Saturday, December 28, 2013

Mentir Para Vivir #58 Fri 12/27/13 Oriana Tells All And Gets Ready For The Ball And Chain

~~Holiday Week's Greetings! ~~ 

Jose Luis goes into a major meltdown over the phone while griping to his would-be ex, Oriana, aka Ines, because his giving her the gift of the stolen .44 used in Ricardo’s daddy’s murder didn’t impress her in the least.  She wasn’t moving back in and to hell with him and the jack-ass he rode in on!

Oriana, in her bathrobe and ABS (anything but sexy) terry-fuzz slippers, is seen by Martin heading in the same direction as Ricardo—towards Palomita’s old “playroom” --and he mentions it to the staff.  He thinks that Dona Paloma needs to know that the two of them have apparently been getting it on late at night in some obscure part of the manse.  

At the same time, Oriana is no longer in “the mood”.  She is too worried and upset by Jose Luis’s renewed phone threats to reopen her case in Columbia and to have her “cleared” signature questioned and reviewed by a different expert because she refuses to return to Ft. Fakecisco with Alina.   Bummer for Ric.   He’d had high hopes for a night of nookie.   All he can do is to watch over her sleep from his place on the floor by the playroom door.

The next morning Nadia mentions to 2nes how the all staff is talking about her and Sr. Ricardo.  2nes admits she’s been a bit naughty but that she’ll mention her use of the room to her abuela and let Nadia off the hook.  

Ric gets home and tells Celio that if the police ask, the stolen revolver was returned anonymously in a box and that he didn’t see who left it.  Ric tries getting a description of the man who stole it out of their house and hit Celio unconscious, but Celio only remembers the man seems to be about his height.

Oriana, meanwhile, heads to Paloma’s bedroom and eventually confesses to her that sometimes during the night she and Ric have made Palomita’s old playroom into their rendezvous room.  Paloma suddenly becomes furious, telling her the place is a sanctuary.  When Oriana begins to call her “Abuela” again, Paloma turns on her and tells her that she has no right; that she’s not even Palomita’s real daughter!  This upsets Oriana who races off to Homero’s  ex-federale fortress to confess her real identity and Fakecisco’s role in all of this mishigas  locura.  

Too late for Paloma, she realizes how badly she overreacted.  Lina breaks into her discussion with Mathilde very concerned that with her mama gone Tito won’t get to his vet appointment.  Mad Hilde snipes at her again to mind her manners while grinches and grown-ups are talking.  Paloma ignores this and orders Mad Hilde call Mariano over to the house for her.  Paloma also calls Ric then to explain what just happened and to see if he can locate her.  He apologizes for appropriating that room for themselves and then considers how he'll locate Oriana.  

A few minutes later Paloma finds out from Fabiola that 2nes wanted Leonardo’s address.  She calls Ric from the car to let him know and they both head over to Snoop Mansion.  

By the time they both arrive, Oriana has admitted to Grandpa Snoops that Fakecisco is really Jose Luis Falcon and that she is really Oriana Caligaris, his wife.   The reason she has, she makes clear, is that she’s tired of all her husband’s vicious threats.  If she has to go to jail, then so be it, but what does El Snoops de Homero think will happen to her daughter?  Snoops tells her that ballistics tests proved that the gun they gave to the police killed both Berto and Gabe.  She still needs to find the small caliber gun that she took out of her daughter’s hand.  Supposedly, Oriana says, either Lucina or Raquel still have it.  Well, if she’s innocent, says Snoops, she’ll be fine and yes, he’s inclined to believe her story.  As for the identity theft, that’s another story and who can say?  Just then Paloma arrives and right after that, Ric gets there.

Ric and Paloma enter the house and Paloma and Oriana make peace.  Paloma assures Homero that Oriana did what she did in order to protect her little girl.

Back at Paloma’s manse, Fabiola is enjoying a bit of sun in the backyard when Piero drops in unexpectedly to give her her first driving lesson.  (Cue the Jaws theme song!)  Mad Hilde rushes out demanding to know what his business there is.  When he explains she tells him she decides who sees and speaks to her daughter and he is definitely persona non-grata in her eyes.  She turns her snide knob to maximum power.  “--The chauffeur will be teaching Fabi how to drive.”  She asks Fabiola and/or nobody in particular, “Who is this man [éste]?” Then, insulting his group of family friends who will vouch for ‘éste’ and his intent to marry Fabi , she tells him he’s no more than a gold-digging reprobate like Sebastian.  He’s serious, he assures her.  

 “—Awww.  Don’t make me laugh!  Nobody but a fool would marry a girl carrying another man’s child!”  “—What do you want?  To have her stay a single mother or to abort it??”  (Considering we’re talking Sebastardo’s demon seed here, Viewerville is seriously close to voting for option #2.)  “—I’m the one who decides my daughter’s future here!”   Holding his temper he then politely asks Mad Hilde not to talk to him this way, but the control freak that she is and noting nobody at home to counter her for a change, she tells him this is her home and she’ll talk to him any way she pleases!  “—Martin, the gentleman is leaving now!”  And that’s the end of that!

Back as Snoops Mansion, Homero asks for a copy of the communication Oriana found and emailed Ric.  Ric, he learns, sent a copy off to his attorney for a look-see.  As of now [por lo pronto], says Ric, it would seem they’re taking over ownership of Alfredo Trejo Bonfil’s under the name of Arte Folklorico [BTW the pejorative trans. of folklorico = frivolous, unserious].  Homero notes that he’s Leonardo’s godfather.  Paloma asks Snoops what will become of her “granddaughter and her great granddaughter”.   She again apologizes for her bad behavior earlier that morning.  

Ric wants to know if Oriana will be ‘bien liberada’  [really free and clear of, released from] of the charge of false identity.  Snoops will have to check with his sources about that.  They have two options, and he’s certain they won’t like either of them.  First, Homero feels that, just for the period of time it takes to clarify things, Oriana and her friends will be jailed.  Ric assures Oriana that they’ll have all sorts of lawyers filing all the necessary “amparos’ [writs in Mexican law, the constitutionally accorded rights and protections, i.e. stays and injunctions, filed when all other legal avenues have been exhausted].  They shouldn’t have to worry.  As for the little girl, money doesn’t matter.  It’s the age and marital status of those wanting to adopt.  Then, it’s the court’s decision.  Ric wants to know what his other option is, but Snoops doesn’t really ever say.  He says again that he’s got to check with his sources.

Back at Paloma’s, Mariano is left having to wait with Mad Hilde for company.  (Grrr!) Maddy tells him she is certain Mariano was called to have a meaningful chat with her since Paloma had a fight with Ines and the two left right after, in separate cars.  So, Mariano asks what she’s thinking to do about Fabiola’s situation, especially since he knows how she threw Piero out on his ear.  Maddy says he’s nothing but a mere employee, despite his being head of the huge operation and his earning a ton of money.  Nope, says Mama Badger, she’s got her sights set on independently wealthy Leonardo de la Garza.  Either way, let Fabi have a chance to get to know both of them and decide for herself, he advises her.  She’s her mother and it’s her duty to guide her appropriately, instructs Maddy.  “--The same way you did with Cesar, getting him into such an emotional thicket [maraña] that he ended up leaving home?”  Maddy confesses she thinks he left cuz he was gay, since she’s never ever seen him with a girlfriend.  Mariano says no, he is afraid to have a girlfriend because he’s scared she’ll be just like his mother! (Actually, he says something like Cesar's never had a girlfriend because "he's always feared you," Mathilde.)  The car honks and Mariano rushes off where the air is fresher…..

The gang all end up in Paloma’s bedroom suite to discuss what happened with El Gran Snoops de Homero.  Mad Hilde comes to eavesdrop and hears Ric and Paloma discussing “adoption”, Paloma mentioning her money and willingness to adopt, and Mariano’s plans to discuss Fabi and Madhilde’s situation with Paloma tomorrow, and how Paloma hates the fact that Mad Hilde is her flesh and blood.   

Outside, Oriana tells Ric and Mariano that she’s worried once she goes to jail that Raqi and Lucina will follow, then what happens to Alina?  Ric tells her not to get ahead of herself with that [no adelantarse visperas].  It may not happen at all.  And, as for Fabi?  Well, replies Mariano, you both know how Madthilde is…..

Inside again, Oriana tries explaining to Lina that she’ll probably have to go on a short trip far away and cannot take her with her.  Lina shouldn’t worry though, since she’ll have all the family around her for company.

Over at the B&B, Lu is telling Raqi that JL will never stop trying to get his wife and daughter back.  At least, says Raqi she’s gotten a car out of the guy and possibly a house if she plays her cards right….. Just then Felipe comes with the news that Snoops is there and wants to question them.  He apologizes for screwing up by saying they were available, if he shouldn’t have.  No problem, says Lu.  

Homero walks up and notes right away the bruise on Raqi’s face.  He tells them he’s a retired policeman; that he wants to know where the pistol she took from Oriana is not the one that was used to shoot Berto since, he assures them, he knows they were not the same guns since the calibers were different and, he doesn’t believe Oriana really shot Ric’s dad.  They should humor an old cop who still loves his mysteries.  When Felipe returns with the drinks, Snoops asks if he wasn’t the guy the intruder who shot Berto Martin had knocked out.  Yes, he answers, and then lies that he doesn’t really remember anything about the incident.  

Paloma explains and apologizes again to Oriana again.  True-nes left with her penneyless boyfriend who no doubt, she says, probably thought he was going to live a life of luxury cuz of his involvement with Palomita.  Palomita sent letters home saying she’d return but only if the family would accept him.  Paloma’s husband never told her about the letters and she only found them after he’d died.  

Back at the B&B, Raqi lies that she met Fakecisco at a nightclub.  She has no idea why he’d have told old Snoops that his wife never married him and that she was a drug addict.  “--And, whose idea was it to falsify a passport for Oriana Caligaris?”   Raqi points to Lu.  “—Hers!”  Lucina explains how desperate Oriana was to keep her daughter safe and to escape the law at that point.  When True-nes, a drug addict, showed up dead on the beach, well why not?  The woman was dead.  What would it hurt?  She hadn’t killed anybody and why should the little girl be punished?   Homero notes how much Lucina cares about her friend and turns to Raquel.  “—She was your friend at first.”  “--Yes, but if she was involved in all these sorts of nasty situations, then why should I risk getting involved?  It’s enough that I let her stay in my hotel.”  (Yup, with friends like that…..)

Later, Ric’s attorney confirms the strict Mexican adoption laws stating that only married couples between 25 and 55 can qualify.  Paloma’s doing anything is out of the question.  Well, it’s best to find a couple who’d do this, says the lawyer.  Ric is stumped.  He doesn’t know a one, he says, let alone one who’d do this kind of favor. Not to mention the kind of pain and suffering the little girl, Paloma and Oriana will go through if he can’t!

After Snoops has gone, Raqi gives Lucina all sorts of grief for not keeping her mouth shut.  Lu is flummoxed.  “--Seems he already knew everything anyway.  Why not?”  “—What’s the old man doing nosing around like that anyway?  He’s not even a policeman.” “—He is, though.”   “—Sheesh!  Retired!”  “—And if he wants to nose around how could we stop him?”  “--Just say “I don’t know a thing!  And, as for your beloved little Oriana, tell her as far as I’m concerned if she wants to get her nose mixed up in this kind of a mess, to do it on her own and to leave me out!”   

Later on, Lucina has Oriana over to tell her that Snoops was there and seemed like he knew everything.  Yeah, says Oriana, but they’d agreed she’d take the blame for the passport idea.  I told him how it was my fault and Raquel wasn’t aware of it—which she wasn’t--  “—But you shouldn’t have!   It’s too late, Lu tells her.  “--He was right there [en boca de jarro=point blank, very nearby]!”  Lucina is afraid Homero will leave her hanging out to dry.  Oriana assures her that he is a very old friend of Paloma’s who only wants to help them and as for herself,  Lu took care of her and Oriana will return the favor no matter what.  

Lucina then warns Oriana that Raqi is totally enamored with JL.  He’s given her a diamond bracelet, a car and she now wants a house from him, she tells her.  Oriana could care less.   More power to her, she says!  “—Ojala!  Hope to gawd he falls for her too and leaves me the heck alone!”  Even so, I doubt he will, remarks Lucina.  “--He’s too infatuated with the little girl and with you.  Besides, men are particular about this sort of thing.  Possession is everything and it doesn’t matter how many women or wives come after.  The first one is still theirs!  You know what else Homero said?  He mentioned you were a drug addict.”   “--What?  Why?”  (Ok.  Did they tape this part of the storyline out of order or what?  Why wouldn’t Oriana mention the fact that everybody who is anybody, i.e., the Scoobies, all know True-nes was an addict?)  

Raqi, in between swapping spit and swallowing tongues with JL, is telling him all about Snoops’s visit to the B&B earlier.  “--He even…smack…smu-u-uck… knows about…sssmack…the falsified smu-u-uck …passport.”  He removes his jacket and in between lip-locked pants he asks what he knows about him.  Nothing much, she replies.  And, he didn’t even mention “Jose Luis Falcon”.  “--Who is this guy and what does he want?”  He’s some retired policeman, she says, totally unconcerned and eager to bounce over to the bed for a good bop or two.  He suddenly grabs her and shakes her.  “--What’s his name?  “--What’s his last name?”    “--How should I know?”  JL stops what he’s doing and makes an urgent call to Joaquin.  He’s only able to leave a message.  She’s still willing and waiting.  He’s lost the…um…urge.  She comes over to see what she can do to get him back in the mood.  He can’t and tells her if she really wants to help then find out this Homero guy’s last name.  “—But how?”  He pokes her obnoxiously on the temples.  He tells her to use head and think about it, and then walks rudely away.  She’s pissed and looks like she’s not gonna take it anymore…. 


We can expect more nastiness from MADhilde and far more anxiety for Oriana.

If any more harm comes to Tito I will go on the warpath.

Great episode last night! Mathilde is a witch but I loved her outfit last night!!! She looked fabulous!


I agree on both counts. Great episode, all heating up nicely. And, Matilde looked good in that pretty dress. She is indeed a bruja of the first order.

I like Oriana as someone NOT crying and now making her own decisions. I loved the scene between her and Lucina.

I did wonder how we were going to get the truth out to Homero. Good strategy on the part of the writers to create a little crack in Paloma's armor of constant defense of Ines. All nicely played and set up for this new stage in the story, which would seem to involve an adoption-driven wedding (?!?). Not a spoiler -- I have no idea.

I want my little dog to take lessons from Tito. What a guy and what a actor!

I don't know what it was but Maddy's costuming enthralled me. When she was laying into Piero she looked so tall and slim. I'm jealous! It's so different from her cooking, doting and long suffering mom role on LFDD.

I am always distracted by Tito. He steals every scene he's in.

A lot of the cut to commercial bumpers are starting to make sense. That's all I'm going to say...

Um, have I mentioned how much I like this show?

Traveling lady, I think you nailed it with wedding bumper we've been seeing. Now it makes sense.

I thought the scene with Raquel and JL kissing while Raquel fills him in on what's happening was hilarious. Such sexy talk, not!

ITA on the dress and those to die for shoes Mati was wearing. This is the most glamorous I have seen this actress look, but also her ugliest role. She radiated more beauty in good mother roles, while being dressed down. It goes to show that an ugly attitude makes the prettiest person look ugly.

Indeed, the spoiler bumpers are starting to make sense. But how will all of this be explained to Lina? Ori already started to lay the groundwork, saying she may be going on a trip. But a trip won't explain a long absence or being adopted by other people! But how would they explain why her mom's in jail?

In any case, I'm glad Ori went ahead and told Homero all. Ricky and Paloma were dragging their feet on this. Although, it did seem that Paloma was just about ready to crack.

How funny that Ricky and Ori got in trouble about their playroom meetup the one time they didn't do anything but talk. Ricky never even got into the bed!

They may not tell her about the adoption. She doesn't need to know if Oriana goes to jail and they take care of her and Oriana gets back out. But don't they need the father's consent to adopt her? Unless JL continues to be believed dead, I guess I just answered my own question.

ball and chain, very good phrase. Ori has to get ready for ball and chains, and if it happens, and they don´t want to sent Alina in orphanage or to Jl, there is no other option than Rick has to look for a ball and chain. :)

There is now a very difficult law-situation.


Hmmmmm...hopefully having Homero in on everything will get things moving!

JL/Francisco calling Joaquin? Dude! Did you not get the memo that Joaquin is tired of you causing problems?

Way to go, Matilde, for throwing the bum out. What's a sleezy, pushing-40 (or post-40)b dude doing trying to pick up your daughter?

Granny has, once again, proven herself absolutamente nuts. Phoniana not related to you, you crazy loca.

Looking forward to seeing Phoniana behind bars. The sooner the better.

I really enjoyed this episode. I'm looking forward to Rick and Oriana being separated for awhile. Even if it means Oriana goes to jail for awhile. Sometimes you just have to let a person stand on their own two feet and make their own decisions.

By the way, I think that scene with Oriana behind bars was originally one of the so called "bumper spoilers". Now we see that it was just something she was imagining. I may be wrong but I think the bumpers are more like teasers to get us excited about what's coming up albeit in a different light than presented in the bumper.

Maybe Piero should rethink his offer to marry Fabiola. Who would want Matilde to be your mother in law?

I think one of the good things about this show is that it isn't really about Ricardo and Oriana's relationship, it's about clearing up her name. So I don't think that we are supposed to care that much about their romance, it's a given that they will be together. There are plenty of other relationships that I do care about and wonder about, like who will Lucina end up with, will Paloma and Homero start something, and Cesar and ? I think Fabiola will end up with Leo and Raquel will be left out of any relationship.


I also think Fabi will end up with Leo because of age, but she seems really interested in Piero. She sparkles when they talk and she doesn't seem uncomfortable at all (and I say the same about when she's with Leo.) I think it's because she has been SO sheltered and SO controlled (and not affectionately) that she is STILL very naive about the world of men. I love her to bits, but it makes me a little sad that her experience with Sebass hasn't taught her to be a little more suspicious. (Luckily we know Leo and Piero are above board.)

Here’s my thinking on Mati running Peiro off. I don’t think it has anything to do with her being concerned that an older man is courting her daughter, or because she thinks Piero is a perv. She wants to punish Fabi. She wants Fabi to feel ashamed and unhappy for the rest of her life because she got pregnant at 17. If Fabi marries someone, Mati wants it to be someone Fabi doesn’t want to marry (who of course also has to have a known family name), or someone who doesn’t love Fabi (SebAss fits both these descriptions). She can’t stand that, even being single and pregnant, there are TWO upstanding men who would love to win Fabi’s heart (not just have sex with her, as she’s trying to make Fabi think). Her problem with Fabi, is her same problem with Orinez—they make friends easily, and people love them and love their company.

I think it was adorable in Wed's ep how Leo sprinted for his phone when Fabi called him. I think they'll end up together, too. There is chem with Piero too because he has been so sweet to her. His proposal when they were at the beach was cute. His answer to Mariano about his he would treat her child was excellent. But he's way too old for her.

Hmmm. Sounds like even though Mati originally wanted Ruben she quickly found out that he wasn't the key to her happiness. Maybe in her twisted mind she figured it was punishment for getting pregnant/trapping him. Now she thinks her daughter should suffer the same fate. I don't think I'm expressing my self very well. Mati is jealous.

J desde NYC- I thought that was adorable too. Well, Leo is just adorable. I love that he hasn't been pressuring Fabi-- just slowly inserting himself into her universe and being helpful and sweet. I also love that he was never judgemental for even a second about her getting pregnant by SebAss, and that it never changed his growing feelings for her in the least.

Good assessment Vivi, but it would make Mati an even bigger hypocrite as she purposefully got preggers on Ruben to get him to marry her. Talk about Cada ladron juzga por su condicion. And if that's the case, no wonder Cesar hasn't brought any girlfriends home. Who would subject a bf or gf to Tilde?

J desde NTC- Well, we haven't seen Mati fessing up to Fabi that she got pregnant out of wedlock too, have we? No heart to heart talk. And Mati got pregnant on purpose to trap a man! Yet, she's trying to make Fabi feel like she's a piece of crap for her mistake. She's a big old hypocrite!

We don't know the origins of Matilde and Ruben's relationship. Maybe she got pregnant by another guy who didn't want to marry her and she then made the moves on Ruben to cover up her pregnancy. Or maybe Ruben got her pregnant before marriage and her parents made her marry him even though she didn't love him. That can also explain why she's acting as she is now with Fabiola.

Ultimately, I think that it will come out that Matilde is a big hypocrite. There has to be more to the story than Ruben was simply wooed away by Matilde when he was in love with Fidelia.

Cathyx- Ruben, Paloma, and Fidelia have explained how it all happened.

Ruben and Fidelia were novios. Matilde wanted Ruben and she went after him and seduced him. He, being the lazy git that he was, allowed himself to be trapped, well, because she was cute and in line for a big inheritance from her aunt. When she got pregnant, he agreed to marry her, and still married her, even when she miscarried that baby (Paloma just recently revealed that bit of info in that last argument with Mati). So, Mati was in total control of the situation that led to her and Ruben getting married. She engineered it. When Paloma mentioned the miscarriage, I began to question if Mati was even really pregnant, or if she just faked it to trap Ruben.

Vivi, I didn't catch that conversation. But she could have gotten pregnant by someone else at the beginning.

Mati is spoiled and all about Mati. I think she lied about being pregnant and "miscarried" hmph.


Pregnant by someone else opens up the opportunity for another storyline. Guy shows up. He's loaded with cash and success. That would be fun.

Sara- Ha! That would be a bit of poetic justice if Mati did throw over some poor guy for Ruben, and he later became rich and powerful.

But which do you think Mati would prefer-- a rich, powerful husband, or a weakling she can dominate (like Ruben was)?

Touché, Vivi!

Yeah, that convo about Mati miscarrying was eye opening. I wouldn't be surprised if she had lied about being pregnant to trap Ruben, but after the 'miscarriage ' Ruben still kept his word and married her.

The lack of a heart-to-heart with Fabi about that is also telling. This would be a way to solidify /repair the relationship with fabi but mati being the proud, better-than-thou person she is, she won't share that part of herself.

You're forgetting that Matilde comes from money. Ruben didn't. She had to marry him for a coverup, otherwise she wouldn't have looked twice at him.

I actually think that Mati did Fidelia a favor by taking, the too easily took, Ruben. Who wants a man whose head can be so easily turned by a cute face and the promise of an inheritance? I think Ruben is a better/stronger man today, after seeing what a weak, lazy douchebag he had become, and how his complacence had negatively affected his kids. And Lucina is mostly responsible for opening his eyes, telling him the cold hard truth about himself, and encouraging him to take the reins of his life again. I don't think that means that they should get together though.

ooo. What if Mati really was pregnant, but the baby daddy was another Sebass type who ditched her and ran off to some other country? That would be sweet!

Sorry. That was mean. Poor Ruben is the victim no matter what really happened.

Vivi, totally agree with your idea that mati did Fidelia a favor since it took thirty years or so, with Lucina's advice, for Ruben to grow up. I have enjoyed the scenes showing him at work at the construction site. I'm thinking he and Fidelia will marry in the end as part of Mati's comeuppance. Fidelia was also so weak-willed until the beach house vacation that I don't think she and Ruben would have made a good couple.

J- Yeah, it seems that both Ruben and Fidelia lacked backbone. It was interesting to see her come alive at the beach house, when she was surrounded by people. She's a natural hostess, and yet she has become a hermit these last nearly 30 years, because she was publicly dumped by Ruben. It was also nice to hear her speak about how she used to have groups of friends and family at the beach house, including Ruben back when they were novios (but no sex, she made that clear).

So basically, Ruben ran off with Mati because she had sex with him before they married, while Fedelia did not, and she had more money. Fidelia looks like she came from money too, so it seems the fact that mati give up the goodies and got preggers were the main reasons for the marriage. Mati, then, calling fabi zorra or cualquiera was just too hypocritical. And when she said that to Fabi, Ruben looked as if he was gonna slap Mati if Mariano hadn't been there.

It's finally up. Enjoy. I have to race over again to visit with my Norwegian copadres.

Gracias, Jardinera!

I thought what Mariano said was that Cesar never brought a girl home because he knew Matilde would scare her off...but maybe that was just my imagination filling in details :D

5ft Latina: Dunno. You could be right. I raced through this week went back to quickly check. Sorry if I got it wrong. I thought CC's said "por el miedo siempre te ha tenido". =/: ? )) Sara C's a Spanish teacher. Maybe she can figure out the exact meaning for us since I see it can be confusing in this instance.


Thanks Jardinera. They sure are making a big deal about a man not wanting a woman who is carrying another man's child. I don't know any men who care about that. In fact, the men in this show don't care about that either.

Didn't Lucina tell Oriana that JL told Homero that she was a drug addict? Lucina cleared up that story when she told Homero that the real Ines was a drug addict who showed up at the inn so now Homero knows that JL was making up the entire story that he told at the cafe.

JL probably thinks that everyone still believes his made up story about Francisco Castro and Ines Valdivia having a relationship and a child. But the only one who doesn't know the truth is Matilde.

I think it's interesting that so much of today's discussion is about Mahtilde. She wasn't on screen very long but she has a very strong personality, and the actress's performance is compelling. I've been rooting for her from the first time she appeared on the screen, and will be in her corner until the end. I'd like to see a drag-out knock down cat fight between Mati and the fraud with Mati as the victor.

One other comment. The idea that padre plaid would be defrocked for having temptations is absurd. That's an outsider's conception of the Catholic faith and the priesthood. One would have to have the special graces of a St. Thomas Aquinas not to battle temptation. Padre plaid never once gave into them. Also, as I said in another post, a Bishop would remove a priest with the greatest reluctance so as not to scandalize the congregation. This whole subplot stretches every kind of credulity.

This was just great, Jardinera! Thank you!

I liked "The car honks and Mariano rushes off where the air is fresher….." and the entire description of the last scene with JL and Raqi. So funny!


Jardinera thanks for the recap.

Though not surprised, I am sad to see Maddie's continued abuse of Fabi. And as many of you noted, she's jealousy of her daughter as well as hypocritical.

I hope Fabi chooses Leo. For me Piero is too old for her.


Thanks, Jardinera!
I'm still struggling with a cold, but I was able to catch up with the show just in time for my next recap.

Cathy, I agree with you that this show is not about Ric and Oriana ending up together - that's kind of a done deal. I guess that's one of the reasons I'm not into them so much anymore - telenovela couples are usually so ridiculous, when I get to see a realistic one, I can't enjoy it.

I'm glad the action is finally moving along, with Oriana telling the truth to Homero. I found Paloma's rage a little bit too much, considering the fact that she already forgave Oriana for her big lie.
Also, using a play room as a rendez vous place is not a great option, especially when Ric has a house all to himself.

Now that Alina's adoption is in question, I realize there are no truly married couples in this tn. Oriana and JL are separated, so are Maddy and Ruben. Who else is left?

Sunday afternoon with Jardinera... a treat that I've enjoyed for quite some time and you never disappoint. This is excellent.

I've not been a fan of Rick from the beginning (ditching the scarves might help some) and this latest stuff just turns me off more. I suppose I should be impressed with his straight-forwardness...

"Hey, we've got a few minutes, I want to make love."

But I find it hard to believe that he wasn't aware that Paloma's Playroom was something of a shrine. The hired-help sure seemed to be aware.

To me he is arrogant, self-centered, and perhaps worst of all... whiny.

And no matter how sweet Piero seems to be, his interest in Fabiola still creeps me out.


Carlos, you're right. No one is true to his/her vows, except for Tito who seems loyal. But what will happen when his true owner comes along?

Carlos, you don't seem to be enjoying this one nearly as much as you enjoyed Corazon Indomable.

Jardinera654, wonderful recap AS ALWAYS!!!

Matilde is an emotionally abusive hypocrite. How could any mother speak to a daughter the way she has spoken to Fabiola?! The names and words she has used to describe her daughter (to her face, no less) could harm and hurt Fabiola for the rest of her life.

Matilde is a sanctimonious hypocrite. Pot, meet kettle.




Thanks for another great recap and happy holidays -- Norwegian and otherwise -- to you and yours. I am in awe at how our recappers deliver, rain, snow, sleet or holidays.

I want to respond to Reality about how unrealistic this turn of events is with Mariano. I agree completely and wonder where this is going. He's such a good looking man and good actor that I am assuming that something more is coming along for him, in the form of some real interaction with Ines or with someone else. This is a case where novela religion is a lot like novela medicine!

Totally disagree with you Carlos on Ricardo's character. He's been totally self-sacrificing with protecting Oriana and Lina. Most dudes would have run in the opposite direction. For one, the lawyers he hired to investigate Oriana's case. When he gave up prosecuting Berto so Berto wouldn't say Oriana was Ines. Totally selfless non-arrogant things. He's never lied to Ines and was completely forthcoming about Maria and sebastian to get her to trust him. And he never even let Ines know the emotional toll it took on him to get the gun that killed his father. Having followed Telemundo tns where the galan will say he loves the prota but sleep with other women due to some shenanigans they easily fall for *cough Bruno, Alejandro Beltran, Santiago*, Ricardo has been the most up-and-up galan I've seen in a long time.

JL has been completely selfish and arrogant. From kicking Tito and lying about his death, to lying on Oriana to homero, asking her to lie more to cover up his crimes, and just making her life more difficult, I think JL has Ricardo beat on selfishness. JL's selfishness is why Mariano and Ric don't like him. They keep on asking JL why he shows up and disturbs Oriana and Lina's peace if he truly loves them.

I do agree that whomever is dressing Ric in the scarves needs an intervention.

I also agree the Mariano defrocking is unrealistic it's equivalent to thought-crime. I loved the prayer he orayed about fixing his feelings since he knows Oriana isn't for him.

Jardinera - Great title and recap. Thanks for the fun read.

I thought Fabi might stand up to her mother about Piero giving her a driving lesson, but nope. IMHO Fabi needs to stay single right now and learn to not take crap from her mom. If she doesn't, I shudder to think how awful Madhilda will treat the baby.

Not that I like Piero for Fabi, because I don't.

I remember some discussion here a while back that Ricky and Ines getting it on in Palomita's playroom seemed odd, since that mansion surely had other rooms from which to choose. I was a bit embarrassed for Ori when Nadia said she'd notice what was going on cause she'd had to clean up after them. Que vergüenza!

Yay, Ori is ready to go to jail and cut JL off at the knees. But I'm not looking forwarding to hearing Ricky whining "te necesito tanto" while she's locked up.

J- I laughing about the intervention comment. Yes there definitely needs to be one.

Traveling lady- I agree that there will be an important reason for the defrocking of the Padre.

OT: I never knew that the actor who plays Padre Plaid has done some directing. He did some of Amorcito Corazon.

J desde NYC, excellent points re Ric.


Thanks, Sara. I was not watching this novela when it was on at 10 because I usually have to get up around 6 or earlier. However, now that it is on earlier, I surf in once in awhile. Since I am watching Robo and Siempre, I am not sure that I should take on another show. It is so odd for me to see the actor playing JL in this nasty role because the last time I saw him, he was a priest who spent most of the novela praying, crying, and pining over the Victoria R character. He is excellent as a villain..a big, rough, hunky villain. more nice guy.

Great describing of happenings Jardinera like was your title.

ITA with J desde NYC I woldn't have written better. :) But who is cough Bruno, the others I know.

Yeah, Felipe Najera is doing directoring job too, now he is on the other side of the camera of QPTR as he was in Amorcito.

In zarattini's history I often feel that the second actors steal the show. For me in Amor real, Kika and Mauricio's history, in LFDD Kika and Cordoba's, now Fabiola and Leonardo's acting plot started to become interesting than the main couple. :)


Niecie, wow, I had forgotten that bit about Nadia cleaning up after them. Why on Earth wouldn't they clean their own mess?
Geez, now I'm kind of dissapointed in Oriana for not cleaning the damn room. I mean, COME ON!

The idea of defrocking Mariano for emotions he isn't acting upon is absurd. What is this, the Spanish Inquisition? This is completely contradictory to EPDA/TdA in which a seminary student is not consequenced for actually yielding (once) to temptation.

MADhilde, however, is a total hypocrite and will be consequenced for her disgusting abuse of Fabiola. I'd like to see Oriana kick her clear across Mexico for even attempting the same with Alina. Not to mention her attempt at getting rid of Tito.

Great observation about there being no official couples in this tale. That will, of course, be remedied by the end.

I also don't favor Fabiola marrying Piero because she isn't in love with him. She can feel safe with him, but that isn't the same thing. Leo is the guy for her!

Bruno was on the galan on passion prohibida played by jenCarlos Canela, which I didn't watch, but read some of the recaps. And he basically threw the prota, played by Monica Spear, under the bus in the end, which made her lose her good sense. But since he's considered very handsome by most, he won the premio for best galan at the Telemundo TN awards earlier this year. I didn't like his look and the story line was odd and featured a very weird take on rape, iirc.

That TN seems to basically be a 'what not to do' warning and featured a despicable and unpunished matrimonial rape.

J desde NYC, Pasion Prohibida was one of my favorite tns because of the unusual story.
The rape inside the marriage was awful, especially since the guy (not Bruno, but the cheated husband, Ariel) had been morally perfect up to that point. And, as opposed to Robo, the heroine did make it clear that she had been raped.
But of course it was all forgotten after a few episodes.

I think Bruno was so loved because of JC, because as a character he was just awful. Weak and money oriented, the worst type of galans there is.

Oh, thanks J desde Nyc, I forgotten about Pasion Prohibida, there is something because I always think Bruno-named characters are villanos or dogs or bears. I know in PSMA Bruno is also a good guy (Alejandro Diaz).
In Hungary the original turkish was showed, it was great success, but I did not like, for me it was slow and depressed and sad. Therefore I was happy, when I heared TM made a new version, but it wasn´t liked also. I guess Monica Spear was a dead fish, the turkish actress was better.


I keep forgetting to mention this re Ric's choice (or wardrobe's choice) in neck wear.

The House of Lanvin had a spread in "Vanity Fair" recently that had the male models in the usual very expensive suits with a "Ric tie". I did a double take!

This neck wear is also very reminiscent of Western Cowboy wear that is sometimes used in horse shows (I know because I dated a Cowboy for a while), but very few of the cowboys wore the neck wear outside the arena.

So, I would say that our man Ric is wearing a modified Euro-tie. I can't say that I liked the Lanvin suit with that neck wear, but I think the Euro-trash villain in "La Tempestad" could have pulled it off with some flair. :))


Ascots are standard issue for British gentlemen and for formal wedding attire. I think Lisardo Guarinos also wears them in novelas, but he's usually a smooth but creepy villain.

Urban, the Lanvin "tie" was definitely not an ascot and this was not a morning coat or similar. It was a high end Euro suit that looked like something a Sloane Ranger would wear. :))

I agree that many Brit men love their ascots, but this was definitely a "Ric tie"!! LOL


Fatima, this is the issue that I have, and it probably comes down to bad writing. This Mathilde that everyone thinks a horrible witch raised two great kids. Paloma raised a prostitute! Oriana is raising a monstrosa, and I question her parenting skills. She taught that little girl to lie!

The writers are dong this situational ethic thing and it doesn't work for me. Matilde's children are great. They both love their mother.

Because she's so out of the loop, Matilde's reactions are understandable. I won't be so easily manipulated by manipulating writers.

Also, I don't appreciate being called a kettle.

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