a rat bastard and finally, he will also have mommy evil come over so that she can again state that he had nothing to do with landing JL in the pokey.

Montse freaks out because she realizes that if any of those people show up they will recognize Jose Luis and then the jig will be up and he will find himself behind bars again. I don't see how that's a bad thing, maybe while in jail someone can force him to shower and shave, and give him clean clothes to wear because did you guys see that shirt he was wearing!? It was yellow, yellow! That's how dirty it was! Dude, if Rosario can wash her clothes in the river so can you. I have a theory that Montse won't leave with him because he smells,yes, BO can kill love *that* fast.

Montse runs off to warn Jose Luis of the danger that's ahead and he tells her everything will be okay, all they have to do is leave before the weekend. She tells him that she won't be leaving with him, running away is not the way to fix things. He makes a case for leaving and going far away to a place where no one knows them, Montse is not down with that plan at all, man this guy really is a coward.

Our little Montse is all over the place trying to put out fires, first by trying to get Jose Luis to leave, when that does not work she goes to plan B, which is getting Ale to cancel dinner with the captain, she tells Ale that the captain is a close friend of her fathers and she does not want word to get back to him that they are having issues, she's afraid that getting bad news will do him in and she tries to convince Alejandro that she believes him and won't doubt that he is telling her the truth. Alejandro seems to fall for this, however, later we find that he never cancels the dinner with the captain and that he has asked two things of Victor (1) befriend Nadia and milk her for information on Montse (2) bring Esmeralda to the hacienda!

Alejandro also makes two other important moves, first he asks Rosario to keep a close eye on Montse, she is to report to him everything she does, EVERYTHING, or else. He also speaks to Carlota and tells her that if she causes any trouble for him and Montse she is on the first horse back to Agua Azul

Nadia, table for one

In Agua Azul the lovely Nadia sits in a restaurant waiting for her husband, she has already finished a glass of wine and he is still not there, the waiter approaches her and asks if she's ready to order, she says no, she is still waiting for her husband to arrive and asks for another glass of wine. She then calls Pedro and is informed that he is already at him, in his pjs and wont be having dinner with her (I have a hard time looking at sergio Sendel because every time I do I picture Diego from the Ice age movies,lol). Poor Nadia just sits there, I think she should order and drink the whole bottle of wine. No one could fault her for doing so, after all, she has to go home to Pedro!

I'm guessing Agua Azul is a small town because Victor also happens to be at the restaurant and offers to sit with her, she tells him "no, I'm a married woman" and then Victor puts his foot in his mouth and says "well, considering that you were going to help your friend run away with her lover on her wedding day I thought you were just like her, so why don't you and I have a good time tonight?", that earns him a glass of wine in the face. Sigh, such waste.

A tale of two brows

Dimibrow and his  bride are starting a new day, he is relieved to know that he was so wasted that he was unable to preform, he is a happy panda-umm I don't know one guy who would ever be happy about not being able to umm well you know, but Dimibrow is, I don't get this, Josefina is a hottie (aside from her unibrow),it's just hard for me to buy that a male slut like Dimibrow would say no to sex, but I guess he has standards?

Anyhoo, Adolfo and Dimi are up to no good, Adolfo helps Dimibrow out by telling Josefina that his parents are coming back from Europe and will need the house so the honeymoon will have to be cut short, the three pack up and head back to Agua Azul. Once back Adolfo and Fina have a talk, she tells him that she feels like Dimi does not care for her and Adolfo tells her she is wrong, Dimi loves her but he's scared of what his family might do when they find out that she and Dimi married, he then tells her she should worry about her new mother in law and he tells her about what Graciela did in order to keep Montse away from her one true love. Josefina is horrified and crying by the time he is done telling her all of Gracielas evil deeds.

He then gives her an idea: sell all your properties and leave the country, when Josefina says she does not want to leave Mexico he tells her it wont be forever, maybe just five/six years and when she and Dimibrow come back with a baby in tow Graciela wont be able to do anything to her. Josefina thanks Adolfo for his advice with a kiss on the cheek and he muses that she has a way of making a guy feel nervous.

Later, Dimi comes to dinner and then pretends to fall ill in order to avoid sleeping with his wife. Jackass. But at the end of the day he might be doing her a favor. My hope is that his anvil comes in the form of erectile dysfunction. That would serve him right and make me giggle.

Nadia and Montse make plans

Nadia and Montse have a chat fest and both girls are having a hard time with married life, so Montse asks her friend to come over to the hacienda for a visit and Nadia accepts, oh boy, is she also going to faint when she sees Jose Luis?

Ren and Stinky have a fight

Refugio is an unhappy chappy, he is afraid that if the captain comes and sees them they will end up back in jail. Jose Luis tells him that he is free to leave anytime, Jose Luis wont hold it against him *snort, I had a dirty thought*, Refugio says "I can't do that, we are more than friends, we are lovers brothers!", Jose thanks him for his loyalty by making him work supervising the crops while he goes off to the river to cool down, hey someone give him some soap, he needs soap!!!

By the river I got stalked

While swimming Jose Luis fails to notice a young lady sitting in the bushes, she just sits there drawing while he swims totally naked in the river. She does something uber creepy and hides his clothes, when he comes out of the river he finds her standing there and his clothes gone. The way he is covering himself makes it seems like he's touching himself, not covering up, but actually touching himself, ah well, boys will be boys. He asks if she has seen his clothes and she says that she has, but will only tell him where his things are if he tells her his name. He tells her, and she points him to his clothing and a little gift she left for him. The gift? A naked drawing of him, yeah, that's creepy alright.

This is all I have time to cover because I'm at work, I know I missed things but I hope to have covered the most important parts, thank you all for hanging in with me!



Thanks for putting this up and hope you had a very Merry Christmas.

Ay, yi, yi, how confused is Monse? I feel for her I really do, BUT, she needs to really think. I don't like the way JL is constantly pushing her to run off with him. She so needs time to think without everyone blabbing in her ear.

Lottie doesn't know the whole story. I wish she hadn't said anything to Monse, cause now Monse thinks he's guilty of so much. I am glad Padre called her on it too.

Loving the Padre and his frank speaking too. I like that he called JL on his cowardice and told Lottie to MYOB, and Rosie to fess up already!

Liking the Artiste, she has good chemistry with JL, that meet in the woods was way funny and her teasing him too. I liked this actress in PEAM.

Bitch Maria needs to go. I am glad Monse walked off when the Bitchy one draped herself all over Ale. I had to laugh when he noticed Monse was gone and told Maria to go get her in the kitchen.

So much subterfuge going on now. Can't wait to see how this pans out tonight.

No rush Eli. I felt bad for you that you got the Christmas Day recap. As if there isn't enough going on, now you recappers get stuck with double eps! Sheesh.

Mads, ITA that Monse need to think. Instead, all she does is overreact and cry. So far we have not had one episode where she doesn't cry.

I like the new girl but she was crying too. What's with all the waterworks? Come on ladies, buck up!! At least she is not shy about blatantly enjoying the male form. I'm sure it's just the true artiste in her.

Victor deserved to get that wine thrown in his face. Sounds like he is going to use poor Nadia, but on the optimistic side, maybe Nadia will get a little action out of the deal, if you know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink say no more.

I hope everyone had a happy holiday!

Eli - Looking forward to your recap. I can't imagine how you are fitting this in at Christmas time.

This is "A Tale of Misunderstandings." Everybody's got misinformation, which causes them to do dumb things. I got a kick out of Ale telling Carlota that she'd have to leave if she was causing trouble between him and his wife. In Ale's mind, he and Montse were getting closer after he got shot, but now after Lottie shows up Montse's on the warpath again. Lottie looked incredulous, cause she's been a cheerleader for Ale. Too funny.

Another funny was Juventino telling Maria she must be tripping to think Montse and the new capataz have a thing. Maria is kind of sharp though to pick up on the fact that JL knows little about being a capataz.

But Montse suspecting Ale, not her brother Dim, killed Gamboa is just sad.

The thing is, no one has the whole story, not even Padre. Padre refused to believe what Loti was saying about how Maria was behaving, and he doesn't believe that Ale has been a total ogre with Monse either. So I was not rooting for him when he told Loti to stop wagging her tongue. He sees Maria and Ale like a parent or a grandparent sees a child that they love-- he finds it hard to see their faults. I still think the burden falls on Ale to show with deeds that he is a good and caring person. Monse has seen very little of this, and now he's shown his monstrous side to Loti, who will now be more prone to believe that he's the monster Monse says he is.

JL always putting Monse in compromising situations is just going to make her life more difficult with Maria breathing down her neck and whispering in Ale's ear, and even Rosario starting to doubt she's a good person.

Wow. Victor sure knows how to sweet talk a woman. NOT! I was so happy that Nadia threw her wine in his face. The nerve! Obviously, no one on that hacienda showed these guys how to woo a woman.

Biggest surprise of the night, both Dim and Addie feeling attracted to Fina! Our girl may be a bit timid, and have bad/80s fashion sense, but she obviously has sex appeal and some strong pheromones. Plus she gives amazing massages and can cook. It would be poetic justice if by the end of this, Dim and Addie are fighting each other for her love. :)


I couldn't agree more about the Capataz and the Artiste, lol ; )


So like your point of view about no one knowing the whole story and what Neice said too.

I did laugh about Fina, giving Dimwit that massage and the look on his face, and also the food. Was she feeding him oysters? She said something about aphrodisiacs right? Also Addy too, lol. I wonder why Addy didn't pursue her for himself, he's known her longer, but I bet he didn't know about her touch, lol.

If this series is going to be twice the length of AR, we can expect many more misunderstandings and -- I hope -- some more plot written in.

I am only hoping that Maria doesn't succeed in boinking Alejandro whom I don't think has yet overindulged in booze to the necessary degree for that to happen.

Thank you for putting this up, Eli. I almost missed last night's two eps, assuming it wasn't coming on. Yes, it seems we've almost undone all the bonding that took place between Ale and Montse during the recovery from the shooting! Dern it! I wish Ale would be as upfront with Maria as he was with Lottie, but then he'd have to believe that Miss-Butter-Won't-Melt-In-her-Mouth Maria would ever be the lying, conniving, possibly murderous bitch she is. Padre's gonna have to knowck some heads together: Ale, Montse and Rosario to get them thinking straight again.

I paid special attention this time to Dimwit and Fina. My contempt for Aldope-o and Dimwit grows with each thread of this tangled web. But, I must say I was pleased and surprised to see Dimwit positively responding to Fina's skillful and loving massage. She was really hitting the right nerves and Dimwit was beginning to respond much to his own surprise. He was about to meet Fina's passionate kiss with his own when Aldope-o came in the room! I hope Fina gets him alone again and demonstrates her skills! I really enjoy these two actors and this story line though I hope Fina wises up before they totally fleece her! Lovin' this show!


oops -- Lila above.

I am also highly amused by the little love triangle that is developing between Fina, Dimwit and Addled. I had to do a rewind when Adolfo mused and confused regarding his feelings for Fina. This is the best plot in the show, IMO. Fina acts like an airhead, but I'm hoping she will turn out to be the smartest player of them all.

Rosario and the other servants should tell Ale that Maria treats them like crap. Other than that, Jose Luis doesn't learn. But I hope he falls in love with that chick that drew him nude.

Here are this weeks ratings according to Zap2it/tvbythenumbers:

Mentir: 2.7 million over all

Siempre: 3.0 million over all

Robo: 3.4 million over all

Not bad at all : )

Oh yes, Vivi and Cap'n. I forgot about Aldopeo getting all befuddled when Fina hugged him and kissed him on the check. That would be great if both these bozos fell for her AND therefore transformed from the jerks they are to actual decent human beings to vie for her love. And this artiste chick, right away I was glad to see her: someone to pull JL away from Montse. Another hopeful pairing, Victor and Nadia. What did Victory say to Nadia that led him to having to try to drink wine through his nose?


*on the cheek though check probably works for Aldofo. :D


Lila- After Nadia refused his invitation to sit together, since she's a married woman, Victor said something sarcastic about not thinking that mattered to her (implying she's a loose woman) since she was helping her married friend Monse run off with her lover.


On the check was right on, lol!

Ah, thanks Vivi. Yeah, these boys do not have game!


Thanks Gloria and Urban for the previous ep's recap. Comments are for Mon's and last night's eps.

I was rooting for Mons to pull Maria away from Ale's side by the hair. I really wanted to see that.

I mostly blame Ale for Maria's attitude to Mons. He takes her side, he ignores his own eyes when he sees her act up, he threatens her and then doesn't follow through.

Liked that Mons didn't engage with Maria during that one scene and just walked away.

Thought I saw a little something something when Fina kissed Alpo.

I'm hoping there will be a Vic/Nadia hook-up, though that will be very dangerous for them.


The Fina/Dimwit/Adolt scenes are the best part right now. I'm guessing she will win one or both of them over just in time to find out how they tricked her. I eagerly await her reaction.

How does poor Fina not seem to have any friends. If her family was friends with Adolfo's family, why don't she and Nadia talk more? Too much age difference? Now that Nadia is an adult who is lonely and frustrated, maybe they could connect and help each other with their issues.

I'm starting to get a little fed up with Ale's failure to recognize his nasty outbursts as part of the problem in his marriage.

Wow, what an episode! And it looks like we have double episodes for the foreseeable future. As Cap'n noted, I feel for the recappers but am thrilled to get double headers since this TN is so darn good.

When I saw artst girl I thought "Yay! A way out for JL!". And by out I mean out of his obsession. Let's hope along with that sketch pad she's got a big bank account and some legal connections. I really do like JL overall, just not for Monsy.

And I've always thought Victor and Nadia had potential. He's waaaaay too good for Maria and, let's face it, these TNs rarely leave a good guy single at the end. But was that THE worst pick up

Line ever?!

Sorry, the end of my comments got cut.

Katy, YES, quite possibly the worst pick-up line ever. Hulu didn't have subtitles on these episodes so I had to rewind to make sure Victor was as incredibly lame as he sounded.

At least Victor seemed to realize he was an idiot when he got the wine in his face.

As much as I HATE Maria, I wonder if Ales blind devotion to her has to do with the fact that she liked him before he had money. Other than the Padre and Victor, he has no one in his corner, much less anyone he trusts. So he probably does think of Maria as "family" (shudder).

Has anyone noticed that every time Maria is in the kitchen she is, in fact, eating? Never working, just stuffing stuff in her mouth. What an unlikable character!!


Eli, thanks in advance for your recap and for even thinking of writing a recap on something shown on Christmas. You guys are the best!

Well, all of the main characters's intractable positions have backed them all into their own lonely little corners and the pressure is steadily building since nobody will budge due to what he/she believes or selfishly wants. I think the writers have done a great job with character development and showing each character's justification for why they are acting as they are. I just wonder who is going upset the proverbial "apple cart". Will it be someone from the inside(who will violate their own "values")- or the outsider (that just happens upon this untenable situation)? Either way, I think it is going to get real ugly.

At least Maria eats a lot of fruit. She seems to have a healthy diet, except that she eats whenever she's pithed off. I hope she gets heartburn.

Maria does eat constantly. Refugio eats like he's starving. He was really shoving it in while Dominga was giving him the scoop on Maria and Pervy.

Tthe last post was by Jarifa.

That is the 4:09 post was by Jarifa

Julia, I wonder whether Mexico -- in the original period of the story -- was like the old ante-bellum South where single and married women didn't interact much if they weren't related to each other. And where girls were regarded as Old Maids if they weren't married by 19.

Jarifa, great points about each character being justified from their point of view. You bring up a good question about who will budge first.

Ale is the one who seems stuck. He was so kind and charming while courting Monsy. Now there isn't even a trace of that sweetness. It's like he's had a personality transplant. I think it's going to take a new character or an unexpected dilemma to bring our two leads closer.


As much as I'm more annoyed with Ale than with Montserrat right now, I think he has more justification to be angry. She keeps going on about how he bought her, but he didn't really. He bought Graceless's cooperation and non-interference. His intent was to court and win over Montserrat, and as far as he knew, that was what happened. She could have declined. She was strongarmed by her mother and by her desire to help her family, but was not actually obligated by Ale or by his dealings with her mother to do anything.

She, on the other hand, let him believe that she loved him and wanted to marry him, when she did not. The fraud in their marriage is on her side, not his.

Of course, his possessive jerkiness after the fact is not helping his case at all.

Thanks for the recap! I don't think you missed anything, at least not anything important. Anyone who missed it can assume that Padre also offered some advice which no one heeds, and that Maria bitchily bitched all over the place, and that Juvie was creepypervy.

Maria actually seemed to get a little creeped for once when her uncle was stroking her hand. She pulled her hand away.

Eli, great anvil idea for Dimi. Yes, the whole "artiste" sketching a naked JL thing was very creepy.



This comment has been removed by the author.

Eli - Great recap. I had forgotten the plot to get Fina to leave Mexico and that Ale intended for Esme to visit the hacienda too. My favorite line: "Santa, please give Montse a brain....a working brain"

Also, Juventino took a gun [I don't know if it's his or if maybe he swiped it from JL] and went to a sleeping Ale and aimed it at him but got interrupted by somebody.

On fashion, Montse wore a lace top with a very ethnic-looking skirt. This was a departure from her usual high society wear.


Niecie, I kept getting distracted by the top Montse was wearing at the end of the show, I could so clearly see a push-up bra and I could not look away,lol

Perfect recap, Eli!

Julia: I couldn't agree with you more! Montsy has conveniently forgotten her going along with her mothers evil plot. If she was "sold" it's because she put herself on the auction block.

Omg I just remembered the creepiest part of the night!! Was I imagining it or when Maria pushed Juvies hand off her thigh did he lean back, trying to look down her shirt?! That's what it looked like to me.... Beyond gross.

Thanks, Eli! So nice of you to put this out there for us! I'm in awe of you recappers!

Good job, Eli! Now, get back to your real job.

Another important thing that happened was that JL spoke to Ale about investigating who could have attempted to kill him, and JL suggested one of the workers, then said he didn't trust Juvie. Ale agreed, although initially he stupidly suggested that Juvie help investigate. JL also suggested that Juvie should no longer have the keys/control of the weapons storeroom. Ale agreed to this. Juvie was not happy about it.

Maria continued to question Juvie about why he told her not to go Ale before he got shot, and why he was in Ale's room while he was sleeping. And even though she did take her hand out of his creepy grasp, she seemed more focused on her hate for Monse, and finding out if Monse has a thing going with the capataz, than on finding out for sure if her pervie uncle is trying to kill her one true love.

Fina did agree to the leave Mexico plan, but she didn't agree to sell all her assets. I think she decided on selling half her assets. At least if Dim and Dimmer end up fleecing her, they won't get everything. Although I'm hoping it won't even come to that. Where is her big brother? I hope he's a scary dude who beats the pulp out of these two when he finds out that they did to his sister.

Eli, this was spectacular! Laughed and smiled my way through this, enjoying every second: "hell, for a second there I thought she was going to blame him for global warming and cancer", "Dude, if Rosario can wash her clothes in the river so can you", "it's just hard for me to buy that a male slut like Dimibrow would say no to sex, but I guess he has standards" and "unhappy chappy" were just a few of my favorites.

I'm with most of you in that Dimi and Josie are quickly becoming my favorite couple. Vivi: "Our girl may be a bit timid, and have bad/80s fashion sense, but she obviously has sex appeal and some strong pheromones" - perfectly stated.

Sylvia, “Fina, Dimwit and Addled” had me laughing. Yes, I find I'm waiting, hoping for more of this intriguing, fun story.

For a moment, I panicked when I saw Monse in the purple print top with red pants. Ack. Perhaps her fashion sense is inherited from Graciela, the maven of fashion don'ts? Was this the first time we have seen her in pants? The colors were atrocious and ill matched.

Horrified at Victor's actions and his speech to Nadia. Katy, I'm thinking he is not worthy of Nadia at all, but I'll cut him some slack for now. Interesting point about Ale thinking Maria cared for him before he inherited - but I think he is also loyal to those he considers friends. Sorry but I still don't like the way he treats Monse, as property and in a time and manner of centuries past.

Madelaine, our Padre is indeed frank, isn't he? Honest, up front and far from shy in stating his opinion. My favorite role for this actor by far.

I'm loving this along with everyone else.

Eli, you made my day.


Eli: loved the recap. Going beyond the call of duty to recap a Christmas night ep.

Julia: like what you said re: who is more at fault in the Ale/Mons war. But for some reason, my first thought when Juvie touched Maria’s hand, was that she’s not so blind to what her uncle is doing and she wouldn’t be adverse to using her slutty wiles on him to get what she wanted.

I didn’t think the artiste scenes were creepy, maybe because I was so relieved they brought someone in to distract JL from harassing Mons.

I think part of Mons hostility toward Ale is her own guilt at her feelings for him. She’s supposed to be soooo in love with JL and yet, she obviously has some deep feelings for her husband.


Eli, you are the best for doing your recap amid your busy life. Thank you!

I loved your dissertation on the male viewpoint on sex in general and with Dim and Fina specifically. You are very funny and spot on. I agree, I want to see an erectile dysfunction anvil for Dimwit when it will hurt him most.

I guess the peeping artist was a little creepy, so maybe she's perfect for JL. They are both stalker material.

Julia, I agree, one of the creepiest scenes was when UnclePervy put Maria's hand on his upper thigh. And yes Katy, he DID try to look down her shirt. So gross!

Thanks Eli. Bless your heart... Christmas. Double episode. Work. Recap. Yikes.

Well of course I'm a María fan, not so much the character, who is going through a rather bad spell right now, but the beautiful actress who plays her. She has that naughty gleam in her eye that I just find irresistible along with that sensuous voice. Now where is her headband? I'm really unhappy that earlier she seemed to be on board with offing Montserrat... I think I'll just assume that she was thinking metaphorically.

I really like the lady artist down by the river although her sketch seemed a bit crude... in every sense of the word.


Thanks for the recap Eli amid your busy schedule!

I'm hoping that Fina doesn't get fleeced and would be a happy panda if both dim and Addy fall for her and then fight over her.

Julia/Nanette - while Montse was not honest with Ale during their courting phase, she was under the duress and abuse of her mother. Graceless kept spinning her web and when Montse did try to back out, her bruja madre threatened to tell her father. And as Diana noted, Ale isn't helping by acting like an abuser.

I'm not excusing Ale's behavior at all; just pointing out that he actually entered the marriage on honest terms, and Montserrat did not.

Carlos, I like Grettell Valdez's sass, too. Nasty as she is, I'd rather watch someone with spunk than someone who cries all the time. I think she has potential to be the sort of strong heroine that Sylvia Navarro always plays.

Eli, just wanted to thank you for your duty and devotion doing a Christmas Day double episode recap and having to work as well! It was thorough and entertaining. Muchas gracias!


One of the main things that pushed Monse over the edge to marry Ale and go along with the courtship was when Fina told her Ale threatened to call in their loan and take the house from them, if Monse didn't marry him. She was worried about what that would do to her father. So yes, she does thing that Ale was directly involved in piling on the pressure for her to marry him, and that he wasn't just wooing her and waiting to see if she would fall for him.

The problem is, as awful as her mother is, Monse is still more prone to believe her over Ale. Same with Loti. She could not believe what Monse was saying about Fina and Dim. She would also believe them, before she would believe Ale. Ale acting like a jerk isn't helping his case with either woman.

By entering into the first deal with Gracie (to pay for the debts in exchange for courting Monse), Ale has forever tarnished his reputation with Monse. If he would plot and plan that with her mother for that (and actually be the one to suggest the idea!), then why wouldn't Monse think he's capable of scheming and plotting all the other stuff too.

It also isn't helping that Ale is always defending Maria. Both Ale and Mons are at fault, of course. I just wish Ale would have a light bulb moment and realize if he wants a chance of winning Mons' heart, he's going to have to take a different tack.

It looks like what Flaco always says about TNs is going to come true in this one, too. Everyone is going to end up at the hacienda!

Maybe Esmeralda and Maria should switch jobs.

Does Maria work? What job?

A funny moment from last night was Dominga telling Rosario that Maria has always been lazy, thought herself above everyone else, and doesn't really work. Later when Rosario was alone in the kitchen tending to Dominga's pots on the stove, Maria came in and tried to shoo Rosario away. Rosario then turned to her and asked if Maria would like to take over cooking the food. She quickly backed down and declined, and Rosario smiled a little smile of victory.

Carlos: I know you like the bad girls, but I'd like to see Grettell play the plucky best friend for once.

She was the plucky best friend in Amorcito Corazon.

Exactly. Esmeralda can take her place and just hang out at the hacienda, and Maria can go live in town and try to earn tips at the club. I think Esmeralda's no-nonsense talk would have way more value to the hacienda than Maria's vaguing around and eating everything.

Here is Grettel as the BFF of the heorine in the very first scenes of Amorcito Corazon. She was definitely plucky.

Wow Vivi, thanks for that clip. Two of my favorite naughty girls if I'm not mistaken. Wasn't that Lucía (late of CI) with María? Be still my heart. How could I have missed that TN?


This is my second TN with her. I saw her in CME. Good character in that one, but a brat.

Flaco and I just finished a discussion on how the TN lead actors are all getting older and where is the crop of new talent. We talked about demographics, etc. That might make a good weekend discussion. I'd be curious to read you TN vets' opinions.

Yes, Carlos, that was your beloved "Lucia" as the heroine. And "Octavio" was also in it, as Willy Boy, his best and most fun role so far. You should have watched it with us. You would have enjoyed it.

Nanette- I think that did make one of the weekend discussions some time back. Angelique Boyer is only 25, and is considered part of the new/young crop of female leads. Still very few young male leads.

Vivi: After I posted my comment, I thought "I bet UA has already done a weekend discussion on that." To clarify--we were talking about other TNs--not Robo. I like the older actors, but I can see a need for new blood.

Oh you would have loved, loved, loved Amorcito Corazon, Carlos. You missed it because it was on during the day.

Eli, thanks for giving us a complete and funny recap, but especially for doing it on Christmas! I was surprised the TNs were on last night.

Carlos, Amorcito Corazon was lots of fun. Didn't see every episode, but saw most of it. Daniel Arenas as Willy was the main reason I was willing to cut Octavio some slack for being such a sorry galan in CI.

This evening of Robo made me think of the blind men and the elephant. Each one had their own point of view, but no one has the whole story (except viewerville.)

The entire Josefina/Adolfo/Dimetrio setup is hilarious. If anything can go awry, seems that it will. Maybe the boys will learn it's better to work for your money.



Thanks so much for this fabulous recap and at work too! You rock!

I too like the Dimwit/Josie/Addy pairings they are so much fun, and the boys discovering something new about Josie. Dimwit looked like he was going to give in, too funny.

I too would like to keep Esmeralda at the hacienda and send Maria to the antro. I bet Esmeralda would even work, something Maria has no clue about.

Pedro is a true putz, first promising his wife that fab dinner and then standing her up at the restaurant, what an idiot! I would have ordered dinner and drank the rest of that bottle of wine and taken my sweet time.

I'm glad that Juvie no longer has access to the hacienda's weapons. Good for Ale to do that and great for JL to tell him the truth about how he doesn't trust Juvie. If it weren't for this situation with Monse they would indeed be best friends!

Thanks again Eli.

what episode is this ??
is it 22??

I think the recap is a combo of episodes 26 and 27. However if you are watching on Hulu it will probably be episode 25 because Univision doubled up episodes for a couple of weeks.

I read the recap for episode 25 but the beginning of this recap not what episode for ended at so I suppose it’s episode 27 maybe but I want to know if there is any recap for episode 27 because I’m so excited to see what happened next....

I meant recap for episode 26..

Anon, this recap is a quick and dirty recap for both episodes 26 and 27. Note that our poor recapper Eli did this recap for a double episode (26 and 27) that aired ON CHRISTMAS DAY. Eli formatted it by subject rather than chronologically, so you won't be able to read and follow along from scene to scene. I recommend reading the recap first, then watching the episodes with the recap nearby for reference. You might also find more information in the comments. Power through these holiday recaps Anon, and things will normalize after the holidays and when the episodes go back to one hour. Good for you for hanging in there!

Thank you very much for the explanation ..

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